It's Five O'clock Somewhere! free porn video

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It was Monique, my assistant-come-companion who was the first to see them approaching. Following a very productive morning, a pleasant light lunch, and a couple of circuits of the pool, Monique and I were relaxing on sun-loungers. I had a plan to contemplate the inside of my eyelids for a while, while at the same time allowing the warm sun to dry me off. Knowing Monique as I did by then, I suspect that she had the basic plan of ... well with luck, catching the eye of some handsome -- unattached -- millionaire. Actually, there was no shortage of prospective takers, if you understand me; Monique was a beautiful young woman. But she was also uncommonly ... selective about which – if any – guys she would allow to court her.

Whatever, we were both partaking of our usual afternoon labours when Monique grabbed my attention by saying, "Oh dear Roy! I think you might have a couple of unexpected visitors."

I forced my eyes open and -- as best I could without turning my head -- followed Monique's eye-line until I saw that a member of the resort's staff was inexorably guiding two teenagers in our general direction.

We were in a very exclusive, up-market establishment, where usually residents could be assured of complete privacy. It was the sort of place that didn't take to non-residents wandering around unescorted, or usually even allow them to get inside the grounds uninvited.

But neither Monique nor I had any idea that my children even knew that I was living in Europe. Andre would escort them to Monique and my corner of the patio, where he'd hand them over into our care.

"Looks like you could be right there, girl!" I replied, as calmly as I could muster. "I wonder how they got past security."

I was more than surprised at their sudden appearance; I was shocked actually and somewhat emotionally excited. However, I did my best to keep my cool, carefully modulating my voice and somehow preventing myself leaping up from the lounger and running over to greet them. It took more than a modicum of self-control, I can assure you.

"Roy, from the moment I saw them I knew that they were your son and daughter. No one who's met you could mistake the fact, and the guys on the gate are more observant than most."

"Is there such a pronounced likeness, do you think?"

"Oh yes," she assured me.

"Bugger, suddenly I find myself feeling very sorry for my children."

"Christ, Roy, you don't half talk some crap sometimes! You're one of the best-looking guys living around here. For your age anyway."

""Watch it, kiddo, who are you calling an old fart? Anyway, you only say that because you want my body," I chided her, doing my best to keep the serious expression on my face.

"Don't be silly, boss, you're a prime catch. I'm surprised that one of these bloody gold-diggers kicking around here hasn't managed to turn your head."

"Monique, you know you're the only one..."

"Cut it out, Roy! Besides, business and pleasure never mix, that's your own mantra, if I remember correctly. And I could never afford to live in a place like this if I didn't work for you."

"We could be man and wife?"

"Give-over, Roy; you know you don't mean that; anyway you're still ... besides you'd go bloody barmy every-time one of those randy old buggers made a pass at me, you're bad enough now. The master-slave relationship suits us both very nicely. Anyway what do you think your children are doing here?" she asked ignoring any more of my jibes.

As she'd shown, Monique -- although she'd never met them -- was well aware of who our visitors were. She'd probably recognised them the instant she'd laid eyes on them. After all, beside the apparent likeness in facial features she just mentioned; many times she'd also seen the photos I carry around in my wallet.

Or maybe I should rephrase that ... that Monique carries around in my wallet! You get the idea, Monique is my private secretary and -- as I tended to spend a lot of my time during daylight hours, dressed in little but swim trunks and a tee-shirt – Monique carted all that kind of crap around in her ruddy great hand bag for me. She'd also clout me with the bloody thing on occasions, if I became a little too cheeky. Monique and I had a somewhat ... unique employer-employee relationship; very often bordering on the sort an elder brother and younger sister might have between them.

"I've no idea, kiddo. Can't be money. Leticia's rolling in the stuff; she didn't even bother suing for maintenance, I don't think. No one's ever come looking for any, anyway."

Like me, Monique had no idea why -- after almost four years – my children would suddenly show-up in the south of France to visit me. Or -- come to that -- how they had managed to discover my whereabouts in the first place; not that I was trying to hide or anything.

"But I suspect that we'll soon find out. I wonder how they found me ... and just whom they've talked into bringing them down here? I somehow doubt that it's going to be their mother."

"You're really not all that hard to find, Roy; if anyone cares to look hard enough, that is. It's just that ... from what you said, I was under the impression that they weren't going to be inclined to look."

"So was I, girl. Curious, isn't it? I suggest that we play things by ear, until we know what their game is. So, we should also inject a certain amount of caution into our ... interactions with them."

"Give-over, Roy, they're your kids; give'em some slack."

By that time the two youngsters were almost upon us and possibly within earshot, so I did not reply to Monique's comment.

"Mr Granger, there're two young people to here who wish to see you sir. They claim that they are your children."

"Thank you, Andre. It is my penance I'm afraid; but they are who they claim to be. Perhaps, if you would be so kind, you could arrange refreshments?"

Andre informed us that he'd send one of the waiters over, and then withdrew; I gestured for the two – rather contrite looking -- new arrivals to sit on adjacent loungers. At that time they could not see my eyes behind my sunglasses; so they had been unaware that I had watched the looks that they'd given Monique and thrown my way as they'd approached.

Monique went to get up to leave at the same time as they sat, but I gestured for her to stay. Then I turned my head towards my children and removed the dark glasses. They looked back at me with ... well, somewhat annoyed expressions on their faces by then.

"So, to what do we owe this unexpected pleasure?" I asked.

The twins looked at each other for a second or two without replying and I kind-of got the idea that they hadn't thought this part of the operation all the way through. Then my son Peter turned back to look at me; giving Monique another disapproving glance in passing.

