Subliminated free porn video

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"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton

"What goes around, comes around." - unknown

I have heard of people 'snapping' before but never really understood it - until now.

Perhaps I should begin by telling you a little about myself. My name is Dan Smith (Yeah - right). I am 38 years old. I stand 6' 2" and weigh about 225 pounds. I am in pretty good shape, my job is very physical and I work out regularly so I can keep up with the young guys on the job site.

I am lead carpenter on a framing crew. I started construction right out of high school and I used to like it, but for the past few years all we have been doing is cookie cutter condos. Takes all the challenge and fun out of it. Lately it has really begun to suck.

I didn't have to be a blue-collar type, at least at one point I could have avoided it. I had brains; most of my hobbies were pretty cerebral. I could do crossword puzzles pretty fast and I had tried a few college classes and had aced them. I loved computers and did a lot of independent research on the Internet.

Simple fact is - had I applied myself even a little bit back in my teens and early twenties I would be a whole lot better off now. But, back then the only things that mattered were parties and pussy.

That is until Melanie had come along. She is simply the most beautiful woman I have ever seen (then and now) and she is the love of my life. Standing about 5' 4" she weighs in at 100 pounds (but don't tell her I told you) with long golden blond hair and intense blue eyes. Her breasts aren't huge, but 'C' cup tits on her lithe frame are plenty big.

We have been married for just over fifteen years but don't have any kids, which is just fine with me since her tiny waist and tight round butt have never been tampered with by mother nature.

Back to my lament...

After we got married we bought a house with a mortgage just a little more than we could really afford. We furnished it on credit and did a lot of nights on the town - on credit. Credit cards were like magic money to us.

So, here I am. Working six days a week at a job that is sucking the life out of me, trying to crawl out of the debt hell I put myself in. Take my word for it... credit cards are evil. But they did require my cooperation to put me where I was. At least I wasn't digging in deeper even as I tried to pull myself out. Perhaps I should repeat that with the emphasis where it belongs... at least 'I' wasn't digging in deeper.

My lovely bride, on the other hand, had no problem spending money we didn't have. What she did have a problem with was working outside the home, or inside the home for that matter. To be fair, she did laundry and cleaned up after herself. I took care of my own messes and did most of the cooking as well as everything outside.

I dragged my ass home from work one particular evening, completely worn out, trying to decide if I had enough energy to make something for dinner but I didn't think so which really sucked because I was starving. I walked in the house to find a big screen TV in the middle of our living room. Melanie came bounding out of the kitchen (what she was doing in there is anyone's guess) with a giant smile on her face.

"Do you like it sweetheart?" She beamed.

"Where did it come from?" I asked tentatively, afraid I knew the answer and it was making my blood boil.

"That new Bestest Buymart. I signed up for their store card and got 10% off. I saved you over three hundred dollars. And we only have to pay fifteen dollars a month until it's paid off."

Saved... Three hundred... oh shit... at 26% interest. With a three thousand dollar balance fifteen bucks a month wasn't even half the interest. I was barely making the payments we had now. There was no way we could afford this.

I felt pressure inside my head. My ears were hot. I looked down to find my fists tightly clenched. Every muscle in my body was tight with rage. I tried to control my breathing.

Calm down... breath in... slowly... breath out... in... out...

Okay... I could deal with this...

"Sweetheart." Melanie said with a pout, "I'm bored, can we go out to dinner tonight?"

So much for the breathing.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I could feel my eyes bulging as I screamed at her.

Melanie looked at me in shock. In the fifteen years we had been married I had rarely even raised my voice to her.


"But I WANT it." She said defiantly, stepping up to me.

That was when I snapped. For a brief second I was totally out of my mind and I did the most hideous thing I could ever imagine doing. I put out both hands and pushed her backwards... hard. The moment my hands made contact I was horrified.

She went over the coffee table and onto her back.

I immediately went around to see if she was okay, apologizing as I neared her.

She slapped me.


"Melanie... no... I... I'm so sorry... I never..."

"SHUT UP!" She yelled as she ran into the bedroom and locked the door.

I tried knocking on the door, begging, pleading, I told her she could keep the television but nothing worked. She wasn't talking, and I couldn't blame her.

Then I saw her MP3 player and knew that if I was going to keep her, I had to do something drastic.

For a little over a year I had been toying with the idea of subliminal messages. I started screwing around with them when I thought that I could use them to get Melanie interested in sex more than once a week. She was so damned beautiful that I wanted to fuck her two or three times a day but I would settle for two or three times a week.

