Return From Seven Oaks free porn video

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I had been in the wild for what must have been days after my stay in Seven Oaks. My appearance showed it. I was naked and in dire need of a bath. My body was covered with the dirt and grime of living wild and being unconcerned with appearances.

I didn't know where I was, but I knew I was alone and far from any discernable human entrapments. I knew where there was water and I felt I needed to go there to cleanse my body. My mind and spirit were immaculate.

I walked the trails of the deep forest, leading down into the expansive river bottom that had held me in awe as the sun had risen. Only half way down the mountain, hidden in a rocky outcropping, I found a small, crystal clear, spring fed pool.

I sat on the edge of the rocks surrounding the spring and waited for the nerve to drop into the cold water. Waiting didn't help. I plunged into the pool and completely disappeared under the deceptively deep water.

Regaining the surface I sucked in air and cursed silently as I sought footing near the edge to keep my head above water while I washed. Rubbing the dirt from my face I noticed my new beard. I was shocked and thought to myself, " Have I been here that long?"

The evidence seemed to confirm my suspicion. Judging from the hair on my face I estimated I had been in the wild for at least two weeks. The full beard would have to go as soon as I returned to civilization and found the nearest razor.

My reflection in the water told me the new look didn't suit me. The blue eyes that peered back at me from the wild tangle of sandy blonde hair had a menacing quality. The growth on my face just contributed to the look of a wild man.

After washing away the dirt I used a bundle of straw grass to comb out my tangled hair Indian style. I was felling much more human as I pondered which direction to travel in my search for civilization. I didn't have to ponder long. Civilization came to me.

"Don't move!" The words came from downwind. Whoever had come upon me was quiet enough to escape my keen senses and wise enough to approach from an undetectable direction.

"That's not a problem. I'm unarmed. You might have already guessed that from the fact that I have no clothes on."

"What the hell are you doing on my place?"

I remained calm and answered the unseen man behind me trying to calm any fears he might have of being attacked in the wild. " I didn't know it was your place. I just sort of wandered in from wherever it was that I've been."

"Where's that?"

"Well, if I knew that I could tell you what I'm doing on your place. I'm lost."

"That may be. Nobody comes here anymore. Not hikers, campers, government men, or anybody. So, what the hell do you want?"

"Not to be shot first of all. Secondly, I'd like to cover up my bare ass, and last of all I'd like to be pointed towards home, or at least town."

"That makes sense to me. Put this on. I have no desire to see a naked man."

"That's nice to know. My name's Scott Wolf. I'm pleased to meet you." I took the sniper type jungle suit that landed on the ground beside me and began the task of hiding my privates.

"We'll see about that. Get covered up and I'll lead you back to my cabin and you can find town from there."

"That's very kind of you. I appreciate your invitation and your help."

"If it will get you off my place quicker, I'll do it. Although, you seem to be doing alright without my help."

"You wouldn't have thought so if you would have seen me an hour ago. A bath and combing your hair does wonders for anyone's looks."

"That's another thing, you just took a bath in my water supply. I'm going to have to come back for water after the spring clears up. You've already been more trouble than you might be worth."

"I'm sorry about that Mister. I didn't know."

"Well you know now, so let's get on the road and get you where you out of my drinking water."

I turned for the first time to see the man who had managed to catch me off guard. He looked as wild I had just a short time before. He was a big man and dressed for the woods. He was traveling light for a man intending to haul water.

I stood and offered my hand in friendship and trust. He didn't take it.

"No offence, but I don't take to strangers right off. When I give you my hand it will because you've earned my trust and respect, not because of a custom."

"I can live with that. Where to from here?"

"That way." The man who I could only compare to a disheveled Grizzly Adams indicated with the barrel of his rifle.

I started along a path that led me back up the hill. Two hundred yards along the trail I saw the plastic jugs the man had intended to retrieve water in and stopped.

"Leave those there. I have no intentions to lug them back just to fill them later."

"How far is your cabin?'

"You sound like a kid on vacation. Just stay on the path and I'll tell you when we're there."

I felt no urge to debate this man. I turned and walked until I came to a fork in the pig-trail he called a path. I could scent he had come from the left but thought it would be best to play down my abilities. " Which way?"

