Eager Eater Finale free porn video

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************************************************************************ NOTE TO READERS No I have not lost the plot this is in fact the second part of the story. You can read the first at www.deviantart.com and look for the artist subthrone. He wrote part one that inspired this story and gladly let me carry the story on. You can at a pinch read it on its own but you would be missing out on the first fantastic chapter......enjoy ************************************************************************ When I returned home I found Marilyn lounging on the couch an arrogant grin on her lips. There was also something else about her, she looked flushed....radiant, which made me wonder what she had been up to whilst I was out. The question I was about to ask died on my lips because she stood and offered me another shot of the drug. I wanted to resist shivering at the thought of what else she wanted to do to me. She noticed my slight hesitation and turned the screw "You humiliated me, fucking that bitch behind my back so if you think I have done with you, you have another thing coming," she growled thrusting the glass at me. Since I was still under the effects of the last dose I took the glass and gulped it down. "You stink....get a shower and then meet me in your room," she commanded. "My room?" I queried. "Well you don't think I'm sleeping with a pervert like you.....you're in the spare room from now on," she snickered. Dejected I headed for the shower. When I had finished I realised I could not get to my clothes since they were in the master bedroom, not wanting to put the sweaty clothes I had been wearing back on I headed to the spare room in just a towel. . "Good you didn't dress," quipped Marilyn. I looked around the room to see piles of black bags, with a sinking feeling I knew they were all my clothes. Stepping close to me Marilyn removed the towel and then brandished a strange device in my face. "This is a chastity device and you long to have it on, long to be frustrated and sexually denied." She intoned a smirk on her lips. Of course I wanted nothing of the sort but the drug had me yearning to put it on....to deny myself relief. A guilty thought had me thinking perhaps I deserved it....or was that the drug! She knelt before me and expertly fitted the device, I only have a sparse amount of body hair so once fitted it made my tiny dick look pathetic. I later found out it was an expensive state of the art device and nothing short of a blow torch was getting it off. With a hint of glee in her eyes she fitted the padlock and then gave me the key, much to my surprise. "Now you want to be PERMANENTLY locked in chastity so you need to snap the key off in the lock," she snickered. Dutifully and with shaking hands I slid the key into the lock and began to bend it backwards and forwards. My head was screaming not to do it but the drug overrode any sense I had. Eventually the key snapped leaving half now stuck permanently in the lock, Marilyn chuckled at my shocked expression. Almost in a daze she led me to the bed on which was laid out what could only be described as a little girls dream outfit.....Marilyn crooned in my ear. "You hate male clothing in fact when you get the chance you need to get rid of theses bags of old clothes....." I looked at the bags, all my t-shirts, jeans...but they were men's clothes.....and I hated them.....I knew I should get rid of them when the bin men came I mused. "No, you like to dress girly.....pink especially," she chuckled. The clothes on the bed had suddenly become rather appealing. Marilyn picked up the first item a baby pink satin corset and proffered it to me. Almost impishly I turned allowing her to wrap me in its cool embrace before tightening the laces until I could hardly breath. With a wicked grin Marilyn produced two rather large breast forms and fitted them into the cups of the corset with the quip. "They should give you a nice feminine shape...." She then slapped my ass with a chuckle. "You can do the rest yourself" I eagerly perused the other items on the bed selecting the white shear stockings. As I said I have no body hair to speak of so they slipped deliciously up my legs. I marveled at the wonderful feeling, glad that stockings were one of my favorite things........I think! fumbling much to Marilyn's amusement I managed to attach them to the suspenders from the corset. Knickers next they were again baby pink satin, covered in a froth of frills. I slipped them into place moaning as they caressed my ass eliciting a chuckle from Marilyn. I picked up the frill pink dress and as I did I realised it was in fact a maids dress! I slipped into it once again reveling in the soft touch and Marilyn fastened the zip up at the back. The last few items on the bed were candy pink Mary Jane shoes, a maids cap and apron, Marilyn picked these up handing me the shoes which I put on. Once these were on she had me sit at the dressing and made up my face before fitting a wig of pink curls. I must admit I was eager to see the new me and this thought sent a shiver of humiliation down my spine. I tried not to think this way but the drug was very effective. Happy with her work and with a wicked grin on her face she led me to the wardrobe which had a full length mirror as a door. I gasped at the apparition that I saw. Lightly made up girly face framed by bangs of pink curls, Marilyn positioned the maids cap on those curls and tied it in place. The maids uniform had a high white collar. The sleeves were long ending in white cuffs. The chest swelled over my new fake breasts then was pulled in tight around my new narrower waist. The skirt was flirtatiously short and held up horizontal with a froth of petticoats. I knew just the slightest movement and I would be flaunting my panty covered ass. For some reason this gave me a thrill much to my annoyance. Marilyn caught my avid stare and tied the apron around my waist and as she did she spoke into my ear. "You are now my sissy maid, you will do all the domestics....you will wash, clean prepare my meals...in essence you will cater to my every need." I wanted to rebel, there was no way I wanted a life of servitude....my reply! "Yes Mistress." "Mmmmmm.....Mistress...I like that....." she chuckled. "But I have not finished your humiliation yet...." She watched me like a hunter stalking its prey, a wicked grin lit her lips as I shivered. What further humiliation, degradation could she inflict on me....had I not paid the price for my infidelity! The thought of licking those grungy pussies entered my head and my mouth watered as my cock throbbed painfully. "I'll let you contemplate your fate," she said leaving me staring at my reflection as she left the room. At that point I realised she had gone too far, there was no way I was going to stand for this. I resolved to fight, thinking that hopefully I might become resilient to drugs after a while, I just had to bide my time. What I did not know was that the drug Mistress had given me was addictive. Her plan was to continue giving me the drug and reinforcing the training, maybe adding more humiliating things until I was dependant on it, at which point I would literally beg to have my fix! My thoughts of rebellion were interrupted when Mistress returned a sadistic grin on her lips because over her jeans she now sported a ten inch black strap on dildo. My eyes dropped to it as my mouth dropped open. "Are you that eager!" chuckled Mistress in mock surprise. I shut my mouth and then made to speak. "On your knees." She pointed to the floor at her feet. All thoughts of protest died on my lips as I obeyed my Mistress. Kneeling before her, the strap on looked huge and she reveled in my frightened expression. "So, from now on you are going to worship cock, if you see a soft one you will want to get it hard. If you see her hard one you will want to wrap your sissy lips around it......or have it filling your sissy pussy." I so much wanted to rebel, I was not gay.....not a flaming fag. Now she had me craving pink frilly dresses and she wanted me to suck cock! My mouth watered and I wondered what it would be like to suck a real cock.....shit there was no resisting the temptation. Mistress stood watching my mixed emotions with a smug grin on her face. "Aint payback a bitch...." she snickered. "Now start with the balls, after all they are full of what you really want .......yes....spunk....jizz....sperm.....man juice. You want that hot sticky