MaybellineChapter 3 free porn video

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I did indeed sleep late into the afternoon when the phone rang.

"How soon can you be ready?" Mabel asked me. "I've booked a room," she continued before I was even awake enough to answer. "I've stayed there before, not as fancy as the Marriott, but it's clean and spacious enough to party in. I thought we'd go over, check in, and then see if we can have a bit of fun even before tonight."

"Give me an hour," I told her rolling out of bed.

She laughed. "Still in bed are we? Ok ... an hour then, dress easy, jeans ... tee shirt, this won't be the dress-suit crowd we'll be scoping out tonight like we did last night," she reminded me.

I was ready in forty-five minutes and headed over to her place. In addition to a small overnight bag, she informed me she was also bringing her "toy" bag as she called it in the event we were lucky enough to include at least one other woman tonight. We soon after headed out arriving at the inexpensive, but well known hotel a short time later. This time we were on the top floor of a nine floor unit. The room was spacious enough with a fairly large bedroom and a sitting room adjacent to that, all open but comfortable enough to move around in. It was still early yet according to Mabel before we'd actually go out and cruise any bars. Not quite six in the evening yet, she informed me we should go down to the lobby bar, hang around there for a bit and see if there was anyone we might find interesting enough to approach for a "quickie" as she called it.

And unlike the night before, we ordered a couple of beers, sitting there at the bar sipping them as Mabel glanced about the sparsely filled room. Only a handful of customers were there, a small pool table off in the back where a couple of men were playing, neither of which Mabel paid much attention to.

"What about those two?" I asked curiously, wondering why she'd already passed them over.

"They're gay," she said simply.

I looked again, there was nothing about them, either of them that would have suggested that to me. I heard some people had what they called gay-dar, but for the life of me I couldn't determine that from where I was sitting. Mabel noticed me continuing to look in their direction having obviously given up on anyone else currently within the room.

"The one on the right has black fingernails," she informed me. "Plus, if you notice, he's subtly touched the other guys hand whenever he's passed him the chalk for their pool sticks."

I looked a bit closer, observing. Sure enough he did, and his smile every time they switched turns now had more of a noticeable look to it than just being friendly and having a good time, though they were.

"Damn, you're good!" I told her. "I certainly didn't pick up on that."

Mabel laughed. "Only because I've had plenty of practice doing this," she told me. "I've learned to read people fairly well."

It was then that a guy came walking out of the restroom in the back. We hadn't seen him before when we'd come in. He had taken a booth, but appeared to be alone. He didn't even bother sitting down again, throwing a couple of bucks on the table, and then finishing his beer as he stood there. He turned and appeared to be heading out the door.

"Come on," she said taking me by the hand. "Let's see where this leads!"

Following, we trailed him through the lobby where he stopped briefly at a magazine stand perusing a few of them before deciding there was nothing of interest there.

"I bet he's here on business ... and alone," she informed me as we now watched the guy slowly making his way over towards the elevators. "Come on," she grinned once again pulling me along with her as we headed towards them as he stood waiting for the doors to open. "Follow my lead, and don't get all shy on me," she whispered just as we reached him, standing off to one side. He looked at us briefly. Mabel flashed him a smile, somehow managing to dig in her left breast against the side of my chest. The movement didn't go unnoticed as he stood there looking at her, even after the doors to the elevator had opened.

"Going up?" he asked.

He waited until we'd entered the elevator before stepping inside himself, though Mabel was already answering his question as we did that.

"Hopefully, going down too," she grinned wickedly. His look now confused, as was mine. "Just something about elevators that excites me," she said her hand now coming over to rub against the not quite noticeable bulge in my jeans. No one had even pushed the buttons to their floors yet as the doors closed.

"Floor?" He now asked having realized that, though his attention was now elsewhere as Mabel continued fondling my prick with her hand.

"No ... I'll just lean over," she giggled unzipping my fly. He laughed at that, and then pushed the top floor button.

"No guarantee's someone else won't be going up too," he informed her.

"That's part of the fun and excitement though isn't it?" She responded now taking out my rapidly stiffening cock. I was surprised I could find myself as aroused as I was, nervous as I was, as Mabel continued to fondle my prick in front of a complete and total stranger.

For the first time he addressed me, grinning. "Damn fucking lucky. Never had anyone do that for me in all the years I've been traveling around. And I've spent a lot of time going up and down in elevators," he informed us.

"You mean you've never had a woman play with your dick in an elevator?" Mabel said in surprise.