I had been copying her play list off of her MP3 player and making a super secret revision of it. I had found a program that I could use to edit MP3's and I could program macro's to edit batches of files as long as I did the same thing to every file. I used this to record messages and insert them into her songs just under the music. It took some trial and error but I finally got it down to the point I knew just what levels to use.

It started with just suggesting sex more often and grew to include more budgetary discipline and a desire to get a job. Lately I had added that she was totally submissive to my desires and yearned to please me in any way she could. Since I hadn't really planned on using it, I guess I went a little crazy.

It was sort of my 'ace in the hole' when she pissed me off. It gave me an 'I know something you don't know' feeling that helped calm me down as I fantasized about what life would be like after I had conditioned her. I hadn't tried it because I didn't really think it would work - but now I had no choice, whether it worked or not. I was going to lose her anyway, and this was my only hope.

I went to the computer downstairs next to my workout room and hoped she would stay mad - and in the bedroom - just a little longer. I didn't want to take any more time than necessary but I needed to add one more message. I picked her favorite song and added that as long as I never hurt her again she would forgive me. I wasn't sure it would take, but it was worth a try.

I plugged in her player and made the switch as fast as I could. It took forever and I was terrified she would come down while I was doing it.

I needn't have worried. She was still locked in there when I went to work the next morning still wearing the same clothes I had worn the previous day.

While I worked I wondered if she was using her MP3 player, if she was subconsciously hearing the messages hidden just below the music.

Then there was the message hastily added to her favorite song.

I hoped they worked.

I noticed, when I got home that the player had been moved. That didn't mean she had listened or if she had that the messages had worked. I found her sitting out on the back deck. She looked at me coolly. Without saying a word she went inside the house and locked herself in one of the guest rooms. At least I could get a change of clothes.

It was the same story the next day as well. But on the third day...

I walked through the door and she was standing not four feet in front of it.

"If you ever do anything like that again I am leaving." She said with a very serious look in her eye.

"If I do, don't worry, I'll leave instead." I said in all honesty. "Melanie, I am so sorry... I never want to hurt you."

She studied for a few moments, then stepped to me and slid her arms around me.

"You're forgiven, but you really scared me."

"It scared me too. I promise I will never do anything like that again."

She looked up at me.

"I'll call the store and have them come pick up the television. I guess we really don't need it."

"Thank you sweetheart." I wondered if her new play list had anything to do with that. She had returned things before, so it wasn't a sure thing.

"What would you like for dinner?"

That, however, had never happened before.

I looked down to see her perfect features and stunning blue eyes looking up at me expectantly.

"Whatever you feel like making is fine with me."

After a meal of baked chicken thighs, steamed vegetables, and mashed potatoes I decided that I didn't mind cooking all that much. I'm sure she would get better with practice, but wasn't sure I was willing to endure it. How, exactly, do you screw up steamed vegetables?

We cleared the table together and loaded the dishwasher.

"Now," she said taking my hand, "I have a special dessert planned."

She led me to the bedroom. Pushing me back onto the bed she quickly had my pants off and fondled my cock to full hardness. She smiled sweetly, her gorgeous golden hair framing her beautiful face as she lowered her mouth to my twitching hard-on.

She licked it slowly up and down a few times. I shivered in pleasure as her full lips descended around my pulsing member. Her mouth slid up and down while her tongue lashed from side to side. Her hand followed her mouth with a twisting motion.

She kept this up for long heavenly time. Just as I was about to blow a load into her mouth I stopped her. She again smiled sweetly up at me. I rolled her over and stripped off her pants and panties. She spread her legs and I was face to face with her delicious pink pussy.

I touched my tongue to it and she gasped. I slid my tongue up the slit and down the right side, up the slit and down the left side. It was small enough that I could cover it completely with my mouth and suck on it while I drove my tongue as deeply into it as I could. It was hot, tight and wet.

"Ohhh... God... Dan... Yes... feels so... good..."

I lapped up her pussy's wonderful nectar. Again driving my tongue into her tight tunnel, I worked on her clit with my upper lip.

"Fuck... good... Mmm..."

She moaned and thrashed. Her legs wrapped around my shoulders and I reached up outside her legs to knead her firm tits. I took her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and twisted gently.

"Ohhh... Yes... Yesss... YES... YESSS"

She came hard, holding me tightly with her legs.

She slowly came down into after glow and my hands left her tits, caressing down her sides, past her narrow waist and onto her slightly flaring hips. I lifted my face from her dripping snatch and slid up to give her a kiss.

