Człowiek Mleczarnia Gospodarstwo, Sp. Z O.O free porn video

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Sunday, 3:52pm.

The first phone call was picked up after the third ring.

"Hello," said the person who answered it, with that tone of distraction and indifference that comes from spending too much time on the phone.

"HELP!!" shouted the patient. "HELP ME! ARE YOU THERE?? OH, SHIT, CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME??!!" she continued, sobbing a little as she rushed out each panicked syllable. "PLEASE!! FUCK, PLEASE SOMEBODY, HELP ME!!!"

"Okay, okay! Listen!" replied the voice, finally managing to interrupt. "I'll help you! I'll ... try to help you but you have to slow down and expl--"

"[Wait!!]," the patient replied in a forced whisper. "[Shit. I think someone's coming... ]" She paused as though listening for something but her shuddering breaths were still audible over the phone. "[SHIT!!]" she whisper-shouted again.

The voice paused and waited for more, but only a second later the line went dead.

Sunday, 4:08pm.

The second call, from the same number, was picked up on the second ring.

"Hello?" said the voice with a hint of urgency.

"Hello?" the patient whispered back. "Hello? Uh, hi, can you hear me? Who is this?" she continued, before the voice could answer the first question.

The voice paused a beat before responding. "Who's this? Look, you called me, sister. So you first: who's this?"

The patient paused. "Well, this is... ," she paused again. "Well, it's me. From before. I'm ... I'm in a room."

"Oh, 'from before, '" replied the voice flatly. "But no name. So you're in--"

"A room," confirmed the patient. "I'm ... in this room, and I'm..." Her tone sounded like she should have had more to say but no words followed.

Now the voice paused again. And then replied with sarcasm, "Yeah, I get that you're in a room. So am I, so is anyone who isn't ... sitting out under some, fucking, tree somewhere ... Look, who is this, really? Is this Debbie?" She chuckled and continued with a laugh, "Bitch, if you're fucking with me ag--"

The patient interrupted, her whispered voice rising in urgency "No, I'm not ... I need help. I need you to help me. I... ," the patient paused again, searching for words. "I'm in this room."

"Right, the room, got it," said the voice, losing patience. "Look, Debbie, or whoever you are, I have no idea why you think this kind of pain-in-the-ass is funny, okay? So I'm hanging up now. Goodb--"

"But I'm [naked]!" blurted the patient.

"You're ... what??" replied the voice, with at least a little incredulity.

"Naked," replied the patient. "Pretty much. I mean, I've got like a hospital gown on but nothing at all underneath. Look, the point is that I just woke up like a half hour ago in some fucked up white room, with no windows, and just a door with a slot in it. And I found my clothes and my phone just sitting over there on a chair next to the--. Wait." She paused again. "Actually, I'm not sure these are my clothes. And... , maybe this isn't my..."


"Well, there's this ... pile of clothes on a chair, and I thought they were mine but ... there's no way I could ... I mean, there's just no way."


"Hello?" This time it was the voice, wondering where her mystery caller went. "Are you still there?"

"Uh yeah," said the patient. "Sorry - uh, sorry, look, uh ... I gotta go. Sorry. Bye."


Sunday, 9:11pm.

"Hello?" said the voice.

"Hi," said the patient softly, "it's, well ... it's me. Again. From before?"

After a pause, the voice simply said, "O-kay."

After which the caller didn't respond.

So the voice continued, "Well look, I talked to Debbie earlier this evening and got convinced enough that this isn't one of her stupid practical jokes, but that means I'm kind of at a loss here. It's not that I don't want to help you, nameless one, if you really do need help, but I don't even know where to start. You've hung up on me twice now, remember?"

"No, I know," replied the patient. "I'm trying to figure out how to explain why I'm calling you, but it's just ... complicated."

"Well, what the fuck," said the voice, "I'll play along. Complicated how?"

"Complicated like, there are things I think I remember, like I said earlier about the clothes? How I could swear they're mine? But those things like that ... well, they make no sense. Especially considering things that now I know that I know."

"So wait," replied the voice, trying to keep up, "there are things you're sure you know now, that don't jibe with things you think you remember?"


"Well, whatever, I guess. I suppose that does sound kinda puzzling. Like what?"

"Well. Like..."


The patient lowered her voice again to a whisper. "Like, [my breasts]," she said.

"Your b-breasts??" stammered the voice.

"Yes, it's weird, I know, but the thing is ... So there's these clothes, on that chair, right? Like I mentioned? Well, I could have sworn they're mine, I mean, I even specifically remember wearing them, I think I even remember buying them, but ... Well, they're way too small. Especially, you know, up top."

