Rebel Rhyder 40 231 000
- 1 year ago
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I had one more side trip on my way north, again a pleasurable one although it involved a lot of hard work and very little killing. A woman stopped me from beside the road just after I had topped a rise. She held up her hand and smiled at me, sharing a fine and gracious look. I dismounted. I always had a thing for redheads, and this woman had a rich, dark, auburn mane that flowed well down her back. She was handsome and she knew it. There was pride in her stance.
"Need some help," the big woman said. "Got us a hired man that's causing trouble, won't leave and won't work. Been looking for somebody 'bout your size if y'got the time." Her smile would have convinced me to take on the Cyclops.
I followed her down a side hill, leading my horse, watching her hips swing, and we introduced ourselves. She was Helen, Mrs. R--. originally from the hills of Virginia, whose absent husband had been in Gates' no-longer-existent army. She had no idea where he was or whether or not he still lived.
"He was a good man," she said proudly, "not jus' a gentleman farmer. He worked this land, and we never owned slaves, always hired. I'm raising his four children, our children."
The home she led me to was square and plain. Smoke trickled from the brick chimney and ducks and chickens scattered in the backyard as we walked past the outbuildings to the stable. Several children of various sizes were playing in the side yard.
"Lazy no-good's probably asleep or drunk. All he wants to do is drink and swive, and wont any of us have anything to do with him so he goes off to be with common women or abuses himself. Friend of my husband, he was." Helen shook her head in disgust. "No more."
We found the hired man behind the barn with a jug of corn liquor, taking his ease, his waistband undone, a pipe in his mouth.
"Aren't you supposed to be plowing?" asked Mrs. R--.
"Too wet," he said without looking up. "Tomorrow, maybe." He lifted the jug to his shoulder, and I kicked it out of his hands and pulled him to his feet. I hit him hard in the belly, driving him back to the barn wall looking very surprised. He gaped at me as if he had seen a ghost. "Who the hell are you?" he gasped, trying to get his feet under him.
"Don't matter," I said, "you are discharged, like the lady said. Get your things and go, right now."
"They owes me," he said, "ain't paid me."
I looked at the woman. "I stopped paying when he stopped working," she admitted, standing with feet well apart, hands on hips, the picture of fury.
I dug out my fat purse and gave the man two shillings. "Now go," I growled. "And don't come back, not ever unless you want to stay here permanent like." I showed him my big bayonet and he stumbled away, mumbling. "You got two minutes," I yelled after him as the woman grabbed my arm.
She pulled down my head and kissed my mouth soundly, and I put my free hand in the middle of her back, returned her kiss and enjoyed the feel of her big, warm body. "You should've seen his face when you got his jug," she laughed. "Surprised, hell, shocked is more like it, scared blue." She hugged me again. "Damn, that was fun," she said. "I sure picked the right man. Come on in, we'll feed ye."
I followed her to the back door, watching her hired man mount a shaggy horse, make a rude gesture and leave, slowly.
"Don't think he'll be back," I said, stepping into the neat, fresh-smelling house. Two women were at the gate-leafed table, shelling peas. "This is my sister, Louisa," Helen said, waving at a striking, dark-eyed woman with white streaks in her black hair. She looked up and raised an eyebrow at me, measuring me. "She an' her five heathens live with us, and Cousin Nan, who's just come to stay. Her husband deserted her, poor girl, ran off. We don' know where he's gone, wasn't much use anyhow. Louisa's a widow, has been for almost two years. Her man was with Morgan, then set out with his own with a band. Tarleton got him and most of his, took no prisoners."
I sat where Helen indicated, and she produced some corn bread and thick slices of ham and then a jar of pickle relish. She brought me a glass of water, and I ate and drank while Helen told the other women about the short fight behind the barn.
"Doesn't solve the problem," Louisa said, tossing back her streaked hair, pushing it behind her big ears. Nan continued to shell peas, eyes down. She was, in comparison to the other two women, a small girl with mousy hair and a quiet mien, but she was undoubtedly womanly as well, rounded in the proper places. Her clothes appeared more pricey than those of the others who both wore which looked to be homespun as well as homemade.
