27 JAGed PillsChapter 2 free porn video

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The next night, Rory and I consulted. “Mom, these pills are crap!”

“Rory Bollinger! you will take your birth control like an adult.”

“Not those. Pantyflash isn’t working, I gained a whole pound since yesterday!” She meant Pannusflush, but I didn’t correct her.

“So did I, but if we stop taking them, we won’t have given them enough of a chance.”

“I’ll make dinner, then.” She declared.

Frankly, I was getting a bit tired of super rich and sweet meals. After a three fourths pound of prime rib, Jerry had presented us with his latest concoction, bacon guacamole spread thick over graham crackers, and that wasn’t even dessert! “Dinner is your brother’s chore. I promised him. If you think the pills aren’t working, then eat less and exercise more.”

“I would, but your exercise sessions are crowding out my time with Jerry before my bedtime.”

“You will not keep your fucking brother up late!” I swore. “You both need a full night’s sleep before school days.”

“So you knew I know you’re fucking your son!” Rory stormed, desperate to get an edge over me.

“Look, if I can hear you screaming from that boy’s pile driver, you were certainly going to hear me.” I sound like a gasoline lawn mower when I’m cumming.

“You thought it was gross that I was fucking him. Mother fucking is way worse!”

“But not as gross as getting fat to make my son’s saturn five rocket ready to launch.”

“That-” Rory snorted, trying to find a better insult, “That probably turns you on more than his dick!”

Bingo. I issued steam through my nose. “Shit.” She was right. I was getting to like being fat for my son. “Take your Pantyflash pills.” I gulped mine with a swig of water. I handed two to my plucky daughter.

“Ha!” She swiped them from my hand and swallowed them dry.

The next day was Friday. With the fucking minors at school, I dialed Russ. “What did that quack give us, placebos?”

“Maybe. BUT LET ME FINISH!” He cut me off before I could explode. “It’s a double blind study. You signed the papers. Did you read them?”

“Maybe you think its funny, that instead of helping me lose weight, you’re making me gain it! Here’s something I guarantee will make you laugh, a new round of alimony mediation, now that you’ve got that swank genetics industry job.”

“Okay! I get it.” Russ backpedaled. “I’ll call Blaine Harvey.”

“Isn’t his name the other way around?”

“Sometimes. I don’t know.” He hung up.

My phone rang. “I’ve missed you, Miss Wet Plumkin.” Lana’s voice slunk into my ear.

I had the worst idea. “Lana, sweetheart. How would you like to come to dinner?”

“Only if I can cum after dinner.”

“It’s a date.”

I spent the day cleaning and then showering. My new weight quickly tired me. An hour before the kids came home, I was laid out like a beached sea cow. Jerry saw me and licked his lips. “I’ll start dinner, now, Mom.”

Rory punched him.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“For being a butt head.”

“I’d punch your tits, to pay you back, but I’d only lose my money.”

“Don’t be making fat food tonight! Make me a salad.”

Jerry frowned. That is, until Rory went to her room to study. Then he brightened. “I’ll make a salad all right.”

“Hey, Food Pusher, you mind your sister.” I remained on the couch. When Jerry eyed my fat, my pussy seeped with anticipation. “And make enough for three.”

He smirked, “I always make enough for five.”

I think I orgasmed after he said that.

By nightfall, a rosemary rib roast filled the house with promise of umami.

The doorbell rang.


“Lana!” We hugged. She groped my enlarged ass.

“Keep it up, lover, and I’ll have to bring a crowbar to find where to plug in my dildos.”

“Dinner’s ready!” Jerry beamed from the kitchen.

Rory scuttled out from her room. We sat down and my son lugged our largest bowl, made for outdoor parties of ten or more, and thunked it down in the center of the table. It was piled high with lettuces, all shapes and sizes.

“Salad?” Lana winced. “Really, Fran, you would be that cruel to yourself?”

“Dig in.” I countered with a Mona Lisa smile. I knew my son was up to something.

She took the tongs - guests first. Rummaging for a first clot of leaves, her hand stopped suddenly. She turned the tongs and exposed the second layer. “Is that a bone?”

“Rib roast salad, with a Cajun butter dressing!” Jerry announced proudly.

“Well, aren’t we the enterprising gourmand.” Lana laughed.

“That’s sick!” Rory threw her napkin to the floor and stood.

“Return to your seat, young lady!” I admonished. “Your brother went out of his way to make what you wanted for supper. You will sit down and eat two servings, or I’ll lock you in your room tonight.”

“That’s not fai-!” Rory stopped, snorted and sat. She knew what her real punishment would be, starving in her room with a vibrator, when a fatted calf was serving next door.

Lana filled her plate and passed the tongs to my daughter.

