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My dad and I built my first and only cubby house when I was five. It changed my life. The cubby was the scene of much fun and laughter, and eventually became the location for intensely fun activities.

I was lucky to be very smart from a young age, and so I learnt a lot by helping dad build my cubby. Many of those things learnt were quite unexpected. My father is methodical, just not very practical. He is an accountant, which hardly imbues carpentry skills in any shape or form. Therefore, by necessity, it became my job to interpret the plans. Otherwise, I mostly just handed him nails and lengths of timber.

My mom was a research scientist doing stem cell research. She knew how to use a microscope, but not a hammer, so no help was forthcoming from the maternal parental unit.

We started the construction by laying out all the supplied timber in easily identifiable piles. It soon became more complex than my father could handle...

“Pass me the timber labeled number four, please, and some of the large nails.” Dad requested.

“Don’t you want number three first?” I queried.

“Fu ... Damn. You’re right. Number three first then.”

“I don’t think it goes there. And I think you have it upside down.”


My dad started hammering. “OW! Fuck that hurts.”

And so on. I could see slow but steady progress was being made.

On the practical side, I was learning how to suck your finger when you hit said finger with the hammer instead of the hitting the intended nail.

“What does damn and fuck mean, Dad?”

“What? Well grownups sometime use certain words to vent their frustration or when in pain.” My dad carefully replied. “So the exact meaning doesn’t really apply most of the time.” He clarified.

“But I’d like to know.” I stated with my best puppy dog look on my face.

“Ok, here’s the deal. Once you can grow a beard I’ll let you know.” Was my dad’s frustrating reply. Ugg, growing a beard? Disgusting! “Oh, and Tim, don’t use those words in front of your sister, and especially not your Mom.”

Perplexed I replied, “But Mom already knows those words and more.” My dad stopped working and looked up at me with an apprehensive look. “That’s why I’m asking you. She just said ‘later, ‘ when I asked; which means never.”

My dad sighed. Dad does a lot sighing. Come to think of it, mom also sighs a lot.

“Can we alter my cubby to have a chimney for Santa to use?” I asked, as Santa was very important to me.

“Your stocking is hung up next to your bed, so Santa will always use our house’s chimney,” my dad explained. “Besides, your cubby is not all that big. What if you get a Roo and a Croc for Christmas?” My dad kidded me with a grin.

“The Croc would eat the Roo if it could catch it. Besides, I don’t have a stocking, we always use a pillow slip.” I corrected him. “It is bigger!” I proudly informed him. I already realised older girls may like getting small presents, but little boys like me loved big presents. I accepted his reasoning on the lack of need for a Santa chimney as I have a logical mind.

The cubby was finally finished, with many more heartfelt sighs from my dad, with much shaking of finite fragile fingers, suffering from many heavy heartless hammer blows.

My sister Suzie, who is one year older than I am, came out to inspect the finished cubby. Being the bossy one of us two, she immediately demanded her own cubby.

Dad was still nursing throbbing fingers, so he said, “Next Christmas!” to much wailing and gnashing of teeth by my sister. I realised my dad is nothing but fair in his even treatment of us, even though I think he had a quiet sob, later in private, at the thought of the pain coming to him next Christmas.

So I was forced to share my cubby for a year. It was no real hardship, as I liked playing with my sister - even though she is bossy.

Next Christmas, Suzie’s duplicate cubby was dutifully if reluctantly constructed with much paternal blood, sweat and fingers sacrificed to the cubby house gods. Using the side wall of my cubby as a common wall, they were attached together like mini Terrace houses, but without the flower pots growing exotic “herbs”. My dad had not learnt any practical skills in the past year. Therefore Suzie this time was the recipient of similar impromptu, impressive and unexpected lessons, as I previously had, on finger sucking and the increasing of her vocabulary. I had retreated to my cubby, as I knew by now when to disappear.

Once her cubby was finished, Suzie immediately got me to help move all her toys and dolls into her new cubby. She then shoo’ed me out, and shut the door in my face!

She could have at least thanked me, or let me watch her play with her silly dolls. I grumbled to myself.

I could hear her arranging her things “You will look good here. You can guard the door. No, you can’t have a cup of tea yet.”

Normal Suzie chatter.

“What are you doing?” Suzie asked me after a while.