"You tell me, Robison Crusoe"

I liked this guy. He had a sharp tongue, but I felt there was a reason behind his remark. I looked for sign of his passing and found very little of it. His footprints on the resilient vegetation would all but disappear in another hour. There were no broken branches or stems of the tender new tree growth twisting in the breeze.

This man moved through the woods like a ghost. I believe he had already noticed the same thing about me.

I took the left fork and continued walking without waiting for his confirmation. I got it anyway.

"That was pretty good back there. What convinced you?"

"You could use a bath yourself."

That brought out the first friendly sound I had heard since meeting this man almost an hour earlier. He roared in brazen, from the heart laughter. We both stopped and I watched as he chuckled down to a smile.

I noticed his buckskin moccasins and understood how he managed to avoid leaving the hard-edged footprints most woodsman leave behind. My own bare feet were no gentler on the trail then they would have been.

"What's your name Mister?"

"Ben Walker. No cracks about the bear. We're not related and I've heard them already. It's not much farther, keep moving."

We crested a hill and were just a little way down the lee side when the trail broadened into a real path wide enough to walk on without brushing the brush on either side. Only a few yards beyond that I saw his cabin.

If I had not been so near, and on the ground, I would have missed it. The pup tent shaped structure was supported at one end by a living tree. The sides were of logs and covered with dirt and flora that blended into the natural ground cover around it.

The backside butted into the side of the hill. A person not approaching from the right direction could walk onto the top of it and not know he was standing on someone's house.

The only obvious man made part was a rough-hewn door that hung on thick leather hinges. It closed on more logs in the end of the structure that were covered with honey suckle and trumpet vine. It looked like the home of a garden gnome.

"Nice place." I said with genuine pleasure.

"It keeps the rain off. Come on in and I'll see if I can't find you some real clothes."

Inside the low, wide structure I found the floor had been dug out and allowed a person to stand easily. It also added to the roominess of the dugout. The walls were covered with hides, traps, and other necessary items for human survival in the wild. Ben's bed was on one side of the hobbit-hole and a bench chair sat on the other, near the door.

"Have a seat. I'll get those clothes." Ben went about digging in a chest in one corner of his home.

I sat and waited. I saw that Ben was careful to keep his rifle near him and out of my reach when it was not in his hands. He produced a set of clothes a couple of sizes too big around but fit well enough in the length to make due.

"Thanks Ben. How far am I from a town and what town would that be?"

"You're as far from the nearest town of Naples as you can be, in this area anyways. Noone comes out this way anymore. It's all government land now, a wildlife refuge. Campers and hikers are steered to the other side of the river for recreation.

There's nothing but wildlife on this side. Dad and I built this hide away from Mom when I was a kid, before the government stole our land and made us move."

"How do you mean they stole it?"

"They called it immanent domain. They stole it is what they did. We didn't want to sell it so they just took it and said it was far the greater good. There's suppose to be money they put in the bank a few years ago, but they've probably taken that by now as well. I'm sure they have another word for that, but it amounts to the same thing. They steal when they can't get what they want any other way."

"I take it you don't think too highly of your government then."

"It's not my government! They stopped being my government when they robbed us and forced us off our place."

"So Ben, how long have you been living up here away from everyone?"

"Ten years, and they still don't know I'm here. They must have really needed our land to neglect it so badly."

I was about to speak when the back wall of Ben's house opened up and an angel emerged from the gaping cavern behind it and spoke to me. " I thought I heard voices."

"Sis, this is Scott Wolf. I found him in the spring washing his ass."

"You say that like it was a bad thing. You could use a bath yourself."

"That's twice today. I'm beginning to think there's some truth to it."

"Believe it big boy. You reek. Mr. Wolf I'm Lisa Walker, Ben's sister." Lisa said it but there was no malice in her voice. Ben just shook his head and sat on the bed. Lisa sat next to him and put her arm around her brother to console his mock hurt feelings.

Her rose high enough going around her brother's shoulders to open the front of the loose fitting blouse she wore. I was getting a free show as I stared at one of her breasts. Her nipples were small and the same color as her rosy pink lips. She was actually very well built and seemed well kept for a woman living in the wild. It had been a while since I had been with a woman and she was looking better every minute.

"So Lisa, have you lived here with Ben all this time?"