"What's the problem?" I asked, foolishly.
"Work," said Helen. "There are some jobs we can't do or do not know how to do."
"You can probably rent slaves or hire men, good men, if you ask about," I suggested, putting another slab of ham on some crumbly, yellow bread. "Hope you're on good terms with the neighbors."
"Then money's the problem," Louisa said calmly. "None of us have any. We live off this farm. And we have nine children between us."
"Any tobacco?" I asked.
Helen shook her head. "Wore out the land. We gave it up. Michael, my husband, was going to start raising cattle when the war came, beef cattle."
"How much land do you have?"
"Nearly a hundred and twenty acres, but only forty's plowed, mostly corn and fodder," Louisa said. "Big woodlot, some pastures, a lot of stumps."
"That's the biggest problem right now, breaking new ground. We got a brace of mules, but no one to do the plowing," Helen looked at me and smiled again. Redheads seem to expect men to do whatever they want. Most men do. I counted myself in that group. If a pretty redhead asked me to stand on my head and spit out nails, I'd ask what size.
They showed me around, introduced me in an offhand way to a number of children, and in less than an hour I was riding off to a neighbor's place to see about hiring his span of oxen and a slave plowman. We settled on a fair price for the brute animals, but he could not spare the highly skilled slave just then. So by the time the sun went down, I had repaired their steel tipped plow, figured out the ox harness, pastured the rented oxen and was ready for a good meal since I had missed the dinner hour somehow in my peregrinations.
Helen sat with me in the lamp light and watched me eat more ham, enjoy some pickled pears and drink cider. We discussed how much they could afford to get done, settled on the work for the next day, and then she cocked an eyebrow at me and pulled at her ear lobe.
"Hope this won't offend you," she said, very quietly since the other two women in the house was already abed as were all the young ones, "but I could use a bit of male companionship. I'm sure you're not interested in how women in my straits try to cope with being alone; let's just say none of them work." She smiled.
I wiped my mouth with my hand and looked at her more closely. Thirty maybe, probably not, freckled rather than tanned from her work out in the sun, that unruly mop of dark hair tumbling over her shoulders, a good ten stone well arranged on some heavy bones, she was an altogether attractive and desirable woman, especially for anyone close to my size who tended to have problems with bedding delicate females who had trouble breathing under him while he tried to pleasure them on their backs.
"We likely to give scandal?" I asked.
She chuckled. "You stick around a day or two more, and you'll find out that's a funny question. All three of us here are in the same manless boat, and we've been looking for someone competent to row us ashore. Just, well, let's try not to wake the children."
"Not sure I get the reference," I said, "but I'll do my best, ma'am. You sure don't have to ask me twice." I stood and took her hand. She rose and came into my arms easily, a good fit, as our mouths joined and our hands held us together and explored a bit at the same time. She clawed at the back of my head, and I kneaded her butt. She blew out the lamp and led me to her room at the back of the house.
"Sister and Nan sleep upstairs, girls are in one room up there, the five boys in another, a wild bunch sometimes," she said. "This was my husband's office and library." We kissed some more and helped each other undress, eager to get started. She tossed back the covers, and we nearly jumped into the narrow, heavy-framed rope bed, laughing quietly at our mutual desire.
I held her, kissed her and entered her as if we had been swiving half the night already and had been lovers for years. Our bodies melded together as if molded for the purpose, and we soon were arched into each other and bouncing with passion, hearing the rope knots complain and humping to a shuddering, jaw-clenched climax that left us both shushing each other and wanting much more.
"Oh damn," she sighed, as we paused to get our breath, and lay with hands on each others steaming genitals, "I've missed that, just having a big, hairy man between my legs."
The big, hairy man took a deep breath or two, recovered a bit of his senses and abilities and got back to plunging into this big, luscious woman with her heavy thighs, hard breasts, mounded cunny and muscular pelvis. We rogered without mercy, asking no quarter and giving none, seeking only pleasure and release.
