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Like similar Intergang strongholds across the country, the complex hidden deep in New York’s Adirondack Mountains had been designed to hold off a small army if necessary. Or at the very least, hold the legal authorities at bay long enough for the upper hierarchy to be able to make their getaway. After all, ground troops could be easily replaced and were therefore quite expendable.

So it was with considerable dismay that the scientist in charge of the project watched on the monitors as half the security force had been rendered combat ineffective in less than a quarter- hour. Even more disconcerting was the fact that the devastation had been caused not by the theoretical small army, but by five lone individuals. Teenagers actually, members of the famed Teen Titans. Turning the monitors off, the “man in charge” headed for the safety of the main lab and the emergency escape pod hidden within.

If the monitors had still glowed with life, they would’ve shown a hail of bullets filling the air as a half-dozen troopers turned their weapons on a single target. A tall, pony tailed girl dressed in a loose fitting, sleeveless red blouse emblazoned with a large golden eagle across her ample chest. The rest of her outfit consisted of little more than a very brief pair of blue shorts, decorated with white stars, and red sandals that laced upward to just below the knees of her smooth, bare legs.

The roar of gunfire still echoed in the air as a perplexed look came over each gunman. Despite their often proven marksmanship, not a single shot had hit their target. Instead, faster than the eye could follow, the lethal projectiles had all been deflected by the teenage girl using the matching metal bracelets she wore on each wrist. Dubbed Wonder Girl by the media, her real name was Donna Troy and she had been raised on the hidden island of Themyscira, home of the legendary Amazons. And like her adopted older sister, Diana, possessed all the strengths and talents of those warrior women.

A short distance away, another dark haired teen was sending far larger opponents crashing into the reinforced walls. Born simply Garth in the undersea Kingdom of Atlantis, a lifetime of living under the greater pressures of the ocean depths had given him with strength far out of proportion to his size. Each punch delivered by the blue and red garbed water-breather arrived with greater impact than any heavyweight boxer.

The largest body count so far had been rung up by a gold and red blur that moved too fast to be seen. Only when he briefly stopped to survey his surroundings could Wally West, Kid Flash, be seen. One of the two or three fastest human beings on Earth, the red haired youngster had been disarming Intergang’s deadliest with such swiftness that most didn’t realized that they’d been so until they tried to pull the trigger on weapons they no longer held in their hands. Then, caught up in the vacuum of his passing, their bodies came crashing together, only their body armor preventing more serious injury as they passed out from either the impact or a momentary lack of oxygen.

On the opposite side of the large entrance chamber, the fourth member of the Titans used a weapon that looked deceptively primitive. Trained in the use of the bow and arrow by Green Arrow himself, the red and gold archer, Speedy to the world and Roy Harper to his friends, sent volley after volley of specially designed arrows into the fray. Arrows whose tips ranged from explosive warheads to ones filled with knockout gas.

The last, but never the least of the Titans, managed to avoid most of the skirmish and instead made his way down the long hallway to the inner chambers. His goal was the same scientist who had watched their progress on the monitors. The junior member of the celebrated team of Batman and Robin, Dick Grayson was the de facto leader of the Titans. Not possessing any super powers of his own, he was nevertheless the glue that held the disparate group together.

For over a month, the Teen Wonder, trained by the World’s Greatest Detective, had been following the trail that had led them here. He’d put too much effort into the search to let his quarry escape now.

Racing up the metal staircase that led to the main lab, Robin mentally reviewed the facts of the case in order to anticipate what he might find ahead. A large number of the most wanted underworld figures had simply disappeared from sight over the last year, far too many to be a coincidence. Soon after each disappearance, many of those same criminal organizations had been taken over by previously unknown replacements that had appeared seemingly out of thin air. The various law enforcement agencies had reached a dead end, with one of them turning to the Titans for help.

Passing now abandoned work areas, Robin took in at a glance various equipment he recognized as the sort used to create new identities. A confirmation of what had happened to the hoods that had vanished. That still didn’t answer, however, the question of where those most wanted had gone, or who is was that had replaced them in the underworld. Hopefully, he thought as he quickened his pace, the white coated figure that had just disappeared into the room at the end of the hall held the answers.

Batarang in hand as he stepped into the last chamber, Robin was surprised to find that it was another small lab rather than the operating room that he’d expected. He had been sure that the Intergang facility had been designed to use plastic surgery to change the appearance of criminals and allow them to take on the new identities created for them. It was hardly a new scheme, but one he’d never encountered on this scale.

The lab was filled with enough unrecognizable devices to rival S.T.A.R. Labs, and Robin quickly surveyed the room for the shadowy form he had seen seconds before. Taking a few steps into the center of the room, the Teen Wonder caught a motion to his left; a half second before the figure ran out into the open and headed with all speed towards what at first appeared as no more than an empty wall at the back of the chamber.

“You’ll never get the chance to use it,” Robin cried out, remembering from his research that each Intergang base usually came equipped with a last ditch escape pod.

The figure he’d been chasing stopped and turned, causing Robin to pause, ready to take action against the weapon the scientist would undoubtedly be brandishing. To his surprise, not only was there no weapon, the “man in charge” was hardly what he’d expected either.

Beneath the long, white lab coat was a tall, incredibility beautiful young woman. Long blonde hair was tied back in a bun, but she had a face and body that looked to belong more on a fashion model than a mad scientist.

“I guess they all can’t be bald, middle aged men,” Robin thought as he again ordered her to surrender.

In response, the woman turned without a word and began to run for the wall once more. Taking off after her, the Titan closed the gap between them with each step.

Reaching the still bare back wall, the scientist again turned to face Robin. He paused a few feet from her, batarang still at the ready in his gloved hand. A broad smile filled her face as if she knew something he didn’t.

