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The following is 100 percent fictional. All characters are fictional and 18. The things I will write about abhor me as concepts and I do not condone them in any sense of the word. But my therapist has helped me see there is distinction between fantasy and reality. If you can see that line clearly please continue. If you cannot please seek immediate psychiatric help.

8 45 pm

“Please come this way” said Mr Black.

I catch a glimpse of something in Mr blacks eyes as he looks me over. Something that sends shivers down my spine. Yet when I do a double take he is smiling warmly.


“Mr Black” I say hesitantly “where are we going?”

“To get you checked out.”

“…and after that.”

“To your new accommodation. the orphanage manager is eager to meet you. She will make all the day to day decisions about your life while you attend our new school.”

“University?” I ask “I don’t even know what I want to do?”

“Oh no.” he laughs. “I don’t believe you are ready for higher education, this is a special high school for children that have failed to achieve acceptable grades or show self-discipline. Until I deem otherwise, a child you will remain.” He looks me up and down and I feel the urge to shiver again.

Mr black continues. “Age means nothing if you do not have the maturity to back it up.”

“I wilt as he speaks.” And we walk in silence for another minute.

Before long we round a corner and run into another man in a dark suit, he seems younger than Mr black and has short blonde hair.

The shake hands and greet each other warmly. “Its good to see you Nathan I heard the girl had awoken and rushed over as soon as I got your message.”

“Its good see you to Steven.” This is Emily. He gestures towards me. “How’s Brenda?”

“She’s doing well, baby is due in a month.”

Well congratulations’ Replies Mr Black

He turns to me. “Emily from here I will leave you in the care of Mr Roberts. He will be in charge of making decisions for you in my absence. You will obey him without question. He is my voice… and hands. He is also your point of call for all questions you may have or any assistance you feel you may require.”

“Nathan what…” I begin but am cut of as Steven takes a step towards me and slaps me hard across the face.

I fall to my knees. My eye wide. Cupping my stinging cheek with both hands.

That’s Mr Black to you girl. Show some respect. He saved your life. He turns to Nathan. I apologise sir.

Mr black smiles. “Not your fault Steven, but she is new so don’t be too hard on her.”


Steven bows his head “Of course sir. I’ll call you tomorrow night with a status report. Then to me “get up girl”.

Shakely I pick myself off the ground. Reflexively smoothing the front of the hospital gown.

This can’t be happening.

“Well Steven ill be seeing you." Mr black turns and starts walking back the way we came.

Steven glares at me. “You will treat all adults with absolute respect and refer to them by their last name, Sir or ma'am. unless instructed otherwise.”

‘Yes, but… yes”

“Mr Roberts” he interjects

“Y-yes Mr Roberts…” I stammer and he cuts me off again. “Very good. Follow.” He turns on his heel and begins walking tdown the corridor.

What is going on?

I stand there in the middle of the hallway glancing between the direction Mr black had gone and Mr Roberts retreating back. I squeak slightly then quickly rush after Mr Roberts trying my best to avoid accidently flashing the hospital staff.

As I catch up to him Mr Roberts come to halt, glancing back at me then nods towards a door. “In”

I hesitate but His tone brooks argument so I enter.

Inside Is another room like the one I woke up in, empty, except for a large brown paper bag on an unmade mattress. Mr Roberts follows me in and closes the door behind himself.

“Change” he states in his usual monotone.

“huh! um, but, I um” I stammer

He raises an eyebrow then shrugs and turns to face the door. “Hurry up.”

I realise that’s the best I’m going to get so I cautiously step up to the bed and open the bag.

It appears to be a school uniform. As I start unpacking I note a short dark grey pleated skirt, white cotton panties and socks, black girls dress shoes, white button up shirt, 2 pink ribbons and a… “um.

Sir. This is a. well. It’s a.”

“yes?” he prompts.

“Well sir, this um, this is a training bra. For little girls.”

“Yes it is” he states calmly “why would you need anything else”.

My cheeks flush “Could I have a different one, I prefer sports bras” I say holding the flimsy piece of fabric, just now noticing the decaled carebears playing in a field of pink hearts.


