Xhamster user teenolivia and her friend Amanda at
- 2 years ago
- 37
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The cab pulled to the curb in front of the twelve-story apartment on 36th Street in Manhattan at 12:20 AM, and a short-haired blonde got out, flashing a glimpse of thigh that caused a passer-by walking his dog to stumble before regaining his balance and moving on.
It was just starting to snow as the blonde entered the lobby and pressed the button for 725. "Inger, is that you?" A feminine voice called out over the speaker.
"Yeah, Barb, it's me."
"Um, you're kinda late."
"I know, I know. Buzz me in, will ya?"
The buzzer rasped and Inger opened the door to the lobby, took the elevator to the seventh floor and knocked twice on 725.
Barbra, a pert brunette with shoulder length hair and wearing a Terrycloth robe, opened the door with one hand while holding a glass of white wine in the other and let Inger in.
"I was under the impression we were gonna do some bar hopping looking for Mr. Right," she said.
Inger made herself comfortable on the leather couch Barb had picked up at a consignment store the week before. Running a hand over the smooth, but worn leather, Inger said, "It's nice, Barb. I think you got a real deal on this."
"Thanks, but you're more than two hours late. What happened?"
"Could I please have some wine first?" Inger replied.
"Sure if you don't mind Gallo by the gallon."
"Ugh ... well, beggars can't be choosers."
"Yeah, you could have brought a nicer vintage if you're gonna be a friggin' connoisseur."
"Sorry, Barb, but wait 'til you hear about my little adventure."
Barb perked up at her friends words. "Adventure? Do tell."
"The wine, Barb, please, I really need a drink."
Holding her robe closed with one hand, Barb walked into her kitchenette, picked up the wine and filled two large glasses to the brim and came back, handing one glass to Inger then carefully took a sip to lower the wine's level in her own glass and joined her friend on the leather couch.
"So tell me about this big adventure."
Inger held up a hand, took a big swallow of the Gallo White, grimaced at the lack of flavor and said, "Okay, I was walking alone down 14th Street because I had some time to kill."
"You had time to kill and you're this late?"
"Stop interrupting, Barb. You know what I mean. You take forever to get ready. I was giving you time, figuring we'd be fashionably late for ... what the fuck am I talking about? We were going to pop in and out of some bars, for Christ's sake. There was no set time frame. And I know, I know, I am late. But let me tell you why."
"Go on, tell me." Barb said, drawing her legs up under her and pulling the robe tight around her to keep the warmth in.
Inger nodded and resumed talking. "So I popped into a Nedick's and grabbed a hotdog and an orange drink, you know, to fortify me for a while. I'm still chewing on the last of the dog when this well-dressed guy, maybe thirty, thirty-thirty-five comes onto me, saying, "Excuse me, but you're a most attractive woman and I wonder if I might have a few words with you?"
It took me a second or so before I realized he was holding a video camera and had it focused on me.
"Well, you know the city is full of whackos that come in all shapes and sizes. But this guy seemed harmless. I say that on account of how he kept his distance, not coming too close, you know?"
"So you heard him out?"
"Yeah, well sort of. Anyway, I said, "What's your problem?"
"Problem?" he says, "I don't have a problem. I have a beautiful girl talking to me. That's hardly a problem."
"It could become one, Mister. I don't normally speak to strangers on the streets of Manhattan; especially at night."
"Oh, then my name is Joey and I was ... well, I wanted to tell you how attractive you are ... how photogenic, and..."
"But what is your name, if I may ask?"
I don't know why exactly, but he was so nice and persistent that before I knew it, I was blurting out my name to him."
"Inger," he said, repeating my words. "A lovely name for a lovely lady."
I think it was at that moment that I noticed his cologne. I couldn't place it, and you know how I am about things like that, Barb."
"Yeah, you go nutso until you can place it, or find out its name."
"Right, and so for that reason I kept talking to Mr. Persistent; even though the damn camera was annoying as hell."
"So what was the name of the cologne?"
"I never thought to ask him."
"You never asked him?"
"No, we, umm, got to talking and shit and I forgot."
"I'll bet he was some talker to make you forget something like that, Inger."
"Well, he told me right off that I was beautiful."
Barb laughed, and said, "He certainly knew how to get your attention."
"Shut up!" And laughed along with her friend.