"Too small?" asked the voice.

"Yes, I mean, I checked the bra, and it's a 32B."

After a short pause the voice asked, "Okay. And so I take it..."

"Yeah, I mean ... well, there's no way. It wouldn't even come close."

"You mean, your ... well, your boobs are..."

"Huge," said the patient. "I mean, huge, definitely way bigger than ... like at least a double-D or something. In fact, I think that could be why I'm topless, I mean, there is literally no way these would fit in those clothes."

"Wow. Okay. Fair enough, I guess," replied the voice.

"And they're also just really... {sensitive}," explained the patient, whispering the last word like it was a scandal.

"Sensitive? Like, sore?"

"Well, yeah, kinda. But also like ... you know, {sensitive}." She paused again, and then whispered, "{And not just my breasts, I mean, it's my whole body, }" she added, dropping off into a sigh. "{Everything I touch ... just feels soooo gooood, but [gasp] pinching my nipples just makes me, like--}"


"Um, hello?" asked the voice.

Deep, soft moans then filled the line for several long moments before it eventually went dead.

Monday 10:14am

"So, here's the thing," the patient began, after clearing her throat. "So I found this phone with the clothes, in the pocket of the skirt, right? And same thing: I really could have sworn it was mine, it even has the exact same case around it that I know mine had, but it doesn't have any of my contacts in it. In fact," she added, "it's only got one phone number in it."

"This one," said the voice.

"Bingo," said the patient. "But that can't be right. I know I had, like, hundreds of phone numbers programmed in here, and now the only one is a number I don't even recognize? And I can't even remember any other numbers at all, not even my own. It just makes no sense. Hey, tell me something: what number comes up on the caller id screen when I call you?"

"There isn't a number. It just says 'unavailable, '" said the voice. "What description is listed on that contact?" she asked.

"Nothing," replied the patient. "There's no name or anything on the list, just this number listed under 'mobile.' But it doesn't say anything at all about whose mobile."

"Hunh. Damn," said the voice.

"Yeah, exactly. Damn. Plus the guards, or nurses, or whatever they are just come and go without ever even talking to me - did I mention that?"

"No, wait, who comes and goes?"

"I don't know - sorry, I get really foggy about which parts of this I've already told you about and which ones I haven't."

"Well, you said someone was coming once - first time you called me, in fact, but you never explained who it was. So who are these people? Are they guards or nurses? Or some of each?"

"Well, no, they're all basically the same, but I really don't know who they are. They come in from time to time and, like, pinch and prod my titti-- I mean, uh, my breasts, and then they prick one of my fingers and dab the blood against this little electronic thingy. Then they usually give me a couple shots, sometimes five or six, actually, and they leave. I guess they act more like nurses than guards but those masks are just so scary-looking that I figu--"

"Wait - the what? The masks?"

"Yeah, they wear, like scuba masks or gas masks or something. Their uniforms are all black latex, and everything from the neck down is skin-tight, but the headgear is really kinda wild. And there's definitely some Darth Vader-lookin' mouthpiece in there that they're breathing through. That's kind of a fucked up thing for a nurse to wear, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Are you sure they only breathe through the--"

"Oh, and one of them left a clipboard here last time, did I mention that yet?"

"No, what? Really? A clipboard?"

"Yeah. Like with all this paperwork on it, but it's in some foreign language. It's not English, but I can read the letters. Most of them, at least. Looks like Polish or something. But I can read the numbers on it, it looks like they're tracking some kind of--"

"Weird," said the voice firmly. "Whatever, I dunno - look, I wouldn't even bother with it. So wait, back up, so you found this phone the other day and just called some number you didn't even recognize? Why would you do that?"

"Well, I was in a panic, remember? I mean, I'm calmer now, but that first time I called you I was really freaking out. And what about you: if you just got some random call from an unlisted number when I called you earlier, why'd you pick up?" asked the patient, looking for any flash of insight.

"Dunno, really," said the voice. "Bored on a Sunday afternoon, I guess. But honestly, look: these are fun conversations and all, definitely livening up a couple dull days, but you're right that none of it makes any sense. In fact, I still can't help but think you're just someone else bored with the same-old same-old, making prank phone calls about padded white rooms just to fuck with people. I mean, think about it: for someone who claims to have just woken up one day trapped naked in a windowless room, like you just said: you sure don't seem very upset about it."