“Nothing.” I replied.

“This is boring!” Exclaimed Suzie with a huff. She is good at huffing.

“Do you want me to come over to your side?” I asked trying to be helpful. “We can play like we always do.”

“What’s the fun in having my own cubby if you’re in it?” She said irritably.

“How about we knock down the wall between us which will make us one big cubby? “ I suggested.

“Cool.” Suzie agreed happily. “I’ll get the hammer.”

So we knocked out the common wall to make one big cubby. Much fun was had with the hammer doing this! Also, no sucking of fingers was required! The gods must have been satisfied with the already offered paternal sacrifices. Plus, our dad was no where to be seen. I think he said he would be needing Post Trauma therapy before he would go near a hammer again. I looked that up as I was worried about how much he was talking to himself. It didn’t look promising for any cubby extensions!

Sharing this bigger cubby was fine with just the two of us. Eventually, though, girl cooties and boy bugs were raised as issues by our friends. So, we took turns in using it when our friends came over to play and hangout.

When our friends weren’t with us, Suzie took to using me as a pillow, even though I was skinny and therefore pretty bony. I didn’t mind as I got to stroke her beautiful golden hair. This made her “purr” with pleasure, reinforcing this activity until her using me as a pillow became a habit.

I was jealous of my sister as the colour of my hair was more of a silvery blonde. So I went to my parents and asked “Why can’t I have gold hair, too?”

“We used up all our gold on Suzie, so we had to use Grandma’s silver for your hair.” Mom responded with a straight face.

“Stainless steel cutlery is so much more practical, anyway. No tarnishing, so Grandma would have been happy.” I stated knowingly.

I then asked the obvious next question, “Why doesn’t my hair oxidise?” having been reading my mom’s university chemistry books.

“Must be your shampoo.” My dad joked.

“What colour hair would a third sibling have had?” I questioned further, making my dad laugh at mom. I think mom was starting to develop a Tim look, halfway between frustration and something else.

“A bronze baby,” my dad replied with a smirk.

I don’t think I can trust all of my dad’s answers!

We were firm believers in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Who wouldn’t be, what with all the loot to be gained.

Suzie told me, (I should say, ordered me), “We will believe in the tooth fairy until we both run out of teeth.”

At the time this seemed to be going to happen sooner rather than later. One or the other of us were always missing a tooth or had a tooth starting to get wobbly. It was encouraging for us to see new teeth growing back. A never ending supply of money, or so we thought at the time.

I was down to my last wobbly front baby tooth when my sister decided to help it along. She did like to be in control. She would speed up or stop time if she could. Hence I was standing in the open bathroom doorway with a string running from my tooth to the doorknob.

“I don’t like this.” I said, my voice quavering uncontrollably, and with tears in my eyes.

“Don’t be such a baby,” exclaimed my sister impatiently.

“But it will fall out by itself!”

“It won’t get lost this way,” my sister told me.

“But,” SLAM! “Ow, ow, ow!” I whimpered clutching my mouth.

“AWK,” from Suzie.

She had swallowed my flying tooth! She had slammed the door pretty hard.

““CACK, argh, gross,” croaked Suzy with bulging eyes.

“What about my tooth? The tooth fairy won’t leave me any money!”

“Fuck your tooth and the money!” Suzie angrily responded. I could see dad’s language lessons were already being put to good use.

Suzie ran into the kitchen. “Mom, mom. I swallowed the tooth! “ she exclaimed. “Please get it back out!”

My confused mom asked “Isn’t Tim the one with a wobbly tooth?”

Once she found out what had happened, mom reassured Suzie that swallowing my tooth was not going to kill her. “Do not attach string to any other teeth ... or to any other parts of Tim’s anatomy,” she warned Suzie, which knowing Suzie as well as I did, only reassured me partially.

Later that night I was woken by a flickering light coming from near Suzie’s bed. “You don’t make it easy,” grumbled the blue looking Tooth Fairy to me, “how am I going to get your tooth, now?”

“Can’t you use your magic wand?” I queried, still being half asleep.

“Hmm, good idea,” said the Tooth Fairy. “It should be just long enough.”

Which is how Suzie found herself waking up choking then vomiting from having a wand poked down her throat and triggering her gag reflex.