I hang my head “Oh”. But with my cheek still stinging from earlier I don’t question further.

I quickly step into the panties followed by the skirt and socks. Next I pull the hospital gown off and wriggle into the training bra, which feels just a smidge too small.

I glance towards Steven but he seems to be focused on his phone.

As I’m pushing my feet into the shoes I realise everything fits perfectly; well except the bra.

I pick up one of the ribbons and start putting my hair into a ponytail when Mr Roberts turns around.

He looks me up and down then states “pigtails”

“Um what?” Seeing his eyes harden I quickly stammer out. “…what do you mean, sir?”

“You will wear your hair in pigtails.”

I hesitate, opening my mouth to comment when he takes a step forward. I shrink back reflexively.

Reluctantly I do so

Once I’m done Mr Roberts nods then waits, tilting his head expectantly.

Confused I ask “Yes sir?”.

He sighs “I go to all this trouble of coming here and getting you these clothes yet you cant even muster a thank you?”

“Oh yes, thank you sir” I stammer out hurriedly. I don’t really feel like thanking him.

He just shakes his head. “oh well, let’s go”.

9:50 pm

Mr Roberts car was really nice. The sort of car you would see rich people in in movies. He even has a driver. In the car Mr Roberts worked on his laptop while asking me questions about my personal life and interests. He informed me that there were no cell phones or cell phone towers in the area due to being so close to a military base and gave me an apple and granola bar for “dinner”. After I mentioned my love of running he said that I would be joining the school running team and to be sure I was at the school by ‘8 on the dot’ the next day. But mostly all I can think about, even though I know I have slept most of the day, is going to bed.

throughout the ride I become more aware of the bra as it become more and more uncomfortable. I try to discreetly adjust it.

I stifle a yawn as I walk up to the front door of the orphanage.

The building looks old and run down and the garden doesn’t look like it’s ever been tended. Looking simultaneously run down and overgrown.

I step up to the door and press the doorbell then step back and wait.

I’m considering knocking on the door again when I hear a lock click and the door is opened to reveal a dark corridor.

I flinch as I get a good look at the person that opened the door for me. He Looks to be middle age, a hunch back and his face is heavily scared, uneven patches of hair surrounded by scabs is all that remains of what must have been a full head of hair.

I force a smile. “hello”

He beckons for me to follow and starts walking down the corridor.

Shivers run down my spine. This whole place is creepy. I shrink inwards and hug my chest as I follow.

Eventually he halts by a large door opening it and then stepping aside to allow me to past.

Inside a squat woman is hunched over typing furiously at a dusty old pc. On display around the walls are a multitude of canes and riding crops. She glances up from her writing and beckons me to sit at the empty seat across from her.

As I walk through the doorway I feel my skirt lift. shocked I squeak and jump forwards pulling my skirt back down.

I hear the hunchback chuckle as the door starts to close. He stares at me the through the shrinking.

Without even looking up I hear the lady at the desk say “Don’t mind Gunther, he’s harmless” and she gestures at the seat again.

The lady continues typing for several more minutes before finally turning to me.

“Welcome to your new home Emily, follow the rules and we will have no problems. Break them or fail to maintain good grades and we will have problems. Clear?”

“um, yes ma’am”

She smiles warmly, “very good. My name is Ms Steele, but Ma’am is fine”. A car will be here to pick you up at 7:30 every morning Monday to Friday. I expect you to be ready to go before the car arrives. You will shower every morning and night, though we currently have no hot water” she looks at me apologetically and continues. Please leave ‘All’ your clothes in the bin in the hallway outside your room. I will have Gunther clean them for you tonight. They will be ready for you in the morning”. She doesn’t give me any opening to speak.

“We will meet again in the next few days to discuss things in more details. You have several brothers and sisters here. One will be your roommate, but she has yet to arrive.”

Lights out is usually 10pm, though ill waive that tonight. Now off to bed with you.

“Um ma’am...”

She cuts me off “No time for questions. Hurry to bed. Your room is on the first floor the bathroom is down the hall.”

I stand up and head towards the door. Im reaching for the handle when I hear “Oh and Emily. We don’t have any towels yet either so you will need to use your clothes to dry yourself and make sure you wash thoroughly with soap. I despise girls that don’t maintain themselves”.