"We wanted to talk to you, father ... in private."

"Well, talk, young man, ask your questions or say whatever you came to say."

Peter's eyes moved from me to Monique and then back to me again.

"Monique is my private secretary, Peter; I have no secrets from her. She'll also act as a witness to this exchange. I'm not at all sure that I'm allowed to be in your company without the correct ... er, court appointed, responsible adult present anyway."

A slightly confused expression came over Peter's face.

"What ... were you not aware that that there has been a court order in place, forbidding me to contact either of you directly, until ... Well, until after your eighteenth birthday anyway."

Surprised -- or maybe disbelieving -- expressions came over both of my children's faces, as they exchanged glances with each other. I gleaned from that, that they were unaware of the court order's existence.

"Ah ... that takes you by surprise, does it? What did you take me for, the kind of person who could walk away from his children without a second glance?"

"But..." Peter said.

And "but" that was all that he said, his utter confusion was clearly audible in his voice and visible on his face. On both of their faces actually.

"You didn't really believe that after almost being father and mother to you for all those years, I'd be able to just walk away and desert you, did you?"

"But you went away," my daughter Alex (short for Alexandra) spoke for the first time.

"I got a job, Alex. You and Peter knew that I had wanted to for a long time ... well, that I was getting more than a little peeved about the situation at home, anyway. But one member of our family forgot that it was I, who had put my career on hold to allow her to follow her own. You know that you two joined our family at a very inopportune moment, much earlier in our marriage than your mother, or I intended. Not that we weren't both extremely pleased and excited at your arrival on the scene. But it was just a little ... premature for our plans. Then, while she was still pregnant, your mother was offered a post that ... well, let us just say that it was an offer she'd regret turning down for the rest of her life. So being the supportive and considerate husband, I offered to put my career on hold for a few years and play housekeeper ... and children's nanny. So that your mother could go off and pursue her dream career."

At this time a waiter appeared and refreshments were ordered all around. He must have returned with the drinks shortly after, but his presence went unnoticed on my part

"But ... if it was agreed between you and mother, that you'd ... well raise us ... Why did you suddenly go out and get a job. Why did you fly off to the other side of the world, without even saying goodbye properly?" My son asked.

"I'm afraid that I played a little game of brinkmanship with your mother there, Peter and ... well it didn't come-off; as far as I was concerned anyway. I ended up the big loser, you might say. Your mother was obviously pleased that I handed her the opportunity to finally get me out of her hair.

"You see, it seems that as the years went by, your mother had forgotten the terms of our original agreement ... the master plan if like. She'd had her ten years as per our agreement, it was way past the time for me to re-launch my own career."

"But, why so suddenly?"

"Oh, it wasn't a sudden decision ... for god sake; don't go getting that idea into your heads. But your mother had climbed quite high on the corporate ladder in those ten years. So high in fact that ... well, somewhere along the line she'd forgotten that our marriage was supposed to be a partnership and that there was a time limit on our agreement. Ten years we said, during which time she'd follow her chosen career, without interference or complaint from me. I'd put my own career on hold and stay at home and take care of you two, to let her get on with hers unhindered.

"But such agreements can have unintended consequences ... well they did in our case. Or maybe I should phrase that, unexpected repercussions!

"I'm afraid that as the years went by, your mother had came to look on me as ... well, someone who was less important, than I believe she should have. Someone whose views were of little importance in the great scheme of things. Your mother's great scheme of things, that is! I had become someone who looked after the kids and who she came home to when she felt so inclined to do so."

"Mother is a top executive father, she..." Peter began to say

"She forgets that she's only where she is, because I agreed to forgo my career for a few years," I interrupted him. "Your mother got it into her head that my career had become unimportant and inconsequential in her great scheme of things. As I suppose it was to her; but I'm afraid that it wasn't to me! Your mother brought in far more money than we'd ever need, so ... as she interpreted it, there was little point in me rejoining the workforce at all.

"I think that your mother's final version of the plan was for her to retire shortly after you two complete your educations. Then I believe that her intention was, that we'd move somewhere nice and warm to see-out our lives. As your mother saw things, when you two reached the age you are now, then I would be able to go out and play in the workplace for a few years; if I so wished. However that was never how I had seen the future panning out.

"It would have been a nice life that some men would probably have enjoyed; but I'm afraid that I'm not made that way. Our agreement had been for ten years and then the roles were to be reversed. Well, not exactly reversed, but Leticia would relax a little and I'd get on with building the great structures of tomorrow's world. I couldn't go to my grave with everyone believing that I'd spent all of our married life, sponging off your mother. Besides, there were things that I wanted to achieve in my life.

"It had been somewhat longer than ten years before I finally lost my patience and everything came to a head though. Many times during those latter years I'd suggested to your mother that she cut back a little, so that I could ... But well, your mother always said that there was just one more big deal that would go to pot if she wasn't there to oversee it.

"But that wasn't the worst of it, really. I'd ... well as you know, while you two were young ... to keep my mind busy I suppose ... I'd taken to writing a little fiction in my spare time. Your mother only ever read a couple of my short stories and I believe she found the fact that I wrote them humorous. Not the stories that is, it was the pure fact that I had written them that I believe your mother found so funny.

"To put it bluntly, as far as your mother was concerned, my wishes and interests had become incidental and inconsequential. I had turned into someone who your mother hauled along when required on formal occasions."

"I'm sure mother..."

