An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 11: Full-Court Press free porn video

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-- NOVEMBER 2007 --

“Right pick, right pick!” I hollered.

I actually didn’t need to shout the warning, because even while guarding her “man”, Dawn had already been shooting glances in both directions to look for the screen she knew would eventually come. By the time I’d said it, Dawn had already taken a step forward to go over the top of the screen, just as I’d instructed her to do.

The strategy of setting a screen is Basketball 101, as are the methods of defending it. If Dawn were to go “under” the screen, she would find herself with a human body between her and the ball-handler, leaving them with an open jump shot. If one’s opponent isn’t a very good shooter, this is an acceptable strategy, practically daring the opponent to shoot a low-percentage long-range jumper rather than give up a defensive position between them and the hoop. But our opponents WERE very good shooters, and the few times we’d left them with open 3-pointers, they’d burned us good. So instead, Dawn knew to go “over” the screen.

By going “over”, Dawn kept herself close to her opponent; but when the ball-handler dribbled around the screen and into the lane, she found herself in a trail position, no longer between the ball-handler and the hoop. Since I had been the one defending the screener, it was now my job to “switch” my assignment and guard the ball-handler coming into the lane. And with my three-inch height advantage and an overall wingspan advantage as well, I felt pretty confident in my ability to block or alter any of my opponent’s layup attempts.

Of course, Eden knew I stood a good chance to block any of her layup attempts, so she knew to look for her twin sister to leave her screening position and cut to the basket. That was the “roll” part of the “pick-and-roll”. Emma set the pick to free up Eden’s drive, and once I stopped defending her and switched to Eden instead, Emma became the “open man”.

Of course, I knew that Eden knew I stood a good chance to block her, and I knew that Emma would be looking for a pass. And since I was anticipating it, I set my feet and prepared to intercept the ball before it got there.

Timing was everything, as Eden would need to accurately execute the pass in a narrow window of space AFTER I switched defensive assignments but quickly enough for Emma to still have room to catch it and make a layup of her own. Making things more difficult, I took a step forward to tighten the already narrow window so that the right-handed dribbling Eden would have a harder time passing the ball across her body to her cutting twin.

Eden’s eyes darted to the narrow gap. Realizing that a cross-body pass might get cut off, she picked up her dribble and shot her right hand backwards, executing a behind-the-back pass which would give her a little more room, if she could do it accurately. But I was already in motion, my whole body moving to cut it off with arm extended to block the pass...

... only the ball wasn’t there. Somehow, Eden never let go of the ball. Her right arm moved forward again, palm underneath the ball as she took one final step forward with her left foot. Like a sliding door at the grocery store, I’d literally moved myself right out of her way, leaving Eden with a wide-open path to finish an easy layup, and the ball fell neatly through the hoop.


“You go girl!”


The gymnasium around us erupted with cheers loud enough that you might have thought Cal Berkeley had just won a Final Four game. But this was no tournament, we weren’t playing in a true arena, and there weren’t THAT many people around us. On the other hand, we DID have an actual audience watching the six of us play a simple half-court Friday night game, something that was quite unusual in and of itself.

Let’s face it: not very many women play pick-up basketball. Head into any membership gym in the country. While you’ll probably find a good number of beautiful young women walking around in tight spandex, most of them will be on the treadmills and ellipticals, and maybe a few will be lifting weights, but you won’t find many girls on the basketball court.

Dawn and DJ’s presence on the court had turned some heads in the past, and guys might glance over a few times to watch them bend and squat and dribble around. Some of them might even get envious when the girls tried to post up, backing their butts into our crotches while working into position. But our group had never drawn an actual crowd before.

Not until tonight.

That’s because there were more than two girls on the court tonight. Eden and Emma had asked to join us, and I should have known something was up from the evil little grins they gave each other when I agreed. The two little rugrats were good, and when I figured that out, Eden bopped me on the forehead and asked, “Didn’t you know we played in our Youth Basketball League?”

“I knew you ran around the court with a bunch of other 10-year-olds, double-dribbling and swarming the ball with no sense of strategy or defense.”

Emma trapped the ball against her jutting hip and smirked at me. “We’re not 10-year-olds anymore.”

They really weren’t. Tall, graceful, and athletic: the twins were naturals. There were a lot of things I hadn’t paid much attention to back home over the last few years while occupied with my own dramas at college.

For the last several weeks, Dawn and DJ playing two-on-two with me and Bert made it look like we were a pair of romantic couples just having a good time. But the additional two young babes meant that FOUR hotties were now on the court wearing spandex workout clothes accompanied by only two dudes, and the twins were clad only in sports bras and short shorts. One guy whistled his buddy over to watch us play. Two more guys walked over soon after. And the crowd just sort of snowballed from there. Eventually, another dozen people left the workout area and came through the doors onto the court just to see what all the fuss was about.

The twins didn’t want to split up, and DJ had more fun playing against me than with me, so it was the three of them against me, Dawn, and Bert. We guys had a size and strength advantage, and we won the first game handily. The crowd had started to form, and I didn’t want to look like I was taking advantage of the girls, so I sort of took it easy and the all-girl team won the next game when Eden swished a 3-pointer from the top of the key.

That’s when things got interesting. A group of three guys standing behind the hoop raised their hands and called, “We got next.” At first, I tried to explain that we just wanted to play our own game, and that there were available half-courts for them to play elsewhere. But the three of them insisted that open gym rules meant that a waiting team could call “next”, and after some exasperated looks among the six of us, DJ finally tossed them the ball and said, “Bring it on.”

That game lasted all of three minutes. Emma squawked the first time a guy copped a feel of her ass. DJ slapped away the wandering hand of another guy and waggled her finger in his face in warning. Eden wasn’t so diplomatic. She drove the lane and spun around to execute a left-handed layup; but when her defender simply groped her ass as she spun around and didn’t even try to block the shot, she hauled off and bitch-slapped him across the face.