"Not on your life. I'm just visiting. I bring Ben the things that make his life easier. He pretty self-sufficient but needs special things now and then. His first aid kit is kept supplied anyway. I'm happy in town."

"I glad you come to see me Sis. I don't dislike everybody and your company is welcome anytime." Ben smiled and gave his sister a little peck on the cheek. Then squeezed her bared tit.

"Ben, not in front of a stranger!"

I closed my mouth only long enough to open it again," I've seen far stranger things. What you guys do is your own business. I'm thankful for everything that you've done for me. I don't intend to bite the hand that reaches out to help me."

"Just the same, you'd think he was raised by animals. He knows how to behave, he's just doesn't want to."

"Aw Sis, you know what you do to me. Give me a break."

"Well thanks to you, Mr. Wolf knows what I do to you too. I have my reputation to think about you know."

"She's a great lay. She's a wildcat in bed. It's a good thing she fucks me out here. In town someone would call the cops."


"If it's not true then slap my face." Ben bared his cheek and waited. He got a kiss, not a slap. When she was still leaning in to him he took her head in his hands and directed her lips to his. The slow, long, wet kiss was not sisterly at all.

Lisa's erect nipples were visible through the thin material of her blouse when she broke off the kiss. " Not now, Mr. Wolf is watching."

"Let him watch, he'll believe me when you howl like the animal you are."

"I'd better not guys, it's been too long since I've been with a woman. I'll wait outside." I stood to leave and showed everybody the tent I had made of the loose fitting pants I was wearing.

"Oh my, how long has it been?" Lisa's eyes bulged and badly as my pants.

"Far too long."

"I can help you with that, you know. You don't have to wait outside. You don't have to wait at all. Ben here usually comes in a couple of minutes and he's done for a while. You can have me after if you want. I don't mind."

"That's a very kind offer, but you've done enough for me already."

"I haven't done anything for you, yet. Ben, fuck me so I can take care of Mr. Wolf's problem when you're done."

"Aw Sis, I don't want to rush, you don't come around that often."

"Okay so fuck me then let Mr. Wolf have a turn then you can fuck me again if you need to."

Lisa stood and dropped all formalities, along with her pants. She was even better looking out of the rough hiking jeans. They hid her true asset. Her pretty little snatch just said, "Fuck me please", and I was listening.

Her pink lips peeked out of her bush. She had my attention when she stood in front of her brother facing me and grabbed her ankles. Her ass was in Ben's face and could not have been smiling any more than he was.

Ben responded to his sister's invitation by licking her slit from clit to asshole. He rimmed her ass for some time before returning to her clit and sucked it between his lips. Lisa began slowly grinding her hips as he tongued her from behind.

She was determined to involve me. She turned around and opened her brother's pants. Ben helped her by pushing them over his hips and as far s he could get them over his leggings. Lisa's wet slot was wet and ready as she looked at me once before bending forward at her waist and took her brother's cock into her mouth.

Ben leaned back and let her work her magic as she sucked him to his hairy balls. She spread her legs and fingered her pussy as I watched from my excellent vantage point. It could have been better, but I would have to get closer.

My legs were working of their own accord as they lifted me from the bench and carried me across the small room and then knelt behind Lisa. They put my face right behind her wet fingers as she pushed them in and out of her pussy.

I rimmed her asshole lightly and waited for her to shriek or freak. She didn't do either. She withdrew her fingers and pushed them into my mouth. She fed me her juices from her fingers before gently pulling me by my lower lip to her own lower lips.

I relished in the aroma of her cunt as she ground her ass into my face. She fed me her cunt and produced more lubrication than I had ever seen first hand. I lapped it all up and wanted more. I sucked her clit and tongued into her at a hungry pace. I wanted to fuck this woman, but I would have to wait until her brother was through with her.

Lisa wanted dick inside her. She was panting as s he rose from her brother's cock and turned to kiss me hard on the mouth. She held my hands as she backed onto Ben's lap. She guided his cock into her dripping wet slot and took him inside her.

She sat grinding on her brother and reached out to pull me by my cock to within reach of her face. She licked my balls as she rubbed her ass on her brother's. She rode up his shaft and back down slowly fucking him and reaching under her cunt as she hit bottom to message her clit with his balls.

