Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 39
- 2 years ago
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Snow was beginning to fall again and I called a taxi from the sitter's house. Before that the woman was trying to get information from me. With my picture in the paper she knew who I was but still treated me as if I was the child I looked to be.
It was early for a good sporting goods store to open. Even standing in the blowing snow now was not hard for I was able to adjust my body to put out much more heat to keep me warm and my fingers made an invisible barrier that kept away the wind. If I did it right I could stop all of it as if I were in a deep sea diving suit. As it was I had to leave holes in it or I would overheat.
The doors opened ten minutes late due to the near blizzard conditions and the difficulty of employees getting to the store. I shook myself off and entered the store just as the owner unlocked the doors. The man said, "Quite a storm coming son. What can I help you with?"
"Yes I think it is. Should stop in two hours. I came to see if you had some good quality ski clothing and some equally good boots."
"You're lucky. We have many sizes to choose from. Is your mother or father coming in? The clothing here is not cheap."
"I have cash sir and I am competent in making an informed decision." His mind told me that there was a sale starting tomorrow and I added, "If you give me your sale prices I will look at your merchandise. I am looking for six sets in total."
"You have enough money for six outfits son?"
"More than enough. I need boots, gloves, hats and goggles too."
"I will give you a ten percent discount."
"Your sale was on average seventeen percent. The store down the street has good equipment," I said as I started to leave.
"Hold on. You can have seventeen."
"Now I want twenty, for trying to cheat me and make my children go hungry."
He laughed and said, "Coming from a boy your age I find that doubtful but you can have twenty. Now what would you like to start on?"
I checked garments by my eye against the girl's measurements in my mind. I picked colours they would like and threw them into a pile. I bought socks and boots, again using my eye and my memory. When I was done we had a large pile and I said, that should be all. We totalled it up and I paid with cash. The owner saw my wallet and glanced at one of the thousand dollar bills. "Son, may I see that bill you have. I don't believe I have ever seen one before.
I handed him the bill and he looked at it as if it were counterfeit but deduced it wasn't. He was about to ask where I found this money when he remembered seeing my picture. The name came a second later as he handed the bill back. "Thank you Sir Shawn. I am a fairly wealthy business man but I have never held a thousand dollar bill before."
"You are entirely welcome. May I store my purchases here? I think I should go down the street and purchase one of those four wheel drive vehicles. They are a lot safer for my children."
The man didn't know what to say at the mention of children but did say yes to the temporary storage. After he showed me to the door, he pointed the way to the local Roots Motors Inc dealership that could fill my needs. I walked off down the street, but couldn't find the company he'd named — in the place the owner had described there was a shiny new sign which just said Rover Motor Company of North America — Headquarters.
Forty six minutes later I left a shaken president of the new dealership with a brand new example of the recently developed long wheelbase LandRover with the ownership made out to Mary. The car was very expensive and cost forty three hundred dollars. The price originally was higher but I knew how low they could go and stuck to it. The deciding factor was when I took out the thousand dollar bills and then laid them on the table with enough hundreds beside them.
I drove to the sporting goods store and the owner together with one of his employees helped me load the vehicle. The owner shook my hand and asked, "How much did you have to pay Harry?"
"Actually, it wasn't Harry any more, but this is a four wheel drive vehicle which has a lot of extras. I got it for forty three and you should have heard their president scream and cry — although he did say it was the very first sale that they had made since setting up and getting the first vehicles over earlier this week. Anyway — he did much better theatrics than even I do and I could use him in my production if I were doing one of Shakespeare's money lenders." The man laughed hard and shook my hand again before wishing me well and going back into the store.
As the snow was piling up, I decided to drive home and pack. I made it into the driveway and shovelled the walk, veranda and some of the driveway. The rest of the driveway I used my power on and got it clear, down to the gravel. I brought the clothing in and laid it on the beds to be inspected.
The better clothes were packed, including the clothes I bought for Rachael and Sofia. The snow stopped and the ploughs were still out throwing salt and sand from the street into people's front yards and especially the driveways. I took the last two canvasses and thought of Rachael and Sofia. I saw Rachael as she appeared on the balance beam with a leg up and one down. Her face was radiant as she did the difficult manoeuvre and was looking at me to tell me that she knew that she had done well.
Sofia was back in Ethiopia using a knife to butcher the croc at her feet and the sweat running down her body making he clothing stick to her. Her shorts showed her legs to her advantage. She looked very primitive but also very beautiful. In the background the hangar and the nose of the plane could be seen. Everybody else was drawn indistinctly or looking away.
With the unusual free time I made a quick meal and handled what business I could. I still thought of the first Sputnik and Sputnik II that was orbiting the Earth, wondering anew about what it would be like. I envisioned a submarine and made a ship in my mind that would cruise the depths of space instead of the depths of the ocean. For propulsion I didn't want to use rockets because they were very inefficient. For the first time I really worked on the basis of my kinetic abilities to see if they could be duplicated mechanically. I came to no real answer but I would continue to search for it.
I phoned a large local taxi company and talked to the manager. He would pick up all the students at both schools and individually drive them home for me. He gave me a flat rate after finding out who I was. He even agreed to drive me to the theatre and conclude our deal now. Mary could load the new vehicle and be ready to leave tonight from the theatre.
I left a note for Mary and cleaned the rest of the snow before the manager came to take me to the theatre. We talked more about what I intended to do and wrote things down in a small notebook. When we got to the theatre I paid him for the entire job and a tip was added too. He shook hands with me and was very happy to have gotten this contract.
