Great Anticipations
- 3 years ago
- 23
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It was tempting. Rhonda almost had to bit her lip to keep from guiding Marty into that little closet on Tuesday night. She knew Dusty would be in room three with Leigha and wouldn't that be a jolt for Marty... with no warning, no breaking in period, watching his good friend Dusty and his young innocent wife as she was taking it up the ass! And moaning her appreciation for it as it happened!
Rhonda wanted it in the worse way but she knew two things; one, he needed to be primed just a little bit more, and two, as bad as she personally wanted to be present when Marty watched Dusty extract orgasm after orgasm from Leigha's ass it would be too much. He needed to be softened up by watching Leigha with David first. It seemed a bit strange that a distinguishing difference could be made but she knew that it could. Fucking a pussy was one thing; taking it in the ass was another. There was a taboo there. She conceded that.
She had no way to know that Leigha and Marty had finally penetrated that barrier weeks before. Although it was "special" it was often enough to be common.
In addition to room three, Rhonda was having thoughts about the waiting room, too. She knew which Marty she had left Friday night but which Marty would be back. Four days was a lot of time to think things over. Especially with him sexually tending to that excitable young body that Leigha offered him.
She decided against any shock factor. That had happened last week and was successful but now she needed to see where she really was with him. Rather than do anything special she decided to just stay in her scrubs and see what developed.
What had developed was Marty's hard on. Hours if not days before Leigha's visit.
In fact, there had been no time during their sex-saturated weekend that Rhonda was too far from Marty's thoughts. Leigha and his soft screwing, the rough poundings, were all laced with illicit thoughts of somebody who not there.
And it wasn't just Marty. His young bride had wandering thoughts, too. A great deal of her concern had to do with Marty. The coincidences were starting to be a bit much for an intelligent wife to ignore. Strange lipstick on his ear, the wrong perfume permeating his clothing. It could just be something innocent but... ?
But even more so was the other thing. The more she thought about it the more her curiosity was piqued. She wanted to blame it on the sedative, the inhibitive drug. But could she? When they first started weeks ago it had all been a blur and it still wasn't crystal clear by any means but things in room three were changing.
Last Friday the vision of David on top of her, slowly filling and stretching her cavity to the maximum with his huge cock was just about too much to ignore. And there was absolutely, positively no doubt about the casual fingering that had excited her pussy so much while he was massaging her naked ass.
There had already been moments before then when she envisioned him seducing her but she wasn't sure. The same for Dusty, too. More than once that she had picked him out through her stupor as being the one who chose a different channel, a whole different approach, of making her body rack with orgasm.
And it was always after those fitful visions of Dusty that she not just offered herself to Marty but desired it deeply. It was if she being primed in room three before asking Marty to take her in the ass.
So, why wasn't she finding it repulsive instead of so curious? What brought her back for more? She knew after her last visit that she had passed the point of mere suspicion. She knew there was at least something illicit going on. She just didn't know how much.
Things were changing fast for Leigha and Marty. Each of them was being subjected to new challenges and even more so, new avenues of pleasure. None of it was by accident. All of it was carefully orchestrated.
And some of it manipulated. Rhonda had squeezed a few more drops out of the syringe again on Tuesday. She had received no negative feedback after the first time she had done it so she thought why not? It obviously didn't cause any harm!
And getting rid of an additional two drops more than before couldn't hurt anything.
Once Leigha was taken back to room three Rhonda just went over and sat behind her desk. This was more important a test than last time. She had caught him by surprise then. Now, it was critical to see where he would take it.
Marty pretended to read a magazine he had thumbed through a dozen times already. His hard was lurching painfully in his tight jeans but he wasn't too sure where he stood with Rhonda. She had fucked him Friday but had it been a fluke, a joke she played on him just because she could?
Something needed to break the ice. He knew it. She knew it.
The silence was almost unbearable after ten minutes but Rhonda knew she had to endure it.
Finally, Marty had all he could take. Might as well break it open. The worse that could happen was for him to be totally embarrassed in front of her. He doubted very seriously that she would speak to anybody about it.
He laughed lightly, stood up, and walked around her desk. He leaned over and whispered into her ear.
"Rhonda, is there any chance at all that you would enjoy a nice fuck?" As soon as he said it he thought what the hell was that? He felt eighteen again.
It went straight through her. The jolt barely spent any time between her ears and brain before it slammed into her pussy! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.
She laughed as well as she could.
"That would really be nice, thank you."
