Why? free porn video

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Why does a married woman decide to cheat? A woman who has a nice home, a loving husband and two nice kids. Why, after fifteen years of a satisfying marriage? I kept asking this as I read the PI's report and looked at the pictures included in it. Why? I kept asking in my mind and the only thing I could come up with was that she had a mental failure of some kind. Did she love him? They only met for sex according to the report. No woman in her right mind would do such anything to jeopardize all that she had for a few minutes of guilty sex. Mental illness was all I could attribute it to as the tears ran down my cheeks.

The PI had left me in an empty office to read the report; knowing I would need the privacy to assimilate what it said and to handle the emotions he knew it would invoke. I looked through the pictures and noted the almost depraved way she seemed to be indulging in sex with her lover. I recognized him as Chad Wilkens, a co-worker at the real-estate office where she worked as an agent. They'd been meeting a couple of times a week at the Motel 6 out at the interstate interchange and occasionally in our house in the guest bedroom. That's where the PI had gotten the pictures so there was no privacy issue when this went to divorce court. Afer the first time the PI saw them going into our house he'd rigged mini-cams and audio tapes in various rooms there.

So now I had to decide how to confront her and when. I'd pretty much determined that I would have to divorce her. There was no way I could condone her cuckolding me and expecting me to turn the other cheek. I considered myself a Christian man but the pictures indicated such depravity and lack of respect for me that I could not conceive of any reason for me to forgive her.

My name is Frank Nulund, I'm 43 and manage a super market. The job sometimes requires long hours away from my family and this is what may have contributed to my wife straying I thought. But hell, that was no reason to cheat that I could accept.

My wife's name is Joan and she is 42. We'd met in college and from the time of our first date, there was never another woman for me. I'd loved and trusted her all our married lives. As I said, she works as an agent in a real-estate office and spends a lot of time away from the office, as Chad did, and I guess that's what gave them the opportunities to participate in their extracurricular activities. Chad is about our age and married to Mona, a very nice, lovely woman and they have two kids also, about the same age as ours. I'd met them at various family functions the real-estate company had supported and always thought they were a nice family.

I figured the divorce could be done very amicably with irreconcilable differences as the cause if she cooperated. We made approximately the same incomes so there should be no alimony and if our son, Jeremy, 14 came to live with me and our daughter, Kim, 12 stayed with her mother, there would be no child support. The house would have to be sold and all assets split 50/50. If she didn't agree to this then I would threaten to divorce her for adultery and the PI report with all the pictures, audio tapes and videos would be made public.

I thought about Chad and what this would do to his family but I didn't know how to handle that problem yet. I guess at the right time I would take the data I had and give them to his wife and let her decide. I knew it would devastate her as much as it was myself but she had to know the type. of guy she was married to and I wanted some revenge for what he'd done to my family...

Just then there was a knock on the door and the PI came in.

"How are you doing Mr. Nulund? Do you have any questions on the material?"

"No. I guess not. It's all here as I expected." I sadly responded.

"Do you want to see the videos or listen to the audio tapes? You might get a better idea of how the events transpired."

"No thanks, I couldn't take anymore than what the photos show." I answered. I really couldn't take what I'd seen as she'd totally given herself to another man and so I got up and prepared to leave. On the way out I wrote the PI a check for the balance I owed him and taking his report with the photos, audio and video tapes, I left his office.

I'd taken the afternoon off and decided to just let the assistant manager handle things at the market. It was good training for him and he could reach me on my cell if needed. Stopping at a park near our home I mulled over in my mind the events that had led me to discovering my soon- to-be ex wife's adultery. I didn't want to go the house we called home because I could no longer think of it as a home; just a house where we ate and slept. I decided I would have to try to hold the family together as long as possible for the sake of the kids as they needed the security of a home.

Joan is an attractive woman and keeps in shape with workout and the activities related to her job. She isn't svelte by any means as she'd filled out some after the kids were born but I'd noticed she'd lost a little weight and was tired a lot lately which I'd put down to a new diet. She still looks very nice to me. Our sex life had been frequent up to a few weeks ago and very loving but bland mostly, using the missionary position and little or no oral sex. I'd thought about broaching her on spicing up our sex life but was always afraid of her reaction to some of the fantasies I had.

I didn't catch on right away as to the reduced frequency of our mating but looking back she didn't want to have sex with me on the days she'd been with Chad. But all other times our love making continued as before. It was when I accidently saw a bank billing for her personal business card and noted charges to our local Motel 6 that I became suspicious and decided to do some checking. The PI's report was the result.

