Arousing Sex With Uncle rsquo s Wife In Her Bedroo
- 3 years ago
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"Periformis syndrome."
Dr. Ryan looked at Leigha and spit it out. She didn't have a clue what he was talking about.
"What's that?"
"A muscle condition in your buttocks. You've a pain in the ass, Leigha." He sort of held up his palms and shook his head as if it were a joke.
It certainly wasn't to her. Over the past months she had slowly felt the pain. At times it wasn't there, at others it ranged from noticeable to very painful.
Finally, she went to Doctor Ryan to see what was wrong. She assumed she had just strained something and continued to aggravate it.
"What can you do about it? Is it serious?" She needed relief of some kind. Any kind.
"Nope. It's painful but not dangerous. It will go away eventually. For now, we can do two things. One is easy. I'm going to give you a prescription for a mild muscle relaxer. The other is more of a problem but it'll relieve the pain much better. That is, if you want to do it. It's going to be an inconvenience."
"We can bring you in twice a week and give you a shot of a pretty potent temporary pain reliever while we give your buttock a very intense deep massage. It'll not take the problem away but you won't feel any pain during the procedure and it'll make you feel a lot better for several days afterward."
He didn't bother to tell her she could get the same relief from simply by sitting on a tennis ball.
Leigha jumped on it. At times the pain was worse than she let on.
"Okay," David said. "It's a little time consuming. We'll do it on Tuesdays and Fridays after normal clinic hours. See you at six Friday?"
Leigha nodded. "Six Friday."
David walked her to the front office and then returned. He wondered out loud.
"Do you think she heard your voice shake while you were speaking to her?"
And it was definitely shaking, even then. He had to sit for a minute before he called Dusty. He couldn't believe the turn of events. He had begun to think that the tide was never to turn in their favor but it had.
This is not what he wanted, not how he had envisioned his conquest of Leigha, but after all this time he couldn't pass it up.
Without treating anything life threatening, they were going to have Leigha in room three. Not a one time shot like most of the other women over the years but rather on a regular, after hours schedule. And the treatments would last as long as "the doctor" wanted. He knew that, given the fact he was doing it for free, she wouldn't want to terminate the procedure. It was going to feel way too good for her to do that.
And he meant "wa-a-a-a-y-y" too good. He could guarantee it. And it wasn't just going to be real good for her, either.
Not if she was in room three.
Room three. For three people, it wasn't just a treatment room. It was a cloaked theatre, one of the highest secrecy. One that carried a huge threat to them all. One that, if discovered, would damage their lives forever. Yet the pull was so hard, so dramatic, none of them could walk away from it.
If they had really looked at it, David, Dusty and Rhonda might have realized that it was as much room three that held them so closely together as the sexual triangle they had entered. Just their awareness of the situation made them all equally liable, even though David would take the brunt of it if discovered. For him, everything was at stake... his license, his practice and his position in the community.
Until a few years ago, room three had just been a small treatment room sharing a common wall with an even smaller secured storage area. But when David came home with "the treatment", slowly their minds led them in the sinister direction that now imperiled their little dynasty.
Over five years earlier David had been on one of his "outings' to Albuquerque when he met a doctor from Mexico, an anesthesiologist who was an "Across the Border" guest speaker. During a private conversation the doctor told David of a new experiment he had tried. Injecting a combination of common surgical drugs he was able to put a patient into a semi-lucid state of trance for about an hour.
During that time they reacted to everything but suffered short-term memory loss and later remembered nothing, much as if they had been drinking heavily. They would even talk and answer questions during the process. It was if they had been hypnotized... being totally aware then remembering nothing about the experience after it was over.
As far as the doctor was concerned, those results were not anything he was looking for and the process was totally useless.
David listened carefully and asked if he would send him the study he had done. It was of great interest to him. The doctor shrugged and said, "Sure, maybe you might see something."
David couldn't wait to get the information. In the past he and Dusty had visualized this exact situation.
As far as the sedative, the special treatment, was concerned, David knew he couldn't just "do it" to anybody. He had to have some test patients. He knew of only three.
He decided he would be first. Both Rhonda and Dusty furiously objected to that. Knowing that it was going to be very difficult to explain to an emergency room if things went wrong, they had to be very careful. And they certainly needed a doctor on the spot in an emergency.
It was Rhonda that insisted she go first. After hours of exhaustive discussion, they each agreed and the "test" began.
As soon as Rhonda appeared to be under the influence of the substance, David started a small conversation with her. As if through a dense haze, she answered. Not a rapid response but more as if she could barely pay attention. She was lucid enough to follow his words and give at least some response. That was exactly what the doctor had said would happen.
Slowly, carefully, David's hand slid up her leg. He needed to approach this exactly as if she was fully awake, just as if she was one of the many women he had met in other cities and had seduced. Just like any other medical treatment, a procedure had to be established and proven.
Slowly, carefully, he worked his hand slowly up her leg. He didn't know what caused the most anxiety for him... the possibility of the treatment causing a bad reaction or the way she would react to his touch.
But he continued. First his fingertips, then his hands. Finally, his mouth. It was the first time. Caution was the theme for the day.
An hour and a half later, he was stunned. Overwhelmed. Elated.
A completely recovered Rhonda sat on the edge of the table, talking to him as if nothing had happened. She claimed there was no memory whatsoever. When she asked him what happened after she had gone under, he said, "not much." Only that every five minutes or so he had teased her on certain areas and that her body had totally responded. She had also responded vocally, not just responding to his voice but also in response to his touch.
It was the first time. He didn't want to get too giddy about it. Or spook her by over informing.