“There it is!” the tooth fairy exclaimed triumphantly, “and here is your money,” she said to me.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” came from Suzie. I could see those language lessons were very useful!

The Easter Bunny was cool. Who doesn’t like chocolates? Plus the hunt for Easter Eggs was always heaps of fun.

Then came more politically correct times for the children in Oz, and the Easter Bunny started getting competition from the Easter Bilby (a small native Australian marsupial, looking like a cross between a rabbit and a mouse.) This was all a bit confusing for little children and even young boys like me, but all was good as these Bilby’s were still made of chocolate. You can like anyone who is made of chocolate. Besides, she was cuter than the Easter Bunny - don’t tell the rabbit that!

The very next Easter after the tooth fairy recovered my tooth from Suzie with such great effectiveness and efficiency, my sister thought she would get back at me by stealing my hoarded Easter Eggs and eating them. She apparently blamed me for the idea of using the wand even though when I made the suggestion, I thought wands were only used for magic, not to induce vomiting. Aren’t they called magic wands for a reason? I suppose having a pointy magic wand stuck down your throat would be an unpleasant way to wake up.

The first I knew about the theft of my chocolate eggs, was when I tripped over this big rabbit who was sitting beside my bed. I had just been woken up by the sound of thumping, so was not looking out for a rabbit but some other more familiar source of the half-heard noise. But then who does look for a bunny when they jump out of bed ... and it was the day after Easter.

The rabbit grunted then hopped up on the bed. “Watch where you are putting your big feet,” she complained angrily. “Bad enough I have to make the time to come back and punish your sister. Do you know how much time and effort goes into making all your eggs?”

I stared at the talking bunny with understandable surprise. “Who are you?” I asked, astonished at this apparition. Nothing like an unexpected conversation with a rabbit to wake you up.

“And I suppose you want me to replace the eggs she took and ate?” She complained with a scowl.

“You’re the Easter Bunny!” I blurted out stupidly. Maybe I wasn’t quite so awake.

“No I’m the tooth fairy.” She said, piling on the sarcasm.

“Don’t go there,” I warned.

“Oh, touchy subject?” She asked with a contemplative look.

“No for me, just painful. But ... Suzie...”

“I think I’ll make her vomit the chocolates up all over herself. Will that be enough?” enquired the bunny.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea.” I said, feeling trepidation at the thought of Suzie getting a repeat of the Tooth Fairy’s methodology.

“Why not? Afraid of a little mess?” Shaking her head and curling her lip.

“No, yes ... I didn’t realise you had a magic wand too.”

“Of course I don’t have a magic wand! I have magic ears!”

“Wand? Ears? What the fuck?!” Said Suzie apprehensively, quickly sitting up in bed.

“I know what to do,” said the bunny happily. “No more stealing, Suzie!” she ordered with a wiggle of her long bunny ears...

Suzie suddenly got a look of extreme discomfort on her face.

“SHIT!” she cried out very appropriately, leaping out of bed with a loud liquid sounding fart.

Wow! Chocolate can make a huge mess. Especially when partially digested.

“Chocolate Rocket powered Suzie!” crowed the Easter Bunny. She was laughing so hard I thought she’d wet herself.

“We have lift-off!” she quipped once she could draw breath without laughing. This only set her off again...

“So, do you want your stolen chocolates replaced?” She enquired once she could control herself.

“No thank you.” I replied a bit shakily. “I never thought I would think this, I seem to have lost my appetite for chocolate, for a bit.”

“Ok, see you next year,” she breezily said, winking and waving as she hopped out of our bedroom window.

I think Suzie learnt a lesson from that. Don’t fuck around with traditions. Though, knowing Suzie, most likely not.

I have always been smart which, by accident, caused me to skip a grade. On the second day of the school year, I had been sent to my get my sister from her class due to some paperwork snafu. Knocking on the classroom door, I waited then entered when the teacher called out to come in.

“The office said to give you this note,” I said to the teacher who took the note and put it on her desk unread as she was busy asking the class a question.

“Sit down next to Brian. Brian put your hand up for him.” The teacher instructed.

I dutifully sat down in the indicated seat, giving Suzie a look of bewilderment. She just smirked at me.

