RedTails A Night Out A Night In Chapter 9
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"Master, is this truly necessary?" Shaasta protested, as she and Hansen were guided down the stone steps to the processing lab beneath the Southern Rose pet shop.
Frelic gave a light tug on the leashes clasped to the Elf and Squirrel's collars to hurry them along, "Yes, my dear brats. This is indeed truly necessary. Now that I am one thousand and thirty-five gold pieces poorer, I am determined to protect my investment."
"But you need not worry," she countered, "I give my solemn promise that I will not run away. And you know good and well that I am always true to my word."
"That is not what I am worried over, sis," Frelic told her, "I know that neither of you would run away from me. We are doing this to protect you from the possibility of being stolen by slavers ever again. The only way to ensure that is for the two of you to wear my mark on your bottoms."
"But how can you know that a brand will deter a slaver?" she asked, "What would stop one from removing the mark, as you yourself did for me after my escape from Mistress Triniti?"
"Honor would stop them," Varo, the Furling Wolf who owned the Southern Rose said, "Odd as it may sound, Slavers do possess a sense of honor. Should one who is taken have a mark of ownership, the captor will not remove the brand and will, in fact, take the captive under protection to eventually be returned to his or her rightful owner."
"This is done out of respect for the owner," Lilieblume added, "out of respect for the time and expense invested in training and conditioning the pet or slave to serve submissively and faithfully."
They reached the bottom of the stairs, and passed through a set of double doors into a softly lit chamber that was decorated in a traditional dungeon motif. Hansen was grinning with amusement as his bright eyes scanned the room, while Shaasta gazed nervously at the collection of torture and taming devices set up down here.
"Ooh!" the Furling exclaimed, his eyes filled with awe at the scene before them, "This is really neat. Do you actually get to use all of these things, Master Varo?"
The Wolf chuckled and shook his head, "No, little one. Much of what you see here is merely for show, to add the proper touch of atmosphere to the lab, at least the toys that were designed to cause permanent injury or worse."
"Just atmosphere," Shaasta echoed Varo's assurance, now noticeably more at ease, though still nervous about what was to occur down here. She rubbed her bottom in anticipation of the searing it was soon going to receive so soon after the paddling her brother had given her as part of her inspection. She had more questions, but those would have to wait, a few minutes at least, as they were ready to begin their final processing.
Master Varo stood between a pair of cushioned examining tables, which were fitted with leather shackles at the corners, iron rings fitted with sturdy chains at the front end; and like with the display pads out in the show room, a pair of heavy chains hung suspended from the ceiling above the tables; one with an iron hook on the end and the other featuring another shackle, "Bring your pets forward, Master Willowpaw," he instructed.
Frelic led Shaasta and Hansen over to stand before the Wolf, and released the clasps attaching the leashes to their leather collars; then gave them each an affectionate and reassuring pat on their behinds before Varo and Lilieblume, the Wolf's Halfling pet helped them get comfortable on the examination tables.
With the two new pets lying face down, Varo and Lilie secured their wrists and ankles in the leather shackles at the corners of the table so that their legs were spread wide, and Hansen's bushy tail was bound in the overhead shackle and pulled up out of the way, so that once again, their most intimate treasures were visible for all to see. Finally, the Halfling slipped thick pillows underneath them to help thrust their bottoms up a little more, while Varo clasped the other overhead chains and the ones at the front end of the tables to the rings in the pets' collars, so that they were completely immobilized.
Varo padded over to a storage cabinet and extracted a number of syringes, needles, vials, flasks, cannisters, and a pair of small round wooden paddles; all of which he arranged neatly on a cart and wheeled over between the two tables. He and Lilieblume each took a syringe and mithril needle, and broke the seals on a couple vials of a thick blue liquid, which was drawn into the syringes.
"Vitamin solution," the Halfling reminded Frelic, answering the question he really wasn't going to ask.
The wizard nodded politely and smiled, "Yes, I remember, the same formula your Master gave Mistie earlier."