Later, as she looked back, she calculated that it was about thirty seconds from the time she said that until he was inside her with that hard shaft, not pounding her but instead slowly riding her from behind while she leaned over and braced herself on the edge of her desk.
Neither had bothered to remove their clothes. He had unzipped and she had dropped her scrub bottoms to the floor.
After the whirlwind affair last week it was obvious that they both had the same idea this time. Each wanted a really nice slow fuck, stretching each other as far as they could, teasing and manipulating to hold off any impending orgasm.
Marty wouldn't have had a chance in the game if he hadn't had position on her. By being behind her, he had access to her neck and face that she didn't have. Her tight, manipulating pussy was playing havoc with him but he responded with light kisses that were just sending her up the wall.
He wanted it to last the entire hour. They managed twenty minutes.
"Please." That's all she said, her voice husky with pleasure. She was there and was politely begging. At that point she was no manipulating bitch. There was just an aroused wife pleading for sexual release.
"U-u-h-h-h. Now." That's the best Marty could reply.
This time there was no howling, no reason to be cautious with their voices. They came together in a slow, mutual orgasm that was sensual devastation. It was if each was trying to enhance the others by subduing their own.
Neither wanted to move. They went into a "soaking" period where his cock was slowly becoming flaccid inside her warm, wet pussy. He pulled a chair behind him and pulled her down with him, never pulling out of her as he did. She didn't mind at all. She would have preferred to be turned around so that she could kiss him but if this was what he wanted she could certainly live with it. Both knew that in a few minutes she would coax him hard again.
Marty relaxed and enjoyed her offering but he couldn't help wondering what Leigha was doing. This had all become so strange, such an "out of world" experience for them. He was, deep down, starting to suspect this whole thing. There were just so many circumstances in their lives, so many changes.
And they were all just totally, absolutely wonderful!
Marty didn't know, couldn't have guessed how close he was to the truth. At that very moment his young wife was less than twenty feet away, her legs in the air and draped over Dusty's shoulders. On this particular afternoon Dusty's sexual appetite had changed.
Lucky for him he had early on detected a change in Leigha today. She was reacting differently. He wondered if Dave had picked up on it when he was in the room with her earlier.
She seemed not to have gone under as much as before. Not that he was complaining but her response to him was much better, much more natural than before. She had literally opened her arms to him and warmly returned his kisses in a way that wasn't there before.
He took no chances. Just because he loved anal didn't mean that was all there was to it. He loved straight sex, too. The anal thing was more to be dominant than anything and right now wasn't the time. So today it was going to be a straight screw.
Leigha felt him enter her. Those few additional "cheating" drops that Rhonda had squeezed out were making a huge difference. Today, the heavy fog was gone. It was replaced more with a light haze, a feeling more of euphoria than anything else. It still left room for doubt but Leigha's mental state was more as if she had taken one of those "recreational drugs" than having received a heavy sedative.
There was a definite end result.
That evening in room three by the time she was slowly and gently coerced into her second long, excruciating orgasm she had a name. She had a face.
She was looking directly into the eyes of Dusty Goff!!
They could feel the uneasiness when they went home. It wasn't as if they weren't speaking to each other but the usual banter between them was gone. In the past Leigha was feeling such relief from the pain and was so sexually charged from her unsuspected activities that there was an air of euphoria that was converted into a highly charged sexual atmosphere. That night it was different.
Doubt. Doubt is a vicious condition that can permeate even the strongest will. And right now they were both just burgeoning with it.
Marty first. What was really going on here? First there was Leigha returning from the "treatments" not just free of pain but so sexually hyped up that she was almost uncontrollable. And she had become so very predictable. That "different" pussy every Friday, the new insatiable appetite for anal every Tuesday. Those were questions in his mind.
What there weren't any questions about in his mind, what was for sure, was Rhonda. He had been thinking a lot about her. He figured he was a nice enough looking guy but was he so hot that an absolutely fantastic married chick who had it made in life would jump all over him? It was all starting to be a bit much.
Leigha had her own thought and doubts, too. She was much more in turmoil than her doubting husband. But, like him, she was dealing with some truths and some suspicions.
Once she left room three Tuesday evening that absolute, rock hard vision she had of Dusty making sweet love to her seemed to wane a little. What had been so clear just minutes before took on a shade of gray. To be exact, she was sure in her own mind that while she was "under" in room three Tuesday night Dusty Goss had made love with her. But, she certainly wasn't so sure of it that she would have confronted him.