The cast of our production were a little shaken when they arrived late. Apparently their vehicle had been hit by another on the slippery streets. Although there was some damage to the vehicles, fortunately nobody was really hurt, but now was the time to take their minds of the past, so I told the Bantu couples that I needed some help with the production and that I was hiring a married couple to help me.
Arriving about half hour later, John and Margarete Du Bois, the two people I hired were excited at the small production and their possible place within it. They knew that as new comers if they could not adjust it would be them to leave. Introductions were made and hands shook. Everybody was on their best behaviour and I hoped it would stay that way.
By the time the curtain was ready to rise, I knew that they would work well enough together and so I could now relax and enjoy the show.
The front two rows had my family and the students from the schools. The teachers were happy to be sitting almost fifteen rows back but still near the front. They were close enough to the students to monitor them and far enough away to have their own privacy. I walked out the side entrance of the stage and greeted my guests. Mary sat beside an empty chair and held Sally in her lap. When I got there I found her all smiles and she said, "You shouldn't have done that Shawn. My old car would have made it for a while yet."
"I want all of you safe. You are much too important to me now." I greeted Sally then Liz. They all looked good in their new clothes. Beside them Sofia and Rachael looked good in their new clothing too. They were very excited when Mary had phoned them. She took them to the theatre with a stop over at her house first. They had very wide eyes at the new vehicle Mary was driving. They had enough time to change and look at their skiing clothing before packing it all away and putting it in the back of the large vehicle.
Two of the girls I had kissed had made it here after making good essays on why they should be the ones to come. They were welcoming me with their eyes and I knew if I took them behind the curtain I could have them, they were that infatuated with me. I spoke briefly to them, then went over to the teachers and shook a few hands and said we would meet at intermission.
Meanwhile, John & Margarete duBois were busy checking everything out and meeting every few minutes to share what they had found. I was very happy with their enthusiasm and drive. When I came backstage again they had some insightful questions that I answered as best that I could.
At intermission the dancers took a much deserved rest and I talked a bit more with the two managers. I found the teachers and talked to them and their spouses. They were very enthusiastic about the very energetic African dancing and the soft spoken music. I had a few minutes to find my family and saw how all of them were bright and happy to be here. Sofia and Rachael held me to them to thank for making them more or less immortal on canvas. That was the way it came out and I had to dissuade them from that idea because it was just canvas and pigment. Those paintings were to keep and to decorate our new home.
Liz used the other girls to block her as she gave me a kiss. She absolutely loved her new outfit. The colours and size were perfect.
I had to go back and helped educate my two replacements. When the performance was over, I walked onstage and thanked the patrons for their enthusiastic support. I then talked of our itinerary and the possibility of coming back if we didn't kill the dancers with overwork first. At the end I was given an applause too and bowed as I accepted the acclaim.
Behind the curtains I brought John and Margarete into the dressing room. They were not shocked at the nakedness though. Margarete was amazed at the size of the men. The Rhodesians saw this and used every opportunity to flaunt themselves. John found the men interesting too as he had had a chance to discover this side of his life when he was only fourteen.
Talking to the performers, I said how I was going skiing and would be back Sunday night. To Margarete I said that it looked good the way she was meshing in. I gave her a note with the hotel and its phone number and left after telling her that we would be flying out Monday at noon.
I stepped outside the door and found the students and my family waiting. I talked to them for a few minutes, mentioning about their taxis waiting and wished them well in their future endeavours. The girls in this group were waiting for something more but I had to disappoint them. I ushered them out the front doors and waited as they got into the waiting taxis.
Back inside I kissed each of my women and Sally held out her arms and I knew I had to give her one too. I gave last minute orders to the crew cleaning up and had them store our props. If we came back we could use them. I was now free. The girls were sent to the washroom and I cast my eye high above to see if one route was any better than another. When Mary brought Sally out I was finished. Mary came up to me and said, "Shawn I am sorry, my time of the month has started."
"Why should you be worried about that? It means you will be fertile in a few weeks and if I were ready I would plant seed then. All the other girls will be the same. The only bad point might be that a group of women sometimes start to synchronize their periods and then I have a dry spell for a while."
I was given a hug and after a look around a big kiss. "Men are usually put out by something like this as if it were a woman's fault for doing this to them."
"Yes and some men are fools. Let's get our vacation started."
I drove first and headed out of the city. There were many stop signs and lights. The highway was only two lanes and had many level crossings that necessitated us to start and stop. The four wheel drive was very complicated with high and low ratios as well as a third stick for the transfer gearbox. It was also quite noisy with the special snow tyres that I'd bought as an optional extra but had fitted to the vehicle for immediate use. Fortunately, Mary had the sense to take the normal off-road tyres out of the back and store them in her garage before packing earlier in the day.
Everybody wore the lap belts that I had purchased as an option. The girls all groused at the feeling of being attached to the vehicle but I saw it as a safety measure that they should wear them. Sally was too small for them so I worked out a seat that I would make later with belts that would hold her better, then the lap belt would hold the seat in place.
Mary handed a sleepy Sally to the middle row of seats as she laid down on the front seat herself. Her head went onto me lap and her fingers found my zipper. She undid my belt while I assisted by sitting up for her to slide my pants and underwear down my legs. She had to get up and move to a better position before she could swallow me and remain comfortable herself.