What! She doesnt mean... I look in her eyes and can see she isn’t joking. “Uh, yes? Yes. ma’am.”

“Very good Emily You will have new clothes when you return from school tomorrow.” She returns to typing.

I have clearly been dismissed.

I stifle a yawn as I start down the hallway only a faint orange light coming from a single moth filled wall sconce illuminates the way. I notice a wooden staircase and head towards it, keeping an eye out for the hunchback. No matter what Ms Steele says he makes me nervous.

Each step creaks as put my foot down. This whole house gives me the creeps. Half way up I glance back the way id come and my hearts skips a beat. Gunther is standing at the bottom of the staircase leering up at me. I bolt the rest of the way up the stairs.

This floor isn’t much better than the one before there are four doors along a corridor and stairs up to another level. There is a door with the name tag: Emily – Samantha on it.

I open the door to my new room and look inside. The light is on and I see two single beds both made, two wardrobes two set of draws and an old wooden desk with matching chair.

After another big yawn and with nothing else to do I decide its time to shower.

The shower seems ancient. Its communal with 4 large facets in the ceiling of a white tiled room one large drain in the middle. On the other side There are also two toilet stalls one missing a door.

I see a set of small draws under a sink with names on them Mine has a bar of soap, a tube of toothpaste and toothbrush. Aside from the single functioning toilet stall there are no locks in the

bathroom. The only protection for the shower is a half-tiled wall.

I strip off hanging my skirt and panties and hang them on a hook by the shower. I realise I need to pee and enter the cubical with the door. After I’m done I reach into the toilet paper dispenser but its empty. Sighing I make my way back to the shower. ‘ill have to say something about this to Steven?’

I strip off placing my remaining clothes. Its freezing and I feel my nipples harden and my skin breaks out in goosebumps. I reach for the dial activating the shower. stepping back with a gasp as I feel the cold water splash up onto my legs. After waiting a minute, holding myself and shivering, to see if the water will warm. I take a deep breath and step under the icy stream.

Taking great pains to hold the soap as tightly as possible I begin to wash, vigorously. Rubbing the bar of soap across my naked body as fast as I can. Yet my shivering hands betray me and I watch as the piece of soap falls from my hands and slides across the floor.

I take a large step trying to block it with my foot, but my foot looses it grip with the tiles and I fall landing on my ass.

My eyes water. But I dont have time to complain, I want this to be over so quickly start rubbing the rest of the soap out.

Done I get out and rush to my clothes. I run my hands through my hair trying to squeeze as much water out as possible then fold my skirt into my hair to try and absorbs some of the remainder. Next I pick up my shirt and brush the majority of the water off my body quickly realising the material is not very effective. I end up relying on the training bra and panties which seem to do a slightly better job.

I feel ridiculous rubbing myself with the bra and end up drying between my legs with my panties, both of which I have to wring out before I’m done.

I’m shivering and clutching my wet bundle of clothes to my chest as I poke my head into the corridor. I spy a laundry basket at the end of the hall, past my room.

There is no one around so I make a half walk half run for the large wicker basket.

Lifting the lid, I drop my bundle of clothes in and untangle the skirt from my hair then turn to make my way back to my room.

“Eep” I jump in fright.

Hes just standing there, staring, between me and my bedroom door. Ugly Face completely blank. Gunther.

I quickly cover myself one hand across my chest the other the other between my legs as I make an awkward half crouch.

Gunther doesn’t move at all

This cant be ok? Surely if I tell Ms Steele she will make him leave?

“Gunther can I please go to my room?”

He doesn’t reply

I shuffle forward slightly, and he takes a step back.

Curious I take another hesitant step and again he moves back.

Careful to keep my eyes on him I shuffle to my door making an effort to keep myself covered, every time I move forward he moves back.

When I reach the door. Im forced to crouch, using my legs to hide my sex, so I can open the door.

Sidestepping into the room I slam the door and switch the lock.

Back to the door and totally exhausted, the day’s events catch up to me, and I slide down to the floor.

