Runners Make the Best Ponygirls
- 2 years ago
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It was always hard getting up before dawn in the dead of winter to feed the dogs, but it had to be done. Josh had known this was going to happen, and had accepted it, but was still young enough to enjoy sleeping in -- so it took some doing to get heavy clothes on and head out to the barn in the cold, starry, half-lit predawn of what promised to be a pretty good day.
He'd done this often enough that his mind was only partly on what he was doing, while trying to pick away at a couple of other problems that had been nagging him for weeks, and now it was getting to be time to be solving them. While he went through the motions of getting warm water running from the trailer, shoveling dog food and meat scraps into the old cement mixer, and other routine chores, he chewed away at it. Even the dogs were happy to see him, awake and barking in the snowy air as he hauled buckets of food and warm water out to feed them. With 32 racing sled dogs to feed -- some of them Tiffany's -- plus more pups and old dogs past racing, taking time to interact with each one, it was not a quick chore, but his mind turned over possibilities.
Dog numbers were actually on the low side right now; Josh and Tiffany had sold some dogs and traded a few to fill out some other racing teams. However, it had reduced the number of raceable dogs to the point where some dogs were going to have to do both the Warsaw Run next weekend and the Beargrease the weekend after that. That still left Josh with a leader problem, so this morning Josh was struggling with the problems of which dogs to run in which race, which leaders to run, and so on. It was a complicated problem, one that he'd chipped away on all winter and wouldn't be finally settled until he started the Beargrease.
For example, had a good command leader in Crosstie, but Crosstie was lazy, and getting old. While she could be urged to a good pace, she wouldn't keep it unless urged, and she slowed down the other dogs. Worse, she slowed them down when she was running in team, as well. Crosstie was a pound puppy, not raised as a racing dog, and was good for team training, but she really wasn't a racing dog any more. The thought saddened Josh a little; Crosstie had taught him more about racing sled dogs than he'd learned anywhere else.
Josh also had a pretty good command leader in Switchstand -- but Switchstand, plain and simple, was a sprint leader, and could go like the wind on a well-groomed trail but pooped out after ten miles or so, and wasn't very good at following rough trails. They'd learned that the hard way, and rarely pushed him much beyond that, until this year. Having to do faster training at longer distances, and with Crosstie fading, this winter they'd run him with the endurance team more, but a little gingerly.
Josh did have a great trail leader in Alco. Alco, out of the first George and Nimbus litter, had won the Warsaw Run for him as a yearling the year before, when he'd become pissed off with Crosstie's lethargic pace on the first half of the race, and dropped her at Warsaw, well off the lead pace, determining to try every dog on the way back to at least come up with enough leader to make it back. It had been Alco's turn when the big storm blew up; teams without good storm leaders scratched, holed up, lost the trail, or struggled, while Alco kept chuffing away, never losing the trail. They were well in the lead by the time they'd made it back to Spearfish Lake, but Josh had to take Alco by a neckline to lead him through the last three hundred yards, since he couldn't take commands worth beans.
In spite of a lot of work over the summer, Alco wasn't what you'd call a command leader even yet, although he now would take gee-haw commands a little. At least there wouldn't be this problem with the Beargrease, where Josh would be able to have Tiffany's great command leader, George, in double lead with Alco, but Tiffany would have George in the lead in the Warsaw Run.
Josh was just finishing up the feeding when Tiffany showed up, from her home a quarter mile down the road, bringing George with her; the six-year-old leader slept on her bed every night. Now with just enough light to see, she broke out a sled, and laid out a gangline, and began harnessing dogs to take to school, the regular morning practice for years. It bought her a little more time for training. "Same ones as yesterday?" Josh asked.
"No," she said. "I'll take Garfield in place of Comet, and Snoopy in place of Donner."
With over a hundred dogs passing through their hands in the past five years, even finding names for them had been a struggle. In the past several years, Tiffany had brought Santa Claus into town in the Christmas parade, and two years ago, when Shack had her first litter of nine pups, she'd named them after Santa's reindeer, in hopes of being able to run the training sled down Main Street yelling, "On Dasher! On Dancer!," and so forth. It hadn't worked out; Cupid had gotten loose and been hit by a car, and Rudolph and Blitzen hadn't acted like runners, so had been sold with a recreation team.
"George in the lead, of course?"