She locked me in, rolled from side to side under me, and matched my every effort with an equally strong heave of her own lush body. She set the pace. We moaned and grunted at each other, soon sweat slippery. When she came again, well after I was thoroughly spent, her contractions nearly unmanned me, but I managed to keep my poise and satisfy her while fearing for my future love-life. She made no sound louder than an open-mouthed "ah."
Our breathing eventually slowed, and we slept for a while, then, in an hour or so, roused each other, eyes glittering in the dark, and did it again. I grabbed the creaking headboard while she clamped her legs about my waist, and we heaved at each other as if we had never joined or spent ourselves before, on and on, gasping with fulfillment until we could do no more and fell back into the darkness of sated sleep.
It was barely dawn when the woman awoke me, her mouth at mine and her hand stroking the over-heated shaft lying atop my belly. "Now," she said, throwing a leg over mine, still holding my massive member, "we will need to be a bit quieter." She raised my rampant pike and mounted me with barely a sigh. I watched it disappear into her, fascinated with her capacity, but then I had seldom bedded a woman with so many children.
"Nan and my sister are both early risers" she whispered, wriggling hard as she lowered herself on my acorn-headed spike, "but, ohmigawd, damn and hellfire." She shuddered as she got her knees up to my arm pits. I held her hips and enjoyed her, thrusting almost straight up into her trembling body, her hands on my ribs, her breasts jutting out between her arms, her chin up and dark red hair flopping from side to side.
She was a lot bigger than Trenton's mature and randy Felicity, but equally eager to please and be pleased, more like redheaded Ginny I suppose, indulgent was the word that came to mind. Tireless might well have been another. Curse all the redheads, a wonderful creation if you can survive them.
She rode me hard, bucking up and down mercilessly until she came, shaking and groaning, and then flopped on my chest, legs sliding down beside mine while I patted her shaking back. "Never, never, never," she moaned, licking me.
Satisfied but still erect, and still well in her, shaking with lust, I rolled her over and had her again despite the relative limpness of her wonderful body and the emptied condition of my weapon. She let her legs stay down and one arm hung off the slide of the bed while I pumped into her, spending myself completely, teeth clamped together and arms fully extended into fists at her ears as I bent my back and dug in my toes while she smiled up at me, eyes closed.
I only stopped when a muscle in my thigh spasmed and by then my spine ached to the point of throbbing pain. For a while we lay side by side, grinning at each other, finally satisfied, still tangled together in the narrow bed.
After breakfast, during which the other two women avoided my eyes, I hitched up the span of oxen and set out to open as much new land as I could. The refastened moldboard dug into the long-fallow soil and turned up rich, black dirt as well as a large collection of rocks and stones. By the time the sun was high the plodding oxen and I had done about five acres, and all three of us deserved a rest. I fetched water for the grazing animals and Helen brought me some food and drink. We sat in the shade and ate, looking at the long, mounded rows of fresh soil.
Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexualacts of a bdsm nature between two or more women and occasionally men. If thistype of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. MF/mf, enema, exhibition, toys, BDSM, slavery, chastity belt, humiliation. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personalreading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to repost them atyour own site, please...
“Hello lover” I heard Helen’s soft, sexy voice purr into the phone. “Hi sweetheart, how are you doing today?” I asked, my cock starting to get hard just at the sound of her voice. “Better now that I know you’re alone. Is Diana and Brandon gone?” Helen asked. Diana and Brandon of course being my wife and son. “Yes, they left this morning with her mother for the weekend. In fact I just heard from them. They arrived in Syracuse around noon. Fore once they made good time.” “ MMMM...
Helen's Ultimate Surrender Sometimes a person's passion and the curiosity to explore all avenuesto satisfy one's secret desires can lead to a path from which there is no escapeand leads to one's ultimate down fall. (This is the second story in the "GermanBitch" series, the first one was the "Undoing of Barbara") It took me more timeto find a model that looked like Helen, than it did to write this story.Finally I found one that is as though copied from the picture of Helenin my mind. I...