Maybe I should have confronted her about it then but if she was cheating I wanted it documented. It was very expensive and I'd had to go into our retirement savings to pay for it. I determined that if he found out what I expected, I wouldn't have to worry about growing old and retiring together someday.

The thing that bothered me the most was that she never seemed to change her loving attitude toward me even as she was having her affair. I wondered about how she could be so two-faced about it and act like nothing had changed in her life. She must be a good actress, I thought. What she was doing with Chad indicated she'd lost her love and respect for me as her husband and lover and her insidious behavior must be dealt with.

As I sat in the park where we'd taken our kids so many times as they were growing up I could feel my eyes tearing up again and my thoughts went back over the fifteen tears of what I thought was an ideal marriage. All the good times with only occasional problems. How could she have given it up so easily? I sobbed quietly with my head back against the head rest in the quiet of the park for some time until I brought myself under control.

Another thought came to me. If she truly were suffering from a mental illness could I stay with her? Our wedding vows included the words " ... in sickness and in health." Mental illness is a sickness. Could I stay in the marriage to honor that vow if she stopped her affair? But the marriage vows also included the words " ... and forsake all others." and she had certainly not done that. I decided that I could never trust her again and if I can't trust her, even though its caused by a sickness, I couldn't live with her. How could I control her and work too? So divorce was the only solution.

Next, I considered how to manage the break with minimum impact on the kids and without having a major confrontation with her but first I needed to find and talk with a divorce attorney. Using my cell I called our attorney to get a recommendation from him. Jerry was surprised when I told him what I wanted but provided me with a name, Ron Jenkins, and a phone number. Before hanging up I asked him to rewrite my will removing Joan and naming our kids as the sole beneficiaries. I immediately called and made an appointment for the next morning with the divorce attorney. Then I decided to go home and try to act normal for a few more days.

When I got home, Joan hadn't arrived yet, but the kids were home from school and doing their homework. I was proud that they'd disciplined themselves (with a little help) to do it as soon as they got home from school.

"Dad," Kim asked. "What are you doing home so early?"

"I had some business to take care of honey and rather than going back to the store afterward, I just came home to check up on you guys."

"Oh, dad. You know what hard workers we are." she responded with a roguish grin as we hugged.

She was a great daughter and I was going to miss her when I split with her mother.

"Oh sure you are. Isn't your mother home yet?"

"No, she called and said she had a showing and would be a little late. She's bringing chinese home for dinner."

"Sounds good to me. Is Jeremy up in his room?"


I wondered if Joan was meeting Chad this afternoon at Motel 6 as I went upstairs and rapped on Jeremy's door. I'd pulled off the PI as I had all the information I needed so wasn't keeping track of her affair as I had before.

Jeremy opened the door and I ruffled his hair and hugged him.

"What's up dad?"

"Nothing Jer. Just letting you know I'm home. How's school going?"

"Good. No complaints."

We talked for a few more minutes then I went downstairs and made myself my favorite drink, scotch on the rocks, while I waited for Joan to get home.

She came in a half hour later looking a little tired and pale, even a little grayish and with her recent weight loss it made her dress hang a little loose on her. Funny, I thought, she hadn't mentioned going on a diet. I watched as she took the bag of chinese into the kitchen and hugged Kim. Then she went and called upstairs for Jeremy to come for dinner before turning to me with a smile that lit up her whole face.

"How was my darling husband's day?" she asked with a kiss on my cheek...

"Fine." I responded returning a kiss to her cheek.

"Are we grouchy about something today?" she asked with a questioning look on her face.

"No, I'm fine honey. Just a busy day." I responded trying to act a little more cheerful.

She looked at me with a funny expression on her face, almost like guilt I thought, and turned went back into the kitchen.

I finished my scotch and went out to the kitchen to help her set the table while Kim poured the water glasses. She seemed to love me as much as she always had and it really puzzled me as to why she was suddenly needing extra sex and risk our marriage. But it would soon be a moot point since the divorce would proceed, no matter the reason for her adultery.

We had a pleasant meal together as Joan told us about the showing that had delayed her. It seems it was a rather large, expensive house and her commission would be considerable. I didn't know or care whether there was a real showing or she had just indulged herself with her lover instead. I was past caring, but I tried not to reveal my inner feelings for the kid's sake as we ate. Afterward, the kids cleaned up the kitchen and while Joan was upstairs putting on more comfortable clothes, I went into the family room watch the news. I heard the shower running upstairs and I wondered if she was washing off her lover's smell so she could give me a guilty fuck tonight. I was getting mad about her affair and beginning to think about an appropriate revenge.

That night she did try to initiate sex but I put her off and rolled over away from her. I feigned sleeping and I could hear her sigh as she turned away.

