RedemptionChapter 9 free porn video

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cabin tents rented for‬$25‬a day summer.$30‬a night winter rate
trailer rentals:‬larger‬$75‬mid size‬$60‬small‬$50
John Boyd‬28yrs old
Gabby Boyd‬25‬yrs old.
Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse
Edwardo world famous catfish chef(‬according to mom‭)
Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering‭
Jasper Amos hunter, ‬guide, ‬knife make
Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant
deputy Angie Davenport
Marion Davenport‬Angie’s mom
Clyde Summers suicide victim
Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with John
Max Bork Gabby’s fancy man
Willow computer geek
Tom Jasper’s cousin and half ass builder
Martin cameraman
Vanessa producer
Walter Pickering Vanessa’s boss
Lamar the mechanic and junkyard owner
Everette mom’s new bf
Greta a camera person for cctv

After my shower in the community shower stall, ‬I felt clean, ‬but not really clean.‬It was like showering in prison.‬Expecting someone to come into the shower with you.‬It was not a place you wanted to linger.‬I did my thing as best I could with the liquid soap, ‬then got the hell out of the shower cabinet.

I dressed in clean clothes outside the stall, ‬but still in the slightly heated cabin tent designated men’s room.‬It wasn’t a terrible experience, ‬even if I did shower with a knife laying on the edge of the cabinet.‬I know that was crazy, ‬but it made it possible for me to go into the shower cabinet at all.

I retrieved the knife before leaving the cabin/tent, ‬then slipped it into the pocket of my vest before‬I headed to the blacked out trailer.‬Even though I‬didn’t take long to shower, ‬Vanessa had returned with the coffee.‬I sat with my coffee in a Styrofoam cup and made faces as I drank it.‬After the conference I‬still had to clean the mornings catch.The first thing‬on my list after that was‬to buy a coffee maker.‬I still had my coffee cup thermos, ‬but I didn’t have the cup I used to reheat coffee in the microwave.‬That meant buying the maker and the cup to use when reheating day old coffee.

The lawyer Interrupted my thought process with, “‬I’m Lucille Manson, ‭” ‬the very unattractive woman in her fifties said.‬Being a man I noticed her looks before paying any attention to her spiel.‬She was tall for an older woman.‬She was at least five foot eight inches.‬She appeared to be in good shape and dominated the room.‬She had a good presence for a law dog.

‭”‬As I was saying.‬We feel badly about the loss of your home, ‭” ‬she said.‭

“Just a minute before we get off on the wrong foot.‬My home wasn’t lost.‬One of your employees in a fit of rage against you, set fire to it, ‭” ‬I said angrily.

Manson looked at Walter Pickering before she continued.”‬Allegedly.‭”

“Save that bullshit for the courtroom, ‬or I’ll walk out of here and call my lawyer, ‭” ‬I said.

‭”‬I think this meeting should be postponed until you do that, ‭” ‬Manson began.

‭”‬Fair enough, ‭” ‬I said standing to leave.

‭”‬Wait a minute, ‭” ‬Pickering said.”‬We just want to save you some time and money.‬We want you to rebuild you place just like before.‬We also would like to pay for the materials and contractor to do the work.‬In exchange we will film the work, and you will not mention our employee.‭”

“Fuck you.You are paid up through Sunday.‬I want you out of here Monday afternoon period, ‭” ‬I said angrily.”‬See you in court in about a year.‬By the way my law dog is a friend, ‬so good luck on making it expensive for me to file‬a‬suit against you.‭”

I walked back to the tiny trailer.‬I decided that I needed to make a decision soon about my living space going forward.‬I wasn’t going to rush into anything though.‬I also was not going to rebuild the Gatehouse.‬It was gone forever.‬I planned to get a place of my own.

I dressed to be warm while I worked on the fish.‬Those clothes just happened to be my older clothes.‬The new clothes were going to be worn soon enough.‬I saw the forlorn looking‬Metro waiting for me to made some decisions.‬I didn’t even consider working on it.‬I went to work on the catch from the night before.‬It took me almost two hours to get the fish cleaned and in the freezer.