Her thoughts wandered to Marty. Lipstick on his ear, perfume that belonged to Rhonda. As far as they all knew Rhonda had always gone home right after Leigha arrived. She was now steadfast in her belief that it wasn't so.
Was Rhonda taking a couple of hours a week to entice her man? With all that Rhonda had she couldn't imagine it but the evidence was so blatant!
Those were the things in doubt for Leigha, things that made her wonder.
But there was one thing she knew for absolute sure. Information that she held to herself.
The pain in her buttocks had totally disappeared over a week before. She had responded immediately to the treatment and over a period of weeks it was gone.
By then she was sort of mentally drugged into continuing her visits, much as if she was addicted. It wasn't costing them anything and in fact she was getting a free paid day off to ride with Marty, which she absolutely loved. Not only did she feel wonderful both physically and sexually after each visit but their love life was supercharged for days afterward. With the exception of the doubts about Rhonda her life had never been so exciting, so wonderful!
She had found herself a prisoner to that new life, not wanting to give it up. Especially now that the heavy fog was becoming a light haze.
So, the stage was set. That was the "State Of The Marriage" at six o'clock Friday night.
David was waiting in room three with some hesitation. Tonight was going to be different. He just had no idea how different it was going to be.
The syringe was waiting, this time really short of sedative.
Leigha was there, more nervous than before and wishing she could watch what was going on in that waiting room.
Marty sat in the waiting room, surprised at the absence of Rhonda. As soon as Leigha had gone back to room three Rhonda had excused herself and left the building, leaving the door to the storeroom open.
Rhonda was in her car down the street, waiting nervously. This was it. Crunch time.
Leigha was the first to notice something different. The sting of the shot was much less. Instead of being totally out of it in a few minutes she was more in a buzz as if she had drank one too many glasses of wine.
David noticed it right away. Those little "test" he ran weren't for fun. They were an indicator and she failed. If this had happened in the past few weeks it would have caused an immediate shutdown. Not tonight.
Wednesday Dusty had made an unusual non-business visit with David. Without going into great detail he voiced his opinion about the night before. He was certain that Leigha was not nearly as under the influence as in the past. He wasn't complaining, heaven no. He was just reporting. This was serious stuff.
David took it all in consideration. He was already suspicious of something. Above all, he was a doctor treating a patient. And he had a very serious feeling that, a short time back, Leigha no longer was in pain from her buttocks.
The response that she normally gave when he administered her painful muscles that deep, kneading massage was far different from what he was getting now. A deep massage of painful muscles would cause a huge amount of discomfort. The same massage on normal buttocks would most likely be fairly pleasurable.
That's why he had reduced the amount he was injecting. He was taking a huge leap but he thought that, however ridiculous it seemed, that they may have Leigha in a state of mind that she was willing to come in on her own for the pure pleasure of it. She may have been hooked on it!
Tonight, with Marty sitting alone outside, Leigha was going to be approached with almost no sedative. David expected her to be much more alert than before.
He was right.
It was all there tonight for her to detect. The little foot rub, the slight popping of her toes that she couldn't help but react to, the unmistakable lowering of her gown. She felt it all.
And the presence of David Ryan was undeniable. He was obviously in the room. But wasn't he supposed to be?
Actually, up to that moment nothing was out of place. She was in a treatment room being attended by a doctor.
But when his fingers started a familiar, upward stroking on the inside of her leg she knew the boundaries had been crossed. She couldn't deny it any more than she wanted to defend it. She lay very still instead, hoping not to give herself away. What a mess she was in! Even if she felt the urge to disrupt what was happening to her who would believe it?
But it wasn't an issue right then. Her mood wasn't that of being disruptive. It was instead that of being receptive.
When the caressing fingers reached her waiting crotch and applied the first of many strokes on a swollen clit, her feigned innocence was shattered.
She rolled her head, elevated her hips, and let out the first of many long, soulful wails.
She might as well have turned on a light in the visiting room that said, "Enter now!"
Rhonda was absent by design. She had decided that for the first few minutes Marty should be by himself in the moment of revelation. She didn't want to be part of the horror, the disappointment, and the immediate hurt.
Instead, she would let him suffer alone before she came to his rescue, applying a sexual band-aid to make things all better.
Hopefully he wasn't going to go over the deep end and bust out the mirror or anything. If so, she didn't want to be there for that ugly scene, either.
But what she did do was leave the door open and the speaker up loud. She knew that it would be a beacon that would direct him to the exact place he needed to be.
