A Paladin's TrainingChapter 10: Angavar free porn video

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all characters are over the age of eighteen years.

***ARAN – Temple Sura, in the Karvani Mountains, Western Ekistair.***

The next few weeks sped by with Aran learning more from Amina than he had from Elaina and Smythe combined. The Priestess imparted on him hundreds of years of wisdom and knowledge, and taught him far more of his vala, and how to use it.

Aran felt as if he had doubled his abilities – perhaps more – since beginning his training under Amina. Still more knowledge was gained from poring through the many ancient texts she possessed, writings from another time, another world entirely, or so it seemed to Aran.

He was deep in meditation in Amina’s bedchamber, sitting nude with his legs tucked beneath him, palms resting on his knees. Every detail and nuance of the chamber was clear to him, from the huge, four-poster bed in the centre of the room, to the several shelves and cases that appeared to be carved from the very rock of the mountain itself. The glass orb that had shown him the history of his bloodline stood in the corner to Aran’s right. He had asked Amina if he could use it again, but she had firmly told him that its use for Aran had been fulfilled.

The beige pile rug beneath him felt soft and comfortable. Where Amina had managed to find such an item was beyond him, as far away from civilisation as she was.

Aran was not alone at present; Amina occupied the room with him. He smiled when her voice, sweet and honeyed yet laden with untold power, caressed his ears.

“It is truly beautiful, Aran, but it does not yet bear a name.” Aran didn’t need to open his eyes; he could sense Amina perfectly clearly, standing near the corner where he kept his few belongings. She was holding his sword before her with both hands, the blade pointed upright and her body poised in a stance Aran didn’t recognise.

“Smythe said the name would come at the right time,” Aran replied, keeping his eyes closed.

Amina made an approving sound. “So, the old ways are still being taught. This is good.” She began flowing through different stances, her graceful body moving as if one with the sword.

The idea of a naked woman wielding a sword was ridiculous to imagine, yet Amina made it look elegant and natural. Her form was a little different to the form he’d learned from Smythe; where he had learned to slash and strike in fluid yet violent motion, Amina was flowing easily, smooth and subtle, making him think of a petal on the breeze, or a twig being carried down a brook.

His keen senses, which had become heavily sharpened over the last weeks, picked up the infinitesimal shifts of the air in the chamber as she moved, the barest whisper of steel slicing through empty space, her even breaths as she glided around the room.

Aran opened his eyes, unable to stop himself drinking in the actual sight rather than just the sense of Amina’s unclothed form as she moved. They had rarely dressed since he’d arrived; even the majority of their lessons had been conducted naked. Suffice it to say, Aran had not complained once; he would never grow weary of casting his eyes over the stunning Priestess.

Just as he was about to ask her if she could teach him something of her blade techniques, a cold chill ran through him. An icy band briefly gripped his heart before vanishing, making his breath catch in his throat.

Amina stopped dead in mid-motion, hands up behind her head, blade pointing to the ground just behind her feet. “What was that?” She asked him slowly, relaxing her stance and turning toward him, blade held at her side in one hand. Her eyes, usually soft and kind, were now crystal augurs, drilling into him as she crossed the space between them. “What did you feel, just now?”

“I don’t know,” Aran replied truthfully, looking up at her. “I just felt cold, then it was gone.”

Her sapphire eyes searched his face as she squatted easily, laying the blade across her knees. “Has this happened before?”

Aran shook his head. “No, not that I can remember.”

She stared at him for a long moment, a thoughtful expression on her perfect face. “What you just felt was akin to the energy that demons wield.”

“Demons? Here?” Aran exclaimed. He began to rise in preparation of a fight.

A raised hand from Amina forestalled him. “No, not here, else I would have sensed it. You sensed something, and I felt it in you. What did you sense?”

“Cold,” he replied, settling back down on the rug. “Like ice in my chest, something touching my heart, but only for a second.”

She leaned closer to him, her face serious, her voice stern. “Focus, Aran. Follow that dark energy back to its source. Use your training. Your life may depend on it.”

Aran nodded, closing his eyes, breathing deeply as he brought his attention to where he had felt the chill in his heart. Even the memory of it making him want to shiver. After a moment, images began to flash in his mind, each flickering quickly before another replaced it.

Flicker. A man and woman, both with red skin, vigorously fucking in some sort of bath house. There were others there, too, other nude bodies of various races writhing about on the black stone floor. Aran just had time to recognise a dusky Norothi riding an Orc, of all things, before the picture slipped away.

Flicker. The same red-skinned man and woman, this time clothed and on horseback, riding along a nondescript country road accompanied by the same Orc he’d just seen and a beautiful raven-haired Dwarf woman with an impossible bosom.

Aran returned to the present moment and described to Amina what he’d seen. She listened carefully until he was done. “The red-skinned man and woman are no doubt demons,” she began. “And the other unfortunate souls most probably their thralls, bound to serve them.” She paused for a moment, before continuing. “I cannot be sure, but it would seem that you can sense one, or both of these creatures because of the blood that runs through your veins, and theirs.”