Owning Helen Cuckold, Mature and Young, Flashing. Cream Pie and Cum Eating “Are you ready for this”, was the questioned Helen had asked Pete when he came home. Pete and Ron had been preparing all day for night work. The day had started when Ron came in saying, “Pete said, Give me some”. Ron had just turned 19 after hanging around Pete learning, then working for him. Pete had a small heavy equipment repair company. Owning a dump truck, back hoe, loader and several tractors, landscaping was...
Helen By Stats "Helen, wake up. Helen! HELEN!" I awake with a start. My body is drenched in sweat. "Where the hell am I? Who is Helen?" I say out loud. I am gulping down air like I just surfaced from a long dive under water. "That's what I want to know?" says my wife, Cindy, who is less than affectionate having been awoken from a deep sleep with me shouting some girl's name other than hers. I look at the clock. It is 12:02 a.m. I light a cigarette and I am slowly able to...
Greg finally found his right new home. It was at the right size, right price, and a quiet neighbourhood, the place where he can quietly concentrate his home business. At 28, he was an ambitious young man. The next door neighbour was a couple most probably in their fifties. The man called Tom was a cold man who would pull a long face when coming across people. What sort of woman would fall in love with this kind of man, Greg thought.Helen, his wife, on the other hand, was a polite person who...
ALONE WITH HELEN by Brian Houlihan copyright 1999 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved [email protected] "It's okay. He won't bite." "What's his name?" "Butchy. Did you just move in here?" "Yeah," my mom said. The dog was a little frisky toy beagle. He was jumping all over me. I was sitting on the front steps of the house my mom and I had just moved into in Chicago. "Well, I'm Helen, your neighbor. I live in that blue house over there." She pointed to a house...
Alone with Helen"It's okay. He won't bite.""What's his name?""Butchy. Did you just move in here?""Yeah," my mom said. The dog was a little frisky toy beagle. He was jumping all over me. I was sitting on the front steps of the house my mom and I had just moved into in Chicago. "Well, I'm Helen, your neighbor. I live in that blue house over there.."She pointed to a house just one block over. "I'm Grace and this is my son John.""Very nice to meet you. Butchy seems to really like you John.""He's...
HELENHelen my Eleven year old Daughter she looked older, even talked older, Eleven going on twenty one in her first term at same senior school where I taught maths.It was a couple of weeks before Christmas my wife Carol of Eleven years decided to find someone else and move out just before she slammed the door on the way out she made it clear that she didn’t want anything to do with Helen or myself we were no longer part of her life. I admit Helen is intelligent. Nerdy, studious she would rather...
The weather was cold and windy, nothing new for New England in mid-October. I just finished wiring up a hot water heater in an old triple decker apartment building in Taunton, MA. and decided to hit Hickeys diner for coffee and Danish. Hickeys is a small family diner that is big on taste. I began going there back in the early seventies while I attended Peter Thatcher J.H. also referred to as Peter Torture at times. Gosh, that has to be a good forty years ago. After my coffee break I got on my...
FetishThe first time with Helen This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don’t know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was “Lady of Kent”. The chat line was a free forum, I can’t remember which one it was now and it doesn’t really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that...
The first time with Helen This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don’t know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was “Lady of Kent”. The chat line was a free forum, I can’t remember which one it was now and it doesn’t really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that...
First TimeThis story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don’t know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was “Lady of Kent”. The chat line was a free forum, I can’t remember which one it was now and it doesn’t really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We chatted...
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Helen Featherstone was a nurse; not just any nurse but a staff nurse in charge of the male ward at a world famous London hospital; She was 42 years old and what with her job and her mania for exercising she had a slim trim figure topped off with large 40 D bust; he short cropped blonde hair and hazel eyes gave her a lesbian appearance or to be more accurate the look of a dyke. Nothing could be further from the truth; for in her own way Helen was cock crazy; when not working she was usually on...
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I dedicate this story to Helen, I just found out she died today. I was just heading out the door for work when my phone rang. I considered ignoring it, but something told me I needed to answer. “Hello.” I grumbled. “I’m so glad I caught you, it’s Helen.” The exasperated voice said. “My car’s dead again, can you swing by and pick me up?” Helen and I worked together, I was 23, she was 43. She’d been divorced for about 10 years. The only luck she ever had was bad. She was a great person and...