"Then he asked me if I'd pose for him."
"All this with the camera going?"
"Yeah, I almost forgot about, but not quite. Anyway, I was quick to tell him I wasn't interested in posing for him or anyone else."
He didn't bat an eye, just kept talking, "But why not? Surely you know how attractive you are.
"Are you from Brooklyn?"
"No, Queens."
"So, you are a big city girl. You must value money."
"Of course I value money. Who doesn't? That's a dumb question."
"But it got you talking to me, didn't it? Why I even bet you don't remember my name."
"Of course I do, it's Joey." I pretended to be pissed off at him and turned away. I got two steps before he called out: "Would $70 interest you in posing just a little bit?"
I thought of those shoes we saw at the mall yesterday. Do you recall them?"
"Yeah, weren't they like $300 bucks?"
"$282.75 to be exact. I really loved them, but didn't have that kind of money to spend on them. Suddenly this guy had my interest.
The thing about him was that he never shut up, just kept on chattering away. "If only you would say show me your breasts..."
"No, go away!' I said, but stood there waiting for what he had to say next.
"They are very nice breasts ... very big. I bet your boyfriend likes to look at them."
I was thinking about the shoes and didn't catch what he'd said for a second or two. Then I said something brilliant, like, "What?"
"I said I bet your boyfriend likes to see your breasts."
"What if he does? He's my boyfriend after all."
"Yes, and that's why I'm willing to pay you for the privilege. Believe me it would be a privilege to see them."
"You're crazy!"
"No, I'm not crazy. Well, I'm crazy to see your lovely body. But otherwise I'm not crazy at all."
I tried calling you then Barb, but got a busy signal.
"Yeah? I was trying to get you!"
"Oh shit! Isn't that always the way?"
"Yeah, crazy isn't it?"
"So what happened next?"
"He asked me who I was calling. I said my boyfriend."
"Oh, you liar!"
"Yeah, well, he said, how can your boyfriend's phone be busy? I don't understand; why I would keep my phone open at all times if you might call me. There you are, as pretty as you are and his line is busy ... maybe talking to another girl. I would never do that to you."
I rolled my eyes as if exasperated and turned away from him.
"So where are you going now that your boyfriend's not answering?"
"If you must know I'm going to my girlfriend's that's where!"
What I couldn't understand was why I wasn't putting some distance between us and walking away. But there was something about his persistence."
"Yeah, and the money that might help get those shoes, maybe?" Barb said caustically.
"Fuck you, Barb. You're just being catty."
"Can I come along? Maybe she would like to pose for me too?"
"I'm not taking you to her place!"
"Then come with me to mine. I have a hotel room just down the block. It's a nice hotel and we can get out of the cold."
I had to laugh at that. But just then the wind picked up and I shivered with the sudden cold blast.
"So you're laughing! He said happily. That's good. Let's get out of the cold, the forecast is for snow. Will you come with me?"
Now I should tell you that even before he spoke to me he was videoing me. By this point I'd grown used to it and was able to ignore it.
"I thought of the shoes ... I really wanted them. The money looked easy enough. I'd let him see my tits and that would be that plus the promised money, which I told myself I'd get up front."
"Okay, okay, I'll go with you. How much further is your hotel?"
"Two blocks, just two blocks."
It was really frigid and after a sudden gust of wind nearly blew my skirt up over my head I realized I was standing there stamping my cold feet on the sidewalk while listening to him. You know, they say women are talkers. Well I want to tell you this guy never shut up. He kept chattering away. Half the time he wasn't saying anything coherent, but it didn't matter, he kept talking and talking. He had a nice voice, not overly husky or anything, but it certainly had a calming effect on me. I forgot to worry about his being a complete stranger when everybody knows it's dangerous to do. It's like inviting trouble. But his voice was soothing, almost hypnotic in a way, and he kept his distance, never getting in my space.
I kept thinking about the damn shoes. And all but agreed to pose for him by saying, "I get the money before I go in the room, right?"
"Well the money is in the room, but as soon as we get in then yes, I'll give you the money. But you must promise not to run out until we're finished with the posing."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll pose for your pictures."
"Oh, wonderful," he said, "we can make such beautiful pictures together!"
When we got to his hotel room I saw that it was just a tiny room; just a bed and a chair and a bathroom.