“Sunblade,” Aran whispered, finally understanding.

“Yes, Aran. In you runs the blood of one of the most powerful men who ever lived. Yours is truly a great destiny, and alongside it towers a mountain of responsibility. Sunblade’s bonding of the demoness Morgeth did not only taint Sunblade himself, it tainted every one of Sunblade’s meldin, and there were many, arohim and otherwise. In turn, the evil spread to Sunblade’s meldin’s meldin, and so forth.

“The darkness slowly wormed its way into the hearts of those it touched, eventually causing the downfall of the Order you saw in the Stone. Remember, Aran, the price of weakness.”

Aran stared back into Amina’s sapphire eyes, allowing the weight of the truth to settle on him.

Amina added gently, “Be very careful, Aran. If you can see Morgeth’s children, they can most likely see you, and who knows what else this strange connection carries. I have no knowledge of bonds of this nature. With luck, they should not be able to sense you in my presence, as the strength of my vala should keep them at bay, but once you leave here...”

Aran nodded, understanding; he would have to do his best to mask his vala, for now, at least. Sadly, he realised that tugging sensation was back, and this time it was pulling him away from Amina. Their time together was at an end, it appeared.

He caressed her cheek with his fingers, memorising her face as best he could. She stepped forward, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him hard, pressing her body against his until he thought they might merge into one skin. He returned the kiss with fervour, his hands all over her back and bottom, squeezing and caressing.

Somehow, Aran found himself on the floor, lying on his back with the stunning Priestess atop him, expertly guiding him inside her using only her hips. She began to ride him lazily, sighing in pleasure as she took all of him in. Aran cupped a heavy, pale breast in each hand, meeting her gyrating hips with his own.

The two lovers spent the next few hours entwined in lust, passion, and love. They kissed both tenderly and fiercely, they touched each other both gently and possessively, they made love slowly, then fucked like animals, each completely attuned to the momentary desires of the other.

Aran’s power had increased significantly in the past weeks, and as such, he was now able to hold his own against the onslaught of Amina’s desire, which, at first, she had held back so as not to overwhelm him. Both knowing that it may be their last time together, they took full advantage, and Amina made love to him with all the mind-numbing skill that came with a millennium of experience.

Eventually, hours later, the Paladin and Priestess lay exhausted, having finished up back on the rug near where their sexual foray had begun. Amina was lying face-down with Aran atop her, his cock still buried inside her, both of them breathing hard as they came down together.

Gently disengaging, he rolled off onto his back, already missing the sweet warmth of her pussy.

Propping herself up on her elbows, Amina eyed him, a lazy, satisfied grin on her face. Her golden hair was drenched in sweat, plastered to her face and shoulders in a very attractive fashion. “That was quite an experience. I haven’t been fucked like that for many, many years.”

Aran smiled back, a chuckle escaping his lips. “Well I haven’t been fucked like that ever! Even by you! I can only hope you haven’t ruined other women for me.”

“I doubt it, though I am pleased you enjoyed yourself, young Paladin.” Her demeanour became a little more serious. “Our time together was special, and I for one am grateful Aros saw fit to make it so. You are strong, and kind, and very capable, and I would not place the future of our Order in the hands of any other.”

“Thank you, Amina,” he said, genuinely grateful that he had met the Priestess. “I will do everything I can.”

She nodded, holding his gaze. “I know,” she said simply, before grinning again, almost girlish this time. “You can start by carrying me out to the pool so we can wash away all this sweat!”

In a flash, Aran was on his feet, easily scooping up the sweaty Priestess and tossing her over his shoulder as she squealed in delight. He marvelled at how in one moment she was the powerful, ancient Priestess, and in the next a young woman having fun with her lover. He knew without a doubt that he would sorely miss her.

There was a hidden door in Amina’s chambers that she had shown him some time ago. It led out into a natural outdoor bathing area with a gentle waterfall that somehow flowed out from the upper remains of the temple and down into a small verdant valley, lush with greenery and so different from the rocky, barren slopes he had traversed to get here. Wisps of steam rose from the surface of the wide pool beneath the waterfall, heated by a spring from deep within the earth.

Feeling bold, he casually tossed Amina into the clear pool before diving in after her. They emerged together, laughing as they swam in the warm water, the sweat and stickiness from their lovemaking washing away downstream.

Aran found himself in no immediate hurry to leave Amina’s presence. He felt like a moth drawn to a flame. Once clean, they sat together in the pool as the afternoon shadows lengthened across the valley.

“I am glad you are still here, even after all these years,” Aran told Amina sincerely. She was straddling his lap with her arms looped around his neck. Her hair was slicked back wetly, which somehow made her sapphire eyes appear larger and even more brilliant than normal.

She beamed at him, flashing perfect white teeth, and Aran thought his heart might stop. “As am I,” she replied softly before kissing him tenderly.

“Will you stay here?” Aran asked. “Or will you move on? You could come with me?” It felt like a foolish question – one that he already knew the answer to – but he still had to ask.