It was the morning after Helen had caught Keri with her piercings and they had spent the rest of the night having amazing sex. Keri was still half asleep, but something inside her pussy started to vibrate. First very slowly, but gradually it became more and more intense. Now somebody was sucking on her left nipple! She opened her eyes and looked right in to Helen’s eyes. Helen smiled, but kept on sucking and nibbling on her nipple for a while. “Good morning darling” she finally said. “Are you...
“Well? What do you think?” she asked me. “Stunning! I just wish that I was at least 20 years younger, then I might have a chance with you. Can I at least buy you a drink?” I was standing at the bar in the hotel where I was staying while attending a conference. “Thanks. I would love a glass of champagne.” I finished my scotch, then turned to the barman and asked for a bottle of champagne and two glasses, which I had him charge to my room. We took our champagne over to a small table. I told...
This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don't know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was "Lady of Kent". The chat line was a free forum, I can't remember which one it was now and it doesn't really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We...
When I married Helen I had no idea she was a slut. Not that it would have mattered - I'd of married her anyway. She was, absolutely and without a doubt, the best piece of ass I ever had. We met at a wedding reception, fell in heat with each other, and before the night was over we were in bed together. Six weeks later she moved in with me and six months after that we were standing in front of a justice of the peace. Now Helen was no great beauty. She did not have a magnificent body, but she was...
Helen was on her way to her first gay club. She had decided it was time she “came out”…well, not really. She hadn’t told any of her friends (except the one... the only one.. she had had sex with). And as for her folks, that would be impossible. It was just that she had finally made up her mind to go to a club where she could meet other gays. Was she gay? Or bisexual? Probably the latter, as she had been screwing guys for a couple of years, and she had certainly enjoyed it. But she had been...
LesbianHelen leant back and took a drag of the cannabis cigarette in her hand. She smiled at her companions, the public school educated boyfriend with his friends, and her friends from the local Comprehensive. Marijuana always made her chilled and she relaxed back sucking in the smoke from the illegal cigarette. "When are your folks back?" A wiry black haired boy asked the eldest boy present in his well-spoken voice. Fabien sniffed. "Monday," he replied after pausing; the skunk was powerful...
I hear him gasp as I push him back onto the big king-size bed. He watches me from under lowered lashes as I straddle his naked body. His hair is a tousled, dusky blond, sexy mess. His eyes, although half closed at present, are blue, the kind of eyes you can look into for hours. His lips are red, full, and soft. His skin is tanned and smooth. His chest is muscled and well defined, his legs are long and powerful, all 6ft 3inches of tanned male body is lying beneath me, wanting me, waiting for...
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Humor--------------------------------------- As I sat at my desk squinting at my screen, the dull throb in my head re-asserted its presence and I winced in pain. It was clear that I was of no use at work today. My headache was never going to go while I was sat staring at pages of figures and I was very keen to get rid of my headache in time for tonight. I had arranged to take Helen, my girlfriend, out to dinner followed by a show she had been dying to see. I resolved to go home and rest my...
With the web site launch done, I had some time to devote to the Questor's project. I know I shouldn't really go on operations but it's hard to resist the adrenalin rush and besides, Freddie and Harry both seemed happy that I was getting involved. "Just as long as there are no vodka bottles around," said Harry with a smirk. Plus, of course, Hannani had been keen for me to handle things personally and the customer is always right. I've always liked the Ashmolean Museum. Not a lot of...
The two girls met as planned at the coffee-house. They were so different in appearance that the one complimented the other and the vivacity of the brunette was a splendid foil for the quiet and thoughtful blond Kim. When Kim had first seen her, though she had been in no position to really study the girl, Helen had not seemed in the least lively. Kim now realised that it was solely because the conditions at the time were right out of her experience and the girl was both shy and excited. Then...