I ate two helpings too. Lana couldn’t believe how much Rory and I packed down our gullets. She leaned over and whispered, “You two made me lose my appetite.” She meant for sex.

“You’ll see.” I smiled. Dinner finished, Jerry leaped up and dragged out three, gallon tubs of Chocolate, Vanilla, and Raspberry ice cream. He made banana splits for each of us, excluding himself, complete with pineapple, strawberry, and chocolate sauces, with ground almonds, whipped cream, and a cherry on top.

Lana picked at hers. Rory and I were licking the bottoms of our glass boats, as if we had been racing. When my son had placed the cherry on top of my split, he whispered, “The first one to finish it all, gets first prick.”

Instead of clearing the table and washing dishes, I told Rory, “Why don’t you and Lana and I have a little talk in my room?” It was not a question.

“Okay, but don’t try to change the subject. I licked mine clean before you.”

“Piffle.” I smirked and led the two women down the hall. Closing the door, I confronted Lana. “Would you believe Rory and I are on a diet?”

“You poor, malnourished creatures! If you gain less than two pounds by morning, I’ll go down on you first, all next week.”

“Eewww!” Rory covered her ears.

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” Lana and I chorused.

I took the bottle of Pantyflash, and shook two doses into my hand. I handed one to Rory. I fished a water bottle from my houserobe and swallowed mine. Then I proffered The Wheel of The Pill to my daughter.

“Really?” Lana looked amazed. “Rory?”

“What?” The high schooler sucked down her pilles and snorted. “Don’t you think I could have a boyfriend.”

“I’d know if you did.” Lana smiled back. “Pussy talks.”

I cleared my throat. “My daughter’s sex life isn’t why I invited you in here, Lana.”

She looked disappointed.

“Well, mostly. It seems her’s and mine have become somewhat entangled.”

“That’s the best news I’ve heard all day!” My bisexual lover almost launched herself at Rory.

“Not her.” I waved my arms, crossing each other. “Him!” I pointed at the door.

Lana melted. “No.”

If you don’t believe me, go look for yourself.

“Mom!” Rory complained. “I won the race, not her!”

“Shhh, child, Lana wasn’t in the race.” I stepped between Rory and the door and told Lana, “Just walk into his room. That’s all you have to do. You’ll understand.”

Lana exited. I closed the door behind her. “Tomorrow is Saturday. You can stay up late, Dear.” I mollified my oldest.

“What if she wears Jerry out? She’s a bigger slut than you and me combined.”

“That’d be like wearing out the Grand Tetons.” I dismissed my daughter’s nonsense with a hand wave.

We waited five minutes. Lana didn’t return. Rory and I snuck out and listened at Jerry’s door.

“OH MY FUCK!” Lana yelled loud enough to hear in my room with my door closed. “FUCK!” She echoed. “FUCK!” Getting louder with each burst. “FUCK!”

“That shit brother of mine.” Rory hissed.

“He’s not fucking her, and she’s not fucking him.” I bet aloud. “She still staring at it.”

“Oh.” Rory giggled. “You must have mastered pussy language.”

I opened my son’s door. “You okay, Jerry?” I strode in and grinned. “Is this skinny cunt bothering you?” My son’s hands, which had been happily stroking it, were trying to hide Full Dome.” That’s in Yosemite, right?

“MOM!” Jerry looked away.

“FRAN!” Lana turned to me. “Your son has a dick like a 787 super liner.”

“More like a packed cruise ship.” Rory corrected, entering her brother’s room.

“Now you know why my daughter and I are on a diet.”

“What does that have to do with the size of Jerry’s prick?” Lana remained stunned.

My daughter answer. “Jerry gets off on fat chicks.”

Jerry complained. “Rory! That’s priv-”

“Not anymore, I would say.” She looked at me. “Mom, you wanted Lana to know.”

“Why would I want that?” I challenged my daughter.

Lana answered. “Didn’t you hear? She called me skinny.” My dear pussy swapping friend was by no means an emaciated cover model, but you could test flat irons against her belly. “She’s testing me.”

“You want to get Lana fat?”

“Just a few pounds. Maybe then, she wouldn’t shame me into her snatch every time we hook up.”

“I’m sorry.” Lana said sincerely, as if an alien creature had landed on her head and waved its magic wand. “I will never do it again.”

“That would be nice.” I responded. “I like you, Lana. You’re a slut I can take to the bank.”

“You’ve shown me Fort Knox. But I don’t like the key your dangling.”

“Then walk your dangle out of here. I’ll stop by tomorrow.”

“Maybe I could get to like it.” All this time Lana hadn’t once taken her eyes off of Jerry’s hard cock. Our talk of getting fat was keeping him firmly in the chubby.

“You have plenty of men. Most would dump your ass if it gained six ounces.” I reminded her.