The next morning I was up early and out of the house before the rest were up. I left a note explaining that an important project at work needed to be finished today and I needed an early start. I really was finding it very difficult to function normally around Joan and I needed the time away from her. I did finally get into work and managed to get a few things done before I had to leave for my appointment with the divorce lawyer. When I arrived at his office I had my copy of the PI's evidence with me. His secretary ushered me immediately into his office and after introducing myself I explained what I was seeking in the way of a divorce. He glanced through the pictures and read the report and agreed that it was a reasonable plan and could be handled very easily if she agreed. If she didn't, the report, pictures and other data would provide strong leverage to get her to agree.

I asked him when he could be ready to serve her with a notice of divorce and he responded by telling me a couple of days. It would take that long to prepare the papers, file them at the court house and then prepare copies for serving. I asked if he could put one of the photos of her and Chad with the divorce papers to be served so that she would know immediately the reason. He promised he would do that and he would call me as soon as the papers were ready to serve. I left and headed home.

Now I had to decide how to break the news to Jeremy and Kim. The break-up of the family without any warning will devastate them I was sure. I couldn't warn them ahead of time as Joan would know before being served and part of my revenge was going to be having her served at the real-estate office. I planned it to be a total surprise that I knew about her affair. That and the notice of divorce should shock her into suddenly realizing what she had lost. It might also signal to Chad that his marriage might be in trouble also if he was there or heard about it. The kids were my biggest concern and I had to figure a way to break it to them gently.

I spent the rest of the day looking for a furnished apartment that I could call home temporarily until I found something more permanent. I finally found one and put down a deposit to hold it for a few days and then headed home ... Joan was home when I got there preparing dinner. When she saw mw he smiled and gave me a warm kiss. Lordy, I thought. This woman can act and if she can do it I can too and returned her kiss with some passion.

"Easy big boy. Wait till tonight and I'll give you what you're looking for."

Kim, who was doing her homework at the dining room table, cried in disgust. "Mom, that's icky."

"Sorry honey, mom got carried away for a minute." Joan laughed.

I wondered if I could stomach making love to her, but she might start getting suspicious if I didn't respond to her sexual overtures. I'd put her off last night but I couldn't put it off two nights without an exclamation. If I could, I'd have to do it.

"What's for dinner?" I asked with my arm still around her waist.

"Its going to be burnt chicken and biscuits if I don't stop playing with you." she responded with a grin at me as she returned to her meal preparations.

That night as we prepared for bed I was apprehensive about having sex with her. I really didn't want to but if my plan for revenge was to be successful I had to try. She slid into bed naked in anticipation of our love making and her body excited me like it always did but I noticed she appeared thin and I was about to ask her why she was on a diet when she grabbed me and brought her mouth to mine. What followed was some very active sex compared with what we'd previously engaged in but nothing like I saw in the pictures with Chad. But no where near as uninhibited. When we finished she relaxed in my arms.

"Oh Frank, I do love you. You'll never know how much." she whispered to me as she returned my kiss.

This is too much, I thought. She's screwing around on me and professing her love for me at the same time. I'm a loved cuckold. How rich can it get? Well, she'll soon discover my love for her. Too bad, because she's such a good piece of ass.

"I love you too sweetheart."

There, take that you slut.

She snuggled up to me and we fell asleep together.

The next day and night was a repeat of that night and I knew it would be the last fuck she would get from me so I went all out to please her. I even threw in some of the stuff I'd seen in the pictures. When I was done she collapsed in my arms.

"Oh Frank, oh my darling. That was awesome. You are my dearest love and I want to tell you that you are the greatest lover in the world."

I couldn't let that go by.

"I love you sweetheart, but how do you know I'm the greatest lover in the world? How many guys have you been screwing?"

She hesitated a moment before responding and I could almost hear the gears grinding as she tried to come up with a suitable response.

"You're the only one my darling. I said that because I couldn't see how lovemaking could get any better."

Good response. She is quick. Well, tomorrow you're going to get my response you slut, I thought. Just before I drifted off to sleep, she asked me a question.



"Can we have some time to ourselves Saturday morning? I need to tell you something. I'll take the kids over to my folks and we'll have a little sit down discussion."

What the hell, is she going to confess? Well, too late baby.

"Sure, fine with me. What's up?"

"I'll tell you then."


I had some difficulty getting to sleep after that thinking what would probably be going down tomorrow and how I was going to handle everything. I wondered how she was going to handle her confession. She'd make it all my fault probably. Hell, I was the best lover in the world and she loved me, so how could it be my fault.