The teacher continued the lesson by asking a simple maths’ question for which I was the only one to put their hand up to answer. I answered in a bit more detail than the teacher expected, though I also included the answer she had wanted.

Startled, she exclaimed “Have you had this question before?”

“No,” I replied, “but I read my mom’s Uni books.”

“Is she a mathematician or statistician?” she enquired.

“No, she plays around with pluripotent stem cells and is investigating their Telomere lengths effects,” I stated. “It is quite interesting how the exactly correct length,,, “

“I’m sure it is interesting,” she interrupted. “But we should get back to mathematics. Thank you for your detailed answer!”

She continued with the lesson with occasional questions to the class, which I was delighted to answer.

I started to enjoy myself. This is more like it!

The teacher, after my having had a day in her class and her finally reading the note, realised I should not have been in her class. But I was more advanced in my knowledge than any of her other students so she decided to keep me! I think she liked the thought at least one of her students would know the answers.

I was very appreciative as it was better than being sent back into the little kiddies’ class. I was a bit upset with my previous teacher, as I did not get to play the drums. The triangle is such a wimpy musical instrument with a tinny “Ting, ting, ting” sound. It doesn’t even have more than one frequency.

Though I did get to sit with all the girls... I pondered.

This class advancement meant I was now in the same class as my sister. This actually brought us even closer together, as I would often help her with her homework.

She was pretty smart, but apparently I had a knack for explaining concepts more clearly than the various teachers we had over the years. Or, I actually knew the correct information, unlike some of our teachers!

One big problem with being advanced a year was the perception I was not boyfriend material by all the girls in my class as I was both younger and initially smaller than them. I eventually realised being smart and a nerd didn’t help attract girls, or at least it wasn’t enough to overcome the age impediment. My school years were a time of worshiping budding beauty from afar.

In high school, we had a number of inept teachers. One of which was science teacher who was so inept she was dangerous. We were lucky none of the other subjects’ teachers had chemicals to play around with!

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Interviews of My Sex Life Jen Part1

My mom’s friend, Charlotte, offered to take me to the gym with her. Charlotte is a few years younger than mom with a personality to match! She is 46, looks 25, acts 18… perfect! I’m 23, look 23, and I act 18. She was a freshman when my mom was a senior in college. They were best friends then and we’re best friends now. Charlotte never had kids, so when my brother Mike and I were younger, she bought the stuff our parents wish they could’ve bought us. Back then she was Aunty; now she’s Sis. Mike...

4 years ago
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Forced Inc Invitation to Dinner

This tale is about a young housewife. She has straight shoulder length brunette hair. Her face is slightly freckled with an upturned nose and grey eyes. She is very curvaceous with big boobs and large hips. I've based her on Yasmin Bleeth from Baywatch and so called her Yasmin Bleat. Her husband Tony works in the small town's only real business the tyre factory. He is a junior manager in the business owned by the local rich family the Beavis brothers. The pay is poor and he works very hard...

4 years ago
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Past Indiscretions

Sophie and I rarely spoke of our lives before we met. I knew she had lived with a guy for a couple of years while going to college. She knew I'd had a bad experience with an ex-fiancé. What mattered to us, was that we loved each other enough to stay married for four years, the sex was still good, if not as regular as it once was and we wanted the same things out of life. We wanted a home far into the suburbs, maybe a couple of kids, and enough money to have some of the things our friends...

3 years ago
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Dark Angel Part 10

Anniel blinked at the darkness around her. Most reapers could open portals, like Devon. She wondered if Amaranth could open one to Alpha 7. She really needed Remi’s healing fire. She was tired of not being able to see. “I know it's none of my business, but why are you so mad at Ash? What did he do?” Anniel smoothed her hands over her belly. Her bump was still small, but it filled her with bittersweet longing. Pregnant again with another jerk for the father. Three hundred plus years later, and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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My Good Deed

My Good Deed By C.J.B.B. Introduction: It all started on one of those days where you think nothing can go wrong especially what had happen today. My name is William "Willie" Colors and believe me I know that's a strange last name. My friends know me as Willie, I am 18 yrs. old, have short brown hair, have hazel colored eyes, is about 6' "5 tall, has average muscle tone and weights in at 200 lbs. My mother had to go on this business trip and would be gone for a week and because she...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Cousin Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Vinith. A big fan of ISS. Finally made my mind to submit my real sex story. The heroine of the story is my cousin sister Shreya (name changed). Me working in a reputed firm in Bangalore as a HR manager age 25 and when it comes to my dick it’s around 6inches. Any interest girls and aunties can contact me on Without wasting much of your time let me come to the story. Please ignore any mistakes as it is my 1st story and please give me feedback on Shreya and I had a good bonding...