"Make yourself comfortable," he said and went on to tell me I had the most expressive eyes he'd seen in quite some time.
"Really," I said, probably wanting to hear more. He didn't disappoint me. You have the most beautiful eyes, and I have to mention from what I can see your breasts are magnificent!'"
He was getting to me, I have to admit it.
"He got to you long before that Inger," Barb said, neglecting to close her robe which had fallen open exposing a good deal of her thigh.
"Yeah, I think it was when I thought of the shoes."
"You know it, Inger."
"Anyway I told him he had a good line of bull."
He looked confused. "What's that mean?" He said.
"I mean you have a good line of bullshit."
"But I'm not bullshitting you. I mean what I say!"
"If you're not bullshitting me, then where's my money?"
"Oh, the money!" he said and went to a bag at the foot of the bed and counted out $75.
"It was supposed to be $70," I said.
"That's all right. I think you're worth $75. Now why don't you take off that coat and sit down?"
I should point out that he was already sitting in the chair fiddling with another camera on a tri-pod. I had little choice but to sit on the bed. I took my coat off and sat on the bed.
He kept talking in this soft, reassuring tone. "I like your blouse, is it a blouse or something else?"
"It's a body suit," I answered and slapped his hand away from my breast.
"Don't touch!" I said and meant it.
"But you've such beautiful breasts, surely you like having them caressed."
"My boyfriend caresses them, that's enough for me."
"But if he's the only one touching them, how do you know for sure?'
"I know," I said and then grew confused. "What? What did you just say?"
"I'll tell you what, Inger, lovely Inger. You show me those magnificent breasts and I'll give you another $50."
I started to flush at the thought of letting him see my tits, but that fifty bucks would add up to a hundred and twenty-five. And I did want those shoes.
"You just want to see my breasts?"
"Yes, that's all, Inger my sweet."
I stood up and removed my skirt in order to get at the snap of the body suit.
He never stopped chattering away and I suppose that made things easier for me. Somehow he seemed less of a threat as he talked. Still and all, I was so nervous that I had a bitch of a time releasing the snap at my crotch and almost tore the body suit off me.
"No bra, right?" Barb chirped and suppressed a knowing giggle.
"Right as rain, Barb. You don't feel or look right with a bra under a body suit."
"So he could see your nips all along."
"I guess."
"So now you're standing in just your panties?"
"Umm, my thongy, yeah."
"What'd he say when he saw them?"
Inger laughed. "You won't believe it."
"Oh, Inger, by now I'll believe almost anything."
"Okay, he said, and I quote: "Holy Mother of God! I don't believe my eyes!'"
"Very complementary," Barb said as she carefully filled their wine glasses again.
"Umm, thanks," Inger said, taking a sip. "He was a shrewd bastard, that Joey. He reached out and gave my left tit a little squeeze. "Stop that! No touching!" I groused and meant it.
"Oh he was all apologies then, couldn't stop apologizing. But as soon as I relax my defenses, he started again, only this time he's complementing my babies, saying shit like how full they are, how firm, and look, look how they stand out, so proud.
"Listen, that shit gets to you after a while. What he was doing was wearing down my resistance. So when he asked how heavy they were, he had me. I honestly had no idea. I mean, I know they're fucking heavy. I do need to wear a firm bra, but I'd never considered how much they weighed or anything like that."
Hi friends and folks of ISS, this is Udit from Kolkata and a huge fan of this site. This is my first story that I am going to publish so please forgive me for any mistakes. I would love to receive your comments and suggestions at Any horny girls and ladies from Kolkata can contact me for safe and confidential pleasure and satisfaction is guaranteed. Speaking about me, I am Udit, 20 years old, finished graduation and awaiting results with an average body, 5’7″ height n my junior is 8″in length...
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As michelle awakes bound in her bounds for her sleep. She had slept with a vibrating plug on all night, chastity and ballet heels.Mistress carmen walk into the room, "i hope your ready for you day today my sissy slut you got a big day today." Mistress unbuckles michelle bounds. "Now slut we need you to get changed and prepared for master and house duties. In the bathrom will be your outfit for the day."Upon walking into the bathroon struggling with her ballet heels michelle sees a maiden...