In fact, he had brought her to orgasm twice, using his fingers and licking her dripping pussy until he was surprised she could take it any more. She had wailed loudly and writhed so wildly on the narrow table while she was cumming that he was concerned she would fall off. He had stopped short of fucking her. That was for the next test a couple of days later.
At the moment, the overwhelmed David needed a few minutes to complete the documentation on his little experiment. After all, he was still a doctor and when working with drugs nothing could be left to memory.
Rhonda left the office and sat quietly in her car. Slowly she slid her right hand down the front of the scrubs she was wearing to oblige her begging clitoris, a small smile forming on her lips. Her pleasure was coming from two sources at the time. One was from the rapture that permeated the whole of her body and mind, a sexual saturation of her senses that would take days to subside.
The other was from the satisfaction that she was pulling the wool over those two idiot's eyes. She loved toying with them!
Oh, she had played the game with David, asking what had happened and listening to his watered down reply. In fact, she had felt everything, from the start of his initial excursion up her leg to the final lick on her clit that was sending her to erotic heaven. The presence of a mouth, the alternating speed and pressure on her swollen bud... she had sensed it all.
The beauty of it all was that it had been like a dream throughout the whole experience. A huge, erotic, sensitive wet dream. She had fully experienced the effects, but never knew the source. If she had not known the real situation she would have surely thought that it was nothing more than a very embarrassing sexual fantasy while under the influence of a sedative. Right in front of her doctor!
But she DID know! She knew that they had miscalculated the results. They were right in their expectations that a woman would react to the touches, the pleasures, as it happened. They were right in their calculations that the patient would leave the office having no dependable memory of what had just happened to her.
What they didn't account for was that her sexual reaction would not immediately subside. A stranger would carry it all away with her when she left, the sensations sweeping through her for many hours. It was just that, without being aware of the plan, she simply would never have known the source.
And those two thought it would all be left at the office. Why tell them? Why should they know that they were sending some unexpected husband a marvelous gift!
Two days later David put her under again. This time he entered her, slowly at first while he held a limited and simple conversation with her. Then he pounded her with his huge cock. If there were to be any misjudgments, any doubts about a reaction, he had to know now. This was no time to be overly cautious.
Minutes later Rhonda was moaning loudly, her legs wrapped around his hips and thrashing wildly as she erupted in orgasm and begged loudly for him to fuck her harder. It was too much for David. He shot into her uncontrollably, cursing himself for the sudden lack of discipline. He had to use the rest of the allotted time using his fingers and mouth.
When Rhonda came out of it, everything was as before. David again gave her a watered down version of what happened but she left the office knowing there was more. Much more. One thing was the same. No matter how erotic the situation and how she had reacted to it she was certain that without her prior knowledge she wouldn't believe it to be anything more than a vivid drug induced hallucination. And she knew no other woman would, either.
There were more tests after that. David became sure enough of the situation that he would induce the coma than step aside for Dusty to take part. Not once did they tell Rhonda about "the switch," but each time she was well aware it had happened. The tell-tell lingering pleasure from her ass said it all. David didn't do anal. Dusty did.
And each time she knew as she walked away that any other woman would experience overwhelming uncertainties about what had just happened. Instead, they would be sexually on fire for a day or so and then have lingering mental sensations for days afterward.
The problem was that the pleasure from the scam could only be enjoyed by one person... whoever was in the room at the time. And they certainly had to be cautious about how often it happened. They certainly couldn't herd women in like cattle.
Soon afterward came the idea of room three.
Nobody could possibly know. Nobody could be trusted with the work. Using tools and materials from the ranch and what limited skills the two of them possessed, David and Dusty quietly altered the wall separating the storage area and room three. The last and most important step was the mirror and a small speaker.
David already had ties with the company from California that provided security and stealth items. Getting a two-way mirror shipped to them was easy. They never asked and David never offered where it was going.
Within weeks from conception there it was... a tiny, dark viewing area away from unknowing eyes, complete with a tiny little speaker system and poised to accommodate any one of those three who had a special "pass" to the activities of room three.
The question was... who would be the subjects of their appreciation?
This is where Dusty's contribution came in. He was more than aware of the sexual appetites and willingness of certain local women to experiment sexually. He kept close tabs on the appointment book and would tap a certain name.
Without fail it was not just somebody attractive. It was also a woman that Dusty thought would be very tight lipped if something didn't go exactly right. Somebody whose sexual appetite was so strong that they wouldn't question what happened if things didn't go exactly as expected. For them he knew the sexual experience would always weigh heavier than the circumstance, bringing them back for more rather than making charges.
Prior planning was crucial. Using Dusty's judgment, David would suggest to each of these "special" women that scheduling a special relaxing treatment in the near future would be good for them. Always, it was the last appointment of the day.
Rhonda was a willing and highly excitable viewer. She and David had sat down together and discussed all of this in detail. They agreed not to watch each other.
Rhonda cheated right away. For years she secretly had fantasies about sharing David with others, watching him take other women. Now, she could live that dream. Actually, she enjoyed watching David more than Dusty. It was as if the whole thing was drawing the two of them a little closer.
Sex between them after one of these episodes was fantastic, totally without limits. On several occasions, she thought he was going to take her in the ass. She was still hopeful about that.
As for Rhonda and the "patients," mostly she just watched. On a rare occasion she would ask to be the one in the room, always claiming that she thought the woman to be "a stuck up bitch." In fact, it was always a woman that Rhonda found extremely attractive. Even though she didn't have any real strong pull to the lesbian side of sexuality, there was more than enough to be curious.
Mostly, she just used the opportunity to stroke the woman gently, coaxing little moans out in a teasing manner that she found sexually exhilarating. On rare occasion she would gently use her tongue, getting caught up in her own excitement as she took it all past the point of no return and brought the lady off in an explosive orgasm.
