L aacute zaro que clase de encuentro con este muchacho
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A remote village seething with sexual goings on
Not another misty grey spring morning Kelly Brook thought, throwing back the bedroom curtains of her parents pretty, rented cottage in the New Forest. On the edge of a highly sought after, by townies, village with good commuting by road or rail, a manor, one convenience store, a post office owned by an Indian family, one pub and a small garage, it was a chocolate box scene. Kelly, know as the bike in certain minds, was a local not a grockel and would daily run about three miles using three different routes offering a variety of terrain.
Saturday morning promised some serious down time from her job at a nursery where all the yummy mummys farmed out their offspring for hours or all day. The nursery was fully subscribed with girl and boy brats of all temperament and more importantly status on the ever growing social climb. A lot of that depended on the model and age of the car the brats were transported in.
That’s him again Kelly thought, he looks so like Ms Dover her boss, the owner of the Yellow Dot nursery, but that’s a man running past. He was working his long, stringy, pale legs striding athletically on the gravel leading to a multitude of pony and walking tracks. His shoulder length, wispy, grey hair was flowing free from under a bright red Trump baseball cap pulled down low and his black shorts – she didn’t think they were still available, were the old fashioned, extremely short, loose, that showed a lot of his bum cheeks and his ... well you know. Kelly had seen him at the same time every morning in her regular way out from the village. Sometimes they passed, jogging in the opposite direction, acknowledging each other in a polite nod.
Living six hundred metres past the Yellow Dot nursery where she worked, but not today, it was her day off on the rota system organised by Eileen Dover and her brother Ben, Kelly would run to work in an effort to reduce her weight. Mavis and Herbert, her parents were baffled by their only child’s dedication to emulate her long time idol Geri Halliwell. Once a Spice Girls fan – always a Spice Girls fan. When she had reduced from a size 14 to a size 12, Charlie the plumber, her boyfriend from primary school days had cruelly packed her in, he didn’t like skinny girls he nastily told her and started courting that fat West Indian girl from the shop.
Kelly called down in answer to her mum’s shout saying she was having a lie in and went back to bed, loving the way her nipples had sprouted outside the warmth of the bed to, as Charlie would say, chapel hat pegs. For all his crude country ways, he had a delightful way of stroking her teats. His stubby fingers could feel like feathers – but not any more - and she could never imitate that sensation, but what she could do, was stimulate her clitoris and that was happening more these days. Casting off her night shirt, her hands slipped down her naked belly, the cool outside air filtering through the permanently open window, ensuring her nipples stayed erect. Oh how she missed Charlie’s urgent and quick fucks – or any fucks.
Eileen other wise known as Len, neared completing her daily circuit, glancing up at the Brook cottage windows where he often saw but ignored the girl he knew, she not recognising him, at an upper window and devised the second part of her cunning plan. At Yellow Dot, Ben was receiving the first batch of pushy parents and brats, admiring the slim, tight Lycra clad arse of Tristram Heath MP, the father of Justin, one of the most unruly kids. Cherie Heath was at her weekend Pilates class. Samantha Blair had her eyes on the same rippling bottom as she manoeuvred her obese blonde, pigtailed daughter Clementine from the tail gate of her RangeRover. Ben spotted Len jogging round to the rear entrance, knowing he would have to deal with the classes, distribute the brats to various rooms and arrange a schedule for the morning until his older sister had showered and changed and dealt with her usual routine.
This morning however Eileen went straight to her room and sat before the computer and opened a particular live feed. She grinned, thanking the onset of the weekend, as he threw his baseball cap off, ruffled his hair and unleashed his cock from the slack, flimsy under slip of his Mo Farah shorts. The seventy four year old fit cross-dresser ex-national athlete, zoomed in on Kelly’s fingers dancing on her cunt. The light was perfect and the low angles of the camera was ideal, as the sun had burned off the mist and a bright still weekend was forecast. Ben had done a super job installing the call system, free of charge in Kelly and Yvonne’s bedrooms, being the two senior nursery assistants who lived nearest the business premises. The two, simple country females had agreed to the system in case of emergencies at Yellow Dot, where they could be summoned quickly. They wholeheartedly agreed with the two Dovers it was a necessity, however it had never been actioned.