It was‬3PM before I made it to Walmart in Greenville again.‬I picked up my coffee maker, ‬three of the plastic cups, I used as coffee pots for the microwave, ‬a pound of Maxwell House French Roast coffee and a computer monitor.‬The old HP monitor weighed like thirty pounds.‬I needed something lighter.‬I could also use the new monitor with a laptop, ‬if I went that way once I got settled in.‭

When I got home, ‬I added the coffee pot‬to the kitchen counter‬and switched out the monitors.‬The old one I put in the rear of the truck for the dumpster dump.‬That of course reminded me‬it was time to carry the days of trash to the dump.‬I also fixed myself a sandwich for dinner.‬Along with it, ‬I had a glass of ice tea mix and two of those mini donuts with the chocolate glaze that tasted like wax.‬The donuts also got a liberal amount of peanut butter‬on top.‬The sun was going down when I settled in for the night.‭

I made a note on my computer’s planner to call Marcy the next day.‬I wanted her to send Pickering a note to tell him she was on the case.‬I just loved playing hard ball with the soft assholes of this world.‬Marcy, ‭I knew from experience loved it as much‬as I did.‬She also loved my Uncle Kieth, ‬and had spent more than one night in Gatehouse.‬She might have had a fondness for it‬as well.

It was cramped in the Titan Trailer, ‬but I managed to sleep well.‬The heater kept it warm and the blanket’s, I had provided for the guests, made it even more comfortable.‬A sleeping bag was another item for my list of‬future‬nonessential purchases.‭

When I awoke at‬6AM, ‬there was no thought of a shower before I started work.‬The best time for a shower was when I returned from my trip up river.‬I loaded trash from the cabins and the‬outside cans.‬I had two cabin/tent guests decide they had more than enough boar hunting.‬That made three of the five cabins emptied.‬There was a lot of trash, ‬but not an impossible amount.‬When I went to work on that pile of crap that once had been the Gatehouse.‬It was more trash to deal with than just one man, ‬with single pickup truck could handle in one day.

For one thing the dumpster dump wasn’t an option.‬That volume and type of trash had to go directly to the landfill.‬Sure, ‬sometimes I would sneak things into the dumpster dump, ‬but not on the volume necessary for that job.‬The dump also had closed circuit TV so they could identify cheats.

Since there was nothing I could do, ‬I took another look at the‬Metro.‬I test drove it and found the heater worked just fine.‬Hell it had a heater, ‬a defroster, and a radio, ‬what more could a man want‭? ‬I asked myself.‬I called my mom and explained that I needed a chair pillow like the one she had on her sofa but bigger.‬As usual my mother knew just who to call.

‭”‬Give me the dimensions and I’ll arrange it, ‭” ‬she said.

‭”‬You are a life saver, ‭” ‬I said to her.”‬Tell me how much and I’ll give you the money.‭”

“Just bring me a dozen catfish fillets on Sunday.‬when you come to dinner, ‭” ‬she demanded.”‬We are having barbecued pork butt.‭”

“Of course, ‭” ‬I said.‬It meant I had to drop everything to go see her, ‬but it was well worth the trouble.‬All mothers are good cooks, ‬but my mom was a great one.‬It is why she got into the catering business in the first place.

‭”‬So no catering for Christmas‭?” ‬I asked.

‭”‬It’s all on Saturday.‬We are going to work all day Saturday, ‭” ‬she said.

‭”‬Do you need any help‭?” ‬I asked.

‭”‬If you are asking sure.‬We are going to be in the Sunday school building at the‬2nd Baptist Church.‬Starting at‬10AM.‬It’s a lunch for the homeless.‬Then we are feeding catfish sandwiches to the workers at three different‬’gifts for the needy‭’‬ sites, ‭” ‬she said.

‭”‬Are you being paid for any of it‭?” ‬I asked.

‭”‬Not in money, you ‬do good John, ‬and good things happen, ‭” ‬mom said.

‭”‬I’m going to take your word for it.‭” ‬I said.”‬I need to call Marcy about suing the TV company for the fire.‬They are responsible I think.‭”

When I‬finally got around to calling Marcy, ‬she agreed with me.”‬Their product liability insurer will have to pick up the tab, ‭” ‬she said.‭

She got Pickering’s contact information from me before she shut me down.‬She sounded extremely busy.‬She was doing well, ‬or she was with Ash somewhere cool.

I had a couple of days until the weekend, ‬so I went back to the routine.‬The daily routine now included‬a trip to one of the stores within an easy drive.‬I purchased food, ‬clothing.‬and household items.‬On one of the‬trips Thursday at noon, ‬I purchased three cans of mat black spray primer.‬Two cans of brown enamel, ‬and one can of a bright green enamel paint.