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I started communicating with Rick through seeing his pictures and profile on the internet, or maybe he contact me through seeing mine , I can't remember, but after some lengthy communication we agreed to meet.Despite him and his wife , Helen admitting to having had a 'disasterous' recent meeting with someone else they both agreed they would like to meet me even though I had stressed I was not 'into' women. They lived some distance from me and after a long drive I was at their door.They both...
The phone call was hoped for, but not totally expected. I had figured that the soonest I would hear from them, if they took the deal, would be at least two weeks away. But at eleven-thirty the phone rang and Mortenson said, "We are going with you Bruce. I've signed the papers and a copy is being faxed to you. You should have the originals by FedEx in the morning. Looking forward to doing business with you guys. Talk to you later." I walked over to the fax machine just as the document...
The thing about Helen Eriksen was that she was utterly beautiful. This was the problem with fighting her; it was also the reason that when you lost to her, you didn’t mind. She was about six inches shorter than I, with short black hair and dark brown eyes. She had a sweet, angular face and looked damn-near otherworldly when she smiled. Over the last few months she and I had become close – more as friends than as lovers – and I in my ignorance of future events had no real reason, to start...
The cane falls on my arse again, burning stripes on the tender skin around my hole, between my stretched buttocks. I yelp and gasp, trying to wriggle away from the cruel strokes. But my movements only pull hard on my aching, stretched balls and harshly clamped tits. Ms Sarah is so hard on me – it’s so unfair. I start to cry again. She laughs and mocks me, speeding up the blows, landing the cane vertically across my sore hole, so that I jump and shriek. This is just the final part of my day,...
Upon waking for the second time in the home of Helen, Erik cautiously opened his eyes and found that his mind felt steadier and his head throbbed considerably less. He yawned and stretched, his slender body moving with a cat-like grace. He looked around the room, allowing his eyes to take in every detail. The room was a simple affair with rough log walls, chinked and then painted with a thick coat of whitewash. There were two windows in the room, but both had coverings of heavy, dark-colored...
One summer evening when was 27, I found myself in the arms of a ffriend of my now ex- mother in law, her legs around my waist and feeling her tight cunt milking the last drops from my throbbing cock deep in her as she moaned in my ear to "fuck me baby....fuck me" I shuddered after experiencing one of the most incredible fucks I have ever had and as I kissed her deep and hard I realized I had just fucked my mother-in law's 68 year old best friend.An hour eariler I answered Joyce's ( my mother-in...
Authors note: This is the first time I have tried to write a story, please feel free to offer constructive criticism that will help me improve in the future if I decide to write any more. Thank you for taking the time to read a story from a brand newbie like me, I read so much here and thought it would be nice to give something back in return. ------------- It was a match made in heaven, Sam and Helen fell in love at first sight, their personalities were also perfectly matched....
It was just after Mickey's birthday party that I met Helen. She was one of the mothers that I met at the party but she was a single mother, about mid 30s, and that made all the difference. She and her husband Chad were not divorced yet but they were officially separated. She was extremely good looking and intelligent. Someone, I can't remember who now, introduced us and wanted to set us up on a date. With my recent introspection, I decided to give it a try. Helen was hot! She was about 5'...
The young princess was cornered by the aggressive mercenary in the alcove, and she shuddered from his rude fingers penetrating under her gown to search out her flooded feminine folds. She could see he was overjoyed to find her already primed for his entry despite her protestations to the contrary. She had no glass slipper at the ball, and she had not taken any food or drink into her red painted lips for fear of the lurking danger of poison. The excitement of the dancing and the close...
JUICY JANE IS MY FIRST EVER GIRLFRIEND FOR FEW YUMMY YEARS - HOT HELEN SWEET SISTERJUICY JANE ENORMOUSLY EROTICALLY ENJOYS TO MODEL FOR ME - EVEN FULLY NUDE AS ABOVEJane is first to offer me access to her Private Parts at an almost daily base Whereas my young sis is first LOVEJane is first to come from my kissing hissing whispering before fingering to heaven from first to sixth or seventhJane is first to make my warm wet wooden Mighty Manhood wet her hands our pants and front-seats of my...