Lisa smiled as she licked her way to the end of my cock and wrapped her lips around me. As she rose off her brother she leaned forward and swallowed me whole. She slowly fucked us both in and out until Ben groaned out in release and shot come deep into his sister's hungry box. Lisa sat all the way down on him and twisted her hips a she milked him of everything he had.

She rose off him only to turn and bare her ass for me as she went down on Ben and sucked their mixed juices from his faltering cock. I mounted her quickly pushing all she could take into her slippery pussy. She grunted around Ben's cock and leaned forward when I pushed against her cervix. I wanted to give her more and pulled almost out of her and pushed back just as deep.

Lisa's moan and exertion to control the depth of my thrusts forced her off her brother's cock and onto his chest. She clutched him to her as she tried to take all I gave her. She continued to crawl forward until she found her brother suckled to her breast.

She would go no further. Ben would not let her crawl away from him. He clung to her as I impaled her on my ridged cock. She groaned as I penetrated her to my fullest and wallowed my cock deep inside her. She pulled Ben's head to her breast as I quickened my pace.

I knew she was cumming when she raked Ben's shoulders with her nails and cried out like a wild animal. Her cunt tried to push me out as her contractions seized her. Lisa pushed her ass to me trying to get even more dick inside her ravaged pussy.

Her crying grew louder as her satisfaction increased proportions only she could know. Her orgasm continued for what seemed like an eternity as she rocked and rippled over my throbbing cock.

I released my load into her in huge jets. She felt the warmth and flow of my seed on her cervix as warm tears started down her cheeks. She looked back at me and smiled as her climax ebbed and she calmed her wild humping.

I slowed my thrusts to that of gentle love making as we both reclaimed our minds. I didn't pull out of her until I was completely limp and my cum was starting down the inside of her thighs to mix with her own abundant juices.

Lisa returned to her original position and gently cleaned my cock of every drop of fluid we had produced. Ben was even more of a wild man than I had thought. His sister's cum soaked pussy was too much for him to waste. He lapped and sucked her pussy clean, eating our combined cum from her gaping hole, savoring every drop.

Lisa's second orgasm was much milder than the first and she managed to not bite my cock off. She humped and groaned her appreciation of the through job Ben was doing of cleaning her cunt as my erection returned. Ben was kicking off his clothes and sporting a stiffening cock before he had wiped his chin.

"Sis, I know what you want. We've never had a third before. It's the perfect opportunity to fulfill your dream. I see Mr. Wolf is up for another round as well."

"Please, if we've fucked, it's okay to call me Scott."

Lisa smiled and stroked both our cocks as she considered her options. She was an ambitious woman if nothing else. " Scott would you mind so much if I wanted you to fuck my pussy, while my brother fucked me in the ass?"

"I'd love to. Make some room there Ben."

"Have my seat. If she will straddle you on the edge of the bed I'll have room to get behind her and ream her ass, but good."

Ben and I traded places and Lisa was on top of me before I had a chance to object to anything. She sank down over my cock and fucked me until her juices were flowing. Her brother waited patently as she prepared for a double entry.

Once Lisa and I were lubricated she rose off my straining rod to give Ben a chance to wet his meat in her gaping pussy. Ben had been busy while he waited. He produced a squirt bottle filled with cooking oil. As he pumped his cock into her he applied a few drops to her rosy asshole.

His sister cooed as she felt the warm oil saturate her. Ben pressed a fingertip into her ass and messaged the oil into her willing shitter. I watched her face as she accepted his finger and pushed back on it driving it all the way up her ass. Ben pumped it a few strokes as he added oil to another finger and slid it into the entrance to his sister's ass.

Lisa continued pumping his fingers as she relaxed. She was ready and wanted to fuck. Ben pulled his cock out of her pussy and rubbed the head on the rosy button that resisted only slightly as he entered her.

Lisa shut her eyes and gently bit her lower lip as he dropped more oil on his cock and let even more run down her crack and coat her asshole all the way around as he gradually feed more meat to her ass.

Ben stroked into her for several moments before she opened her eyes and reached for my idle prick that lay between us. She positioned my rod at the entrance to her cunt and waited until Ben pulled almost out of her. He saw what was happening and let his sister manage what went where and when.

Ben stayed lodged in her ass as she slid down my shaft. It was a tight fit but she managed to ride me gently as Ben slowly increased his depth. He was very gentle as he let her set the pace. With Ben standing behind her she could rise off my chest and slide onto both of us at once.