“I would love nothing more than to journey with you, Anarion,” she told him. “But my fate lies with this Temple, for now.”

Anarion? Aran hadn’t heard that word before, but sometimes Amina slipped into an ancient language halfway through speaking. Aran had stopped worrying about it weeks ago. He smiled, trying to hide his disappointment at her answer to his offer. “I understand.” He kissed her again, then asked her about that word; ‘Anarion.’

“That, my sweet young Paladin,” she chuckled. “You will discover in due time.”

Aran eyed her wryly. “You have taught me much, Priestess, but I suspect you still have many secrets.”

Amina laughed out loud this time, a delightful peal that echoed around the pool. “Oh, you have not the slightest clue, my love. My secrets would curl your toes and grey your hair!”

“No doubt,” he muttered playfully as he pulled her closer and attacked her neck with his lips. She squealed and wriggled around in playful protest, but he held on tight. “I’ll return as soon as I’m able,” he told her when he’d completed his assault on her soft skin.

The mood became somewhat more somber as they met each other’s gazes. “I know,” she said. “When Aros wills it. He has big plans for you, Aran.”

Aran nodded. “I will do what must be done. Whatever it is.” He stamped down the worm of doubt in his heart. He would not have Amina thinking her faith in him was misplaced if he could help it.

“I know,” Amina repeated with a smile. “You’ll take care of the other two, won’t you? Henley and Elaina? They sound like wonderful souls, and I think they will need you more than you know in the days ahead.”

Aran couldn’t imagine Elaina or Smythe needing anything from anyone; they were the most capable people he’d ever met except perhaps for Amina. Still he found himself acquiescing to Amina’s request. “I will.”

Eventually it was time to leave. Aran and Amina left the pool and went back inside to the bedchamber, where Aran began to pull his clothes on.

Amina stood nearby, once again holding his sword but this time leaving it sheathed. “There are few people left in the world who remember the arohim as a force of what is right and good,” Amina told him while she watched him dress. “But they are out there, and they will do what they can to help you, if you can contact them.”

Aran listened carefully as he sat on the bed to pull his boots on. “How will I find them?”

“Look for the symbol of the vala, and it will always lead you to friends of the Order.” She held out his sword, hilt first, as he stood. He took it, buckling it to his left hip.

“Always be true to yourself, Paladin Aran,” Amina told him seriously. “And you will ever be a light in the darkness.”

Sensing the change in Amina’s demeanour, Aran bowed formally, speaking the ancient farewell she had taught him. “High Priestess. Thank you for your wisdom, your healing, and your love.”

Amina bowed back in kind, her nudity doing nothing to diminish her regal bearing. “You are most welcome, Paladin Aran. There is always a place here for you in the Temple of Aros.” After a moment, she asked him, “In which direction is the vala pulling you?”

“It feels like north,” Aran replied after checking in on the persistent sensation in his belly.

Amina’s brow creased slightly, though her beauty was marred not. “Take a care if your travels bring you near Caer’maralonia. It is not safe for one such as you to be known, there.”

“Caer’maralonia? I’ve never heard of this place,” Aran said.

“That is what it was called, long ago,” Amina explained. “I don’t know what name you give it now, but it was once one of the Great Cities, and it lies to the north of these mountains.”

“Sounds like Maralon,” Aran mused. “Why is it dangerous?”

A look of distaste twisted Amina’s lips. “It is a bastion for those who believe the arohim were responsible for the Darkening. For your true nature to be discovered there, by the wrong people...” What she left unsaid was enough for Aran to understand.

He touched her cheek gently. “I will take great care, Amina, and I will return when I can.” Ignoring the sudden urge to take the Priestess in his arms again, he turned and left, heading back through the winding passages of the ancient temple and off to wherever his vala was guiding him.

***MALOTH – Lands of Angavar, Palistair***

The air had long since grown cold as Maloth and Shenla entered the lands of the fabled Mor’tirith -- the Wardens of the Dead – and a strange fog eddied around the hooves of their mounts, first in patches, then thickening gradually as they pressed further into these dead lands.

It was a region which appeared to be largely corrupted, Maloth noted as he scanned the landscape. The trees were stunted and bare, and leafless branches resembling long-fingered hands reached for them hungrily as the party passed. The soil crunched beneath the horse’s hooves, gritty and inhospitable to new growth.

Once, long ago, an enormous, ancient city had stood here – Angavar, Glinda said it was called – its grand towers and palaces slowly pulled down stone by stone by the ravages of weather and the inexorable onslaught of nature, as if it were being reclaimed by the land itself.

Shenla rode to Maloth’s left on a proud-necked black mare. She was shadowed by Barrog on foot, whom never seemed to have trouble keeping pace with horses. On Maloth’s right, Glinda rode on a small brown gelding, nervously surveying their surroundings.

“This is truly a forsaken land,” the Dwarf whispered softly, her large dark eyes wide as she looked around.

“Perhaps you could tell us something useful, Glinda,” Maloth said curtly. “Instead of babbling.”