She groaned in satisfaction and made small noises. Her own hand had Kleenex in it and it was in her panties trying to bring herself off. I assisted and stimulated her mind and at the same time stimulated her openings and her clit. Her noise alerted the girls in the back seat and they undid their belts and looked over the seat at what Mary was doing.
I used my mind on the three older ones in the back and soon they were rubbing themselves. In a few minutes Liz and Sally went over to the third set of seats. Rachael and Sofia began to take off their clothes. It wasn't long before they were laying one on top of the other trying to please each other.
In the back seat I saw Liz and Sally undressed. Liz was teaching her sister about the joys of oral sex. I was concerned with this for a while till I remembered pleasing my mother when I was very young. If Sally was not forced to do anything and I was not expected to do anything sexual with her then everything was fine.
Mary was having her third orgasm but continued to please me. I had one of my own but the vehicle stayed straight and safe. When Mary became tired I removed her head and got her to lay on my lap as I caressed her head with my free hand. Sofia and Rachael had at least five orgasms each and Sally had a good feeling but not exactly an orgasm yet. I worked harder on Liz and she had to scream in the back seat because of her pent up emotions broke through all at once. The rest of the girls just smiled and relaxed more. I turned the heat up high and directed more of it to the back.
When everybody was asleep I made sure they stayed that way and dressed each of them. At the next chance I would buy some soft blankets for them and maybe a few pillows too. I straightened up Sofia and Rachael and put Liz between them and did up their belts. Sally floated up front with her mother and they too were soon buckled up.
We got into Collingwood and paid for the suite. They were hesitant about renting it to me until I slapped my diplomatic passport down and pointed to my legal age, after which they were most apologetic. I drove to our spot and awoke the girls one by one with a kiss. I got their coats on and hustled them inside and too our suite with the luggage carried by a sleepy bell boy.
I got the girls to the king sized bed and curled up myself for a few hours. Bright and early it was at the rental shop where I got the equipment that we needed. I brought our own boots along for them to adjust the bindings, after they'd found out that we were all novices. I had no roof rack for skis but luckily they fit inside the vehicle well enough.
Breakfast was ordered as take out and this is what woke up the girls. They got out of bed naked except Mary who had to wear her panties now. Sally was cleaned up and left to run naked as the rest were. I took off my own clothes to fit in.
We sat down to eat and it was good that I had ordered more than usual. The girls were ravenous. I fed Sally by hand and she cuddled close at the gesture. After using the bathroom we all got dressed and I ensured that they had everything and that it was well adjusted. After getting the lift tickets we went to the beginner slopes and I began to teach each of them what to do. I cheated again because they were my family and improved their reflexes and coordination. Mary brought out her old camera and took many pictures. I encouraged her to shoot a lot because we could buy more film from the shops.
Liz's first time on the slopes allowed her to fall less than the usual novice. Sally fell but did not get disheartened and just got up for more. Mary was careful and did not fall at all. I enjoyed the beginner's slopes with my family. Sometimes I skied backwards in front to them encouraging them to follow me. I had to do a small trick with the back of the skis so they would not dig into the packed snow.
In a few hours we went to the intermediate slopes where things became more exciting. The spills were uncommon but more spectacular when they did come. We stayed here till it was time to eat. The girls had rosy cheeks and were very animated about their experiences. Almost everybody in the lodge came over to look at us. There was no ill-formed feature on anybody at the table and the older four were especially looked at.
Single men or ones dodging their wives or girlfriends came to the table to see what their luck might be. Mary displayed a lot of pride when she said, "We are escorted by Sir Shawn thank you. He is showing us the slopes and explaining to us how to ski."
One man of twenty eight said, "I have much more experience. I have skied these slopes and many more in British Columbia."
Liz piped up, "Shawn is better. This was his first time on skis and I can see that he is better than anybody else here today."
The man just humoured her and laughed as he left. Sofia the shy woman, suddenly stuck up for me after the man turned to leave and said, "Shawn can do anything anybody in this room can do and do it better. I'll bet you anything."
The man turned to her and with an appraising eye looked at her. He knew she was indeed beautiful an well worth the effort when he won. "I will bet you miss but I doubt if you will be willing to pay."
Sofia just realised what she had blurted out and said, "Shawn can still do anything."
The man turned to me and said, "Hello Sir Shawn, my name is Jeff Mathews, is what the young lady said, correct?"
"I spent most of my life in Africa and only small part in Britain. This is my first time in Canada and the very first time on skis. I will take up the challenge though if you want to risk it."
"I would like to make a wager with you. How deep are your pockets?"
"Say a thousand dollars then."
"That's acceptable. I have more than that in cash. Can you match it?"
Jeff did his calculations, of what money he brought against expenditures and had just enough. "Sure."
We went to the desk clerk and we gave him a thousand dollars each and the man said, "The first one here to claim the money gets it all." The clerk understood and put the money away. A small crowd followed us outside and we picked up our skis. Mine were investigated and seen to be simple rental units that were strong and not as fast as the man's high priced pair. Even his poles were expensive. He worked as an engineer in his father's business and could easily afford to loose if need be but he had so much of a competitive spirit that he would fight like hell to win.
"What do you propose for a course?"
"We take the lift to the top and when both of us are satisfied that it is safe to go we will ski down the hill. The fastest will come to the chalet and get the money."
"Sounds fair, let's go." We walked over to the lifts and my girls stayed around me knowing that I would do all right. Their faith in me was that strong. Mary knew I was rich and the loss of a thousand dollars was not a big thing.