She hugged me closely as we kissed.

"I love you, Dan." She breathed as we parted. "I need you to fuck me now, fuck me hard."

My thick cock slipped easily into her wet pussy, its snug walls closing firmly around it. The slick friction always felt wonderful. I had been fucking this pussy for over fifteen years and it was always fantastic.

As my cock drove into her slick snatch I gazed into the wondrous beauty of her green eyes. She met my gaze while she gave voice to the pleasure she was feeling.

"So good... your cock... Oh God, Dan... give it to me... fuck me good..."

She clenched her pussy sending thrills swirling about my body. I slowed my pace and savored inch of delightful friction as I slid in and out. I felt the first signs of an orgasm beginning deep in my balls and I rolled over to put her on top. This always gave me a slight reprieve and allowed me to enjoy this lovely vision on the end of my dick just a little longer.

She put her hands on my chest and began working my cock with her pussy. She tried to keep eye contact with me, it was a little game we played while we screwed - it ensured we were thinking only of each other. As her orgasm built I could tell it was getting harder and harder for her to keep her eyes on mine.

I bent my knees slightly and started slamming my cock into her. This put her over the edge and she screamed in orgasm. This time her after glow found her resting on top of me. She nuzzled my neck and whispered loving affirmations as she regained her strength.

She rose up on her hands with her elbows slightly bent and moved her body along mine. Her tight pussy slid up and down my shaft while her nipples caressed my chest. I guided her tits so the soft breast tissue and her hard nipples were brushing my own.

The hot friction on my cock and the thrill of her tits and nipples on my chest soon had me at the edge. I wrapped my arms around her firmly and held her hips in place. My cock was buried motionless in her tiny twat, allowing me to come back from the edge.

When I had recovered sufficiently I released her and she continued her previous ministrations, which soon had me again at the edge. I tried to hold off again. This was another game we played, I tried to prevent my orgasm as many times as I could, she played along knowing that the more times I was brought to the edge without cumming, the harder I would finally cum.

But this time she was having none of it. I tried to hold her hips in place but she struggled. The tiny movements of her tight pussy around my cock slowly continued the build up of my orgasm. I felt it boil up, it simmered for a long time and finally I moaned as thick jets of hot cum flooded her greedy snatch. She smiled and sighed as I gave her my cum, our eyes locked the whole time.

My hips jerked involuntarily as she milked my cock with her pussy, she smiled. She loved seeing me twitch as her tight pussy stimulated my cock, which was always overly sensitive just after I came.

We snuggled together and drifted off to sleep. I knew in the morning that the suggestions had definitely worked since we made love again before I left for the day.

I should have tried these things a long time ago. Of course the job sucked... but not as bad as usual.

It continued like this for several weeks. I did take out the hasty message in her favorite song. She had forgiven me and I was afraid it would only act as a reminder.

We had worked as a team in the kitchen, she was picking it up pretty quick, but I found I enjoyed cooking now that she was with me. It gave me more time to ogle her firm tits and round ass. We would 'accidentally' bump into each other often. I got used to eating with a tremendous hard on. Dessert was always worth the wait.

One day I arrived home and she was waiting with a huge smile.

"I have a surprise for you." She said happily.

I felt a knot in my stomach and quickly looked around to see what she had bought. There was nothing there.

"I got a job!" She screamed and bounded into my arms. I hugged her back enthusiastically.

"I start next week as a cashier and the food mart."

Subliminal messages were awesome. Things were working out better than I had hoped.

Then I got an idea.

We had always enjoyed watching porn together. I had often caught her getting a little turned on by the girl on girl or two-girl one-guy scenes, so I thought with a little push or two...

Within a few weeks the regular messages embedded in her play list were augmented.

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Two Sisters Altogether

This isn’t my story but submitted to me by one of my reader, he mailed me the whole story and I’m submitting it on behalf of him, you can mail me on rehmaan [email protected], writer do not want to get contacted directly. So his story goes in his word... The story began when I was working for a Computer Teaching Institute. Let me introduce myself first, my name is something else but people call me Nishu, it was a pet name for me but when whole city inherited it I was known as this name only and...

2 years ago
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Reunited Ch 04

So here’s the deal, y’all. If you don’t like the brevity of the chapters, sorry. But no one is forcing you to read them, and as the author, IdowhatIwant. ???? Thanks for those who say positive things. Thanks for those who write negative ones, though if they have nothing to do with content and are mainly just complaining about time/length, they’re not really all that helpful. To the person with the suggestion to put two chapters together: that would totally work, but my next chapter takes place a...