seed inside you," she crooned. I realised to my horror that my complete debasement was turning her on, she was really reveling in humiliation! Tentatively I shuffled forward and took one of the rubber balls into my mouth. It was warm but the taste was strange and once again I wondered what it would be like to taste the real thing. I hoped it would be grungy, just like the hairy pussies I loved to lick. Shit I realised I was really falling under the drugs influence! "Now gently kiss up the shaft but keep caressing those spunk filled balls," she commanded. "Yes Mistress," I mewled lost in my worship. "When I have a cock you will call me Sir," she growled. "Yes Sir." I kissed the shaft wondering how I was going to get the whole thing in my mouth. The head was plumb sized and without asking I slipped it into my mouth. "Good girl...." "Now you won't get the whole thing down your throat to start with. That is something you will have to practice. For now take as much as you can and stroke the lower shaft with your hands." So Sir instructed me on the fine art of pleasuring a cock....and I wondered if she was intending me to pleasure the real thing, who was I kidding of course she was! She got me taking just over half the dildo before she got bored ordering me to remove harness. The dildo itself hand a rubber suction base so she stuck it at kneeling height on the mirror. "Now sissy since you want to pleasure every cock you suck you will practice for another hour and then straight to bed," she smirked before leaving me on my own. Obediently I knelt before the dildo and took it into my mouth. Inside I was livid, not only did Mistress.......yes Mistress want me to be an effeminate sissy she wanted me to be a fag as well. I was not gay.....men did not turn me on........but their cocks! NO! I tried to resist but realised as I was trying to resist the dildo was half way down my throat, and to add insult to injury I was fondling the rubber balls! I was also forced to watch myself sucking on the dildo no doubt Mistress knew exactly what she was doing when she stuck it to the mirror. I completed an hour's practice and then carefully undressed folding everything neatly and cleaning off the makeup. I wondered what I was going to wear for bed, the contents of the plastic bags holding no appeal. I checked the dresser drawers to find one item. A diaphanous negligee with a note from Mistress. "A present for you sissykins." With a shudder of delight....and frustration I slipped it on and then slipped into my bed. My dreams highly erotic and of course full of cocks, every shape every size! The following day Mistress waltzed into my room handing me my clothes for the day. To my surprise and strangely frustration it was a pair of my old gardening jeans and a sweatshirt. "Put these on we're going shopping," she quipped. "Do I really have to wear those horrid things Mistress?" I whimpered. "Okay you can wear your pink panties underneath....." she chuckled. "Now hurry up!" she demanded. I reluctantly dressed feeling totally alien in this rough attire and followed Mistress to the car, she then drove me to the mall. As we stepped into the halls of retail worship my eyes were drawn to the nearest girls boutique, Mistress caught my gaze and chuckled. I knew deep down I was about to pay for my infidelity in the most humiliating way.....little did I know how depraved it was going to be! "Okay I'm going to get some breakfast. You need to go shopping, after all you have nothing girly to wear." She winked. She handed me a pink bag and on looking inside I found my pink wig and some makeup. I watched as she headed for the nearest cafe and then my eyes were drawn to the boutique. Okay where to start I thought to myself. Lingerie would be a good start so I headed to that section. However after a few minutes I realised I did not have a clue what size I needed, after all men's underwear were sized in a completely different way. Eventually I caught the eye of one of the young girl assistants. She came across to speak to me and I think she thought I was one of those perverts who go into shops to fondle the panties. She was a petite girl in her early twenties blonde haired with an arrogant grin on her lips. "Can I help you......sir," the sir being forced. "Yes......I....I....need to buy some lingerie," I stammered. "Sure....for your wife?" She quizzed a smirk forming. Stealing myself my inner voice shouting not to I answered anyway..... "No, they are for me," I murmured. The arrogance turned to disgust. "One of those..fags, who dresses up and flounce around," as she said this she raised her hand and then let it hang limp. "Yes." I blushed bright red. "Hey Sam....we have one of those queers here....come and give me a hand," she shouted across the store. A girl of about the same age looked up and then headed our way, I also noticed the other shoppers also looking my way to my embarrassment. "Sure be right there Jen," she laughed. In the meantime Jen began taking panties off their hangers and trying them against me much to my embarrassment, but more humiliating was the urge to speak. "I...I'd really like them in pink if possible......Miss," I murmured turning even brighter red. She burst into uproarious laughter and was soon joined by her friend Sam after she told her what I had said. "Just lingerie is it Sissy," quipped Jen quite loudly and I looked nervously around seeing that most of the women were looking our way. "No Miss...I need several outfits," I simpered. I could see both their eyes light up at the thought of not only getting to completely humiliate me further but getting quite a commission....and a big tip out of it. Miss Jen grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the changing room! "You come with me, Sam can you grab some clothes.....looking at her I would say around size sixteen.....and of course all pinks," she snickered. Jen pulled me to one of the changing booths and pushed me inside closing the curtain behind me. "Strip!" she ordered. With quivering fingers I stripped down to my knickers, I tried to keep some pride by not revealing the chastity cage, but who was I kidding. I was just debating whether to take them off when Miss Jen swished the curtain aside revealing me to the whole shop. Luckily only a couple of teenage girls could see me and they started giggling. "Nice panties sissy.....but if you're going to put these on you will have to take them off," she said brandishing the briefest panties I had ever seen. Blushing and quivering knowing I was about to be ridiculed I took off my panties. "WOW!.....what is that," she gasped coming closer to inspect my caged cock. "It's a chastity cage," I simpered. "Really.......and your cock is inside there.....shit it must be tiny," she snickered. "Yes Miss." When Sam arrived with an armful of pink outfits she too ridiculed the size of my tiny cock and they both agreed I certainly was more girl than boy. The two then completely humiliated me by having me try on several pieces of lingerie before settling on a shear pink basque and matching panties with a flower motif. The basque was so light if pushed up my chest giving me a little pair of tits much to their amusement! All of this done in front of the teenage customers in fact quite a crowd gathered and I was pretty sure I was now on instagram. The girls then turned the screw by making me do a fashion parade of several of the outfits they had picked. In the end it was pink four inch heeled sandals, pink hold up stocking that ended just above my knees with a big pink bow. Pink short pleated skirt and a white t-shirt with the words "Daddy's Girl" picked out in sequins across the front. They had of course checked my bag so the wig was in place and my face was made up by them...all girly as they put it. Finally my humiliation coming to an end I paid the bill which was eye watering and included a hefty tip. The girls then escorted me to the door waving goodbye shouting. "See you later Sissy.....make sure you come back!" So that every face in the mall turned my way. "Oh by the way we threw your men's clothes away," was their parting quip. Mistress met me not long after a bemused smile on her lips. "Having fun Sissy," she chuckled. "Yes Mistress," I blushed. "I see we have a whole new wardrobe and some new friends," she chuckled nodding at a couple of passing teenagers who were looking at me and giggling. I blushed knowing exactly what they were saying. However much to my shame I was now happy to be in my new pink outfit, I loved the swish of the skirt