Yvonne, a dumpy, brunette, thirty one year old, lesbian - therefore now single mother of four in the village, who worked shifts at the Spar convenience store, to augment her salary at Yellow Dot and Kelly had no idea that the call gadget in their respective bedrooms, concealed a tiny powerful camera aimed at the beds but encompassing quite a large area of the room. High quality vision and sound was transmitted to Eileen’s computer. Ben had also fitted the same system to the only male nursery employee and Ben’s current beau by the name of Tony, a twenty four year old gay with pink dyed hair and known amongst the local yokels as BumBoy.
Kelly masturbated in the simplest way, rolling her fingers over the hood of her clit, slopping some of her ample cunt juice up on to the prominent ridge before it folded inside. A quiet low key cum ensued and she unfolded the bed covers to stand near the alert gadget where Ben had agreed with her was the best place. Len watched a pale rotund bum, complete with pimples, in glorious close up until Kelly turned and faced the window on the other side of the bed. She seemed to be interested in her pubic mound, bending her legs, widening her knees and peering as low as she could. She diddled in her fine, long, fair hairs, then dug deeper and seemed to be pulling and to Len’s fascinated surprise a part bloodied tampon swung free. Kelly studied it, grimaced, pursed her lips and waggled her head, as if to say nearly over it - could do with cock to clean it properly and wrapped the tampon in a tissue. She wrapped a robe round her and disappeared off camera.
On reaching the bathroom, Kelly nearly puked on the foul odour her dad had left after his bath, shave and shit. In the bath he’d looked down at his wrinkled little uncut cock and couldn’t remember the last time he had got it up, it didn’t react these days.
Len, the elderly cross-dresser remembered there was a time four weeks ago, when a young couple used Kelly’s room over a weekend, the usual occupant telling the Dovers her sister and husband were visiting, and instead of the young woman as per normal, Eileen/Ken had superb views of non-stop sex and body. They were a very randy duo and one was a very fine examples of pure male beauty. He was inky black in colour, squat but extremely well muscled, with a prodigious cock, so much so that Eileen had told Ben who enjoyed the voyeuristic heterosexual peep as much as his favourite BumBoy. Kelly’s sister was a mousy little sprat of a girl who obviously was gagging for it. Ben remarked to Eileen that so many body builder had little dicks and this had been different. She wasn’t bothered, she/he could take it either way she told him to much mirth.
The brothers Dover got on with the Saturday work. They had less staff through demand and economics and helped with several tasks assisting the assistants they employed. Eileen had plenty of time to think about his devious plan to fuck Kelly. It had been fortuitous that he had seen the tampon incident, so next week would be clear. She never appeared on the surveillance cameras Ben had installed in the female changing room, arriving and leaving in her uniform. Other girls had though.
Eileen was collared by Samantha Blair when she came to collect Clementine. Samantha, a solicitor in London with two nannies, as usual, even over a weekend, was wearing a pencil slim, black, knee length skirt, leopard print kitten heels, al la her heroine Theresa May, a gunmetal grey, vee neck blouse and sheer hose. Len reckoned she had flat droopy tits, but not bad legs. She had taken on an unofficial dresser role to Eileen and was suggesting that the tall, stringy boss of Yellow Dot should try shopping at the trendy designer Amanda Wakely’s boutique in posh Beaulieu. Eileen hated this domineering hard faced woman and her snooty ideas.
At the end of the nursery hours she was wearing a dirty blonde shoulder length wig, her make-up was precise and tasteful, an tailored corporate style blouse, over her false boobs, a flared, loose, beige calf length skirt and tan hose. On her feet were brown court shoes. She was glad to get the Blair woman off the premises and had to deal with Sarah Brown, a softly spoken, sweet village mum, with a problem about being able to collect her equally soft gentle child next week. When she got home, Sarah always mentioned to Gordon her husband there was something strange about Eileen, but couldn’t put her finger on it. The area clergyman with an annoying tick, being a gruff, ugly Scot ignored her, more concerned with thinking how to put a finger on the big tits and fanny of Serena Williams, the live-in busty black barmaid at the Swan.