Without another word, Wolf and Halfling slid their thick needles into the left cheeks of the two newly purchased pets' upturned and upthrust bottoms, pressing the mithril shafts in until they were buried to the hilt in the soft, tender flesh. The initial puncture hurt, of course, but that was mild compared to the burn of the viscous serum as the plungers on the syringes forced the nourishing solution into their bodies. After an agonizingly long half a minute, the syringes were empty. The needles were extracted from their butts, and then Varo and Lilieblume took the round paddles and landed a couple firm smacks on the area where the shots were administered.
"This helps to work the formula into their systems properly," the Wolf explained to Frelic, as he and the Halfling massaged the blade of the paddle over their patients' behinds.
Shaasta sighed. It seemed as if her bottom was fated to forever be a major focus of attention, "Master Varo," she said, "Does everything always have to be focused on my butt, especially if it involves inflicting pain?"
Varo responded with another swat from the paddle and chuckled, "To put it plainly, my dear love pet," he said, "Yes and yes."
Hansen, who, naturally was aroused by the painful injection and the subsequent paddle smack, couldn't help but giggle at his girlfriend's embarrassed frustration, "Shaasta, dear," he chittered, "That is what a lovely bottom such as yours was made for. Didn't you realize that by now?"
Almost as if on queue, Lilieblume gave him another pair of swats with her paddle, "The same goes with your lovely bottom as well, silly little Squirrel," she reminded him, giving his nether cheeks a hard pinch.
He blushed and smiled, though the Halfling could not see his face from where she stood, "Thank-you, Lilie. Now, what is next in our processing? Is it time for our brandings yet?"
"Not quite, yet, little one," Varo answered, massaging Shaasta's rear with the paddle for a few more seconds, then giving her another swat, for no other reason than because he could, "We have a couple more fluids to put into you first."
"Yeah," Lilieblume added, "But don't worry. We will be searing your ass soon enough."
Continuing with the task at hand, Varo and Lilie set aside the spent syringes and needles to be sterilized and recycled and selected a fresh set, along with vials of a clear liquid. As they filled the new syringes, Varo explained, "This next shot is a dose of what is known as Tempspay." For the second time, Shaasta's and Hansen's aft ends were pierced, this time in the right cheek, and the serum was injected into their bodies. This one though was not as thick as the vitamin mix.
"This is one of the most important shots a pet should receive on a regular schedule," Lilieblume instructed Frelic. "As the name implies, Tempspay prevents accidental breeding. It works on both males and females, and one dose provides protection for a full thirty days."
"I don't know whether or not you plan on making full use of Shaasta's assets and talents, what with her being your sister," Varo said. He removed the needle and as with the previous injection, gave Shaasta's rear a couple swats and massage with the paddle to work the serum in, "But even if you don't use her as a boink bunny, I still recommend giving her monthly Tempspay shots anyway."
"Just in case you have guests that wish to use her," the Halfling explained. "Personally, I see no reason why you wouldn't want to make use of such a lovely little creature yourself. After all, she is now first and foremost your pet, and is expected to submit herself to your desires at any time."
Frelic found himself blushing tremendously at the suggestion. He had been planning on making his sister a personal aide, and had not considered the possibilities of using her as a pleasure pet. It wasn't as if the two had never been intimate with each other before, but that was back when they were still tender tails, first becoming sexually aware and experimenting together as they explored those strange new feelings. He stood beside her and let his gaze and his hands wander over her nymphly body, traveling from her neck, down her back, over the rise of her sweet soft rear, and along her thighs. Here she lay naked before him, now a full grown Elven woman, plush and sexy, being prepared for a lifetime of service and submission to her new master. She belonged one hundred percent to him. Frelic was now her legal owner. He felt a stirring again beneath his robes and tunic as he noted just how perfectly beautiful Shaasta was, and though the thought still embarrassed him, he could not deny that the desire for her indeed burned deep within him.
"I will consider that possibility," Frelic said, "We will see."