Later, sometimes as they sat in church, Rhonda would watch the woman and smile to herself. What if that "wonderful wife" knew she had eaten her pussy!
If Rhonda had thought it through, she may have wondered about the torrid sessions she had with either David or Dusty after every one of her performances. What ever made her think that either of them would honor her request not to be watched when she was with somebody? After all, she had cheated on them!
So into this web, this elaborate yet still expectant atmosphere appeared Leigha. Although each of them may not have found intense interest in every woman that had ever entered room three over the years, all of them did at the highest level concerning Leigha.
For David and Dusty, she was a long sought after prize, one in which they had invested many months and dollars. Their returns had already been well worth it, but this was the much-anticipated event. Neither of them really wanted to take her when she was under the influence and unaware of what she was doing. However, it was certainly starting to look like this was their chance, one and only they figured, to have Leigha.
For Rhonda, Leigha was more than just another long legged attractive female, one whose soft personality and warm smile led her to wistfully believe, "What if?" She had soft thoughts of Leigha slowly moving her hips in reaction to her talented fingers and mouth. And Leigha's mouth! That wonderful mouth. How would it feel, how would it react to a knowing female tongue invading it?
For her it even went past that, past the lesbian thing. What really sent Rhonda's ass squirming warmly in her office seat was the thought of Leigha "getting hers." More than any of the other prissy women that had been part of the parade, she wanted to be the witness, surely a spellbound spectator, then a participant, when "Little Miss Perfect" went down. And she was going to go down.
What was a particularly stimulating vision to Rhonda was the thought of Dusty alone with the little princess. How would Leigha feel, what would be her reaction, when that experienced cock entered her ass, his swollen head invading that virgin rectum like it was a tight, tight pussy? Rhonda couldn't wait to witness the rapture, the total submission that she knew was certain.
And after it happened, Rhonda had decided, she was going to give little husband Marty the fuck of his young life. She was going to personally become his educator, his benefactor. She would teach him how to take care of a young wife so she isn't out flaunting herself to others.
Of them all, Rhonda was actually the one that was most anxious. She couldn't wait!
But who first? It had always been an agreement among them limiting which of them could be in the room with the subject and who could watch. Concerning Leigha they decided in a secret, written ballot that there could be no observers. Each of them wanted it to be intimate, shared by nobody. No person in the viewing room, period. All knew that David had to be, at the least, nearby in his office. Everybody else had to be out of the building.
Little did any of them know that the agreement was useless, that wide scale cheating would take place. Even though neither David nor Dusty had any interest in watching each other with Leigha, they both knew they would not miss the chance to watch the two women together.
And any limitations especially escaped Rhonda. Screw David and Dusty! They were going to get theirs. She'd see to that! They didn't know it but they were about to take on a young, new partner for life!
And his entrance fee was going to be paid by his sweet wife, albeit her participation is unwilling.
On Friday Leigha showed up 30 minutes early, unable to hide her concern. She had never "been under" before and it worried her. Thank goodness she had Marty with her for support.
That bubble was burst immediately when they were told he couldn't be in the room. Rhonda explained to them that because of the late hours non-patients were not allowed past the locked security doors leading into the treatment areas. She went further and let them know that the outside doors would also be locked. He wasn't really even allowed to be inside the building but since they knew each other she'd let that pass.
In fact, there was no such policy. It was a story they had quickly made up years ago when first confronted with an accompanying husband that would ruin their scheme. It was amazing that not once had anybody challenged them. If they had, they would have simply let them in and blown off the plan for that day.
Today was no different. Even though David preferred that Marty not be there at all, they were going to separate them with two separate sets of locked doors and enough insulated walls that it would be virtually sound proof. The soundproofing was important. Many women got very vocal during their "treatment."
The second surprise Leigha got was when Rhonda handed her one of those open backed robes that was standard clinical attire and asked her to put it on. Leigha hesitated, taken by surprise that she would be in the room with David basically nude. If he had just been "a doctor" it would have been one thing but they knew each other so personally. After Rhonda left the room she complied, though. It was way to late to back out.
At least it started on time. David was very punctual, showing up fully professional, scrubs and all. He took several minutes explaining what was going to happen and how it would benefit her. Finally, he offered her a chance to back out.
"No way," she said. She needed relief from the pain.
It stung.
When David injected her it definitely caught her attention. Then he had her lay back on the treatment table. Even in her state of mind it caught her attention that there was something about the treatment table. She had been on a number of them in the past. This one seemed so different. It was much larger, both in length and width, and wasn't nearly as hard as the others. It was more like a small portable bed than a treatment table.
That was as long as she had to think. Within minutes she blinked, closed her eyes, and was out.
David waited for five minutes before he touched her. This was a critical period. He couldn't just delve in to satisfy his hunger. Instead, he had to make sure she was fully under his control before he could proceed. He had already established a procedure, as silly as it seemed, that always worked.
He picked up her foot and slowly began to massage it. He knew nobody would object to any extent if they were not all the way under and if questioned he could easily justify it as "having seen something he wanted to check out." It had happened twice before.
She didn't respond at all. Things were going well.
Carefully he took each of her toes and pulled slightly, causing them to "pop." This was totally different. Not only would a conscious woman definitely want to know what was happening but also it was a very sensitive area that would surely draw a response if the patient were not totally under the influence. Not once had he ever had a response to it.
It was time. David abandoned her feet and slowly untied the little string behind her neck that held her gown up. With trembling hands he very slowly slid it off and down her body, inch by inch, leaving her exposed as he went.