"No, Alex. Probably not intentionally, no; I'll give you that ... But that is what she effectively did. At all those formal dinners parties and things we went too ... Well, I was delegated to entertaining the wives and other inconsequential nonentities. I'd become your mother's, sort of Denis Thatcher figure, and most often, I was all but ignored."

"Denis Thatcher?" Peter echoed.

"Margaret Thatcher's husband," Alex informed him.

"But wasn't he a rich business man in his own right?" Peter pointed out.

"Oh yeah, sure he was, and he financed Margaret's legal and political career. But he referred to her as 'The Boss!'," Alex explained, with a smile. "Margaret Thatcher finished running the whole country eventually, remember."

"And made a fine mess of..."

"Roy!" Monique's voice chastised from beside me, "You do not discuss your personal politics with anyone! I'm sure that should include your children."

"Yeah sorry, Monique. Well kids, eventually I got fed-up with living in your mothers shadow, and ventured out on my own. The time limit on our original agreement was long past, and I'd told her what I was intending to do so many times. Even though I might not have mentioned it to you two.

"Your mother and I had another agreement, never to ... argue in front of you ... and never to bring you into our disagreements. I'd thought that we both believed that children should never be used as weapons in a argument between husband and wife, seems that I was wrong on that one."

That statement from me brought yet another exchange of glances between the twins and the beginnings of a surprised outburst from Monique. "But Leticia..." she began to say, but I silenced her, with a gesture of my hand.

"Unfortunately, two people can very easily make a pact, Monique. But, when push comes to shove, there's nothing much that one can do, to ensure the other keeps to the terms of said agreement."

"So that's why we never knew anything was wrong?" Alex ventured.

"I suppose so, sweetheart. Anyway I started looking for something ... anything that would get me back into the profession I'd trained for. Unfortunately, being out of the loop for nearly fourteen years doesn't place you in a very prominent position on the most eligible prospective employee list. But then an old college friend of mine wangled me a job on a construction contract for a bridge out in ... Well, it doesn't matter where really, I'd prefer to forget that little debacle anyway; it didn't last very long or go too well for anyone either."

"What happened; did the bridge collapse or something?" Peter asked.

I gave him a sideways glance and he began to look a little sheepish.

"No, there was some unfortunate unpleasantness. A little local unrest followed a bloody revolution, or local military coup d'état anyway. We were lucky to get out of there with our lives."

"Holy cow. We knew nothing about that."

"I didn't expect that you would, Peter; I really didn't expect that you would have. Anyway, I can't say I was exactly disappointed; until I eventually got back to the UK that was. Then I was hit with all those legal papers of your mother's.

"Okay, I could accept that Leticia was divorcing me for desertion ... Mind I'd only been away for eight months, but there had always been the danger of that happening. That wasn't my intention by the way; for our marriage to collapse completely. I thought that by going out and getting a job ... well, I'd prove to her that I wasn't kidding.

"Brinkmanship they call it, I really thought that your mother ... beneath it all ... loved me enough to cave and start to take me seriously again. But then all those legal papers were shoved into my face at Heathrow airport.

"Look, I'd never threatened either of you, or your mother with physical violence, I just couldn't. Surely you know that?"

The twins -- looking more confused than ever -- glanced at each other again; both shaking their heads.

"I'm sorry dad, but we don't understand what you are talking about."

"Peter, when I stepped-off the plane at Heathrow, I was handed divorce papers and a court order forbidding me to go within five miles of any place that either you, Alex or your mother, might be. With the two houses, your school, and the numerous offices your mother's employers had around the country ... anyone of which she might have been visiting on various days of the week ... well, that just about took up most of South-East England. Shit, it was debatable whether I'd broken that order simply by flying into Heathrow airport in the first place.

"Then having been presented with enough paperwork to fill half a filing cabinet. I was un-ceremonially carted off to a police station and informed that making death or kidnapping threats was a crime and that the police would be keeping a very close eye on me."

"Holly cow, who did you threaten?"

"That's the point, Peter ... no one! But when I read those court orders it became clear that I'd been accused and found guilty of making threats to harm your mother and to abduct you two children, both verbally and ... and ... well, in written files on my computer."

"Oh god!"

"My problem was, that those files on my computer were completely genuine, and I did write them!"

"They were?" Peter asked, a tone of surprise in his voice.

"Yes, but they weren't threats against you, or your mother. They were just a couple of short sections taken from the drafts of one of my stories. Or rather, I suspect that the rest of the file was carefully wiped, to leave what looked like a couple of drafts of threatening letters to Leticia on the hard drive. In short, my goose was cooked. The only contact I had with either you or your mother was through her legal representative."

"Barry Cuthbone?" Alex suggested.

"Yeah, that's the guy; you know him?"

"Not well ... but we certainly know his brother ... we think he's a want-to-be "Uncle Gordon", if you understand what I mean by that dad, and it's mainly why we're here really. He's been sniffing around mother since the moment you left. He works with her, and his brother being a solicitor..."

"His brother looks after all of mother's legal affairs," Peter took over from his sister when she stopped to take a breath, "But dad, just after you left our home computer went down, and Mum's nice friend from the office, Gordon Cuthbone, came around the house and took it away to have it looked at. It must have been him who handed it over to the police; the next we knew they had it. But we never knew what they had found on there. Sorry, but we thought it might have been something like ... well, illegal porn or something; but now you tell us it was some of your story files."

"I don't understand, can't the police read deleted files on hard drives?" Alex asked. "Or at least they'd see the empty spaces where something had been deleted from."