"Yeah, but let's put Dancer alongside in a double lead again."
It took a while, but it was something they practiced every morning. Working under the name of Run-8 Kennels -- the name derived not from the team sizes, but from the wide-open throttle setting on a diesel railroad engine -- Josh and Tiffany had just about the fastest speed and endurance dogs in the region, even though it was still a little on the small-potatoes side in a small-potatoes sport.
By the time he'd got Tiffany off to school, Josh was getting cold. He knew he ought to dress warmer for the morning chores, but somehow never did. The coffee he'd put on before he came out to feed the dogs would taste good, he knew.
He was no more than inside the mobile home when the phone went off -- a little strange, since he hardly ever got phone calls, except from Tiffany, and she had to be halfway to school by now. It proved to be from Jackie. "You doing anything this morning?" she asked.
"Just training runs," he admitted. Occasionally, he was called on to help Jackie move or set up a sign.
"Would you mind taking a run out to Norm Niven's camp?" Jackie asked. "I've got someone here that needs to go out there, and I was going to take her, but now I've got to get this sign done for Jerusalem Paper."
Josh was leery. Norm Niven was the next thing to a hermit; over a period of several years, they'd gradually become aware of him living in an old hunting cabin on the far side of Turtle Hill when they'd made training runs out that way. Josh and Tiffany had helped him get started with a small team of castoff dogs, just so he could get into town once in a while. "He's not real crazy about people just dropping in on him," Josh reminded his sister.
"Shouldn't matter," Jackie said. "We had this set up last week, then the weather put us off."
"Are they going to mind a long ride?" Josh asked. "It's going to take about the same time going from here as it would to load up the dog box, run the truck out there, then set up on 919 somewhere."
Josh could hear Jackie explain the problem to someone in the background, then come back a few minutes later. "Shouldn't be a problem," she said. "Look, I've got to get over to Warsaw to see about this sign. I'll drop her off at your place, and you can leave her here on the way back."
"Give me a few minutes to get my act together," Josh asked.
He hung up the phone and poured himself a cup of coffee. He set it out to cool, while he went to the bedroom to layer up. It was cold out, and would probably stay cold; it would be a couple of hours, minimum, to get to Norm's cabin from here. He drained the cup once he'd gotten dressed more warmly, then put the rest of the pot into a thermos; it would taste good out on the trail, and maybe the rider would like some.
He was just heading out the door when Jackie drove in the driveway, a passenger with her. Josh went out to meet them as they got out of the pickup; he was a little surprised to see the passenger using aluminum crutches, a little uncertianly on the rough-packed snow of the driveway. Josh could see that she was a woman; a wisp of blonde hair stuck out from under her heavy hat; she was shorter than Jackie, which wasn't suprising, as Jackie stood over six feet tall. There wasn't much else Josh could tell about her, except that she looked to be dressed warm enough, in a snowmobile suit and shoepacs.
Jackie made the introductions. "This is Judy Sorensen," she explained. "She's a neighbor of some old friends of ours."
"How long do you want to be out at Norm's?" Josh asked.
"Not long," she said. "A couple of hours, maybe."
"I'll help you get set up," Jackie offered. "Sorry to have to drop this on you."
"Oh, no problem," Josh said. "A run to Norm's is about the right length for a training trip today, anyway."
"Which dogs do you want to use?"
"I hadn't thought about it," Josh said, glancing at Judy's crutches. She probably wouldn't want to have to deal with the bouncing and jouncing of racing speeds, so this was a good chance to do some command training, and give an easy workout to some of the older dogs. "Let's go with Crosstie in the lead," Josh said. "Let's put Geep in double lead with her. A couple times here lately, he's acted like he's wanted to lead a little." He reeled off a list of eight more dogs. He was tempted to throw Alco in there, but decided against it; when he got back, he could put Alco in double lead with Switchstand, and do some faster training with the dogs left behind now.
Josh got out a sled, laid out the gangline, and he and Jackie started hooking up dogs. Hooking up the team went quickly; in spite of her crutches, Judy soon got the idea, and helped them out where she could. Soon, they were ready to go; there were ten excited dogs out there that wanted to run, jumping in their lines, sometimes even doing a "four-off-the-floor"; only a tieline to a light pole was keeping them from running. Josh got a foam pad and a heavy blanket from the barn, the first for Judy to sit on, the second to wrap around her if she got cold, and set a bag of emergency gear up near the front of the sled. "I'm going to just have you sit in here," Josh said. "You'll want to hang on pretty good, especially the first couple of miles."