Helping Dad (Adult son/Father) Chapter 1 Back in the days of Universal Military Service, better known as ‘the draft’, I opted for 3+ years in the Navy and some education and decent training instead of two years in the Army crawling around in the mud and cleaning an M1 rifle. About half way through my obligation I was coming home for a welcome 14 day leave near the end of June. School was out so my dad, a janitor at the high school, was working days instead of his usual graveyard shift and he...
Mai bohot hi hraami ladka hun. Maine apne kisi friend ke kehne pe ek din tinder download kiya and usne mujhe btaya ki ispe hum ladkiyon se baat kar sakte hain agar wo hmari pics ko like karen to. Maine apni ek cute si pic apne account pe daal di aur 5 minute ke baad hi ek ladki ki id se mera match ho gya. Maine usko message kiya and thodi bohot baatein shuru karr di. Mai chandigarh ka rehne wala hun to wo punjabi me baat kar rahi thi and suddenly usne mujhe apna mobile number de diya. Usne...
The first 3 days of having my MIL was exhaustive. In those three days I had fucked her about 20 times. I was tired but not my senses, I was spurred more, I wanted my Mil, wanted to keep drilling her, seeding her. But this was Saturday and my wife would be here anytime. I checked for Lakshmi my MIL, she was with the kid feeding him and she saw me and smiled. I called her for a quickie she said, her daughter could be there any moment. I went over to her, kissed my child and then kissed her on...
IncestBlue-eyed Keira Croft stretches her long legs in pink fishnet stockings. Her vibe buzzes her clit, and pro stud Mick Blue drizzles oil over her round ass. He pulls a bejeweled butt plug from her sphincter and shoves his big cock inside for an anal reaming! Keira gasps in pleasure and opens her mouth wide for an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Mick stuffs a dildo into Keira’s pink pussy while he drills her rectum. She gives him a tasty rim job, and her sweet asshole gapes! Keira swallows a creamy...
xmoviesforyouThen she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a special treatment. In Part 11 you Read Zeenat: Okay I am ready. But Sanjeev was saying to take a bath before the diksha... I could not complete as Nirmal interrupted in between. Nirmal: Yes Madam,...
In his suite, the assassin settled back to review the happenings during the last weeks. His hit was living with a Jeff Matthews, and this Matthews complicated the hit enormously. He was an enigma as far as the assassin was concerned. Matthews had been a Lieutenant in the army, but, even with the assassin’s contacts, he could find little detail about Matthews’ career. He did discover that the man was an electrical engineer who had at one time traveled a lot, both in completing engineering...
Wilma Flintstone was home alone; she had the Flintstone family home to herself. Fred was away bowling with their neighbor Barney Rubble for the week in Rock Vegas, and Pebbles was out with her friends and planning to stay over for the weekend at a slumber party.Wilma had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing a short, sheer robe that barely covered her body and left absolutely nothing to the imagination, her 38C breasts and red haired pussy were very, very visible. This was one of the...
I don’t really know where to start. It had all happened so fast. First of all, I had been sick for quite a long time, with depression and anxiety. I still wasn’t better, but I attempted, bravely to go to school. But that wasn’t my first mistake. Oh no. The year before I had met a guy.. Jewish, into computers, cute, and he seemed nice. I suppose he was interested in me, as well as I was interested in him. We would talk online often, about html, java, school, and just life in general. I had...
In the kitchen there was a note from my wife saying she took the kids to church . I was very surprised when she wrote I love you, then ps last night was the best ,you need to do that again.It was then after pouring my coffee I needed to call Betty and see how she was recovering. I remember her being pretty worn out when I left after being pounded hard by John's huge cock. After three and a half hours and four loads of cum inside her stretched out pussy it will take days for her to recover....
Our State Fair recently took place and I was surprised at what took place. While looking at all of the booths and activities, I saw a motorhome that had a big sign on it that said “Prostate Cancer”. Being a male in college, I was curious about it. I was greeted by a woman who gave me some literature and told me I could get a free blood test and exam if I filled out a questionnaire. The questionnaire was very easy to fill out, and it asked me a lot of questions about going to the bathroom at...
FetishDear readers , you may recall that Indra left my house without lunch , telling my mom she was tired & didn’t feel like meeting Jaya , that day. Later, Jaya arrived about half an hour later. My mom was having lunch at the hall ,after she tried to wake me up for the same, which I refused feigning tiredness, but actually didn’t feel like having lunch, what with so many thoughts floating across my mind , after hearing the conversations & having darshan of my mom & Indra’s cunt. So, within about 3...