1 year ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 18

By Wednesday, I knew something was up. Our private prep school thrives on scandal. The beach bust had fed the gossip mills for the last couple of weeks, but since Mark had taken Bethany and I home the three of us had been largely ignored. Joe’s involvement and parental house arrest was discussed as much as Camden’s sudden departure to an all-girls boarding school. There was actually a betting pool on who the next what’s-her-name would be when his grounding was up in two weeks. When...

3 years ago
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Dont get mad III

XIII Vinnie came awake, staring in horror at the orderly. The world was still foggy and rose colored. "You all right?" he asked. Such a gentleman. Ask to suck his dick. Vanessa said in his head. He shook it, clutching his temple. "I won't ask to suck him," he whispered. He repeated it like a mantra or prayer. He had never paid as much attention to anything even remotely religious since he had been an altar boy. He knew the orderly could hear him, but refused to stop. He...

2 years ago
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Stanger On The Bus To Lover 8211 Part 1

Hi guys this is Ravi (name changed).. But you can call me Akhila..Im a bi sexual and I love to cross dress..Im 24 currently living in chennai..This is a story on how I became a cute girl with the help of a stanger Lets get to my stats..Im a fair chubby guy with cute 32 b boobs, luscious lips and cute eyes with a nice big ass with a 4-inch cock..I love to wear tight pants or skirts and sway my ass infront of guys..Once I transfrom into akhila no one can tell im a guy..I love to wear western...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Phone Sex

“I'm sorry... I have to take this....... Business you know....Ok, talk to you soon.... Yes, kisses...Bye.” I switch over to the other line. “Hi,” I say in a breathless voice, excitement curling through me. “Hi,” a deep male voice responds.I giggle before I say, “I told my friend that I had to take this call because it was business.” I giggle again.“Mmmmm.... What kind of business were you thinking about doing?” you ask in a seductive tone.I bite my lip, as heat pools deep inside of me, at the...

2 years ago
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Death by fucking ch 13

Andrew's Story I've got so many balls in the air I wonder when they are all going to fall on my head. My business is going great guns. It's unbelievable what some simple little programming can bring in when applied in the right places. IAM has finally gotten off of the ground. I've built several websites for various people to access: different strokes for different folks. We are getting regular hits from twins all over the country, as well as more than a few male geniuses who are...

2 years ago
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One Year at a Time

Everybody stared at the two gorgeous blonde women strolling casually along the beach. Not because they were holding hands. It's not that unusual for women to hold hands when they're walking together, especially when they're friends, or -- like these two -- sisters. Not because they were beautiful. Though they were beautiful -- both in their early twenties, skin so tight and smooth, taught bellies, breasts high and firm, with just a hint of a jiggle as they walked. Not even because they were...

2 years ago
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Jills Passions

Jill, 45 years old beautiful women, Manager of a busy restaurant in New Jersey. But still looking younger than her years and she was not ready to surrender for the numbers of the age was keeping spring in her mind. She had been interviewing people for the assistant managers job at the restaurant for two hours and still had not found anyone suitable. She was getting discouraged as she glanced at the next resume. Lisa Mary Smith- 29years old - Cornell - pretty good experience. She hoped this...

1 year ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Kahani 8211 Part 2

Ye meri chudai ki kahani ka doosra part hai jaise ki maine apni pehli story me bataya ki maine kaise apni hi bahen apne jaal me fasa ke uske sath chudai ki aur uske andar apna mth chod diya aur iske bare me jaane ke lie meri pali story ko padai meri chdai ki kahani part Ab agae mai apni story par aata hun ki uske baad hm log wapas jake so gaye aur agale din sab kuch alag tha ab ye bhai bahen ka rishta poora change ho chuka thalkin meri behen ne poora din mujhse baat nahi ki aur maine bhi nahi...