This is the last story in my ‘Manhattan Girl’ trilogy. There are 13 chapters, the story is complete, and the chapters will post in rapid succession. I would like to sincerely thank Gaius Petronius for editing for me, and IanSaulWhitcomb for beta-reading. I am extremely grateful to know you both. Votes and comments appreciated. ***** The slight incline came as a welcome relief after miles of flat terrain, and the balls of Amy ‘s feet met the ground quicker with each rotation. Open space...
John weaved his way through the crowd and was relieved to find that William had secured a small table in the corner. ‘What’s up with our bar?’ William shrugged, ‘A work party or something.’ Their regular cocktail waitress made her way over and asked John if he would like his usual martini. After gratefully accepting her offer, John inquired about William’s favorite topic. ‘So how are things with Tracy?’ ‘Things are going very well,’ William said. ‘We’re going to Albany this weekend and I’ll...
John heard Amy knock and let herself in. ‘You don’t have to knock, you know. You have a key, just let yourself in.’ ‘Oh, okay. It just seemed like a courteous thing to do.’ ‘We’re way past that,’ John smiled and was met with a serious gaze. ‘I have to show you something.’ Amy held a stack of magazines close to her chest. ‘Remember how I asked if I could send that photo you took into Runner’s World?’ ‘What?’ John’s face lit up. ‘They actually used it?’ Amy grinned and nodded while...
This story was written for Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody wants to put it up at a different website should ask first. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening, Part II By Greta In the first part I had fallen in love with a fellow female runner and had a sexual encounter with her. Pure bliss but then things got out of hand. My wife threw my out after she found out what I had...
RUNNER?S WORLD RUNNER?S WORLD ??????????? I was out doing my daily six-mile run when I heard footsteps rapidly approaching from behind.? I waited a moment then turned around expecting to see some male running-ace flying past me.? Instead, it was a young woman and a young man running together at a good pace of just over six-minutes per mile.? We exchanged a brief look, and in that instant flash, I focused on the beautiful woman's bright emerald eyes.? I was hooked.? She smiled at me and...
John loaded the last gift in the Range Rover, closed the hatch and declared, ‘Okay, that’s it. Go say goodbye to Freddy and I’ll stay down here with the car.’ ‘Be right back.’ Amy dashed upstairs and scanned her tiny apartment to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. ‘Bye-bye, Freddy. Try not to miss me too much. Tracy will come by to visit and feed you every day and I’ll see you in a week.’ She kissed the grey cat, who responded with indifference, then she ran down the three flights of...
Amy sat on the subway with the plastic-covered dress folded neatly in half upon her lap. At the time Tracy’s suggestion that she rent a designer gown seemed like a great alternative to buying something, but now the blood spatters across the front of the Gucci dress made the frugal choice look disastrous. She hoped the store owner would allow her to pay it off in installments, although she had no idea how much to expect. Not that she had any right to worry — whatever she owed would be trivial...
Thank you Gaius Petronius for editing for me. There are 13 chapters in this series and they will post daily. Vote, comments, and emails sincerely appreciated. ***** John watched Amy and Tracy exit the cab, and after greetings and introductions, the two couples were led to a table. John paused momentarily, giving himself an opportunity to fall behind and get a good look at Amy’s backside, from her toned pale shoulders down to her nicely rounded bottom. Once seated, Amy and Tracy began talking...
I would like to thank Gaius Petronius for editing. Any mistakes are mine. There are 13 chapters in the story and it is complete. Votes, comments, and emails are appreciated. Thank you for reading! DB ***** Amy looked around Anne’s office, waiting for her therapist to return. Late afternoon in January, darkness was setting in, and the room was lit by only a table lamp on the desk. The walls were painted robin’s egg blue. The painting of an ocean scene and the overstuffed couch had always...
Tracy slid onto the stool next to Amy’s. ‘Sorry, there weren’t any tables available.’ Tracy waved a hand away. ‘Prime-time in Manhattan? A coffee shop across from the library? I feel damn lucky to have a stool to park my butt on. Thanks for meeting me over here. I didn’t want make those old men in the writers group break down in tears when I started asking about your date with John.’ ‘Oh, they wouldn’t even be interested… except Naveen,’ Amy laughed. ‘He might actually cry.’ ‘Ha!’ Tracy...