The guy didn’t try to fight back, although his nostrils flared and he took a menacing step toward her. The tension in the room got thick enough that I started wondering if I’d need to put my Krav Maga lessons to use or something. Instead, all it took was Eden walking up until her nose was inches away from his, and with narrowed eyes she growled, “Get the fuck off the court.”

At first, the guy looked ready to stand his ground, perhaps even argue that he was just trying to play defense or something, but the rest of the crowd closed in around them, with nearly every angry look directed straight at him. Outnumbered and losing the war of public opinion, the guy grabbed his buddies and disappeared. The three of them were still gym members and we would see them there the future, but none of them ever bothered us again.

Meanwhile, Dawn suggested that we call it an early night and head home, but the guys around us insisted that they’d leave us alone and let us play our game. True to their word, nobody else called “next” and they let us play amongst ourselves, but they didn’t actually leave us alone, either. Most of them stayed and watched. I even heard someone in the crowd mutter, “This is better than porn.”

I don’t really see how four non-naked girls playing basketball is better than porn, but to each his own. Perhaps it was the beauty of our four girls. Perhaps my active sex life made me a little jaded to something as mundane as a coed basketball game. I just hoped the guy didn’t have his hand down his shorts when he said it.

Anyways, we decided to play one last game to 21, ones and twos. I figured it would take at least a half-hour to finish, and even if someone else called “next”, we’d be tired and ready to leave anyway.

I also figured a long game would cause our crowd to dissipate a little, but it didn’t work out that way. If anything, the crowd only grew the longer we played and got closer and closer to 21. Half-court games mean “winner’s ball”. You make it, you take it, and sometimes one team or the other will get on a hot streak and score bucket after bucket without their opponents even getting a possession. My team took an early 7-2 lead, but then Eden and Emma took advantage of the way we kept going under their screens, and they made four straight 3-pointers, each one drawing a roar from the crowd even louder than the last, to go up 10-7.

We changed our defense to challenge their threes and always made sure either Bert or I was in the lane for rim protection. It took more effort, but we shut the girls down, and we tied it up at 10.

The three girls then took to double-teaming me or Bert whenever we had the ball, leaving Dawn open and inviting her to take long-range jumpers rather than let one of us guys have anything in close. Dawn rewarded their tactic by bricking her next four shots, and the girls went up 15-12.

But then Dawn got hot, first hitting an elbow jumper, then a three at the top of the key, and one more three in the corner. We took the lead 17-15 without them even touching the ball, and they finally conceded that they’d have to guard her too.

The next five minutes were rough. Getting down to crunch time, everyone was hustling and sweating and working hard. The twins were the first to decide they’d rather foul us than give away freebies – nothing flagrant or dangerous, but a little cheap nonetheless. Still, there were no free throws and no foul limits either, so we played on, and at the end of the five minutes the score had barely moved, 18-16.

Then DJ executed a perfect drive and kick to Emma, who drained a three. All tied up at 18, and it was basically a race to see who could get three more points first.

With my height, length, and leaping ability, I could basically get off a jumper anytime I wanted to. Tired and desperate to get things over with, I started firing long-range bombs just because I could. But my legs were jelly and my aim was off, so I bricked three in a row. Luckily for me, we still played good defense and Bert was able to put back one of my misses. Then I found Dawn for a layup when the girls double-teamed me, so we were up 20-18.

Game point.

By now, we were surrounded. The crowd was thick enough that they were crowding the baseline, the half-court line, and along the side walls as well. The Golden State Warriors had a game tonight against the Clippers, just the second game of the season, but apparently all these guys would rather watch us play than see Baron Davis, Monta Ellis, and Al Harrington throw up brick after brick after brick.

Dawn set a screen for me, I drove left, and elevated for an 8-foot jumper. I think everyone expected me to go all Kobe in crunch time and try to make the winning shot, so DJ abandoned Dawn, Eden chased me around the screen, and even Emma stepped up from Bert to close the lane. That left Dawn wide open at the free throw line, but I saw an opening to Bert underneath the basket. Rather than shoot the ball, I fired a pass straight at the left side of his head. All he had to do was catch it and lay it in for the easy game-winner...

... except that EVERYBODY expected me to go all Kobe and try to make the winning shot, and by “everybody” I include Bert. He was getting himself into rebound position in case I missed, I’d fired the pass with a lot of heat, and by the time he realized the ball was coming his way, he only had enough time to raise his left hand to protect his face and deflect the ball into the crowd.



Down 18-20, I knew the girls would feed the ball to Eden. She was the best player on their team, even though she was matched up against me, our best defender. Of course, half the point of a screen is to get the defenders to switch, so the instant she got the ball, Emma picked me off and got Bert to switch. But Bert was a pretty good defender too, and his probing hands got Eden to pick up her dribble. She passed it out to DJ, who circled the perimeter and found another screen from Emma, getting me to switch at the same time that she passed the ball back to Emma.

For half a second, we were caught between defenses. I had switched off Emma to hedge on DJ, but Dawn had followed DJ as well. That left DJ double-teamed with Emma all alone on the wing. Emma gathered in DJ’s pass, set her feet, and sent up a high-arching shot that I was sure would knot up the game at 20-all...

... but it rattled out. Seriously, the ball hit the back iron, hit the front iron, hit the backboard, and rolled off the side of the rim once more before dropping out. I breathed a sigh of relief, but unfortunately for my team, Eden had raced in to gather the rebound and quickly banked in a reverse layup before Bert could get to her.

20-19. And the girls still had the ball.

