Jane s interracial gangbang adventures in Lon
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Earl hadn't stopped Lynn from running up the stairs to their room once they were back in the hotel, but in her nakedness the shame she endured as her husband paraded her before the others who were sprawled about the lobby participating in various acts of venereal obscenity, announcing her as the establishment's new "house cocksucker," nearly broke her down completely. Finally, he had let her go and she managed to get up the stairs, her tears blinding her as she stumbled to their room, slamming the unlockable door behind her and throwing herself across the bed to sob pitifully.
The shocking horror of it all was not in the brutalness of her husband, nor the degradation he had submitted her to, but the complete desertion by Rudy and his vicious lies in accusing her of seducing him... insisting that she had begged him to let her... suck him off... as he'd so foully put it!
M-My God! I can't believe it yet! That he could do such a cowardly thing to me in order to save his own skin... and after just telling me how he was claiming me for his own! The bastard! The craven bastard! They're nothing but animals... all of them!
She sat up suddenly, wiping the tears from her eyes with her fingers and brushing her long hair behind her shoulders, There was only one thing to do... and that was to get out of there as quickly as possible! Get away from there as far as she could... as fast as she could! God, her loins still throbbed in her frustrated denial of release from Rudy's masturbatory lovemaking while she... she was... oh... she didn't want to think of it! Only to leave that horrible place... now, before it was too late!
Her bags were still packed and she wasted no time getting dressed. If she could get to the highway she felt certain she could catch a ride, and she had enough money to buy her air passage back to Bratham. Then, she'd make a clean breast of everything to the insurance company and take whatever punishment she had coming. Anything would be better than getting further involved in this licentious nightmare! And to think that she had willingly let herself be taken in, not only by Earl, but by his so-called friend and obvious partner... Oh, they were beautiful people, all right! The uninhibited generation... ! God Almighty, in a matter of hours she had received an education from them that she wouldn't forget in her whole remaining lifetime!
Lord, Lord! Help me now... oh, please, help me... she thought in tremoring fear as she stepped out into the hall carrying her two valises.
Virgin sat quietly at the table, watching and listening to Rudy and Earl as they discussed their plans prior to leaving for Tijuana, Mexico. The pot had served to smooth Earl's rage and that pleased her. She was sorry that it'd happened; she had tried to talk Earl out of going off looking for them, but it'd been useless. He'd been uptight and there'd been no holding him back; then, he'd ran upstairs and when he'd come down, she had seen the revolver in his belt. A helpless, cold and empty feeling had gripped at her belly and she'd done little more than pace the floor and pray, until she'd seen them all re-enter the hotel... and then she'd realized that Rudy's shrewd tact had again won him a reprieve.
"We'll go over the details on the way, man," Rudy said, dragging at his brown-papered cigarette. "You know, the intricate things... so we'll be ready for Senor Lopez. He's a sleek cat, Baby... and by the way, better leave that cannon here, in case we run into fuzz somehow. We don't want to get busted on a concealed rap...
"Yeah. I intended to," Earl replied.
"You can handle things all right here can't you, Doll?" Rudy asked of Virgin. "We'll be back by tomorrow night, maybe sooner. By that time, Earl's spouse ought to be smoothed out." He grinned at her. "The loot's in the satchel in the usual place, including Earl's sixty... everything except what we're taking with us to bind the deal. Can you handle it?"
"Why not? Haven't I always?"
Rudy continued to grin. "You're a rare one, Baby," he said, pushing back his chair to stand. "Okay, man, let's split. We ought to make the border by three... a good crossing time..."
Earl was getting to his feet when the door burst open and two half-naked, long-haired "guests" came in ushering Lynn between them, each holding to one of her arms tightly. They were grinning. One said: "Caught the chick making it toward the door with her suitcases... thought maybe you'd like to say good-bye."
She was trembling, her mouth partially open invisible fear. Virgin sensed every muscle in her own tall, willowy body tauten at the unexpected sight of her standing there in her unconcealed panic.
"Y-You can't keep me here! I-I'm leaving, damn you!" Lynn managed in a sharp, cracking voice. "I want to get as far away from you and this place as..."
Earl was upon her like a madman, kicking over his chair in his rage. He grabbed her out of the pair's grasps, swung her around and slapped her viciously across the face, the force of the blow sending her staggering across the room. "You filthy cunt!" he spat, charging after her. "You'll do exactly as I tell you! Damn you, you're lucky you ain't dead right now!"