"Trust me, Master Frelic," Hansen advised, "Shaasta is absolutely fantastic. You may become addicted to her even. I know I am." Once more, the Elf girl's face turned a soft red, and a sweet dampness formed between her thighs as those around her discussed the use of her tail.
"At any rate," Varo continued, "you do not have to worry about Shaasta getting accidentally knocked up now, nor worry about your other pet accidentally knocking up some unsuspecting lass. Just remember to give them the Tempspay shots every thirty days." The second set of injectors were set aside, and Varo then motioned Frelic over to the cart.
"Finally," he announced, "we have one more task before we brand them. He picked up a pair of pint flasks containing a jade green liquid. One flask was handed to Lilieblume, and the other was presented to Frelic. "There is no reason why I should have all the fun with Shaasta," the Wolf apologized, "After all, she is your pet, so you should have the option of working on her if you wish."
Frelic nodded and looked over the flask, "So then, what type of potion is this?" He removed the stopper and took a whiff of the contents, his nose filling with the scent of roses and the sweet aroma that permeates the air right before an electrical storm.
"That is a Potion of Dragon Metabolism," Varo said, "It augments the Gehennite that is used for their weekly cleansings by increasing their metabolism's efficiency to that similar to a Dragon's."
"Ah, I see. Close to one hundred percent of what they take in gets converted to energy." Frelic put the stopper back on the flask, and thought a moment. "Whoever came up with this formula must be quite the genius. I would think that in addition to maintaining cleanliness, a pet that has this stuff in her would probably be able to last a long long time; if you take my meaning."
Varo chuckled and nodded, "Yes, that is quite correct. A pet can play for hours on end with a Potion of Dragon Metabolism in her body. And if you don't want your pet staying up and awake for days, we do have a serum that can counter that particular effect without degrading the others."
"I should hope so," Frelic replied, "I can imagine how hard one would crash the instant the potion wears off; she would probably sleep for days. Now, how is this potion administered? Is Shaasta supposed to drink it?"
"That's one way," Varo nodded, "It can also be administered rectally as well. Truth to tell, it doesn't matter how we get the potion into her."
Frelic laughed, and smacked his sister on the rump, "That sounds just fine by me. We will do it the fun way." He glanced over at Hansen, who was laying there patiently waiting, with Lilieblume standing beside him, her own flask in hand.
"The same goes for him," Frelic declared, "Give it to the Furling the way pets and slaves are meant to take it. Pour it up his ass."
Hansen grinned excitedly, "I wouldn't expect it any other way, Master!"
The stoppers were removed from the flasks and replaced with long, round-tipped applicator tubes. Frelic stood behind Shaasta and Lilieblume assumed her position behind Hansen.
"Go ahead and give them the full pint," Varo instructed, "That is a five day dosage. I'll see to it that you are supplied with the serum to help them sleep."
Lilieblume positioned the tip of the applicator at the entrance to Hansen's aft passage, swirling it around the tight rim first to help relax him and make him more receptive. Frelic followed the Halfling's example and did the same to his sister. Then on the Wolf's mark, the typical count of three, the shafts were gently inserted fully up inside the pets' butts, causing the now familiar gasp and moan in stereo from them.
In tandem, they tilted the flasks up, and let gravity do its work, feeding the jade potions through the small hole in the end of the tubes into the pets' aft chambers. Frelic smiled as he watched Shaasta squirm in her bonds, flexing and moaning as the liquid filled and stretched her inside. He placed one hand on her bottom, and again gently caressed the soft, round flesh, which would soon be seared with his mark.
"Such a lovely tail," he said, "so smooth and flawless. 'Tis a pity it must me marred with a brand."
"Aye," Varo agreed, "It would indeed seem like a crime against nature to mark such a perfect bottom. But considering the alternative, such is the lesser of the two evils."
Frelic nodded agreement, "Yes, it is for the best." The flasks were now three quarters full. He gave his a little shake, trying to speed up the transfer, which elicited another round of pleasured whimpering and flexing from his sister. From the next table over, he could hear a steady rhythm of whines and gasps. Glancing over, he noted that Hansen was thoroughly enjoying the tail feeding.