This time the lift took us up much higher than the intermediate course. The drop too was much more abrupt. We paused at the top as I did a search for the fastest way down. I used Jeff's own memories to pick out the better places and what to do when reaching any of them. My skis were not as good as Jeff's and I would of necessity be slower. I did see a quicker route that would cut a lot of time off. The problem was that it led through a fringe of trees, festooned with wild grape vines and brambles. This led to an edge that dropped thirty feet to the same path Jeff would have to take but I would take a short cut across a long hairpin turn.
"Jeff I am about ready. So you are saying basically that the first person back to the money keeps it all. If I do things differently are you going to put up objections?"
"How differently?"
"That is my secret. I will not interfere with your skiing, or with you. I have never been accused of not being a sportsman and I don't intend it to start now."
"That is fine with me. Tell me about those girls with you though. They are all very lovely."
"Jeff, the two that are not quite eighteen yet, they and some others ran into a problem and I killed many men to protect them. I am even more adamant to protect them now."
"The twelve year old girl I jumped through the ice to save her and her cousin Bryce. Her too I will protect with all my energy. Her sister and her mother naturally fall into the same category."
"I am sorry. I wasn't too sure of your reputation. Did you kill all those guys in Africa too?"
"Those I killed when I was younger and angry. I took satisfaction from it at the time when it was being committed. They had killed all my family and I would gladly kill them again if I were presented with those conditions."
"Well I will be a very proper gentleman around your ladies Sir Shawn."
"Thank you. They deserve it. Shall we start the track seems to be clearing?"
"On your mark then Sir Shawn."
I counted to three and yelled, "Go." I pushed off with the poles and one broke in my hands. I left it and raced down the hill. Jeff with two good poles raced ahead and didn't even know that I had only one pole. I used one pole to push on one side and soon picked up considerable speed but Jeff was already a hundred and fifty feet ahead of me.
The place to turn off came and I sent my power ahead and sheared the vines in many places and cut some of the brambles. Soon I was dodging trees and low branches, the brambles were easy but I had to dodge a large rock in the centre that the glacier left long ago. The edge came and I crouched then jumped at the right time to sail over a fence at the edge of the precipice.
As I fell over the edge I oriented my body and plotted my landing point, a second and a half later I struck the deep snow and slid down a near vertical incline for another two seconds. I ran parallel to the run and had to jump high and sideways to land in the worn section. With one pole I continued to push for the maximum speed.
Two more turns came and I had to assess the snow and ice to see what angle and speed I could take. Some I had to actually slow down. I passed other skiers as they went as fast as they could, unknowing of my approach. Sometimes I could crouch to lessen wind resistance and other times I had to stand to push with the pole or switch it to the other hand to make a turn at the maximum speed possible.
The way ahead of me was clear because other skiers had known of our bet. Not twenty feet behind me Jeff was pushing himself to the maximum. The doors to the lodge were held open and I made a final jump in the air, unhooked the bindings and grasped both skis. As I came down I propelled them to stand vertically with many others. My own path intersected the opening and I slid through the doorway on my boots and slid across the floor to the desk.
Although I wasn't actually out of breath but I breathed a bit extra to show my exertion. "Good day Sir. Do you have my money for me please?" Sofia and Liz were there to see me as they had seen most of the race through the large glass window.
As the startled clerk handed over the money, Jeff came running across the floor and slowed when he saw that he was too late. He came to me completely out of breath and clapped me on the shoulder.
"You... certainly... earned the... money."
"Thank you Jeff for the sport. I broke my pole on the very first lunge and had to improvise as I went down." Rachael came up and I held onto her, not for support but for the warmth of it.
"You did that... I was trying out for the Olympic team and I had excellent equipment."
"Jeff, I jumped over a cliff to take a short cut. I know it is not for everyone but I knew you would win if I didn't. If we were in the Olympics and you'd followed the same course you would beat me easily."
The people all around us had witnessed the race and I knew that if there were a record then Jeff would have already broken it. Mary came carrying Sally. She got on the other side and I held her too. Sally stretched out her arms and I took her into my arms and continued to talk to Jeff.
"Will you join us on the slopes? I am afraid that they will have to be intermediate level."
The throng parted for us and we all walked outside. I had to go to the rental to report the pole breaking and was given a replacement. Soon Jeff was introduced to the rest of my family and it didn't take him long to see that the girls were only interested in me but would talk to others. Jeff was a vibrant and exciting person and all the girls asked him about the Olympics.
"I haven't been there yet. I am just in the running I hope. There are many events that I have to compete in before the Olympic committee will give me their blessing." Jeff stayed with us and helped by giving some lessons.
It wasn't too much longer when I said, "I am getting hungry. Let's all go for supper. Jeff will you join us. Since I am the big winner today it will be my treat."
He especially liked Mary and she played a game with him. I knew for a fact that she would not give me up for him even if he was closer to her age. "I would be delighted. I think I will have to order some of the expensive dishes tonight."
"Please be my guest. I would like to change and we will meet you in an hour as it takes us all much longer for to shower than for one alone." This told him even more and he wondered how a person of my age, even if super bright, could keep all these beautiful women.
"An hour then."
We went up to our suite and clothes went flying all over the place and I had the view of a lot of naked flesh. Mary came over and said, "I was looking through the binoculars you bought me and I saw you suddenly fall over the cliff and I almost died. Don't do that to me again please. I don't know what I would do without you."