Lisa's coos became groans as she impaled her self on both cocks as much as she could take at once. The double stuffing she was taking stretched her to her limits. She couldn't take us both all the way inside, but once the pace was set it became our job to do the work as she lay between us and fucked both our cocks at once.

As time passed Ben's need grew as much as my own. Our timing had become alternating thrusts that allowed us to enter Lisa completely. As I withdrew Ben plowed into his sister's asshole. We both quickened our pace and Lisa groaned gloriously as her world was rocked.

She became very vocal as she felt the tingle of heaven approaching. Ben and I both were trying to be the first to blow our wad into the eager nymph fucking us.

When Lisa's contractions began and almost squeezed us out of her he was beginning to shoot his load. He pushed back into her as I thrust all the way to her cervix. Lisa cried out as she was filled to the hilt with two cocks pumping cum into her. Her climax spread through her to both the men inside her.

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The Seven

'Out of control' was written on the report which now sat on the Abbot's desk.The old Abbot read the report on the seven naughty teenagers who had not alone consumed alcohol ,but had made life a misery for many of the residents of the locality.It was a lengthy report made up of numerous statements made by people who had either witnessed or experienced the bad behaviour of the teenagers. Now the Abbot had the fate of the seven naughty teenagers in his hands and once he had finished reading the...

3 years ago
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Snowy and the Seven Petites

Snowy and the Seven Petites by captv8td [email protected] 1She couldn’t tell if the woman was dead or merely unconscious.? Either way, it was clear that she was not a willing participant in the activities taking place in the glen.? She watched as the man’s massive cock slid out of the woman’s body, glistening with juices, only to be rammed deep back into the still body.? Hippy thought it was disgusting that the male would take advantage of the motionless body.Hippy pulled an arrow...

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Friends Learning to Count to Seven

Chandler had been telling Monica and Rachel about the sex with Kathy the night before. It was alright, but Chandler wanted to really make her scream in pleasure. So Monica had drawn out a diagram showing the seven basic erogenous zones of a woman's body."Okay, now, most guys will hit one, two, and three and then go to seven and set up camp, " Monica began."And that's bad?" Chandler questioned."Well," Rachel replied, "if you go to Disneyland, you don't spend the whole day on the...

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Wellington Sevens

Three of my closest friends suggested we should go the Wellington Rugby Sevens for a girls weekend. Of course we decided to dress up in costumes as this is expected for this series. We are all around 48 years old and have quite different figures. I am what you would call a normal 48 year old with an average body that shows my age. I am happy with it and I still get stares, this is because I have large breasts, I do have to wear expensive bras to keep them in the right place. One friend is very...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 25

Sam sat in silence, allowing him the space to think, and within the silence, he gained perspective and understanding of his own reaction to the sudden suggestion from his business partner. He pondered over the task he would be faced with, and the workload, the overtime needed and its effect on Sam. Julie couldn’t cope with his long hours, and he wondered if Sam could. Now settled in the living room, side by side on the sofa, Sam remained silent, and Aidan knew the depth of self-control she...

2 years ago
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Recovery Number 3 in STOPWATCHChapter 3 Seven of Eight

Or, THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS. I walked out to the Chevy and looked. They had seven people in here? Where did they sit? I fear for Discover Card ... they're never going to be able to collect. 'My God! You bought out a warehouse!' I thought at Wendy. Just then the pile wiggled; a short redheaded, Asian female wearing a Sak's shirt struggled out of the pile and took a deep breath. "I thought I'd never get out of there!" She gave me a look, "David?" I nodded. She reached down and...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 117 Seven Minutes

I really didn't get it. In fact, I figured I must be abnormal in some way. I'd cried Sunday night out in the hayloft after I'd watched and waved as Joanne left for the airport. In fact, I cried most of the night. In the morning I took Joanne's blanket into the house with me and moved back into my room. Monday morning, Rhonda showed up for breakfast at 6:30 after delivering her papers and I realized how much I loved that crazy girl. But there was nothing sexual about it. I realized the...