First her breast, then her stomach was revealed to him. There was Leigha... exposed, uninhibited, and very, very beautiful. Even though he had seen her on video it wasn't the same. David couldn't imagine a woman having more perfect breasts. Although not large, they stood firmly out from her chest and were tipped by the longest, most exquisite nipples he thought he had ever seen.
Her flat stomach heaved slightly with every breath before dipping down to that wonderful valley that David had imagined would be perfect. He wasn't disappointed. Leigha had a bit of a protruding mound, covered heavily in a dark thatch of curly soft hair that had obviously been allowed to grow naturally. No bikini trims for this woman!
David sucked in his breath and with a shaking voice said, "Just beautiful." It was tempting to reach out and fill his hands and senses with her bounty but he had waited a long time for this, visualizing many times how perfect it would be. He promised himself not to mess it up by getting in a hurry. And thank goodness he didn't have to share the moment with Dusty or Rhonda. He didn't mind it so much in the past with other women but this was special.
Rhonda would have laughed. While David had been spending so much time planning his approach and how it would be, Rhonda had never stopped with her devious plot, either. She knew that this was not an even playing field and she was going to have to make her own rules.
After she had left Leigha in room three she waited behind her receptionist desk for a while, talking to Marty and watching the clock. This wasn't the first time she had done this and knew to some degree how far things would have progressed.
But there was another little matter that she had to resolve first. A few weeks ago it wouldn't have crossed her mind but now that everything was happening a little doubt clouded her thoughts.
For all her sexual escapades with Dusty and the voracity in which David approached her, she started having second thoughts about how a man as young and good looking as Marty would react to her. Especially having a wife as young and beautiful as Leigha. She had assumed Marty would be interested in her charms but maybe that wouldn't be the case. And wouldn't it be the pits if she came on to him and the only reaction she got was him whispering to others that she had done it!
"What the hell! Let's see what happens," she thought.
Excusing herself for a minute she went in the rest room and removed her bra. She knew her breast were prime and had caught the attention of men for many years. But how about a really young man, totally dedicated to his wife? Even if her tits were much larger than Leigha's. Here goes.
Marty was sitting in a chair right beside a small table covered with magazines. Rhonda came out of the rest room and went to the magazines, first straightening them out then going through them as if she were looking for something to read. In order to do so she was leaning way over, her loose scrub top falling open right in front of Marty's face.
She heard his breath suck in deeply. If it had been possible she could have heard his heart beat harder.
"Shit, she's beautiful," he thought. He couldn't believe she was putting them out on display for him. Wow! Unbelievable.
Rhonda closed her eyes a minute and thought, "Thank you," to nobody in particular. She stayed in the leaning position for a full minute before she returned to her desk with a magazine in hand. Well, that was answered.
It had been instant and she could even see it from where she was... his hard on. Nice and stiff, unable to be hid in the loose shorts he was wearing. Whether or not anything else happened she knew one thing. Marty was a tit man and he certainly liked hers.
What the heck! She knew he wasn't going to be timing her. Every two minutes or so she would walk back over and go through the magazines again.
"You know, sometimes there just isn't a thing to read in these," she laughed. She never stood up as she spoke, though, leaving her breast dangling in front of him longer and longer each time as she thumbed through the magazines.
"Why had I been so worried," she thought. "This is fun."
He was as easy as a teenager but his attention to her was already starting to draw moisture out of her. She had her own little "hard on" going.
Finally, she excused herself and entered the storeroom that led to room three. In the past she always made sure that the door was locked behind her to ward off accidental intruders. Not today. She left the door opened a foot or so after she entered.
With the nagging doubts behind her she decided to at least start setting the bait. For all their planning, no telling how many times she would actually get to set the snare. She wanted to, at least to some degree, get Marty involved in the action tonight. It was going to take a few visits before she would give him an unexpected education about his sweet Leigha.
She knew from his personality that he wouldn't follow her into the room. Not today. What he would do, however, was to be able to hear some of the sounds emitting from room three. She'd make sure of that, turning up the little speaker just enough to tease his senses.
David paused above Leigha, totally unaware of the situation outside. It was time.
Holding his breath a little, he leaned over and brushed her lips with his. He knew from past experience that it would cause no reaction. He just wanted her to feel his touch, her easy breathing pushing back lightly to him. Even this caused his hard to stiffen even more. She was such a Goddess!
He glanced at the wall clock to see where he stood. As much as he would like to make it last all night, he knew he couldn't. His hand went to Leigha's knee and started a small, light rotation. He always wondered just how much of the foreplay was effective but since he got such a huge rush out of it himself he wasn't about to curtail it any.
He took her right nipple into his warm mouth, licking it first then starting a gentle sucking. How large could he coax it to grow? How long would it be before he would get a reaction, either physically or audible?
His hand slid slowly, gently up the inside of her leg. It knew its destination very well... that tight little bundle of nerves nesting peacefully in that mound.
It took minutes that seemed like seconds and then again like an hour. Finally he was there, a finger brushing lightly over a hidden clit while he continued to coax her nipples into life. She stayed motionless the whole time, not so much as moving a finger.
David wondered out loud, "I wonder if she feels any of this."
O-o-o-o-o-h-h-h-h, yes. She felt it!
Leigha was floating. She was in a room but what room. There was a man. Sometimes it looked like Dr Ryan, sometimes like Marty, even at others like Dusty. She couldn't seem to hone in on it.
One reason was because of the distraction. The light touches that were enveloping her senses. She tried to mentally capture it as it happened... the mouth and tongue caressing her lips, fingers teasing her inner thighs, and especially her nipples. There was obviously a mouth paying her intense homage there. What had started as touches were quickly building into erotic impulses that her slurred senses were trying to grasp.