“How fat would I have to be?” My friend mentally weighed how much weight it would be worth to get the weight of my son’s prick into her cunt. She wasn’t asking me.

Jerry hemmed and hawed. “I dunno.” He looked at his sister and frowned.

“REALLY?” Rory shouted. “I’ve gained fourteen pounds since we started.”

“Yeah, and it’s a good start-”

“Hush!” I interrupted. “Lana, my boy’s fetish is beyond you.”

“I could rent a fat suit.”

I grabbed my friend’s shoulder gently. “Come on. I shouldn’t have trapped you like this. I promise to make it up to you, tomorrow.”

“That would be impossible.” Lana resisted but ultimately let me escort her to the front door. We kissed there, chastely.

I shut the door behind her and locked it, loudly, to make sure she heard she wasn’t welcome for the rest of the night. I returned to my son’s room, to the sight I expected.

“GODS!” Rory yelled. “Its like my insides are exploding in slow motion. Her brother’s piston pushed out her belly fat in rippling waves of fuck motion. I could either watch and finger myself, get my magic wand and watch, or go to my room and cry until it was my turn.

I won’t say what I did. None of them made me feel any better for doing what I had done to Lana.

Saturday afternoon, the Bollinger family lay about the house half naked, exhausted. We’d dared ourselves to drain Jerry dry. He had made us fill our pussies with chocolate sauce and suck each other out. Then he made us suck his cock after he used it to wipe every brown drop from our cunts. I think Lana’s visit inspired him.

The doorbell rang. We let it.

After ten rings. I groaned. “Get that, Jerry.” How he had the strength I don’t know. He grabbed an apron and opened the door with the chain hooked.

Lana’s bright face peered through the gap. “I bought groceries!”

I smiled, weakly. “Don’t stand there with your dick hanging, Jerry. Let her in before something melts.

“Doctor Blaine, are you sure these pills are the right ones?”

“Russel told me you knew this was a double blind test.” He wiped himself with a handful of tissues. “I don’t know what they are.”

“At least you don’t think I’m too fat to fuck.” I tried.

“I do, but I have a fetish for women who fake it.” He sneered, zipping back into his eight inches that were worthless to me.

“How could you tell?” I was insulted.

“When I came you sang, ‘The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.’”

“If you can tell that, why can’t you tell what the pills are?” I had brought my bottle.

“It’s not like I have a chem lab in my office.” It wasn’t like his office to have a doctor’s office.

“Send a pill out to a lab.”

“I’ll send the bill to you.”

“I’m good for it.”

“You were better for it.” His fetish was failing him. “I can’t believe you gained thirty pounds in one month!”

“Maybe it’s the pills?” I growled.

“They’d have to be super suger pills, and you’d have to take a bottle a day to gain half what you have. What are you eating?”

“Oh, a little bit of this...” I sang. “A little bit of that.”

“I’d compromise the study.” He said half-heartedly.

“You mean, you don’t want to fuck my daughter either, for the lab bill.” I knew that Rory was incapable of faking it. Either she was all in or all out. Right now she was in the lobby, bawling her eyes out.

“Why am I so fat?” She’d begged me this morning. “Help me!”

“Why does an addict kill little old ladies for purse change? You-” I stopped myself. “WE would do anything to get Jerry’s cock inside of us.”

“Then why has Lana LOST three pounds?” Lana was at her house, probably bawling her eyes out.

I didn’t have an answer. I called the doctor and demanded that he see us today. Rory couldn’t bear to be examined, after she saw him wrinkle his nose at her.

“Doctor, if you don’t find out what’s in these pills, I’m going to call the cops and have you arrested for molesting my daughter.”

“I didn’t touch her.”

“You think she would tell the truth, after what you did to her?”

“I just - hadn’t seen her. I mean, the change-” He stopped before he lost any more ground.

I waited.

“I’ll do it.” He whispered. “I’ll need four pills.”

“We’re running low.”

“Why are you even taking the damn things, if you think they’re making you fat?” He burst.

“That’s what the doctor ordered.” I counted out four. “But you have to sign for a re-fill, for both of us.”

Minutes later, I helped Rory get up and waddle out of the building. She had trouble getting into the passenger seat. More tears followed.

She remained in the car when I parked in Exo-Genetics’ security lot. The white jacketed, woman pharmacist smiled and hummed while she refilled our prescriptions.

I left with the suspicion that she knew more about the drug than our doctor.

There was only one cure for Rory, when we returned home. She clawed her way out of the car and thudded around it. She barely fit through the door in the garage. I locked the car, taking my time. I called Lana and tried to talk her out of suicide.

“I never should have let you talk me into taking those pills.” She cried.

“On you, they seem to be working. You’re more popular at bars than ever.” I complimented.

“He won’t even let me suck on it!” Lana was a very oral woman. “He says I’m too small.” She sobbed.