"Not if someone wiped the files with a scrubber program, Sis. Then they defrag the drive and close all the files up together. After that, they scrub that clear space on the drive a couple more times, or even put back other files they've removed earlier. If the computer forensic guys aren't looking for a set-up, they probably wouldn't even notice anything out of the ordinary. They'd just assume that dad kept a tight ship, as anyone who knows their way around a computer should do.

"I expect that you've got a copy of the original files somewhere, Dad, couldn't that have..."

"Proves nothing, Peter. I'd backed up all of my files to a damned CD-ROM of course, but any wanker can fiddle the date stamps on those things."

"Not the CD maker's manufacturing information they can't, Dad."

"Just because the original blank disk was made ten years ago Peter; that doesn't prove that that was when the disk was written. Shit it could have been written yesterday on a computer on which the system date was set to five or ten years ago."

"That's why you never challenged it in court?"

"Hey, what gave you that idea? Of course I challenged that court order ... well, I tried; I wanted access to my children. I even went after custody but..."

"Oh god, no!" suddenly burst from Alex's lips.

"What?" Peter asked.

"Peter, I know what dad is about to say. Don't you remember, dad had been gone for months and then we were taken to court that day? We met that nice old Judge in his chambers and he asked about Mum and Dad and how we got on with them. Gordon, Barry and Mother had warned us that Dad wanted us to go and live abroad somewhere with him. They told us that Dad only wanted us to go with him to spite Mother, they said we'd never get to see Mother again if we chose to live with him."

"Bugger yes, that old boy asked us who, or actually where we'd prefer to live with," Peter exclaimed.

"Dad, honestly, you hadn't bothered to come see us, or even write. Peter and I thought that if you really wanted us then ... well at least you'd have called and talked to us."

"Your mother moved you out of the house we'd been living in before I returned to the country, Alex."

"She told us that it held too many memories, dad. That she couldn't live there without..." Alex's voice trailed away to nothing.

"Anyway, I did write to you, Alex ... when I could. I had no idea that you weren't receiving my letters. Well, of course, I suspected later, that your mother had probably intercepted them."

"Dad, Mother swears that she has never received any direct communication from you since ... Well, since those threatening letters came to light anyway," Peter assured me.

"Probably because all of our personal mail was redirected through Barry Cuthbone's office." Alex, who'd directed her first remark to her brother, then she looked back at me ... and then over at Monique. "They said that they wanted to open all of our personal mail carefully to preserve any finger prints, we never could understand why at the time."

"Well, I'd say with, or without your mothers connivance, all those letters and presents I sent, must have been intercepted before they got anywhere near you."

"Is that the truth dad?" Peter asked.

"Of course it is, Peter!" Alex replied to him. "But it had nothing to do with mother, father ; of that I'm sure. I can remember that she was so ... upset and confused that you hadn't written to, or even telephoned either Peter or myself; even if you were angry with her."

"So confused that she had me banned by the courts from coming within five miles of any of you?"

"I didn't know about that father ... and I wonder if mother does? She never even hinted that..." my son replied, trying to placate me I believe. I should imagine that I was probably getting a little excited ... emotional, in my tone of voice.

"Well, she wouldn't, would she, Peter? Not to you two anyway," I pointed out.

"No, I don't suppose she would," Alex conceded, "But honestly father, I don't think..."

"Alex, a court order does not come about by accident," I interrupted her, "Someone has to make a complaint and then present some evidence ... truthful or concocted, before a judge. That someone would have to have been your mother!"

"Or, her legal representative dad," Peter interjected, "You know what mother's like for farming things out; she's always so very busy at the office."

"Yeah, that's where this all started, Peter; with that bloody company. But it got so that your mother was too busy to be my wife ... or your mother! That's what killed-off our marriage ... and why I eventually left. And I believe that probably answers the question you two came all the way down here to ask me in the first place. Now, how the dickens did you two get down here, anyway?"

"We drove down to Dover and then took a ferry and a few trains and buses from there; it was the cheapest way..." Peter explained. "I couldn't get the paperwork to get the car out of the country without mother finding out. I don't think the insurance company would cover me over here anyway; I haven't had my licence very long. Why do you ask?"

"Because my children, we've got to see about getting you back home again, a bit sharpish like ... Before the French authorities come-down on my head like a ton of bloody bricks. There's a court order in force, remember?

"Is it still valid? Anyway, we're in France," Peter grinned back at me.

"You two are not eighteen yet, m'lad, and we're still in the EU here. I think you'll find that the French courts will uphold a British court's rulings, most of the time. And I do not fancy the idea of spending any time in a French slammer, thank you very much!"

"We won't be able to get them on a train until tomorrow at the earliest," Monique commented.

"A ruddy plane then!"

"Oh don't be silly, Roy. It's far too late in the day for any of that nonsense; they'll have to stay overnight and we'll arrange their passage back tomorrow."

"Too late? It's only just gone..." I began to say, but then my daughter weighed in ... and I never had been able resist those appealing green eyes of hers, at the best of times.

"I don't want to go back home yet, Dad; we haven't seen you for years!" She whined, "Can't we stay for a few days at least?"

"Alex, that's not of my doing..."

"Give-over, Roy. Call their mother and tell her where they are; then let her come and get them if she can find the time. She's made them her problem, remember?"

Monique had a good point there. The twins being down with me was really none of my doing, so maybe I could turn the situation to my advantage a little, and score a few points of my own.