4 years ago
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Test DriveChapter 3

“Larry, what were your plans to tonight?” She asked. The phone was on speaker as she raised the office window. The smell of her sex strong in the room. Behind her Brad reached around and fondled both breasts while kissing her neck. She gave audible gasp. “Oh. Nothing. I just pinched my finger opening window. That’s perfect because I have faculty meeting tonight.” She now had the phone in left hand as Brad tongued her right ear and she squirmed in silence. His fat fingers again in her wet...

2 years ago
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Bad Bet Now I Owe him a BJ

I'm Jeff and this is how I got cuckolded for the first time. At the time I was a sophomore in college and lived in three bedroom house with two other guys. Nick who was an easy going nice guy and Dwayne, an arrogant black guy who thought he was the greatest thing on earth, especially when it came to women.I had dated my girlfriend Jen since our senior year of high school. After graduation we both went to local schools, me the local state university and Jen went to the local two year school to...

4 years ago
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Laura Masturbates 5

From PL:Laura is an online friend of mine. She occasionally sends me a hot e-mail (or series of), which I clean up some and put into story format. Here's her latest, due to a lack of time it's not quite as cleaned up as some of the past ones but I think you'll enjoy anyway.Laura's Story: - Fun with SteveI've had some really hot experiences lately, let me tell you about one that's making me horny right now. I think I mentioned before my neighbor Steve, the gay guy. Steve is in his late...

1 year ago
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Whispers 1

Juliette sighed as she dropped the final box onto the bed of her new room. She had gotten lucky, or unlucky depending on your point of view. Since she had been the last person to apply for a room in the dorms, and nobody else had wanted the single room on the top corridor, it had become hers. It wasn’t the room itself that was the problem. It was a nice room, not quite as large as a double dorm room, but plenty roomy, and well-lit with large roof windows which had electrically operated...

3 years ago
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SARAH’S STORY We had not had a vacation for a couple of year so hubby and I decided to take an exotic trip to Thailand for a couple of weeks. Winter was approaching North Carolina and a bit more warmth would be just the thing. We went for the Asia hotel in Bangkok for the first week and their Sister Asia Hotel in Pattaya for the second week, as the traveling times were extensive, we had about 5 nights in each hotel. The first two days we did the sites we wanted to see first and was having a...

2 years ago
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The Spice of Life Chapter 6

When Jacob got home from his hair cut and the extracurricular activities that went with it, he told Holly the whole story. On the one hand, she was a little annoyed that he played without her and without her consent, given their ground rules. On the other hand, she had to admit that she had done the same thing and far worse just a few nights before and he could do nothing but watch. She finally gave into the fact that his story made her pussy sopping wet and she dragged him to bed to fuck...

1 year ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 73

~~Jack~~ Arriving in Jacob’s cave was a weird experience. Climbing out of the remains of a kine’s guts had been creepy as fuck, but not weird. It wasn’t exactly something Jack hadn’t figured the old Nosferatu had: sacrifice bowl, crazy symbols on the walls in blood, all the typical witchy witch stuff. The weird part was how there was a huge group of them, in what must have been a very private place. It had made him feel like he was crashing a séance or something. He was happy to get out of...

2 years ago
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Consequences 2 Mother

It is about four months now since I found out that my mother has become a slut. A very active one too. I'm Gary Green, now 18 years old. It's been a month now — just after my 18th birthday — that I've left home to never go back. My parents are Don, 42, and Barbara (Barbie) age 40. My Dad used to be a local salesman for a large toy company, and was promoted about 5 months ago to become the sales manager of the same company. The promotion almost doubled his salary, but it although forced...

3 years ago
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Fantasy or Regret

The sun shines brightly through your blinds, your room illuminated with a golden glow. You slowly open your eyes, greeting the new day tired and wishing to go back to sleep. Your bed is large, your blankets soft and comfortable. You turn to your side, seeing your beautiful wife still lying fast asleep. Your eyes start looking over her every detail. Her long black hair, her beautiful face, her B-Cup perky breasts, her slender waist, her nice ass, and all the way down her nice legs. You couldn't...