Tired, frustrated, but resolved, I set my feet and went into ball-denial position on Eden. She had the same kind of cocky ego I had, while Emma had taken after Brandi’s more accommodating nature. The point is: I KNEW she wanted the ball, and since we were playing straight-up, a three-pointer would win her team the game. As Emma prepared to inbound the ball, Eden walked me into the paint, as if to get into a good post position; but as soon as Bert checked it, Eden raced back out to the perimeter, hoping to get a little separation from me so she could have the winning shot. Emma’s pass was right on time, and although a good two feet behind the line, Eden still caught it, took a step back, and raised the ball up to shoot a fadeaway jumper.

This far from the bucket, the odds of Eden making the shot were slim. In fact, the odds were much greater that she was trying to get me to bite on a pump fake, so I stayed on my feet and merely raised my hand in front of her. Sure enough, Eden kept the ball and started dribbling around me, but I stood my ground and backed away with her.

Unfortunately, Emma had set a screen right behind me, a screen that my teammate Bert never warned me about. I backed straight into my baby sister and immediately got thrown off-balance. Eden neatly dribbled around us, crossed over Bert right out of his shoes, and headed into the open lane.

Here’s where Eden’s ego got in the way. Had she been looking at anything but the open lane and the basket above, she would have noticed Dawn completely abandon DJ to follow after her. Unguarded, DJ cut hard along the baseline, and a simple pass from Eden would give her teammate an easy tying basket. But Eden only had her eyes on the prize, and she never saw Dawn rise into the air and swat her layup attempt into the crowd.

“Boo-yah!” I crowed with both arms flexed as I ran up to my best friend and gave her a high-five. Dawn blushed with pride.

“It’s okay,” Emma told her frustrated twin sister. “It’s still our ball.”

Eden was a little more cautious with her next possession, driving and probing but never picking up her dribble. She REALLY wanted to win, and rather than put up a well-challenged shot she would dribble back out in search of a better shot. DJ and Emma gave her multiple screens and got us to switch our defense time and again, and she even passed them the ball a few times before they looked around and gave the ball back. One time, I was guarding DJ and thought I saw a glimmer of old fire in her eyes from our own one-on-one battles, but rather than challenge me she passed the ball back to Eden and got reset.

Finally, Eden got Dawn switched onto her, and I watched my baby sister’s eyes sharpen as she realized she had our weakest defender on her. She got DJ to clear out to the corner and bring Bert with her, and she tried to bully her way past Dawn and into the lane. But my best friend stuck right with her, forcing Eden to keep the ball, dribble back out, and gather herself once more.

Rather than let Eden go one-on-one against Dawn again, Emma moved to the top of the key to set her screen.

“Right pick, right pick!” I hollered. Dawn went “over” the pick, I switched onto Eden as she came down the lane, and Eden executed her nifty fake behind-the-back pass and neatly laid it in.


“You go girl!”


The gym erupted in cheers. Guys were high-fiving each other in the crowd. The score was 20-20, and the next basket would win.

After all that, what came next was pretty anti-climactic. Eden went into hero-ball mode and while her tired legs elevated her high enough over Dawn to get off her shot, she left it well short and Bert gathered the rebound underneath the basket. DJ and Eden both had crashed down the lane going after the missed basket while I’d honestly been kind of lazy and stayed put where I was just past the free throw line. Once Bert grabbed the rebound, I took two steps back behind the three-point line and Bert threw the ball out to me to clear it. And with no defender within six feet of me, I raised my hands, aimed, and fired.



Game over, even if we’d been playing win-by-two.

“Aww...” the crowd collectively groaned in disappointment.

“Shoulda let the girls win,” some guy complained behind me, even reaching out the nudge the back of my arm.

I turned and gave him a helpless shrug. “No way could I let myself lose. My girlfriend promised me a blowjob if I won.”

After blinking twice in surprise, the guy popped his eyebrows and gave me an understanding look. “Oh ... well ... in THAT case ... Good job, bro!” And he extended his hand to me for a fist-bump.

I bumped it and turned back to survey the others. Emma was consoling a visibly upset Eden while DJ and Dawn exchanged a congratulatory hug and Bert started making his way toward me.

“Um ... which one is your girlfriend? Or HIS girlfriend for that matter?” the same guy asked me from behind. Leaning in close, he stage-whispered, “More to the point: Are the other two single?”

I just smiled and shook my head.

Per routine, the six of us stopped by Bert and Lynne’s place to unwind and eat. After that, the girls and I made the short walk home, and then split up to change out of our grimy clothes and get cleaned up. Once a long time ago, only once, I’d suggested that we could always shower at the gym. But DJ complained that the gym showers were disgusting, and Dawn reminded me that showering at the gym would mean I’d have to shower without a girl scrubbing my penis for me.

So yeah, we kept going home to shower.

Speaking of girls scrubbing my penis, I found myself in the tub with DJ doing the honors before squatting down and doing the scrubbing with her mouth. She ALMOST got me off, but I pulled her head back and waggled my finger at her, scolding, “Don’t think you’re gonna pay off your bet that easy.”

DJ rolled her eyes and stood up, turning her back to me so that I could lather up my hands with soap and set to cleaning her. I chuckled to myself, thinking about the guy asking about my “girlfriend” who’d promised me a blowjob if I’d won. The bet was a non-bet if you really thought about it, since I knew DJ would end up giving me a blowjob tonight whether or not I won, just like she knew I’d pay up my end of the bet by giving her the 1-2-3-4 tongue-lashing she loved so much whether or not she’d won.

We’d started off with a three-person shower, but it was a tight fit and Dawn had stepped out first to dry off and let DJ do her mouth-scrubbing-penis thing. The elder Evans sister had wrapped a towel around her hair but didn’t bother to put on any clothes as she reclined on DJ’s king-size bed in a seductive pose. “My team won, so I get the 1-2-3-4 treatment first,” Dawn stated smugly.

DJ had likewise wrapped a towel around her head and arched an eyebrow, glanced at me, and folded her arms beneath her naked breasts. “How about you sit on my face so -I- can give you the 1-2-3-4 treatment while he does it to me?”