"That's a good point, Monique. I tell you what, give Peter the bloody mobile phone. He can call his mother and she ... or her legal representatives can sort all this out. Hey, you kids came down here to me; I never approached you two, did I? You argue the point with your mother and see how long she's prepared to let you stay. You can stay as long as you want as far as I'm concerned. However, I have no intention of getting into a slanging match or legal battle with your mother over it. That's the sort of thing the Sunday papers would have a field day with."

Mind you, I was quite convinced that any telephone conversation between my children and their mother was probably going to lead to a heated exchange – on same said telephone -- between my ex-wife and myself somewhere along the line. But letting one of the children call her allowed me to prepare myself mentally.

Looking a little ... reticent, I would say, young Peter took my mobile phone from Monique and slowly punched in his mother's number. Then he tried to pass the handset to his sister, who refused point-blank to take it from him.

Peters face went through a whole assortment of expressions as he waited for his mother to answer. Then...

"Hi, Mother, it's me!" His mother obviously said something in reply; I've always wondered what. Then he went on.

"Yes, she's here with me, mum. We're fine!"

It was Leticia's turn to speak, again.

"Er, yeah, well ... er, we're in France ... with Dad!"

Peter went silent while Leticia ranted at him. Only this time everyone could hear -- and almost understand -- her screaming down the telephone at the poor lad. When she finally ran out of steam ... or maybe took a breath, Peter went on.

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Last one to know Chapter Five0

I thought I was dreaming. My cock was hard and something was griping then releasing it. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was not dreaming. My hard cock was still wedged in the cheeks of Beth’s ass and she squeezing them together then relaxing them. I moved a little and Beth giggled. Mom ask “what are you two kids up to”? I snickered and told her Beth was teasing me. Beth told Mom it was not her fault, I had my hard cock wedged in the cheeks of her ass. I heard Tammy laugh...

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty – Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg – 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Lesbian Fivesome after Party

Amanda was having a party, and she invited all of her friends from her university. Those four of them who were lesbian (like Amanda), Cheryl, Anne, Lisa and Emma were staying for a sleepover. When everybody had (except those four) went home, Amanda's mother put the sleeping bags into Amanda's bedroom. In it's center, there was a king-size bed with a red silk bed set. "I will visit an old friend this night, I have to go now. Have fun!" Amanda's mum said. "Sure, bye!" the girls chanted exitedly....

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Dadaji8217s Wild Adventure 8211 Part 1 Incest Fivesome

Hello everyone. I am back with a bang! I am Rachit and this is another incest story for you all to enjoy. So let’s talk about the heroine of this story. My mom, Ekta (40 years old) resembles actress Vidya Balan. Her boobs are the perfect mango boobs one could ask for. My aunt Arushi (35 years old) resembles actress Madhuri Dixit. My another aunt Shubhanshi (34 years old) resembles actress Sonakshi Sinha. My sister Shreya (20 years old) resembles actress Shruti Haasan. To enjoy the story to...

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My First Fivesome With 2 Couples

This is my second story here. It is actually a continuation from the earlier one where I met a couple for threesome. I am Vijay from Chennai. Please feel free to give your comments / inputs at This is a genuine incident and no fiction is involved. As I had mentioned in my earlier story I met A and C for a threesome. After that incident they became close to me. We used to chat like friends. Once when we were chatting we touched on the topic of group sex and swapping. A & C asked me if these...

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Holiday Fivesome

We were on holiday in Crete this year. We usually have a laid back holiday being a couple in our early sixties - no discos! After a meal out one night, we were having a drink in the hotel bar when we got talking to a woman in her sixties - still a very sexy lady!She told us she was a recent widow holidaying with her daughter and son in law. She had left them to have an early night. We all chatted and got on great. When she went to the ladies room, my wife, who is usually up for some fun on the...

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The Famous Fives Last Adventure

"Dick,   great to see you again"  Julian greeted his younger brother. "Hurrah!   No more school ever again" he replied.   "How's your first year at Uni. been then,  old chap?""Hard work, but it's great to be studying something with a real expert."With a grin Dick added "George wrote that Uncle Quentin was disappointed that you chose to study Geology not Physics, l think he was hoping to have been able to discuss his experiments with you.""Talking of George,  we are supposed to be meeting her...

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Dadaji8217s Wild Adventure 8211 Part 2 Incest Fivesome

Hello, I am Rachit and I am back with the second part of this much-awaited incest fivesome series. Thank you all for such an overwhelming response to my first part. I request you all to use some hot pics of the actresses I mentioned while reading the story. My mom, Ekta (40 years old) resembles actress Vidya Balan. My aunt Arushi (35 years old) resembles actress Madhuri Dixit. My other aunt Shubhanshi (34 years old) resembles actress Sonakshi Sinha. My sister Shreya (20 years old) resembles...

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What would a man do if offered a fivesome orgy with four women

“I think we’re probably evenly matched,” said Robin. She was wearing a workout outfit and looking in the full length mirror in our bedroom. I was taking off my clothes after coming home from a late meeting, and she was about to hit the shower. “What do you mean?” I asked her. “I mean physically,” she said. Robin towered above me. I was maybe around 5-8, but compared to my 6 foot 3 wife, I looked small, especially when she wore heels. We met as freshmen...