Herbert asked Kelly why she wasn’t running while his daughter polished off a large bowl of cereals, toast, Marmite and home made Seville Orange marmalade. Mavis butted in, saying he was a silly old bugger, it was Saturday and her and Kelly were going shopping in the city and it wasn’t long before they had to scuttle along for the hourly bus service. In the half hour before they left, an excited Herbert phoned his pal Maurice Oakenshaw, the landlord of the Swan. They decided the pub would be the first meeting, then the Brook household.
Kelly’s denim clad shapely bum attracted attention at the bus stop, the sallow youth following her to pay the conductor, was dangerously close to nudging her butt as he stumbled on, distracted but her visible panty line and toned sturdy bare legs below. Mavis already bagging two seats, had ignored Kelly’s suggestion that maybe her mother’s huge bosom was a bit too much exposed by her choice of flimsy cotton dress.
Maurice told Herbert that Serena, had gone by a much earlier bus to “the smoke” as he called London, to visit family. He had called in Sarah Brown to deputise, only for lunchtime trade, knowing the sweet natured wife of the village curate was much loved by the punters when they asked her to get old fashioned dimpled beer glasses from beneath the bar and ogled her droopy tits. Maurice wondered if she knew. Maurice’s wife Agnes was lustily fingering salami and cucumbers thinking those were the days when the miserable old git she was married to could get his sad little winkle as they called it, up. She was in the pub kitchen with two staff, busy preparing food for the lunch menu, so the two old codgers went upstairs and entered Serena William’s bedroom door.
Ben was very much in charge at Yellow Dot so Eileen, got on the internet and checked her contacts in the world she operated in and made a depilation appointment for her face and in the same salon, a further appointment for some more make up advice and new products. She checked social media on a chap who had tried to make contact with her several times, initially setting himself up as a wig maker and consultant, finding that he was very tasty, so she answered him and made a date. He returned to front desk and relieved his brother. Mark was on duty and Ben and he wanted a quicky relief in the cellar where lots of playground equipment was stored and needed cleaning before the outdoor area was made ready for the onset of summer.
Maurice mentioned quietly to Herbert that a customer had tried to sell him some smoke alarms and had told him that the pub was already fully kitted, as per health and safety. However when the salesman – nudge, nudge, wink, wink - had said his items were more usually fitted in non public areas and were really cameras and microphones so the staff could be spied on, you know – if the were up to no good, stealing stuff or even have a sly fumble, Maurice had placed an order for two. Herbert, being a simple pig breeder and castrator, was baffled and had no interest. The landlord of the Swan had dived into Serena’s laundry basket and unearthed loads of undies and outer wear for the two elderly perverts to sniff and lick lusty odours and stains. Herbert was told by an incredulous Maurice for the umpteenth time that the black girl didn’t shave her armpits and was asked if any of Agnes’s dirty washing was around. His pervy pal brought in the bathroom wash basket and let Herbert enjoy himself two fold. They giggled as they compared the size of the knickers and brassieres, Agnes’s being enormous against Serena’s ample but much daintier gear. Much mirth ensued when the landlord mentioned Gordon’s interest in the statuesque black barmaid and how he loved to watch the pastor’s comical and bumbling approach. Herbert chuckled that the randy Scots git curate would get off with one or two of her armpit hairs.
Kelly tried on some underwear in Debenhams changing rooms. She bought one pair of lacy square cut briefs and then tried some thongs, while her mum sat patiently watching. The shapely girl made sure the protective film the store provided was secure in the gusset because she couldn’t possibly try them over a pair of knickers as the string wouldn’t fit right. Mavis giggled it was a bit like placing a sanitary pad into knickers and Kelly saying she was pleased her period had finished. She stood and preened, tweaking the elastic pulling the tiny garment up, Mavis not bothering to ask the question asked and answered many times when Kelly looped a finger inside the rear string and hooked it out. The mature villager was just thankful that Herbert didn’t know about these wretched flimsy articles, thinking she would never be able to find one up her crack, once she had pulled a thong on, if she had one.