4 years ago
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Its a Family Affair

I try to avoid her but it’s impossible, she calls out my name across the crowded shopping mall. “Paul, hey Paul, I thought it was you, are you trying to avoid me or something?” I would have loved to be honest and say yes, but I’m too much of a soft touch to be so blunt. “No, no Jill, just didn’t recognise you, you’ve changed your hair, looks good.” Jill is my ex-girlfriend, Nikki’s’s Mother, Nikki split from me about a month ago now, not taking it too well when I confessed I had been having sex...

1 year ago
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A night to remember

It was the worst day of my life I was dressed and ready for work and I lost the car keys, found them and had to get gas I was running late and had to run some errands for the boss and he was a tempered man he was only nice to a woman named betty she had a round but firm bottom and big tits I think 38d im not sure. She pranced into his office on my promocian meeting and sparked up a convo I got kicked out of my own meeting. 25 to 30 minutes later she came out with her hair ruffled and adjusting...

3 years ago
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48 Hours

Welcome to 48 Hours. The book written by you guys. I'm going to list the character's features, turn-on's, race, gender, age, and many more so... Enjoy! Mariana: Latina, Female, 19, Long face, thin lips, green eyes, blonde hair, thick ass, dd cup, and BDSM Ce-Ce: White, Female, 24, short face, fat lips, hazel eyes, black hair/pink highlights, flat ass, a cup, Anal Penetration Kiyoshi: Japanese, Female, 18, heart shaped face, thin dry lips, pale blue eyes, brunette hair/neon blue strands, flat...

1 year ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part VIII IX

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to VII Thodi der mein didi laut kar aa gayin, unke chehre ke hav bhav kuch normal nahi the. Maine poocha kya hua didi to wo boli ki tumhaare Jeeju, Anjali aur bachhe so gaye hain, isliye main laut aayi, koi baat nahi ye baaki passengers next station par utar jaayein to main neeche wali seat par aur tum upar wali seat par so jaana. Maine kaha theek hai didi. Thodi der baad next station aa gaya aur jo extra...

3 years ago
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It8217s a 4blowjob night for this sissy boy

After pizza by candlelight, he calls me over to sit on his lap. I settle my pantied bottom across his thighs and put my arms around the back of his big neck. We talk and kiss, doing less and less of the former, until we’re doing almost exclusively the latter. Meanwhile his hands have found their way under my nightie, inside my nightie, down the back of my nightie. It feels as if he has seven or eight hands and they are all over my body. He makes me admit what a slutty little girl I am....

2 years ago
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Chicken Lilly Liver

I’ve always enjoyed having a playful wife. Even after 30 years, she makes me laugh and smile whether with me or with our kids. She has a way about her that instantly draws people in. This is not a ‘sex’ story. Just one of our typical Sunday night adventures with a sexy twist. She got the best of me and created a great memory. I hope you enjoy. — ‘OH CRUD!’ I screamed in my own head. My eyes opened and I sat up in bed. Heather, startled and falling off me, panicked. ‘WHAT?’ she gasped …...

2 years ago
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John and Brianna part 5 at the beach

It is a couple of weeks since the visit to the club. It was now Fall and the weather was getting colder and it was getting darker outside.Brianna likes to run, but this day the weather does not look very good, but it is still dry, so she decides to go for a quick one.  During the run, the clouds are closing in quickly and before she knows it the rain is streaming down and within minutes she is soaked to the bone.When she gets home finally John is also home. She is shivering all over, and he...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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VacationChapter 56

Day Fifty-six - Sunday I woke amidst a tangle of legs and arms. Sue had her head on my chest while Sandy had her head on my shoulder. I would guess it was Sue who had a hold of my morning hard on, but I couldn't tell yet. I needed to go to the bathroom really bad, so I uncovered and carefully slid out from between the two girls. Mandy was behind Sue spooning against her. When I got out of bed I pulled the covers back over them before going to pee. When I came back the three were lined up...

1 year ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 47 All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You

An isolated riverbank near the Ukraine’s Black Sea Coast 4:11pm, Monday, August 27, 1962 “Oh, Michael, I never thought I find such a strong, handsome young man like you, here in Ukraine,” Viktoriya Tolsik (nee: Kharlamov) softly stated as we walked hand in hand. The water of one of the Dnister River’s smaller tributaries splashed over our bare feet and lower legs as we meandered along the river’s edge. Viktoriya was mesmerizingly beautiful in the late afternoon sunshine. The intermittent...

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