I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they'd been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn't know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn't know where she lived... o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...
Quickie SexTo all readers: This story is meant to be read by Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading further. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening By Greta Now I am living in a new town, just having moved here a few months ago. I can?t live without my morning run so every day after I wake up I get ready for a run in the Park nearby. After a couple of days I spotted a gorgeous woman with an incredible figure, long brown hair and...
This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part II the newly transformed Greta went through more feminity training and suffered the indignation of having to give a blowjob to Aina, a Ladyboy who helped with the training. This was done all in order to prepare Greta for her debut with...
This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part III the newly transformed Greta had an ecnounter with her Lovers mother Isabel and she turned out to be wicked. Unfortunately she has seen through Gretas disguise which she reveals after Gretas lover Aleila left for work. If you haven?t read...
© April 2003 I watched her run, hair in a long pony tail, swishing in time with her long strides. Her long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride, whereas five minutes before they'd been wrapped round my back. This affair - this zipless fuck - had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn't know her name, still never saw her at any other time, still didn't know where she lived... o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at...
Mathew: July 4th: One year after the plaque: I watched as the fireworks detonated above the city of Driggs, Idaho. My wives were sitting around me as the town celebrated its independence day. Around the park were hundreds of survivors of the worst disaster the country ... no, the world ... had ever seen. The casualty count was in the billions, as only three in ten survived the plague. The Middle East, China, and the South East Asian countries had been mostly wiped out. The United States had...
I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back at me. He spoke softly " Do not fight me, you will only tire your self out." I didn't listen, and he held both of my wrist in his rough warm hands above my head. He pushed his mouth...
John stared mindlessly at the bottle of beer as he rotated it around in his hand, until William slid into the booth across from him. ‘Well?’ his friend asked. John raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t know what William meant. ‘Amy? Hiking? Photos? How’d it go?’ John shook his head, trying to form an answer. ‘I don’t know,’ he said in frustration. ‘It started out great. I mean really great. We had a fantastic time and Amy was warm, flirty, and a lot of fun. We hiked and I took photos and then...
Amy sat on the floor between John’s knees watching TV as he played with her hair. ‘I can’t believe you have to work on Thanksgiving,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to, sweetheart, I want to. It’s business as usual in the UK, and I get out of visiting my family.’ ‘I thought you said you love your sisters.’ Amy turned and met his eyes. ‘Don’t you want to see them?’ John laughed, ‘Of course I do, just not on holidays. They’ve all moved to different cities and if I visit one, the other two get their...
Amy and Tracy sat whispering on John’s couch, while the men worked in the kitchen. ‘I’m still getting over the shock of this place,’ Amy whispered to her friend. ‘I know,’ Tracy agreed. ‘I can fit my apartment in her about five times.’ ‘At least as many for me,’ Amy laughed. ‘So it looks like William’s super comfortable in the kitchen? And John’s being a good sport?’ ‘He’s trying to impress you,’ Tracy winked. ‘Little late for that. I’m officially smitten.’ Tracy sipped the wine she held...
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I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they’d been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn’t know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn’t know where she lived… o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...
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09:01 AM Laramie, Wyoming Matt We watched as the eight four month old Saint Bernard puppies buried Beth under their massive bodies. They were licking her all over, and had her giggling as she tried to recover from their assault. "What's going on, Matt?" Judy asked as she watched the fifteen year old being licked to death. Beth was being licked from all directions and didn't know where to turn to first, until the largest laid down on her belly. "Getting Mary her final birthday...
05:50 AM: Matt: I woke up just before six am and looked at Judy sleeping. Ana was behind her, and had her arm draped over Judy's side. She was cupping Judy's left breast and gently massaging it in her sleep. With a smile I leaned down and kissed both of them gently on their noses until they woke up. Slipping out of bed, I saw Cyclone and Henrietta waiting for me. I petted them, and started to lead them out of the room when Henrietta jumped up on the bed and lay down beside Judy. She...
07:30 PM Matt I lay there gasping in pain. The burning between my legs made me afraid to look, but I finally had to. Looking down, I saw a bloody furrows on my inner thighs. Checking the wounds I realized they weren't major because they had missed the arteries that ran on the inside of the thigh. I sighed out in relief. The bullets had also missed my nuts which was another good thing. They had only ripped through my pants and the inseam of my legs. The wounds were bloody, but not life...