Maurice and Herbert transferred to Kelly’s bedroom, saying good morning to several people near the village green and waving to Ben who was sweeping the porch door of the nursery, wearing a pair of very small and close fitting pink shorts. They were on their way for another bout of sneakily searching underwear for things Kelly and indeed Serena wouldn’t like them to know. The master of the Brook cottage told his dirty mate that Kelly had just “come off the rag” and they should find something. His daughter hadn’t emptied the waste bin near her dressing table and Maurice knowingly pounced on the tissue wrapped tampon, dangling it, sniffing the lightly stained piece of soft cotton. Herbert offered Maurice the contents of Mavis’s dirty washing but he declined, saying Kelly’s was fine – but he wouldn’t mind peeping at Sarah Brown’s though. Maurice asked what the little gadget on the dressing table was and Herbert hadn’t a clue. They discussed a smoke alarm, but Herbert said it was all down to the manor who owned the cottage, he just rented.
Returning home on the bus Kelly declared she would run twice the distance tomorrow to make up for missing out today. Mavis shook her head in despair.
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Office SexDear Readers, Mujhe iss stories padhne me maja aata hai. Main iski fan ho gai hoon isliye main bhi ek story aapko share karne ja rahi hoon.Please send comments on Hello once again, Ye kahani un dino ki hai jab Shaadi ke baad main Mumbai shift ho gayi. Kuch dino baad ghar par akele baithe baithe main bore ho gayi thi. Hubby se kahkar maine job karne ki permission nikal di. Waise wo bhi chahte the ke main job karu. Meri education B.com hui hai aur nasik me Computer Accounting ka course bhi kiya...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends .. this is Jovan again after long time to write a story which happened with me in Hyderabad. I am 5’11” , fair guy with good sense of humor as told by many girls, and believe in making good friends and making girls happy not only behind door but outside as well.. ;) Story is when I was moving out from Bangalore and was looking for a job in IT organization. Fortunately, I got a call from one of the IT organization from Hyderabad near gachibowli area and call...
I guess that you could say that I was a pervert and she was a prick tease. I didn't have a lot of choice, what with being confined to this rotten fucking wheelchair and the window next to my computer, where I spend most of my time, just happened to overlook the back yard and swimming pool of her house. It wasn't helped by her sunbathing naked at every opportunity. To make matters worse she would apply sunscreen to her body in such a way that I had no option but to jerk off.I'm in this chair...
Hi Folks. Thanks very much for the comments and emails on last week's story. This one is very different from that story. First because it's much shorter. And secondly because although there is actual cheating in the story it doesn't really manifest until near the end, but I promise you it's there. Also I have to warn you because there are a few of you who still have trouble remembering that these are again only fictitious characters that I made up while I was washing my car. No actual...
Review this Story Thisstory has been edited by Chksng19. Any errors in grammar, punctuation orspelling are either an intentional part of the story or the result of MadLews mucking about with the text after it was properly edited Authors Notes: This is a work of fiction and all characters are entirely fictional.If you see yourself in this story you are sitting entirely too close tothe monitor. The fictional characters in this story are all at least 18 years old,even Larry. Some may feel the...
This is a little something I did for promotional purposes. I’ve never heard back from the people I sent it to. So I’m assuming they’re not interested. So I’m putting it up here. Enjoy. As always, this piece is done in memory of Colleen Thomas, a good friend who I miss to this day. Don’t forget to vote and comment. I love hearing from my readers. The idea of an interview with Georges Belleveau and Diane Patterson was first broached to me in a chat on-line at a publisher’s website. We were...
Interview.As Erica approached the destination for her appointment in the upscale middle class neighborhood, she had to admit to being a bit nervous and unsettled. Nervous because this was her big break, her first solo feature article. Over the past several years she had worked her way up from very local weekly papers, to being a cub reporter on the large daily newspaper, again assigned to the local news scene, to finally being promoted to a position as researcher and writer for the Life and...
Interviewed. Trish. Even though my breasts, and face was feeling a little tender after my first day back at work. I felt good about myself as I slowly changed out of my work uniform and into something more comfortable. After seven weeks of enforced idleness while I was recovering from my implants, and facial feminisation treatments, having to keep a smile on my face with the customers had at times felt something like a marathon, but I was glad to be back at work. Looking at my...
I caught myself gawping at him, and snapped my mouth shut. Never in my twenty three years had I ever met a guy like him: he ticked all the right boxes, every damn one of them.The second that I walked into his office I had fallen under his spell; my heart had double-timed, my legs turned to jelly, and a hot flush had scorched my whole body.From the top of his neatly groomed head to the tips of his highly polished shoes he was immaculate, and in-between those two extremities it was clear that...