The comely Dwarf nodded quickly. She smiled at him, always eager to please. “Yes, my Lord. According to what I’ve read, the Wardens of the Dead made their home near to this city’s huge graveyard, giving them unfettered access to corpses for all their twisted practices.” She shuddered, sending her mammoth bosom swaying beneath her cloak. “I saw an old map once which showed the graveyard to the southeast of the city. If the map was accurate, we should be approaching it soon.”

No sooner had Glinda finished her sentence than a figure rose from the mist before them. Maloth pulled Shadow up short, studying the phantom in the fog. Cloaked and hooded, he could not make out a face, but the figure’s size and shape was about right for a Human, or maybe an Elf.

The rest of the party stopped alongside Maloth. Barrog had a hand over his shoulder, gripping the haft of his huge axe. Maloth caught the Orc’s eye and shook his head slightly, and Barrog relaxed, lowering his hand.

“You tread on sacred ground, travellers.” The voice coming from the hooded figure was distinctly feminine, Maloth noted. “It is fortunate for us, however, as we are in need of fresh bodies.”

At that moment, three more hooded figures rose from the mists surrounding them, boxing them in. Shenla and Glinda shifted in their saddles, preparing to flee, while Barrog’s hand flew back up to his axe handle, this time drawing it free.

“I would strongly advise against killing us, stranger.” Maloth warned. “I think perhaps we will be more valuable to your people alive. We have come to make an offer. One most generous, I think you’ll find.” Taking no chances, Maloth reached out with his power, wrapping tendrils of dark lust around the woman’s body, inflaming her desire. His power had grown since binding Mali, and this level of ability was a simple thing, now.

The hooded woman’s breath hitched as Maloth’s power took hold. “V-very well,” she began, stuttering a little as her body betrayed her. “Tell us your offer, and we will deem it worthy, or you will die.”

His power did not give him the ability to completely control minds, unfortunately. Complete control only came with binding, and binding required sex. For now, he would have to use his skills to manipulate the cracks in this woman’s confidence, as she fought her body’s rising desire to fuck him.

One of the other figures spoke out, this one larger, the voice deep and masculine. “No, Kreya! We were ordered to find fresh corpses!”

Shenla’s pretty face turned toward the male who had spoken, a lascivious smile on her dark lips. A moment later, the man grunted, clutching the front of his robe as it began to tent, his body responding to Shenla’s power.

“Silence, Torvin!” The woman – Kreya – sneered. “Remember to whom you speak! Or do you wish to challenge my authority?”

The remaining two silent figures shifted uncomfortably, whilst Torvin’s cowl swung back and forth as he tried futilely to suppress his erection with his hands.

“And what in Morgeth’s name is wrong with you?” Kreya snapped at Torvin. “Why do you stand in such a way?”

Maloth’s head snapped back to Kreya at the mention of his mother’s name. How did she know it?

Torvin began to stammer a response, completely unnerved by his wayward loins, but Maloth stepped in, seeing the opportunity. He addressed Kreya, slowly nudging Shadow forward in a non-threatening manner. “If you please, my dear,” he said in his most charming tone. “Take us in out of this cold and we will divulge to you our offer. Tell me, are you the leader of your people?” He wished heartily that he knew more of these reclusive Wardens, but he would have to work with what he had.

“No, I am not,” Kreya replied. “That honour goes to Morin, Mistress of the Grave, the Queen of the Dead.”

“Then I seek audience with her majesty, the Queen of the Dead,” Maloth asked politely, keeping his scorn at the ridiculous titles to himself. Mistress of the Grave, indeed.

Kreya scoffed at his request. “I think not! Her Highness does not receive just any fool that wanders onto our lands! I have agreed to hear your offer, stranger, but that is where my kindness ends!”

Maloth had to respect this woman’s self-control; her body had to be on fire by now, wracked with arousal, yet she remained steadfast. He bowed his head in what he hoped looked like deference. “Very well, I respect your wishes. May I ask, however, that we continue this conversation somewhere indoors? My companions and I are chilled to the bone.”

Kreya paused for a moment, before agreeing. “Come, I know a place not far from here.” She fixed her companions with a pointed, gloved finger. “Not a word! And if anyone else hears of this...” She let the threat hang in the air for a moment before turning on her heel and striding off, mist billowing around her cloak.

Maloth and his party moved after her, the three other cloaked figures shadowing them.

A short time later, Kreya stopped at a building that looked miraculously well-preserved – compared to the surrounding rubble, anyway. The top story had collapsed, but the two lower levels were still intact. The wooden door was absent, having long since rotted away.

Kreya stepped through the opening, disappearing inside. Maloth dismounted and strode in, hardly having to duck his head at all. Shenla, Glinda, and finally Barrog – who did have to duck his head - followed him, tailed by Kreya’s toadies.

The room inside was large, and mostly still intact, with only a few gaps in the stone ceiling, which was reinforced with makeshift timber uprights in the weaker places. It had been cleared of rubble, and a campfire sat in the centre of the floor, unlit but stacked with twisted lengths of fresh wood.