“It’s over,” Robin said, taking two steps closer, on the alert for a sudden assault.

“Not quite,” the woman said, in a voice that came not from in front of the Teen Wonder, but behind him.

In that second, two things happened almost simultaneously. The woman he’d been chasing simply vanished into thin air. Too late Robin realized she had been a hologram. Less than a heartbeat later, a glass chamber, not much bigger than a phone booth, appeared around the Teen Titan, its walls rising from the floor so quickly that even Kid Flash might’ve been caught unaware.

Slamming his batarang against the plexiglas wall, it was obvious to Robin that it would take Donna or Garth to shatter whatever this glass was made of.

“Feel free to try and break out.” the woman, who was a real life version of the hologram, said as she approached his prison. “But I have to tell you, it’s going to take a lot more than that little toy.”

“Who are you?” Robin asked.

“Oh, is this the part where I realize that all is lost and confess my evil plan?” she laughed. “Well I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you. True, you and your meddlesome friends have put a serious crimp in our operations here, but like they say, tomorrow is another day.”

“You’re not going to get away,” Robin said, ignoring the nature of his predicament.

“You know, normally, you might be right about that,” the nameless scientist confessed. “Your friends are quite fast and powerful. So the thing is, I would guess, to give them a reason not to come after me.”

With that, the blonde stepped over to what was obviously a control panel and, tripping a few switches, brought it to life. To Robin’s dismay, the floor beneath him began to glow.

“After all the hard work you must’ve put into finding this place, perhaps I should answer some of your questions about what we’re doing here after all,” she said as she activated another part of the panel. “Or better yet, show you.”

“I think I could wait for the book to come out,” Robin said, trying to sound flippant as he wondered what was keeping the rest of the Titans.

“Don’t worry, it’s quite safe,” she assured him with a smile as she pressed the last few buttons. “In fact, you might find it interesting. I do apologize for not having the time to tailor the program for you personally like I normally do for my clients, but I’ll add a few non-standard add-ons, shall we say, to make up for it.”

Before Robin could ever try to sort out the meaning of her words, the last button had been pushed and the glass chamber began to fill with a dense orange cloud. It quickly filled the compartment and his lungs. His vision blurred and he felt his entire body grow warm. Just before he blacked out, he noted that the glow beneath him began to rise and engulf his entire body.

Less than a minute later, the other four members of the Titans finally caught up with their leader. They’d been delayed by the necessity of disarming the base’s self-destruct device that one of the middle level commanders had managed to engage.

“Robin?” Kid Flash yelled as he skidded to an abrupt stop, spotting the glowing tube at the far end of the room.

Speedy was the first to the control panel, but was unable to decide just how to shut the machine down. Unfortunately there wasn’t anything as simple as a button marked ‘off.’

“We’ve got to get him out of there,” Donna said as she stepped toward the now almost blinding light. “Garth, give me a hand.”

With Wonder Girl on one side, and Aqualad the other, they were about to crack the box open when a cry from Kid Flash stopped them in mid-motion.

“Wait!” he cried out. “If you damaged the chamber, you’ll kill Robin.”

“And how do we know it’s not killing him now?” Donna asked, her powerful hands still against the tube.

“Because that’s not what it was designed for,” Kid Flash answered.

“Since when are you a scientist?” Speedy asked from behind the control panel.

“I’m not,” Wally admitted, “but what I am is the world’s fastest speed reader. And our now absent quarry was kind enough to leave behind the operating manuals on this gizmo.”

With that, the other three looked down and saw the half dozen binders spread open on the floor around the speedster’s feet.

“So what is it? Garth asked, taking his own hands off the chamber.

“It’s a DNA re-sequencer,” Wally answered, “at least that’s what they called it in the manuals. That’s how Intergang was giving criminals new identities. They didn’t bother with plastic surgery to just change their faces; they gave them whole new bodies to go with their new identities. That orange cloud you see is a transmetagenetic compound that breaks down the DNA enough so that it can be altered to a new matrix.

“Is that what it’s doing to Robin,” Speedy asked, “giving him a new identity?”

“I don’t know,” Kid Flash admitted, “but I do know that if we interrupt the process before it’s complete, it’s going to be like one of those transporter accidents on Star Trek. If it doesn’t kill him outright, it’ll at the very least cause irreparable cellular damage.”

“So we just wait,” the archer said.

“Nothing else we can do,” Wally said as he and his other two teammates joined the fourth at the control panel. “The process is totally automated, anything we do is just going to screw it up.”

“You’re sure about this?” Donna asked.

“Look here,” Wally answered as he drew their attention to one of the panels on the console. “These are his life signs and, as best as I can read them, he’d doing fine.”

Donna looked at the panel for long moment, then agreed with his conclusion.

“Then we wait,” she simply said.

The process, Wally further explained from his reading, was going to take a few hours. More than enough time for the federal authorities to take their prisoners off their hands. None of them, before being turned over, seemed willing or able to explain any more about the device Robin had been trapped in. This despite Wonder Girl’s rather demonstrative incentive for them to tell them what they needed to know. Evidently, the right to remain silent wasn’t high on the list of things she’d learned from the Amazons. Observing the look on their faces as Donna shattered concrete columns in her anger, the other Titans believed that the captives really didn’t have the information they were looking for. The only one who did had managed to use their preoccupation to make use of the only escape pod.

“Something’s happening,” Speedy cried out three hours later as another section of the console came to life.

The other three Titans jumped up from where they’d been resting, having decided to watch the controls in shifts earlier, and raced to Speedy. Parts of the panel were indeed shutting down as the glow of the chamber began to dim and the whirl of an exhaust fan was heard as the last of the transmetagenetic compound was drawn downward. Then, much slower than they had raised, the walls of the chamber began to recede into the floor as soon as the inside was clear.