"No," replied the patient. "You know, you're right, I'm not - not anymore. I know I was earlier, but now that you mention it it's more like just ... curious. But that's another thing that I think I remember: the more I think about it, the more I kind of feel like I'm actually supposed to be here."

"Really?" asked the voice.

"Yeah, I can't say why, or how, but now that I've had a chance to calm down a little it's not like I feel like I have to escape or 'get out of here' any more, you know? It's more that I'm just ... confused. Like there's something I'm supposed to do. And I want to just ... do that, you know, just ... do whatever I'm supposed to do.

"But I just can't figure out what that is," continued the patient. "Hey, do you ... know what I'm supposed to do?"

"What? No, how the f-- No. Look, from what you've told me, you could be anywhere. It sounds like a mental ward, frankly, so maybe you do belong there. You act like you don't even know your own name, or how you got to ... wherever you are, so maybe you are there for your own good and you just don't know it."

"Yeah, could be I guess. One way or the other I actually don't feel much like doing anything about it. It definitely helps to talk to you, frankly, but I'm also just really..." the patient's voice drifted off into something of a sigh.


"Really what?" asked the voice.

"No, I don't want to say..."

"Why not? As if there's any way I could even know--"

"Really horny," confessed the patient. "I mean every inch of my ... body just ... tingles. And my nipples, I mean, you wouldn't even believe it. It's like having three clits!" She giggled a little and then cleared her throat, with a bit of shame.

Then a three-tone chime went off, not unlike a subway or train door warning, followed quickly by the patient, explaining "Oh, that means it's ... uh, sorry. I'm ... I'm gonna go again. Sorry if I've bothered you, okay? Sorry. Bye."

"Nono," said the voice quickly, with a bit of her own emphasis. "Definitely very weird, but no bo-- [click]."

She stopped speaking as the line went dead in her ear.

Tuesday, 9:44pm

"Hello?" said the voice, with just a bit of eagerness.

"Hi there," said the patient happily. "How you doing?"

"How'm I doing?" asked the voice. "Good enough I guess. You definitely sound better. So, what, are we buddies now?"

"Well, kind of, at least as far as I'm concerned. In fact, you're the only person I actually talk to, so I wanted to call you back and--"

"Wait, what was that?"

"What was what?"

"You just said ... You really haven't actually talked to anyone but me since... ?" asked the voice.

"Well, no," replied the patient. "Do you think I'm supposed to talk to someone else?" she asked.

"What? I don't know, how should I know? But that was, what, Sunday?!? You mean ... you seriously haven't talked to anyone else in the last two days?"

"Well ... No. I didn't know I was supposed to. I really don't even see anyone else, actually, except when the guards bring me food, or come in and hose me off."


"Well, I get hungry. Every time I wake up, that is, I feel pretty hungry. And I must get pretty ripe after a while, too. There's a toilet over in the corner I can go use, you know, whenever I need to, but no sink or shower or anything.

"No, not that, I meant the other thing. You said they hose you off??"

"Well, yeah," she continued, lowering her voice to a whisper. "It's like I said: I'm horny - I mean really horny - like, all the time. And so pretty much ever since the last time we spoke, I guess whenever I haven't been sleeping or eating, I've been, you know, either playing with myself or using the machine. I guess after a while it really must start to reek in here a little."

"What the fu-- You mean, you've been... ," now it was the voice's turn to whisper, "{fucking yourself} for the last two days???"

"Well..." said the patient. "I guess so. I guess that does seem like kind of a long time, right? It's just that there's no days or nights in here, so basically I just nod off and then later I wake up. I guess I didn't realize exactly how long I've--"

"So you don't even know whether it's day or night?" asked the voice, "seriously?"

"Well, yes," replied the patient, "I guess it must not matter. I don't remember ever seeing the lights go off, but I don't really notice, to be honest. Every so often the guards bring in a new bowl of this granola-looking stuff to eat. I guess they hose me off every third time or so. They shaved most of my hair off last time. Or, actually ... Maybe two or three times ago, I think..."

"Fuck," said the voice. "I mean, you know, FUCK. That is really, really fucked up."


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Enjoying a show during lunch time

My sweet wife had convinced me to drive her to the shopping mall.She wanted to purchase some sexy outfit for the night; since she told me she was horny and in a very good mood to have sex with me…When I heard this, I got instantly aroused and said she was right… we should go to a lingerie store. Once there, Ana insisted I should witness her modelling for me some stuff she had chosen.My hard dick started to ache inside of my trousers, while I watched those sexy tiny pieces of clothes that my...