against my bare legs. I tried to pass it off as the drug but it was starting to be a feeling I loved....the touch of feminine clothing. "Well now you have some everyday wear I have seen something I need you to buy." She pointed to another boutique call "Blue Banana." It was a renown Goth shop. I gasped because what Mistress was pointing at in the window was a black Goth style PVC maids dress. "I've decided you need some formal wear for when we have guests....off you go." Guests! I mused as I headed for the shop. I quivered realizing that Mistress wanted to parade me in front of people I knew in a PVC maids dress! But hell I had now gone public as a pink sissy....how bad could it be? Inside the shop was the girl of my dreams, plump and wearing skin tight leather, her chubby legs encased in fishnet stocking. The tight leather mini dress she had on amplified the rolls of fat and thrust her tits out lewdly much to my pleasure! It took all my resolve not to fall to my knees and beg to lick her .....hopefully grungy pussy! She in turn seemed to be taken aback my appearance. She looked me up and down now doubt wondering what a pink fluffy thing like me was doing in her shop! Then when she got a good look at me a smile graced her lips, a kindred spirit perhaps? "How can I help you.....Miss," she smiled. I felt myself flushing bright red but in a good way. "I would like the PVC maids dress in the window....if you have it in my size," I meekly asked. "Sure honey we cater for all tastes here." She winked and I really warmed to her. Strange considering her hair was jet black and pulled back in a severe pony tail, her makeup dark and severe...all in all very dominant.....but perhaps that was the pull? Whilst she was getting the maids dress I noticed a rack of corsets in all sorts of materials. Satin, PVC, leather and even rubber garments I was in heaven and soon I had a purple and black PVC corset and a red rubber heavily boned one as well! She added a few more items to my shopping basket...to complete the ensemble. Black shiny stilettos with six inch heels, fishnet stockings, a maids apron in white PVC and a black choker with the word "Maid," on it! "Mmmm I noticed your ears are not pierced want me to do them for you," she quipped. She of course had lots of piercing that I could see and no doubt several I could not! I was not sure but the drug made me think how wonderful earrings would set off my new outfits so I gladly said yes. When she had done them she looked down at my nipples which were poking through the t- shit material due to my excitement of the close proximity of her tits. "It doesn't hurt.....well not much," she winked. I nodded and she quickly pulled up my t-shirt exposing the basque. "Nice lingerie," she quipped stroking up my stomach and the tweaking my nipple making it even harder....and eliciting a groan from me. "That's better," she chuckled. Within minutes both nipples had a gold stud in them with surprisingly little pain. She sprayed a wax coating on them, to keep them clean and stop me getting blood on my t-shirt. The bill when she totaled everything up was again eye watering but I made sure to add a big tip. As she put my things into bags she handed me her card. "You know...in case you want to get together some time." Was she blushing? Hell I would have gladly worshipped her there and then so I eagerly took the card. "Thank you," I said and almost skipped from the shop to be greeted by a stern looking Mistress and a plump security guard. "You took your time.....having fun were we." She cocked an eyebrow at my obviously pierced nipples. "S.....Sorry Mistress," I stammered blushing because the guard was taking all this in. To my horror my gaze slipped to his cock....was he hard....I wonder what he tastes like. My mouth started watering as the drug inducement took effect. Mistress noted my glance and a wicked grin lit her lips, she introduced him. "This is Bob and I am afraid he wants a word with you." "I......Me....What have I done," I stammered nervously. "It seems you have been shop lifting Missy," he brandished a pair of knickers that I had never seen before. They were however candy pink and very, very girly so they caught my attention. "I see you recognize them." His leer was one of greedy avarice and I wondered what Mistress had promised him, this was soon answered. "Bob is just about to go off shift but he will see to you before he does. I can't be waiting around for you so he has kindly agreed to drop you home when he is done" A cruel grin was the last I saw as she headed for the car. "Come with me," he ordered, a look of pure lust on his face. I followed a shiver going down my spine. So it seemed Mistress would be getting her way. Not only has she turned me into a mincing sissy.....now I would become a mincing fag. He led me through a locked security door and down a long corridor to what was no doubt his domain. It was a small room with a locker, a well used leather swivel chair in front of a bank of monitors. Some I noticed pointing at changing rooms! A few porn mags were scattered on the table in front of the monitors, from the covers it appeared he liked big girls......I shared the feeling! "Okay you naughty girl, let me get changed and we can have some fun," he snickered. Setting my bags aside I watched as he went to the locker to change. First off was his shirt and I noted the rolls of fat and the rather large man boobs, strangely there was a tingling in my balls. What would it be like to lathe my tongue under those man boobs and taste the grunge! I shuddered at this, but my cock was throbbing. He shuck off his shoes and then dropped his trousers to reveal a far from clean pair of white shorts. He was facing the locker so I was presented with his ample ass. My mouth watered at the sight of those chubby mounds and I realised the earlier programming to debase myself was kicking in......and I could not help myself. He looked over his shoulder and saw my avid stare and a lustful grin lit his lips. "Want to sniff my ass sissy," he almost crooned. "Yes Sir," I crooned back. "Well?" I was on my knees burying my nose into the grungy material and breathing in the heavenly scent. My cock was now painfully rock hard and dripping and I heard him chuckle at my eagerness. I forced my nose deep into the dark recess and was rewarded with an equally dark scent. My tongue snaked out wetting the material and then I sucking my saliva back into my mouth and I really got a hit of the degradingly dark flavor, at this something clicked in my head. Gone was all resistance to what Mistress was turning me into. Now I was deep in subspace and I wanted to wallow in the degradation I found there. He helped by pushing down his shorts to expose his crack, the scent growing even stronger. It did not matter I buried my face in that dark crease and my tongue lathed across his puckered hole taking in the dark, acrid flavor. My tongue dipping inside to really taste him elicited a growl of pleasure from him. I guess this was too much because he pushed me aside and waddled to the leather chair losing his shorts as he did. He then sat lifting his legs over the arms to give me better access to his cock and balls. I needed no asking, I desperately wanted his spunk so I crawled between his legs. He had a decent sized cock of around eight inches and it was rock hard and weeping. Looking him in the eyes I lent in close and sucked one of his hot sweaty balls into my mouth. Again the hint of that dark flavor and perhaps stale piss.....heavenly. My cock was throbbing fit to burst and weeping profusely and I lamented the fact I could not pleasure myself. Still I caressed his balls with my tongue and came to the happy realization that the only pleasure I would get in life now was by pleasuring others, for some reason this sent a thrill down my spine. Out of my reverie I began to kiss and lick my way up his cock pausing at the tip to lock eyes with him. I then salaciously licked the trail of precum off the purple head. "Ooooooooooo shiiiiit!" he gasped. With a thrill I took him in my mouth and was unexpected greeted with a gush of spunk. Since I was not expecting it, it hit the top of my mouth and then splashed down his cock. I managed to suck the second and third rope down as he bellowed his pleasure. Licking the last few drops from the tip I traced the trail of spunk down to his balls, slurping up the puddle that had formed there and really savoring the taste salty, metallic and oh so manly I mused. I looked up into his blushing face guessing