I collected three days worth of newspapers that week, ‬then cut them up to cover the glass and some of the chrome on the Metro.‬I got the taping done on Thursday and began the painting on Friday.‬The good thing about a camo paint job, ‬is that it is almost impossible to screw up.‭

Saturday the paint job got to cure while I cooked for the events mom was contracted to do.‬I tried to feel good about donating my services, ‬but I had a lot of things that needed doing around the campground.‭

‬It was a pleasure to work with Edwardo.‬He and I hardly spoke at all.‬I think we read each other’s minds.‬By the time we finished the third gig, ‬I was dead on my feet.‭

I still had to go back to the campground and empty the trash cans.‬I just wanted to sit in front of the tiny TV with a glass of iced tea.‬I had the campground’s WIFI connection up and running finally.‬The old computer gave me a fit until the Linux disk arrive in the mail‬on‬Friday.‬It took about an hour to make It work after I set up the new operating system.‬It did require me to rush out and buy a gizmo to use with the WIFI.‬Before I left for the day long gig, ‬I checked to make sure it was still working.‬Fortunately for me it was, ‬so I had that to look forward to when I arrived home.

I managed to get the cans empty and to the dump before I stopped to check my messages.‬One of them was from Sylvia.‬She informed me the crime scene processing was over.‭

“You can clean up your shit, ‭” ‬her message said.‭

I knew I needed to run up river to check my limb hook lines.‬I decided to run it first thing‬in the morning‬no matter how cold it was after I emptied the trash.‬I played around on line until I was exhausted, ‬then I fell into the bed and pulled the blankets over me.‭

I heard cars coming and going all night.‬I expected there would be plenty for Joy and Jen to do the next day.‬The sleep I got was in about two hours stretches until‬4AM.‬At that time the people who were leaving all seemed to have gone.‬I woke at seven which wasn’t all that early, ‬but for the weather it was plenty early.

I had a pullover nylon puffy parka‬which was plenty warm for our part of the world.‬I doubted that it would be warm enough for mountain climbing in the Rockies.‬I managed to get through the trash detail before my hands froze.‬When it came to dealing with catfish and large fish hooks, ‬I had a feeling the ski gloves were going to be a problem.‬They were supposed to turn water, ‬but I found they were just water resistant which is a far cry from water proof.‭

Cry might be the operative word after an hour with wet hands when the temperature is close to freezing.‬I had to be pretty sure there was a fish or a hook without bait before I pulled up the line.‬Uncle Keith had bought the classic kayak.‬It had previsions for the use of a poncho to help keep water from washing over the sides.‬The point was, I got home ninety percent dry.‬The other ten percent gave me a hell of a chill.

When I arrived home, ‬I put the fish into the refrigerator until I could get warmed up.‬I had to get to the trailer and turn the heat up.‬I sat close to the heater until I stopped shivering.‬It took fifteen or twenty minutes‬before I was in my normal state.‬Shortly thereafter‬the phone rang.

‭”‬Hello, ‭” ‬I said.‬I had no idea who was calling.

‭”‬Mr.‬Boyd, ‬this is Lucille Manson.‬I wonder if we could talk about the lawsuit‬your lawyer is preparing to file.‬I would like to reach a settlement without going to court.‬It would be the best thing for all of us, ‭” ‬she said.

‭”‬Sorry, ‬it’s the Christmas season.‬Why don’t we discuss this after the first of the year.‬In the meantime Marcy can speak for me, ‭” ‬I said.

‭”‬Frankly Mr.‬Boyd she is a little out of her league going up against the Country Channel, ‭” ‬Manson said.

‭”‬Frankly Miss Manson, ‬Marcy is working on a contingency basis.‬So I’ll let her do her thing, ‭” ‬I said.

‭”‬You could clear more money to just settle with us before the suit is filed, ‭” ‬she said sounding a little desperate.‬It wasn’t a good ploy.

‭”‬Well it isn’t all about the money.‬The Gatehouse was important to my family.‬So I’m going to let Marcy settle it, ‭” ‬I said.

‭”‬I’m sorry you feel that way, ‭” ‬she said and hung up.

‭”‬That was rude, ‭” ‬I said to a dial tone.

I managed to go back into the chilly air‬again. That time it was‬to start loading junk from the fire into my pickup truck.‬I raked the junk into a pile, ‬then shoveled it into the truck bed.‬Now and then something seemed to magically appear.‬One of the things was the crossbow I had purchased at the craft show, but‬had never used.‬It had been hanging on the rear wall.‬It must have been blown clear of the fire somehow.‬It smelled of smoke, ‬so it was probably charred or scorched, ‬but it was still solid.‭

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Anish8217s Monsoon Rendezvous Devanshi The Gynac

Hi! I am Anish, 29 years drugs and diseases free single man from South Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. This is my real experience. Do read too. All my stories start with ‘Anish’s’. I would love to read your valuable feedback. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas. I apologize in advance if you feel that the sex story is long. But trust me, it’s worth...