The Furling's ass was thrust up higher than before; his furry cheeks clenched and relaxed steadily, hungrily taking in the potion like a suckling kitten. The Halfling behind him was smiling, enjoying administering the potion as much as he was enjoying receiving it. Her hand caressed the right cheek of his bottom, then wandered down to playfully stroke the hard shaft that was again protruding from the Squirrel's furry sheath.
"Oh, Hansen," she giggled, giving his erect member a squeeze, "You are one fabulous little pet, so easy to please. I bet you are going to keep your master busy busy busy."
"Master, Varo," Frelic said, "On our way down here, something Shaasta said started me thinking. Despite that sense of honor you mentioned, she still had a valid point. What would stop a determined and unscrupulous slaver from having a captured pet's brand removed, instead of respecting the mark? After all, a brand is not too difficult to remove, even for a magick wielder of modest abilities, such as I was when I removed the brand Mistress Triniti had placed on Shaasta."
"Answer me a few questions," Varo replied, "First, was Mistress Triniti's mark always visible?"
"Of course it was. It was a typical brand that had then been tattooed over in silver ink. 'Twas clearly visible as the noon sun."
Varo nodded and continued, "Therein lies the problem. A mark like that is indeed a simple matter to lift, even by, as you put it, a person of even the most modest abilities. But now, here is my next question. The first time Shaasta was taken, what was the first thing her captor did to her?"
"When my sister and I were taken prisoner aboard the Bloodlust," Frelic recalled, "We, and several other prisoners were stripped naked, and then Captain Hayes, Ship's Sorceress Mistress Triniti, and Ship's Disciplinarian Lieutenant Tarna paddled our butts."
"And, tell me, Hansen," the Wolf pressed onward, "When Corporal Wheaton and his band of slavers took you and Shaasta, what was the first thing he did to you?"
The Furling remembered clearly as if that incident had occurred mere hours ago, "He stripped us naked and paddled our butts, right in front of his troops."
"And finally," Varo finished, "Do you know why you were paddled first thing?"
Shaasta shrugged, "Could it be because everyone seems to be obsessed with our bottoms and they enjoy spanking us?" she guessed.
Frelic laughed and patted his sister's ass, "I'm sure that could be one of the reasons. I know Lieutenant Tarna seemed to be obsessed with my rear back on the Bloodlust. That bird was always finding the slimmest of reasons to summon me for a tail roasting. However, I suspect that Master Varo may have another theory."
"Oh, it's not a mere theory," Varo corrected him, "Trust me on this detail. Enjoyment of spanking you was only a secondary reason you were initially paddled." He padded over behind Lilieblume, "When they roasted your behinds, both your first owners and Corporal Wheaton were looking for a hidden brand."
Frelic looked confused, "I don't quite follow you, Master Varo," he admitted, "We were totally naked, and a brand is a rather prominent feature, not something that could be easily concealed." The flask was finally emptied, its contents now fully inside of Shaasta. He set the empty flask down on the table between her legs, leaving it docked in her aft port to keep the potion from spilling out while it slowly absorbed into her body.
"Allow me to demonstrate," the Wolf offered. "Bring me one of those paddles and come join me over here.
Frelic fetched one of the small paddles off the cart and presented it to Varo, just as the Halfling was finishing up her task with Hansen.
She released her grip on Hansen's cock and lowered the empty flask to the table, keeping the Furling plugged as Frelic had done to his sister. "It will take a few minutes for you to fully absorb that much potion," she explained, "After that, we can finally get you properly marked."
The Furling nodded and moaned his acknowledgment. With a full pint of the warm liquid stretching his tight little ass, he felt as if he had just become a surrogate mother to an unborn duck. He sighed contentedly, "This will be a regular treatment, Master Frelic?"
Frelic smirked and chuckled, giving the remarkable little slut a swat, which he was finding to be rather addictive, "Oh, most definitely, my little sweet tail. We want to keep your little treasure hole ready for use at a moment's notice."