4 years ago
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Read To Me

It’s the heart racing like crazy I missed most. The excitement of love and sex pushing me over the top. It had been a long time since I felt that with Mike. I realize it was as much my fault as his. During sex I usually just let him work hard. I admit I still liked the fact that he did that, took the time to lick me down below and to caress my body before making forceful love to me, but it had become so predictable. Without the excitement that got my heart racing like earlier in our marriage it...

Straight Sex
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The GeneralChapter 10

Mark left Sue Ann Pfeiffer just before lunch and headed back to Atlanta to make final arrangements for his prom commitment to Sandy. He was determined to make the evening memorable for her as best he could. To counteract the feeling of isolation that she was experiencing from her classmates, he suggested that she invite her best friend Carol, and her date, to join them for the evening. He knew just enough about high school proms to know that no two were alike and decided that he needed more...

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The Fox Who Owned the Henhouse

For the first time in a long time, Corey's future seemed promising to him. A bright smile covered his face as the eighteen year old high school student walked the short distance back home. The reason for his smile still tingled on his cheek; it was a soft kiss from his long time crush Ashley Grant. "I can't believe it," Corey thought to himself. "She said yes! Even better yet, she asked why I waited so long." The image of the blue haired girl looking at him through her adorable glasses kept...

1 year ago
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My First Time

My first time By vaman4u My parents were out all day Saturday, so I felt the blood rush to my face and my breathing get rapid and shallow as I climbed the stairs. I searched through the laundry basket and found a pair of my mom's nylons. In an excited state, I walked into my parent's room and opened my mother's lingerie drawer. I found a flimsy, tan garterbelt and attached it. I then rolled the stockings on, loving the way they smoothed my legs and gleamed. My body was thin and...

3 years ago
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Tim the Teenage Part XXXII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 3 - Who's The Master In This House? (mc, mf) "Tim, you never did say why you were coming with us," Penny said as she got comfortable against Michael's chest. We were riding in the limo with the permanent bed. I had planned to use it for sleep if not sex. Penny was a little mad at me for insisting I ride along with her. She thought I wanted some gratitude from her in...

3 years ago
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Hall Pass Part One

CHAPTER 1: THE INSANITY BEGINS “You want me to do WHAT?!!” I exploded at Susan, my wife of twenty-four years.“There’s no reason to shout at me, Russ. It’s a perfectly reasonable request,” she whined.That was the scene in our kitchen barely a week ago when my wife brazenly asked me to grant her a ‘hall pass’. When I asked her just what she meant by a hall pass, she calmly explained that she wanted me, for a day or two, to allow her to freely have sex with anyone who she found attractive, with no...

1 year ago
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Threesome An Unintentional but Pleasant Surprise

Heidi meets a hunk at the gym and ends up at his place, but she ends up getting more than she expected. A threesome had swirled around my mind for some time. The only problem was finding two hot guys who knew each other and wanted me. A friend had suggested that I join a gym to meet guys. Three months had passed since I tasted dick, so I was desperate enough to overcome laziness and put on my leggings. The last time I had seen the inside of a gym was five months ago, but taking my dog for a...

4 years ago
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Teasing My New Neighbor Part 2

As I was getting ready for dinner with Sally and her husband I wondered for the thousandth time what I was doing. Just the day before I had been openly masturbating in my yard only to look up and see whom I assumed was Sally’s husband watching me, cock out, from the windows directly facing my house. Not only was it mortifying, it might have been the single most scintillating experience of my life. Something about it, him watching me spray that water hose on my swollen nipples, pulling my...

3 years ago
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My ice cream Sunday

The naughty estate agent Takes me to look around an ice cream parlour It’s late in the evening A warm hot summers evening These games are fun The owner wants a quick sale to move abroad he’s dropped the asking price dramatically Shame it’s such a cute little shop ice cream in every flavour Perfectly overlooking the harbour id buy it if I actually had any money and charge people low prices so everyone can afford the most luxury ice cream money can buyFancy an ice cream help yourself ? The...

1 year ago
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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 23

We took Patrick marketing. He acted as a 'baby magnet' for every female in every shop and appeared to soak up all the attention. But he was definitely good and didn't even complain until we were back home. I guess he was learning where he could let his (sparse) hair down. We had a quiet salad lunch, anticipating the meat glut at dinner. "I read Harry Heathcote," Weena said. "It was very interesting. Do you think Queensland was really like that?" "Yes. Though, as I recall, Trollope...