he was embarrassed about how quickly he had shot his load. To help him I once again sucked on his balls and then licked up his still hard cock. He warmed to the fact that he was going to get another blow job a leer creasing his lips. This one was a lot longer and more sensual, I began to revel in the texture and taste of his cock, noting the throb of blood, the softness of the plump purple head. When he came the second time I was ready and although it was not as copious I still savored every drop. Post climax he glanced at his watch and then pushed me aside. "Shit Karl will be finishing his patrol and be here soon.....I don't want to get caught looking like a fag," he growled. He dressed quickly and picking up my bags I followed him to the car. I guess post coitus he felt guilty because he did not talk all the way home, I spoke to him to guide him to the house. But as I got out of the car he quipped. "Feel free to drop into my office next time you're at the mall," he winked. The house was empty when I got in so I headed to my room to put my things away. On the mirror just above the dildo I found a post it note, it simply said. "Put on the black maids uniform and come to my bedroom." I slipped out of my sissy attire and donned my new uniform reveling in the new sensation of the cool touch of PVC. The PVC corset with the fake tits slipped into the cups and of course the PVC dress. The heels were a new experience being so high. I found myself wobbling to the mirror to check my reflection and make sure everything was in order. Patent leather stilettos, fishnet stocking held up by the suspenders from the corset and the maids dress....all looked good and I thrilled at my new appearance. I moved around the room until my gait became more of a mince than wobble and then adding the finishing touches of cap and apron. I did not put on the collar feeling deep down that Mistress should be the one to put it on me. Happy with my appearance I minced to Mistresses bedroom and knocked. "ENTER!" came the imperious command. As soon as I entered the bedroom I was hit with the scent of sex. Mistress was laid on her back on the bed her legs slightly parted showing her sex plumped pussy. It was a mess of white pussy juice and no doubt spunk, unconsciously I licked my lips. But what really caught my attention and in particular his cock was the athletic black guy on his side beside her. Mistress noted where my gaze had landed and chuckled. "Stop ogling Leon's cock and get us some drinks...." she smirked. "wine for me..beer Leon?" she quizzed. "Sure babe.....so this is your hubby....pretty pathetic," he chuckled. "Oh you don't know the half of it..." she retorted. "Sissy lift your skirt and drop your knickers so you can show a real man what passes for a cock on a white boy." Blushing bright red I obeyed Mistress to uproarious laughter from them both. "Damn she is tiny...no wonder you wear the trousers in this house," he laughed. "Oh no stud...you definitely wear the trousers now," she winked at me as she caressed his cock causing it to twitch. Mesmerized I watched her caress it to its full twelve inches. "Get the drinks sissy.....I have some more pleasure to come," she crooned. Pulling up my knickers I curtsied much to their amusement and then headed to the kitchen returning with a tray with the two drinks on. I had also grabbed the collar from my room placing it on the tray. When I got back to Mistresses bedroom he was fucking her doggy style using long slow strokes much to her pleasure. Mistress saw me enter and winked, then turned the screw. "Oh fuck yes Leon....fuck me long and slow," she crooned. I stood not knowing what to do mouth watering at that long hard rod slipping in and out of Mistresses pussy. I wondered what it would feel like sliding down my throat, and what his hot sticky spunk would taste like and my cock twitched. Mistress pointed to the table beside the bed. "Put them there sissy, then leave us.......no wait." She had spotted the collar. She backed up onto Sirs cock to stop him from thrusting and bid me kneel at the end of the bed. At this height I was staring straight at the root of masters cock the rest buried in Mistresses pussy, she chuckled at my lustful stare. His balls were big and heavy and caked in a pussy juice and spunk mix. It took all my willpower not to dive in as Mistress fitted the collar. To my frustration she quipped. "Off you go sissy there is housework to be done." I felt a little put out because I was expecting the fitting of the collar to be done with a little more ceremony. In the end she had fixed it in place eager to get back to her fuck! I obediently returned to the kitchen and happily got on with cleaning it. I was called to provide more drinks and finally see Leon to the door when he left once again blushing bright red at his look of arrogance. I spent the weekend as Mistresses maid but on Monday morning she allowed me to dress in pink which excited me no end. She dressed for work and I made her breakfast. I assumed I was going to be a stay at home sissy since Mistress earned a wage that could easily support us both when she dropped the bombshell. "Make sure you are home from work before me to have dinner prepared....oh and you will wear your black maids uniform," she commanded. "But Mistress....I can't go to work like this," I gasped. "What you think I was going to support your sissy ass!...." She chuckled. "No you can earn your keep, you ran up your credit card you need to pay it off. Plus I think you need a couple of maid's dresses," she winked. I thrilled at the thought of more sissy wear but to go to work enfemme! "I'm sure you'll figure something out," she quipped before waltzing from the house. So here I was parked in the parking lot where I worked formulating a plan. I had got in early, partly to miss the crowd and also it would mean I could leave early. After all I did have to have Mistresses dinner prepared for when she got home. I pictured myself on my knees waiting at the door for her to arrive. Steeling myself I entered the building a plan in my head. I walked straight across the office and straight into my bosses office. Mark is a middle aged slightly plump, arrogant shit, always getting at me for not making enough sales. He jumped up and came around his desk as I burst in. "What the fuck!...who are you," he exclaimed. Then he did a double take. "....the fuck..Danny...is that you, is this some kind of joke!" "Boss, I have decided to come out of the closet and show myself.....from now on I want to be known as Davina," I blustered. "Oh shit you're a fag.....and you're playing the equality card....." he growled. "You're not using the ladies room," he groused. Taking the bull by the horns, literally and figuratively I stepped forward and placed my hand against his crotch noticing he was quite large. "There are advantages," I crooned feeling him come to life in my hand. He gasped his eyes opening wide and then a look of lust lit his face. He sat back onto his desk and I followed unbuckling his trousers as I did. As his cock sprang from the loosened trousers I sucked it down my throat eager to taste his spunk. The blow job was the sluttiest I could make it and Sir realised that I could be a great asset to his office so I kept my job! My life now consisted of taking Sir his morning coffee and dealing with his morning hard on. Either with a blow job or prostrating myself over his desk so that he could fuck my sissy pussy. It was when he first fucked my sissy pussy that I experienced my first sissygasm spewing weeks of pent up frustration onto his desk, it was mind blowing and I knew I wanted it again and again. Sir made me clean up my mess of course and I slavishly licked it up, realizing how insipid and weak it was compared to sirs'. Sir tutted at my depraved actions and he may have been disgusted but it did not stop him from getting a rock hard erection that I gladly dealt with! After that I minced to my cubicle and sold junk to unsuspecting customers. Breaks saw me in the toilet sucking any cocks that needed sucking....in the end my breaks got rather long. The end of the day would see me with my face buried between the flabby ass cheeks of the fat cleaner Peggy. Home wise was domestic bliss, I catered to Mistresses every need and that of her many lovers. She was not however a hard task Mistress and allowed me Friday night off. I off course spent it in a sleazy bar and ended the night with my face buried in the grungiest pussy I could find. So you could say we were happily married!