The next morning I was up early again and headed to IHOP for breakfast> I didn't want to see or talk to her again. It was all over now. Later, after I got to work, I called the divorce lawyers to check on the status of the divorce filings and he told me they had been filed yesterday and they were ready to serve. I arranged to have them served on Joan at 3 PM to give me time for what I had to do. Then I took the rest of the day off. Before I left I asked my secretary that if my wife called I was out on business.

Joan had gone to work and the kids to school when I got home so I changed into work clothes and then went out and rented a small moving truck from Uhaul. Going back home I began to load my personal belongings, clothes, computer, etc. I even wrestled my favorite recliner into the truck and then prepared to head for the apartment I'd rented. Just as I was getting into the cab the next door neighbor came over to see what was going on.

"Frank," she asked. "Are you guys moving?"

"No, just me."

"What's going on? Are you having problems?"

"Joan had found other interests so I guess its time to move on."

"Oh, that's too bad, but I can't imagine Joan doing anything to screw up your marriage."

"Well, you can talk to her when she gets home tonight. I'm not sticking around. See you Alice."

I drove away leaving her watching me with a puzzled look on her face. I knew that before the day was over that most of the neighbors would hear that Joan had been screwing around on me and I'd left her. Alice was the neighborhood gossip.

After unloading the truck at my apartment I turned it in and picked up my car. Returning to the apartment I stowed everything away, showered and changed my clothes. After lunch I went down to our bank and took half the money in our household account and transferred it to my own account and then spent a couple of hours taking care of insurance and other items that needed changing. At 2:30 I drove over to the middle school where the kids were attending and waited for them to leave.

It took a few minutes to pick up the kids before they got on their school bus, They were both puzzled by my being there as we headed home.

"How come you're picking us up dad? What's going on?" Kim asked.

"I'll tell you in a minute honey." I told her as I pulled into the park near our house and parked the car.

Kim was sitting in the front seat beside me and Jeremy was in the back as I turned to them. Both looking very confused.

"This is very hard for me to tell you this, but I've left your mother. You'll be living with her until we work out the custody arrangements but I have my own apartment now and I'll no longer be living at home."

"Why daddy?" Kim exclaimed as tears flooded her eyes. "Why can't you be with us anymore?"

Jeremy just muttered, "Oh shit!" and turned his head away to avoid us seeing his tears.

"I'm really sorry you guys, and I can't explain the reason, but you have to remember that we both love you and we'll always be there for you. You're both going to have to support your mother and be there for her, but our marriage is broken and I don't think it can be repaired. We'll be there as your mom and dad, but we won't be doing it together."

Kim was openly crying now and I reached over and tried to hug her over the console. I hated to see my little girl cry. Why did Joan do this to us? I asked myself. Look what its doing to our kids.

Finally, calm was restored somewhat and I drove them to the house where I no longer lived. Before leaving them there I gave them both hugs. Tears were still running down their faces and mine too.

You guys go and do your homework and try to keep your minds occupied. Your mother will be home soon I expect and I don't think she will be too happy so be prepared to support her. You can call me on your cells at my cell phone number if you need anything and I'll be calling you on yours to see how you're doing ... I'm real sorry about this but sometimes things happen over which we have no control and this is one of those times."

I left them and headed over to my apartment. Looking at my watch I saw it was just after 3 PM. Joan ought to be getting the bad news about now.

It was about 5 PM that same day when my cell phone rang. I looked at caller ID and saw it was my in laws phone calling. Apprehensively I answered it.


"Frank?" I heard my father-in-law, Sam speaking.

"Yeah Sam. What can I do for you?"

I liked Sam. We had always gotten along fine together.

"Frank, Joan is in the hospital."

"The hospital?"

"Yeah, they brought her here from work. She collapsed there a couple of hours ago. Right after they served the divorce papers on her. She had them call us. What the hell is going on Frank?"

"Sam, she been running around on me and I found out about it."

"Oh shit, are you sure? That doesn't sound like her."

"I have the PI's report, pictures, video and audio. Its all there."

"Oh damn. This will kill her mother."

"How is Joan doing?"

"She's had a severe shock but I've also found out something else. She's dying."

The words, 'she's dying' just seem to stun me for a minute before I responded asking for clarification.

"What do you mean 'she's dying'?"

"She has pancreatic cancer and its terminal. They're only giving her a few more weeks to live."

"My god, I didn't know that Sam. She never told me. How long has she known?"

"She's pretty heavily tranquilized but she was able to say about three months. She's really distraught. Can you come to the hospital? I think she wants to see you."

My mind was in a maelstrom of confusion. Joan terminal? What did I want to do. Damn, I've already told the kids I'm leaving her. The kids; oh shit, they're home alone.

"I'll come as soon as I can, but I've got to see about the kids. They're at home alone."