The thing about "My Little Princess" ate on Rhonda a little more than it should and she knew it. She made herself calm down and remember that she wasn't in a contest with Leigha. Not only had Leigha not once challenged her or tried to take away anybody's affection but also she wasn't even aware of what was happening. In fact, she really liked the girl. She was in her own right incredibly sexy and Rhonda found Leigha's sexual reaction to men to be extremely stimulating. Just watching...
Leigha looked out the window of the big truck as it moved along. She was still startled at the silent confrontation she had just had with the State trooper but she continued to slowly stroke herself between the legs. Not only was it pleasing her but she also knew Marty loved it. Her mind was again trying to put the past few months all together, trying to understand what had happened to a young loving wife that all at once she was so involved, so mentally trapped into such deviant practices...
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Fantasy & Sci-FiThey stood kerbside waiting for the taxi to appear. This man, Mike, who had appeared so suddenly in her life that morning, had quickly gained her confidence, now stood alongside her, although no one else would know.Anna Morgan’s thoughts turned to the crazed madness that had recently surged through her body. God, she could have been thrilling herself for all these dull years, and with her own fingers. It was all due to Mike’s appearance, and her own dream meeting with his mysterious priestess,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAs the taxi faded out of view, Anna and Mike made their way towards the large double doors of the Algernon hotel. A uniformed doorman touched his cap with one hand while holding open one of the doors with the other. “Good day, madame,” he said, reminding Anna that no one else could see Mike except her.“You approve?” joked Mike, waving an arm around the imposing entrance hall.To Anna, it was a palace of a place. Massive chandeliers, pillars to a decorative balcony, swathes of brocade curtaining,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMarty and Leigha shouldn't have worried about their strange coupling. After a fitful night of tossing and turning Leigha couldn't stand it any longer. About four in the morning she softly slid her body upon Marty, reaching between them to slowly stroke that normally wonderful gift that had been so disappointing the evening before. Neither of them had made any attempt to do anything earlier that night when they went to bed. Maybe they were reluctant, even afraid, after what had happened...
Yes, it would take time. Lots of time. The day after Marty visited the doctor he got a phone call. Leigha was close enough to hear and, after listening to a little of the conversation and watching Marty as he spoke, she was sure something was wrong. When he hung up, he just looked at her. "We've been invited out to Doctor Ryan's ranch. They want to talk to both of us." "Who are 'they'?" "Doctor Ryan and that guy you met in his office. Rusty." "Dusty." "Yeah, Dusty. Did you...
Finally, months later Dusty could sense the subtle changes in Leigha. It wasn't just the multiple sessions in the barn. He knew that was just the tip of the iceberg, that there was much more out there. He had seen it so many times before in young wives; the smoldering sexuality, the hidden unfed hunger. As each week and month went by it became more and more obvious in Leigha. And he was right. It wasn't that Leigha was becoming dissatisfied with her life. But no matter what happened it was...
Chapter 1 I really can’t believe how much my life has changed in the past three months. You just don’t expect that at my age. Let me explain. I’ll start with who I am. My name is Debby, I’m fifty-seven years old, yes, it’s been a while since my high school prom, I’m married, happily married, actually, to Brian, he just turned sixty. We’re reasonably well-off, have two children, now grown and out on their own, and we live a happy and contented life. Well, actually, our sex life, like many...
My wife and I have been social naturists for the past 15 years and have practised the liberating lifestyle at naturist resorts, clubs, beaches and waterfalls in over 10 countries to date. We continue to enjoy the exhilaration that naturism gives and the privilege of meeting likeminded people of many nationalities, ages and persuasions. We cherish the memories of naturist incidents and the emotions that they evoke which we discuss as two broadminded adults.One such incident took place while we...
How my sex life got a boost, a second man in bed with us. I really can't believe how much my life has changed in the past three months. You just don't expect that at my age.Let me explain.I'll start with who I am. My name is Debby, I'm fifty-seven years old, yes, it's been a while since my high school prom, I'm married, happily married, actually, to Brian, he just turned sixty. We're reasonably well-off, have two c***dren, now grown and out on their own, and we live a happy and contented...
Chapter 1 I really can't believe how much my life has changed in the past three months. You just don't expect that at my age. Let me explain. I'll start with who I am. My name is Debby, I'm fifty-seven years old, yes, it's been a while since my high school prom, I'm married, happily married, actually, to Brian; he just turned sixty. We're reasonably well-off, have two children, now grown and out on their own, and we live a happy and contented life. Well, actually, our sex life, like many...
Wife LoversAll of a sudden I became aware that here were my wife and I, both totally stark naked, talking to a total stranger that was fully clothed. It wasn’t the total stranger part that caught my interest as much as the totally clothed part. My wife and I have been social naturists for the past 15 years and have practised the liberating lifestyle at naturist resorts, clubs, beaches and waterfalls in over 10 countries to date. We continue to enjoy the exhilaration that naturism gives and the privilege...
WifeA story, I had written to arose my girlfriend and then sent her. Reading it, she got so aroused, that next day she told me to come her home, and then we did everything that is written down. Baby this is for you. I was imagining about u naked lying in front of me on a bed, your legs were wide spread. You was showing me your love hole and was whispering: “Baby eat my pussy! This is what you dreamed of na! Come dear make you dream come true! Lick it! Lick it hard!”. Sitting beside your legs, I was...
Erotic Lactation is the medical name for it, breast-feeding and experiencing an orgasm, and I recently, and embarrassingly, experienced it.I am a woman who has ultra sensitive nipples and my mind goes into an erotic overdrive as milk flows through my nipples.Not long after giving birth I was breast feeding alone in my hospital bed. I found the feeling pleasant enough, but when a friend of my husband suddenly appeared unannounced, the look on his face triggered an immediate sexual response.I was...