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3 years ago
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Confessions of a Teenage Pussy Eater

Copyright© 2004 Gil Bates walked into the decorated gymnasium and all eyes focused on him or more correctly, his wife, Melissa. His beautiful blonde wife looked almost exactly like the head cheerleader she had been fifteen years ago. She looked like the actress Jeri Ryan, but not as pale and with large breasts made larger by giving birth to four children. That a 33 year old mother of four had kept the body of a stripper was amazing in itself and it was all from diet and exercise. Melissa...

3 years ago
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Cheater Cheater Big Black Cock Eater

I have what just about everyone considers to be a very large cock, I'm also a black guy so am kinda expected to have a big one, I'm supposed to fulfill some racial stereotype. I'm about 8.5 inches long and about 6 inches around. I'm not just long, I'm thick. What people say about girls truly wanting big cocks is bullshit, some girls don't like my cock for whatever reason, it's too big for them or it's intimidating. There are also probably an equal amount of girls who honestly don't care....

1 year ago
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The Bone Eater

It was a bone eater, the soul reaper. That is what the eerie voice had said. It was a voice not unlike the wind on a gusty cold winter’s day. It was a voice I did not wish to ever hear again, but I’m afraid that I will. It has taken my older sister and I want to save her. Chloe had never been that nice to me. As the little brother, she found that I had too many flaws, the main one being that I was a boy. I was the one dad took to the football games and the one he went hunting and fishing with....

3 years ago
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Black Cum Eater

You have to understand that Jenny is a beautiful gal. Actually, at 5'4", 135lbs, long blonde hair and hazel eyes, she's a stunner. And believe it or not, she's got HUGE tits (38F) and yeah, they're real. (She always makes me add that.). Jen also has great legs and a beautifully rounded ass. She just turned 28; I'm now 31. Jen comes from an academic family. Her family and friends were pretty repressed about sex. In her college days some of her geek friends got together every now and again for...

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Now Iam a Black Cum Eater

I'm going to tell you what happened to me and my wife Jennifer as it really happened. We went from mild swinging to...well, you'll see. It's all true. You have to understand that Jenny is a beautiful gal. Actually, at 5'4", 135lbs, long blonde hair and hazel eyes, she's a stunner. And believe it or not, she's got HUGE tits (38F) and yeah, they're real. (She always makes me add that.). Jen also has great legs and a beautifully rounded ass. She just turned 28; I'm now 31. Jen comes from an...

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Turning into a cunt eater

This chick is really horny and she really loves it when someone licks her pussy, but she loves it even more if she is getting it from a horny chick like she is.I‘m a 21 year old red headed babe and from recently I have found myself getting a problem that developed when I got my first menses period. I started getting very horny just a couple of days before my period and the older I got, the hornier I was getting. I managed to work it out in a high school without anyone finding out, but like I...

3 years ago
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Meat Eater

"... Both parties seem to feel some need of the other: for the torturer, it is a sense of omnipotence, without which he'd find it hard perhaps to exercise his profession - the torturer needs to be needed by the tortured; Whereas the man who's tortured finds in his torturer a human voice, a dialogue for his situation, some partial exercise of his human condition - he asks for pity, to go to the bathroom, for another plate of soup. He asks for the results of a football...

2 years ago
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Evilmommies Little Sperm Eater

Evilmommie's LittleSperm Eater My husband had a complete aversion to eating his semen, or anyone else's.The first time I asked him to lick his semen out of my vagina after makinglove to me, he was quite annoyed. It was John who had encouraged me to dominatehim, but he didn't want to do anything too icky. Besides which, I had recentlyput John into a chastity device and he'd been abstinent for some time, andhis semen backlog had risen after I'd begun tying him down for long teasingtreatments,...

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The Cum Eater

Have you ever had a wet dream?What or who were you dreaming about?Wasn't it so real that you could feel them on your genitalia?The tender licks, like butterfly kisses.  Or the wild flicks and laps.  The total engulfment that led you to moan in your sleep.  And when it was all said and done, that beautiful release before your eventual waking.Why do I bring this up, you ask?Would you believe that there was another possible explanation?I know what you're thinking.  Ghosts, right?Yeah, I thought...

Monster Sex
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World Eater

There is not just world but many. You probably already know this. However there is not just one universe but many. Familiar with the concept? Well did you know some of those universes are 3D printed copies of other universes? That's because one universe has discovered a way to shrink planets down and serve them for consumption. This requires the creation of new universes. So WorldCorp began 3D printing any universe where a planet was consumed. Because of this, the beings of this universe were...

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My So Called Sex Life The Finale

'My So Called Sex Life - The Finale' An authorized biographical trip through one woman's experiences and fantasiesBy DizzyD Forward by Lexi:Hi Guys, it's Lexi. Well this is it, and while I'm glad you're about to read the final chapter of my story, I'm sad that my collaboration with the sweetest guy in the world is coming to an end. I think DizzyD and I have shared a thousand emails, PM's, phone conversations and video chats since this started, and even though we've never physically met, I...

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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

Introduction: the last, unless you want a prequel Sissy the Redhead: The College Plan Pt VII: The Finale The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldnt have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would...

1 year ago
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New Blood Part 2 Finale

Heather fell asleep in Kelly's lap and had to be transferred to her grandmother's lap so Kelly to get up. Heather hugged April tightly, with Kelly struggling to not cry as Heather showed that she cared a lot about her grandmother without realizing it. April hugged her back, feeling the same warmth of the love that Heather was showing and enjoying her granddaughter giving her sleepy affection. Kelly moved Heather to her room and tucked her in bed, with Heather hugging her favorite...