“It’s just a big dick. Trust me, after the first hundred fucks, it loses something.” I was now officially evil.


“Sorry. But you have to let it go. Stop taking those pills. Move to another town. Trade quality for quantity.”

“I tried that.” Lana wailed, “But I don’t know what I’m comparing the six of them against!” She pleaded, “Let me slip a mickey into his milk. One fuck. I’ll be quick, I’m sure. It’s all I think about.”

“That thing takes too much blood from Jerry. It can’t get hard when he’s unconscious.” I explained. “Do I have to hold the phone up to Rory again? All she does is cry when she’s not fucking her brother. Getting addicted to heroin is probably easier to deal with.”

“It hasn’t made you cry.”

“What’s another thirty pounds to me?” My mother still had me beat, but my breasts were getting close. “Rory is an outcast at school. Her ‘friend’ Julie stole Rory’s chance to be vice president beside Caroline Gincotter.”

“Double bitch.” Lana commiserated.

“Yeah, I have plans.”

“Are they anything like what you planned for me?”

I sighed. Lana had every right to hate me. She didn’t because I was her access to Jerry’s cock. “I’m sorry. I should never have lured you into my son’s bedroom. If you want me to apologize again, I will. I say it to your cunt whenever you ask, with a sincere tongue.”

“That’s a start.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t make Jerry get hot for skinny women.”

“I come over every night. I eat the same food as as you and Rory. I’d eat more than you, if I could keep it down. I leave stuffed, every time, while you and she get stuffed with Jerry’s other cooking.”

“And we appreciate that you’ve bought all the groceries for the last month. Jerry’s fetish was killing the house food budget.”

“Tell Jerry, he needs to appreciate me in person. Just once, is all I ask.” Lana had gone from weeping to whining in the matter of two minutes.

“I’ll ask, again. I promise.” I bid her a good day and hung up. I entered the house, carrying my prescription to where I hid the bottle in my dresser drawer. Intrigue complete, I grabbed my portable vibrator and hunkered back down the hall.

When I’d passed, twenty seconds prior, Rory was crying a different tune. “Fuck my fat cunt. Make me fatter, brother, and fuck me until my fat is ripped from fuck exercises.”

Now ear to door, I heard, “You’re huge compared to Mom, Rory. You make me so hard. I LOVE fucking you!” Jerry yelled. His meaty slaps goaded me to punch the on switch and plug my cunt. I had doffed my pants and panties in my room. I hoped he didn’t take too long with Rory. I could only stand three good cums from my magic friend before my birthing hole needed to feel it’s second creation passing through it. I listened to my son and daughter fuck for a few minutes, ignoring their cliche moans and groans.

“Mom is almost as fat as Grandma, little brother.” Rory inflamed her brother’s imagination at the critical point. We hadn’t forgotten that my mother’s size was Jerry’s biggest fetish.

“I know.” Jerry said barely above their fucking noise. “Oooohhhh, gonna cum.”

I did cum. It was my second. I hoped that Jerry would provide my third. But Rory and I had an unspoken agreement. We didn’t interrupt each other, even if the house was burning.

Rory screamed. I rated it. That should last her for a few hours. I backed into my room. After Jerry’s and Rory’s doors opened and closed in succession, I returned to my son’s room and knocked.

“Could you get a damp cloth from the bath, Mom?”

“I don’t mind.” I opened the door.

My son looked up from his glistening monstrosity. “I told you to get me a wet towel, Mom.”

He had taken to ordering me about. My sweet son had learned the full power of his super power. “Fine.” I trivialized obeying him. It was just a hand towel. I wet it in the sink until the water ran hot.

“I see you took off your underwear for me.” He shook his palm at the towel. “You clean me.”

I kneeled to the rug and grabbed his bean stalk with my empty hand. My other hand wiped the drying cum and cunt juice from his glowing flesh.

“I don’t know, Mom.” He worried. “There might be more inside. You’d better suck on it to make sure you clean it completely.”

“Jerry-” I tried.

“Now, Mom.” He pushed my head to his dick head. It was a short distance.

I opened as wide as I could and planted my face on my son’s still hard dick. My mouth was just big enough for the head. He delighted in keeping my jaws full, while he undressed my top.

“Gods, I love how big your tits are getting.” He mauled them. I groaned.

Not as big as my mom’s, my lizard brain taunted. I focused on sucking out the last of my son’s cum from the dick filling my face. Maybe then he would stuff it where it belonged.

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Alexis Tae visits her friend, Maya Woulfe, (who also happens to be her ex-girlfriend), so she can meet Maya’s new girlfriend. However, when the new girlfriend arrives, it turns out that the new girlfriend, Evelyn Claire, is ALSO an ex-girlfriend of Alexis’! What are the odds?! Embarrassed, the women joke that they have become the stereotype of lesbians being a small community who have all dated each other. While Alexis tries to dismiss the idea, she can’t exactly prove them...