Dawn immediately shook her head. “No deal. (A) It’s completely different when I’m sitting upright; believe me we’ve tried.”

“Yeah, I know. Me, too,” DJ conceded.

“And (B),” Dawn continued, “I love the way you eat me, Deej, but it’s not the same.”

DJ snorted.

“Lying flat on my back, limbs askew in complete surrender to let him just ... DO me...” Dawn mused dreamily, her eyes unfocused and her chest rising and falling with suddenly deep breaths.

“‘Surrender’, that’s such a great word for it,” DJ sighed. “Such a small, delicate touch but ... unrelenting ... unavoidable ... overwhelmingly incessant until it ... UNGH!”

Dawn cracked a grin. “Shoulda taken the winning shot instead of passing it to Eden.”

“Fine, fine. Stop gloating.” DJ waved her off. Grabbing me by the arm, the younger Evans sister practically flung me at the bed while muttering, “Hurry up and get her off so I can have my turn.”

Dawn shook her head. “Doesn’t work like that. 1-2-3-4 isn’t a fast ‘get-her-off’ kinda thing.”

“Shut up and get started,” DJ growled. “I’ll just be sitting in the chair over here making my fingers disappear. And if that doesn’t cut it I’m liable to head back to the gym to work on my jump shot.”

Dawn giggled. “Yeah, you do that.”

DJ didn’t head back to the gym to work on her jump shot, but she didn’t stay on the chair making her fingers disappear, either. Well, she started on the chair making her fingers disappear, but after listening to her big sister screaming helpless bloody murder for ten minutes, she got off the chair, laid down on the floor, and slid herself backwards until her head tucked between my knees.

See, I had been kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed while giving Dawn the 1-2-3-4 treatment. DJ’s new position allowed her to suck my dick into her mouth and perhaps pay up for losing the bet. Or perhaps she’d gotten to the point where she didn’t give a rat’s ass about the bet and simply would rather make her fingers disappear while also making my cock disappear down her throat.

The problem was: DJ’s blowjob was a serious distraction. The elegant simplicity of the 1-2-3-4 is its metronomic precision, never ending and never changing, either, no matter WHAT Dawn did. She squeezed her thighs around my head until I practically suffocated. She pulled my hair and nearly tore it out by the roots. But while I managed to maintain my unrelenting pace despite those kinds of pain, DJ’s tongue and throat muscles had a way of ... well ... making me lose my rhythm.

So in the end, DJ got what she wanted, not that Dawn had any complaints. Unable to keep my 1-2-3-4 going, I decided to just drive Dawn up the wall and switched to mauling her clit while making MY fingers disappear. Dawn shrieked and came with me chewing on her love button while scratching her G-spot from the inside, and she rolled onto her side in a fetal position while DJ gleefully clambered out from under me and took Dawn’s place on the bed.

The younger Evans girl whined about how I hadn’t personally made her cum since last weekend and only gave me three-and-a-half seconds to catch my breath before grabbing my head behind my ears and yanking me down into her crotch. I stroked her legs and rubbed her tits and tummy until she calmed down enough for me to go to work.

Like Dawn, DJ’s moans started out soft. 1-2-3-4 is very much a slow-build thing, without a whole lot of sensation or stimulation, almost ticklish more than erotic, at least initially.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

“Mmm...” DJ sighed, sliding her fingers into my hair. “Mmm... “

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

“Yessss ... That’s it...” she sighed, letting her head loll to the side as she groaned and stretched out her limbs.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

“Oh, yeah ... oh, yeah...”

Four beats per second, I flicked her clit with my tongue. No more, no less. Four beats: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

“So good ... so good ... I missed this!”

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

DJ didn’t thrust her crotch up into my face until two minutes had gone by, but soon after that it became a regular thing. I wrapped my arms under her thighs and interlaced my fingers together on top of her abdomen just beneath her belly button, holding her down as I continued.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

DJ got her first starter orgasm, clenching up tight and straining her legs against my arms. She quivered and got a second aftershock climax before the first one had even stopped. And eight beats after that, she got a third.

“Oh, FUCK!” DJ shouted.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

The orgasms always crescendoed. Each beat was like a tiny LEGO brick, small and insignificant alone. But when stacked on top of another brick, and another brick, and another brick, always getting higher and never, ever getting shorter, DJ’s pleasure grew and grew and GREW. It took a while to get there – it ALWAYS took a while to get there – but eventually she started crying, drumming her heels on my back, and spastically flailing her limbs left and right.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.


1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.


Under normal circumstances, the word “stop” was usually enough to get me to cease and desist immediately. But these weren’t normal circumstances and I knew DJ didn’t actually want me to stop. Dawn had screamed the same word many times only ten minutes before, and she hadn’t really wanted me to stop, either. I only did so because DJ’s blowjob had proven too distracting.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

This was the “unrelenting” part of it. Unavoidable. Overwhelmingly incessant until she couldn’t take it anymore.

Actually, that wasn’t completely true. I was perfectly happy to keep on going WELL past the point where SHE couldn’t take it anymore. What more often happened was that we eventually got to the point where -I- couldn’t take it anymore, and after first spending so much time on Dawn and now spending all this time on DJ, well, I was almost there.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

At least my dick had gotten a little attention along the way, when DJ gave me that blowjob at the end of Dawn’s session. Otherwise there was no way I would have lasted as long as I had, but still my ego wanted me to hold out even longer.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.


Suddenly, I had to close my eyes against a spray of hot, sweet-smelling liquid. DJ rarely squirted, but it had happened a few times before. Her butt thrust off the bed enough to get some air. Her eyes rolled up into her head. And one more time, she screamed with unholy power, “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!

Now, dammit, NOW!