She was right. Leigha's moan came through nice and clear. Marty had heard it many times and easily recognized the voice. It was a special moan, one that he had extracted from her many times before.
He hesitated. There came another. Fuck!! What the hell was going on in there?
That was it. He entered the dark storeroom quietly, not bothering to look for a light switch. He noticed an extremely dim light just around the end of the shelving at the far end.
Approaching it he realized it was a very small window, most likely one with some type of cover that prevented the light from penetrating.
He looked through it.
Marty would never be the same!
Nor would Leigha. Nor David Ryan. Rhonda Ryan. Dusty Goss.
They just didn't know it. The only one that did was an absolutely stunned Marty!
Tears spurted. His heart lurched painfully. He felt like he had been kicked in the stomach!
Initial thoughts exploded in his mind.
"That bitch!" came out first.
"That asshole!" David Ryan had made his list.
But he didn't turn his head. He was locked in on the scene unfolding through the little window.
By then David had Leigha writhing on the table, his fingers urging her rapidly into her first orgasm. He had a sequence, a little game that he played. It never failed and he wasn't about to change. Especially with him thinking she was fully aware of his actions.
Marty stared at them.
"She's going to come," he thought. "He's going to make the little cunt come."
It was if he had signaled David a command. David quit any sort of teasing and went to work. He wasn't trying to just please now... he was after the first of what he knew would be multiple orgasms. She always did.
Marty watched in shocked silence. She was building fast and he knew it. Not only had he done it to her but also he had watched her do it to herself. Leigha loved being fingered and Marty admitted that David was obviously doing it well!
Marty watched as David slipped two fingers inside of her and jammed them unmercifully inside of her. She tensed her body and her bare stomach began to convulse. She was coming. And come she did.
"A-a-a-a-u-u-u-u-u-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-h," came out of her long and strong. It shattered the quietness in the closet but could have easily been heard out in the waiting room.
And that was where Rhonda was at the time. She had slipped in the locked front door and hid herself in the front restroom with the door open. Her trap had worked. Not only was Marty in there but there was obviously a lot of action.
She knew he must be devastated!
Marty was riveted to what was happening on that table. Leigha's orgasm was sending her squirming all over it. In a sordid way it was almost comical how David had to keep up with her as she shifted her body. But he wasn't laughing.
He was just watching, his heart sinking lower each minute. What next?
Actually, he knew damned well what would come next. He just didn't care to fully recognize the finality of it. It never crossed his mind to put an end to it, to say something to them... to speak out. Instead he was caught up in the whole sordid situation, becoming part of it rather than bringing it to an end.
David slowed his assault on Leigha's sensitive clit and repositioned himself. Marty watched with surprise how easily he maneuvered her legs over his shoulders. But it wasn't a surprise when he dipped his head between her legs. Marty sort of shrugged when it happened as if conceding something. It sort of figured that Leigha was about to get her pussy eaten. It was pretty much a natural sequence.
And she did. David didn't have to watch the clock so much today. He was far enough into this to know that the drug was having essentially no effect on Leigha. She hadn't done anything to admit it but all things given he knew she was at least seventy five percent on her own. There were sure little signs, like the gentle way she was guiding his head as he delved into her wet crotch.
Leigha moaned softly with the arrival of his mouth. It was wonderfully soft and knowing. Her pussy had been eaten so many times before it was uncountable but there was something very different about this. She knew it was stupid but did it make a difference that he was a doctor? Was he aware of a special spot that was secret?
Not really. Leigha was just incredibly aroused and susceptible to his touch. Without the drug inhibiting her she was his for the taking. And she wanted to be taken real bad!
Today she knew without a doubt about who was between her legs. There was no denying, no guessing. It was David's head she was guiding to her sweet spot, not Marty.
Marty. All at once she thought of him and blanched. My god what was she doing? Where was Marty? Why wasn't he stopping this?
She never even entertained the thought of stopping it herself. It felt way too good for that and the real pleasure was yet to come. This was nothing but an appetizer before the feast.
But what a snack! David was delving into her like a banana split, trying hard to suck and lick the cherry off before getting to the whipped cream.
Marty watched as Leigha grasped David's head and urged him on with slowly rotating hips. It was the first time Marty had ever watched a woman getting her pussy licked and he was suddenly aware of the sexual devastation it must be to the woman.
Marty was going through a subtle change. He had not noticed it. It wasn't like he had said, "Okay, okay, Marty. Take it easy."