1 year ago
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Sibling Switch Part 2

"Come on, Darian. You look good. They won't have a clue that we aren't who we look to be," said Danielle, extending her hand out towards Darian. Standing at the top of the stairs, Danielle and Darian stood in each other's bodies. Danielle being to the calmer of the two, she naturally took the lead in the situation. "I don't know,' said Darian shyly. 'I just feel so awkward wearing all these dark colors and white make-up." "Oh, stop being such a girl. Just come on," said...

2 years ago
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Hey Neighbor

Not bad for a small town Southern girl, I raise my glass to the sky and smile as the thought crosses my mind. My phone buzzes lightly, glancing at a number I don’t recognize, I turn it off and let myself float away from the cares of the day. The view from my apartment is what sold me on the building. It’s an older complex, but a sweeping view of the river and downtown are worth slightly smaller elevators and an underequipped gym, as far as I’m concerned. I love waving to the other residents...

3 years ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 2

"Okay," said Melody A. "Tell me about the whole encounter with the Gold Target and his rescuer, one last time." Alpha 1 had already gone through the whole thing three times, in the last few days, but he knew about debriefing. It was always 'tell me the story again.' "We were both targeting the terrorists, neither of us was aware of the other. We shot and took them down. I didn't see him in the confusion of the aftermath, and he escaped. I followed him to the lake, on a hunch. I got...

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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 32

"No one seems very worried about where I'm sleeping," pointed out Stephanie to the group. "From what I hear, Gwen's discovered that sleeping on top of Steve is very refreshing. Kate can have the spot next to him. I'll be relaxing on all of those muscles of his, which are said to be surprisingly comfortable." "I really hate to rain on your parade, Kate and Stephanie, but I spoke to Clyde and he's already booked a room for Steve and Gwen for the weekend. It won't be the Honeymoon...

2 years ago
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Pados K Bhabhi K Sath Maza

Hi to all friends and this is Akash from Orissa and this is my first story and I ISS and so agar kuch galti hue toh maaf kar dijiegaa and I’m going to tell the story in Hindi so friends me apne bare me batata hun and me Akash Bhubaneswar me Engineering ki padhai karta hun. Aur mera body sporty and I mean athletic body hai aur lund hai 6 inches lamba aur 2 inches mota avi me story pe aata hun me ek room rent pe leke Bhubaneswar me rehta hun aur jahan rehta hun usi hin ghar me ek family rehte...

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Older White Women

I liked to swim and I was good at it. But being from the poor side of town and black it was not working out for me. I got on the swim team at my high school but I needed to practice. I ended up getting a job at a high flu tin very exclusive private country club as a life guard. That was great! I got to watch over a bunch of spoiled old white people during the day after school and on weekends and then after the pool closed I could swim all that I wanted. I was one only a few paid people at this...

1 year ago
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TMWPOV Jenny Fer Farewell sex before the trip

Today, Jenny Fer has to leave to college in another city for a long time. She has already ordered a taxi and comes in to say goodbye to her boyfriend. She knows that she will miss him a lot from the distance and especially miss their hot sex. Jenny doesn’t have much time so she decides to give her boyfriend a proper farewell sex before heading to the trip. She quickly gets down on her knees, grabs onto his shaft and shoves his big cock deep into her mouth. Then they fuck in different...

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Caught looking through my window

Caught looking through my window.My girlfriend caught my little si(st)er looking through my window at us fucking. Hi I'm John average looking, brown hair, eyes average dick?My girlfriend Vanessa is also average looking little bit bigger girl. Brown shoulder length hair, green eyes. Not every girl can be a size four. She's not exactly a PAWG she has a bit of a muffin top and a small roll of belly fat. With that comes some big fuckin' tits, massive nipples that cover the whole front of her tits....

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Day To Celebrate With My Maid

Hi friends …I wish everyone having their own fun here studying the erotic stories. I am bharath from Hyderabad working as an employee for an automobile company. I had completed my masters recently and had joined this job three months back. I am 5.8 and fair looking good and more over still virgin. I live alone at my room and it’s making a problem for me to complete all my work early so I am looking for a maid who works with very honest. So I have one of my colleague named Swathi (she is too...

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The Burning BoatChapter 3

Laurie pulled on a pair of her new shorts and a white blouse that tied just below her breasts. She drove the Cadillac carefully down the driveway and along the uneven dirt road. When she got to the cove she saw that the smaller boats were now sitting on trailers and John and George were working with ropes on the big boat. John was sweating as the muscles in his arms rippled while he pulled a rope taught. She sat in the air-conditioning watching John work duplicating ropes on the boat securing...