Having reached the point where -I- couldn’t take it anymore, I yanked DJ’s legs apart and pushed my hands down on the mattress to vault myself up onto my feet. Grabbing hold of my throbbing dick, I pushed the head into her still-spasming slit and LUNGED, burying myself to the hilt before rapidly retracting and LUNGING again.

And again.

And again and again and again and again. It wasn’t quite four beats per second, but it was pretty much the “fucking” version of 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

Same as An Ordinary Adult Sex Life
Chapter 11: Full-Court Press Videos

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Adult Sex Games

Are you looking for a place where you can play adult sex games that come somewhere between porn and video games? You are in the right place cocksucker. You see, some of us just want to play that kind of games to the point that they are so drilled in our brains we feel like zombies. That’s one of the aspects of playing a video game anyway. It’s even better when such games combine fun with sexual arousal; I’m talking about sexy virtual babes ready to be fucked hard, and all you need is to use...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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Sallys Court Appearance

Fred and Sally moved to a small town in the mid west to get away from the big city two years ago, after their kids were grown and on their own. They lived about 90 miles from the city that Fred's corporation was located, but because of the high price of fuel and through the miracle of science he worked out of his home office. He was hooked up to his corporate office by computer with a large screen TV in his home office for video Conferencing. Getting the VP position in his corporation at 50...

1 year ago
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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 12 Christmas Court

Christmas Court, Fort Worth, Texas, December 15-18, 2006 For court, Master Dunham, and Mistress Snyder, had arranged to rent a property north of Westlake, a suburb of Fort Worth. High walls surrounding extensive grounds, pool and spa, plenty of bedrooms, a tennis court, and a staff recruited for the long weekend ... it was another high bar set for Court. When the Chorale contingent arrived mid-day Friday, the temperature was in the mid-70’s, and not a lot of the attendees were in the pool,...

1 year ago
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Fighting a speeding ticket in court

I had never been to court before. I was so nervous as I waited for my name and case to be called that I debated leaving and just paying the ticket. But $500 was money I didn't have as a university student. The day I got the ticket was such a crummy day. I was coming back from an exam that hadn't gone well, despite me spending all weekend studying. I never speed but I was so distracted that I never saw the speed limit change. The cop had no sympathy as he wrote the ticket, my first ticket...

2 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 10 Day Five Mage in distress Court Sarahrsquos operation and Mair lookouts

By the time we got back home John was discussing where to put anyone turned out. Elizabeth suggested the apartments in the grotto. I had never looked inside them but Cynthia told me they looked very comfortable. I nodded to John, “have someone check them and possibly the top floors of the Keep.” I looked around before spotting Jacob, “Jacob, do you think there will be a problem with these girls and women staying in the grotto?” He shook his head, “we have been talking about your idea of...

2 years ago
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 The Court of Inquiry

I had left Adjutant Bywaters in charge of the dead bodies, the wounded man -- whom Surgeon Armityge said was fit to travel and to be questioned -- the captured man, and the pamphlets. I had also written a full account of the events that had occurred on that Christmas morning. The prisoners and my report were dispatched to General Picton's headquarters in Bristol. It later transpired that the men we had captured, and those two who were killed, were the ringleaders of an anarchist movement....

2 years ago
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Ordinary Guy

‘Your love scenes just aren’t up to much,’ said the director. It hit her in her stomach like a red hot burning arrow. ‘Maybe you just need a break, Katie,’ he said gently, knowing that an actress’ confidence is integral to her performance, and if he ruined her confidence, his film would be in tatters. ‘We have had a fairly strenuous filming schedule. Take a week off – relax, don’t do anything stressful. Then come back and we’ll try again.’ On the way home in the limousine, she was on the...

2 years ago
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The School Court

This is loosely based on real life in the UK where drivers had to face the school children who they put in danger through careless driving. Not the discipline though, which has been added.*Jack Harwood was dreading walking in to the school. He looked again at the form headed, ‘Attendance at School Court.’ He was to attend at four o’clock which was just five minute’s time. He knew he mustn’t be late. Jack was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and slacks. He would usually have worn jeans but felt he...

2 years ago
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House of Repentance The Secret Court

Every Monday and Wednesday mornings it was the same. I would don my habit and make my way from my room to the Inner Sanctum of the Convent where the Secret Court took place. The Secret Court was indeed a court,but a court where penitent people would be sentenced for their their sins by the Reverend Mother of the Convent of St. Augustus. The sentences that the Reverend Mother passed on the frightened penitents who came before her always involved corporal punishment. Sr. Briget would present...

3 years ago
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The Queen and Her Court

The Queen and Her Court By Shawna Stimple Billy Summers entered his high school, still very nervous that any day now, the world would come crashing down around him. It was only a week prior, that his sister had her friends, played Barbie with him and his friends. The boys were all grounded for skipping school the day they walked into the commons to find pictures of their feminine alter egos, with the entries for homecoming court. The took off on the spot, and ran to the barber shop,...

4 years ago
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An Unseelie Court

An Introduction In 1968 Jennifer was caught up in a military experiment that propelled her 50 years into the future. In 2018 she met and fell in love with Finn Corrigan and became fast friends with his Aunt Cynthia, a 68-year-old woman remarkably dedicated to the young man. Jennifer was informed that the technology that brought her to the future would return to take her back to 1968 and she only had 180 days with Finn. She was told of this by Cynthia who claimed that she was Jennifer, only...

3 years ago
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Cromwells Court Case

A story by Downing Street, twisted and re-posted with his permission Everyone knows by now that Downing Street is Homer's favorite writer. His way of telling how uptight women gradually are transformed into tarty sluts is without peer. But is it "conceivable" that he is telling the "full" story? The "expanded" consequences of these changes "bear" further examination. I "This is the best deal you have any reason to expect, Cromwell," the woman said coldly; "I suggest you take...