2 years ago
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3some with coworkers

Back a few years (8 years) ago I was working at a Japanese restaurant in the CBD that hire alot of japanese girls that is on working holiday visa to OZ. With the turn over of staffs so regulaly there were a few gems came through and I have fucked a few of them. But the 2 I remembered the most is Mai (korean japanese mix, size 5 with perfect ass, flat stomach and long legs, b cup tits and fully shave & tight pussy) & Maki (japanese, size 5 with a very flat stomach, a cup tits anda very very...

3 years ago
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Man And Women Vs Wild

Hi guys. This story is a sequel to my previous story “One day with my wife”. Please read my previous stories to catch up. I will share a small intro for new readers. I am married to my aunt and lead a spicy sex life. I am 24 years old and she is three years older than me. She is too hot and her itchy cunt wants my cock all the time. We indulge in sex any time we want and spend all our time naked. I will go straight into the story without wasting much time. I was requested by our company...

4 years ago
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birthday gift

hi to all my readers and freinds today i m going to tell u about my meeting with my boyfreind i was sleeping in my baby pink color nghtie it was early morning i felt that someone was at the door. i quickly woke up and somehow managed to change in to my shorts and vest striping my nightie i was wearing pantie inside my shorts and rushed to the door when i opened it i was surprised to see my boyfreind standing there.i scolded him of not telling me in advance then he said that he wanna give me...

1 year ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 14 Katiersquos Halloween Party

Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson’s house. He sighed deeply as he really didn’t see anyone his age or who he would want to hang out with. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. Ever since his girlfriend dumped him months ago he has been depressed. It’s wasn’t like he wasn’t interested meeting somebody new or having sex. He had sex with his ex-girlfriend but she refused to experiment sexually. It was...

2 years ago
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Jessica and Grandpa ch 1

'Hi Grandpa' I said, walking in through the front door of my grandparents house, as I saw him walking from the kitchen, through the small hallway about to go into the livingroom, with a cup of coffee in his hand. I'm Jessica, a teen with mousey shoulder long hair, and blue eyes, returning from school that day.My Grandpa, Mike, is around 60, semi-retired from work, and a close friend of mine, as well as a relative.'Hi honey' he says with a smile.We walk through to the livingroom, were he sits on...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Felicity Fill My Fortune Cookie

Felicity is a sweet Asian treat that happened to come through to TeamSkeet. This exotic tiger woman is the definition of sexy. Felicity met someone we knew at a bar and agreed to a photoshoot with us. Could a gold thong bikini on a sexy Asian doll make your cock any harder? She poses and shows off every part of this hot bod. The photographer starts to get her loosened up on the bed, and she is more than willing to do what she needs to do to get him hot and horny for her. Once he gets her naked,...

2 years ago
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Fucked A Bottom Gay In Delhi

It was the perfect time of winter when those two bodies in heat collide. Two stranger gays, from two different cities with the feeling of getting lost in each other met in Delhi. It all began in my mind when I was asked to visit Mumbai for an official work. I had to book a flight from Ranchi to Jaipur which had a stop in Delhi and the halt was almost 21 hours long, demanding me to stay in Delhi overnight in a hotel. It was all normal until I got struck by a brilliant idea of fulfilling my...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 192 take down

Dante was parked beside the empty crew car when the supplier came. He got out of the Lincoln Navigator and into the Mercedes which belonged to Dante. Recovering that Mercedes had been an after thought almost. While his crew was delivering the crew car, the blond mercenary and Abra picked it up without incident. The Chinese dope supplier slipped into the silver colored Mercedes which had been gangsterized with all kinds of gaudy crap hanging on it. It was pure pimp my ride shit. It took the...

3 years ago
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Sex During Lunch With Josh

Josh and I had known each other for years. We had both just gotten out of a bad relationship and decided to transform our friendship into a friends with benefits relationship. I was 23 at the time, and Josh was 28. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs and perky titties. They are small, size A, but they go perfectly with my slim figure. Josh was always staring at my ass, so it must have been great to him. Since I got a new job, John and I no longer work together. The last five months...

Quickie Sex
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Smile and Remember

It was the sound of her contented sigh that woke me. Sleepily, I opened my eyes to the first faint rays of the morning sunlight attempting to peek through the still drawn curtains. There was just enough light filtering through the top of the window where the curtains failed to cloak the room into darkness, already chasing away the night with a promise of a new day. But a day I neither wanted to begin, nor end. She was still lying on her side facing towards me. Her eyes closed, still in...