He shook his head no, pretty sure this was about as close as he'd ever come to that. And then she reached over. "Well we can't have that now ... can we?"

The moment she placed her hands on the front of his crotch, I swore I saw his cock twitch beneath the fabric of his slacks. "What floor are you on?" she now asked. We'd just then reached the top, the doors starting to open, which obviously made him nervous as he attempted to step back just in case anyone was waiting. Mabel had anticipated that however, grabbing him even more firmly not letting go. The doors opened, no one stood waiting much to his relief, but admittedly, the thought of that had even excited me more than I already was, my cock rigidly hard sticking out of the front of my jeans.

"Seventh floor," he said sheepishly, "but ... I'm not here alone either," he now said in warning.

"Oh? Wife? Girlfriend perhaps?" Mabel asked still teasing his dick.

"Ah ... no," he grimaced pleasurably as the doors closed. Once again no one had pushed any buttons. "Just another guy I work with."

"So obviously going back to your room is out of the question then."

He shook his head yes, that it was. Unfortunately the elevators started to move, informing us that someone below had sent for the elevator. Mabel pushed the button for the seventh floor. We slowed almost immediately, the doors once again opening.

"Come on," she grinned taking each of us by the hand, leading us out. "Let's find the stairs!"

They were just around the corner. The hall was empty as we approached them, Mabel brazenly pushing against the door leading us both into the stairwell. "This high up, no one ever takes the stairs," she informed us. "We should have plenty of privacy, long enough for me to get the two of you off anyway," she now added.

He looked at me curiously as she fished out his prick, finally releasing it from his slacks.

"She enjoys doing this," I said simply not knowing what else to say. "And I'm finding I rather enjoy the fact that she does," I now added as the two of us stood there, cocks out, each of us wondering what was next. Mabel answered the question shortly.

"Would you prefer a nice slick hand job? Or a blow job? But if you prefer that, I only do it with you wearing a condom," she informed the guy. "But I do have some in my purse if you'd prefer that," she now added.

"A ... a ... hand job would be just fine," he informed her as she now stood each of our cocks within her hand as she continued to stand there fondling the two of us side-by-side.

"You can play with my tits too if you'd like. It just so happens that I have two of them."

This time he didn't even hesitate, reaching over to lift up her tee shirt, exposing her bare breasts which she'd purposely left uncovered just for this very purpose. Though I am sure her hard pointed little nipples pressing against the material of her blouse were further enticement to unsuspecting participants. Even I locked eyes on her twin teats as he exposed them. I'd already seen them, and yet seeing them again ... here, now, was like seeing them for the first time myself. The atmosphere, the decadence of the three of us standing there in the stairwell, dicks out as Mabel stroked them was highly erotic and sensual.

And now, fondling her other breast myself as the stranger did just seemed to heighten this experience even more.

"Hmm, I do so love having my titties played with, especially when I'm enjoying being able to fondle a nice hard cock. And in this case, two of them too boot!" She grinned hotly.

Standing together as close as we were anyway, I was taken off guard, as was he, as Mabel suddenly pulled us even closer, our dicks suddenly coming together as she placed them side by side within her hand, still rubbing and working them up and down.

"I love doing this," she informed us both, and proceeded to continue, with neither one of us making any complaints or acting like this was a "gay" thing neither one of us were interested in. And though she stood there rubbing our cocks back and forth against one another, I wasn't thinking in those terms whatsoever, just enjoying the feel of her hand as she managed to work us up and down simultaneously.

"I ah..." he stammered, his look obvious, a bit worried an unsure.

"Just tell me, I love hearing guys tell me when they're ready to squirt," she informed him.

"Yeah ... she really does," I added. "It's sort of her thing."

"Oh, and like you don't enjoy saying it when you do!" She grinned looking towards me.

"Didn't say that," I told her. "And trust me ... you will when I do," I added already clenching my teeth now just as our stranger friend seemed to be.

"Where?" He groaned, now moaning only moments away now from doing just that.

"Where else? On my tits of course!" she told him. "I love feeling all that wet hot sticky juice splattering against my breasts!"

"In that case ... then I'm gonna..." he moaned closing his eyes.

"Say it!" She told him, now kneeling down on the floor between us. "Go on, say it ... tell me what you're going to do!"

"I'm gonna cum."


"On your tits!"


"Now! Fucking now!" He cried out, and then launched a streamer of jisim from the tip of his prick, splurging against her as she continued pumping his shaft, his sperm tossed wildly about, some of it shooting even over her shoulder hitting the wall behind us where we all stood.