4 years ago
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Adult Theater Sexaholic

This is a collage of some of my kinkier visits involving my favorite pass time. As I walked into the room I noticed there was a hallway that went both ways. There was a wall extending perpendicularly from where I stood that separated the two ends of the room. At the far end each direction was a large screen, the one to my left showing a gangbang flick and the one to my right showing a some what kinkier flick. The hallway to the left was almost blocked with guys standing (some facing one...

1 year ago
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Adult Theater Sexaholic

This is a collage of some of my kinkier visits involving my favorite pass time.As I walked into the room I noticed there was a hallway that went both ways. There was a wall extending perpendicularly from where I stood that separated the two ends of the room. At the far end each direction was a large screen, the one to my left showing a gangbang flick and the one to my right showing a some what kinkier flick. The hallway to the left was almost blocked with guys standing (some facing one...

1 year ago
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Miss Harcourt debauched

"No!" Miss Harcourt cried, "For gods sake No!" as I levelled Mr Cambridge's antique duelling pistol to aim not at Mr Simon Harcourt's head but instead the imaginary spot eight inches above his head whereby the ball would drill a third hole in direct line with his eye sockets. "Why should I spare him?" I demanded, "He has wounded me with his tongue and now his piece." "He, he is young and foolish," she shouted, "And noble in defending my honour!" I held the piece...

2 years ago
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Sex on Tennis Court 1

Hi am ritesh from maharashtra. With good physique, fair and height 6.1 feet and age 19years. Today i am going to share my first experience with my first girl friend . Note : Please masturbate while reading this story you will get let me start my story now my gf’s name is ritika she is also very fair ,medium sized boobs with very pink nipples.her height is 5.5 feet and her face cut is too awesome.daily i used to go to a club there i used to play lawn tennis and one day a new girl...

1 year ago
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I Found Her At Family Court

I Found Her At Family Court When the old lady next door needed a ride to Family Court for a matter involving her grandson, I agreed to take her. After all she had lived next door to me for years and always shared her fresh homemade cookies with me. I had better things to do but I felt that she really needed me, so I took her. It was a strange place for me to be. I just sat in one of the waiting rooms with her until someone called her to go before the judge. While we were waiting a...

1 year ago
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Court Ordered Spankings

Growing up in a small town you know everyone and everyone knows you. I started a summer job at the local diner as a waitress to earn a little extra money between school terms. The local Sheriff, John Stone and my good friend Judge Bob Mahoney eat breakfast every morning at the diner and were pleased to see me serving them. Mrs. Martins that owns the restaurant supplies us girls with a simple uniform dress. The dress fits me real tight around my hips since my measurements are 35-22-37, a fact...

2 years ago
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Night Court

This tale is based very loosely on that old TV show. Night Court Dan Fielding is brought to face his acts. Bailiff Bull Shannon's voice rang out. "All rise. Here ye, here ye, here ye. Criminal Court is now in session. The Honorable Harold T. Stone presiding." The Court Clerk Mac Robinson came over to Judge Stone. "There is only one case tonight your Honor. The State of New York vs. Fielding." Judge Stone said, "Which Fielding is that Mac?" "Dan Fielding Your Honor." said...

2 years ago
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A Day In Court

Judge Ballbuster, looked at the young man, in the witness chair, banged his gavel, and said, "Does the defendant have anything to say before I pass sentence?" Edward Ruffhouse spoke in a meek voice, "Please your honor, I haven't been able to find a job in months. It was the only way I could afford to eat. Have mercy." The judge gave him a stern look, "You sir are a drain on society. There are shelters that give food to any one willing to do a little hard work. You're only 26 years...

1 year ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 17 Court Martial

According to military law my offence could have been dealt with by my Commanding Officer, Lt Col. Renshawe-Todd, holding a Summary Hearing. After making his judgment he could then have awarded the punishment merited by my crime, a possible prison sentence of up to 4 years. However, Sweeney had been present at the scene of my 'crime' and so was unable to take part in any legal action against me, other than that of a witness. It had therefore been decided that I would be dealt with by a...

2 years ago
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Across the AlleyChapter 3 Court Wife and Money

About two months later, my lawyer called me on Monday to remind me that we had an appointment with a Court Clerk on Tuesday. Since the divorce was uncontested and we had already agreed on a property settlement, the court clerk would interview us and make his recommendations to the judge. Tuesday came, I met my lawyer in front of the Court Annex Building, and we proceeded to the Clerk's Office. We spent the next three hours explaining why I was getting a divorce and what my financial status...

3 years ago
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Order in the Court

‘Court is now in session, the Honorable Re..’ and the voice trailed off. A young nobleman, with sharp features, sat staring into space playing with his writing quill by making it dance in place. He glanced over at the other table where his uncle sat with his with his hands cupped over his face. His uncle’s eyes were shifting back and forth, taking in the scene. The young nobleman slide his chair back, and threw his feet on the table, and pulled out a nail file. A sharp ‘ah hem’ came from...

1 year ago
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Food Court 2

Food Court 2 Robert held the memory of the young girl from the food court in his mind for the entire next week, barely able to focus on work or think of anything else at all. Pregnant! SHIT!! His 15-year-old daughter Megan had pointed at the girl standing out in front of school and told him that she’d gotten pregnant by “some old guy” at the mall. Robert was that “old guy”, and he felt as though he was standing in quicksand and quickly going down. He’d met her at the mall food...

3 years ago
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i went to traffic court for the first time when i was 19 i looked young but was very tall. i didn’t know what to expect i just knew everyone hated it. i don’t know how it is in other cities but in the bay are you have to be there at 7 in the morning, just to wait in a line that stretches around the block. but the doors dont open till 9a.m. so i figure this out when i get there. so i see alot of cute girls in line, i ask the O.G.(old man)behind me to hold my spot. to make a long story short i...