4 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 16

cabin tents rented for $25 a day summer $30 a night winter rate extra person was $10 trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50which had become my Titan home temporarily John Boyd 28yrs old at the start of the story Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. At the start of the story Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective...

4 years ago
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The Case of the Masochistic Wrestlers

A Trudy Tolliver Story "Tolliver, get your ass in here!" I sighed. "Coming," I hollered right back. Mr. Peterson was a major pain in my aforementioned ass, but when he called, you didn't dally. I shut the door to his office, behind me. "You bellowed?" "Can the cutesy stuff, Tolliver," he said, talking around the chewed up stogie clutched between his teeth. "I have an assignment for you." "I can hardly wait." So far my assignments, if you could even call them that, had been...

1 year ago
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TheFlourishXXX Armani Black The Pros Episode 01

The Pros – Season 1 Episode 1 feat Armani Black and Derek Savage has Derek being a WR (football) for the Miami Renegades about to go into his contract year. His agent (T-Bone aka Mr. Flourish) gives him 2 firm instructions, (1) Sit out this year if we don’t get a contract extension and (2) Stop fucking all these chics everywhere who are looking for a come up anyway possible, to keep his dick in his pants. Derek has an interview on a sports show which is played by Armani Black. She...

3 years ago
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Japanese HotelHealth

There are some establishments in Japan called Delivery-Health or Hotel-Health. They advertise on the web and are located in the red-light districts in Tokyo. The shops have a narrow store-front and advertise with neon signs. You go in, they show you cards of available girls who are foreigner friendly and they will find a hotel for you. It is best you have Japanese skills. I have heard of people turned away because they could not speak Japanese. A usual session is for two hours. Yuki, the girl I...

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She was single and a friend of a friend. Id been out having a few drinks but was still fairly sober. I thought she was beautiful, she had sexy eyes and they would turn me on when she looked at me, She had luscious lips that I wanted to kiss and taste. I wanted to run my hands all over her body and fuck her brains out. I didn't think I stood a chance with her, We were having a chat, I loved to listen to her, she was so very funny, smart, intelligent loving and kind, Brains as well...

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Chastity and hot wife

Let me set the scene, my wife Andrea is five foot three and weighs an even hundred pounds. She has shoulder length bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. Her tits are thirty four B cups and she has a perfect pair of legs. When we dated she always wore what I'd call sexy outfits, tight short shorts and mini skirts. Her legs are her best feature and she loves showing them off. I noticed how after we had been out and she had received lots of looks from men that she was extremely excited when we had...

3 years ago
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How I Was Seduced By My Roommate

Hi all, I am very new to this site. I started to see this stories three days before only, I don’t wanna hide my secrets that’s why I wanna share to all and give pleasure. First of all, I apologize u all for my poor vocabulary and grammar. But I think my story would give real pleasure at the end though its mistake. I am Vaibav, 23 years old, currently staying in Pune. It’s my true experience which was happened during my final year engineering. (Two years ago) and also it was first time to lose...

Gay Male
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「ザキさん、こんなクソ寒い夜中になんの用ですか」 空気も凍るような寒さの夜、理由も告げずに俺を稽古場へ呼び出した小劇団の先輩、崎山に不満を隠さず声を掛けた。そこは、稽古場というより廃倉庫といったほうがしっくりくるボロ屋で、風が吹かないだけ外よりマシという状況だった。貧乏劇団ゆえ暖房器具など置いてすらない。 「おう、すまねぇな、森田。ちょっと見せたいもんがあってな」 「金貸してくれってのは無しですよ」 「そんなんじゃねぇよ。芝居の話だ、芝居の」 崎山はもう四十も半ば、芽の出ない役者だ。売れない理由は、今時となっては珍しい「飲む」「打つ」「買う」と三拍子を見事に揃えた素行の悪さが、業界中に知れ渡っているせいだった。どこぞの脚本家の奥さんに横恋慕して旦那に殺されかけただの、賭場で負けて裸で電車に乗って留置所に入れられただのと、逸話には事欠かない。 「今日はオメェにいいもんを見せてやろうと思ってさ」 俺とは二十も歳の離れた崎山だったが、なぜかウマがあった。俺は馬鹿みたいに破天荒な崎山の生き方が好きだったし、崎山も俺のことを愛弟子だと勝手に決めているようだった。 「なんですか、いい物って?...