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SpankingThis story, and in fact, the entire RedTails and ShadowRealms line, are copyright 2007 - G. Sutton (aka Scarletdown), some rights reserved. These works are released under the Creative Commons terms of Attribution / Share-Alike / Non-Commercial.This means that my works may be reposted elsewhere provided that proper credit is given, the full work is available verbatim, and no fee or other restrictions are implemented in order to access my works.Additionally, as per the Share-Alike term,...
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I always figured one day I’d grow up and have a family. You know. A boy to carry on the family name and a girl for me to dote on and spoil like a papa ought to spoil his daughter. Well, I got the daughter in another time and she turned out to be my great-grandmother. How fucked up is that? You see, I met Laramie Wyoming Bell as a young man meeting a beautiful young woman, falling in love, and letting nature take its course. Kyle could have left Laramie and been happy with Kat if it hadn’t...
I understand what aftershocks are now. You know when there’s an earthquake and then later you get knocked on your butt because the earth hasn’t really stopped shaking. I kept waiting for it. I kept expecting some Federal prosecutor to issue a warrant for my arrest for manipulating the market, or for murdering Joe Teini. Phil sent us a security team and we led them to Kyle’s treasure cache. Either Mary Beth or Ashley or I and sometimes all three were at the cave inventorying exactly what was...
Linda works as an administrative assistant in the same firm that I do, and she is a sight to behold. In a nutshell, she is petite, beautiful and naturally busty. But to fully appreciate her, I have to elaborate a little. She is 5'-2" and slender with long, silky, wavy, dark hair that could be in a shampoo commercial. Her face is angelic, but her pouty lips add a kind of sexual aura to her innocence. She has smooth ebony skin, beautiful brown eyes, and a radiant smile framed by her long,...
When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle. * * * * Wind and a million naked branches whipped my skin as I fledthe gorilla—yes, gorilla—on my heels. My white, chiffon babydoll offered zero...
On my way to Amber’s I thought about how I’ve been leading this double life. I came home after Rick’s, cleaned up quickly, picked the little ones up from after care, came home and was a good and decent mom. Same when my husband came home. But after they were put to bed and I closed the door to our bedroom my husband came up behind me, groping my boobs dying to fuck me. Sex with him wasn’t bad but it wasn’t the wild, rough sex my body began craving. I needed it rough, needed lots of cock. ...
Sues Training Part 2 Sue climbed the stairs her mind in a whirl she did not know what to make of it? Why did she like the taste of mistress? In her world, it should have been taboo! However, here she was loving it? She even like the spanking she received as the pain subsided and turned into a sexual tingling how strange it all was? Sue went into the toilet to wash her face and clean her teeth, With one last circling of her tongue, she relished the taste of mistress Oh how lovely! She dried and...
This story splits into 3 parts. 1) A complete stud 2)A complete slut 3)Or a cuck while watching others. Every path contains cheating at some points. Select the path
FantasyAngieMature and Younger, Up Skirt, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Cream PieAngie was still in a daze from the past 24 hours as she walked through the empty house, with Keith. It had started when he unexpectedly came to her room at the boarding house. She was in a depressed mood, accessing her life on her 50th birthday wondering if she actually mattered to anyone when Keith came. He had left more than 8 months ago, she had thought he would be like many before and never return. He was 20 years...
This story is a piece of fiction. To my knowledge no torturer has ever revealedwhat he did to prisoners in this amount of detail. It is based on testimoniesof some prisoners but a lot comes from the imagination. First Days Let me begin by saying I have read lots of stories about how we treated thefemale traitors and terrorists we arrested in South America . Some are verygood and if they had lived in my country I would have wanted the writers inmy team. None of the writers I have read actually...
Kirsty was a normal eighteen-year-old girl - caring, sociable and a high achiever at the sixth-form college she attended. If all went well this year, she would get an ‘A’ in art and enrol in Art College next year. She was also one of the best looking girls are the school, a trait she had inherited from her father who used to be an underwear model back in the 90s. He still had a good build and did a little modelling but it was more for things like sweaters and golf clubs. She was popular with...