Consciousness returned to Robin with the sudden rush of fresh air. Staggering forward as he regained his bearings, it took a few long seconds for the Titan Leader to notice his fellows. None of them had said a word up to that moment, they were all too stunned at his appearance.

After a few more steps, Robin noticed the look on their faces and then took his first look at himself. Unable to believe what he saw, he turned to the large full length mirror he remembered seeing on the side wall earlier.

“Holy boobs!” he exclaimed in a voice that was his, but not his. “What the hell happened?”

The reflection in the mirror was that of a young woman, roughly the same height and weight as Dick Grayson, but with the latter somewhat redistributed. Previously short black hair had been spurred to growth and now hung just below his neck. The bare legs that had recently been suggesting to him that it might be time for a change of costume, were still athletic but decidedly female. Pressed tight against his red tunic were the breasts that had prompted his initial outburst. They weren’t overly large, certainly not in the same class as Donna’s, but they were attractive enough that had they been someone else’s, Dick Grayson would’ve been attracted by them.

Quickly Kid Flash explained all that had happened, and what he’d learned from the briefing books about the device.

“Can we reverse this?” Robin asked, the prospect of a negative answer not one he wanted to entertain.

“Well there’s good news and not so good news about that,” Wally said as the other Titans tried to look like they weren’t staring at their changed leader. “The good news is that the process is indeed reversible,” he began, starting with the good part. “I already checked and there’s just enough transmetagenetic compound left to run it one more time. And most importantly, to use my Star Trek transporter analogy again, the re-sequencer stores the original matrix of the user in its buffer and since the whole process is computer controlled, all we have to do is press a few buttons and the rest is automatic.”

“That’s great,” Robin said, still set back by the softer, higher pitched voice that was now his, “than let’s do it.”

“That’s the not so good news,” Kid Flash continued. “If we try and reverse the process before his, err, her body is totally adjusted to the changes, it could cause the same cellular damage we might’ve done if we’d interrupted the original transformation.”

“How long do we have to wait?” Donna asked, seeing that is was a question that Dick was afraid to ask.

“Based on what I read in the notes, seven to ten days,” Wally replied. “Call it two weeks just to be sure.

“I have to stay this way for two weeks?” Robin asked.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Fuck me!” the no longer Boy Wonder exclaimed.

“Well I guess we really can’t call you Dick for a while,” Speedy grinned, trying to interject a little levity into the situation.

Dick didn’t find it too funny, but it did raise a point. Luckily, his alter-ego would do until he returned to his natural form - Robin being gender neutral.

“Maybe we should contract my Uncle Barry and the other Justice Leaguers,” Wally suggested. “Let them go over these notes and make sure I read them all right.”

“No, the last thing I want is for Bruce or any of the others to know that, for now at least, I’m the Girl Wonder,” Robin replied before anyone else could offer a comment. “Not all of the JLAer’s were trilled with the idea of the Teen Titans in the first place and I’m not going to let them use this as an excuse to shut us down. No, we’ll handle this ourselves.”

“Okay, if you’re sure,” Wally replied, thinking it was the wrong decision. After all, just because he could read a book a few dozen times, it didn’t mean he understood all of it. But again, it was Robin’s decision.

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Garth said, “Boy Wonder, Girl Wonder, what’s the difference. It’s still you.”

He was looking at Speedy when he’d said it, and the archer just responded with a shrug. Robin and Wally just shook their heads slowly. They all knew that Speedy was gay, he’d made no secret of that almost from their first adventure. It was as accepted a fact as Donna being a lesbian. After all, what else would you expect a girl who grew up on an island populated only be women to be?

Garth, on the other hand, had never mentioned the fact until recently that he was ambisexual. It wasn’t that he was trying to hide it, it was simply that the Atlantean language didn’t have a word for it. To him, gender was irrelevant and you just had sex with anyone that interested you. Sometimes, he told them, these curious surface customs left him with a headache.

“Well, I guess all we can do is seal this place up and wait,” the transgendered Robin concluded, “the sooner the next two weeks go by the better.

Several hours later, after the team had returned to Titan’s Lair, the former WayneCo storage facility outside of Gotham City that Batman had donated to them as a headquarters, Robin sat alone in her room. Her Robin costume now hung in the closet, replaced with a pair of simple unisex pajamas.

No sooner had their helicopter landed when Donna and Wally ordered the now Girl Wonder into the medilab and performed as many tests as they could. The final result being that in just about every way, she was a healthy teenage girl. So healthy in fact that Donna felt it necessary to explain certain aspects of female physiology to Robin. It was all Kid Flash could do not to snicker as Robin’s face turned crimson as she hoped, no prayed, that they would be able to turn her back before she had to deal with the worse of what Wonder Girl described.

Clothing also proved to be a small problem as little other than her Robin costume still fit. Donna again came to the rescue with a pair of loose fitting pajamas and appropriate undergarments. Evidently, she’d amassed a collection of different sizes of each to use as gifts for some of the women she dated. That these gifts filled an entire closet wasn’t something Robin wanted to comment on. No one who valued their unbroken bones was about to suggest that Donna might be promiscuous, but it was well known among those who knew her and Diana that monogamy was hardly part of the Amazon value system.

Only now, sitting there all alone, was it really beginning to sink in what had happened to the former Boy Wonder. That Wally could be wrong and the process couldn’t be reversed had to be considered. Could she live the rest of her life as a woman?

And what of Robin? Would Batman let him go on as the Girl Wonder? Strangely enough, that thought troubled her most of all. Until she realized how foolish it was. Hadn’t Batman teamed up enough times with Kathy Kane - Batwoman? Not to mention that new Batgirl that they didn’t know that much about yet? If the two of them could be crime fighters, why couldn’t a female Robin?