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A Little Girl in the Making

A Little Girl in The Making It was bright and sunny afternoon as Tony headed home from work. He had a pretty big day of being the boss at his high powered finance job. As he stood on the crowded train he thought to himself, "Maybe I'll go for a run when I get home." However, his girlfriend had other things in mind for him. Brooke never really liked the idea of children, but as she got older, she decided that kids may not be such a bad idea, as long as they stayed well behaved and...

2 years ago
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Identical Twins II Our Graduation

This story is a chronological progression from my last story: Identical Twins - Camping Trip. Our camping trip ended in February 1997, just prior to my twin brother and me commencing our second year at university. Before continuing, I must correct a misconception I provided in my first story, thanks to some person who passed a comment in the comments section. After being led to believe Hunter and me were identical twins, I have since found out we are only fraternal twins,...

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Slutty Fun at the YMCA Pool

Hi Y’allI’ve recently started swimming again as I enjoy it as a way to stay in shape and get some exercise. My neighbor here in Spanaway works at the nearby Mel Korum YMCA and was able to get me a family membership for the cost of a single membership. I like it much more than the JLBM pools and facilities as the k**s can enjoy the slides and such without the hassles and regiment of the military.I’ve been coming here two or three times a week for over a year now and I just love it. I try to come...

2 years ago
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Part I: Ache She is a long woman, lean and pale. Long legs pull your eyes up to where they meet. Her long neck carries them further, to her face, that sweetly weak chin, her mouth. Only her lips are full bodied. She has never liked her body, thinking that she is much too tall, that her hips are too wide, that her butt sticks out, that her chest is too flat; but men, and some women, enjoy watching her walk past and turn to look when she can't see them, to imagine her naked, imagine crawling...

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Uncle And Me

Hi this is Soniya here with an experience of sex first time in life. I am a regular reader of this site and now i think about posting my own experiences with you . In our house we were my mother, father and my sister . I am 18 yrs old and my sister is 16.This story happens when i visited my uncle’s house in my summer holidays. My uncle robin and aunt jismi lived alone , my aunt is around 22 yrs and my uncle is around 26 years. My aunt was very free to me, we were just friend. They have no...

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Showing Panties

I moved my chair back from the table somewhat to make it harder for her to see me taking in her luscious legs. They were smooth and flawless and my mind actively imagined what it would feel like to be able to kiss, stroke and lick them as much as I wanted. My cock hardened in response to these fantasies. Our conversation during our first date involved sharing personal information. I'm divorced six times, and she was widow that had not dated since her husbands tragic death. we both became more...

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Montessori High SchoolChapter 5

We were sitting around the breakfast table the following morning. Rose had not slept well ... the previous day's excitement combined with Junior's doing his Aikido kata during the night had made that she had spent more time awake than asleep. Debra had asked that she not go to school that day and, after discussing it with her and underlining that she would not, should not, be spending the rest of her life in hiding, we allowed her this extra day to come to grips with her mortality. It's a...

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A Demons Heaven

“Qwan!! Huh?” “Reen, you iight gurl?” “Yeah, I’m cool. I just had a dream me and Tuqwan was together, lovin each other, we said we loved each other and I had to let him go, like something took him. I hope he’s fine.” “Gurl please, that Negro ain’t doin nuffin, he ain’t got shit without you, go back to sleep, me and Timothy tryin to get or fuck on.” “IIght gurl.” “Goodnight Reen.” “Goodnight Shamika., Goodnight Qwan Baby, I love you.”

2 years ago
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Kaama Veriyan Ennai Tharumaaraga Oothan

Niraiya aangal avargalin intha inaiya thalathil pathivu seithu irukiraargal. Aanal pengal matum kuraivaagave pathivu seithu irukiraargal, naan oru pen vibachaari. Niraiya aangal ennai oothu irukiraargal innum sola ponal naan niraiya aanalai oothu irukiren. Ennai irupathile miga kaamamaaga ootha oru kaama veriyanai patri ungalidam solla pogiren. Intha kathaiyai manam balaveenamaanavargal padika thevai illai en endraal ithil kaara saaramaaga sila sambavangal nadanthu irukum. En siru vayathile en...

3 years ago
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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 6 Louisiana

"Here's yar dinner." I responded, "Do you have some wine, maybe a 1995 Chardonnay? Two glasses, if you can join me." "Wise ass. Keep up that kinda stuff asshole and the judge tomorrow won't ever let you get out of here." I sat in the corner bunk in a jail cell in Alexandria, Louisiana. The room was hot, fetid, and smelled of urine. I reflected back that only two hours earlier I had been sitting astride my motorcycle minding my own business near the town square, and working my...

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