When I dream, I go places and do things, without all the humbug of daily life and without my physical limitations. The setting can be anything from a hot-tub, an igloo in Alaska, or a bungalow in Tahiti. I can have with me as many people as I want; however, it is usually me, a boyfriend, plus another person, man or woman. What I like best about it is the fact it offers me the kind of privacy I don’t have in reality. I can fuck, make love, act out my kinkiest fantasies, or try some new things....
Love Stories“Kallie?” I said pulling her to where we could talk and not be heard. “Yes dear,” she replied giving me again that smile that radiates love. “I found an ALS Research Center in San Francisco. They are expecting records from your doctor regarding your preliminary diagnosis. I have emailed you their information and would love it if you took care of doing that in the next 24 to 48 hours,” I asked. “It isn’t that important, Charles,” she said. “It is to me, please, Special K, do it for me,...
I am 40 years old. I have a pleasant wife and a 13 year old son. It's not that I don't love my wife, I love her, and fuck her as much as she wants, but sometimes I just need to fuck someone else, if you see what I mean. Well, when this happened, it wasn't done on purpose or anything. It just happened. My wife, son and I live an apartment, but we also own a house not far from where we live. No one lives in that house, but we use it a storage space for various stuff. I also run a small...
My wife Mei Ling and I spent five happy years after our wedding going through the usual couple's process of getting acquainted to each other's ways and habits. We were very compatible having enough differing interests in life to liven up our relationship. Our sex life was bold, adventurous and very frequent. We would fuck almost every day and loved each other deeply. At the time she worked for a big company selling tractors and heavy machinery to the timber and construction company. Her...
"Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death..." ~Werner von Braun =>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=> ALCHEMY AND ESSENCE by Laika Pupkino =>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=> DAMN! They really got us packed in here, don't...
Tales of Ancient Rome by TGSynopsis: In ancient Rome, a noble woman develops a taste for torture. There’s a wee bit of ?tongue in cheek? humor toward the end of the story. 31 pgs.Story codes: F/M, BDSM, NC, Slavery............Oh, Hell?..Just know a lot of bad stuff happens to some guys, and they're very unhappy about it......But they're the only ones who feel that way. Chapter 1 Time to Go on...
“I just wanted to kiss you.” I paused, feeling uncertain and vulnerable, “But I was scared if I did, you might hit me.”Gazing at her prone beside me, she looked out in a thousand yard stare.Dismissively as a snort of air could be, her eyes narrowed to focus, “I probably would have, too.”I did not know much about her but that look I understood well. A sultry stare full of determination, her gentle caress travelled from my torso to my stomach and onto my loins. My reaction still had the power...
College SexRobbie opened the front door to his temporary residence and dragged his bag in. The house alarm starting beeping, reminding him that Joyce was the most organised person he know. He fished the piece of paper from his pocket, that Joyce had given him, bearing the alarm code and switched if off, He noticed it was the year of his own birth., and stored that information for use at a later date. He left his bag in the hallway and went for a poach about his new home for the next fortnight. He had...
If you like your babes with hot figures, big round boobies, and perky nipples then you aren’t going to want to miss Steve Q giving the well endowed Shalina Devine the seeing to that she needs. Watch as she films a naughty masturbation video on her phone, fingering her puffy pussy, fondling her melons and playing with a dildo. Soon her lover arrives and she’s treated to the real deal, hard cock and a banging in all of her holes. Join the horny blonde as she makes sure to get fully...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, me suraj firse haazir hu apni kahani leke, pichli story (kaise maine pooja ko choda) pe ap logo ke ache comments aaye , isliye me ab apse apni dusri story share karne jaa raha hu ki kaise maine apne dost ke behan ko choda, kahani shuru karne se pehle me apne baare me batadu, me athletic body, height 6.5 feet, weight 79kg. Tool size: 10″ , body aisi ki koi bhi ladki deewani ho jae. Ap logo ko kahani kaisi lagi, yeh mujhe mail pe batana @ . Ab me kahani pe aata hu, baat kuch mahine...