"Where are you at?"

"I'm over in my apartment."

"You had it all planned out?"

"Yes, I wanted to hurt her as much as she hurt me. I loved that woman and I trusted her. There are no excuses for breaking vows we make before God."

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Not many people like tragic endings, so if you’re one of them, I suggest you do not read this story. Fern stared numbly at the photograph she clutched in her hand. She waited for the tears to come, as they always had, but this time they didn’t. Perhaps she had no more left to shed. She wasn’t alone in the photograph she held so tightly, she was with Ron, her husband of five years, who had told her he wanted a divorce. Still looking at the photograph she recalled how it had been. It had...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 2 More Candidates

Dave arrived home on Wednesday evening and got a boatload of kisses from his four wives. Matthew was also in the welcoming line. Alice said, “You have a message on the home machine. I wrote down the number on the pad by the phone, but listen to it.” Dave went into the home’s den and hit the ‘Play’ button on the answering machine. ‘Hi Dave, Alice, Pam, Julie, and Heather – and, oh, everyone else. This is Susan. Dale and I were hoping we could join you all for another stay with the Circle...

4 years ago
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My BBC Experience

Hello to allThis is a true story that I have been living for about 3 months. I am writing this to remind me how it all started. I will add new posts as events happen in the future. I see no end to this cycle. Please understand that I am a Bi White male 55 years old. One afternoon I was cruising a website and a profile caught my eye. He was a 52 yr old Black male seeking friendship and someone to just hang out with. I understood his profile and sent him a quick “wink” and thought no more...

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The Greatest Gift From Didi 8211 Part I

Dear Readers, I have been an avid reader of ISS since a long time and I have enjoyed so much from it. But I never thought to write my own life story, story of my own sweet and beautiful relation with my brother. It is my own younger brother who is writing this story today for me, as I sit caressing him and playing with him. He calls me Didi, I am just two years elder to him and he is the best brother any sister can ever have in this world! From here I leave it to my brother to write the story,...

3 years ago
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Mera Saath Galat Huia

Hi all I am telling you my friends story now she tell you about all what he want how we be a friend so u want know read all story and give me feedback my id is raaaza or no read it the Henderson’s across the road from me had always caught my attention for the wrong reasons. Whether it is hearing them argue late into the night, or them swearing at the kid’s playing outside if their ball hit their cars. They had just always came across as an unpleasant family. I haven’t got to know them yet,...

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The Creek Part Two

‘When you two have finished screwing around in there, excuse the pun, would you consider coming out here and having some fun?’ Logan looked up and smiled. Silhouetted against the fire was Jeremy and Maggie, standing naked in the cool night air. Jeremy had his hand planted on Maggie’s arse which he squeezed occasionally. Maggie was busy toying with Jeremy’s cock. Logan cleared his throat and blushed. ‘Um…we were just…Anyway, we would love to join you two.’ Logan felt Sophie’s hand on his...

2 years ago
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A Vixen in Crimson Red Pt 01

For a special girl in my life. Sorry if the quality is kind of bad, this was written from my phone. ***** It was in a furious haze that I kept my bloodied knuckles under the running water. The altercation which left me in this situation had caused a lot of mental and emotional distress. I had been walking back to my apartment, fumbling with the keys in my hand, when my neighbor, a gorgeous girl I’d been harboring a crush for since she moved in, flew from her front door to the opposite wall...

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"Granny" by Littlejo When I moved in with my grandmother and her sister Elenore during the summer after graduating high school (in order to live closer - and rent free - to the college I'd be attending), Grandma immediately laid down the law. She was not very pleased about my academic performance during High School. I guess you could say I majored in partying and boys. Within five minutes of getting unpacked, Grandma called a family conference. She let me know in no uncertain...

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455 going in Pt4

455 going in Pt4 A bout of what he now knows as vanilla sex, now ensued, it was hard and fast stuff from a lad who was fast learning the ropes. She climaxed, and immediately after he filled her in quantity. They lay together sated, then she said in a quiet voice, “I thought you might have wanted me up the backway having seen the film!” He grinned but said, “one thing at a time madam, I needed to empty my balls, as you taught me, then with a cool head I wanted to ask if you enjoyed it, and if I...

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My Misunderstood Husband

TRANSLATION for our dear friends across the pond for this and other stories. (Those who think this is teaching Granny to suck eggs, please forgive me.) UK : USA Pants: Men's underpants or women's panties Trousers: Pants Knickers: Panties. Tights : Sheer or opaque pantyhose. Solicitor/Barrister : The two can often interchange but usually as follows: Solicitor: Not exclusively a lawyer who does most of his legal work (e.g. Property conveyance) outside the courts,...