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The Cruise Singer Finale

After waking, we cleansed ourselves in the spacious hotel shower, washing, caressing and debating where to go on our sightseeing trek. Monique wanted to go home and get a few changes of clothes if she were going to remain with us at the hotel. The only problem was getting her in and out without the staff seeing her. After we finished bathing, we got dressed and continued contemplating our day. I went online and discovered the charge for a third person wasn't as much as we had thought. So, to...

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Mutant 59the Plastic Eaters

Many years ago I found a library book titled "Mutant 59: The Plastic Eaters". It was very up-beat. It's been swimming around in my head for nigh onto forty five years now. I think that it's time for a different impression. Since so much of our society depends on plastics now compared to the 1960s. Let's just imagine what a catastrophe it would be. The first thing that let me know something was wrong was my shoes fell off my feet. They disintegrated. Then the lights in the grocery store...

3 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldn’t have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would have to share them all with my sixteen year old brother, Luke, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. ...

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Morning After the Night Before Part Four Finale

Morning After The Night Before Part Four Finale We come to the final part of the tale of Olive and Samantha to discover what has happened following the events of Halloween. Once again I wish to give a BIG thanks to my friend Chris for taken his time to review, edit and comment with the whole story and not just this finale Chapter, even with his computer files getting corrupted just before his normal backup, these things never happen after the back up do they, Chris was still able to...

1 year ago
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ManEater of Myanmar

It was an early morning on the Irrawaddy, and the sun had not yet crossed the eastern horizon. U Tha slowly paddled his old aluminum canoe down the river. It was difficult work to make a living as a fishermen on the Irrawaddy these days, or anywhere else in Burma for that matter, but somehow U Tha managed, just as his father before him had. The trick, he always told his neighbors, was to get up early, so that you could check your fishing lines before the oppressive tropical heat became too...

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I was having a drink the other day with a friend who knows about my writing, indeed, I suppose I should really call him a fan. He was taking me to task for not writing anything recently. ‘Oh! That’s easy to explain,’ I said. ‘New job, a partner who knows about and doesn’t like my ‘hobby’… oh, and a lack of new plots.’ ‘Jeez!’ he said, ‘You’ll have me in tears next.’ Then he followed it up by saying, ‘Go on, what about that truism we were talking about a minute ago?’ ‘Which one?’ I...

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My cumeater wife

My lady friend, Nicolette and I, had been seeing each other for over a year. Not often enough mind you, but as often as we could, as she was still married. I am a 50+ male and she is a 40 year-old female, very pretty, with small but very sensitive breasts, and an extremely erotic and sensual nature. A dream come true for an old war-horse like me. We had been talking about inviting a man in for a three- way as it has been a lifelong obsession of mine to see my lover with another man. Or, for...

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Creampie Eater to CockSucker Gay

I first met my wife at a party where she was the center of attention, fucking one well-hung guest and blowing another. And she kept repeating that pattern, again and again. I had spent a good part of that afternoon impressing a few of the women attending with my love for eating pussy. And since I'm a little bigger than average in the dick department, (8 inches), they appreciated pretty much everything I offered them. I was taking a recuperative break from my actions when I wandered into the...

4 years ago
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making a cum eater part 3

'Dave as a treat i'm going to take you out for a meal i bet you would like that wouldn't you ?''yes miss that would be nice but am i to go nude miss ?''don't be silly of course not you may put on your black suit but no underwear go get ready ''yes miss'we arrive at the restraunt'my husband booked us a table''name please''mr cum eater''right this way please , may i just say what a weird name that is ''its not his name its what he does isn't it dave ?''yes miss'laughing she shows us to a table in...

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making of a cum eater part 2

theres a knock at the door'answer it dave and don't even think about covering your cock'dave opens the door a crack and peeps round'who is it ?' i ask'hm its mrs simmons miss' says dave'well open the door and let her in stupid , open it wide and invite her in nicely 'dave opens the door wide 'please come in mrs simmons' he saysmrs simmons steps in and dave closes the door but not before the people at the bus stop across the road saw him'maybe next time i can get you to put a show on for the...

3 years ago
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making of a cum eater part 1

I wake up reach over Daves not there i look at the clock 1.15am maybe he's gone for a piss i think so lay back down and wait for him thinking maybe as he's awake i can get him to fuck me :)10 minutes later still no davei get up and go looking for him and hear voices from the dining room so i stop to listen WTF is he doing this is what i hear'keep jerking it good boy keep at it faster faster stop , now tell me you are a cum eating whore''i'm a cum eating whore mistress' thats dave'rub your...

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Iam a CockSucker and Creampie Eater

After contacting several couples I get the response I was looking for. Emails and phone calls have left no doubt the He wants to make me a cocksucker. His instructions to me are come to Akron, Ohio wearing panties and leave all thoughts of my manhood behind. Flying into Cleveland and renting a car I drive to the Akron restaurant where we're to meet. Panty is riding up and my cock twitches under them. I am both excited and scared. Can I really do this? Do I really want this? A thousand fears...

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Smelly Cunt for delicious eater

She was 48 Black and a BBW and she had just knocked on my hotel room door. I was a little nervous about this encounter specially since I had never done something like this before. I had met her through the net and I knew how wild and kinky she could be – it excited me online but here in real life I was actually scared.10.html[/image]I opened the door and let her in and there she was all 250 pounds of her – 5’9” tall, big –with black hair till her shoulders. She was wearing a denim skirt and a...

2 years ago
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Sperm eater

I am a 47 year old male and am married to a 39 year old conservative girl for the past twenty years. In my wildest dreams I could not have dreamt what she was like. Our sex live is pretty good but in the last couple of years I have neglected her a bit, because it became actually boring to screw her. Because of her conservative upbringing she did not want to give me blow jobs or any other kinky stuff. We are not actually party a****ls and does not drink often. But one night, about two years ago...

4 years ago
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The Man Eater 8211 Part 1

The urban dictionary defines the title word as the female equivalent of more male associated words like player – an irresistible woman who chews and spits out men after using them for some sort of gain – sexual, financial or psychological. It was few years back, when I was doing my Bachelors of Engineering from one of the colleges in Chennai that I met her first. After completing my first year examinations, I was happy to go home and also to move out of hostel. The biriyani that I had from a...

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How I became a cum eater

It started with my first and only girlfriend I've ever had, she was a real manipulative bitch but she was smoking hot. She was amazing at giving blowjobs and would have me in heaven in about a minute and a half. The only problem is that she would never swallow. She'd insist on spitting it out. So I had the brilliant idea of confronting her about it one night. That was a big mistake. She flipped out at me and asked if I would ever eat it. I knew she was asking rhetorically but for seasoned I...