I held her and looked up to her eyes and replied, "I may look to be doing something dangerous but it's not. People using the ski jump are only mildly in danger. I am still young and don't have a problem with coordination or reflexes. I see many things in slow motion if I speed up my mind. You are all too precious to leave. I plan on growing old with each of you."
Sally came over wanting up and I moved Mary over to the couch and sat with her as Sally climbed into my lap. On the way up she stopped and inspected my penis and even picked it up to see it better. "Daddy, why is it small now?"
Mary and I laughed as I picked the girl up and gave her a kiss. "This is for putting seed into girls. I don't have any seed yet but I like to practice just the same."
Liz went into the shower after with the other two. Sofia and Rachael wanted some relief and decided to bring Liz in even if she were young. One day they knew she would be my wife alongside them, so starting now was not really a chore. I had to go in before things got out of hand and said, "Girls, I hate to be a party pooper but please save some of the games for later. We need to get ready for supper." I got three oks and a three giggles right after, for saying the same thing at the same time.
After they were done I washed Sally and handed her to her sister as Mary climbed in with me. I brought my finger up to my mouth and then bent Mary over and away from me. My fingers found her opening and I slipped in easily. She brought her legs together and this was even tighter. Soon I was moving quickly into her and worked on the pleasure centre in her mind. She quaked and would have fallen if she had not been held. After two more I had to put her in the bottom of the tub and wash her like a baby. I washed myself as quickly as possible and then picked Mary up and dried her with two towels.
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Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 11 Amanda helped Nicole carefully fold her clothes into the suitcase. "The last time we rode on a plane was the trip back from Boston," Amanda said. Nicole remembered the trip well. She was leaving a nightmare of a life behind. She was scared. She had no idea what her life ahead would be like. It turned out to be her great escape. This trip seemed to be almost as scary. A conference for transgendered children and their families was...
A disembodied voice filled the room “Rebecca Sarah Johnson” our you were observed by your' school's CCTV cameras as engaging in inappropriate sexual behaviour with a student of the same gender at 13.00 yesterday.” a screen embedded into the wall she was facing fired up and displayed an image of her school's toilets. A slim blonde girl 5'6” walked in, Becky immediately recognised as her friend Hailey who was in the year above her. Becky and Hailey had been close friends since...
Iss ke sabhi dosto ko namskar dosto mai ajay ek baar phir hajir hu aap sab ke samne apni kahani lekar aap logo ne meri kahaniyo ko pasand kiya uske liye dhanyawad dosto aap logo is kahani ka yani ki khubsurat padosan aur unki beti ka pratham bhag padha aur pasand kiya jaisa ki aap logo ne padha ki kaise maine apni padosan bhabhi ko choda ab to mai bhabhi ko roj chodane laga jab bhi mauka milata mai unhe chod deta kabhi kabhi to rat me bhi chod deta lekin dar laga rahta tha ki kahi unke bachche...
Although Nancy stopped work at the end of the following week because of her VERY pregnant situation, she continued to monitor the storms in the Atlantic and Gulf, and talk to Dave about the utility’s resource deployments during hurricane season. She watched hurricane Jerrod come ashore in Texas, but it rapidly deteriorated into a tropical depression, so did little damage other than local flooding. She couldn’t let go, and Dave kept telling her to relax, enjoy the time off, and prepare to be a...
I just woke up and found myself on some different bed then I realised that I am not at my home and I was naked and alone. No piece of clothes was on me. My tool was fully erect then I remembered about last night and about Sandhya. Now I move towards toilet and after finishing off my daily chores. I tried to search where she is. I was still nude but my shaft was limp after peeing in full strength. I reached to drawing room and found her in kitchen and she was chatting on phone but she was also...
IncestWe have another spectacular girl next door, cutie with a booty for you! Journey has beautiful long red hair and a sparkling personality. This girl has a certain je ne sais quoi about her. I can’t really put my finger on it, but everything about her really surprised me. Also, she was apparently a film major in school, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t prepare her for this type of film work. After we get her on the couch and she tells us her story, we have her get naked. Next, she gives us a great...
xmoviesforyouMy second year here and I just got off winter break. Because of a winter snowstorm our break had been extended but after a week extra off of school the roads have become safe to drive and I can’t wait as I have a date with a girl from my school that I have had a crush on since about halfway through the first semester. Her name was Caroline Johnson. Very small and trim figure with long brown hair that extends partially over her right eye giving her an erotic look, and on top of that one of...
6:30pm Sean Mallory had a bounce in his step as he made his way towards the elevator. With Lydia’s loyalty, he now had eyes and ears upstairs that could help him, hopefully, stay one or two steps ahead of his sadistic boss. He turned the corner into the small receiving area where the elevators were located. Anthony’s unexpected massive frame made him jump back slightly. His hand went to the back of his head involuntarily. The large bump was still present and still very sore. Without...
I used to work at a lodge in Ca. and was expected to be there very early mornings to clean and open up. I was young with no transportation so I walked a couple of miles before sun up to get there. One morning as the sun was starting to rise I was about to get there when I saw a man jogging towards me.He was tall,lean,shirtless with a completely smooth chest and legs and a head of dark,dark brown hair. I noticed his very short nylon shorts and thought that I was going to get a nice glimpse of...
Not much has changed in my relationship with my MIL. We still have make love to each other several times a month, but she never seems to amaze me. The sex is great and she really knows how to use her body to please her lover. Just when I thought things could not get any better she dropped another bombshell on me. We were just laying in bed together, she was stroking my cock and I was enjoying a mouth full of tit, when she told me a story that happened when she was married...