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The Curtsey part IX

The Curtsey Part IX By Sissy Smith The week went fast for everyone. Jessie was busy training Leo and Ted and things were going her way. Both boys had succumbed to her charm and domineering ways. Jessie was still amazed at how the possibility of sex with her or the idea of a peak at her beautiful naked body would entice a boy to do. It was true, they really did have two heads and neither of these boys was thinking with the one on his shoulders. She now had both Leo and Ted walking...

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JapanHDV Runa Mizuki Runa Mizuki is a newly wed learning how to pleasure her husband

Runa Mizuki is a lovely Japanese housewife. She got married to her boyfriend quite young. They were dating a short time and she was so excited when he asked her to marry him. After marriage she loved to wait for him when he would return from work and be ready with dinner or a bath. He would love it when he would get into the bath and she would join him to relax and wash off the days dirt. She would always wash his back and get him nice and clean for her. She would help him relieve any pressure...

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BethChapter 119

January 1, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written January 4] I got a great night’s sleep, with the multi-orgasm romp with my sister-friend-lovers probably being largely responsible. The long weekend with good friends was very enjoyable, but it was nice to be back to just the five of us. Meka did look longingly at the back of the house for a few seconds when she dropped me off but shook her head and turned back to the Jacobsen house. I was in the middle of the bed, and the other girls chatting...

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Taking the Class Part 3Chapter 13 Friday Night 829PM

“Were we supposed to pay or something on the way out?” asked Alaina as she buckled her seatbelt. She shivered. Fuck, how cold is it outside? Absolute zero? “Nope!” said Tiff. She waited for her date to buckle in before she pulled her car out into the lane. “It’s all part of the rental agreement with Mommy’s company. Any time we eat there, they just put it on a tab and she deducts it from their rent at the end of the month. Some kinda tax loophole that lets them save money in the end.” “Oh....

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Kelly Chapter 9 Part 2

Leaving my house after the close call with my mother-in-law, I headed toward the highway. I lived in the high desert, just under five thousand feet in altitude. Kelly wanted to show me where her extended family had camped every year for many years. She gave me directions down various dirt roads until we reached her turn off.She pointed out places where each family of her clan camped. She explained some of the more scandalous family happenings over the years, more like her reminiscing than...

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9ine Chapter 1

Prelude: It was a dank night, the rusty old gutters all dripping with the wetness of fresh rain, the only warmth to be found would be in the arms of a lover or the bottom of a stoneware mug. That would be where to find the one of a kind Nine, the bottom of the mug of course. The Misty Warf was a rather shitty tavern on a rather shitty dock in a rather deadly part of town. Nine was sitting at the bar mewing over another mug of shitty ale that he could barely afford. The economy was down again...

Erotic Fiction
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Camscom Anal

Camming websites have been a huge part of the adult industry in the last decade or so. During the time, several amazing camgirls have come forward to do nasty stuff for the camera to entertain horny fuckers. Currently, cam websites are technically over-saturated, so more and more models tend to branch out to different kinks to diversify their services, targeting specific audiences.Well, anal is among the most popular kinks, so it makes sense that there are so many camgirls willing to engage in...

Live Anal Sex Cams
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Cynthia Stoneman

I had planned on going down to Florida for about three months. About three weeks before I was supposed to leave, my present girlfriend, Sofia, asked me to do her a big favor. She said that her mother wanted to go and see her sister who also lived down in Florida. Rather than let her take the bus which would have made it a very long ride, her mother didn’t like to fly, could I let her ride down with me. Sofia and I had been friends for two years and sexual partners for about 7 months. We worked...

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Bare neccesity 8211 2

They went up. Together. Lady put an arm around Kiran’s waist as they walked out of the lift on fifth floor. Not knowing which one of the two doors was lady’s flat, Kiran just stumbled a step and stopped to let the Lady go forward and guide. The Lady pushed her with her hand on back of kiran’s waist, this time a little stern, toward the door on the right, as she fumbled through her bag to find the keys for the flat. Kiran held her breath, as she waited facing the closed door, thinking, “This is...

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Saving My Sis Ch2

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had an overwhelming response to Saving My Sis and numerous requests to write a second chapter to it. I appreciate all the e-mail and votes that I received and hope that everyone enjoys Chapter 2. If you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend reading the first Saving My Sis before you start reading this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW!! I couldn’t believe what has...