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Tears Of A Vamp Chapters Three and Four

Chapter ThreeWhen I woke clear headed enough to sit up in my bed I was surprised to find myself naked on top of the covers. I shook my head in disbelief, What a crazy dream... Then I noticed that I wasn't naked on top of just my sheets. No, I was naked on top of the covers and on top of the plastic mat that is used to play Twister. The game with all the different colored circles. Right Hand Red, Left foot Blue... I'm sure you know the game. My memories were jumbled but I was sure I would have...

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My second time with a guy

So after my first experience (previous story) with a guy and going back for more a couple times, I fancied something different, So I got hold of an old friend and asked if he wanted to hang out. I knew he was gay because he used to beg me to wank in front of him when we were both at school, and I always did. So I went to his house for a 'catch up' So I was sat on his bed and he was on the other side of the room, so yeah we were chatting for a bit and the topic got on to sex as he knew the guy...

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Best Friends Benefit from My Wifes Drunkenness

My name is Alex, and now at thirty years old, my wife, Hannah, and I are living with our four-year-old daughter in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’re still enjoying a cuckold lifestyle that started almost four years ago, and this story describes how it began.I was born and raised in the Tulsa suburbs, and met Hannah at The University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City (OKC) in our senior year. She grew up in OKC and I didn’t know much about her when we met, other than being attracted to her bubbly, outgoing...

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Altered Fates Glck und Glas Teil 1

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 1 by T:M in 2005 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Au?erdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! ***Prolog*** Eigentlich war alles wie immer: Ein typischer Samstag Vormittag. Das "Venice", ein kleines Eiscafe, welches nach 22.00 Uhr auch eine ganz passable Szenebar abgab lag am Rande der malerischen Altstadt, direkt neben der Rossmann-Br?cke, dem Markenzeichen des Ortes, welche ?ber einem ...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 40 Babies White Castle The Facts Of Life

October – Year 1 I made love to Erin for a very long time, both soft and slow and hard and fast, with the occasional helping hand, tongue, nipple, and pussy from Lynn. In the end I took both of Erin’s tits, squeezed them and sprayed myself with milk as I came. Lynn did her best to clean me up, but I needed a shower. I asked my wives to join me and I stood in the water as they cleaned me. I knelt in front of Erin and pressed my face to her little pregnant belly and kissed it. I turned to Lynn...

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Grindr Throat Fuck

I was especially horny when I woke up that day, my usual morning wood was throbbing hard. I watched some gay porn, really kinky bondage fisting stuff, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy my craving. I opened up Grindr and skimmed through the profiles, one caught my eye “throatfucku” and he was recently active. There weren’t many tops in my area, especially dominant ones. His profile matched mine perfectly, mine said I was a “mouth4use” and said how I was a sub bottom who wanted to suck the load out...

4 years ago
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Thinking Outside of the Box

Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. “Mom! Curt is cheating again!” “I am not! You’re just a sore loser.” “Yes, you are. You reprogrammed the game! You cheater.” “How could I do that? It’s an AI! Hey, leave my setup alone. House! Secure battle plan!” “No, show me what he did.” “All right you two. Knock it off!” Veronica came out of the bedroom wearing only a...

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The ImamChapter 4

THE PLAN 15th of Jumaada al-awal 1417 (September 28, 1996) Syedna Tariq Bengaliwala, surrounded by his bodyguards, began the prayers within the Al–Azim mosque, leading two thousand believers in prostration towards Mecca. The high tones from the muezzin’s voice calling everyone to prayer overwhelmed even the bodyguards. Their duty to pray without restraints overrode their duty to guard Tariq with the closest attention. They bowed their heads to the ground and kissed their prayer cloths in...

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Dorettas Mistake

She sat at the table and thought that she had really done it this time.What was she going to do? She had to come up with five thousand bucks and fast; otherwise she was in hot water- literally! Why had she ever borrowed that kind of money from loan sharks in the first place? Damn, she thought it was a sure win when she bet on that horse! Then, in the last lap, it had to stumble and break his leg! Shit- of all the luck! If it weren?t for bad luck, she would have no luck at all!Doretta was...

1 year ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 46 Visiting Captains

Bethany walked forward once Brad had left the room. I was puzzled by her action until she reached down to pick up something. It took just a moment for me to recognize that it was the uniform Captain Gates had been wearing when she first arrived. "We definitely should return that to her soon," I said. Bethany nodded, but made no move to exit the transporter room. Instead, she walked over to stand next to me at the control panel. I turned to ask her a question as the speakers started to...