2 years ago
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How I Came To Love BBC Chapter III

Day 5:  FridayOn my drive that morning to meet Enzo, the only thing going through my head was all that had occurred over the last few days and how out of control it had gotten.  The first time was a mistake, the second and third time were even bigger mistakes.   Pulling into the parking lot, Enzo was already waiting for me.  Seeing him waiting, my legs unconsciously started to squirm in my car seat and for a moment, I thought I could feel my pussy getting moist.  Seeing me, Enzo waved for me to...

4 years ago
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Caught in the act by the boss

CHAPTER 1Curiosity got the better of Chloe. She knew she shouldn’t look but it was hardly her fault the laptop was left open. After all, Clark and Lana Tate employed her to come in twice weekly to clean their swanky 6 bed pad overlooking the River Thames. They should be more careful. Chloe was paid to clean and tidy up after the them, having access all areas. Well, mostly. The successful business owners clearly too busy to do their own housework. Or maybe just too rich to put themselves through...

3 years ago
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The Babysitters Family

Chapter 1 – Steve Teaches Jill Steve and Chrystine, the Barnets, had met the Reynolds the day they moved in just down the road and immediately struck up a friendship with them. The Barnets had 2 daughters one of 9 and the other 6 who they adored greatly. The Reynolds, Maureen and Brian had 2 daughters also, Jill was 14 and her younger sister Susan was 11 going on 12. As their friendship grew and the girls got to know each other it went without saying that the Battleys attended Susans...

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Hush Butt Plug from Lovense

I bought this plug and got it a few days ago, I charged it up, put it in me, turned it on, and it turned me on. It’s got several settings and you can also control by Bluetooth with your phone. I wore it around the house for about 4 hours, changing the vibration settings. There are a couple settings I really like, the low constant vibe, and the high pulsing vibe, where it pulses every 2 seconds. I usually keep it on low when I’m sitting around, but the pulse is awesome when walking around. I...

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The Replacement

Daniel Swan looked out across the bay from the bench he sat on. It was a cool early autumn evening, just before eight. He looked at the bunch of white roses in his hand, lifted them, and sniffed them. She was not coming, he knew. Rachel would stay away. He placed the roses on the bench.“See you next month, my darling.” It was his ritual, every month, at eight in the evening on the fourteenth he would place twelve white roses on the bench. Two and a half years ago, on valentine’s day, her hands...

Love Stories
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Her Husbands Name

She is embalmed in white hospital sheets, also a stiff white blanket that makes her look as though she is wrapped in bandages. She lays still against a thin plastic pillow, covered with a crisp, starched case. Every so often her mouth moves, a cavity which is not really a mouth at all, but a puckered hole without lips or teeth. It is dry. She needs water. She can not see. She is uncomfortable, this barely breathing cadaver. A tissue of skin. A scaffold of bone with her wild white hair, her...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 50 See You Again

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 11:59pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 My future appeared and my beautiful twenty-three-year-old fiancée, who looked to be six or seven months pregnant was beckoning me. I stood seemingly paralyzed as Kaleigh Plyer opened her arms up towards me on the video screens and softly said “C’mon Mike. It’s finally time for me to see you again.” Immediately, the five Energists clapped their hands together, and a powerful ‘time-stop’ bubble was generated within the...

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Garages arent only for parking cars

Real quick: this is my 1st story, and yes it is true. Enjoy.A couple of days ago, I was horny as fuck. My fiance was at work, so I had to make due with rubbing my pussy on the edges of dressers and sinks. He always likes to call and check in on me so when he finally did, I made the mistake of telling him that I had made myself cum 4 times that day. He chuckled and told me I would pay for it later that night. I couldn't understand why he'd want to punish me. I told him that I had been a good...

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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 19 Roadtrip

Dave and Jennifer's father Ron were headed for Charlestown where Dave had a golf date with Ann's father. Neither were saying much. Dave stared at the hypnotizing wipers moving back and forth across Ron's windshield. Dave hoped the rain would stop before they reached Charlestown. They had been driving for thirty minutes and were nearing the bridge. The six o'clock start was slightly earlier than Dave was used to so he was slightly tired even without the wipers making him more drowsy. For...

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As her aunt I knew what she needed

My niece Cynthia came to visit us for a month every summer. I was the “cool” aunt even though I was nearly three times her age. That summer would perhaps be the last visit since she had turned seventeen and her interests were changing.Rob saw her walking into the baggage claim area and waved. “Cindy, we are over here.”She smiled and made her way towards us. Her dark sun-tanned complexion stood out in her yellow sundress. Her beautifully painted toes stood out in her open sandals.“Hello, Cindy,...