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Food Court Frolic

Food Court Frolic----------It was Friday afternoon; very warm temperatures had kept most people inside except for the die-hards. I checked with Dad to see if he minded if I went shopping. He seemed happy to let me take some time off to relax for a change, so I quickly ran into the house, changed into a clean low cut blouse and a short blue jeans skirt. I had my favorite half-top red, white and blue cowboy boots on and my matching flag handbag, grabbed the keys to the truck, rolled down the...

1 year ago
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i went to traffic court for the first time when i was 19 i looked young but was very tall. i didn't know what to expect i just knew everyone hated it. i don't know how it is in other cities but in the bay are you have to be there at 7 in the morning, just to wait in a line that stretches around the block. but the doors dont open till 9a.m. so i figure this out when i get there. so i see alot of cute girls in line, i ask the O.G.(old man)behind me to hold my spot. to make a long story short i...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Court

She looked so innocently radiant, dressed in a short plaid skirt and skimpy white blouse, and smiling virtuously at me. Her eyes were devoid of mischievousness and malevolence; she didn't look guilty. "You are accused," I barked. "Of being disrespectful to your husband." She giggled and looked coyly at me. I felt my cock swell at her bashful expression and impish demeanour. "Me?" She asked. I tapped stoutly on the oak desk. "You will speak when you are spoken to, unless you want...

1 year ago
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Green DoomChapter 9 Uproar at Court

Nurm's closed carriage moved unobtrusively through the crowded city streets. The early afternoon sun blazed down with all its tropical fury, but the men, women and children abroad in its heat seemed to scurry about with the energy of insects from a disturbed hive. Shantar looked about warily as he followed Nurm and his two cloaked and hooded 'demons' up the broad palace steps. He felt naked without the comforting weight of his sword at his belt, useless as it would have been against the...

2 years ago
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Briannas MasterChapter 7 The Court Decision

One morning Peaches awoke as she usually did in bed besides the Massa and his other slavegirls. As usual she felt the reassuring weight of the collar on her neck that reminded her of her station in life. She was a slavegirl; she was property! She thought back to the exiting fuck session that she and the other slaves had had with their Massa the previous night. They had been able to make the Massa cum 3 times and he had cum in each one of them. She looked down at the dried cum and girl juices...

1 year ago
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Steamy hot fucking of best friend in badminton court 8211 Part 3

Hey guys, this is the third part of the events that unfolded after our badminton session. To know more, read the previous parts. It’s been a week now, I and Kalpana would make out in college whenever we got the chance and I would slap her ass when no one is around. Sometimes, I would squeeze her ass when we were in a crowd. She sucked my dick dry many times in the college washroom and would swallow my cum. Now, we were friends with benefits. One day, I got a call from Mani (my badminton coach...

2 years ago
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Teenage Boy Has Sex With His Adult Neighbors Part One

I’ve always considered myself lucky to have been able to grow up in the same house with an imperfect, but stable, family. My parents have the types of careers that allow them to stay in one place. Dad owns an insurance agency in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin, and Mom owns a beauty salon. I always felt bad for the kids in school who were uprooted every few years while their parents chased their nebulous corporate dreams.After I graduated from college I married a beautiful girl that I met there....

1 year ago
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When Court Vacations Turn To Sex Vacations

Hi I am Akash from pune I stay alone here in pashan. I am an hr in an mnc in hinjewadi. you can reply me on the given mail id so that we can have sex all the way .. you know I am like a crazy for sex guy .. I just love sex in all the different styles and fantasies . I was always a regular reader of indian sex stories and tried to have sex but I couldn’t. I had a sexual encounter and enjoyed a bit though. The girl I am speaking about is receptionist in my office . I am hard ad have to wait in...

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How I found my sexual pleasure in a different way Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I had been dating quite a few women in my adult life but till now I had not found my sexual pleasure. I was single and horny and willing to go all the way with a woman, sexually. But unfortunately, I had a quirk. I didn’t like the smell of a woman’s cum. Some would say it’s weird or be like you won’t smell it when you are having sex with her, but it would get to me. I tried and tried hard to ignore it, find a woman who “smelled” nice or even holding my breath during the act! When it all failed,...

4 years ago
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HeadacheChapter 9 A Day In Court

Monday we relaxed and in the late afternoon drove within 2 hours of Denver. We talked about our friends and wondered how they were doing. We talked to Pop who had returned to his house. Pop said the State Troopers were miffed about our leaving but he gave them Mr. Simon's phone number. Of course the next call was to Mr. Simon who said that the Colorado State Patrol had talked to him and he had filled them in with all he knew then explained why we left and that we would return as soon as we...

3 years ago
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Cromwells Court Case

By Downing Street Twisted and re-posted with his permission by Homer Vargas Everyone knows by now that Downing Street is my favorite writer. His way of telling how uptight women gradually are transformed into tarty sluts is without peer. But is it ‘conceivable’ that he is not telling the ‘full’ story? The ‘expanded’ consequences of these changes ‘bear’ further examination. ***** I ***** ‘This is the best deal you have any reason to expect, Cromwell,’ the woman said coldly, ‘I suggest you...

2 years ago
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Court Records Chapter One

Introduction: She needed his attention. The law took exception The events in this story are roughly related to a specific court case which is completed, and now a matter of public record. Names, places and event timing have been altered, however effort has been made to accurately portray the substance of the case background and the court findings. To that degree the story is true. Earlier events in this story may be much more inaccurate than those as the story moves along. Timing of these...

1 year ago
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Quickie at the Mall Food Court

I was in the food court at the mall just a few blocks from my office. The mall wasn't doing very well since a new, bigger mall and a series of big box stores had been opened at the next exit, and half the stores were closed. The food court itself had lost two more restaurants, and there was a pretty slim choice of lunch options. I got a soggy sandwich from the deli and grabbed a seat.I noticed her sitting three tables away from me. Dark curly hair cascaded from underneath her hat. I couldn't...