Kreya moved about, lighting several wall-mounted torches before turning to the group and lowering her hood, revealing a pretty – but stern – human face with delicate features. Surprisingly, her head was shaved completely smooth. Her skin was almost ghostly white, and large, pale blue eyes regarded him carefully.

Maloth found himself unable to place her age; she seemed young, maybe twenty-odd, but something told him not to trust that. The woman’s thick cloak also made it impossible to tell what sort of figure she was hiding.

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After my successful experiences of helping old men get hard for their frustrated old lady wives and partners I put an ad on my local Craig list site offering my services. It read, ‘experienced elderly gentleman (70) can help ladies get their men to revive sexual activity. Strictly confidential absolutely no fees.’Not expecting a lot of interest, I was surprised that the first call was from a lady who introduced herself as Doris. After I reassured her that my service was legitimate and provided...

2 years ago
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TrailsChapter 4

VICKIE After Vickies' divorce she called the wife. "Hi, Jo," she said, conversationally. "Is the Cheese home?" "Look, Victoria Jean," Jo bit off the words angrily. "I know what you want and I'm not giving him up." "Jo, I want him. You don't stand a chance," bragged Vickie, "And don't call me Victoria Jean! You sound like my mother!" Poor Victoria Jean ... I was working in Texas and didn't have a clue she wanted me. I will have to admit the night she came to the "slumber...

3 years ago
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The Ladys Pleasure

Sparks flew from the fire and landed on my bare forearms singing the hair and leaving small scars as I raised the red hot horseshoe and began to pound the surface level with the heavy hammer in my right hand as I held it on the heavy anvil. Each blow would send a shower of molten metal to the earth floor and onto the leather apron that covered my naked hairy sweat-soaked chest. Finally satisfied I quenched the metal in the bucket of dirty water that steamed and bubbled with the heat of the...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Violet Girls With Snake Tattoos Always Take it in the Ass

This week we’ve got another waitress coming to sit on the couch. She’s 23 and honestly a cool ass chick. One of those girls you could kick it and talk a bunch of shit with. She almost reminds me of this girl my homie used to date when I was a young buck. I never got to bang that girl and it always kinda bugged me. So this is the next best thing for me. She’s pretty easy going, and happy to answer our questions on the couch, but she’s a little hesitant when she realizes she’s gotta get naked and...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 24

When he got to the lodge he picked up a piece of rope and tied it to Sara's neck. She was stunned. He pulled her dress off and let it fall to the ground. He turned to the women; Moon Flower and Little Mule both had big grins on their faces, but Kelly was confused. He wasn't concerned; he knew that the women would straighten her out. He turned to Sara and said, "Well by the time that I finish with you, you might not feel that she was so lucky. If you want to change your mind, now is the...

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The CatalystChapter 14 Revelations

[Greg was anxiously waiting, “Well ... what did she say???” “OH MY!”] Mary told us that Ann had never experienced oral sexual pleasure, but it WAS on her ‘bucket-list’. We had one more drink before bed to discuss tomorrows busy day. Jamie and Mary both had 2nd interviews at 8:00 AM for jobs. They said they’d be going to the clinic for their VD tests after that. Greg and I told them we would get ours as soon as we got the pool vacuumed, skimmed and shocked. Mary flashed me how much she...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Fireworks

Friday Night Fireworks This is a story of a fantasy night I would like to have with my wife. We often talk about naughty sexual thing when we are having sex and when we are in the heat of the moment she has said she would like to do some wild things, so here is my version of what that could be like. I have been after my wife to try some naughty sexual adventures with me by role playing and letting each of us step outside of our everyday personalities and just let it go and have some down and...

2 years ago
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A night at sea

Amy had been fairly certain in taking Adam’s offer that sex was involved. But it would hardly be their first time together. They had flirted on and off for all the years of their friendship, and a weekend spent on a boat together? well, why not? He wasn’t bad in bed, and she rather enjoyed their brief liaisons. They had, in some of their hotter interludes, talked about various things they’d like to try, but hadn’t really ever acted on them. Both her and Adam had – at one point or another –...

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Erbarmungsloses Afrika

Meine Geschichten sind alle frei erfunden und haben keinerlei Bezug zur Wirklichkeit. Alle Darsteller und Darstellerinnen sind über achtzehn Jahre alt und niemandem wurde während der Erzählarbeiten ein Haar gekrümmt. ### Eine Nacht in Madanibougou Teilnehmerinnen der Minusma-Mission in Bamako werden für politische Zwecke und auch sonst missbraucht. ### Im Dienst nach Nigeria Eine diplomatische Mission zu den Boko Haram im Dschungel Nigerias geht fürchterlich schief. ### Durch das grüne...

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Mikes First Time

Mike's First Time Mike poked his head into the narrow opening and peered into every corner of the room as he slowly pushed through the door. Even though he knew the house was empty, he needed to be absolutely sure that his mother wasn't in her room. Mike's mom had left for the weekend several hours before. Mike had kissed her good-bye and watched her drive off. He waited two hours, wanting to be sure that she wouldn't be coming back for forgotten keys or an overlooked hat. He waited...