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Metal Eater

I1: OPEN "So, what do you think?" I looked through the looking glass. On our side, it was a transparent plateof crystal, on her side it was a proper mirror. "I think she is going to catch a fever lying naked on the floor." Karen was not actually lying. She was sitting on the floor, her back againstthe wall, her arms wrapped around her knees and her head buried between them.She was completely naked and were the light a touch less sparse, I would havebeen able to see bruises on her forearms....

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Sin Eater

Author’s Note: Here’s another in cauda venenum story that could go in multiple sections on this site. I think you would agree that it belongs here, despite some of the elements some readers have come to expect from me. Please remember that this is fiction, and it follows its own rules, so please suspend your disbelief before reading. I do believe there are some reasonable questions raised by this, so I hope that this is worthwhile for you to read. This story started from me overhearing a...

2 years ago
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Sally Sally PumpkinEater

Sally Sanderson was not exactly a pretty child growing up and when she reached the ripe old age of eighteen; there was not much noticeable improvement in either her looks or her disposition. Her parents never really noticed that she didn't have very many friends because they were so proud of her straight "A"s in school and the fact that she kept her room exceedingly neat and clean. She had a little dog called Dodo who had a short curled tail and seemed to be interested in sniffing...

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Paris Theater Slut Part 4 Finale

As told by a real hotwife:I waved Ted, or Fred or Red...still couldn’t remember his name, up to the platform. It was a well designed play space, about the same elevation as a pool table. I know this because I have been bent over a few in my younger days. Perfect for sitting on the edge and spreading my legs, or bending over doggy style, this, of course, depends on your suitor being of average height.He had to push his way to the front and I had to remind a few that I was in charge. The others...

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Eagere Horny Cousin Chapter 1

EAGER HORNY COUSINby Kevin SellersCHAPTER ONESusie Blake had big tits, and she knew it. She cupped them in her hands, hefting them out for Mark’s inspection as he stood gaping before her, frankly astonished.“Well?” she asked sweetly, enjoying his stare. “I told you they were bigger than Pam’s, didn’t I? Is this proof enough?”Slowly Mark Harmon’s head bobbed up and down, his face slack with amazement. “Jesus, are they ever! I never saw any like those before, even in pictures! Can… can I touch...

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On Her Own Part 5 Finale

The gravity of having two people that she had wished were her own parents want to do exactly as she had wished hit her hard. Anita had a mother and a father to love her, a brother to talk to and be there for when things were tough, and a husband who was infatuated with her. She had everything that she ever wanted and was feeling like she had won the lottery in life. Anita needed a while to recover so the Marshalls moved on to Pierre and his gift. He just laughed at the gift they were...

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To The Matt Part 7 Finale

Taylor's bombshell hit the family hard. Betty saw Taylor was in tears and explained her reasoning to the family, "She knows her abilities better than anyone and she knows just how you'd all react. You know that she was going to retire anyway, this is why she wanted to retire. She could still perform, but she would be taking a spot from a deserving woman and wouldn't be at the same level she was before. Don't try to talk her out of it, it's for the best and we both agree that she is ready...

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Reversal Rings V Finale

I know that some of you have been waiting for the return of Kevin and Susan from the first story. Well, here it is. This will probably be the last Reverse Rings story, so I hope you enjoy. This story has adult content in it. If you are under 18 or dislike such material, please go no further. If anyone who wishes to archive, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings V: Finale By Morpheus Kevin stared into the mirror at the reflection of a beautiful woman looking back. The...

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Sisselixer Free Refill Finale

(Hey there, TerinasTiger the author here. If you've read to this point, I appreciate your attention immensely! This project was a whole lot of fun to work on, and I'm glad someone commissioned me to write a part-2 after Sisselixer was finished! If you like this, I will let you know there's a potential teaser for a "Part 3" (one of many directions I'm considering) on the furrier corners of the internet, waiting for you to find. Really, you're missing half the fun things I've put online if...

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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 8 The Grand Finale

Greetings everyone! Welcome to the final part of the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ I know we don’t like ending but as it is rightly said – “All good things come to an end.” So gear yourself up for a roller coaster ride and enjoy the finale of the series! Avi called his eldest sister to their home after a very long time. She reached after a while and Avi welcomed her with a spank on the ass, “Welcome home! my hottie big sister!” Radhika was wearing a maroon kurti and leggings and heels, so she...

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Durga Puja Celebration 8211 Part 7 The Unforseen Finale

Hello, lovely readers to the finale of the celebration. This party ends with a bombshell of events. Don’t forget to pleasure yourself to the fullest. The clock hit 9:00 pm. There was a light drizzle outside. Both the delivery guys have left. The guys got extremely excited, and we’re masturbating and holding their cum. The boys came out from the other room with hard dicks and cummed all over Rimi and Ani. Both of them got covered in cum and sweat. Then they all went to have a bath and got...

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Bukkake Finale

I was studying in my dorm room late into my freshman year at USC. My jeep was in the shop and even my part-time job had cut my hours in honor of my request. I was in need of some money and my parents would help me when they could but just didn't have much extra, after paying my tuition and living expenses. That was the deal, they would pay for those two things while it was my responsibility to pay for the rest. While in pre-pharmacy, I was trying to keep my grades very high so I spent much of...

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The Story of My Wife The Finale

“In my last story, my wife Vicki, Ginny, and I met a young couple at Light’s Out who wanted us to watch them fuck in the coatroom. We did, and then they watched us fuck. Since the young girl was amazed at how Vicki and Ginny could squirt, they taught her how outside behind a tree. Then, when the police came, Vicki seduced the cop in Dan’s parking lot. After that we rented a sexy hotel room, showered, and headed to Bi-Standers.” The Finale: Lets get started… When we arrived at Bi-Standers it...

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Over Fifties Fun Finale

Jane arrived in the middle of the afternoon, full of excitement, wanting to tell Vera of the wonderful night she’d had with Lee.“He’s so sweet V,” she said, as soon as they had poured some wine. They were walking through to the lounge when Jane stopped. “Why don’t we take these drinks up to bed, we can get ourselves worked up ready for tonight.”Vera was quite happy with the suggestion, she had been horny all day, dreaming of Barry. Once in the bedroom, they quickly undressed and got into bed....

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Freaky Fantastic Fourth part 4 the finale

(The Fantastic Four are owned by Marvel Comics.) (The 'Fourth Of July' villains (a.k.a. the Telekinetic Trio)are created and owned by the author.) A Freaky Fantastic Fourth A Fantastic Four adventure told in four parts! Written, Directed and Edited by Caleb Jones Part Four The Fantastic Finale! Previously, in Freaky Fantastic Four... The Fantastic Four were called into action once again! While fighting their latest foes, one of the 'Fourth of July'...