He was on top of her sagging, cringing body with raised hand when Rudy caught him and dragged him off... pulling him back across the room while Virgin went to her and drew her sobbingly erect, holding her tightly in her arms.
Lynn dropped down on the bed resignedly as Walo went to the chair and sat. Earl stood in the open doorway grinning evilly at her. He glanced at Walo.
"Remember what I said, big man. You keep her here until I get back, right? She tries any thing, then tie her up... whatever you have to do... but she just better be here when I get back. Is that clear, dum-dum?"
"S-Sure, Earl... you know me... anything you say, jeez... anything you tell me, Earl."
"Good!" he snapped; then, to Lynn with a wicked grin: "S-long cocksucker, I'll take care of you later... my loving, grieving wife... damn you!"
Despondently, Lynn stretched out on the bed, still wearing the same miniskirt and blouse she had quickly pulled on in her attempted escape. It was the suit she'd worn on her happy flight out there, except for the jacket that lay over the back of the chair... and she couldn't hold back the little tear that trickled down her cheek as she remembered the beautiful thoughts that had filled her mind... soaring through the heavens toward the man she loved... her very own husband... Mother of God! Had she ever known...
Oh! She just had to get a hold on herself and think... think! Somehow, someway, she had to get out of there! As horrible as the thought was, she'd forced herself to respect its lucid truth! Earl intended to kill her! He had to! There was nothing left between them, and once he and Rudy had consummated whatever it was they intended, then... then, he would do it! She was more than just expendable to him... she was a knowledgeable millstone around his neck! She knew too much! He had to destroy her, and he would... unless she could manage to somehow get away!
Lynn could hardly think straight with the terror that was quaking her whole soft body. She looked at the massive hulk of imbecile seated in the chair by the door, thought of his unalienable devotion to Earl and a feeling of complete desolation poured through her. It was no use no damnable use! Escape was out of the question; the idiot would probably give his life to keep her there!
But then, as she looked at him, a smile spread his almost cherubic mouth, and it was long seconds while she was lost in the midst of her frantic thoughts before she realized it. He was actually smiling at her, his little eyes seeming to soften, while his huge hands toyed with one another stupidly.
Lynn was hardly conscious of how she managed it, but somehow she did, for it seemed more than just appropriate in gesture... it seemed essential to her being... and she smiled warmly back at him.
"N-No use of you and I being angry at each other, Walo," she heard herself say, surprised at the velvety tones in her voice. "I'd rather be your friend."
"Oh... I ain't mad with you, lady," he said, his eyes widening innocently. "I don't ever get mad with nobody... not really." He grinned broadly then. "I just do what Earl tells me..." His smile faded. "He said to keep you here, so I gotta... but I ain't mad, honest!"
"I know... I know, Walo," Lynn replied, wild thoughts suddenly racing through her mind. She tried to remember how the Dane twins had handled him downstairs. The vivid memories caused her stomach to turn over repulsively. God... dear God! Could she do it? Even with her life depending on it?
"Listen, you want anything lady... pretty lady, you just tell Walo, won't you? An' I'll sure get it for you... honest!" he said, enthusiastically.
Pretty lady! His innocuous, yet meaningful phrase, registered strongly in her brain. She said: "Yes... all right, Walo... dear. I'll ask you if there's anything... You... you're so big and strong... I'm not afraid with you here." Lynn smiled fetchingly at him. "I think I could go right to sleep, just knowing that you were guarding me... that you wouldn't let anyone touch me after I get undressed... even if they wanted to!"
He gazed at her, as if he were letting her words define themselves in meaning within the walls of his hampered brain. Then, he said: "Oh, don't worry, pretty lady! Honest, you don't have to worry! I'll protect you! You sleep if you want to. I- I'd hurt anyone that tried to touch you! Earl'd expect me to... !"
"You... you make me feel so safe, Walo dear," Lynn said, swinging her legs provocatively from the bed as she raised up, not trying to shield herself, but making an effort toward the wanton movements, holding her full white thighs slightly apart purposely, then sitting there on the edge of the bed with her mini brushed back high enough to make the vee of her white nylon panties visible before him.