But somewhere in the past few minutes a lot of the surprise and anger had somehow dissipated. He was still reeling from grief but he was slowly moving from a distraught husband to a captivated observer.
Leigha was rolling her hips and thrusting up slightly to accommodate the mouth that was pleasing her so. Her head rolled slowly from side to side, lifting at times to watch her intruder.
My God, it felt so go-o-o-o-d! And her body actions were baring that out.
"U-u-u-m-m-m-m-m." Leigha started rewarding David with little audible feedbacks in addition to her receptive body movements. This was so nice, she thought. Real, real nice.
David knew it was time. He wasn't tied down to an exact minute today but then again it couldn't last forever and he had bigger plans. Today, for the first time, he felt that he was going to have Leigha as he had always dreamed... naturally, loving, totally coherent and receptive to his love.
He made his move to finish her off with his mouth. Even Marty could see his increased effort.
Leigha moaned and squirmed under his mouth.
"O-o-o-h, o-o-o-h, o-o-o-h," she moaned slightly.
Marty cringed. How many times had she done that with him and he had paid little attention? Why was it now, with another man extracting the pleasure from her, that the little whimpers seemed so sensual?
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A fun little story I wrote awhile back for a friend of mine. It is purely fictional ...... or is it?Anticipation, the wait is making you doubt what you are doing. It is still early and you are sitting in front of your vanity looking at yourself as you apply just a little makeup. Can you really go through with this? Can you really do what you have planned for all week long? The idea has kept you excited all week but now that the time is here you wonder if you will be able to go through with it....
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It was Tuesday night and Claire was in a state. Tomorrow was Wednesday, the alleged day of ‘Lesson 2’. She had thought about nothing but Scott all week. Her pussy ached; she was in a constant state of arousal. After her disappointment in the shower she was reluctant to masturbate again. It wasn’t fair – how dare Scott give her the most wonderful orgasm she had ever experienced? Before her first ‘lesson’ she had enjoyed her small tingly orgasms. Now she longed to feel the waves rushing through...
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BDSMI know I am going to be punished. Hopefully, it will just be a spanking but sadly I think it is going to be the cane. I am standing outside the library waiting for eight o’clock the time Mistress told me to attend.I joined the household staff of the Duke and Duchess two months ago. They own a large estate and much of the land where I was brought up. I was lucky to get this job and had been doing very well until I made a huge mistake. That mistake resulted in me standing here waiting for eight...
SpankingA fun little story I wrote awhile back for a friend of mine. It is purely fictional ... or is it? Anticipation, the wait is making you doubt what you are doing. It is fairly early in the evening and you are sitting in front of your vanity apply just a touch makeup. You wonder if you can really go through with this. Can you really do what you have been planning for all week? The idea, the fantasy has kept you excited all week but now that the time is here you wonder if you will be able to go...
“You’re going to let go,” she said softly. “Eventually.” Her client groaned in reply. He lay on his back, his hands cuffed to the headboard, his hard cock pointing straight at the hotel ceiling. Her gloved hand stroked it expertly, up and down, up and down. Pursing her lips above the tip of his member, she occasionally produced a slow string of saliva, letting it drip down gently on his helmet and run lazily down the sides of the shaft. She covered the skin of the cock in her spit, spreading...
The thing about "My Little Princess" ate on Rhonda a little more than it should and she knew it. She made herself calm down and remember that she wasn't in a contest with Leigha. Not only had Leigha not once challenged her or tried to take away anybody's affection but also she wasn't even aware of what was happening. In fact, she really liked the girl. She was in her own right incredibly sexy and Rhonda found Leigha's sexual reaction to men to be extremely stimulating. Just watching...
Leigha looked out the window of the big truck as it moved along. She was still startled at the silent confrontation she had just had with the State trooper but she continued to slowly stroke herself between the legs. Not only was it pleasing her but she also knew Marty loved it. Her mind was again trying to put the past few months all together, trying to understand what had happened to a young loving wife that all at once she was so involved, so mentally trapped into such deviant practices...
Anna Morgan awoke knowing things weren’t right.That ache, low down. Different from the ache from her monthlies, which were at least two weeks away. Under the bedsheet, she was naked.No! She never slept naked.And why was she damp down there? Down in her dirty parts.Anna sat up and saw her pyjamas slung over a nearby chair.From downstairs came vague noises, one of them the chugging of the kitchen tap. She’d meant to have that fixed. Crazily, she connected the sound downstairs with her lower body....