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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

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Morning Coffee and Then Some Hot Ffffm Fivesome

It was a lazy Saturday. One of those days when you just really don't feel like doing anything, but lay around naked and have sex. Roxanne called me and asked if I cared if she came over. Of course I didn't, Roxanne and I have been best friends for over 20 years, and if she just wanted to come over to hang out, by all means, she was welcome. My husband was out riding his mountain bike and I was lounging on the couch when Roxanne came over. She was still in her jammies too. I couldn't take my...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 64 Five Wings Of the Light hawk

"MAYUKA!" A voice suddenly called. Ryo-oki came running into the room at almost a dead run. Before Washu and Ayeka's startled gaze, Ryo-chan slid to a halt then fell to her knees throwing her arms about the child. It was obvious to anyone Ohki had been crying her eyes out. "Hi dad ya hondar of lik dat?" She sobbed, squeezing the child tightly. "I sorry!" Mayuka sniffed. Petting Ryochan's fur. "Wanted see what wrong wit Papa yuki!" Ryo-ohki looked up. Glanced at where Nobuyuki now...

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Somewhere By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - The Four of Us I'm proud to say that I'm the mother of a wonderful, happy family. My Sam is the perfect husband and father. He provides for the children and me, gives us all his love and attention and takes care of ALL my needs, several times each day. Our son Donny is a fine young man - 19 years old, an excellent scholar and athlete, and very popular with the ladies. Beth, who is 18 and very well-developed, is the...

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Revolutionary Magic 102 Sold at Five

My Name is Nessa. Today I finished writing early. I want to write more so I'll tell -you who come after- about me. I don't remember where I was born or what my familiy was called and I'm the only Nessa around so never needed a nick. My familiy were serfs. Elder Brother was older than me. I think he was married. Sister was older than me but a lot younger than Elder Brother. Brother was younger than me and Mother was pregnant. When I was five Father took Sister and me to the fields...

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Down There Somewhere

Inspired by a quirky BBC TV series and the diverse, complex and very odd characters therein Saturday 17th June Eric Waters and Colin Harvey were detectorists, commonly and popularly known as Metal Detectors, although the two middle aged men corrected everyone, that the term was the name of the instrument to detect metals in the earth and not the people who operated the instruments. Members of the eight strong Hindle and Bogsbrush Detectorist Club, they met once a month in the Hindle village...

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Jackson Five

Jackson Five CBA The Jackson Five, that is what Jack Jackson liked to call himself and his boys. And they were all assholes, every last one of them. Neither Jack or his sons thought so of course, but ask anyone else and that is what would be said about them (or worse). It hadn't started out that way (well perhaps Jack always was an asshole), but when Jack had been with his wife Linda, she had been a good thing for him, and he had shown only the best of himself when they were...

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Five Daughters

Looked up and saw three of my angels; Alice, Alison and Angie giggling together like they always did. Three of the five great gifts they’re mother gave me before she took off. All I knew about what was going on was when I was served with divorce papers from a court in Reno, Nevada. “Daddy.” I heard one of their sisters’ call from the front door and waited to hear it slam again. Then the other two gifts I’d received almost seemed to bounce into the room; Barbie and Bea. Alice, Alison and...

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My Five Minute Girls

I was sitting in my room minding my own business when all of a sudden my door opened. My sister Julia was shoved in and the door was closed behind her. Julia was stark raving naked. Her hands were tight to her sides. Julia said, “I am yours to do with as you wish for five minutes!” All I could thing of to say was, “What?” Julia said, “I am yours to do with as you wish for five minutes!” I smiled and looked at her. My kid sister had started to grow up. At thirteen years old Julia...

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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Five

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Five By AmyAmy July 22nd, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including 'fetishism',...

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Altered Fates Hawaii Five 0 A Womans Work is with a Gun

Altered Fates Hawaii Five 0 - A Woman's Work is with a Gun By Danielle J Based on a teleplay by Glen Olson and Rod Baker This story is dedicated to the late Leonard Freeman, creator of one of my favorite television shows, Hawaii Five 0. Author's note- I've been toying with the idea of doing an AF Hawaii Five episode 0 for years. One season seven episode, A Woman's Work is with a Gun, was best suited for making a few TG modifications to. The trouble was, I hadn't seen the episode in...

2 years ago
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The Medieval Marine Part Five

The next week was an extremely busy one for Marion’s crew. It had been touch and go for Robin, but he was now starting to mend slowly. They also had their first encounter with Cecilia’s men since they had gone into hiding. Pollyanna and Stella had been coming back from a scouting trip when they almost literally stumbled on a group of Cecilia’s men raping five women that they had taken from a local village. Since they had the element of surprise and there were only five bastards, Stella...

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Mistress of Five Oaks

Mistress of Five Oaks Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep on my bedside table, to see if there is any significance tothis particular nighttime vision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dreamof passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. For the first time in months there is a man in my bed. I'd had the samedream the night before and I managed to get back to sleep. But tonight sleepwouldn't...

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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Five

THE WEEKEND AUGUST-19-20-21 - BOWLING FRIDAY NIGHT Friday nights three matches involved the 'Kings' playing the 'Striker', the 'Dragons' against the 'Falcons' and the 'Warrior's' appearing to be totally mismatched against a high flying 'Jaguars' team. In the first of the three games the 'Kings', though in fourteenth position, were only six and a half points outside the top ten and had a chance again the bottom placed 'Strikers' to challenge for a place in the stepladder...

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I Love Older Women Chapter Five

Chapter Five At six-forty-five, May’s phone beeped. It was a SMS from Mags. May sent her an SMS back. May said, “It is from Mags. She wants to know how I got on last night. I have asked if I can call her as I don’t want to write what I want to tell her. I told you this would happen.” Then May’s phoned beeped again. May read the message then signaled for me to follow her as Val was still fast asleep. We went to the lounge. May dialed Mags then put it on speaker phone. Mags asked how it went. May...