She had never been a student of psychology, but the ingredients that composed sensual stimulation were as inherent to a woman as was the nursing of her own child. A man, no matter how mentally retracted, was more incited by the anticipation, the hope, the building want, than he ever was by the sudden facts laid before him. Seduction was the secret word! Seduction! And hadn't she already been accused of that once tonight? Lynn, the temptress! God, she mustn't get ridiculous... Keep her wits... that was the secret... and the only way out...
He was not a fool... a slow-witted person, perhaps, but no fool! She wouldn't have a second opportunity with him, she felt sure; it all had to flow smoothly this first time. She tried to think how long Earl and Rudy had been gone... perhaps forty-five minutes. They were well on their way. Virgin was downstairs in her quarters; the rest of the... the people, were doing what they called "their thing" in their own warped ways. The timing was perfect! The scene was perfect! And the actors? Well, she was going to find out how perfect they were...
"You want something?" Walo questioned, leaning forward and gaping at her. "I'll get it for you."
"No... no. Walo, dear," she answered softly, portraying the sultriest smile she could imagine. She watched the level of his eye focus and was elated to see it lined directly between her slightly open legs. Her little bed-antic had caught his attention profoundly.
Lynn eased forward, sliding her feet to the floor and bunching her tiny skirt higher around her thighs and hips. She could only imagine without looking down how much of that tiny wisp of white nylon was exposed. "I'm tired, Dear," she said with a sigh. "Earl isn't going to be back for a long time... do you mind if I get undressed and go to bed?"
Walo swallowed tightly. "N-No! No! O'course not!" he said, moving to the edge of his chair with his huge frame. "An' don't worry! You hear? Don't worry, no one'll hurt you cause I'm goin' to be sittin' here all night an' all day... until Earl comes back."
"Oh, that's good, Walo, baby," Lynn replied seductively. She continued to smile at him. "As long as I have you, I'll never worry... never, Dear."
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Free OnlyFans Leak SitesI grew up bigger than most of my friends. By 12 I was bigger than most adult men. Not just in height, but in equipment. In middle school showers boys would point and told others how big I was. One school teacher; Girls would ask and few wanted to see and feel it. One girl had been with me and told how it was. From there I had offers from girls to have sex. few were black and we made arrangements to not be seen. few her parents would see us and kill her. I had some tell me, Sorry I want to it...
Anger. Rage. Every time I thought about my marriage to Jenna that is what I felt. I sat in my home office staring at the computer screen, remembering our anniversary. I was figuring that even though I was ill that maybe I could squeeze a romantic evening out of her one night of the year. Instead it was one single mindless fuck as always. I felt anger because I felt that she had trapped me. By waiting until we got married to have sex for the first time it was like I was entering into a...
She stumbled down the sidewalk and like so many times in her life went to the ‘fort’. It was on a patch of land between several of the neighborhood houses. She, Lilian, Tommy Wald and Billy Harper constructed it. She went in and sat in one of the old chairs that were there. She began to cry. That she was crying was highly unusual. The only time that Tommy could remember she cried was when she broke her arm. So when Tommy walked in a couple of minutes later he didn’t hesitate to try to comfort...
She stared at me. She slowly said, "Brad, it's good to see you. Isn't Karen with you?" "No, Mother. We thought it would be better if this discussion took place just between you and me. However, I know how she feels and we are in complete agreement as to our position with regard to our relationship with you." "I'm your mother. You have an individual relationship with me." "It's true that you are my mother but my first and absolute priority is Karen. There are not now and never...
They sat like that for a few minutes and Susan spoke. “Mom likes you, you know.” Now this caught Tom off guard. “What, Suzy why do you say that?” Lifting off him and holding his hands. “Dad, mom always talks about you. Do you know how many guys she has turned down? Not going out with anyone.” Now Tom didn’t know that, but his interest was getting peaked. “When she has her friends over its Tom this and Tom that. I think she really ... more than likes you ... you know?” Susan cast her eyes...
It was a long week without any more ice cream deliveries to Newark. My beloved sister noticed that I was staying home more, and thought she'd figured out what had happened. "Annette finally realized she was out of your league," she said. "What's this goddamned 'league' you keep talking about, anyway?" I asked. "Annette is Truly Fine, but she doesn't seem to think we're incompatible." "The girl is probably just inexperienced," my beloved sister said. "She doesn't realize...