Naked, shivering, crying and with snot coming out my nose, I must look a tragic sight. I do not notice any of it and just bury my face into my knees. What is happening to me?

A few hours later

A half empty bottle of $300 whisky sits on a small foot table between too large leather recliners. On the wall off to the side is huge flat screen tv.

Two men reminisce and discuss business proposals, cigar smoke hangs in the air.

The monitor display flicks between two cameras feeds aimed at a bed. A girl is sleeping soundly, oblivious to the machinations happening around her.

At some point while the two men conversed the girl had dragged herself into the bed and has since fallen asleep.

“and I said, your never to old for the purple hippo”

Nathan black laughs heartily “Your never going to let him live that one down are you?”

“Never” Richard chuckles

The conversation lulls and Nathan takes a sip of his whisky. On the monitor the hunched shape of the groundskeeper comes into view.

“This is a marvellous little project you have going on here Nathan, Been looking for some new entertainment, it’s a good excuse to spend something.

“Ihank you. I received a request from Lorenzo, he wants her hair to be dyed pink. All of it. God knows how I am going to factor that into the story. Suzy wants her clean shaven”

“I’m sure you will think of something” Richard says as he turns his attention to the monitor

As the two men watch the hunchback pull back the covers exposing Emily’s sleeping form. first her torso where he spends several moments watching her chest rise and fall then pulling the sheet all the way down, exposing her groin and legs.

“Will it, er…”

“No need to worry, Gunther has orders not to make any physical contact with the girl or interrupt the narrative. Anything else is permissible however”.

Richard leans back in his recliner “very well”.

Gunther hesitantly reaches his hand out toward Emily’s breast. Then he pauses, his hand hovering an inch from her skin. His eyes briefly flick past the wall where one of the cameras are hidden and he slowly withdraws it. He licks his lips and Richard sees the corner of Nathan’s mouth curl into a half smile.

A couple of moments later he reaches down and unzips his pants pulling out his cock and begins to rub it.

He walks closer so his thighs press against the mattress and tugs himself up and down as Emily sleeps, naked and unaware, beneath it.

In her sleep Emily shifts slightly and lets out a small breath. Gunther begins to speed up.

Before long Gunther twitches and sprays warm semen all over Emily’s thighs and pubic hair. A small trickle of semen runs down between her leg and labia to pool on the bed.

Gunther stands there, for several moments his shrinking cock in his hands, like he is in a trance, before he quickly tucks his penis away.

Reaching down Gunther pulls the bedding back up, as if to hide the evidence of his crime and begins to awkwardly shuffle towards the door.

"Will you have her cleaned?"

“No, I’m curious to see what she will make of it”.

Then two men laugh, settle back in their chairs and continue their earlier discussion.


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The Music of the Night

This was going to be a night to remember for sure. They had met on Labor Day for the first time. However since that time she hadn’t stopped thinking of him. His dark hair, his brooding dark eyes and all of the secrets they held. She had worked so hard to draw out all of those hidden areas and help him to feel safe and happy once again. She selected her outfit very carefully when she had gone shopping. Black very low cut dress, red lace see through panties, and a red lace see through bra, black...

5 years ago
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Recognise and fucked

Ever since I started to post nude pictures and videos on porn websites I have often been asked why I let my face be seen.’Aren’t you afraid you will be recognised?’ People say. My reply is that none of my friends and f****y are likely to visit such sites and, if they did , it might make some friendships a little more interesting! So, after a little hesitation in the first few months,when I posted only cock shots, I usually like to show my whole body and , more lately , give a little chat when I...

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Price of Power 4Britneys Big change

Price of Power 4 Britney's Big change Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 20 Some Domestic Servitude March

16 Months, 506 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance A DOMESTIC SLAVE? I have organised a couple of day's annual leave, but I forgot to change my alarm. The alarm does not forget and erupts at 6.30 in the morning as it normally does. I look bleary eyed at the clock radio. I am about to get up. I have a hazy memory that I have a lot to do today but in the event, I switch the noise off, roll over and go back to sleep until 8am, when I am woken by the door bell. A messenger has a large letter for...