4 years ago
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He raised his head and looked around, numbly aware of pain in almost every part of his body. He was on the bank of a small stream, and to his shock, the water was red with the blood of the fallen bodies around him. He was unsure of his wounds and was aware his life was in serious jeopardy, but was powerless to do anything to save himself. He was aware of pain, of despair, and of the light rain falling on him. He and his fellow soldiers had come to the stream to drink and refill canteens, and...

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My Best Friends Girlfriend Ch 09

The target’s name is Sandra Torres, a college student at the local city college. Reyna made the rules simple: I couldn’t use force. I couldn’t tell her about the game. I could slow Maria down, but I couldn’t tell Sandra about Maria. Reyna was going to have me followed by one of her sluts. I had to put a tracking app on my phone (she would give me cash to buy a new phone afterward because I will never ever use a phone touched by her again). Apparently, the app is also recording audio, and her...

Mind Control
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The Slow QuickstepChapter 11

Those fifteen minutes were like a lifetime to Allie. She stationed herself in the sitting-room bay window and watched. At long last Toby arrived. She watched him and his mother embrace. His father went and collected his things from the boot of the car. At last Toby turned towards their house. She raced to the front door, opened it and then just stood there, hands clasped tightly in front of her and head down. She did not dare look up at him for some reason. Toby stopped in front of her and...

2 years ago
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Camping with my stepdaughters Week One 1

I now had to go out and buy a tent with accessories, when the day came for us to go away we packed the car on the Friday night, both girls were excited, it was question after question, what sort of tent, where were we going, was there a swimming pool, l informed them the site had all they wanted even a clubhouse and joked they wasn’t to get drunk. We left early Saturday morning, Steph slept most of the way while Beth and the sat-nav helped navigate to Somerset, she kept me awake by updating me...

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Campaign of Poltergeists MaraudersChapter 9

Woken up to an emergency in the night As we were waiting for repairs to be finished, we were training and relaxing and dealing with the million and one things needed to keep a mercenary company going. Darius woke me up just after 1am to report a medical emergency. The Med-techs reported that Hammer had slipped into a coma and his vital signs were slowly dropping. Our med-bays were good for the area where we are but they are not the same as a full hospital on a planet in the Inner Sphere or...

1 year ago
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The Fucking Dead

Brock returned to the bunker, winded. “I got more ammo for the AR,” he hollered.“Good,” Brittany shouted back. “Load me up some magazines! This hunting rifle is overkill.”He loaded as fast as he could, but couldn’t keep his mind on his task. Brittany looked so sexy in her shorts and tight tank top, nipples clearly visible in the sweaty fabric, his head swam. Every time she shot, her breasts and ass jiggled. He finally handed her the AR-15 and two nearly full thirty-round mags. Boom!“Did you see...

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Bite MeChapter 12

“Well, well, you actually made it to class today, in spite of it being daylight! I applaud your resolve and resourcefulness, my new vampire student! Class, let’s give Charles here a hand! This can’t be easy. He has a major handicap here, having to deal with the sun’s light sapping his strength. I’m just glad that it doesn’t fry him as the legends claim. I kinda like having him around,” Mrs. Barker, who had NEVER shown any interest in me, sexual or otherwise, stunned me by flirting with me in...

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The girlfriend

My girlfriend and I have been perfect lately but their was something odd going on but I couldn't put my finger on it. I played it cool though and went on like nothing seemed suspicious. My girl is 5'5" 140lbs and has 34C tits and a nice big bubble butt with a flat stomach. And we have done many things and talked about many things. One thing we have talked about was having foursomes or inviting another person in the mix but we have never gone through with it. We have talked about a foursome with...

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HandsOnHardcore Sara Bell Ass Gaping And Covered In Goo

Teen glamour pornstar Sara Bell is determined to pass her driver’s license exam, even if it means satisfying the instructors’ other requirements like their sexual needs to make it happen. After failing the test the sexy girl next door lifts up her mini-skirt to offer up her shaved pussy and ass in trade for a passing grade before getting on her knees for Luca Ferrero and Vince Karter, taking both of their huge cocks in her mouth which will soon be stuffing her other holes for...

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Friends swap for the first time

The two ladies stood across from each other, both nervous, and excited. They had been close friends for over 15 years. Julie had been the matron of honor at her friends wedding and Sharon had been the same for her friend.Julie and Jim had been married for 10 years and Sharon and Dave for 9. Julie and Jim had become curious about swinging and had been surfing an adult site on the web. Julie was bi curious and so they had been looking for a couple with a bi curious wife and discovered an ad by...