09:19 AM: Matt: I hit the ground and rolled, the dog flipped over me, but didn't let go of my arm. Rolling and kicking at the dog, I noticed it was a German Shepard, and was wearing a badge on its collar. It was growling as it chewed the right sleeve of my parka. "Let go you SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as my foot smashed into its chest. The dog yelped but continued to try and get through my sleeve to get to the flesh inside. I could hear gunfire from behind me as John fired at the...
05:42 PM: Matthew: "What?" I said as I looked at Anastasia and CodieAnn. "Over here," Beth said and we looked into the den. The floor was covered with plastic, and sheets were hung, making two enclosed partitions. Stepping into the first room, I saw a chair with a robe draped over the back. Before I could say or do anything, Marybeth stepped in, and started working on the straps on my backpack. I was so cold, that I was trying to get my gloves off and Mary grabbed them. With a quick...
Lodge, near Driggs 8:45 PM: Mathew: I grabbed my shotgun with my right hand, as my left grabbed Anastasia's arm as the door was pushed open. With a yank of my arm, she went stumbling into Regina who was pulling out her pistol. The shotgun came up and I fired as the barrel of a rifle pushed through the opening. The steel pellets ripped through the thin door and the gun was withdrawn as I snapped out, "Everyone down!" Everyone started hitting the floor as an automatic rifle opened up from...
Early Christmas Morning: Mathew: I lay there in bed watching my girls sleep. Looking at the clock, I saw it was five-twelve in the morning. Slipping Beth off of me, I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom while the girls cuddled closer together. After taking a piss, I walked to the bedroom door and looked at my girls, sleeping. Reaching down, I picked up my shotgun, opened the door and slid out. Cyclone followed me, and we went down the hall to a spare bedroom. I changed to warmer...
Sheriff Sub Station: Six miles outside of Driggs: Mathew: I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. I had noticed that Ana was only wearing her shirt. I remembered the man telling her to push and I just knew my daughter was dead because I didn't hear her crying. With another deep breath to clear my mind I walked to the door and looked inside. Ana was sitting on an ambulance bed with CodieAnn holding her. She was crying and Codie was rocking her. Walking over to Ana, I sat down on...
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So a short time later i put on my Guy Fawkes mask, which wasn't really anywhere near being original but had to do for now. I set up my cam to show my masked face and upper body. I wasn't one of those guys which showed them self jerking right in the beginning. In my experience most hot girls just clicked that away and those who stayed watching were easy ones - no fun without challenge. I started the recording of my chat and began connecting to random partners. The first one was a bored...
INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...
I woke up looking into Caroline's eyes. She said, "I woke up a little bit ago and realized I'm in your control. I want to be here though. I like being in your control. Strange isn't it. We don't really know each other but we really do. Is loneliness a means of meeting someone?" "We found each other, Caroline, and we can be something special for each other right now, whether or not we will be the same in the future." "I like it, Mark. I'm very happy to be with you and to be held by...
After the meal we sat on the couch finishing the bottle of wine, laughing about the day's events, and kissing every now and again whenever it seemed right. After an hour or so when we were rested and slightly drunk Abby said, "It's time for your present. Wait here, I'll call you when it's ready." I sat waiting and wondering what she was doing and what my surprise would be. A delicious feeling of excitement made my cock twitch. I heard the bathroom door click shut, and decided to do the...
I had just shown you my appreciation for you made me turn from an ice queen into a woman who now had sunshine in her life. Before I met you I had read your stories. They were such a turn on that I knew as I read them that I could feel again. Feel those sensations that a woman felt when she was about to cum. I was a mother who had lost my touch with men. They did not seem to want me anymore. Then as the reader that I am I had stumbled across your stories. Within the first paragraph I knew that...
If you haven’t already, I recommend reading Chapter One before reading this. Thank you ZB for editing this story. Alexis arrived at the nearly empty park and made her way to the swing sets, their old meeting spot. She sat on a swing waiting, lost in distant memories. After some time she became aware of her surroundings again and looked around, but there was no sign of Rob. She pulled out her cell phone to check the time. It was already 9:20 and Rob was never late. Maybe he’d led her on and...