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A Genny Story Prudence

  Here is another adventure that Melly and I had while on vacation. It is the only threesome that we have ever had (together). I don’t know why we haven’t done it again, we just haven’t. As always I would love to hear from anyone that would like to write. If you do write I promise that I always return e-mails, A Genny story…. Prudence I am Genny. It was the second winter that Melly and I lived together. We were looking to escape the Michigan cold, and Melly has a cousin Joe that works in...

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Keeping My Job

The economy sucks. Now, that shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone who lives in the real world. Now, if you live on Government Subsidies, then maybe you haven't noticed. The Government ALWAYS has more money because it takes and takes. So, because the economy sucks; my life sucks. I'm constantly in fear of being "laid off". Twenty-five years ago I had no such fear. The economy was poor during that time too, but I was young and didn't need so much. For one thing I was single and had no...

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Catholic School Girl by loyalsock

Mary's all girl school was no picnic. The classes were hard, and the teachers mean. 18 year old Cherry, a sophomore at St Mary's was a model student, although she secretly hated the place. All A's in her classes, a star volleyball player, and very, very beautiful. Cherry with her shoulder length auburn hair, nice 36 C breasts, and a sexy smile that seemed to leave time frozen for anyone caught looking. Life was indeed good for Cherry, she however didn't agree. Cherry was tired of being in an...

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What If Reading Erotica

Chapter 1I've been reading erotica for a long time now. It never ceases to amaze me what people write about. I can understand fiction, sci-fi and humor, they're interesting reading. When writing takes the traits of real life it makes me wonder.For most marriages sex is probably mundane, so we try and find ways to spice it up. I doubt most married couples try out half the stuff we read in erotica. If they did, we'd see many more marriages coming to an end.I want to use some of the different...

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Success and Stress

Six foot four inches and two hundred pounds. That's what Westin had measuredin at when he left the gym locker room that morning. He was thirty-three yearsold, and had recently taken an interest in how much of an effect gravity hason him. By this evening he would only measure six foot three and a half inches. Statistics like this weighed heavily on his mind. He had graduated Stanfordwith a B.S. in statistics, and a minor in finance. Statistics were always inhis head. It wasn't a curse, more of...

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Local Totty Needs Attention

I was on a six week training course with work and at the end of week two my cohort and I had a bit of a blowout to celebrate completing one of the modules. We were in the bar of a local hotel and it was busy but we were in high spirits and having fun and attracting a bit of attention. I was walking to the toilet when this local milf literally threw herself into me, grabbing my arm.'Oops, sorry.' She smiled. Yeah right.Anyway, whilst having a piss, I started to think about coming onto her. ...

2 years ago
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Looking in From the Outside

Looking in From the Outside By Emma F ************************************ The world was watching events in Washington with a close eye. Congress was voting on the future of women's rights. Things had changed so much the past few years and this vote was the culmination of that change. Everyone knew that this vote was merely the beginning and that more would eventually follow. For now, though, everyone wanted to see if the vote would pass and the first of the proposed...

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An Erotic Adventure With A Stunning Milf

Hi friends, I am back with yet another incident. As you might know me from my previous encounter with Purvi and her sister Shipra, this is one of my most favorite sexperience ever. In case anyone of you want to get back to me just whatsapp at or kik at pkgargxx . Now lets get started with the story. This incident happened when I was in college and 20 years old. I am from Rourkela but was studying in Delhi University. The horny devil inside me once teased to have wild sex experiences and I...

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PornWorld Kyler Quinn Promiscuous Teen Kyler Quinn Gets Ass Slammed By Reckless Well Endowed Driver

Danny Steele is texting on his phone while driving and accidentally crashes into another car. Kyler Quinn jumps out and starts having a go at him when he offers to do absolutely anything to make it right. Slutty Kyler has a plan and invites him back to her place. Once they arrive she kisses Danny and rides a dildo in front of him before he replaces it with his big cock! Kyler sucks him off on the stairs and before her daddy gets home to his bashed up car, she gets Danny to pound both her pussy...