SpankingOver the last four weeks my interviews, exploring people’s sexual nature, have been going well. Not only have friends and colleagues made suggestions by word of mouth, as you do, but I have also received many emails.Then there was the letter. I am not sure how they found out my address, but I arrived home to find a letter on my doormat. I normally just pick up the junk mail every evening and throw it in the recycling. On this occasion, the pink envelope stood out.I dropped my bag just behind...
LesbianMelissa had entered my flat in the most confident manner that I have ever witnessed. She handed me her thin coat as she strode confidently past me over to the black leather chair; the same chair that I so memorably labelled as Emma’s chair about two weeks ago. In a sense, it felt like I was treated like a butler.I hung her coat on one of the hooks and smiled at Melissa as I approached her. I sat opposite her and picked up my pad of questions. Melissa knew why she was here. She had answered an...
Straight SexInterview4 December 2013I drove through the gate and pulled up alongside his car; my legs were like jelly, my throat was dry. He obviously saw me arrive a little early as I received a text almost immediately asking me to give him 10 minutes – he wasn’t quite ready. It did nothing to steady my nerves but did give me time to check my make-up was ok and change into my interview shoes. I kept looking through the window of the office and I could see him moving from room to room, but not enough to...
Interview with a She-Male Escort By mrraizer I've always wondered what talking to a real she-male would be like. I took it upon myself to find one and interview her. How did I pull off a feat? Because I'm mrraizer, and I can do things like that. After searching the net, reading various local newspapers such as: The Village Voice, Screw, etc, I found one willing to talk with me openly and frankly. From her ad in one of those papers she looked black or latino(a). It was hard...
dale10: ?So,?tell me a little bit about yourself.?Bryce: Well, ugh, my name is Bryce. I'm sixteen years old.?dale10: I hope you don't mind my saying you look like shit for sixteen.Bryce: Huh? Ah, yeah, I guess. Life has been pretty crappy for me.?dale10: ?You are cocksucker and an ass cunt boy, right?Bryce: ?I guess.?dale10: You guess? Do you suck cock and take it up the ass for ?money? Isn't that why you are here? Didn't I pick you up on a fucking street corner??Bryce: Yeah, you did.?dale10:...
“I understand you are interested in the position I am offering. Are you available to meet with me over lunch?” read the text on my phone. The number belonged to Tina Yu, with whom I had enjoyed an intimate relationship for a couple years. I was not sure yet what little role-play she was cooking up, but I knew it would be a good one. “I am quite interested. Where would you like to meet?” I responded. “1800 West College Lane. Buzz unit 1103 when you arrive. I am quite eager to review your...
CheatingI've met this woman on internet we talked on fb and she told me that she have profile on xhamster. I wanted to know more about her and her lifestyle so i asked her for a interview. We live in same city so she came in my apartment. She is wearing short black dress pantyhose and boots. I don't really know how to do interview but i will try. Welcome Samantha(not her real name) thank you for coming you look wonderful can you tell me a little about yourself ?- Thanks, you are so sweet. I'm Samantha...
When I was younger, one of my favourite shows growing up was Fairly OddParents. A few years later, I was in college and one day I was researching something which linked me to Tara Strong, the voice actress who had performed the voice of Timmy Turner, the main character of the show.I found out that she lived near to where I went to college, so I e-mailed her and asked her if she would like to do an interview with me as part of a project I was working on. She e-mailed me back and told me that she...
When I was younger, one of my favourite shows growing up was Fairly OddParents. A few years later, I was in college and one day I was researching something which linked me to Tara Strong, the voice actress who had performed the voice of Timmy Turner, the main character of the show.I found out that she lived near to where I went to college, so I e-mailed her and asked her if she would like to do an interview with me as part of a project I was working on. She e-mailed me back and told me that she...
I work in a pretty conservative place. The type where the men wear suits every day and the women primp and look fine. For years, we used to hire purely on how hot a woman was. It was never much more than normal piggish male humor and unsettled desires that were part of the interview process. It has been that way for years... then the market got tight. In a recent interview, this redhead name Maggie, had all the right assets. Back in the day, we would have hired her for her bright red hair...