This is rahul back wid my new experience,thanx for ur comment on my 1st story “aroused by masi”.after getting so much positive response i wana share my 2nd encounter wid my masi. For those who dnt knw my masi heres her description 38 of age,looks like 28,slim,sexy,medium boobs and sexy ass. Guys this happened when my far relative expired and mom went on there funeral for 2 days as its it out of station,masi came to our house to look after me and she is here at our home by 8pm that day as mom...
IncestCHAPTER 1 Little by little Adair Ashford became aware his mom appeared interested in having sex with him. Adair had always imagined if that were to happen his mom would pull out one of his adult magazines from his bottom drawer and sit beside him, arm around him with her hand resting around the front of his shoulder. She’d talk about the super dicks and shape and size of the females tits and ask which of the women he preferred and why. He’d feel a tit pressing into his back and she’d then...
I will never forget that day when all of my inmost dreams came true! While Rolf was still asleep, I left the phone to get charged and hit the showers...I'm soaking up under the caressing sprays of hot water now, my hands sliding all over my wet body foaming up the fragrant shower gel. Behind the tender whisper of water, I hear my cell phone ringing. Weird but no one has ever called me while my phone was getting charged before. Damn, that's bad! I'm playing with myself right now and don't really...
Hi friends, i m rahul 19 years old guy from delhi i m in doing my graduation and i m regular reader of Iss.This is the real story of my masi and me.before i start the story i want tell u about my masi she is in her late thirties with slim and sexy body she is not having having any kind fat on her body,she is having medium size sexy shape boobs with slim waist and cute ass. This incident happen when my mother went out for a day for some work and my masi come when my mom leaves as i lost my...
IncestCopyright © 2002 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. I was in my bedroom. As thoughts of you flooded my mind. The heat from the advancing sunlight had made the bedroom heat up. Then I realized that I should put something cooler on. I scampered out of my blue jeans. Lifted my blouse and grasped my bra....
We all do silly or stupid things in our lives. Sometimes we learn by our mistakes, sometimes we go on and repeat them again. Thinking, phew that was a close call ... but what the heck, I got away with it so it doesn't really matter. Some unfortunately don't get away with it and pay the ultimate penalty ... their lives. I was lucky and I did learn from my experience so I can now relate it to you. I was still at school, around fifteen or sixteen at the time. I guess I was just like any other...
The next few weeks are the closest I have ever had to a relationship. Not because exclusivity had been promised, but because between work, and fucking Paul, and fucking Tam, and sleep I had no time for anyone else. Paul and Tam led very independent lives and so they each had plenty of time for me separately…. But I wanted both of them at the same time… I wanted my delicious lady love, and my hard fucking cock at the same time. These two had me obsessed. One lazy afternoon, while Tam and I lay...
True Story as are all my stories / blog Last week my Mrs was out for most of the day, I had a lot of diy to do but I needed some "fun" as well, so after she went of I did a quick change into a pair of very tight legging style trousers (no underwear) hoping that someone maybe come to the door selling or just doing leaflet drops then I could give them a show that never happened but maybe next time.After working for a while and complete a couple of tasks I need a rest so changed in to a pair of...
Since I turned eighteen and old enough to be extremely interested in sex, I would search for any object of stimulation available. Often times it would be a hasty search through my dad's collection of Porn magazines. While they were quite satisfactory, they basically just fueled my desire to see a real woman in the nude.As is the case with most young men, the closest one often gets to a real female is his own mother. I started to notice that while though motherly, Mom was very attractive. She...
It was in the warmest days of July, when in due course of time the Saturday arrived upon which the ball was to take place at M. de Morcerf's. It was ten o'clock at night; the branches of the great trees in the garden of the count's house stood out boldly against the azure canopy of heaven, which was studded with golden stars, but where the last fleeting clouds of a vanishing storm yet lingered. From the apartments on the ground-floor might be heard the sound of music, with the whirl of the...
A long weekend in the Caribbean on the company dime seemed like a fantastic idea, but the reality of seeing Chris with his wife during the whole trip was frustrating. Also, the sexual tension had been building between us as the days went by. Because Chris was there with his wife, and our other coworkers were around, we had to behave ourselves. I could not always be good, though. I am 5’4” with small but perky tits and shapely legs, and because I know that he loves my ass, I wore my...
Straight SexAmazon - Part 10d: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Sunday, March 11, 2001 Williamsburg, VA 1:50PM EST ~I can't believe I almost *forgot*!~ Nicole had been muttering imprecations at herself during her drive from Fairfax to Richmond. It...
CHAPTER 1 The chairman of the Our Times Magazines Inc, Benton Mellows, told the English journalist he’d hired at great expense that she was fired as editor of Oh Really Magazine because instead of reviving flagging sales, the sales figures had dropped at an accelerated rate during her six-month tenure. ‘You can’t do this, I’ll sue you,’ she’d screamed. ‘You promised everything but delivered practically nothing,’ Benton said. ‘Tell her Mal.’ Malcolm Thymes, the group’s chief attorney,...
Hey i have been reading ISS for 3 years now n finally i thought of submitting my story.My name is Aryan n i stay in New Delhi.Any hot girl or lady can email me at am 24 years old…tall slim and fair and just completed my MBA.Any girl or ladies who want a good fucking nite can mail me and i will give her the best nite of her life. So this is a story of my girlfriend Sonali who used to study with me in college in Bangalore from where i have done my graduation .I used to stay in JP nagar and this...
**********Time to pay off my bill. No matter what I had to do.******** I had let a bill I let get pretty high and I was told I needed to pay. I asked for more time, but It was long over due and needed to be addressed. I asked, "but what if I don't have the money"? I was told that, "I would figure it out". "Shit"!! "I'm in trouble"!!! Later that day, I get a knock on my door. It was him and he brought back-up, just in case. I was asked to sit down on the couch. "I don't have the money I owe...