Just seeing that, her other hand still working my prick as I watched, watched his cum now not quite as forcefully shooting out, more like dribbling from his cock tip onto her fingers. I felt my own release suddenly begin, announcing it.

"Oh yeah baby! Gonna squirt too babe ... here it comes babe, gonna shoot, gonna fucking cum!"

I didn't wonder or really think about it until later, yelling out my pleasure there on landing, the sounds of which reverberated down the hallow sounding stairwell. At the time however, I could have cared less. Mabel now aiming my prick at her breasts, though the first few spurts of which actually landed on her tee shirt instead, staining it with my semen. She didn't seem to mind however, actually enjoying the decadent look of it as it puddled there against her. She even finished wiping me off against her sleeve, smears of my spunk clearly noticeable, as she now stood once again, taking the hem of her shirt, using it as a cloth to now wipe off the remaining spunk residue from the other guys prick.

"Fuck!" He moaned happily, pleasurably, now uninhibitedly fondling himself as she turned her attention back to me, unlike him, and without the use of a rubber, now wrapping her lips around my cock, sucking it, cleaning it off.

She did so for a minute longer, and then stood once again. "Now ... my turn," she informed the two of us, surprising us both with this unexpected request.

Still wearing her cum-stained top, though it remained bunched up and over her bare breasts, she quickly wiggled out of her tight fitting jeans, slipping out of her sandals as well, removing them. She had nothing on underneath which didn't at all surprise me.

What did surprise me, was when Mabel climbed up onto the safety railing, balancing herself on the top bar, her feet planted on the second safety railing for support. "Ok you two, get over here and finger me, play with my clit, finger fuck my cunt!" Even then she directed the two of us as we approached her. "You," she said speaking to me without calling me by name, "You work my clit ... pinch it and rub it for me," she told me. "And you..." she said pointedly taking his hand, then extending his middle finger. "You slide this inside of me just like this. You should feel a nice soft little spot just inside, use that finger to tease me with," she informed our very smiling friend.

We now stood the two of us once again side-by-side, my hand working her clit just as she had asked, though I was also close enough to lean over, capturing one of her magnificent breasts between my lips, sucking her hard extended nipple.

"Oh yeah, yeah ... that's perfect, oh fuck that feels good!" she informed us both as we continued teasing her with our hands and fingers, though our friend now followed my actions and likewise leaned over to capture and suckle her neglected breast.

"My God she's wet!"

"Yeah, she tends to get like that," I informed him. "And she likes it when you make a lot of noise, as slippery as she gets."

"You know me too well," Mabel laughed. "But he's right, I like hearing the sounds my pussy makes when I get as wet and as juicy as I often do. So ... do like he said. Make naughty sounds with my cream, finger-fuck me so I can hear it!" She now encouraged him.

It wasn't all that difficult a thing to do either. As sloppy wet as Mabel's cunt was, the sounds he began making as he pummeled her pussy with his finger were now echoing within the stairwell. The juicy, frothy, slippery sounds of her cunt as the two of us stood there finger-fucking her split had given new life to each one of our erections. Though I half suspected that Mabel knew that it would.

"Oh yeah ... make me fucking come," she all but demanded. "Make me juice ... nice and hard, and then I want to see you juicing again too, think you can do that for me?" she asked our friend. "Think you can squirt another nice hot load all over my cunt?" she asked him.

I certainly knew I could ... but I was thinking about later. The last thing I wanted to do was overextend myself. The evening was still early yet, Mabel's idea of a quickie suddenly turning into much more than that.

Seconds later however, she was crying out, her scream of pleasure actually worrying me, wondering as she did so if someone from maintenance perhaps might have overheard her somewhere down below. Though I could only stand there and imagine the person's thoughts if they had. How many people actually had come out here on the landing and done this in the past? We couldn't have been the first people to ever do so.

"Got another one for me then?" Mabel asked as she slipped off the railing, contentedly spent for the moment. But only for the moment as I would come to realize and understand.

And not too surprising, he was indeed hard as hell again.

"I do, but I think I could go for that condom-covered blowjob you offered in the beginning," he requested.

Mabel shot me a quick brief inquisitive look, but my own in return assured her all was well, and that I found myself ok with that, and curiously interested to watch her do that. She smiled almost as quickly as she turned reaching for her purse, seconds later withdrawing a condom from the side pocket.

"These are special ones ... just for this purpose," she informed him as she tore open the package, and then placed the condom inside her own mouth. The wrapper said all natural, non-lubricated, as she then leaned forward expertly rolling down the condom over his dick with her mouth, not even using her hands.