Dick Grayson of course would have to vanish, and a new identity created for a non-existent cousin or something. But that would be easy enough for someone of Bruce Wayne’s influence. In fact, Bruce already had dozens of fake alter egos that he used in his Batman persona, so adding a female one for Dick would be the smallest of tasks. She would need a new name of course, it might take some time to come up with a really good one.

“Wait a minute,” Robin said as she abruptly jumped up from the edge of the bed. “I’m acting like I’ve already lost the fight. Wally said we could reverse this in a few weeks and right now I don’t have a reason to doubt that.”

What Robin didn’t realize was that some of the secondary effects of the transformation were already starting to take effect. Or that over the next two weeks, the Girl Wonder would continue to undergo a series of physiological and behavioral changes. Ones that had been designed to allow a transmuted person to live in their new body more comfortably, to make their new state seem more natural. In her case, to become a woman in mind, as well as body. Also on the horizon, loomed the add-ons that the chief scientist had mentioned. Ones that he had been too preoccupied at the time to really hear promised or remember about now.

“I need a shower,” Robin said to the empty air. “Maybe that will clear my head.”

Grabbing a towel from the closet, she started to head for the large shower room adjacent to the gym. The one that all the Titans, including Wonder Girl, normally used. Suddenly, as she stepped out into the hallway, Robin felt very self conscious about the idea of being naked around anyone else. The gym was usually empty this time of the night, but you never knew when one of the guys might be in the mood to work off some steam.

“Wait a second,” she abruptly remembered, “I forgot all about the private shower in the guest quarters.”

The guest room, located at the far end of the common hall, was twice the size of their individual quarters and had originally been designed to be Donna’s room. The Amazon, however, had strongly objected to being treated any different than the boys and had taken one of the standard size dorms instead. With no better idea what to do with it, the empty room had been designated as guest quarters but had yet to be used as such.

It only took the Girl Wonder a few moments to reverse direction and reach the private room, quickly keying in the access code to open the door. It was the first time she’d been in the room for months and had forgotten that aside from the small phone booth sized shower, the bathroom also had a full sized tub. Why take a shower, she thought, when she could soak in a hot bath.

Turning on the hot water, and then the cold to create just the right mix, Robin left the tub to fill up slowly. In the storage cabinet above, she knew, was an assortment of bubble baths and body washes left for the convenience of guests. Looking at the different colored bottles, she found herself drawn to a vanilla scented bubble bath and poured a good measure into the water flow.

A large floor to ceiling mirror took up most of the opposite wall, and Robin took a long look at herself as she took off the cream colored pajamas that Donna had provided. Stranding there in just a bra and panties, the former Boy Wonder had to admit that the reflection looking back at her was enough to give her former self a first class hard-on.

Donna had helper her dress earlier, after seeing that she was having problems with the clasp that held the simple bra together. After all, Dick’s earlier experience with such garments was in getting them off, not putting one on. So at that time, there hadn’t been the chance to really admire the transformed body.

Running her hands across a smooth, flat stomach, Robin lifted them higher and cupped the underside of her breasts. With a well practiced eye, Donna had taken one look at them and produced a 34C brassiere from her collection. Robin felt a curious tingle as his fingers ran across the thin material, brushing against nipples that had surprisingly become quite erect. As a male, Robin had sometimes stroked his own stubs, but they’d never felt this sensitive before.

Slipping the fingers of her right hand under the soft cloth, she pressed them against even softer flesh, finding it warm to the touch. A quiet sigh escaped, quite unexpectedly, from her lips as her other hand slipped around to her back. This time she didn’t need any help as with one deft motion, she undid the twin hooks.

The now loose material fell free, held up only by the thin straps around her arms. It only took a moment more to work them also free as she turned her attention to her now exposed bosom.

Her nipples were a much darker pink than she remembered, and stood firmer than had been the norm. Placing two fingers against each dark circle, Robin rubbed then in a rounded motion, producing a pleasant feeling that brought a smile to her lips. Those motions expanded until they included the whole of her breasts and she closed her hands tightly around the pliant, yet firm flesh. A now hard touch that produced a different sort of but no less pleasing sensations.

Finally releasing them with the reluctance a child shows when asked to give up a new toy, Robin raised his hands to her shoulders and began to trace twin paths down each side of her chest, stroking her skin with her fingertips and marveling at the continuing delights that touch provided. No part of her upper body was left unexplored, even though time and again her rounded mounds cried out for her attention.

Dropping below her waist, the petite pair of panties slid downward at her touch, dropping easily around her ankles to be tossed to the side with just a brief motion of her foot. Robin was surprised to discover that her new sex was practically hairless, having only a small patch of hair just above it. As a male, his cock had been surrounded with a bush of dark hair. In was another small detail that had resulted from the programming in the DNA re- sequencer.

Her hands now glided up and down the sides of her legs, nails leaving a temporary trace across her thighs. Gently, they moved across her legs, coming to rest on the small mound between them. A warm wetness greeted her, followed by a strange but pleasing tingle that spread out from between her legs.

“Hmm, that feels nice,” Robin thought, the tingle growing even stronger as her fingers pressed harder, parting the folds of her pussy to touch the even more sensitive flesh within.

As a male, Robin had hardly been an innocent. An incident with the Catwoman and a few others after had made sure of that. But if anything could be called virgin territory, it was the area she now explored. Her fingers continued to probe, slipping further inside herself until like tiny cocks, she had three extended fingers filling her.

Her thumb located her clitoris and rubbed against it in gentle circles, adding to the spreading sense of warmth and delight. It was an experience only previously experienced from the outside, now come to life with all the intimacy it was possible to bring.