Fantasy & Sci-FiThey stood kerbside waiting for the taxi to appear. This man, Mike, who had appeared so suddenly in her life that morning, had quickly gained her confidence, now stood alongside her, although no one else would know.Anna Morgan’s thoughts turned to the crazed madness that had recently surged through her body. God, she could have been thrilling herself for all these dull years, and with her own fingers. It was all due to Mike’s appearance, and her own dream meeting with his mysterious priestess,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAs the taxi faded out of view, Anna and Mike made their way towards the large double doors of the Algernon hotel. A uniformed doorman touched his cap with one hand while holding open one of the doors with the other. “Good day, madame,” he said, reminding Anna that no one else could see Mike except her.“You approve?” joked Mike, waving an arm around the imposing entrance hall.To Anna, it was a palace of a place. Massive chandeliers, pillars to a decorative balcony, swathes of brocade curtaining,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMarty and Leigha shouldn't have worried about their strange coupling. After a fitful night of tossing and turning Leigha couldn't stand it any longer. About four in the morning she softly slid her body upon Marty, reaching between them to slowly stroke that normally wonderful gift that had been so disappointing the evening before. Neither of them had made any attempt to do anything earlier that night when they went to bed. Maybe they were reluctant, even afraid, after what had happened...
Yes, it would take time. Lots of time. The day after Marty visited the doctor he got a phone call. Leigha was close enough to hear and, after listening to a little of the conversation and watching Marty as he spoke, she was sure something was wrong. When he hung up, he just looked at her. "We've been invited out to Doctor Ryan's ranch. They want to talk to both of us." "Who are 'they'?" "Doctor Ryan and that guy you met in his office. Rusty." "Dusty." "Yeah, Dusty. Did you...
Finally, months later Dusty could sense the subtle changes in Leigha. It wasn't just the multiple sessions in the barn. He knew that was just the tip of the iceberg, that there was much more out there. He had seen it so many times before in young wives; the smoldering sexuality, the hidden unfed hunger. As each week and month went by it became more and more obvious in Leigha. And he was right. It wasn't that Leigha was becoming dissatisfied with her life. But no matter what happened it was...
ROOM THREE "Periformis syndrome." Dr. Ryan looked at Leigha and spit it out. She didn't have a clue what he was talking about. "What's that?" "A muscle condition in your buttocks. You've a pain in the ass, Leigha." He sort of held up his palms and shook his head as if it were a joke. It certainly wasn't to her. Over the past months she had slowly felt the pain. At times it wasn't there, at others it ranged from noticeable to very painful. Finally, she went to Doctor Ryan to...
I only walked in to escape the rain. I'd dressed for the summer, and hadn't realised the day was planning to play practical jokes. A short skirt and t-shirt wasn't the best combination for a wet afternoon, and the museum was the closest point of refuge. The quiet, cool, dry corridors were a huge contrast with outside, and I decided to take a wander before heading back out, hoping that my clothes might dry properly and that perhaps the rain would stop. I'd never have thought so in...
She caught a glimpse of herself the mirror and admired her soft, tight body. She ran her hands over her hips and complimented herself on the contrast of her blue panties and light milky skin. She winked and blew a kiss at herself before pushing her panties down and kicking them into the corner. She pours yourself a glass of wine and decides to treat yourself to a relaxing bubble bath. She has a sip of wine before running the water. She proceeds to get ready for her bath. It takes a minute or...
She’d been there for hours, it seemed. Lying on her back, spread-eagled, wrists and ankles secured to bed posts, blindfolded and isolated. She could hear him rustling around – initially, she’d though he had tied her up and left, but he was there, he would never put her in danger that way. She could smell the musty odor of him – aftershave splashed on hurriedly before the sun crawled above the horizon, the sweat and must of a day spent pent up in an office, a faint hint of expensive Scotch. She...
I went there for revenge. I let him touch me for revenge. I let him come inside of me for revenge. It was all for revenge and to feel good. Ky’Zavier cheated on me and then broke up with me when I found out. He said it was too much of a sacrifice. Being with me was just too much of a sacrifice. Now, he wants me back. He’s tainted by another woman’s scent. As petty as it sounds, I wanted revenge. I wanted to know I got even. And Michael was just the perfect candidate to help me do so. I’ve...