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My wife fed me a creampie my sevenday load

After that night, that fateful night where she let me, where she made me become what I so intimately desired to be - a cumslut, her cumslut husband - things between us changed in very subtle ways. On the outside, everything stayed more or less the same, the daily routines, friends, family. But she had seen a new part of me, she became aware of a facet of myself she could use, play with. There was something new.As promised, the next day, she brought me my laptop, asked me to open it, and open my...

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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 07

‘You, Alessandro Conti, are a cruel, lying, seducing, asshole!’ Maisie whispered, her finger poking his chest with every insult. Alessandro’s mouth dropped open. His pulse raced, though whether from panic that he’d done something terrible or annoyance at her accusation, he didn’t know. ‘What, not going to own up to it?’ Maisie let out a short, angry laugh. ‘Tough. I promised not to run last night, and you’re in luck, I’m keeping that promise, and I’m going to tell you exactly what I think of...

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Earths CoreChapter 4 Principal Of Pain The Seven Stages Of Bodily Refinement

"Now that you know of the three aspects a little more, come here, Zax". Kartius got up from the carpet and walked to one of the two large jars. Lifting the wooden sealing of one jar, the herbal fragrance in the cabin rose exponentially, so much that Zax took a step back and unconsciously covered his nose. "Do you recognize this smell?" Kartius asked. "It smells like a few of the plants that grow on the mountains that the Krikitory caretakers of the hot springs use". Zax...

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Snow White ad the Seven Studs

Synopsis Snow White faced a life shattering problem. Learn how she solved it. Snow White and the Seven Studs. By Janet Baker Snow White called a meeting one evening of herself and her seven modest sized cohabiters. "Men! We have a problem. The local religious authorities complain that it is indecent for me, a beautiful woman they believe a virgin, to live with seven men. They want me to do something about it but...

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HOBO Chapter Seven

At the end of the following week, we had put together a proposal to present to Richard Butler, Carlos Reyes and Jeremy Land. During that entire week, there was absolutely no way you could tell Belinda and I had slept together. She did give me the occasional wink when we were alone, but nothing was said for the first week at all. I met with the three partners that Friday afternoon and presented my findings. After going back for five years and doing research on corporations this size several...

2 years ago
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A Bride For Seven Brothers2

1st Chapter Preview …. A Bride For Seven Brothers #2 By Maria Garcia The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content) The honeymoon is well and truly over, her seven men are proving troublesome in more ways than Ruby could ever have imagined and to add to her problems Grumpy is considering leaving the farm to return to the city, the twins, Sneezy and Sleepy although quite happy to share argue about exactly who should be on top, Dopey is in counselling for his...

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A Bride For Seven Brothers2

1st Chapter Preview …. A Bride For Seven Brothers #2 By Maria Garcia The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content) The honeymoon is well and truly over; her seven men are proving troublesome in more ways than Ruby could ever have imagined and to add to her problems Grumpy is considering leaving the farm to return to the city, the twins; Sneezy and Sleepy although quite happy to share argue about exactly who should be on top; Dopey is in counselling for his...

Oral Sex
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Seven Brothers

At first, I just asked the mailing list for advice. But the stunning response I got (all one of them!) convinced me to keep it as-is. So here, without further ado, is: SEVEN BROTHERS by Roy Del Frink The seven Frie brothers of Newark were considered despicable. Everyone seemed to hate them. By some quirk of fate, each acted like the very personification of one of the seven deadly sins. Alex was the "wrathful" one. He got upset at the smallest little thing, screaming...

1 year ago
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Anomaly Seven

Anomaly Seven - "Reality Edits" By Emma Smith All characters and organisations in this story are fictitious. No reference to any real people or events is intended or should be inferred. Cast Richard / Ruth Slater Schoolchild, Norfolk David Slater Parent of Richard Rebecca Slater Parent of Richard Fred Styles Friend of Richard Jane / Jack Styles Friend of Richard Colonel Brian Jones UK Army, SSID Commander Captain Roy Blake UK Army, SSID Sergeant Tom Williams UK...

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Seven Deadly Wishes

Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...

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Snow White and the Seven Wharfs A Lush Christmas Special

In a land, not so far away, there lived a blonde-haired girl, who had skin as light as pearl. She was named Daniela or Danny, but all her friends called her Snow White on account of her amazingly fair complexion. On reaching her eighteenth birthday, she prepared to be presented at the debutantes' ball, where it was presumed she would find a suitor. Whispers spread across the land that someone bewilderingly radiant was about to burst on the scene. It was said that she was so hot, even birds...