Robin felt her wetness grow stronger as her fingers increased their pace. The corresponding waves of passion they produced washed over her with rising frequency. What started as soft gasps from her lips graduated to long, loud moans, verbal depictions of the forces ripping through her.

She bucked her body up and down on her fingers, thrusting her hand inward at an even faster rate. Her other free hand massaged her breasts, squeezing them tightly and adding to the verbal cacophony. A rising tide unlike any she has ever felt before.

A tide that crashed against the shoals of her sex with incredible force, sweeping up her body in an unbelievable swirl of delights. One that once it passed left her almost too weak to even stand.

Dropping down to sit on the edge of the tub, it took her a long minute to catch her breath. The water had already reached the necessary level and holding onto the edge, Robin slipped over the side and eased herself into the soothing, sweet smelling water.

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My Lady and How She Treats Me Part Three

Those who read my earlier confessions know by now how my relationship with L works. That you have read them, probably, means you have an interest in the so-called “cuck” lifestyle. Even if not, I am sure you know a large amount of porn with this theme is available on the internet.As you can imagine, I have a rather double feeling about these flicks. They excite me, but also remind me that L will sometimes make it painfully clear she fucks other men and enjoys it. I let L do as she pleases, but...

3 years ago
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First College Romance Part 2

Thomas inclined his head towards his bedroom. I unwrapped my legs from his waist, and he helped me up. He pulled me close to him and kissed me deeply. My nipples rubbed against his shirt and became hard. He placed his hands on my ass and squeezed, almost lifting me off the ground. He moved his hands to my waist and walked backwards, leading me towards his bed. He sat me down and took his shirt off. He leaned in and kissed me. It was a sweet kiss, with a hint of the earlier passion. He gently...

Love Stories
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worth the wait chapter one a new beginning cont

Kat looked out the coach window. Her uncle and and aunt stood by waving as the coach pulled away. Kat ignored their worried looks and turned to play with her doll. It was a long ride. The coach stopped several times and she slept on the seat several times. But soon they reached their destination. As Kat climbed down the steps she noticed one thing, this place was huge, like a castle, she also noticed no one was there to greet them. A footman carried her baggage to the door and rapped on it. ...

3 years ago
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1 March 2008Chapter 2

Brad sat in the Falcons dressing room drinking a bottle of water and retaping his hockey stick. “Hey Brad, Abby sure has got the better of you today!” Hans teased. “Even covered by hockey pants, I can’t help looking at her cute, tiny ass!” he joked. “She isn’t too bad a player,” Randy offered. “Yes, she is quite good. I’ll have to talk to her about joining the women’s rec league.” Before returning for the third period, Brad talked to Joel and Coach Benson. The horn sounded and the...

2 years ago
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I Seduced My Younger Brother And Lost Virginity 8211 Pt 2

Iqbal and I spent many afternoons in his bedroom cuddling naked and exploring each other’s nude body. Iqbal wanted to have sex, I too wanted to go all the way but was scared. So I thought that he can rub his dick on my cunt slit and clitoris, that can give him and me both pleasure. So one day after having oral sex when we were cuddling, I held his dick and started massaging it, it grew in my hand was hard within no time. I took it in my mouth and blew him for a couple of minutes. Then I lay...

2 years ago
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Chicago Part 1 when I lived there

My first trip was to BH1 (which is now closed) because it was the closest to my home and the least expensive to enter. I only had the vision of what I read or saw in movies so I was nervous and excited at the same time. It was kind of strange from the outside, just a small sign and when entering this large old building I had to go downstairs. I paid my entry fee and received a room key and a smallish well used, but clean, towel, the door buzzed and I entered. It had dim lighting so it took...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi And Me Seduced Each Other For Lovely Night 8211 Ass Fucking 8211 Part 3

Hello friends, I am back with something more erotic and naughty. My name is Anay, I am from Pimpri, Pune. My last story was about how me and aunty fucked for the first time, and today I will tell you what we did the rest of night and later on. So, after I fucked her for 1st time, on her bed, with me under her, and she was riding me. I shaved her pussy, and we were resting and getting prepared for the rest of the night. I was full nude on the bed and she was roaming in her house doing some...

4 years ago
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Learning about SEX from Mom and Dad

My mom and dad are really cool people and we really get along well. Sexually, they are very open and when they explained the "birds and the bee's" to me they actually let me watch them fuck a few times. Being that young, I found it interested to see my dad shove his hard cock in my mothers pussy and it was better than pictures for sure!The first time they let me watch, when dad pulled his cock from mom, I noticed all the cum pouring from her and all over his cock and balls. He cleaned himself...

1 year ago
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My Exwife how it all began

Once again, just as we got to the critical point, she leaped up and ran for the bathroom When I met Sue I had just come out of another relationship, I suppose you could say I was on the rebound.I first met her at a riding stables I was working on, I was doing a lot of those at that stage in my life.She was a small slim woman, 18 years old, about five feet tall with long blonde hair, not exactly stunning, she never wore make-up, not unattractive, sort of a typical, girl next door.I had hardly...

1 year ago
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Like a battlefield, the green felt table waited. On a plain where countless skirmishes have been won and lost, two pairs, both made up of one guy and one girl, prepare to make friendly war on each other. The social aspect of the game is enough to offset the lust for victory, although all of them know that as the night progresses, missed shots will grow more painful, regret will sharpen its claws, and victory will evolve from a friendly congratulation to the desire to play again, to continue...