Sarah and Rusty left Aoife's room with her, looking for a quiet open place to evaluate their psionic abilities. As they looked around considering different options Sarah said, "After thinking about this a bit more, doing this inside would probably be a better choice." Aoife responded with, "Let's try the gym. On a nice day like today I suspect everyone is out by the pool." On their way to the gym Aoife felt a breeze caress her skin startling her then someone whistled. She looked down...
I had gone straight to my sister’s house rather than go home as she was going to supply any clothing I needed that Friday evening. I was already ‘hot to trot’ as until I arrived I had been wearing a chastity device since Monday morning per her instructions. This whole thing had started with a dare etc as usual, but it was also added to something I wanted to try, it had started as a fantasy of mine, and that was to be dominated by my younger sister. We went to this house which was a squat, used...
It all started March 15 1992 the day i was born i no one new it at the time but i was very special so very special. I was the last of 3 kids my parents died my father he died just 3 days after i was conceived. Talk about being special but that wasn't why i was ill tell you later about that. My oldest sister Jen is 2 years older then me and the other Sara was born 9 months before me so we were pretty close and youngest sister was in my grade she missed the cut off...
Lana Masters approached her brother’s service station with some trepidation. This was her first job, in actuality. She’d married young, when her boyfriend had knocked her up at age seventeen. The following ten years had been good, but then he’d been killed by a drunk driver leaving a bar. The life insurance had carried her and their daughter Mindy through for another four years, but then things began to get tight. Lana and her brother had been close when they were younger ... closer than...
‘Why the hell are people knocking on my door this late at night?’ You asked yourself. You finally got up and went to the door and opened it. Surprise was one of many things that crossed your mind. “I’m about to ask you a favor that I could never imagine asking anyone, because you’re the only one I can trust to help me.” I whispered very seriously to you. “Umm I’m really confused right now. It’s almost past midnight, we have work tomorrow and we shouldn’t be in the same room vicinity this...
I'm a very sexual man and I love people seeing me naked, I also swim a lot and recently went to the pool after work to swim a few lengths. Now the changing rooms are unisex but you have to go into a locked cubicle to change. Well this particular day I was feeling really horny and really wanted to show my body off so I went into the men's showers, stripped naked and began to wash myself. The thought of other people seeing me naked just made me so horny that I pretty much straight away got a...
MasturbationShe sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. Ruffling the short, soft spikes at the back. She was waiting for him but knew he’d come from nowhere and when she least expected it. She fiddled gingerly with her lip piercing and adjusted her sweater. She was nervous and she knew it. It had been so long since she had seen him but they had been texting constantly for the last few months and it was comfortable. She glanced around the museum again and then returned to gazing blindly, dead ahead....
Love StoriesMy wife Kara and I had been married for over 25 years when the following incident took place. From the outside, anyone who saw Kara, knew her to be a hard working mother, wife and teacher. She was always very attentive to her kids, seldom missing a thing that they were involved in. This often took us out of town, and when I couldn’t go, she’d go on her own. We had a good marriage, except for the lack of sex. She had a strong belief that sex was for procreation, and after our two children were...
A couple of years ago, I was attending a conference in the city in the summer, and my girlfriend, Coll, came along. She was going to go exploring while I was attending the various talks. Since it was the summer, it was hot in the city and she was wearing her favourite denim skirt and a loose blouse. I was in my camo shorts and a t-shirt. We parked in an underground parking garage that was close to the conference and wasn't too expensive. As an added bonus, the car wouldn't be boiling hot when...
TrueNothing But Crotches I take lots of pictures of my three sisters with and without their panties on. It all started out when I told my older sister that I wanted to become an erotic photographer and I asked her to pose for me. First I couldn’t photograph her face and I had to pay her. As it turned out it was ten cents a picture. You see I had a ten-dollar bill and she wanted it. I on the other hand wanted a hundred pictures…hence ten cents a picture. She removed her outer clothes but...
Tamara's ringing phone woke me up that Friday morning. I heard her answer, and then felt her leave the bed. I rolled over and saw her walk out the bedroom door. She quietly closed the door behind her. I was curious; was she being quiet to not wake me or was it she didn't want me to hear her conversation? I couldn't believe I was doubting her. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I came out I could hear her yelling. I opened the door and started down the hall. As I turned the...