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The MoveChapter 3

Mary wrote out the invites to all the neighbors. Neighbors and Friends On the first Saturday night of next month you are invited to our home for a party. Until then let your hair grow. Pubic, underarm, leg, whatever. Your host will take turn shaving you and then servicing you. Dress code:Hairy See you then. The Anderson’s Mary delivered all the invitations the next day. That night she told everyone about the idea of the party. “You mean we will be shaving our neighbors and friends?”...

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The JaysChapter 33

James did indeed write to the chairman of the Venture board. He said how pleased he was that an amicable agreement had been reached and hoped that the board would be happy with it. He added that he was glad Mr Gordon had accepted his argument for retaining the discount on beer but was not sure that he had understood the underlying need. He was very grateful to Mr Williams for explaining it to him. Jenny thoroughly approved of the letter. "Brilliant, darling! That's exactly right. You...

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witches brue

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP You wake up to the sound of your infernal alarm. You had been having some weird dream. A gypsy woman cursed you for some reason. You can't remember it all now, but it seemed really vivid. You lay in bed trying to remember what the curse was for a while. It must have been for too long, because you hear the door to your room open. Your stepmother walks in. Your father is usually away on business, and you suspect because of his age, and her absolute hotness, that she's just a...

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Kirayedar Aunty ko satisfy kiya

Hello friends I’m Raj from Amravati, Maharashtra. Mujhe ISS par story padna bahut aacha ;agta hai. Aaj mein bhi apni story aap logo se share karta hu. Baat aaj se 2 mahine pehle ki hai. Hamare ghar par naye kirayedar aaye. Uncle ka naam Prem , aunty ka naam Tarsem aur unke ek bache ka naam vicky tha jo ki 6th class mein padta tha. Aunty bahut hi sexy thi. Hamare ghar mein meri mother aur mein hum do hi hai. Starting mein to maine aunty ki taraf dyan nahi diya. 2 mahine ke baad ek din aaisa aaya...

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Gay clientNew Friend

This sexual experience happened to me just 4 days ago. I was doing my landscape work, at a clients house, who I've always thought, might be gay, but wasn't sure. He's a retired teacher, 66 years old, very polite, and has always been very nice to me. I'm 42 years old, married, with kids, but our sex life isn't very good at all anymore. I'm always looking at porn, and masturbating, as much as I can, when no one is around. I've always considered myself straight, but I do look at naked guys too,...

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Daughters Horny Urges 9

"Oh, Dad ... please ... put it in me! I want it in me! Fuck me ... oh, fuck me, Dad!" she moaned, resting her legs on her father's shoulders once more. "Yeahhh, Janie ... that's exactly what I'm gonna do, baby," he said, his cock twitching, his finger penetrating her asshole. "I'm gonna fuck you right there! Now, relax, Janie. Keep your asshole relaxed. I'm gonna put it in slow." Janie closed her eyes, feeling the tingling coming from between her legs. She sighed as her...

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Sextracurricular activities with my stepmom

It’s Thursday and my alarm goes off signaling me to crawl out of bed. After going to the washroom, I saunter downstairs to get my cereal. I find a note from Cynthia telling me that she’s off to run some errands and to have a good day at school. She’s a sweetheart.Finishing up my breakfast, I take a shower and hop into my car to drive to school for another exciting day of mindless boredom. I get to the classroom and sit down, flipping through my phone to pass the time. I see the two blonde girls...

2 years ago
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As soon as I wake up in my coffin I know something's wrong. It's serious. The worst thing that's happened since five years ago. That's when they replaced my left upper arm with this plastic prosthetic. The forearm is still mine. I got extra hazard pay that time. It's dark as usual. Always dark in a spacer's coffin. Soon they'll open it. Opened. It's light. A tech removes my body. It's against regulations to try to get up or speak. Medical and Security directives together are an unbeatable...

4 years ago
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I Remember My Lover

I lie in the bath, luxuriating in the warm soapy water and I think of her. I remember how she'd bathe me, how she'd soap her hands and caress every inch, every nook and every little cranny of my body. I remember the pleasure we both got from dressing each other prior to going out, how she'd stand up completely naked whilst I pulled the stockings up over her long, suntanned thighs, my lips only inches from her hairless slit... the same hairless slit that I'd be enjoying, later on.My mouth...