I had gone for interview at an Upcoming MNC in Mumbai. I am from Pune and had come to Mumbai just for the interview. I was staying with my cousin who is an AirHostess. The interview was the last round with the boss himself. So I had to go to his Office. I had waited in the loby for 2 hours as there was a General Board Meeting going on.I had to call up my cousin and tell her not to wait for me at dinner. My cousin is a party freek. When she is not working, she is either sleeping, shopping or...
I had gone for interview at an Upcoming MNC in Mumbai. I am from Pune and had come to Mumbai just for the interview. I was staying with my cousin who is an AirHostess. The interview was the last round with the boss himself. So I had to go to his Office. I had waited in the loby for 2 hours as there was a General Board Meeting going on. I had to call up my cousin and tell her not to wait for me at dinner. My cousin is a party freek. When she is not working, she is either sleeping, shopping or...
First TimeCopyright© 2001-2003 A sweetheart named Teresa Arden Went down on her beau in the garden. He said, "Good lord, Tess, Don't swallow that mess!" And she replied, "Ulp, beg your pardon?" "Turn your light off and get some sleep young man!" Gregory's mother had her head stuck in her son's bedroom doorway, and though she spoke harshly, she had a familiar gentle smile on her lips. It was the warm familiar 'game' she played as a 'mom'. "OK mom." Gregory put down his book and...
While I was in New York City, I discovered that the new Spider-Man film was being shot just a few blocks away from where I was staying. I was very excited for the new film, so I decided to head around to the set and have a look around.So I was snooping around the city when I decided to grab a coffee. While waiting in line, none other than the film's star, Emma Stone, got into line behind me! I was babbling in no time; simply rambling on about how great the movie would be and so on. She was very...
At 45 years old, Doris was a successful businesswoman. She built her Amazon Executive Women's consulting company from nothing to a thriving business with six great women employees. Doris loved being in charge whether it was her business or her personal life. She was going to hire her first male secretary, who would open her mail, screen her calls and assist the other employees if needed. In reality, he would be used as her own personal oral sex slave and face seat.There was nothing small or shy...
Interview with Caroline Laurence on filming "La Vénus á Lulu" - 1991 Dir: D. LossetInterview with Michel Legrand - "Le Filme" magazine... August 1992.ML: How did you get the role as Venus in this film?CL: My agent phoned me & said there was a role in a TV film calling for a slim Nordic-looking girl.... BUT...........I'd have to be naked through most of it & have to act with little boys, no sexual bits, very tasteful & directed by Daniel Losset as a 'Jacques Tati-style' comedy, just...
Interview With a Sociopath By Cassandra Morgan It was overcast on the day Munchkin went to jail, one of those end-of- the-world days. The skies were dark and threatening, and the gray concrete building was stark and barren. The barbed wire coiled threateningly above the walls. Technically, this was a jail, not a prison, but it looked like every prison in every movie she had ever seen. There were no trees, just scrub brush and a faraway corn field. There...
SynopsisWhat starts as a magazine interview ends in a life changing experience. When Irene is discomfited by questions, her replies are not always the ones most desired.CommentFor readers with a little less time than is needed to read a novel here is a try of mine at a short story. It sort of fits with the rest of the world that I have written about in 'Denise' and 'Diane'. Hope that you like it. I am definitely encouraged by e-mails and comments so let me know what you think, for better or for...
Hi, I am Raj. I am professional and lives in delhi. Mai aapko jo story batane jar aha hu, wah bilkul sach hai. Yeh incident mere sath karib five years pahle hua tha, when I have an personal office and I have give an aid in newspapaer for a female young seceratary. Aid den eke baad mujhe ek ladki ka phone aaya, uska name rashmi tha. Maine use interview ke liye office mein bula liya. Usne kaha mai abhi fifteen minutes me aa jaungi. Mai uska intejar karne laga. Karib bis minute bad who aayi. Mai...
I don't know why I agreed to this. There was a reason why I avoided these kinds of conversations. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that this wasn't going to go well.Rounding the corner, I saw the coffee shop. There was safety in being in a public place, and I picked up my pace. The sooner we started, the sooner we got it over with.As soon as I walked through the door, I saw him. He looked exactly like he did in the selfie he sent me, so at least he wasn't hiding or trying to be fake......