2 years ago
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The Ball Is In Your Court

The Ball Is In Your Court I hate the politics that goes into college club sports. I joined to play the sport, not to surrender my weekends to the community. Maybe it sounds shallow, but I didn’t want to spend my Saturdays and Sundays clipping hedges or mowing lawns. I’m a tennis player. What the hell do I know about yard work? At least today’s wasn’t awful. Juvenile, but not bad. We set up a car wash in a vacant parking lot on the corner of Elm and 4 th Street. I didn’t mind, really. If I had...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Court is Dismissed

“Court is dismissed” the deputy sheriff called out. The judge stood and left as the crowd of onlookers slowly exited too. The younger woman sat and watched him leave as the people walked out. She did not move. She had a “thing” for the slightly older statesman. In truth, she’d had a thing for him for a long, long time. No, she wasn’t warped in any way. She has known the man for a long while now. At one time, he was a partner with her daddy. The judge was a number of years younger then her daddy...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Food Court

I could sit in a food court anywhere in the USA and the likelihood of anyone talking to me would be thin. The likelihood of a couple of pretty young girls talking to me would be nonexistent. I'm just an average middle aged guy with a little too much around the middle, thinning, graying hair and child support payments high enough to keep me working my tail off. A month ago my supervisor called me into her office. This is not normally a good thing. She doesn't like me much and we aren't what...

3 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 16 Court Appearance

Trisha stayed to herself for the next couple of weeks at work; even avoiding John as much as possible. She couldn't avoid going to him to request the time off for the court date, however. When she did, John offered to listen if she needed to talk about what was going on, but she declined. Trisha wanted Mark to feel like he had someone to go to; she didn't want to intrude in on his confidante or put John in the middle. Her concern about the court date paled in comparison to her concern for...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 23 Court Martial

July 15, 1990, San Diego, California “Parc Suites Hotel on 22nd, please,” I said to the taxi driver at Lindbergh Field in San Diego. The driver pulled away from the curb and Kathy reached over to take my hand. She’d held it most of the way from Chicago as we reminisced about Nick and talked about how we could best support Bethany. “Thanks for upgrading us to First Class,” she said. “That was much more comfortable.” “You can thank Barney at our travel agency. He comped us the First Class...

2 years ago
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Adult Sissy Little Girl World

Journey Into A Special World My name is Hannah Stone. I've been a reporter for a newspaper for years. A couple of days ago I ran into an old sorority sister and good friend Linda Hart. It's been a few years since we last saw each other and we decided to do lunch together. At the beginning of lunch we had the usual light chat. Then we sort of got on the serious side of chat, when I asked Linda how her marriage to Bob was going. "Oh, Hannah I divorced that bastard years ago. He was...

1 year ago
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Adult Empire Indian

When it comes to looking for top-quality Indian pornography, you may think that this is a simple process. Not for the mother fucker that is picky as hell, though! If you want to watch only professional Indian pornography from studios, channels, and brands that you love, you would otherwise have to sign up for those site’s premium memberships to get off. However, that does not have to happen when you have Adult in your fucking corner!What makes me so fucking sure of that? Why,...

Premium Indian Porn Sites
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Adult Empire Interracial

One of the high points that comes to mind when I think about Adult Empire is its huge library of premium porn content. It's not like the Empire itself is coming with its own. You're entering this store packed with great porn from a variety of adult entertainment studios. What I'm focusing on this time around is Adult Empire's interracial porn section. Imagine a thick Asian girl taking a BBC into her pussy or a petite ebony girl being as naughty as can be with some white guy.Interracial porn is...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Ordinary Joe A Beginning

Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...

1 year ago
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Ordinary Day

Attending the University was not like what I saw in movies, nothing like it. In all movies it would show beautiful promiscuous white girls running around without clothes on. Well this place had beautiful white women, even teachers (but that's a different story) but they allways had there clothes on. I used to think to my self what it took to have girls do to me what they did in movies, you know sex in public places, group sex, or porn activites like cumming in a girls mouth. Well happened to me...

2 years ago
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Court Record Chapter Five

Introduction: The saga continutes IN PUBLIC Clem froze. He had never considered the complications of really going out in public with her. A shopping trip was one thing, but a public restaurant was a completely different situation. The town was small. He had lived here a long time. Even though he stayed to himself, a few people knew him. There was a strong chance they would be seen together by someone who knew him. If they went into town he would have to trust her and her acting ability. Once...

1 year ago
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Teenage Boy Has Sex With His Adult Neighbors Part Two

-We learned in Part One of this story that I was a sixteen year-old virgin boy named James, who everyone called Jimmy, with a very thick, nine-inch-long cock. My neighbor Norm was forty-two at the time. His wife Lindsey was forty-one and their son Todd was eighteen and away at college.I went with Norm to open his lake cabin for the summer. We were skinny dipping on an unusually warm day for spring in Wisconsin and he convinced me that we should masturbate one another on the boat. That evening...

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The Vamporient Sexpress

The year was 1956, the place, Istanbul, and the time was about four in the afternoon. The scene was the most extraordinary one I could possibly imagine. I knew I was different from other people but to what extent, I had no idea. British by birth, I’d grown up in a small village in Middlesex West London and had since travelled the world. At the age of 35 I thought I’d seen everything under the sun, from the high Masai planes of Kenya to the Niagara Falls; from the Whirling Dervishes in Turkey as...

1 year ago
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ComDotGame Adult

ComDotGame/adult is a browser game site where you can play all kinds of degenerate games for free. ComDotGames aka CDG Sex Games features some of the more tasteless games on the internet, like torture and fuck simulators. This review will focus on Comdotgame’s adult section, although they have all kinds of other games to features thousands of random browser games that you can play through Flash. These games include blowjob and sex simulators, adventure games, and more. If...

Free Sex Games

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