4 years ago
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My Hot Indian MILF Kusum Part 3 Aakhri Chudai

Time went by quickly. 2 years and 7 months to be precise. Kusum now was like my girlfriend/wife/sex slave/friend cum trusted confidante. I shared everything with her. There wasn’t anything that she didn’t know about me or I didn’t know about her by this point. Age was slowly catching up with her. She couldn’t bend all the way as she could a few years ago. But her sexual appetite was insatiable. I was having the time of my life fulfilling her needs and my fantasies one at a time. During this...

4 years ago
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Driver and Me

** another one of my favourites enjoyDriver and meBy: ISS Hi I am Esha, 29 years old and this story is when i was working for Pakistan International Airlines about a year ago. I am a fairly attractive lady, about 5 4 in height, fairish complexion and long black hair though the one feature of me that attracts the most attention is my 34D bust. For a girl my size they look pretty big on me, and so I always have Pilots and passengers hitting on me the first chance they get. When we get off flights...

2 years ago
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My Hot Chitty ammas younger sister

My hot chitty (amma’s younger sister)Hai to all iss readers. This is karthick from tamilnadu and this is my first story to iss. Now I am studying engineering in a reputed college in Coimbatore (in tamilnadu). This insent happened between me and my chitty (my mom’s younger sister) last year (2007). She was a widow of age 39 at now (in 2008).she had only one daughter and she is doing her schooling. My chitty’s name is kala she is a perfect figure with good shapes all over her body. She lost her...

1 year ago
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Riding on this bus always sucks, but eventually we get to where we are going and then we get to play. There is always a good part with every bad part I guess. The ride gives me time to think between shows. I play bass guitar and lead vocals for a rock band out of Columbus, Ohio. We aren’t too bad , actually we’re pretty good. But this summer we’ve done a lot of traveling around the Midwest. All to finally get that big break. Pretty good for an 19 year old schmuck from a little town in Indiana.

4 years ago
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The Exhibition

It was a warm day. The sun beamed down through a cloudless sky on most of the city and the building shadowed the busy streets as I made my way to the gallery across the river. A slight breeze teased at my skin and in the shade you could really feel the cold air. My supervisor had asked me to cover the new art exhibitions opening as the writer it was assigned to had been delayed in France after his long weekend away. “You look like the arty type!” Richard said when he had given me the brief. “I...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 48

Jack: In the meantime, the AI piped up with, "Oh?" I'd been talking out my ass... "Young Abe appears to be a viable candidate for the creation of such a video, given proper support." "Um." I was a little dazed and confused. Abe was there in the room, having viewed the video -- which, let's face it, hadn't even been rated 'R'. I shrugged. What the Hell... "Abe, the AI thinks you can make a...

2 years ago
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The Paint Job Part 2

"You've obviously discussed the other five paintings of the set in some detail," I remarked to my two clients.  "Could you give me a rundown of what you have in mind so I have an idea of context?""Okay, so the first is the beautiful composition of us kneeling face-to-face with our erections forming a heart-shape," Stephen told me, before laughing again at my misgivings about how trite that might look.  "And in the second, I'm giving my new husband oral pleasure.""You're sucking his cock?" I...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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In the Line of Duty No Greater Love

In the Line of Duty: No Greater Love By Scott Ramsey Edited by Amelia R. The note taped to her locker was not a good sign. The total absence of any other women in the locker room was even worse. Megan Lauer sighed as she slipped on her tan uniform, the Miami-Dade Police badge resting over her left breast. Once she was dressed, she snapped the locker door shut and pulled the note down. It instructed her to report to the division commander's office before roll call, which meant she...

1 year ago
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My Foster Mom Part 1

My name is Chris and I am now older, but I will be reffering to myself as a younger boy and telling you all my story in the form of a 'story'. I am not the best writer and will probably make lots of mistakes. Sorry about that. I was always a thicker boy. I wasn't that tall, but I had a slightly chubbiness about me as a little boy. I often did get picked on about my little gut or my butt. I had brown hair and brown eyes and a slight overbite. I loved playing catch or four sqaure with the...

3 years ago
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A Second Time Around

An assassin, finds himself in the body of a ten year old girl, who's family desperately needs the kind of help only a skilled killer can bring. Can he help this family without revealing himself and ruining his chance at redemption? A Second Time Around By Mr. Ram Inga looked nervously in her rear view mirror, the headlights were still there. She was sure it was her husband, Emilio. She looked over at their ten year old daughter, Marisol, sleeping in the seat next to her,...

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Pirates Treasure

Pirates Treasure Lindsey enjoyed Halloween. For her, dressing up in a costume and hiding behind a mask removed all inhibitions. And nothing said Halloween more than a costume that allowed her to show off her body. An experienced motion picture sound technician, Lindsey was also a skilled seamstress. Each Halloween, she made her own costume as well as the one Steven would wear. This year, she’d decided on a pirate theme. Black is sexy, she told herself as she unrolled the bolt of soft jersey...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc 1

Statuesque, sexy Asian-American MILF Kianna Dior tantalizes poolside in a string bikinithat barely contains her immense melons. The supremely stacked diva squeezes her big tits, bouncing the heavy hooters like water balloons. Kianna spreads her hairy pussy, flashing her twat hole. The dirty-talking babe gulps on heavily hung Dan Damage’s hard boner. Kianna grips his ball sack while delivering a sloppy blowjob. She pounces on his big cock, and he fucks her snatch as he feasts on her...

3 years ago
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Rejekt Detective Agency

Rejekt is a detective agency that operates out of the lower west-side of Annesgrad. The city was a marvel of modern technology. Skyscrapers that grasp at the stars and mag trains that make travel easy to those with credits. But that's where the issue lies, not many have credits, even fewer have enough to spend them on such things as train rides. Most people live month to month, scraping and saving just to get by, and the detectives at Rejekt were no different. Living and working out of a small...