She sat there on the bed, knees together and hands clenched into fists – she was obviously nervous about calling me up and had never done this before. My guess was she’d been happily (?) married for years and probably hadn’t had sex for the past 2 or 3. She needed to relax so I told her she had nothing to worry about and I’d be very gentle with her. My name had been given to her by someone I’d ‘helped’ in the past because I have certain talents shall we say and equipped with something extra...
I am squirming and ill at ease. Getting up and walking into the kitchen when I really don’t want anything. Unable to focus on anything on TV nor to hold any thought in my head. I am going back to visit you and…I can’t tell whether I am excited or scared or both. I came home with a sore bottom and a warm feeling last time. I was sobbing when you lifted me off your knee and led me so gently to your room. You placed such gentle little kisses on my cheeks and my lips and on my chest as I stood...
For three weeks Marie had been planning for her second visit with Jim, her new lover. In the past, when it came to sex, and just about everything else in her life, she had worried about every detail, including the things for which she had no control. Her online teasing with Jim had revealed that her own fixation on control was one of the things that kept her from enjoying her life. Middle-aged and married to the most boring and angry man on earth, Marie had turned to the net for her company,...
CheatingLiam groaned on waking and went to the bathroom before climbing back into bed. Sleep after two days without was a relief and a shower was next on the agenda. Picking up his phone, he flicked through Facebook and noticed a post made by Cara expressing her delight to be back home. A thought crossed his mind and with the mirror framing his body from upper thigh, he took a photo and sent it through. Getting into the shower, memories from the flight came to mind and he felt his cock grow stiff. He...
SeductionDinner was at 8 PM, I had already taken my shower and was waiting on her. Continuously my eyes were scanning the clock, 6:45, 6:52, and 7:00. My mind could only wandered into what was partaking. After another 5 minutes I stepped out onto the balcony. The sun was just beginning to set as my eyes caught her through the window, as though it was the first time I had seen her. The smile was coy, but short as she finished putting on her jewelry. At 7:15 she cracked the door, "Are you ready?" I found...
I am squirming and ill at ease. Getting up and walking into the kitchen when I really don’t want anything. Unable to focus on anything on TV nor to hold any thought in my head. I am going back to visit you and…I can't tell whether I am excited or scared or both. I came home with a sore bottom and a warm feeling last time. I was sobbing when you lifted me off your knee and led me so gently to your room. You placed such gentle little kisses on my cheeks and my lips and on my chest as I stood...
LesbianIt was the beginning of summer. Time for sun and fun was here. Mom and myself had just arrived ata secluded cabin that my uncle owned by the lake. It was just going to be the two of us for a month.With as stressful as school was for me and work for her, it was a much needed vacation. The carpulled to a stop and we got out. I went to the trunk and pulled out the luggage and took it inside.Mom only took in a couple bags. She was the small type, only 5'2". Long wavy brown hair with deepbrown...
She stood amongst the men all vying for her attention. She smiled and acknowledged the men as their compliments flowed. Looking through the group of men surrounding her she saw him standing at the bar, slowing sipping his drink. Their eyes met, and as his gaze fell open her she knew he was not worried about what was going on. He was letting her take it all in, to have these men drool and fight over her. She did not know how he did it. How he had gotten the two of them into such a...
She sat there on the bed, knees together and hands clenched into fists - she was obviously nervous about calling me up and had never done this before. My guess was she'd been happily (?) married for years and probably hadn't had sex for the past 2 or 3. She needed to relax so I told her she had nothing to worry about and I'd be very gentle with her. My name had been given to her by someone I'd 'helped' in the past because I have certain talents shall we say and equipped with something extra...
Oral SexI don't know why I'm so nervous. It's literally six and a half hours to the hook up and here I am on a Saturday morning up early with my stomach feeling as if it's some sort of Piccadilly Circus for butterflies. Normally it would take a pound of TNT going off outside my bedroom window to get me up at this time on a Saturday morning. Nevertheless here I am, as nervous as my first time with a man...and even more nervous than my first time with a woman.Sure it's been a while since I held a stiff,...
I said I'd report back on my long awaited return to the simple joys of two men enjoying each other in lust. And I'm nothing if not a man of my word. Nope, scratch that. I'm pushing it with that description, really pushing it. I can lie and dissemble as good as the next guy, even if the next guy is a career politician. I'm a downlow married bi guy who lives to have sex with men, for Christsakes.My very existence is a farrago of deceit.But wherever I can I'll at least try to keep my promises....