MatureLiving and growing up in a fairly small town, although it does have a rather large university everyone who is a townie knows everyone. I never dated or even thought of dating a black, I did have one call me several times but he was dating a friend of mine at the time and I thought he was a scum bag for calling me and would have nothing to do with him. Anyway the years and boyfriends slipped away and I found myself 30 years old and single. I worked with several younger girls, who dated black men...
In the late 1990s I used to attend swingers clubs in London. The nearest and my favourite was a small club near Maryland station in Stratford East London. Downstairs was a Jacuzzi, sauna, rest area with sofas and pool table and a bar (serving soft drinks). Upstairs were several playrooms and the changing areas. It was usually full of single guys and occasionally couples (and a single woman who came along frequently and who would take up occupancy in one of the playrooms until every guy in the...
“Are you going?” Alison asks. “Sure, why wouldn’t I go,” I reply. “Well, Elaine might be there,” she says. “It’s okay. I’m over it,” I tell her. Just so everyone is in the know, I’m Kevin and I just finished my first year at NYU. My good friend, Alison, just finished her first year at Columbia. We are both from New Jersey, which is where we grew up. I have known Alison since I came to America from Korea at the age of 9. She was the only person who didn’t treat me funny at the time...
Adrienne was new to the city, and didn't know anyone. After a few weeks of stifling solitude, she had decided to visit the local equivalents of her old haunts. Part of her hoped that the city would change around her, spitting out her old friends and familiar environs. The corner pub had been nearly deserted, and it was hard to make new friends at the mall, so Adrienne found herself alone at the gay club. She wasn't expecting to be alone for long. With her shock of long blonde hair and cute...
„I shall go to the races this afternoon,“ announced Princess Karina.„Yes, Highness.“ Kemal, Head of Stables, bowed low. „Will you be racing yourself, Highness?“„I will.“„Black Beauty and Saucy Lady will be in immaculate condition, Highness.“The faintest trace of a smile flickered over the tall, dark, flashing-eyed woman. „As always,“ she murmured.„Thank you, Highness.“Kemal bowed low again and made his way from the royal chamber. He was pleased. It was always a good thing to have Princess...
Diana Masters quickly figured out one constant about prison: It turned her favorite hobbies into the day’s worst moments. She used her fork to move around the putrid viscosity the administration dared to call mashed potatoes, swearing she just saw a drowning bug. Having a baby turned Diana into a ravenous eater who’s stomach always growled. She sat alone at the cafeteria table, raucous behavior swirling on either side. It’s for that reason she didn’t hear Jackie’s first question. “I said,...
Hi Vinay, here from Chennai. Enjoy reading this surprise sexual encounter that happened in the most unexpected circumstances. Mail your comments and feedback or chat on hangouts at Now it was obvious Padmini was going to get fucked by me. It would be a new experience for her. Her pussy has never handled a dick. For the first time itself, she would get such a massive size. The other thing that was driving me crazy was that I have not fucked a virgin in recent times. I did not want to release in...
Cousin Fuck Hi readers , this is my first story in Indian Sex Stories. My pet name is crazy, 24yrs old, i am 5’4″ in ht, my girlfriend or cousin name is Sweety(pet name)19yrs old, she is little shorter than me. Her body status is 30-28-32, round shaped boobs (.)(.) i am working as a engineer, my cousin is doing her degree in Bangalore. Lets come to the story. If any grammar mistake in my story pls forgive me. My native is a village near Mysore, i and my cousin staying in same village. We grown...
Jamie in the rush of time, jogged the way that complimented his athletic abilities, arrived at James greeting by the University entrance. James had observed his steps were perfectly spread, his body near pedestrians would watch him jog in awe of Jamie’s athletic body, where his sexual attractiveness aura swiped the hearts of many. Jamie had arrived breaking no sweat and showed no signs of fatigue by face and body. James made the first move and gave Jamie a bear hug. “Hey, thought you was going...
GayBeen here as a long-time reader and finally decided it was time to share my own real life experiences. As a bi-guy, I enjoy sex with women and sometimes with older men. The older man fetish comes from one of my experiences with an older guy who reminded me of how good gay sex was. I say ‘reminded’ because my first ever gay experiences were with my cousin brother when I was barely 6 or 7 years old, then later with another cousin from age 12-14, but those stories are for another time. This...
Gay MaleThis is a short tale, that’s been kicking about on my hard drive for some months now. I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement that they always give me. I also thank all of my friends, who write to encourage me to continue writing and posting these demented ravings of mine. Your emails are always greatly appreciated. And I must thank those of you who get a sneak preview nowadays, in helping me track down any booboos that...
Authors Note: The following is a piece of original fiction that contains ADULT content and should not be read by minors. This story is copyright of the author. All names and places are fictional and any resemblence to real persons or places is purely coincidental. If you have any feedback I would be glad to here from you at the following email address :- [email protected] An Intimate Encounter by LiteryRambler The cold October night air caused Jane's breath to condense as it escaped her...
EroticI was greeted at the door by a very hot nude male stripper for a birthday party I was invited to over Memorial Day weekend. I found out that his name was Derek Tyson and that he entertained for different private parties and events along with dancing at some regional strip clubs. I was also told that he had done several porn shoots. There were at least fifty or sixty people at the party, and the host had the evening well planned out. Since it was a pool party, Derek actually was totally naked...