"Fucking A!" He groaned pleasurably as she did so. And then stood there likewise leaning against the railing as she proceeded to suck him off.

It didn't take her very damn long this time either, perhaps a minute or two at the most until he was informing her of his second impending release. Her head continued to bob up and down however, her mouth working its magic along the length of his shaft as he came, crying out almost as loudly as she had.

When he was finished, Mabel removed her mouth from him, the end of his condom hanging, the reservoir tip nearly full. I was fairly certain there wasn't as much there as he'd managed to spurt the first time, but he'd given a pretty good accounting of himself for a second, fairly soon after orgasm.

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femdom 1

The Femdom We found ourselves in a nice hotel room on the top floor. We came prepared with toys. You were out of the room getting a pedicure and I am watching porn on the computer in the room. You come back much quicker than I thought and you catch me with me cock in hand jerking off to a video of a female dominate. I try to cover up but you say I guess you are ready to play and order me to strip naked. I do so all while the porn is still on the computer screen. You ask me if I like what’s on...

2 years ago
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A Body Made for One Thing Pt2

I just could not sleep that night. All I could think about was her and what if felt like to have her. I found out her name was Andrea and I got her number once I finally got out of tha bathroom. What had come over me? What was I thinking? I had sex with a woman that I didn’t even know and I tried to impregnate her! I never just fucked girls without wearing protection, but it never even crossed my mind with Andrea. Her, I just had to feel, I just had an undeniable need to breed her. Now,...

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50PlusMilfs Zava Star 58yearold Zava Star does her first anal scene

Having primed her ass with a toy in her solo scene, Zava Star is now ready to take a real cock in her ass. “This is going to be my anal debut,” Zava said. “I’m so excited.” We’re excited for her. Zava is a 58-year-old divorcee and mom with a tight little body, a hairy pussy and an ass that needs fucking. She has blond hair with sexy streaks of gray, and she has a very knowing way about her. He plays with her ass, giving us great views, and eats her hairy...

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Exploring The Sex Devil Inside 8211 Part 3

In last part you read how, me and parul enjoyed sex in my flat, now I will tell what all crazy things we did further. I really turned into a sex devil. Next day when we woke up, parul and I made plan for movie and went to near by mall. Let me tell ya brief about me and parul. I and her both work together, she was my senior at work and even married for 3 years. Not the stories continues. Parul was looking dam hot in that short length skirt and crop top, that was exposing her milky white thighs...

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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 3

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle.  * * * * When my time was up at the notification of Old Man Thorndike, I put on my shoes and panties, gathered up my crap and fled the house,...

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Der Gaumlrtner

Saskia meine Frau hatte aus alten Zeiten einen jungen selbständigen Gärtner, welche ihr für kleines Geld den Garten machte.Unser Baum musste nun vor dem Frühjahr geschnitten werden und der Gärtner kam zu einem Termin zu uns. Es klingelte, ich öffnete die Tür und vor mir stand ein 35 jähriger drahtiger, etwa 170 cm große Mann.„Ich bin der Daniel“, streckte mir die Hand entgegen. „Ich bin der Martin, komm doch herein.“Wir setzten und ins Wohnzimmer an den Tisch und warteten auf die Dame des...

4 years ago
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The Last of His KindChapter 5 The Zentas Hue I

During the time Mev and Kathleen were on shore leave there were scout teams exploring the planet from the air. The Republic battlecruiser carried a number of small, fast armed space boats which could be used as either scouts or as fighters. During the week the group of these was making daily flights ranging over the planet, providing cover for the people on the surface as well as exploring the planet in more detail. One of the pilots of these small craft, Lt. Beverly Franklin guided her ship...

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Ecort Service V Deta Hu For Delhi

Hi guys,kanik again.Jis female ko meri jrurat ho mujhe contact kr skti hain pe mai unko bilkul free service dunga hope karta hoon ki aap sab masti me hoge, bht din baad me apni ek nai story post kiya hoon, wese aap mere pichli stories to padhe hi honge wo thi mere pados ki aunty,, par ye story unse related nai hai, ye story recently mn jb delhi meri vacation k dauraan meri dental checkup k liye,, wese bina time waste karte hue me apni story me ata hoon, hm lod delhi k ek tourist hotel me 2...