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The Spellbook

"Rrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnggggggg..............." "ahh it was about time" said Dastan feeling relieved. "god this biology class is such a pain in the ass" he said looking at Michael "meh?? I find it easy" replied Michael "Of course you do! You fucking nerd! Everything is easy for you!" said Jack. "Wassupp my boys" David intervened them. "Are you guys ready for tomorrow?" Michael asked them excitedly. "Yesss.. finally tomorrow is the big day! That cosplay event is going to be full of hot milfs and...

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TheFuckingRoom Susy Gala Aint no luxury bargain

Susy Gala is like a luxury good. Always appealing. She’s like that T-shirt you always wanna wear because its quality is supreme and it just fits perfectly. Her curves are high-class, manufactured with top quality raw material and brought into shape through the years thanks to a good nutrition and hard work at the gym. Nick hadn’t seen her for a long while but he just remained speechless when he saw her back. Just like you will be when you’ll see this brutal fuck in the fitting...

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The ParkersChapter 43 Away from the crowd

Carla Ferrara was beautiful. Simply beautiful. And so fucking sexy. Linda knew Carla for a couple of years. They had always got along fine. Of all of Julie's friends/lovers, Carla was Linda's favorite. She was the one Linda always felt was the easiest to talk. And, indeed, in all these years they had talked for hours. About school, music, movies, etc. They had pretty much the same taste on music and movies (unlike Julie, who was this intellectual type, Carla and Linda liked the pop...

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The Girl Who Wouldnt Cry

VIGNETTE: THE GIRL WHO WOULDN'T CRY By C So far, it had been a pretty easy week for Sly Foxx. His assignment: bringdown a gang of Full-Bodied Land-Fays who'd infested the woods and fields ofSnootley-under-Throckmorton. These bad girls had devoured produce, drainedthe blood of livestock, and driven the occasional farming family to madnessand death. But their fun was now over: for one by one, Sly had bagged themall. They were big and strong, but they had a weakness: the extreme tendernessof...

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My Fantasy with youpart 1

It all begins with me in the shower before going out with the girls. I get undressed, step in the shower wash my hair, shave my legs pits and my pussy. I lather my body with silky washa nd slip a finger deep inside my tight hole. Fingering my pussy and slowly fingering my anus. I reach over to my dildo and slip it deep inside me and pump myself full of that hard cock. A quick fuck before going to the club. I get dressed in my panties, a red low cut bra and a dress.I meet up with the girls...

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Guilt 8211 True Incest Story

Hey guys. This is Kevin Peter to bring you an outstanding experience in reading this sex story. This is so true experience which my friend shared with me after his holidays in Canada. After the vacation got over, I came to see new students and hear all stories that happened.. This guy name is Fredrick who look fine, tall with athletic built. He is staying in my dorm. Most of the students did not come on the first day.. We had a chance to sleep next to our friends. We were 12th std so I asked...

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13 Evening Train

As usual the line at the ticket counter was quite long. But today I was not in the bored and jaded mood that had become my normal reaction to this daily event. Reaching the station and getting a ticket for my ride home every day, had soon palled and had become a somewhat blasé ritual. Today the difference was that, a few feet in front of me stood a very attractive boy. He was slim and of medium height with a fresh looking face devoid of any trace of moustache or beard. He was dressed in a...

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Taboo Teachings

I was 14 and extremely ignorant in these matters before that summer... My mother was about 5 foot 3 inches tall. She was about, oh, 95 lbs(she ate very little to keep a 'perfect' figure), and had this wonderful long black hair. Spying on her shopping, I had learned her breasts were a larger C cup size, maybe 36C. She was beautiful! I could never talk to her about sex-the one time I got up enough courage she told me I was too young to know. It was just me and my sister, Pam, and her. Her...

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spying on my virgin sister

Some backround info Im 20 and my sister is 18 My dad is in the navy so he is not home that often and my mum works for an events Place so she is always at these work events late into the night my sister has brown blond hair blue eyes and avage size tits Ok lets start so i just fineshed my second year at uni and i was runing out of money so i decided to come home over the summer And live with my perants. for the first couple of days i was really bored just moped around the house watching tv and...

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The Daring Naughty Sleepover 8

Summary – Cindy and Stacy get into a little trouble at school. Previous Chapter Summary – Cindy and Stacy had fun with their new friend Kevin. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with...