[This is number 5 in a series, if you have not read the series it would be a good idea to use the author search function on fictionmania.tv to do so as this covers on from some characters that have all ready had some development] BRITNEY: POSHSLUT [PART FIVE OF THE BRITNEY SAGA] CHAPTER ONE: The Show goes On With a smile on my face a mile long knowing I was one up in my battle of wits against Victor, I slipped a soft hand down inside my red miniskirt. It was a good thing...
I never expected prison to be like it was. Sure, I had heard all the stories about **** in prison, and the gay guys, but I never, ever believed it. I would always laugh, and punch them. But then, I got into real trouble. It was the day I took a chair and threw it, and it shattered, blinding a person by hitting him in the eyes. I got three weeks in prison and then 40 hours community service. I was very stressed.So, I was practically being dragged down the dark, murky hallway of the prison cell,...
They finished their first circuit of the county, and John turned in his report. Sheriff Silas Gillespy was suitably pleased with the report and gratified at the result of the patrol. "Congratulations, John, that nose croppin' is a bully idee! It marks the bastards so nobody can mistake who done the deed. Yessir, a bully idee!" "Thanks, Silas. When do ya want us ta make our next round?" "Take a couple of days off ta let the boys have a little toot. Ya know? Drink some beer and visit...
I have to tell you this is one night I will never forget. It was a Saturday afternoon when it all started. My brother Bill was away for the weekend on a scout trip, and even though he was away, I still made our Saturday meeting with Jake, his brother Peter, and Jerry. Duke belongs to Jerry so he always brought Duke along after school and Saturdays. Sundays were the only days we would never plan for. I went and met them at the old house, we did our thing, and when they finished, Duke did his...
After tightening the last restraint and positioning the blindfold just right on her, he moves slowly to dim the lights, letting the glow of the candles take the room. he moves back slowly directing his attention back to his own 'baby girl' laying face down on the bed. slowly he moves alongside the bed, feeling her soft skin slowly as his thoughts clear of the troubles of the day and fill with thoughts of his 'baby girl', his domain, his toys, and above all his intentions. as the last thought...
Up until that point in my life I had never been afraid of a man. But here I was completely helpless and at the mercy of a man who had yet to show he had any. He had strapped me down to a bench just long enough to run the length of my torso leaving my head completely free and my ass and cunt totally accessible. There was a wide leather strap encircling my waist and wrapped under the bench hold me fast. It reminded me of a weightlifting belt that I saw the guys in gym class using. with three rows...
Hai friends.. ela unnaru… nenu gurthunnana… nenu Renu… ( ) nannu kalisaaru kada adenandi baboo naa experience read chesaru kada ippudu malli mee munduku maro koththa anubhavam tho.. Anand annayya tho naa first experience tharuvatha sex lo naa view total ga change ayipoyindi. Now I love sex. Irrespective of any one… magaalllu koda anthe… andamaina adapilla correct proportions tho eduraithe eppudu padesi dobbudama ani eduru choostuntaru.. anni varusalu marachi potaru. Ee experience alaanti oka...
I lent Loren my jacket to give her some respectablility as we entered the street. My girlfriend, Liz, hailed a taxi. We got in the back and Loren sat in the front seat.It wasn't a long journey home, and very soon we we're pulling up outside my house. As we were approaching I reached for my wallet, but Liz stopped me and said 'no, Loren's paying for this one'.We arrived and the driver said how much we owed. 'How about payment in kind?', said Liz. 'What do you mean?' said the driver.'well, that...
My 28 year-old wife and I have decided to cut back on our drinking. We had a small party at our place a few weeks ago. Most everyone had left except for my brother and three of his friends we are only casually acquainted with. We all drank way too much. The next morning I woke up alone in bed around 9 with a terrible hangover. My wife was not there. I rolled over and went back to sleep. I finally forced myself out of bed around 1 o'clock. I couldn't remember what happened after most of our...
GREAT TRUTHS 1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress. -- John Adams 2. If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed. -- Mark Twain 3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself. -- Mark Twain 4. I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a...
This is a follow up to Vacation Road Trip where I met Danny. My wife and I were vacationing in Yellowstone Park and getting ready to journey back to Texas. I had driven for nine hours and was beat. I set up the RV in our campsite and Danny and my wife started making us some dinner. We ate some pulled pork sandwiches with chips and the ladies had sodas while I just had water. My wife generally spends the evening going over the next day’s route then playing Facebook for the evening. It was a...