Gay Male"Mistler, I want you to take me to see this thing." "Are you sure? What would be the purpose? You'd only be torturing yourself." "I want to see it, let's go." Barker led the way. He knew where the old shed was, of course, but he wanted Mistler to show him the workings of the contraption. How could Nora have conned herself into such a trap? Still, the supreme decadence of her action was one few women were capable of. It was this fact that made him love her more than ever before....
Maryann went into the luxurious bath suite that adjoined her bedroom, the feel of her daughter's tender soft lips still on her cheek. The pressure in her pelvis had never really gone away, but at least while she'd prepared dinner and chatted with the girls over dinner there'd been sufficient distraction to hold it at bay. When they were watching the movie however her sinful mind had gained strength. The feeling of separation that she found so disconcerting was overwhelming. Part of her...
Introduction: Fun and Sex While Traveling My night on a plane&hellip,.. I was waiting to load a flight home from visiting my Mom and Stepdad. I dont like him because he always just plays around but never goes all the way. I probably would fuck him if he would. I dont care for my Mom either because she left my Dad for this guy. Fortunately Dad got custody so I live with him. I was savoring the taste in my mouth from paying my step-brothers fee for bringing me out to the airport, a blowjob and...
I walked into the large metal walled room and sat on the single white plastic chair. A bright light prevented me from seeing the voice that spoke, a soft autoreactive male voice. “State your name, family name and then your Christian name… First name.”My tiny voice echoed in the sterile room. “State your age and sexual orientation.” I was okay with the first but what was he taking about orientation, Japan? “I’ll put you down as bisexual, covers both bases.”The confusing and often bizarre...
My wife and I drove over to Paso Robles for a day of wine tasting. Paso Robles is where about seventy-five percent of the wineries are in California. We usually try to find the secluded wineries that aren't on the main highways. They're not as crowded and you can talk to the employees and ask questions about the wines. We've done this several times in the past and have found it makes for a relaxing and fun day. We stopped at one of the wineries on the main highway for my wife to buy a bottle...
VoyeurThis story is pure fiction. Any similarities in names and places are purely coincidental. The story starts in the late 1950s. I want to thank MiliktheRed for editing this story! * My wife, Yvonne, and I had been married for over a year when our first big challenge came along. Don’t get me wrong, we had had minor disagreements just like any couple. Our challenge came from the fact that Yvonne has a big heart. She truly cares about people. It all started one evening in late October. The...
I awoke to find Willy snuggled up against me. Her skin, soft as a cloud, flushed warm and alive to my touch. My cock rose and hardened as her butt cheeks gently squeezed around me. Reaching over her shoulder, I cupped her sumptuous breast in my hand, stroking my fingertips gently over her dark brown areola and stiffening nipple. "Good morning, sleepy," I said in a soft voice. "Mmmm, that feels so nice," she replied. "Turn over. I want to give you a back rub." There is nothing more sensuous than...
Straight Sex"Yes , that's Fine. I'll see you Saturday at 9pm. Until then, “ I hear my wife say ,when I enter the room . A slight disappointment overcomes me. "I thought we had Saturday night to ourselves . I had already made plans for the two of us .Who are you meeting now? “I ask her . " Oh , no worry , honey , you won’t find this really annoying in any way" she says with a slight smile on her face. The following days I wander around with a curiousity feeling, but I did not get any further clarification...
The level they were on now looked more like a tunnel dug through clay than anything else. The floor and ceiling were unfinished, but smoothed, clay, and the walls looked like rammed earth. The atmosphere was dank and dark; it was a good thing that they had that spell which let them see in very dim light. They had hardly stepped off the stairs when they were attacked by a mix of goat-men and spitting dogs. Sue pumped out the moving fire walls as fast as she could, and Jack screamed out his...
We had just started to eat when Joan made an appearance joining us for the meal. Like Eve, she was wearing shorts and a blouse. I was wearing shorts and a pull-over type of shirt. We cleaned up the dishes and left for the grocery store. I suspected that they might cause another riot. I was right. The two walked in on my arms and every head in the store turned my way. However, I don't think they were looking at me! We grabbed a buggy and began to shop going through our list and even adding...
Iqbal and I spent many afternoons in his bedroom cuddling naked and exploring each other’s nude body. Iqbal wanted to have sex, I too wanted to go all the way but was scared. So I thought that he can rub his dick on my cunt slit and clitoris, that can give him and me both pleasure. So one day after having oral sex when we were cuddling, I held his dick and started massaging it, it grew in my hand was hard within no time. I took it in my mouth and blew him for a couple of minutes. Then I lay...
Incest"Oh, it's you, um, Lauren's brother. So it's you who Kaitlyn calls, 'Fingers.' Come in, I've seen you around at your sister's, I was over there about, oh, it's been maybe six, eight months ago." I followed her upstairs to her room where she sat down on the bed. "Tell me how you got started on this. Oh, and your name, I know Kaitlyn calls you 'Fingers' but what's your name?" "It's Kyle and, well, I found a video on sensual massage and someone to let me practice on them,...
Hi, dear all reader, i am Rong Pencil (not original name) from Dhaka. I am a regular reader of ISS from few days. I like all the stories. But sometime i think all the stories are mixed with some wrong information like all the dick is over 8 inch and first time all the girls like to suck the penis. In my side it takes years to make my partner to suck my penis. All the girls are so shy to even catch the thing. Anyway I will not make you bared. Here comes with my story. It was my first experience...