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Black List IV MalevolenceChapter 2

“Are you certain that your plan will work?” Natalya asks with a hint of uncertainty. “I would really hate to have Avyanna’s wrath cascading down on me.” “You are far too worried, my dear,” Typheryian coos. He brushes his hand along her face, but inside he feels disgust. Having anything to do with a female of his race other than for a fuck goes against his principals. He hates a female with any power. “I assure you that once the plan is set in motion, she will fall and once I rule this world,...

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MenagerieChapter 40

I woke up to find Elizabeth and Amanda snuggled up against me with their heads on my chest. As much as I hated to wake them, I wasn’t into golden showers and my bladder was flashing the two-minute warning. I shook them awake enough to allow me to slip out of bed and go relieve myself. When I came back out to get dressed, they were cuddled up together, already back asleep. I threw my running gear on and jogged over to the pens to get Mandy. She smiled when she saw me coming, then laughed and...

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danny phantom ghost boy series 2 jayrich

Danny & Tucker start struggling, trying to get free. But it’s to no use. A fiendish grin graces Desiree’s face, as she tosses the boys aside as if they were nothing. They land in a nearby tree, looking roughed up. Danny looks over at Tucker. “Tucker, you alright?” Tucker peeks his head out through the branches and answers Danny. “Yeah…yeah, I’m alright.” “Good. Remind me to Kill you later!” Their argument is interrupted by a bright light. They look over to see Desiree glowing, ready to fire a...

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The Silver Dress

It was Friday night. My wife and I often go out for dinner on Friday night. A new place had opened up not too far from our home. There was a piano lounge in front, and some tables for dining at the rear. The place was advertised as having a quiet and relaxing atmosphere, suitable for a sexy cocktail dress or dressy blue jeans. I mentioned the sexy cocktail dress because that’s how it all started. My wife was successful and beautiful; a five foot nine brunette with B sized breasts and womanly...

Group Sex
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Eurotica 20 The beach the sun ndash the cave

I wrote this for a ladyfriend whom I went on to have a wild weekend with - ish!After reading it, she claimed to have rushed to her nearest pub, picked up a man and then fucked his brains out! See what you think! The sand was so white and pebble-free it could have been snow, but for the intense heat from the cloudless blue sky. The Mediterranean Sea was crystal clear, very warm and very welcoming.Mandy marvelled at the view, she was a week into her holiday with her partner and her tan was...

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My Girlfriend Finds Her True Love

We started living together when we were not yet married. I was working nights at a computer processing center as a computer operator. My name is Jim. My girlfriend is Amy. We had met earlier in college and had formed a couple. Our sex life was good for me, but Amy always seemed to have problems cumming. She had been abused by a boyfriend in high school when she first started dating at 16 and she had never seemed to overcome the fears she had of going all out in the sex department. Since I was...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 21 Kingdom of the Dark

"So, what is it you are hoping to find?" I ask Diana, I am now bored and tired. We have been walking down shafts and around dead falls for a few hours. "I don't know. I was kind of hoping your universal senses would lead us to some adventure, you know." Diana tiredly explains. "So far the only real fighting has been with boys. And I was hoping to get a telling out of this." "That does it. We are going back." I say dryly at her confession. "No you is not." "Who said that?"...

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Colors of the NightChapter 8

Although it took a few hours to extricate themselves from the cabin, Travis managed to drive to Sault Ste. Marie by the early evening. He couldn't just cut down from Lake Superior to the Mackinac Bridge without going to the city because he had stored the rest of his furniture pieces in a secured rental facility in town. They found a cheap little motel and snuggled in for the night. 'Snuggled' is one word and 'insomnia' is another. The confident woman who had overcome her qualms in the...

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Wizards LegacyChapter 19

If Whitehorse hadn't been so fired up, we might have lost the game. Last year was the first time since dad had played that they had lost to our team twice in the same year, and I guess they were determined it wouldn't happen again. They tried intimidation and trash talking, too. It seemed to worry them that all any of us did was smile at them when they did that. We didn't respond outwardly, but it pissed us off a little. It was nice of them to help us out like that. The result was that...

2 years ago
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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 06

Chapter 6 — Renewals: She renews her efforts to become uninhibited. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter includes the stories of a busty Jamaican woman dressed revealingly as she dances in a nightclub and shops in a clothing store. Interracial Love: this is a...

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The Penthouse 4

Last time, we saw Andrew and Sarah they were doing sex in the hotel room. Andrew was loving licking Sarah's clitoris. Sarah wanted to stop because she was getting hungry from all the sex they were having so they both decide to order room service. Anders who was done working the blackjack table had to go report to his boss. His boss told him he had a room service order to Andrew and Sarah. Anders was really excited to hear this. Anders went to the kitchen and spoke to the chef's at Luxor kitchen...

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