A DIFFICULT OUTING By, Salty Lady I was walking down the road in a black, flower print dress. My heals clicked on the pavement. The street lights showing my destroyed makeup. To myself I say. "But I do know what I need to do." THREE DAYS BEFORE Not a good sign when you are talking to yourself, but I was as I walked back to my dorm. "Twenty-four years old and I'm living in a fucking dorm full of eighteen-year-olds. I'm an average guy. I'm average height and average build, with...
o’s MasqueradeMaster dressed in a black tuxedo complete with top hat and gloves. His slave was naked except for collar, cuffs and the mules on slave’s feet. Well, i guess that is not strictly true. i was also wearing a blindfold. It is actually a double blindfold. It is swimming goggles with the lenses painted black. Wearing these it is impossible to see anything. But Master likes the aesthetic of a cloth blindfold, so the goggles are covered with a strip of black silk. He slipped the elastic...
Sorry it has been so long for another story. About 7 years ago I had met this woman through a mutual friend. One evening she called and we talked about just about everything for over 3 hours. She invited me out one weekend to her place(70 miles away) so I went being curious as to what she had in mind. After dinner and two bottles of wine she let me to her bedroom and the next thing I knew she was on her knees sucking my cock and then I put her on the bed and undressed her while she was still...
STATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing EXECUTION REPORT Inmate ID No. 00-9602850 Name: Betsey {last name deleted} Date of Birth: June 14, 2064 Crime(s): none Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?10? Measurements: 32B-24-26 Hair: Auburn Eyes: Brown BETSEY?S Execution - PART ONE The Euthanasia and Right to Die Act of 2105, passed by our Legislature a few months ago, permits terminally-ill persons to...
I was sitting home bored to tears when my MIL dropped by rather unexpected. She said she couldn’t stay but left me a DVD to watch and told me I would really enjoy it. Not having anything to do I popped it in the player and got ready for whatever. When it came on there was my MIL alone in what was obliviously a motel room. She was fully dressed but soon began to perform a very cock stiffening strip-tease. Soon she was totally nude except for her heels and was giving me great views of...
Yet another day in this socially distancing world: wear a mask, stay six-feet apart, and stay home. Since February, I've cheated twice and that’s because I’m a mess and swingers parties don't exist. Now, my favorite parts of a day are working in the garden or walking my dog. More often than normal, usually late at night, I’m frequenting websites looking for hookups. There are tons of men, women, and couples out there but I ignore most of them because I'm picky and, of course, it’s hard to...
Cheating(All characters within this story that are engaged in or present for scenes of a sexual nature are 18 or older. This story contains themes of Non-Consent. Please read at your own risk. This story is being released on a very rough first draft basis and will progress as such until I reach the conclusion. Once I've finished the general story line I fully intend to move back through the story and add more dialogue and more detail.) "I loved this world... but this world never once loved me... in the...
FantasyWith the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now 'incarcerated'. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we'll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis? Copyright 2014: R.G. Beyer Episode 10 "Loose Ends" "Alex? Where did you come from? Is mother all right? Did your...
Long ago there was a primitive country named Tonk barbaric activities were on a massive scale there especially for female natives. When they won any battle he captured all girls of conquered region and distributed them to nobles of the capital. One of the richest and most powerful noble Divnoor was a sadist he loved torturing, tormenting and killing females. Once after invading a country numbers of female prisoners were bought in the town center all girls were allotted and on the highest bid by...
Introduction: Purely Fantasy I posted these stories before. I originally wrote them. They are dark and disturbing and the only reason Im posting them again is because some assholes on other sites have been taking my work and winning awards. Let it be known that dirtydiana18 is the true author of this series, and also let it be known that the main character Steph is completely legal when everything goes down. Honey, you in there, he asked. Without waiting for a response he nudged the door open,...
Jenny and I and a couple of her best girlfriends Anna and Monique are relaxing in the hot tub and we have champagne and several of the girls are starting to make out. I look at Jenny and say I think there is something wrong with this hottub, I think we need a plumber. I wink at her so she knows exactly who i am talking about. She looks and says ooh our friend from the pool and I nod yes. She calls him and without telling him who we are we say its really important an emergency we need his...
I had finally broken up with my girl friend. We'd been together for the last six months, but I'd gotten fed up with the notion of her only being with me for the things she thought I should happily provide for her. When she'd demanded I buy her a new car, I'd reached the limit of my tolerance. Carla, my ex, is twenty three years old, the same as me. She has a dark complexion, with black hair and beautiful brown eyes. She is an Italian-American woman. She is short, no more than five foot...
I'm Maria. I'm 29, work and live in a Czech city. A girlfriend suggested we go to a salsa party. I rarely even drink two cocktails in 2-3 hours. It would have made me stupid that no one invited us to dance and an African came to me and we started dancing. In general, my experience with these is that they are very pressed and rejected, which annoys and cuts them. However, this one was different, it didn't push me and at the same time it led me well. My girlfriend, I think, became dumb because...
Introduction: Conrad looked round the room there were several booths all round the room and at the other end a section had been curtained off Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 5: Angelas cherry They were led down another passage and through a small door .Joseph helped Conrad and the girls carry the clothing they had yet to try plus the ones they had not rejected. Settling back to the task Conrad was left to help the girls choose. Joseph kept popping in and out to check how they...