"Something odd is going on over in Wessextown," the old lady said. "You've nothing useful to do. Go investigate." I gobbled down my breakfast, tended to my horse and weapons and was on my way before the sun topped the trees. Wessex was a small, tidy town with a pleasant square, a white church, two taverns, a sawmill and a respected potter. I headed for the larger tavern and had a good beer. The place was empty but it was barely noon. "Yer jus' in time for the show," the publican...
Chapter 1I'd only just finished washing the bike and rolled it back into the garage, setting it on the center stand as the rain started.In the last hour and half I'd hooked up the vent trunking to the exhausts and run the bike so the engine was hot again. Done an oil change, checked the chain and changed a bulb in the in brake light. The rain had come down hard enough at one point for me to go pull the door so it was almost closed.It was still raining heavily outside I noted as I began to put...
Two months after Nigel and I had wanked each other off in my bedroom, the whole gang, that’s all the k**s on our street, were playing hide and seek. Our road ran alongside a massive wooded area where we all used to play and hide. Everyone knows how the game works so I won’t explain it all here.Anyway we were about 10 minutes in when it began to absolutely piss down, everyone ran home but Nigel and I made it to a broken garage, it was only a shell but had a decent roof so we could stay dry. A...
The British continued to harass us, pressing us back in our retreat. My company was usually doing rear-guard duty. One day, a week or so after my enjoyment of the girl in the barn, a pleasure my aching cock still recalled early in the morning, we swooped down on the supply train of a Redcoat regiment and were deep into pillage and plunder when a bunch of dragoons appeared out of nowhere, and we had to fight for our lives and then flee, every man for himself. They ran off our horses, and I...
I reached the McB-- plantation on a bend in the James just about sunset, feeling very proud of myself since I was about halfway to Portsmouth. I had a good horse under me and had rearmed myself with the weapons I had used all during the Revoltuion, tools my hands knew well. Now if I could promote a hot meal and a warm woman for my bed, it would be an almost perfect day. Long and bloody, but almost perfect. On my way south I had given the Ranger camp a wide berth. I left my horse with a young...
The girl that sat on the pulled-down steps of the fancy carriage looked sad indeed, nearly despondent, head down and knees wide apart. She was drawing on the ground with a stick. She glanced up as I dismounted and gave me a wan smile. There was neither team nor driver in sight so the problem was obvious. She stood and my cock stirred. She was a true stunner, dressed in the height of fashion and sporting a mop of dark red hair that cascaded over her shoulders and well down her straight back,...
"Those beasts," said Madam Von R--, "are holding a fair, as they call it, and have a girl, a very comely girl, as one of the prizes in some sort of contest." "One of our people?" I asked. "A rebel?" "Of course. Why else would I bother?" she said impatiently. "Go get her out of there." "Yes'm," I said and set out. It made for a very curious weekend. That Friday I nosed around and found that there was, indeed, a competition, open only to militiamen, no British regulars or...
"There is," said the old Madam, looking exceedingly cross, "a woman who is doing us harm, at least she is trying to do so, the foolish harridan. I want you to go see her and convince her of the wickedness of her ways." "Me?" I said. "Why not send a preacher?" "No," the Madam said with an evil smile, "you have the equipment for this task. This woman is using her body in the service of our enemies and crowing about how much more manly the Germans and English officers are compared...
The AfternoonShe told me to wear my pearl necklace, my pearl bracelets, earrings, a sexy black dress, heels and no underwear. She arose from the waves like a sea goddess that afternoon in a tiny black string bikini and lay on her stomach beside me in the isolated cove as I lay on my stomach sunbathing with my bikini bra unfastened. "You're here alone," she finally whispered. "I've been watching you."We lay together in the hot afternoon sun until she spoke again. "Please put some suntan lotion...
Group SexI wanted to share my most wonderful experience. It happened 2 years ago today so once again the memories came flooding back, making me horny and wanting it to happen all over again. I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years. The sex was only ok and there was still no ring on my finger or any prospect of it ever happening. So when I caught him jerking off to a picture of my friend I decided that he was not worth it. Yet, I had been in a relationship for so long that the world outside had...