Love Stories
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Arya Stark Queen of the Seven Kingdoms

The old, disgusting Grandmaester Pycelle examined the tomboy teen, excessively caressing and touching her everywhere with his disgusting and gnarled fingers, confirming that she was a virgin. If she had Needle with her just then, she would have run the old pervert through. Arya Stark thought about running away, but it was pointless. She had no money, no friends, no father, and there wasn’t anywhere the new King or his Master of Whispers Varys couldn’t reach. She knew she was trapped, but she...

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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 5 Bohemian Rhapsody

“Stay humble,” my host admonished me as she led me up the final flight of stairs to my room in Bucharest. I started to ask her what the hell she was talking about when she pointed up and I ducked my head so I wouldn’t hit it on the low ceiling of the hall. Stay humble. In other words, keep your head bowed. I was a little testy, but it wasn’t her fault. It had been a miserable trip from Sofia, Bulgaria. I had just nine Bulgarian lev when I headed for the train station. My previous trip to...

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Right from the Start Chapter Seven

Right from the Start, Chapter Seven - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson(Jane): Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school; Miss Webster: Their form teacher; Sophia: Mary's mother; Alicia: Sandra's mother. Chapter Seven In the early morning, Sandra's mum was woken by more squeals of delight as her daughter and three houseguests shared the bathroom. She smiled as she prepared breakfast....

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Mistress Chapter TwoSevens Story

I couldn’t believe my luck! Not only had I fucked my beautiful new mistress on the very first day, she’d even turned a blind eye at my total lack of self-control. Lying back on the rickety, uncomfortable bed, I put my arms behind my head and closed my eyes with a contented smile, thinking through the events of the day. This morning had a terrible start at that slave auction. I shuddered at the memory of the bidders and their probing, pinching hands, of being stared at by hundreds of eyes, every...

2 years ago
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Twenty Seven Years Later

Twenty Seven Years Later. It was called "The French Cafe" which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn't interact much with the people, that was my wife's job throughout our marriage, as she...

2 years ago
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Seven inches of pleasure for Morgan

I wanted to fuck her the first time I saw her. She was down the hall, maybe ten yards distant, walking away from me with my boss, and she was wearing a short tight skirt that showed off her well-shaped little ass and legs. She was young, well less than half my age, probably in her early twenties I correctly guessed. She was petite, a half-head shorter than me and couldn’t weigh over a hundred pounds. Her hair was dark and sort; a ‘pixie’ cut, I think they call it. She turned and I noted that...

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Our Cuckold Wedding Part Seven

We got home from our weekend at Jen’s parents and Jen took Martin to the station after she had given him one last fuck and I was allowed to clean them both. Jen returned and she was very tearful about leaving Martin; although I tried to comfort her by telling her that she would see him again next weekend, she was still sad.It was two days later when I received the call that I was dreading; it was my father and I knew that Ken would tell him about mine and Jen’s life and marriage. I was...

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Seven Sisters in Seven Days

Have you ever felt tired, so tired that you can't even get it up? I don't think I'm there yet, but it can't be far away. I never thought too much sex could ever wear me out, but I was wrong, so wrong. Maybe it wasn't the amount of sex, but the style, the variations, the number of partners, the immoral circumstances and God knows what else finally got to me. Right now, I feel so tired that if my dick fell off it could be a blessing. I suppose I should explain. My name is Sloan. I'm 22 years old...

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Twenty Seven Years Later

Twenty Seven Years Later. It was called "The French Cafe," which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid, but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork, placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn't interact much with the people, that was my wife's job throughout our marriage as she never met a...

1 year ago
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Scissor Sisters Chapter Seven

Scissors Sisters ? Chapter Seven ? By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother?s twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma?s live in maid; Uncle Reggie Grandma Brother and a Baron. Chapter Seven At sixteen, Judith...

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Seven days seven womenPart 1

Seven days, seven women-Part #1 By csn61 © Chapter 1: the storyline:I want to describe the incredible fortune I have landed in terms of being able to make love to different mature rich woman, every day of the week without any catch, any obligations, without spending a single penny!I am a 21-year-old young computer scientist, presently unemployed. My main occupation now is to satisfy the sexual libido of my seven rich mature beautiful women lovers, day 'in' and day 'out '(pun intended) who love...