Cuckoo... Cuckoo... Cuckoo. I looked up at the cuckoo clock and realized that you would be home in less than an hour. It's been a rough week since you left. When you left, it felt like someone stole an important part of me, and I knew I wouldn't be whole again until you returned. I really missed you. I missed waking up next to you and touching your skin. I missed hearing the sound of your voice. I missed your musky smell and the taste of your lips on mine. I missed the pleasure you gave...
Mistress pointed out the restaurant on the right. We drove past it, but there wasn't a parking lot, and the street parking was all taken. We ended up parking a block away. It was Sunday afternoon in Portland, and it was gray and damp, but it had stopped raining a few hours before. As we walked to the restaurant, we went past a piercing place on the corner. There seemed to be a lot of them in Portland, and whenever I saw one, I shivered a little bit. We crossed the street and went into the...
There were three new messages in the email inbox. She scanned past the first two and opened the last one. "I am confirmed for the flight arriving at 3:40 pm on Thursday. I will be staying at the Hyatt and I have arranged for a car to pick you up as planned at 6:00. I can't wait," it read. Her heart was beating rapidly as she reread the message. Could she really do this? Her stomach was doing summersaults as she realized how far she had come now. They met on line in a cam/chat site. She...
Several days passed. Claire entered the containment room, bringing in breakfast for Lauren. Gruthsorik had taken up residence in the front corner of the cell near the outer entry door. Lauren stuck close to the walls whenever she moved between the bunk, the toilet/shower area, and the inner entry door in the other three corners, constantly keeping an eye on the demon. Right now she was still asleep in the bunk. Gruthsorik was awake, however. Claire paused to speak to him. "You haven't gone...
"How long, Travis?" the captain asked. "At our current speed, 2 days, sir." "Okay," Jon continued, addressing the whole assembly of officers. "According to Admiral Gardner, we'll have to stay in orbit around Earth for about 10 days. The space dock is occupied by Columbia – they had a less than friendly encounter with a Klingon warbird." "Can't we get a break at least once?" Trip groaned. "First the Xindi, then human Augments, Vulcan terrorists, then Klingon Augments. I'm...
By the time we arrived home it was late evening. I got out before Sylvie did and took Serena's coat from her. Sylvie opened the door and I draped the coat around Serena's shoulders before we walked to the front door. It was still only mid-afternoon but I felt shattered. I took the keys from the coat pocket and opened the door; Serena shed her coat and stepped across the threshold. "Darling, you look worn out. This has been very tiring for you, hasn't it?" "I don't know why though,...
We sat there in an awkward silence, staring at the movie on the screen in front of us, neither of us actually watching the flick. We both knew what was going to happen, both just too nervous to make the first move. After what seemed like a lifetime, he moved in, he slid his arms around me. He smelled of chicken, lemon, and some men stuff, it was strangely sexy. He kissed my cheek, then my ear, then my neck. A chill ran over my body. I was intoxicated with love for this man. Why did the thought...
EroticGeorge R Boler Jr" AnticipatingI had been anticipating the evening all day long. Both excited and nervous. Memories of last week constantly pound my head. And if I concentrate hard, I can still smell the perfume that you were wearing. The way your eyes light up when you smile. The graceful movements of your hips as you walk. And the envious stares from the guys as we walked by.Now here we are. I picked this place carefully. Just for you. An outdoors restaurant seated...
Chapter 1 I really can’t believe how much my life has changed in the past three months. You just don’t expect that at my age. Let me explain. I’ll start with who I am. My name is Debby, I’m fifty-seven years old, yes, it’s been a while since my high school prom, I’m married, happily married, actually, to Brian, he just turned sixty. We’re reasonably well-off, have two children, now grown and out on their own, and we live a happy and contented life. Well, actually, our sex life, like many...
My wife and I have been social naturists for the past 15 years and have practised the liberating lifestyle at naturist resorts, clubs, beaches and waterfalls in over 10 countries to date. We continue to enjoy the exhilaration that naturism gives and the privilege of meeting likeminded people of many nationalities, ages and persuasions. We cherish the memories of naturist incidents and the emotions that they evoke which we discuss as two broadminded adults.One such incident took place while we...
How my sex life got a boost, a second man in bed with us. I really can't believe how much my life has changed in the past three months. You just don't expect that at my age.Let me explain.I'll start with who I am. My name is Debby, I'm fifty-seven years old, yes, it's been a while since my high school prom, I'm married, happily married, actually, to Brian, he just turned sixty. We're reasonably well-off, have two c***dren, now grown and out on their own, and we live a happy and contented...