3 years ago
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A Walk In The Park

A WALK IN THE PARK by Throne Alex couldn't believe he had been caught. His Aunt Tabitha had put him into a lovely, pale red, latex maid's outfit. A tiny cap was perched atop the wig he wore, which was cut in bangs above his eyes. He was used to all that, but this one featured several tiny padlocks that made it impossible for him to take off. The slim, fine-featured young man had gone into a bit of an internal panic. He managed not to let it show but his mind focused entirely on...

4 years ago
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Change Of Mind

Change Of Mind By; Londebaaz ChohanLewis thought many a times, if he had some genetic fault. Sofia was the 5th woman, he had been involved with on long term bases. Before her every relationship ended in a year or close to a year but luckily this time he had spent more than 5 years with Sophie. Between them, sex was very good but overall life was not settling anywhere close to the level that they could think of getting married. Particularly, for the last 6 months or so, since Sophie got to be...

1 year ago
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Then Came Johnson Chapter 3 Unexpected Treasure In A 55 Plus

I was happy for Anna now that she was free to begin a new life in our world, the English world as Anna and her Amish relatives often refer to it.  However, I was greatly disappointed that the young and beautiful ex-Amish widow and I could not build a relationship together.I had parked the motorhome near the edge of town and drove Anna to her Aunt’s in my Yukon.  On my return, I made the SUV ready to tow behind the motorhome before firing up the big diesel engine.  While allowing it to warm up,...

4 years ago
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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 21

They were still sitting there cuddling long minutes later, when the 'doorbell' buzzed. Amanda hopped up to answer it. "Yes?" she asked, toggling the outside intercom. "I'm Dr. Shaw." came the reply, in a woman's voice. Amanda looked to Cindy, who nodded. "Please stand clear of the door." Amanda said, and lowered the stairs. A very business-looking mid forties woman in a dark skirt suit and overcoat entered, carrying a large attaché case in one hand and a beige sports bag...

2 years ago
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Dirty Old Dog 1

“Why did you take it?” Mike asked, “All you had to do was ask.” And that was the problem really. I was pretty sure if I had asked to borrow the money he would have let me but instead I just took it. Anything I said from here would just sound like an excuse. I was just so disgusted with myself. Mike was in his late sixties and vulnerable and I had robbed him “I’m sorry Mike, “ I said “Really. I am. I can only say that I panicked when the bank threatened to take my house off me. It’s been hard...

4 years ago
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It happend on my country's independent day. I got up form bed and i was feeling horny so i took my bath and dressed 2seduce i put on a black short skirt, a top dat showd hw hard my nipple was. I got 2my friends house we talk and play. I was so horny and i needed sex so i kissed him. He was shockd bt couldnt resist, we kissd it was slow and passionate. He took of my clothes and startd kiss my neck while his hands was slowly rubbing my breast it felt so good dat i let out a low moan, he kissed...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 15

During these months, I didn't do anything special anymore, but it was the offset for my next daring thing that I would do. Because of school and other stuff, I hadn't had much time for leisure. So, walking around naked at home and having some great sex with Illiana in the weekends was all the 'special' activities I did. However, in those months, I had felt how the urge to go naked outside of my house was getting stronger. I wanted to try and walk naked somewhere where it wasn't allowed...

1 year ago
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My First Everything

By the book. That’s how I’d always lived my life, till the day I first met Michael. My books were riddled with past horrors that had left me shaken to the core, and I was still shaking till the day I met him. But then he stopped it, he took my hand and steadied it and I fell in love. I told everyone I knew about his heroics and how he had saved me that day. But then it dawned on me. What the hell happens on the first date? I laid there night after night talking and thinking to myself.

3 years ago
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BDSM With A Married Bong In Seattle

“No more Ilish maach, Maa. (A famous Bengali fish) I have a flight to catch, I will miss it if you make me eat so much.” Nisu is a VP of Bank of America in Seattle, USA. She is a tenacious woman (very firm in her decisions), with a lot of wit and intelligence. Nisu had a perfect life in terms of all materialistic feelings. She drove her Audi to the office while sipping her coffee and had a glass apartment just like Harvey Spectre in ‘Suits’. She lives with her husband, who is also a...

3 years ago
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As Unbelievable As A Dream

Copyright© 2001-2003 There was a young woman in Dee Who stayed with each man she did see. When it came to a test She wished to be best, And practice makes perfect, you see. If you have ever driven across the prairies, you will know just how boring and mind-numbing it can be. I sat in the back seat staring off to space for the most part, while wishing I could fall into a deep sleep as my sister, seated next to me, had. The roads were straight and flat, and since dad stuck to the...