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My Friend Peter Bolonio

I was on my way back home from high school one afternoon in 2003 when I met this boy Peter in my school who was 2 years older and taller than me than I was at the time I was 14 years old new to the gay world and innocent. He was Italian Aussie and I was an south east indian boy. He and I talked about life and about things I was at the time new to because I was more straight than gay. He brought me to my place, he had a mansion like house 5 bedrooms with a huge backyard living with step dad,...

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The New Romantics

The New Romantics By mini_smith2001 For me the summer of 1980 had been long and hot and uneventful, I was 17 and was looking forward to going to a nightclub in Birmingham with my friend Steve. Although I was still too young to get into a nightclub we decided to try. Steve was almost 18 and looked his age but I still looked like a school kid, which I wasn't, I'd been in art collaged for a year. The nightclub we were going to try and get into was called the Rum Runner, a club that...

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I Aint Waiting

“I ain’t waiting for you any longer,” she opened the phone conversation with. I countered with, “Why the hell not?” She sounded angry, “I agreed to you being gone a week to that cattle auction. Now it’s another week? What the hell’s going on? Which of them sluts you know there are you banging?” I lied, “I’d never do that!” “Bullshit. I know you too well. Anyway I’m horny and I ain’t waiting till you get back to get mine clipped. I know lots of guys here who’d love to bounce on me....

4 years ago
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Saba My Luv

Recently a new student named Saba joined our BSc class in Lahore college. She is competent, smart, pretty, has a great body, a vibrant personality, and a beautiful smile. We quickly became friends. Frequently Saba and I spoke as friends. Sometimes we flirted as we talked, sometimes she flirted with me outrageously. She usually dresses conservatively, but she has a few outfits that show off her curves, causing me to forget what I’m doing every time she walks by. I thought that Saba might be...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 12

The following character appears in this chapter and the remainder of the story: Chatchai Sarikalya Lieutenant, a tall thin young Officer, 23 years of age, one of the Platoon Leaders The roosters were very vocal again this morning, and we were up early. On arriving at our area on the camp, I found far fewer men there today than yesterday. Still there were a number of them there and the Sergeants already had them in groups of ten, but hadn't started any processing yet since I had all of...

2 years ago
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Promises Kept

Strong hands grab my hips and roughly pull me backwards. My back hits a hard body and even harder erection. A nose nuzzles my hair and I shiver. I know exactly who it is. He has been promising to fuck me senseless since the first day I met him. My roommate’s cousin – a seriously hot and thoroughly erotic man. He grinds my ass into his rigid length. His promises began the day I moved into the apartment. What started out as a teasing “I bet we’d be great in bed together” gradually became “I can’t...

Straight Sex
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Salvation Ch 26 Emilys Cruel Interview

and unusual teaching practices but there's never been any shortage of parents or guardians eager to enrol their children. The elegant townhouse has its entrance around the back for reasons of discretion in Wigmore Street, whilst the front overlooks fashionable Cavendish Square. To its neighbours, is just like any other building, but because the pupils are taught behind closed doors, they are none the wiser to the clandestine visitors and activities. The Academy was founded in...

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WebYoung Alexa Grace Kristen Scott Crush On You

When bookish Kristen Scott meets leggy blonde Alexa Grace, the unlikely pair become the best of friends. But Kristen is a lesbian, and she’s been head over heels in love with Alexa since they met, but she doesn’t tell Alexa fearing it will jeopardize their precious friendship. Not only is Alexa straight, she’s devoted to her boyfriend. But eventually he crushes Alexa with disappointment and becomes a douchebag. In the heat of that moment, Alexa reasons that she should just...

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The Strangers

Note : This story is completely fictional! It is a different themed story it is also suggest one of my reader. you also point me any story theme or idea. Read and feel it my reader It was a cold, windy winters night, the rain was pelting down outside. Inside Vallyamma, Kaliamma, and Vallyammas son Vallavan where watching television. The two ladies where getting ready for a wedding party. "Im going upstairs, Ive had enough of your gossiping for one night" Vallavan said to his mom and aunt, of...

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Finding Elvis Ch 03

Chapter Three: A busy morning Before heading to Gretchen’s place, I asked her to stop by the hotel room so I could get my things. I left a note for Ted and Lisa telling them that I would be back in the morning to see them off to the airport. Whether Gretchen and I did anything or not, I wanted to have more than just my short black dress, and since I was already there, I just packed up all my other clothes. If I needed to, I could check into some other hotel. The drive out of the city and to...

3 years ago
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The DrifterChapter 12

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... We never went to bed that night. The only sleep I got was when I wore them down. We slept in the barn on a blanket spread over some hay with another blanket covering us. That was the way we awoke at daylight. I was ready for some more, but Ruby, Jonnie and Jamie were too sore to go again. I showed them more about how I was taught to caress a woman’s body and touch her in places to make her enjoy our lovemaking...