--This is the second in a series of stories about a Widowed father and his only offspring. If you don't like family taboo, stop here and go read someone elses story. If that intrigues you, then you may want to start with the first story, but I think you will get the jizz...I mean gist of what's going on if you just start reading now! Enjoy!!!---------------------------------After having his daughter, Kelley brought home by a police woman after she was caught doing "lewd and lascivious" acts in...
Chapter 11 Chris was in the balcony, sitting on the ledge, legs stretched out in front of him. If he slipped, he would fall, but he was not bothered. He was angry, hurt and more angry. He knew that what he had done was wrong to a certain extent, but not completely. He had not cheated on Cassie. He had not loved her then.He could not understand why she was staying away, and it did not occur to him that she was staying away more because of her own insecurities, and not from the fact that he had...
KYLE AND HIS FATHER - THE TAXI DRIVERJeff Hyatt rushed in the door from work in just enough time to shower and change before heading back out the door again. Jeff and his 19-year-old son, Kyle were meeting an old college friend of Jeff's for dinner tonight. Jeff's friend, Greg was celebrating his 40th birthday and the Hyatt men were taking him to dinner in one of the best restaurants in New York City. Jeff hated to drive into the city so he had a taxi due to arrive at their house at 7:00 and of...
Beth took his hand and followed him out of the bath. She saw a small clock on the hallway table and noted that an hour and a half had already passed. She knew that they had only spoken for about a half hour, so the bath that Brian had given her had been far longer than the ten minutes Mel had said it would be. Brian led her into room that had what looked to be a king sized mattress on the floor. Muted colored sheets, pillows and wedge shaped objects covered it from top to bottom. Beth...
First TimeI walked into the office I owned in the high-rise and smiled, it was still early, but there at her desk was my new secretary. She and I had gone to high school together, and even though we hadn’t been friends then, we had gotten rather close over the month that she’d been working for me; well if I was being honest she wasn’t just working for me, I was fucking her brains out every chance I got. She looked up at that moment and smiled slightly as she saw me. Without saying a word she stood,...
I slept poorly that night as did my mates and we all woke in a foul mood that just wouldn't go away. The reason was that we were all still pissed at how things had gone in Panwan. All of us wanted to strike back at Onyx Network and pay them back for the mess they'd made of things, but none of us could think of a way to do it that was both feasible and satisfying. The big problem was that we all understood that what we'd been doing for the last few days had only a short term effect on the...
After the Pantomime By Susannah Donim Chapter 3 - A Pantomime Dame Nick is recruited for a very different kind of female role. Back at the office on the Monday after my triumph as Daisy, we were ready to repeat the end-to-end test. All the required data was already in place in Vicky's account, so we started from the point where we had left off the previous Thursday. This time when I clicked the animation icon, a model with Vicky's face and figure strutted...
Part 1: The Restaurant You have invited me to a join you in a evening on the town. I have taken special pains with my appearance, I want to be especially pleasing to you. We go to dinner at a very exclusive restaurant. You also have tickets for the theatre afterward. After we've finished our meal, while we are talking and having an after dinner drink, I suddenly get an idea. It makes me look at you and giggle a bit. You ask "what are you smiling so for little one? What are you up to...
Greetings, my name is James, I like reading stories on here and thought I would give it a shot. This will be a largely unerotic story that is going to build, so let's see if you enjoy this introduction? Angel- day 1 My life is less than stellar. When I was 15, I thought I knew everything about everything. I thought I knew what love was, what it was like to be 'large and in charge' Haha, I know it seems silly for some of you who know better. Anyway, one thing good came out of my youth. I...
While of average height and looks I was pretty tanned and toned due to an active outdoors lifestyle. These stories are true and not embellished * but names have been changed as I still know some of the subjects 40 years later … *This story is only partly true … I have just taken things a lot further than what actually happened by adding a fair bit of fantasy. Mother and Daughter part one Now that I’m getting on a bit and nearing retiring age things are not normally all that...