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The Walking Dead Clementine

Clementine has survived on her own for a while now. She is a girl in the midst of a zombie apocalypse who has now turned 18 and has matured. When she turned 18, she then starts to think about ideas of going out with a boy, only to be heartbroken since that cant happen in this world she lives in. She checks out an abandoned warehouse full of supplies and proceeds to collect some for herself. However she hears a door open and she jumps. Before she can react the man walks through the door and...

2 years ago
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Horny Pregnant Mom

Introduction: Husbands gone, time to play… Monica was 8 months pregnant. Her husband Greg was an over-the-road truck driver and was usually gone 6 days a week. Monicas hormones were in overdrive. She was so horny, and she really needed to get laid. So, the day she watched her son Jeff as he climbed out of the shower didnt help her much. It was an accident. She had been doing the laundry and was taking a load of clean towels to the bathroom. As she entered the bathroom, her son Jeff had just...

3 years ago
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Meri Best Girlfriend

Yeh kuch hi din pehle ki Baat hai , mai Belapur stn pr baitha tha tabi tym karib raat ke 9:30 baj rhe the . mai udr wada pav khate hue apne bazu me bethi Ek Sexy ladki ko dekh rha tha , wo apne hatho se santre chil kr kha rhi thi, Dil kr rha tha ki Usi tarah Uske bhi santre kha jau, Kya raseele 32″ ke boobs the Uske 28 ki kamar ..or Gand 36 ki mano lund usme kho hi jae ….Woh itni gori thi ke dudh bhi kuch nhi… Sunday hone ki wajah se stn pr Bohut kam log the or aakhri hisse me bethne ki wajah...

4 years ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 16

Wheelin' 'n' Dealin' was and still is the place to go if you're a serious cycler. That's obvious the moment you set foot on the sales floor, the front half of the Denzel brother's space. On the walls are bike posters and more bike posters; posters of road racers and track racers frozen against backgrounds so blurred you feel the wind, posters of BMX bikes and riders soaring off jumps looking so real you want to pick the dirt and mud off your face, barf-inducing posters of X-Game riders...

3 years ago
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Janets dirty games with me part 2

"You remember last saturday, you naughty boy? Well, if you wanna get it back, you better follow me..." This time, I followed her with much less resistance - and, sure enough, she walked around the corridors with me until the 5th hour started, then headed for the boys changing room down in the basement and went straight in. "So you seemed to like the little game last week - this time, we'll get into the a bit more serious things. And remember, you want back your book without ripped pages...

4 years ago
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A Naturist Mother and Her Naked Son by Oediplex 8==3~ She believed in things being natural, as it was in nature; but, was what they did at their secret beach a natural sort of activity between a mother and her son? It was one of those days where the air was perfect. It was the right temperature, the right humidity, a slight breeze, perfect. You know how that feels, when the atmosphere is just exactly at it’s most comfortable. It is a sensation that makes you want to be nude, shed...

2 years ago
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Experience of Life

hi all the readers. main 2 saalon se iss ka regular reader hun aur bahut baar socha ke apna experience share karun but himmat nahi kar paya. but aaj himmat karke main apne bahut saare experienes mein se kuch apke saath share kar raha hun. meri age 23 hai aur meri look average hai but fir bhi mere ache aur simple nature ki wajah se meri life mein bahut si ladkiyan aai. jab main 18 saal ka tha to apni cousin sister ki shaadi mein gay to unki ek friend jiska naam preeti tha ne mujhe purpose kiya...

2 years ago
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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 15

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter FifteenI tugged gently on Emily’s leash and pulled her along behind me as she crawled into the living room.I’d let the girls sleep in late, I had unfinished business to take care of at the garage and then, when I got back I made the them breakfast and had them clean up for me.Emily’s hair was still...

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Closing Pandoras Box

This story is copyright 1998 by Stephanie. All rights reserved. You may repost or store this story on your website as long as the work is not altered or charged for. As always, this is an adult story and it should not be read if you are under the age of eighteen. Closing Pandora's Box by Stephanie Part One Alan Carter could tell that Carl Yates had entered the room by the way his chest expanded...

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Satanic Mirror Its Acquisition

Synopsis: For those with ‘the gift of seeing’, the mirror takes them into a dark, satanic world of pain and sex. Dianne finds she has that gift.Satanic Mirror: Its Acquisitionby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any...

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