2 years ago
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A Woman After Midnight

It was late getting to Deborah. I’d been away for three months reporting the mess we are making in the Middle East. That’s what I do, I am a journalist/reporter but the job wrecks one’s social life. I have already gone through two broken relationships, being away for so long. It is understood, who would expect a woman to be that patient in putting up with long absences – unless she really was special, and that’s my Deborah, I don’t known how she puts up with me but I know one thing, it makes...

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major foot fetish

i love men's feet! i'm over 35 & i've turned into a dirty sock sniffer. i don't know how it escalated to this level. i've stolen friends dirty socks, never got caught! i've become so brazen that now after i sleep with some one i ask them for something to remember them by, an article of clothing,their socks, to their reply,they're probably stinky.Then i think to myself, God I Hope So!

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Between Mister Joachins legs Part II

That day was unique, I would never forget how an 9 year old boy touched, caressed and tasted the veiny, big and fat cock of a 35-year-old man.I did not go again to my friends' house until three days later, since I was a little afraid that Mister Joachin might say something about what happened, I did not know what he was going to tell me, he would scold me, he would tell my parents; I didn't know what was going to happen.On the third day I came back. I remember it was Saturday and that meant...

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In the Studio Part 1

My photographic work had, over the past few years, changed from filming in far-flung parts of the world to being almost entirely studio based. Whilst the portable camera excelled in capturing events as they happened, my early training in stage lighting served me well in the studio and earned me a good living. Today, my subjects were two women, Jill and Susie, in their late twenties who wanted some erotic pictures for their own private collection. So, Jim, my assistant and I had been...

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Declans Secret Part 1

Declan was my age and was in my year at school. I wasn’t gay when I first met him and I don’t really consider myself to have a sexual desire for any other man. I’ve been straight all my life and I am attracted to most of the fit girls in my year. The only exception is Declan because I always imagined fucking his arsehole when he was getting changed to do PE in school. The story begins in the last lesson of PE, which also happened to be the last lesson of the school day. Declan was supposed to...

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Fleeting Fantasy

I caught your eye today. Today you stared right back at me. I always wonder if you just think I’m creepy. Do you see the lust in my eyes? Do you know that I am hungry for your touch? Do you want me in the same way I want you? I return to my dorm room, tossing my keys onto my desk. I hear my next door neighbor moaning as she and her boyfriend kick off the night; a taunting reminder that I’m alone. I look in the mirror. I’m 5’6” with short hair dyed ebony black, dark green eyes, decent skin for...

Straight Sex
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what really happened

so as many of you know me and hubby have been exploring some of our fantasies with a close friend , which has now ended due to some trust issues , a lot of you have asked what happened so here it is .we agreed to meet at grahams house on a Saturday lunchtime due to lack of privacy from our respective c***dren , i was asked to wear a dress by graham so i dressed up in new dress and heels , as we arrived at grahams house the sun was shining and a lot of his neighbors seemed to be out working in...

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Little sister gets in on the action

Lily's breakup from Chris was hard. He was pretty pissed when he found out she'd gone to bed with me. The little shit came over and stormed into the house wanting to kick my ass. I managed to talk him out of it, with Candy's help. He'd known her a lot longer than he had known me. She was almost like another mother for him.He ended up sitting on the couch crying and blubbering about how much he loved Lily and tried to do his best for her. Candy told him she thought he ought to have a long talk...

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One Night in Bangkok

WARNING: This story deals with the subjects of child molestation and pedophilia. If this offends you, please do not read this story. Fictionmania has tons of other stories that do not deal with this subject. I got the idea for this story from a book I read that detailed how Western men are going to Thailand to have sex with the abundance of child prostitutes in Bangkok. ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK By Ken Meredith Sam Haywood was sitting in the first class section of United...

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After the fall

It is 31 years since the final global war ended in a phyrric exchange of nuclear weapons with an unhealthy dose of chemicals and biologicals thrown in for good measure. after the dust had settled civilization had fallen and approximately 80% of humanity had died, further deaths were caused by starvation and sickness as plagues swept the few survivors further thinning their ranks, as it stands now the earths population is only about a tenth of what it was originally. Those few battle the...

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 76

"I lied" McCock said bluntly to Commodore Tremaine and Captain jg Sir Victor Carlton as they stood in the Command Centre of HMS "Infamous". Sir Victor said "Aggy, I got that horrible sinking feeling when I read our orders. You wrote them didn't you? They were so vague – couldn't have written them better myself. Of course, this fine upstanding example of an RMN officer couldn't envisage anyone being so sneaky. Now the full story Sir." McCock looked at his COHAC with a slight smile;...