“Sarah?” I asked. She turned to me, “Yeah what’s up Ry?” She had always called me Ry, ever since we were kids. I didn’t really like it, I sometimes felt like it was the seed, or bean, or whatever. I wish she would call me Ryan, but she had that sorta childhood nextdoor neighbor older-than-you kinda thing going on, really dark, long hair that rested on her shoulders perfectly, but then also somehow flew down her back so simply. I couldn’t argue with her since she actually was three years...
Today in Private Specials, Cherry Picking, MILF Cherry Kiss and her husband go to a swingers club where they will meet the sexy Marie Berger, and this one wild crazy night of Private action you won’t want to miss! Surrounded by her friends, Marie wastes no time getting down to business with Jimmy Bud, and the voyeurs Cherry and Vince can’t help but join in for an anal orgy. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on where Cherry goes on to enjoy a hard DP pounding that has her...
xmoviesforyouProgenitors Synopsis: The first astronaut on Callisto has a close encounter of the fourth kind - without knowing it. Now the crew is starting to experience some very unusual events in the ship. They have to unravel the mystery to see if the encounter is a threat to the rest of them. [email protected] ********************************************************************** cast of characters Ben Young - chief engineer of _Goddard_ and lander pilot. He looks...
Once mom and dad’s divorce was final I moved back in with mom into our house. Dad had purchased a townhouse a few miles down the road. Being 17 and staying with my aunt and uncle had given me the freedom to do and act as I pleased, so I made no bones about telling mom that her son was a crossdresser and enjoyed sex with men. She really didn’t say much and pretty much told me that as long as I was happy, she didn’t care. One night mom went out to a bar and met a gentleman, who was about 10 years...
So this is my first attempt at a story so be nice ,) This story is mostly true. Some details have been changed but the main story remains true. Here goes… To start off… my work sent me out of town to work for a month. My wife was unable to join me on the trip since she had to work. We decided to enjoy our time apart and talk every day on the phone. After a couple weeks in my new city, I had made some friends. One of my friends worked for a community agency and they were having a benefit at a...
My wife is petite, beautiful in the manner of Audrey Hepburn, and looks ten years younger than her actual age. She is sweet and innocent, as if she just walked out of a Doris Day movie. You would never suspect that a mere two weeks ago she spent a warm, breezy Sunday afternoon fucking a strong Black man bareback and letting him cum in her mouth, while I fucked his lovely wife in another room. I have often been asked by members at another site how my wife and I began swinging some seven years...
Chapter 1 – My admission to the instituteI am Aiswarya, aged 22, from Chennai in south India. I am about 5’8? in height and about 52 kgs in weight. I have a good physique and quite fair in skin colour for my part of the world. I have thick long hair and sharp blue eyes and generally look beautiful and attractive. My father is a construction supervisor and mother is a bank employee. I have one younger sister, Leela, aged 18. I just completed my Bachelors in Computer Science at a nearby college...
Costume Gun: The Ultimate Gift By Heather St. Claire Joan Fuller sat in the lunchroom of the Dixon County Jail surrounded by co-workers and friends. She was the center of attention, which was to be expected, as this day marked her 50th birthday. Joan's square face was framed by a short brown bob. Her large, liquid brown eyes were her most compelling feature; usually, when she was on the job as a Corrections Sergeant they burned with a fierce intensity; but this afternoon, they...
Hello girls and guys this is Rehan Age 21 basically from Vizag but now staying in Hyderabad. For guys n girls who read my 1st story thanks for your feedback. For who didn’t read my story go n have a look at that. “Expected pleasure but she taken me to heaven” this is my 1st story. Again send me your feedback at My narration may be not up to the mark so adjust a bit. Some guys asked her number for your information I am not in contact with her because we have only one time sex so later she...
Morning light was filtering through his curtains. Martin opened his eyes. Irene lay beside, her arm across him. Her eyes were open. “Good morning. Been awake long?” he asked. “Just woke up.” “How did you sleep?” “Wondrously well. I closed my eyes and next thing it’s morning. I needed this.” She reached for his cheek. “Any regrets?” He shook his head. “Do you have any?” he asked. “It was harder than I thought it would be,” she replied. “Sex is complicated,” he replied. “I...
Hi folks, summer is ending, so we thought we’d end it with a light and fluffy, summer romance. Just the thing to take your mind off of hurricanes, flooding and rising ocean levels. No plastic straws were sipped on during the writing of this entire story. But don’t worry, the next one is already written and I swear it’s dark, crazy and depressing. SS06 Life is ... strange. Somehow, we’re never really prepared for all the changes and hurdles that life has in store for us. So that day in early...
In which our hero works some things out, and our heroine takes charge. In a symbyotic relationship, unlike a parasitical one, the host can gain as much as the vector. 19.14 Saturday 3rd July 2004 I've been doing some research, and I have to note this down. Photo albums. I've looked through the old photos of both of us, and it is NOT just that I am seeing her properly for the first time. I look at the picture and I look at her, asleep, and she has really changed. In the pictures, she used...
I'm half asleep when my phone buzzes, 2:53 am. I ignored it once and this was the second time. I reach over to the night stand, open the message and BAM, you see it above. Liyah sending nudes, girlfriend's away at work again and Liyah must be taught a lesson about waking me at this hour. A stiff, hard pounding kind. I slid out of my boxers and out of bed, cock swinging as I made my way next door to her room. I walk right up to her bedside and just glared, no words, just a slight giggle and...
This weekend started off very badly with my girlfriend being annoyed with me – she had had a tough week at work and I guess I wasn’t sympathetic enough. We hardly spoke at all on Friday. But Saturday started better and her mind was clear. We played in a squash tournament and she won the women’s doubles and some prize money. She offered to take me out for dinner on her prize. It was now summer weather and as usual the sun had brought out the best (or maybe the worst) in her – she was horny!We...