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BrattySis Emma Starletto Natalie Knight Step Sibling Valentines Day Club

Natalie Knight has noticed that her adopted sister Emma Starletto and their stepbrother Codey Steele have a very close relationship. She suspects that they’re more than friends. He brings Natalie a Valentine’s gift as they’re lounging in the room together: dick candy and butt plugs with his dick hidden at the bottom. Natalie is a little bit hesitant to do anything with Codey’s gift since Emma is right there, but eventually Codey coaxes her into delivering a handjob. Once...

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Walk Home From The Pub

It had been what you'd call a normal night at the local pub we frequented; alcohol, music, and good company. My wife and I stayed until the bitter end as we were enjoying the evening so much.We were both a bit worse for wear I believe, due to too much alcohol, but nothing new there then! We started to walk home, arm in arm, talking dirty to each other, again, as normal, which led to me squeezing my wife's backside, and touching her breast with the other hand as we went. This was normally how...

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My friends girl

This is a true story of my sex adventures as a teen.I was around 16 or 17, and it was a late summer night. My friend was having a weekend long party because his parents were out of town on vacation. We had a long night of partying and towards the end a few people had left but about 4 guys including me stayed overnight. My friends hot girl friend Alex, also stayed the night, she was the only girl left. I mentioned she was hot, that was an understatement, she was scorching. She was white,with...

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My First time with Sunitha Aunty

Hi, This is Kalian from Nellore, Andhra Pradesh I am new to this site, and I want to say a sex affair with one woman when I am working in one organization. When I am working as an agent in Nellore in an organization, I have to attend some customer’s houses for solving their problems. Once I went a beautiful aunty house by name sunitha who got married at an age of 18 years with 35 years aged widowed person. Once I went to her house to clarify some doubts on our product, she was a beautiful...

2 years ago
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Mass Effect Never Send An Engineer To Do A Soldiers Job

ORIGIN: SPACER REPUTATION: SOLE SURVIVOR CLASS: ENGINEER --- Maisie Shepard was making her way through the Normandy to the cockpit. Her mood was already sour; she hated this horribly. The whole flight here she was grumbling to herself about why she was chosen for this mission. She wasn’t a well-trained soldier or a powerful biotic. All she was was a little engineer. She didn’t have any command experience, and was always unsure of herself. Sure, she’d taken several classes in her studies -...

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Neighbor Helping Neighbor Part 2

A couple of weeks go by and we give the cursory waves and smiles. I am back to work full time now, my knee now at nearly full strength. It’s tender at times, but no real pain. Then one day I glance in my mirror as I am parking my Silverado. She walks out her door and starts across the street. She is dressed in a strapless sundress with the wide elastic around the chest, tight against her breasts. Lovely as ever.“Jake.”“Yes.”“I think we need to talk,” she says almost in exasperation.‘Oh shit,’...

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Fruit for pudding

My wife as I have said before is a very sexy come to bed woman and this true story is about her job some years ago. we had agreed she could work part time to help finances so she got a job supervising for a large cleaning company. This involved visiting each week a number of teams cleaning premises and so some visits had to be in the evening. The other downside was she sometimes had to do the cleaning if someone could not make it. This evening she was due to visit cleaners at a fruit importers...

Cheating Wifes
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CommunityChapter 44

Cindy's Turn: Nuts! I think it's just nuts! The word is one I picked up from my husband. He uses it because he doesn't use a lot of other, coarser, words. There are others: 'chaotic' comes to mind. 'Barely expected' works too. It's like this: Nikki and I both ended up sitting in Doctor Wilkins' office – that's 'Bren' – of the math department. "Ram's vacationing back in India, or he'd be here too," Bren told us. "He's in on this. So's Doctor Patel. Big part of it is her...

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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 26 Into the Lionrsquos Den

De Sade stared out his window and brooded. Sasha, that mouthy wench, had had the nerve to accuse him of pouting. Ridiculous, of course. A man of his breeding never pouted. Brooding though, that was an appropriate response to his current situation. After all, he was here, in his own chambers, and missing all the fun, rather than one floor up in the playroom. Even now he imagined he could almost hear the sting of the lash and the cries of pain and pleasure from the new arrival. Such a...

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Futa Naked in School 12 Futa Changes the ProgramChapter 3 Birdiersquos Naughty Coeds

Principal Birdie McTaggart, Tuesday Shock rippled through me to see Florinda Matos. It cut through the orgasmic bliss the titty fuck Kalena Apikalia had just delivered to me. My cum dripped down her golden-brown face and across her large breasts piled around my futa-cock. My body buzzed from my orgasmic pleasure. “How long have you been abusing your post as principal to take advantage of the students?” demanded the heated Florinda, the head of the school board that oversaw Rogers High....