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The Wedding

The WeddingNikkie SilkPart OneTrust me when I tell you I don't normally check the wedding announcements. I hate weddings. Ever since I was a page boy at my aunt’s wedding, when my mother made me wear a pale blue tuxedo. I was six, for God’s sake. She said I looked so cute.Aunts and Uncles oohed and aahed at me as I walked down the aisle with the rings on a little satin pillow, but I hated it. You see, what I really wanted to be was one of the bridesmaids in their gorgeous frothy, frilly pink...

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Jason and his naughty Mum

It always seem hard trying to start anything like this so I suppose I better begin by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Alison Roberts I am a single mum with a 13 year old boy called Jason. I work part time in a local shop and have just had my 32nd birthday. I haven’t had many relationships with men and to be honest I don’t really miss having a man around. We live in a nice house (bought by my parents) and even though I don’t earn much I am always ?borrowing? money from them so...

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EmergencyChapter 5

"STEVEN — WHERE ARE YOU?" Julie screamed, now up and walking, after being cleaned up. The police arrived. They took the gun from Mary, put David's dead body on a gurney, and whisked him away. "JULIE, are you all right?" her brother asked carefully walking back into view. "Daddy ... our father ... is dead!" The kids took a shower and got their suits back on. They went out and waved good-bye to Jeff and Jo. It was scheduled for them to come back on Saturday for dinner with the...

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The Pendant 4

Chapter Four The next day there were two things different. One was that Bobby and I started hanging out independently of Jake and Mike. We would say hi and stuff to them but then keep going. The other thing was that Bobby kept giving me this smile like we were sharing a secret. OK, we were sharing a pretty big secret but it bothered me that he was so obvious about it in front of others. After school I didn’t rush to get home so I was only there a few minutes before Bobby showed...

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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Five

I was begging Robert to let me suck my first black cock and I still wasn't sure if he would give me permission or deny me.Finally Robert spoke, "Mark I think I will allow your wife to suck my cock. Would you like to sit here next to me and watch her being a cock slut for me?"Mark said, "Sure, I love watching DeAnn being submissive."As Mark got up he told Suzy to go over to the bar and fix him and Robert another cocktail. While Suzy was doing that, Mark crossed the room and sat down next to...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 9 Dark and Airless The Conclusion

Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 9, Dark and Airless [The Conclusion] by jessicablank Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Sunday morning, Mistress kept Daniella in a deep brainwashing trance while letting the slave watch close up, as Dominica took the long laces from a friend's leather outfit, tied little bumps in one cord, and masturbated herself to an intense orgasm. She then sent Daniella to the bathroom, with...

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My Sons First TimeChapter 2

"It's not going in, Robbie, push some more," and he shoved forward once more. "Maybe you're not wet enough?" "Oh, I am so wet, just push harder, just make it go in," she said as she lifted her hips up and he arched forward pushing. "Oh, it's going in, keep pushing, oh, yes, that's better," and I can see that she's raised up on her elbows looking down. Robbie's cock must be inside her because he was now thrusting in and out of her and she was meeting every movement with those...

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Dinner is Served

As I pulled into the driveway I could barely get the truck in park before I opened the door. After the conversation that I had on the phone with my girlfriend a little earlier, I knew I was in for a treat for dinner. When she offered to make me whatever I wanted for dinner tonight I decided to spice things up a bit with a request that I had been wanting to make for quite some time. This seemed to be the right time, as I could tell that she was in a particularly amorous mood and would be more...

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Loving Carol Part II The Dark and the Dawn

Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her. He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him, with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn’t like it when he cried, but sometimes… She offered him no hope, but at least she didn’t...

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Chrissie Takes Command

All this started almost incidentally at the end of a perfect evening when I was feeling especially wild. It was a beautiful spring night and my wife, Chrissie, and I had gone to a great engagement party for a friend who was marrying for the third time. The pavilion in the park where the party was held was beautiful and romantically lit. Many old friends were there. The band was terrific and we danced until the wee hours, drinking a great deal of expensive champagne. We let the top down on the...

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EvilAngel Adira Allure TwoCreampie Threesome

Cute blonde Adira Allure is always down for a raunchy threesome. Wearing a teeny bikini and high heels, the wild sex freak teases handymen Jason Moody and Chris Diamond. She serves them a lemonade concoction seasoned by her squirting pussy juice! Adira gives a gagging double blowjob, and the guys subject her to intense anal fucking. One dude drills her throat as the other plows her asshole, resulting in multiple, gushing orgasms. Sodomy includes ass-to-mouth fellatio, vulgar farting and immense...


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