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Legend Of The Five Petticoats Inn

I knew the house was going to be a fixer-upper when I saw it on Zillow.  According to the price and tax history, the home had sat vacant for long periods of time between buyers.  The house was built in 1870 and still had, “good bones” as the television house DIY people would say.I work a second job on my days off from the firehouse.  Recently, I decided to quit working a part-time job and enjoy an open schedule and free-time.I bought the house knowing I would have to do quite a bit of...

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Full Circle Chapter Five

Full Circle – Chapter Five Making love to Susan can be favorably compared to either a hurricane or a deep, slow moving river depending on many factors including her mood. Tonight her mood was a cross between that of a playful mature tigress in heat and a raccoon kit wanting to explore everywhere and getting its nose into everything. After discussing the possibility of her leaving Baltimore with her family she was much more at ease than she had been earlier when we had come home from...

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Sexploits with Katie Ch 01

Katie wasn't blessed with the petite frame that is common among most of the girls I've been with, but she works hard to keep her roughly 5'7" body in shape. Beside, her slightly thicker frame brings with it big boobs and a nice ass, traits I would come to enjoy immensely over the past couple years. And although her pale skin, rosy cheeks and light freckles weren't features I generally considered to be part of my type, she certainly knew how to use them to her advantage with some makeup...

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Sexploits with Katie Ch 02

Of course, it was only a month and a half after that threesome that I had sex with my other good friend Katie for the first time. As my relationship with Katie progressed and with the double penetration still fresh in my mind, it didn't take me long to consider Katie as a sexy piece of sandwich meat as well. In fact, if any other of my female friends were to fulfill my dirty fantasy, I knew Katie would be my best shot, especially when I found out I was only one of three guys who were banging...

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Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family; not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone bewildering her slightly after spending so long away from home, the longest she had been in her short life. Yet she soon found the one face she was looking for, the one that was already smiling back at her, and Melissa's heart started beating so fast that it was as if...

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Jackrabbits a tale of what happens when HIV takes over

Our cast of characters: Lisa and Keith, sister and brother. Ruth and Eric, mother and father. Ruth went upstairs to Lisa’s bedroom. “Kids, supper’s on—” She opened the door to the scene of a nude Lisa on top of a nude Keith, one of those 42D breasts stuffed in his mouth. “Lisa, is it okay?” “Yeah, mom.” “He’s been at it since you guys came home from school.” “He needs it, mom.” “He’s going to chew your nipple off.” “It’s okay, mom. That breast cream takes away the...

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Kitsilano Narrative 4

Margot and I had been living together for two years now. Finding Tofino too limiting, we’d reluctantly made the move to Vancouver about a year ago. She’d set up her own small catering company, and I’d left the survey business to resume work as a freelance photographer. To put it mildly, we were now living something of a hand-to-mouth existence.We’d learned a lot about each other in the past twelve months.I wasn’t the golden boy that she’d first believed me to be. I still strayed occasionally,...

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Ditsydoo and Sams fun day

I first met Kitty through XH a couple of years ago, she’s a lovely BBW MILF with a lovely face, great boobs and incredible nipples! We met for lunch and went for a walk, unfortunately she had to return to work, so all we had time for was a little passionate kissing. I must say that she is a great kisser, I love deep french kissing and Kitty does it to perfection. Lovely soft lips, active tongue, just kissing her got me hard and I really wanted to drag her into the bushes and give her a quick...

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Kitsune chpt 1 2

Clark walked quietly, slowly, through the woods as he made his way towards his favorite place to sit. He grinned as he heard the sound of park rangers thundering through the brush in the opposite direction, yelling at one another to find the brat. Finally he reached the stream that cut through the park and walked up the bank until he found his spot, a small pound were the water poured from the rocks at the northern boundary of the forest. Looking up Clark could see the stone of Barons peak in...

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Introduction: A bittersweet reunion and coming of age for sisters….and lovers. (Warning: graphic scat/body fluids.) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fantasy: attempting performing the sex acts detailed here could seriously damage your health. Do it anyway ^~^ Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family, not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone...

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For your entire life, you've thought of your family as pretty normal. Kaitlin and Robert Talbot, both in their late forties, both with standard but boring 9-5 office-type jobs. Two kids, Jessica and Andy, 21 and 19, respectively, college dropout and aspiring college dropout. You know, the American dream. Then Robert becomes the key witness in a murder by a big-time member of your city's organized crime network. His testimony is key to putting this criminal behind bars. It also puts a target on...

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Arbeitssuche in der Krise

“Sie haben das Inserat aber schon verstanden? Sie haben gelesen dass ich eine Direktionssekretärin und nicht einen Sekretär suche?” Sicher habe ich das verstanden. Nur hatte ich noch nie ein Inserat gesehen wo ausdrücklich ein Direktionssekretär gesucht wurde. “Sicher habe ich das verstanden. Grundsätzlich haben wir heute Gleichberechtigung. Also müssten Sie ihre Stellenausschreibung auch dementsprechend verfassen.” Die Reaktion der Chefin, der Firma die Stelle ausgeschrieben hatte, ließ auf...

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"Ahhh fack it!" You shouted aloud. Then hear a chuckle come from behind. You turn your head to see Haley dressed. "Wait! Was that tonight?" You asked looking perplexed, completely forgetting about it. "You forgot! I can't believe y-" But before she can finish the sentence you've already ran up to her and put your finger on her lips. Turning her around and whispering at her ear, "I'll make it up to you. Baby doll." While simultaneously running your finger up and down her crotch area. "You know...