IncestYes, it’s an epilogue to ‘Anything for You’, eighteen months after I submitted what I thought was the final chapter. But having re-read this story for myself recently, it became blindingly obvious that many of you were right to tell me it needed an epilogue! Plus – and I’ll hope you’ll forgive the self-indulgence of it all – I’m hoping writing this will provide a bit of a springboard for me to get back to writing more regularly. I’ve let real life get far too much in the way just recently. If...
Chapter 1 Sex, sex, sex. That's all I think about and I'm not alone. There's three of us, me, I'm Monica, then there's Darcy and Melody. We talk about it all the time, almost nonstop. Some of our friends talk about boys and sex some, with us it's constant. Not too long ago, we talked about all kinds of other things, but when we all turned twelve, right about then, and we started getting boobs and hair on our pussies, well, it all changed. Melody was the first. God, at eleven she had...
I was laying in bed in a semi-conscious state with the full moon trying to break through the curtains. All I could remember was drinking in the bar with Sue, I couldn’t have d***k so much in such a short time could I. Then as I was drifting off again I felt a smooth hand stroke my thigh and then cuddle up to me. A smooth body pushed against my back, cool breath tingling my neck. I felt comfortable and warm, even secure. A hand dropped on to my knee and slowly lifted my legs a part...
Tamara 2096 A woman in her mid-thirties strode about the grounds of Zoe's estate. She was wearing a smart suit of the kind only ever worn by female business executives. There was a rhythmic clicking of her high heeled stilettos on the paved stones as she walked along the path. Tamara cautiously opened the front door to the house. It would be foolish to pretend she wasn't in, even if it was to receive the eviction notice that she'd been anticipating for well over a year now. The woman...
Jim and his wives watched the battle between the Excelsior and the Flagship. The flag launched 80 fighter craft. All were keeping Excelsior busy as they had enveloped around the craft trying to prevent its escape. Basketball size explosions tore at the ship shields before Excelsior went to warp and fired a single phaser at the Flag's engines disabling them. Excelsior dropped out of warp .1 AU behind the fighter craft and started a systematic sweep with its phaser banks of the fighters....
This is a story when my husband gave me a little treat one morning. It's always nice to be delighted in lots of little ways. The hum drum of life can get rather boring. It's always nice to feel loved. This is what happened.It was early morning and I had just woke up and went to brush my teeth and wash my face. I was still tired and went back to the bed, but was just resting and not sleeping. My husband was downstairs and then came into our room."How about a massage?""Sure, that sounds...
The rumors did die down eventually. They had one lasting affect, though. My reputation was made. I think I could have asked out any girl in school, who wasn't going steady, and she'd have gone out with me. I didn't ask any of them out. In January, I got my drivers license, and Becky and I bought a car. It wasn't anything fancy, just basic transportation. It's main advantage was that we didn't have to ride the school bus. On the first of February, we got word that Dad had been killed...
Hi, Hari again here with his sexy aunty,Kamya. We had a nice fuck and than oral sex and enjoyed lot. We are in bed naked , holding each other in arms. We kept on kissing all over the face because we had joy n pleasure . We lay in bed like lovers and still wanting more close to each other. We had decided to spend time in making more love.We are naked and looking at each others and smiling. Me : Nagik aav ne dear Kamya : Thodi var padi rahewa de. Maza aavi taro kadak lodo levani. Me : Tari...
I have read some of these stories and have found several quite touching and close to my heart. I feel compelled to tell my own story, hoping other women can benefit from similar circumstances. My viewpoint is that a loving brother is much better than living with a violent drunkard of a husband. People need to be respected and loved, I ask nothing more; here is my story. I was born in arguably Britain ’s most beautiful coastal town, way back in 1975. I can remember it as a small fishing...
IncestThen one day I thought to myself, could I do reverse crab? I take it for granted that porn stars can do it. But could I do it? It looks quite tricky. Holding yourself above someone whilst trying to ride their cock. And my hole is pretty tight which doesn't make it any easier. Could I really do it? I'd love to try. I messaged my bit on the side Dave, and asked if he has ever done it. He replied no. Dave is always up for sticking his cock in my ass so I ask him if he is willing to try it. Of...