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Science Side effects may include sluttiness Part 2

CHAPTER 7 Nothing solves complex issues like a good night's rest. I don't know why I felt so well rested but I guess it had something to do with my talk with Chris last evening. Something about being able to talk about it or the offer to talk I'm guessing or having someone you can share with. Or then it was the good cry I had alone in my room while eating the subway. Either way, I woke up feeling well rested except... you guessed it, my groin. As soon as my brain was alert enough, I...

2 years ago
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Sair ke choba men swargak sukh

Hamra taraf san sab maithili bhasa bhasi ke jankar aur padhnihar khas ka navyauvana uffan marait jawani ke rakhnihar nari aur navyuvak sab ke pranam. Aena ta ham yehi site par bar puran lekhak chhi..muda yehi ber pahil ber maithili yani ki appan bhasa men likhbak man bhel aur ummid achhi je ahan sab ke har e anubhav jarorr pasand aaot. Hamar nam thik Sitesh Kumar Mishra, umar 36 sal, dekhba men bahut sundar aur aakarshak, aur ham bihar ke Madhubani jila ke rahai wala chhi aur bartam men...

4 years ago
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Made My Friend A Crossdresser

I am having a tsunami of mixed feeling about this friend of mine who’s name shall remain anonymous but for now lets call him Anshul. He’s a good guy and a hot one. He got flawlessly creamy skin with awesome bubbly butts. This started a few years ago when we met for the first time in India. We worked in same company and he was a friend of a friend. At that time I was crazy about my physique and was well built up and he got motivated and asked about my workout routine and slowly he started...

2 years ago
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HOW THEY HAVE SEXACCOUNTANTS are good with figures.ACTORS do it on cue.ADVERTISERS use the "new, improved" method.AMBULANCE DRIVERS come quicker.ANSI does it in the standard wayARCHEOLOGISTS like it old.ARCHITECTS have great plans.ARTISTS are exhibitionists.ASSEMBLY LINE WORKERS do it over and over.ASTRONOMERS do it with Uranus.ATTORNEYS make better motions.AUDITORS like to examine figures.BABYSITTERS charge by the hour.BAILIFFS always come to order.BAKERS knead it daily.BAND MEMBERS play all...

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Craig learns all of Mumrsquos secrets

This is the third episode in the chronicle of Craig’s Easter break at home. All comments are welcome, including any constructive criticism. There are more stories to follow, enjoy.Carol lay with her head on Craig’s heaving chest, listening to the solid beat of his heart. She could see his flaccid cock lying flat on his tummy, glistening with the residue of his cum and her juices. She moved her head down towards it, first caressing the head with her tongue, then sliding her lips over it,...

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Suburbia The Summer Is Coming To An End

Mrs. Berg was a petite redhead soccer mom married to Mr. Berg who was a wealthy real estate mogul. She spent most of her time driving her five children either from sports practice, piano classes, ballet classes or any of the other afternoon activities that the children had. When she wasn’t in her Mercedes minivan she was managing an army of maids, gardeners, and chefs that made up the Berg household. Apart from that she also made sure her husband was happy in bed with weekly blowjobs and sex....

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My first nude in public prank

I am pretty used to being nude where it is allowed, but I had always felt thrilled about doing it in an unexpected place. So one day my husband told me that one of his coworkers had been fired from the job. He was very depressed, and had to take a job as a night attendant at a gas station convenience store. I had never met him, but the convenience store was on my way home from work. For several days as I passed by the station, I thought about his friends. I thought of something to cheer him up....

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Country Boy

I have been into some wild parties, with all kinds of sexual games and the like, but recently, it's caused me a bit of stress. I guess I should start by telling you about my friend Tim. I met him at the collections agency I started work for. He started work there right after I did, and we kind of hit it off. He was fun, but god was he naïve! I mean, I came from a small town, but this guy... If you couldn't milk it or harvest it, he didn't have a clue what you were talking about. And here he was...

3 years ago
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A School trip became a perfect day

This story is a true story it really happend to me.Intro, Me and My class were off to a field trip we went to a Christmas market in Germany.the entire class would go there about 60 k**s 2 touring cars full. Luckily when we would get there we’d be free to do whatever we’d like go see the market or go to a bar.Me and a Girlfriend and decided to take a quick peek at the market and we considered it a little bit old fashioned, we did get some gluhwein to start the day. And we went looking for a bar...

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The four of us

The four of us all headed back to deans place after work for some drinks and dinner. We have been friends for a while and Beth and me have been seeing each other for a long while now. I love her so much and the sex is great. Dean and Julie have been seeing each other but it’s not as serious as what Beth and me got going on but they both enjoy each other’s company and they are great friends of ours. Julie got out the wine and I the whiskey. Dean pretty much drinks whatever I do now but he...