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Double Dare P5

So my cousin Josie was getting married.It had been a few years since our college days, we had graduated now, and gone on to the start of fairly successful careers, and like what always happens, we now barely saw it each other apart from birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions.Then my hot blonde cousin, announced one day she was getting married to a guy she had met at her work, and had fallen in love with.I was happy for her, and agreed immediately to give her away, the day she asked,...

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Escapades In Varanasi 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. My Name is Amit Agrawal and I am from Varanasi. This is the story about how I banged my sexy maid madhuri. This is a 100% true story. Sorry for any errors First the names are fake of course. Then About me I am a handsome (not exaggerating) male 21 years from a well-known upper middle class family of Varanasi having my share of fun since I was 14 ;). I have athletic body and I have fair complexion. I don’t brag about the size because I know how to use my tool… so my dick is...

3 years ago
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One Lust Filled Night Part 2

I planned a passionate night just for me. I was so hot and felt I needed a good time just satisfying myself. When I got home, I stood in front of my full length mirror and gyrated while I stripped to some good bump-and-grind music. I had my favorite toys on the side of the bed and I knew my imagination was starting to take over.I pictured what I wanted to do to myself as I removed the last of my clothes. I stood in front of the mirror in my heels. I watched my reflection as I ran my left hand...

Group Sex
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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyChapter 2

The thing about having a follower or a following, is that it makes you a leader, will ye nill ye. Being a leader makes you think about where you are going, and what you intend to accomplish, because, after all, you have an audience to think about. You might even appear foolish or incompetent, if you don't come up with brilliant goals. It gives some insight to the grumpy old fighter trying to drive away the eager youngling who insists on calling them 'teacher'. Once the master realizes...

4 years ago
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Making a baby with mom

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mother and I practice what my mom's doctor calls "consanguinities" (or making babies with other family members). Mom says that it is much more common than society would ever admit, and that in the farming community where she grew up it was common, since the families were isolated, big families were an asset for taking care of the farm, and most babies were born at home anyway. She has also reminded...

3 years ago
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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 5 The Two Lovers Talk

I would have contacted Janet bright and early the next day. But, I had gotten the sense that Murphy had a few more bombshells tucked up his sleeve. And I was afraid that those might turn out to be even nastier than fucking my wife. So before I got around to dealing with my marriage issues, I wanted to first reassure myself that all of Murphy’s latent mischief had been identified and handled. Thus, my first visit on Monday morning was to my system manager. He had his team working all night to...

1 year ago
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Sex Ed Lesson 2 The Girls Class

With a slight look of embarrassment on her face, Judy offered, "Well, uh, you see my boy friend says it doesn't feel as good when he wears one, and frankly, I have to admit that when he ejaculates, I love feeling his hot cum filling me up!!!" "Several of the other girls in the room were nodding in agreement at Judy's assessment, when a thin blonde raised her hand and chimed in with, "For me it's a little different, when my boy friend and I are having intercourse and he's just about...

3 years ago
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Flesh Pitchers Of Prague

When Joe Miller threw the midget hooker over the table James Fowler thought it was a good time to leave. She was fucking ugly and she was fucking annoying and no, they didn't want to fuck her up the ass no matter how cheap the price was. Fowler just wished Miller hadn't resorted to such a physical means of registering his disapproval, or had at least waited until Fowler had had an opportunity to go upstairs with that well-stacked blonde he'd had his eyes on all night. She was up on stage....

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT 2 Beyond the Dream

Wyoming / Ute IGT, Beyond the Dream By: Malissa Madison As the last vehicle in the convoy cleared the onramp we got busy deciding on how to form the star train to our liking. We'd be traveling for at least four and a half days nonstop before our next planetary interchange. We'd slowed down to the minimum speed limit for the freeway of one hundred eighty miles per hour to let everyone tighten up again. During which we made sure that Hopper wasn't about to lose another tire, we were...

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Dost Ne Meri Mom Ko Jungle Mein Choda 8211 Part II

Hi readers this is jai pal here again with real story of my mom, thanks a lot for your good response in my three stories 1) Mom ko papa ke dost ne chodha 2) Mom ki chudayee dekhi car parking mein. 3) Mom ko papa ke dost ne chodha (part-2) Yeh sab real stories hain aur meri mom bas pooch mat gazab ki raandi hai uska figure mein pehle apni sab stories mein bata chukka hoon fir bhi new readers ke liye bata deta hoon Mummae : 40 Kamar : 36 Gaand : 38 Mera ek dost police mein sp hai, uska naam bhupi...

2 years ago
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High School Dogging

This story happened about ten years ago. I was only sixteen and going to a high school in the mid west. I was a cheer leader and pretty popular. I had blonde hair and been told that I was really hot. There was a large park about a thirty minute drive from our house. It was like 1200 acres and had been there since the city was started. They have concerts there and alot of other things go on. We had heard that you could go up there and have sex with strangers-dogging. One of the girls on our...

3 years ago
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Broken Strings 8211 Part 9 The Marriage 1

Following is a creative work of fiction. It involves intimate moments of both physical and psychological nature between mother and son, intended for fun. All the names, characters, and incidents are works of pure imagination. They do not resemble any real-life names, characters, or incidents. After that day, when we agreed to the marriage, everything changed. Sometimes I wonder how things have turned out in the past few months. About a year ago, I was fiddling around, finding ways to touch my...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 16

Olivia sat down at her computer, still in her pajamas. It was early and the house was deathly quiet. Her mother was sound asleep and occasionally Olivia would hear a soft snort come from down the hallway. It had been over a week since her last update, and almost as much time since she'd given Carl reign over her email account. The man was a monster when it came to his greed and the demands it put on her body. He'd reached out to all the guys on the list and further categorized the guys...