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My girlfriend Carla and I have never been swingers but have been having sex since we were both in grade school. She and I would hide out in my daddy's back yard shed and play with each other all afternoon. As we got older, we experimented more and more and she was the first girl I kissed, the first pussy I ate and the first asshole I licked. We grew up a little and were both seniors in high school when we went to a party at a friends house. There were dozens of other people there and things...

1 year ago
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Dear diary september

September 1 Dear Diary, First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Becky Ford and I can't believe I started my last year of high school today! I learned that there are over 600 students in my class, and over 2400 in the whole school, I doubt I'll ever get to know all of them, I just hope to recognize a few of them!!! They said that the senior year is the easiest one of all, I don't believe it!!! My locker mate seems nice enough, but we don't have any classes together, so I only see her a...

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The Erotic Costume Ball

After three years of marriage, the spark has gone out. It's not that you don't love your wife, or your life. It's just that the combination of work and stress has pretty much destroyed your sex life. The two of you have sex every few months, birthdays, anniversary, valentines day. It's unadventurous but still nice enough. You were a little adventurous when you were younger, but those days are gone. So it surprises you when your wife, while paging through your city's free paper one October...

2 years ago
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Getting My ExGirlfriend Pregnant

Hi, I am back with another sex story about my ex-girlfriend. If you read the previous stories of her you will get to know how much slutty she is. We later on discussed and decided that we won’t be together in a relationship but we will be fucking regardless what. We lived together before we decided to be fuck mates. After that, she went to her own house and we both dated few times but we kept fucking each other. Because I couldn’t live without those soft milky tits, juicy pink pussy and her...

1 year ago
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Sweet Experience With My Maid

Hi guys and girls. My name is vikas from Hyderabad, I am going to narrate u one of my experience. This is my first post at ISS. Coming to the story happened in 2009… I used to stay in that flat since my college days. As it was also near to my college. After finishing the course my friends left to different cities on job. Me I got a placement in one of the growing company. Its not a big company but as a fresher that was okay for me . Most of the time I used to prefer working night shifts. I was...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Angela White Wildcat Anal

Angela White is a certain breed of adult star that can perform some of the nastiest acts and make them seem downright classy. Htf do you do that Miss White?!? Laden in cheetah print garb and deep black elastic strapping that barely contain her legendary rack, Angela begins with a long tease sequence. She also has on a matching collar and gold chain that help set off her zinging blue eyes. Once indoors Angela teams with Jules. They begin kissing and Angela says “Do whatever you want to me. I’m...

4 years ago
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Morning Ritual

. . .She was as wet as she ever had been in her life as she lied there on her bed, her legs spread as wide as she could get them. She could feel the sexual fluid of her arousal escape her hot vertical lips and drip down between her ass cheeks. She felt the warmth of her near orgasmic fluid coat her asshole and it made her moan even louder than she was already. She knew that she would have to change the sheets after she was done. She could feel the pool of her natural juices soaking into them as...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Kinsley Kane 06272021

Today’s Ambush might not seem fresh to those of you familiar with the sexy Kinsley Kane. She’s been in the industry now for 9 months or so you say? But you know the special thing about this video is even though it’s been some time since this was shot, the fact remains that this was her 2nd sex on camera and shot the day after her 1st sex on camera at ExCoGi. There’s just something special about capturing a young girl’s milestones in life with “moving pictures,”...

3 years ago
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The Misadventures of Nylogirl

Megalopolis is a crime riddled city in dire need of a hero, or in my case, heroine. My name is Julie Hosaree, but my alter ego is Nylogirl. From what I can recall from my broken memories, I'm the result of genetic experimentation, an attempt at a super solider. While I have the super strength and speed there are some... Side effects. My powers only work when I'm aroused, my 4" cock must be at full attention or I'm just plain ol' Julie, nurse at a local hospital. Since my power depend on me...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 950

A Kansas farm wife called the local phone company to report her telephone failed to ring when her friends called - and that on the few occasions, when it did ring, her dog always moaned right before the phone rang. The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady. He climbed a telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber’s house. The phone didn’t ring right away, but then the dog moaned and the telephone began to...

3 years ago
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It had been on Diane’s mind for years. Even now — ecstatic as she felt lying on the large bed with cum dribbling down her thighs — the old images flitted in and out of her brain.Matted pubic hairs were damp beneath the palm of her left hand, his cock hot and sticky in the fingers of the other. He was still firm even though several minutes had passed since he’d pumped a familiar bumper load into her depths. She relished those breathtaking moments when his dramatic expansion was followed by his...


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