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Gangbang Brothers Part 2

Savannah’s cum-covered body left gooey footprints in the hallway as the sexy, lingerie-clad assistants led her to the cleaning room. The entire floor was covered in thick plastic, and there was a bucket with some plastic scrapers and a clear plastic tube sitting next to the door.They walked Savannah to the middle of the room and began scraping the thick goo off her and into the bucket. Like servants worshipping a Goddess, their hands worked diligently, never missing a single glob of jizz or...

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The Ring Senshi Episode 2 Enter Callisto

Thanks you guys sooo much for the feedback last episode, I'll try and meet your expectations some more |_~ The Ring Senshi Episode 2: Enter Callisto By Shellyness "A demon, a talking cat and you in a skirt? Are you sure you didn't just dream that?" Ichizu asked sceptically as he heaped another mouthful of noodles into his mouth. "Ugh... no! I didn't dream it! Besides, why would I dream about wearing a skirt?!" Justin had just spent the past five minutes explaining exactly...

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My wife turned out perfectly

If not for my vivid imagination my wife and I would be living a perfectly normal lifestyle. But shortly after we got married I started planting little ideas in her head about her having sex outside our marriage. In the beginning she would act mad that I brought it up but over time she got to the point that she would actually talk about it. I found several guys advertising on Craigslist that looked like good candidates and when I showed her I could see the look of interest in her eyes. One guy...

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Too Hot Out To Fuck

Being in New Jersey never really worked for me. I only went there when I had to. A visit for Christmas, a visit at some point during the summer to keep my parents happy. It was July and I was spending two weeks in Boonton. I didn’t do much. I woke up at noon. I went for a run until I got too hot. I ate crab dip on gluten free crackers. I masturbated four or five times a day to random shit on Youtube, mostly Lana Del Rey music videos. I stayed up until 3AM smoking ancient already vaped weed. I...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 8B

Samira was sleeping when Rana returned. Mark made her a cup of tea and told her everything, ending with “and you told her I didn’t like my women wearing pantyhose ... so she wore a garter-belt and stockings just for me.” “She wanted you to fuck her? I mean ... you didn’t seduce her?” “NO! Well, there was a little give and take. But that was because I wasn’t certain what she wanted ... not at first, anyway.” Are you certain you didn’t?” “Yes, she’s---she’s kind of a sub ... you know, a...

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My Elder Sister Became My wife 8211 Part I

Hi  this a real story which happened about 21 years back . My name is Raj ( not real one of course ).I was 18 years old and in first year BA . My elder sister Saroj was 7 years elder to me and married and had two children , She was very sexy with vital statistics 38-34-38 , she was 5’6″ tall fair in color and used to wear sexy clothes . She always wore her Saree below her navel. This happened during my summer break , I had gone to her house in morning to spend the day , but she was upset on...

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GardnerChapter 6

JJ was happy to have Tina traveling with him, she took his mind off the conversation between he and grandma. Tina was cheerful and talkative, and it was the best medicine for the drive. She and Hilda were best of friends now and that is all she could talk about for an hour. Halfway home, Tina wanted to stop for burgers and cokes, insisting they drive to a park two miles off the main highway and make a picnic out of their purchases. Her real reason was to take photos, claiming she didn't...

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Fun with Cousin Day 1

I was 13 years old and going to middle school. I was smart in school and was good around people. I didn't have a girlfriend (mostly because I am fat and shy.) I am about 150 pounds with dark brown hair I am not the most athletic person but I am okay.My cousin on the other hand was just the opposite. He was tall and the ladies man. Had a lot of friends and was very athletic. I always fantasize about him when Im jacking off. He is straight and I am bi( he doesn't know). We usually watch porn...

4 years ago
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She sways me

She is the opposite of me, Svelte, chocolate brown, body cut and carved right from a dream of desires and hot wet nights. I found her in a place unlikely to find precious gems. The first night we sucked...and finger played. It was in the car... I had gone late night... I went with a silk camouflage mini skirt and tee shirt. No underwear..My intentions were indeed to have my pussy sucked...I in turn would ravish her body. Consume until she yelled ..please no more...We laughed nervously..but our...

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