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Terri, Donna und Ronnie waren Freunde aus der Kindheit. Ich hatte sie seit über einem Jahr nicht mehr gesehen, nicht seit ich den Job der Rezeptionistin bekommen hatte, als ich Daniel traf. Mein Leben hatte sich so sehr verändert und ich habe kaum an die alten Zeiten gedacht, aber ich musste sie zur Hochzeit einladen, wenn auch nur um ihnen zu zeigen, wie es sich auszahlt, gut zu sein und darauf zu warten, dass der richtige Mann kommt. Sie waren am Mittwoch vor der Hochzeit mit ihren Freunden...

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Arbeitsparty fr Tony

Toni rief an und entschuldigte sich, dass sie fragte, ob es mir es etwas ausmache unser kleines Mädchen zu hüten während sie auf einer Party eines Freundes von Ginger war. Ich sagte ihr, dass es kein Problem sei, sie solle sich keine Sorgen machen und es genießen. Ich wollte wissen, ob sie sicher wäre und fragte ob sie oder jemand anderes fahren würde. Obwohl Toni sehr konservativ in ihrem Verhalten war - sie trank nicht sehr oft und wenn sie es tat, war sie immer beschwipst. Sie sagte mir,...

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Peter saß genervt im Unterricht sie schrieben gerade eine Klausur und er hatte keine Ahnung vom Thema. Er würde eine knallharte sechs schreiben und durchfallen. Da er sowieso nichts beantworten konnte spielte er mit der Uhr herum die er am Wochenende auf dem Dachboden gefunden hatte. Es war eine altmodische silberne Taschenuhr. Er fand sie ziemlich cool auch wenn all seine Kumpels ihn Heute deswegen ausgelacht hatten. Er spielte ein wenig mit der Uhr herum und bemerkte einen kleinen Schalte am...

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kitsune Dodger

So in the Relm you choose you will the world you live in, MODERN DAY! So this Relm is very much like our own, expect other than just humans there are also furries, beacuse we weren't the only speices to evole, who cares about logic this is porn. SC-FI! This Relm is furries were on a diffrent planet, and when the human race started to explore them, we found these planets. Fanstasy! This is a fantasy world so they different races. well now to some impornt stuff, dodger is a kitsune, much like...

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Polizeimeisterin Kathrin Melzer war heute nicht zum lachen zu Mute. Polizeimeisterin - klang eigentlich nicht schlecht! Eigentlich war sie ganz schön stolz als sie den Titel tragen durfte, als sie sich das erste mal mit ihrer Uniform im Spiegel sah. Selbst in der Kampfmontur die sie jetzt trug gefiel sie sich. Sah ja schon beeindruckend aus, mit Helm, grüner Montur, breiten Schultern durch die Protektoren, Schlagstock und Schild, den schwarzen Boots, sie merkte schon dass selbst die Machos...

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Bigtitslut4us Birthday Surprise

Today was the first day of Spring vacation from College and I was awoken by a loud noise outside in front of the vacant house next door so I went to the window to see what was going on too see that a moving van was in front of the house next door and they were moving furniture into the house next door !! The house next door had been up for sale and I'm guessing the new owners were moving in today!! So I decided to go on about my business for the day!! I got dressed and went down stairs to have...

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Bigtitslut4u dirty lil cockslut

rJust so you know this story isn't true is a story I'm posting for a friend!! Well the story began' s with Laura out shopping for sex toys and she's looking around the place trying to find just the right toy to fit her needs but is having a hard time deciding on which one will do the trick when out of no where comes the sales person of which Laura becomes mesmerized with as soon as she hears him speak as his a very handsome man with a body that looks as if he works out a lot!! He's 5'6 and...

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Hochzeitsorgie Teil 1 Die Ankuumlndigung

Holger, 47 Jahre, 188 cm, 90 kg, kurze dunkelbraune Haare mit leichtem grauen Schimmer, keine athletische Figur aber sportlich schlank, kam am Freitagnachmittag gegen 16:00 Uhr von seinem Job als Ingenieur der Produktionssteuerung eines Anlagenbauers nach Hause.Holger und seine Frau Heike, 43 Jahre, 163 cm, 47 kg, glatte schwarze schulterlange Haare, zierliche sportliche Figur, liebten es zu Hause nackt zu sein. Seit dem ihre Tochter ausgezogen war, hatten sie es sich angewöhnt, noch bevor sie...

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Ditsydoo and Sams fun day

I first met Kitty through XH a couple of years ago, she's a lovely BBW MILF with a lovely face, great boobs and incredible nipples! We met for lunch and went for a walk, unfortunately she had to return to work, so all we had time for was a little passionate kissing. I must say that she is a great kisser, I love deep french kissing and Kitty does it to perfection. Lovely soft lips, active tongue, just kissing her got me hard and I really wanted to drag her into the bushes and give her a quick...

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Reitstunde Mutter reitet Freund der Tochter ein

In Anlehnung an eine wahre Geschichte:Lena war 17, ich war gerde volljährig geworden. Ich würde mich als Spätzünder bezeichnen, hatte mit meinen ebenfalls 18 Jahren zwar schon ein paar Freundinnen, doch viel lief nicht. Mit Lena auch nicht. Sie war sehr selbstbewusst, die beste in unserer Klasse auf dem Gymnasium, nicht der Typ Mädchen, in das sich alle auf Anhieb verlieben, eher eine, die sich einsetzte für die anderen und die daher viele Freunde hatte. Sie trug weite Pullover, seit sich ihre...

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