3 years ago
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A Reasonable Deal Pt 8Finale

Introduction: John makes a decision about Jamie, and stuffs his…viewpoint…down her throat. He helps get Mark what he wants, and finds out what he wants himself. A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 8 Finale) Note from author: To all my readers, I hope I dont disappoint with this close to the story. Ive been using this series to explore my own desires and fantasies, and to think about what place they have in my life. So, the last chapter contains some musings from John that reflect my ownhopefully they arent...

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Fling with co worker part 3 Finale

Feel free to read part 1 and 2 from my profile. Before read this. I know it's been awhile since I wrote but hey life gets you but I'm back to finish it up. For part 3 and finale. I was driving around for a bit before I actually started to head to my place. Truth be told I didn't know if I could do a "main course" performance after the last 2 times. So I had a small mental debate in my head before I said to self that the drive home would be plenty of time for me to have self refueled and be...

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Prem Paradise 8211 Episode 57 8211 Season 1 Finale

Written by: AMIT (To read all the previously published episodes, ) Everyone in Prem Nivas was getting ready for the party that evening in celebration of Sowmya’s modelling success. Although they didn’t know what exactly she was doing, but everyone, including her mother and sister, were happy for her. While people were getting ready for the party, Gautam was hurrying out of his house. “Urgent work”, he explained to his wife, “Client seems to have attempted suicide, I’ll be back before midnight...

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Games of the Children Finale

Games of the Children - Finale Brad's flight back to the sane world of the Porter's front porch was instantly shot down, much to his horror. Walking up the driveway toward him were two very pretty girls, one of them being Sarah Little. The other was not immediately recognized, but between the sick suspicion and the sisterly resemblance, he knew the other was his friend and teammate Craig. Assuming that Craig's age was unchanged at thirteen, Brad could see that this teenage girl before...

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ExGirlfriend Revenge Fuck Finale

Thanks to those of you who hung in there with me on this story. I know I'm way overdue, but hopefully this finale will be worth your while.Things have changed in a big way. April decided to not let me publish her email on this site. She's going out with some guy she's calling her fiancee' and for some reason, she's worried about it getting it back to him .Apparently (and I'm not surprised) she's got a bunch of nudes and photos of her fucking and sucking online and she's been trying to find them...

2 years ago
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THE STORY OF T Chapter 20 Finale

THE STORY OF TChapter 20 - FinaleThe days passed, and my caning steadily drew nearer and nearer. I could not bear the thought of another caning, but I was chained, and had no choice but to wait patiently for the day to come. Ms Susan treated me very carefully, and stayed behind the yellow line as much as possible. She knew that if I could ever escape from my chain, I would certainly be violent. At last, the day of my caning arrived.I was awoke early. As always, I was almost mad with...

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At The Pool The Finale

Matt perused his way through my well-appointed apartment very freely. He felt very comfortable and was relaxed enough with me to feel at ease in a stranger’s home. After all, we just met some two hours ago at the pool, took a naked shower together, groped each other’s genitals in the lockers and made out in the car. Can this afternoon get any more extraordinary than it already has? I guess I will find out. “Matt, would you care for a beer?” I asked my young sixteen year old friend? “Um, sure,...

Gay Male
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Seducing Sexy Mom 8211 The Finale

Hi ISS, This is Sexanimal reporting for duty. The finale of how I seduced and had sex with my sexy mom. On her birthday night, we got so horny and we kissed, sucked, bit each others lips. She kissed all over my face. I kissed her neck, licked and bit it. She closed her eyes and was breathing heavily. I kissed till her cleavage. She was scratching back and holding my hair. I knew it was the right time. I went down and lifted her nighty. Kissed her thighs and undid her panties. She was biting her...

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My boyfriends roomateThe Finale

My boyfriend's roommate .... Finale I was hearing less and less from Kabir each day. I knew long distance relationships had their challenges but I had accepted that from the time we had started dating. Lately, most of my messages were responded to a day later and it seemed that I was the one who was always calling. For him, I guess it was a case of "out of sight and out of mind." For me, the distance made the heart grow fonder. However, I had made my peace with the fact that maybe our...

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Day At the Lake Finale

RAWR- Jai127 "Day At The Lake" (Finale) In case you haven't been reading the previous 3 chapters, you are about to meet Jim & Jeannie (married couple), Ted (Jim's best friend), CJ (a hot little bombshell, Jim met on the LL), Pete & Karen (married & curious about their growing fantasies), Cavi (into jogging, hiking, and bike riding, and built for fucking), Levi (he & Jim were former military men and had recently become friends) and more surprise guests! Fun loving people that...

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brasilianische Uumlberraschung Teil 4 Finale

brasilianische Überraschung - Teil 4 - FinaleGlücklich unseren kleinen 'Fick-Zug" mit einem großen Knall in den Bahnhof gefahren zu haben stand ich mit zitternden Knien zwischen den Beiden. Mein Schwanz pochte immer noch in Luisas Möse und Angelas Schwanz steckte noch immer in meinem Anus. Alles vibrierte und der Schweiß rann uns allen dreien über die nackte Haut.Angela war es, die meine Gedanken aussprach, "Wir bleiben einfach so stehen... wir frieren diesen Moment einfach ein... für immer......

4 years ago
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Polly Gamey 5 Finale

5. Finale I stood in my shower one week later studying the ring-shaped bruise around the base of my cock. It was fainter, but still visible, no longer tender to the touch or when erect. I had just finished my workout and was preparing for Lizvette's guitar lesson on a pleasant autumn Saturday evening.As I stood before the mirror drying myself, Lois entered. "You know what I'm craving?" I covered my bruised shaft with the towel. I had been hiding my cock from her all week. "Pizza! Why don't you...

3 years ago
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Cat Burglar the Finale

...the finale of our little story...It takes all his self-control to drag his throbbing cock from the sinking pleasure of her clutching flesh. Seven agonizing inches as her muscles contract, sliding and gushing over his fiery member. Her thighs are gleaming, slick with desire, and he thinks of how it would feel to douse his blazing lust in her wetness...but not yet. There are lessons to be taught.She snatches at his thick retreating shaft, and without thinking he slaps her hand smartly. She...

4 years ago
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Mom Dad and Us Part 15 Finale

I hope everyone enjoyed the story. As previously mentioned I was not the author. The story had been downloaded to my old desk top. The original name of the story is 'F***ly Games' Mom, Dad, and Us Part 15 (Finale) There was sweetness in his sister's cunt, and Glynn licked it slowly, savoring the honey there. He was replete, but not sated, and thought he would never be; there were far too many erotic things yet to do, so many far out combinations to try, and he meant to...

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