Group Sex
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Hot Wife Hotel Olivia Gets Opened Up Part Five

Olivia spent a few moments Sunday evening checking her Hot Wife Hotel messages and schedule for Monday and Wednesday. There was a message from Marilyn thanking her for adding the second day to her week, a message from Adam that said he was looking forward to Wednesday’s anal session, and a message from a potential new client.Hello Olivia,I am writing because I wondered if you ever meet with couples.Let me know if that is something that you’d be interested in.Thanks,MichaelShe checked with...

Wife Lovers
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After The Party

Title: After The PartyRating: NC17Summary: after the party three people sleep in a double bed. The girlfriend, boyfriend and a girl friend of the boyfriend's girlfriend.Note: Greatly inspired when I read a confessional in the latest issue of the dutch Passie Magazine. In this story we see Claire Holt's POV."Man! That was a great party! Wasn't it, you guys? I'm so wasted!" Claire said as she watched her best friend and her boyfriend get into bed. Jan had opted for the naked view while Laura had...

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Herr Heinzs Big Buns

Rudy was bored out of his skull on another stinking hot day stuck in the vast, whitewashed desert fort that he was defending. Only there was nothing to defend it against; the fort had not come under attack for well over two years and there was nothing for the men to do but work out and keep themselves fit. Rudy’s body was as fit and as hard and as sun-bronzed as he had ever wanted it to be. All the men around him looked the same and all were trained in the arts of combat and survival; but there...

Gay Male
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Trapped in a 1950s Virtual World

1950'S VIRTUAL WORLD ? by: Milida This story is set in the not too distant future, where both virtual and artificial reality worlds have become commonplace. For my annual holiday, I decided to visit a recreated 1950's world. This world physically existed on a small Island in the pacific. Massive effort had been made to make the place as realistic to the period as possible. The clothes the architecture and the customs were all authentic. The majority robot inhabitants of the...

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Shimla Ki Sair 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, main aapka dost Rahul apni trip ki kahani leke wapas aaya hoon. Ab hum charo jan sightseeing karne nikal gaye. Pure trip ke doraan bhabhi mere sath hi rehti aur sirf mere se baat karti. Aur aise behave kar rahi thi ki main unka boyfriend hoon. Kabhi mere kamar par hath rakh deti to kabhi mera hath apni kamar par. Unke mulayam waist se hath hatane ka dil bhi nahi karta tha. Par Ankita ko dekh ke hatana padta tha. In sab mein ek baat strange yeh thi ki ye sab dekhne ke bawajud...

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Getting The Best Blowjob And Finger Fucking My Teen Cousin

Hi guys, this is Sudeep. I had written the story of a cousin of mine and her experience with her boyfriend in . This is my second story here, so forgive me if you find any mistakes. I am a student in my third year of B Tech in Mechanical engineering and I am studying in Coimbatore. I have four cousins, three females and one male. It was the second of the three female cousins who had introduced me to pornography when she was quite young. I know it feels exaggerating but she is a sex...

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An experince

Hi Friends mera naam Rana hai or mai apni ek real storey batane jar aha hun baat 2 month pahle ki hai. May kisi kaam se apne mama k gaon Hmachal me gaya tha mere mama bahar (out of India ) me job karte hain or 1 sall me aate the or ghar me sirf mami or unke 2 chote bache the mai waha morning me pahunch gaya or sare din wahin raha sham ko thand ho rahi jada or barish bhi hone wali thi hum logo ne raat ko khana khaya or sone ki tayari karne lag gaye maami neeche ghar ka kaam niptane lag gayi or ...

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The Taking of Mathews

This story was actually requested from an on-line friend....Mathews is actually a girl, and asked me to create a story for her about one of her fantasies....She liked this...so hopefully you may enjoy this as well... I have to give inspirational credit to post to the board to JadeM...Her stories have captivated me over the last few days, I cant stop reading her stories...... here it goes..... ...................................... Chapter 1 Matthews has finished changing for...

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The Changing Cubicle

His long middle finger pushed the material of my dress deep into the cleft between my buttocks, then continued further until it reached my pussy. Fortunately his grope was masked by the throng in the crowded department store through which we were hurrying. On my cheek, his breath was hot but sweet, “Where are you taking me?” I didn’t reply but tugged on his hand. I can only place the blame for this situation on my friend. Incredibly, it was no more than forty-five minutes ago...

1 year ago
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What We Do for LoveChapter 9 David Makes a Bet with Evelyn

It’d been one of the longest ninety minutes I’d ever spent, waiting for girl to come back to the car. I’d seen her take the three guys to the dumpster enclosure and part of me, a really big part, had wanted to go rip three dicks off three perverts. Not allowing my jealousy to control me was every bit as hard as pretending I was someone I’m not. Evelyn and I had talked at length about the alter ego I needed to develop. It was her that suggested I needed to pretend twenty four seven so that I...

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