So as a favor to the comic book store owner, I agreed to be a birthday present. For his father. His father was going to be turning 60 and he wanted something special for his dad.The idea was this. His father had always had a thing for boys, but had not ever acted on it. He knew his father had always wanted to have sex with a younger boy and he was going to give him his ultimate present. I would walk to his fathers house playing a, get this, Girl Scout. Selling Girl Scout cookies. I would...
I was still lying on my bed staring at the wall when Mom came home. I heard the front door open, followed a few minutes later by footsteps on the stairs. Finally, she opened the door and peeked in. "Hi, Kenny," she smiled. "Where's Sarah?" "I hate her," is all I said. Mom sighed. "Uh oh. Did you two have a falling out?" At first I didn't want to talk about it, but I decided I needed to tell someone how I felt, and Mom had always been a good listener. So I began talking, and soon...
Night Entries, Chapter 2: I couldn't go through with it. I'm such a coward. I guess I have no choice but to keep on going, even if life makes no sense. I can only hope its a short life, since there doesn't seem to be any hope for me. ****** I feel like some kind of zombie. I'm just going through the motions, not living at all. I guess it doesn't really matter. I've kinda stopped talking to God, since He doesn't seem to listen anyway. The other day I actually screamed at Him, I...
The Class Project By Janice Dreamer Chapter 10 Cathy smiled and stirred in her sleep. She was having a wonderful dream. She snuggled contentedly into her nice warm pillow. Something tickled her nose and she opened her eyes to find her 'pillow' was a strong manly chest and it was a tuft of hair on that same chest that had tickled her awake. Her heart was suddenly near bursting with joy - this was no dream after all! Not wanting to disturb Greg she closed her eyes again...
Maddy O’Reilly is lying on her girlfriend Jayden Cole’s lap buck naked, her glistening ass covered in oil. Jayden is massaging Maddy’s ass, lamenting how much she loves it and how sad she is that Maddy never let’s her in there. When Jayden leaves for work, Maddy decides that anal play would be the perfect way to celebrate Jayden’s birthday. It’s the least she can do after their amazing year together. When Jayden comes home from work, Maddy’s on the bed...
xmoviesforyouMegan was single and longed to be married – to have a family of her own. She lived in a good subdivision, drove a good car and had a good job. She was trying to do everything right. She swiped on the profiles of most of the guys her age on Tinder, but after initial messaging, nothing ever came of it.Of course, she'd had a couple of quick fucks with one or two guys – but that's all they wanted, and all she wanted was to make them happy, even if it was just for one night.Megan was a tiny girl at...
Mind ControlHello friends, this is Hardick (thats what my gf calls me) without wasting time I will come to the story. In my family there are two people left me and my mom, asha I am 26 and my mom is 52 but she looks hot as she is just turned 40. She has a great busty figure of 38d-34-38, her milky thighs are mouthwatering. And I m 26 not muscular but lil plump having a 6.5 inches dick and a horny son of my mother. My father left us two years back, and went and settled with a rich bitch, rather she bought...
Don Simmons recommended a family services law firm, and I took his advice and gave them a retainer. I had made a decision that I would not try to hide my new income during the divorce. Although it would hurt to have to give any of it to Judy, I really didn't need the legal problems and extra expense if and when she found out the truth about my new business. I would disclose everything, but I would make any trade I could to prevent her from getting alimony. I was not about to reward her for...
August the first after the President's speech surrendering their homes to the blacks they had anchored the house barges out away from the river bank at Chalmette. They had brought what was left of their families to them for safety. The owners of the company had been killed that first night. Olin the spokesman for the Cajuns said they had saved the other three pile rigs and seven barges from " those Niger's " by taking them to the other side of the river and warping them off to trees in...
After breakfast Satin heads back to her place and I head for mine. When I arrive and sit down on the couch, I open my laptop and see" “Truth or Dare?” Dammit, not what I want to see right now. The hell with it, I’m in a good mood. “Dare.” I wait what seems like hours for a response. “Come over now.” She must have written the email last night because of how long it took her to reply. I started getting excited all over again in anticipation of what's to come. After a quick shower I grab my keys...
Transdisclaimer The following is 100 percent fictional. All characters are fictional and 18. The things I will write about abhor me as concepts and I do not condone them in any sense of the word. But my therapist has helped me see there is distinction between fantasy and reality. If you can see that line clearly please continue. If you cannot please seek immediate psychiatric help. 8 45 pm “Please come this way” said Mr Black. I catch a glimpse of something in Mr blacks eyes as he looks me...
My link with Derwen had grown stronger over the last week and I could feel her emotions from longer ranges now. I sensed a layer of pleasure from her, perhaps being surrounded with other women, her discussion with friends portended a more favorable afternoon after the bloodshed of this morning. Hajin decided to intrude on my thoughts, "Von I have to step off the ship and arrange for the rest of the Juniper water to be sent to the estate. Lady Derwen's brother, the innkeeper in Lone Tree,...
I am Arun doing the job in Detroit company. I’m unmarried and have a lot of interest in having sex with married woman. I’m 5’8 height and have exercised the body. Any married aunties or girls who are craving for sex or want to fulfill their sexual fantasies, contact me on I will reply very soon. Don’t hesitate, I will keep your information secret. Coming to the story, I met the sexy hottie of the story at a function hall(There are more than 200 people). Her name is Smitha. She is around 36...