3 years ago
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A Loving Christmas

Copyright© 2005 I had driven 25 of the 50 kilometres of my way home from the Christmas Eve celebrations I had at my lady friend's home. I decided to call in on old Miss Tomlinson my old retired schoolteacher, she and I finished school the same year; I at 16 and she at 65 that was 12 years ago. Why I decided to call in on her I have no idea still. Sure I saw her in her garden and waved as I passed her house on numerous occasions, but never once stopped. I thought that for once I would get...

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Sams YearChapter 19 Kununurra 3

It was Saturday morning. Their visit to PAKAM had been on Thursday afternoon. On Friday they’d driven around Kununurra for about an hour. Finding that the “planned” parts were (unfortunately) exactly as described. Mirima Village was a bit less formal, but it, too, had been planned by the government. “Withers was dead right on this,” Tessa remarked. “Hunh?” “One of his early chapters is called ‘Bureaucracy or Common Sense?’ And it’s about the three different bodies responsible for...

4 years ago
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Behan ko choda

Hi I am regular reader of ISS.main ne bohat si stories parhi aur socha k mere sath jo hadsa hua wo ap sab ko baton..Mera naam ahmad hai meri age 20 saal hai main bohat smart aur cute larka hoon.Mere lund ka size 7.5” inches hai 2.5 mota hoga.meri behan ki age 18 saal hai wo bohat pyari aur sexy hai us k bare bare mummay hain aur chiti safaid moti gand.main jab bhi us ki gand dekhta mera lund josh main aa jata lekin mujhe us gand naseeb nahi ho rahi thi wo raat ko soi hoti main us ki gand ko...

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Stepford househusbands Chapters 1719

Chapter 17 "Let's get started shall we?" Richard asked Stephen gleefully. Stephen sighed. "I've got to clear the table," he said trying to stall him. Based on what had happened last time, Stephen wanted to spend as little time as possible with the man but Richard shook his head and placed a gloved hand gently on Stephen's shoulder. "Oh don't worry about that dear," he said with a smile. "I can help you with that," And he almost barged in taking his gloves off as he did...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Sexy Mom

I am Vinoth from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am 19 year old guy 6 feet height and 60 kg weight; tall handsome and athletic body. This is completely a fiction story. To tell about my mom her name is Lalitha 40 from Coimbatore. She has a sexy figure 36-32-38 that can make any guy to fall for her. She has a sexy ass that swings while she walks. My father works in Chennai. He comes home once a month. I & my mom live in a double bedroom house. One room is for me and another room for my mom. My dad’s...

1 year ago
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Club Night

As the door swung shut behind her, Ivy paused for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the inky shadows and flashing lights of the club’s dance floor. She pushed the strap of her purse further up on her shoulder and reached down to straighten the very short skirt of her dark blue dress. There was a random splash of black sequins all over the dress, making it shimmer on her slender, but well-formed body. Her auburn hair was up in a mass of curls on the top of her head, with little tendrils...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Ani Blackfox Don8217t Keep Me Waiting

Nick Ross arrives home to find his girlfriend Ani Blackfox waiting for him in bed. She’s chilling on her phone, but as soon as Ani notices that Nick has arrived she puts it down and beckons him over. Leaning in, she delivers a lingering kiss that lets Nick know that her patience had almost worn out as she awaited his arrival. Determined to make up for his lateness, Nick kisses his way down Ani’s neck and relieves her of her bra. He is careful to conduct a thorough exploration of...

4 years ago
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Naughty Nudist Nookie Game

Brenda and Bill’s 25th wedding anniversary was on the horizon. Brenda was giving it a lot more thought than Bill and had realized that their sex life was stale and in need of rejuvenation. At 45, she was still interested and some changes in her hormones seemed to make her a bit hornier than she’d been for a while. One evening at supper she broached the subject, “Bill, we’ve got to start planning our anniversary. While I’ve enjoyed the things that you picked out for us to do in the past, I want...

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The Twin Cheerleaders Ashley Comes Back to Our Apartment

The end of the reunion was now here. I drove back to our apartment. It was about eleven o' clock at night. The children should be asleep by now. Claire was a great babysitter, and her having a child herself for the kids helped a lot too. "Hey Claire.. How were they tonight?" I asked her as she opened up her apartment door. "They were great Jeffrey!" Claire said energetically. Claire was a single mother. Her child's father ran out on them after their child, Victor, was born. I walked...

2 years ago
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my first man on man experience

1995. I was working for my 1st boss doing European haulage, driving an old ERF truck. One december morning I got snowed in near Herford in Germany. I managed to get to a service area, on the A2 motorway, and was there for about an hour, when one of my co drivers, Harry, pulled in too. It was obvious that there would be no more driving that day, as the motorway was blocked both ways by snow, so we did what any self respecting trucker would do, and went on the piss. We were buying cans of beer...

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Taiji Ke Saath Shararat

Hello friends myself Mitr, today I will be sharing with you all one of the experiences of mine, I would be using more of Hindi thAn English as reading stories in Hindi gives more pleasure then in English, I have been a regular visitor of this site and would say that some of the stories are wonderfully written really appreciate that. The story is between the aunt and nephew. This incident happened 2 years back, mera naam mitr hai aur mein 21 saal ka hun, when I was studying in my final year...

4 years ago
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Hole Load of Surprises Part 2

I woke the next day wondering if it was all just a dream. My mind kept focusing on Katie Alsop’s mouth wrapped around that cock, the way it passed her soft lips while she eagerly bobbed her head on it. When I looked at the time I was reminded I had to go back to normality, and University. The day would be a long one, with the anticipation surrounding my night’s events constantly on my mind. My dad greeted me at the kitchen table, ‘Morning Frankenstein.’ I gave him a sarcastic smile in...

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