1 year ago
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Leaving The Friend Zone Part 2 Birthday Surprise

Lisa already lived a few weeks in my house. Mostly she was wearing tight fitting clothes but that was all i could see from her body. One day she walked into my study. She was wearing a white blouse, which last 2 buttons were open to show some cleavage and a pair of tight fitting jeans. She wore her glasses which she only needed to read."Um Thomas.""Yes.""You know what day will be tomorrow.""No.""What!"She came closer and gave me a hug. Her breasts were pressed against my chest."Tomorrow is your...

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Secret Desire 8211 Neighbor Aunty

Dear readers, This is my first story, pls forgive me if any mistake done in this story. My name is maran from erode tamilnadu , age 30, skin is brown colour and I am the regular reader of the Indian sex stories, I had read the many stories in this website I love the incest and aunty stories. Hope readers are like the story , the story is based on sex relationship with neighbour aunty in tirupur. And I like to share my one of my experience it happen in tirupur where I had work from. I had...

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NFBusty Jewelz Blu Lexi Luna Magical And Delicious

Lexi Luna and Jewelz Blu are into both each other and St. Patrick’s Day. They enjoy decking themselves out in festive outfits that leave very little to the imagination. Lexi rolls up Jewelz’s sheer shirt to stick shamrock pasties onto Jewelz’s nipples as the final touch, creating a maelstrom of sexual tension as she does. The girls are trying to be good and wait for their third, Oliver Flynn, but it’s so hard to be patient as they caress each other over the top of their...

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The Lascivious Liaisons Of Lydia

“Oh Papa,” wailed Lydia, “Why will you not allow me to attend the reception tonight to welcome the regiment to Meryton? Charlotte says that all the officers have been invited, and that afterwards there will be dancing!”Mr Bennet lowered his newspaper and looked sternly at his daughter.“Because, Lydia, last time you consorted with those officers, you returned with your dress covered in distasteful stains, and no undergarments at all.”“Mama, please tell him,” pouted Lydia.Mrs Bennet looked...

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IHaveAWife Whitney Wright 22559

Prepare to get messy! Those are baking guru Whitney Wright’s words as she teaches Johnny the art of the craft, as he wants to prepare his wife a fabulous batch of surprise cupcakes for their anniversary. They start by tossing flour all over the counter, but things get really messy when Whitney catches Johnny with a big boner in his pants! She hops up on the counter and rolls her fat, big ass in flour, alluring Johnny to peel off her thong to reveal her wet spot. After Whitney deepthroats...

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Again With Kanakamma

I am Vimalesh. I hope you know me well. If you don’t, please read the story, ‘The Maid-Kanakamma’ in the ‘Maid Servant’ category. Those who have read it know my relationship with our maid, Kanakamma. As you know I was working in a school in Andhra Pradesh. I, for the first time, fucked Kanakamma in a December. We fucked five or six times in December itself. The month, January went off without any love making. We couldn’t wait for long. So I decided to avail a half day leave for another sweet...

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Pennys homework assignment

Penny felt her heart thumping excitedly as her mom took her to Miss Parker's house to receive her special training. She never in her wildest dreams ever thought that her parents would have her schooled in the art of sex. In an age old tradition, her mom in Paris had also had been taught to please a man by her mother. Now it was her turn. She sat in the front seat of the car and looked at her mom. She was stunningly beautiful. Leona, was a little French beauty. Her black hair was cut in a boyish...

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A MotherInLaws Fuck Fantstasy Not true st

Introduction: She wanted me as much as I wanted her... A Mother-In-Law's Fuck FantstasyI am married to my wife for almost 7 years now and everything is going quite normal in my life.Work is greatand I have the best Mother-In-Law you can think about.Her name is Matilda.She is 53 and have a average bodyand looks very sexy when I get to see her sometimes in her short night gowns.Her husband and my father-in-lawis 69 years and as usual for men his age cannot get an erection and I suspect that he...

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Sauna swallow surprise

I usually go to the sauna once a week, mostly in Winter/Autumn. It's a nice little sauna close to my house, a bit expensive, but it's always empty.Recently, I decided to go the sauna even though it's Summer. I was sure nobody would be in there since it's too hot outside. Around 6pm I entered and there was a woman, probably in her 40s, getting naked to go in. I immediately checked her out, she had a tight body, really fit. Had small firm tits and long blonde hair. Of course, she startled a bit...

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AddictedChapter 2 Infidelity Flashback 1

I remember when we were seniors in high school; Ann wanted to go check out William & Mary as a prospective college. She left over Spring Break with three or four other seniors leaving me looking forward to a long boring weekend, except I got a call from Leticia Gladfelter. Leticia had moved from West Virginia to Suffolk County the previous summer and for some reason her parents were moving back this weekend and Leticia called to ask if I could help her with a few things. I knew Leticia...

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bound and spitroasted

I was invited over by a guy i had been talking to, told him i was very kinky and wanted to explore more, so we plan a time to have some fun, it was a lot longer away than when we usually plan, he told me he was pretty busy. we had been talking about walking to set up a gang bang, but i told him it would be to weird for me to try so he agreed he would like to try and help me one day. we didnt say anything about a gangbang recently though. I got to his house and we went upstairs,we talked for a...

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