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How Do You Scratch A Seven Year Itch

"Do you want to wrestle?" a soft spoken voice whispered in my ear, while I sat absently swirling my drink with my straw.I felt a shiver run up my spine, recognizing that voice instantly, I spun my chair around and right into Shawn's chest. I did everything I could to stop myself from practically beaming at him.It had been seven years since I'd seen him last, and I could still remember the first and the last time we'd been together. He was the guy that I compared all men to in bed. So far, no...

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Seven Nights

Seven Nights Ryan surveyed his assembled slaves, and their handlers, critically. He'd called an assembly of his seven slaves, and their handlers, this eveningfor a special announcement. They had been assembled for some minutes now, buthe let them wait as he looked them over. Ryan Dante was a CEO for one of the largest software companies in the world.As a result, he had wealth enough to indulge in every whim, every perversity,he desired; and his particular desire had been, since he was young,...

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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Seven

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER-2 "I can't believe it," cried Susan Barry as she walked in through the garage and on into the kitchen in front of Daphne and I and saw the grinning faces of seven people, "I just can't fucking believe it!" "Oh," said my mother turning briefly from where she was standing in her sexy underwear dishing up scrambled eggs and grilled bacon onto seven plates, "what is it you can't believe dear?" "I did it in under forty minutes this morning," her giggle was...

1 year ago
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Seven Days

Standing anonymous amongst the congregation, he watched as friends and family precariously lowered the rain-drenched coffin into the collapsing grave. Six burly men leaned over the open chasm, striving to maintain balance in the torrential rain, as the coffin slowly disappeared from view a barely audible splatter resonated from beneath as it finally hit its waterlogged bed. All the Pallbearer’s shoes had once gleamed with pride, now they stood caked in mud, housing feet that struggling to...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Seven Fun In The Bedroom For Diane and Pauline

Diane Caldwell smiled to herself as she climbed the stairs and headed towards her daughter Zofeya’s bedroom. An hour had passed since the forty-seven-year-old had spanked and caned her daughter’s boyfriend in the living room. She had enjoyed herself beating Stefan, who had also enjoyed being punished by his girlfriend’s adopted mum. Diane had sent the young couple to separate bedrooms after their punishment for recording a video on Zofeya’s mobile phone which showed the sweet, dark-haired girl...

Oral Sex
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The Seven Year Itch

The seven-year itch is one of those rare, cliché couples’ problems that, in my case, turned out to be true. My wife and I are seven-and-a-half years into our marriage which, up until about three weeks ago, was about as typical as they get. Now, however, after that night, everything has changed.  What I am about to recount for you is completely real. I am still trying to figure out what the long-term ramifications of it will be. But one thing is for sure, we will never be the same couple we were...

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Seven Deadly Sins

In the dark bowels of Hell, two demonesses were working hard over a forge. The two demon women were of the prettier variety, though they didn’t hold a torch to succubi. The first of the demon ladies picked up the object they had just finished crafting. It was very ornate, and certainly didn’t belong in a hellhole like, well, Hell. It was a golden amulet with seven glowing gems placed in it. Six in a circle, and a seventh in the middle. “King Lucifer will be pleased with the Sinner’s Amulet.”...

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Seven Year Ache Part 1 of 2

I hadn’t seen Kaitlyn in close to six years. We hadn’t stayed in touch after we went our separate ways. We’d made a clean break, both agreeing that it was the only way, that it was for the best. Although I’d missed her terribly for awhile, missed the wild sex, the parties and excitement, the spark she added to my life, I’d forced myself to think about her less and less the last few years. Sometimes of course, still, and always with longing, but not like right after we’d parted when she’d been...

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Ten Doors Door Seven

Lewis could not believe how much he was enjoying himself. When Eric leads him back out to the pit he goes without question, head down, mouth and arse wide open, like an animal. It shocks him how willing he has become in such a short space of time but for now he is done fighting his urges. Lewis’ heart skips a beat. He has spotted Ross lying in the pit and he is being lead over to him. ------------------- Ross scrubs at his eyes, then blinks rapidly trying to focus. His view blurry and...

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