The Hazards Of Helen free porn video

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THE HAZARDS OF HELEN © 2010 by Anthony Durrant Leaning against the wall of an old house in the Dell, an area of the bowery, a place in the city, the man known as the Farmer stood and watched the people go by as he sang: "The Farmer's in the Dell, The Farmer's in the Dell, Heigh-ho the derry-oh, The Farmer's in the Dell. "The rat ate the cheese, The rat ate the cheese, Heigh-ho the derry-oh, The rat ate the cheese. "The cat ate the rat, The cat ate the rat, Heigh-ho the derry-oh, The cat ate the rat!" As the Farmer sang his little ditty, he stumbled away from the house toward the little box in which he was living. There, he sat down and smiled - just as two police officers came up and grabbed him, handcuffing his hands behind his back. After they read him his rights, one of the officers told the Farmer: "So you're the Phantom of the Bowery, eh, Farmer? Well, we've been on your trail for weeks, and now we've finally collared you: you're under arrest for robbing the A.T.M. down the bock!" The two officers then dragged the Farmer into a paddy wagon, closed and locked the doors, and then drove off with him in the back seat. *** The officers took the Farmer directly to the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, where they ushered him into the building and strapped him to a trolley, then returned to the paddy wagon. "Good to see you!" said the attendant as he wheeled the Farmer into the laboratory where Dr. Simister was preparing for the final phase of his project, Project Helen. The attendant wheeled the Farmer up to the apparatus to which Helen was connected, and Dr. Simister said: "Well, well, well! If it isn't Leonid Kinski, a.k.a. the Farmer, a.k.a. the Phantom of the Bowery! We've been waiting a long time for this!" He injected Kinski with a combined anaesthetic and body immobilizer, which put the unfortunate fellow out like a light, then used the apparatus to scan him. "The scan detects both drugs and drink in his system!" Simister said. "Yet, despite this, his alpha waves are amazingly strong, making him a prime candidate for downloading." "But, he's a man!" the attendant said as he and the doctor muscled Kominski onto a bed next to the apparatus in which Helen lay. As soon as he was on the bed, a specially devised collar attached to it clamped down on his forehead and skull, linking his brain to Helen's responsometer. "Are you sure this is even humane Dr. Simister?" the attendant asked the doctor. "Very sure!" Dr. Simister replied. "His mind will be gently extracted from his human body, digitized, and downloaded into Helen." At that moment, a computer voice said: "Brain/responsometer link established. I am now beginning the download procedure." Kominski screamed and arched his back as the Institute's A.I. drew his essence out of his body and into the arm that linked the apparatus to Kominski and Helen. This complex gadget converted his alpha waves into digital impulses that were downloaded into Helen's responsometer. As it did, the monitor screens showed each segment of her complex responsometer coming online, the converted alpha waves dovetailing neatly with Helen's subliminal programming and merging with it. "Why use a human in the first place?" the attendant asked Dr. Simister, who replied: "Because her responsometer was so complex no A.I. could be programmed into her. As for Mr. Kominski, I'm afraid he's died of a stroke induced by the transfer process and a lifetime of drug abuse and drinking alcohol." He and the attendant then wheeled Kominski's body over to the building's incinerator hatch and dropped the body into it, then shut the hatch. They then watched the monitor screens as they showed Helen's brainwaves rising to human levels. *** I was dreaming I was with my grandmother in Heaven, and the two of us were playing together, as we'd done when I was a child, tossing a ball to each other in a grassy green field. "Leonid," she said suddenly, "you're not due to die yet, and perhaps not ever. Your mind is being downloaded even as we speak into an experimental cyborg called Helen Hacker. From here on in, you will BE Helen Hacker, Leonid, and you'll be living a brand new life in a brand new body." And then she pushed me over the edge of the cloud we were standing on into the deep abyss below. I screamed and reached out for my grandmother as I fell into the blackness below. A surge of pain went through me and I screamed as loudly as I could, then opened my eyes, sat up and gasped for breath. Now fully awake, I found myself lying in a bed with pink sheets over me. When I inspected myself, I saw that my skin was bronze- coloured, as if I was a Roman statue, and my body was slim and strong- looking. Long dark hair fell over my face and I swept it away with my hand. I could hear singing near me, and I turned on the bed to see a young man sweeping the floor with a special mop. He was singing a song as he worked: "Robin in the rain, what a happy fellow, Robin in the rain, mind your socks of yellow! Walking through the water on your three-toed feet, Digging for your supper with your long strong beak-" I hadn't heard that song for many years, so I was delighted and sang: "Robin in the rain, you don't mind the weather- Showers always make you gay, But the worms are wishing you would stay at home. Robin on a rainy day, don't get your feet wet! "Robin in the rain, you don't mind the weather- Showers always make you gay. But the worms are wishing you would stay at home. Robin on a rainy day, and keep your hands clean! Robin . . . on a rainy . . . DAY!" "You're awake!" he cried. "I thought you were still asleep, Ms. Hacker!" Seeing the words HELEN HACKER floating before my eyes, I nodded. "It took the combined projects of two merged companies to create you, Ms. Hacker!" the man said. "My name's Robin Tasker, and my father's the merged company's C.E.O. I'm working my way up through the ranks in the same way he did!" Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I tried to get up but stumbled and fell instead, dropping to my knees on the tile floor. As I tried rising to one knee, I saw that Robin was by my side. He helped me to my feet and brought me back to the bed, and I climbed back into it. Robin said: "Your recovery and adjustment to your new cyborg form will take a few days, Ms. Hacker, so relax and enjoy yourself while you can!" "Thank you," I said, my eyes already closing, "I think that I will do just that!" And then I was asleep again. *** Over the next few weeks, the Institute's best people put me through an intensive mental and physical therapy regimen to get me back to my full physical strength. They had me lifting weights, sprinting, and working out on a trapeze. For the mental part of the therapy, they had me doing puzzles, my favourite being cryptograms, which I thoroughly enjoyed. "You're doing very well, Ms. Hacker!" Robin said as he watched me twirl on the rings with one hand and enjoying every minute of it. "Your progress is impeccable, in fact. We're all impressed." "Oh, don't be so formal, Robin!" I retorted. "And call me Helen, not 'Ms. Hacker.' I've enjoyed my time here at the Institute as well. Where's Dr. Simister? I'd like to thank him for giving me my new life and cyborg body." At that moment, the walls of the therapy room slid upward, revealing Dr. Simister and the other scientists overseeing my recovery. He said: " 'A girl fell down in school today,' said Mary Lou. 'And all the girls laughed but me.' " 'Why didn't you laugh?' asked Mama Dear. " 'I didn't laugh,' said Mary Lou, 'because I was the girl that fell.'" "What d'you mean?" I asked. "I mean," Simister said, "that I was the one who designed and built your responsometer, Ms. Hacker, and therefore, I am the one who knows how to disrupt it if you try to escape from the premises. If you truly value your life, you must remain right here." "I hear and obey, then, sir!" I said, with a tinge of the anger I felt in my voice, and the doctor and his cronies then left the room and closed the door to the seating area behind them. Robin and I returned to my quarters in the Herbert W. Rain Wing of the Institute, where we relaxed on my bed. "If he knew that my one goal now is to escape from this facility and get away from this city, Dr. Simister would confine me here in this room for months, Robin!" I said. "But, how'll we get away without alerting him to our absence?" Robin asked. Looking around, I noticed a grate leading to a ventilation shaft, and tore it off its mountings by pulling on it with my left arm; then I gestured for Robin to follow me as I crept into the shaft. Once we were both in the shaft, we crawled eastward through it to the other end, where it ended in a vent at the back of the Institute building. I kicked it out and the two of us scrambled through the open door to safety. We then lost ourselves among the crowds of people in the Bowery. *** Now that we were in the Bowery, the two of us hurried to a small house near the pier, where the fisherwoman, Molly Malone, lived with her son. When she opened the door, she said: "Two ducks before two ducks, two ducks between two ducks, two ducks behind two ducks." "The answer to that old chestnut," I said, "is four: &&&&. And you must be a very ducky woman to think I'd fall for it." "Come in, then!" she said as she opened the door, and soon after we were fed newly-cooked cockles and mussels by her sun Morris. "We're on the run from the Institute of Artificial Intelligence!" I explained. "That means we'll need some sort of disguise to keep us safe from their robot finder, the Clutching Hand." "Why not switch clothes with us?" Morris asked, and his mother looked amazed and said: "Now, why didn't I think of that, lad?" "That's just what we'll do!" I cried joyfully. "It should confuse the Clutching Hand for long enough for us to escape the city!" Robin added, delighted by Morris's audacity. After the four of us had finished our meal, Molly and I switched clothes, as did Morris and Robin. When I put on Molly's sun hat, the disguise was complete, and she gave us her wheelbarrow, which was full of cockles and mussels, and led us out the door to the street again. "We'll wait here for the Clutching Hand and his emissaries!" she told us. "Now, hurry up and head for the Bowery's fight area. There, you'll be able to earn the money you'll need to pay for your tickets to the outside." I nodded, and then the two of us walked down the streets toward that area, singing at the top of our lungs as we did so: "In New York's fair city, Where the girls are so pretty, Was where I laid eyes On sweet Molly Malone As she pushed her wheelbarrow Through the streets broad and narrow Crying 'Cockles and mussels, alive, alive-oh!' Alive, alive, oh! Alive, alive, oh! Crying 'Cockles and mussels, alive, alive-oh!'" As we sang, people bought some of the cockles and mussels, and the two of us eagerly took the money as we sang: "She was a fishmonger, And sure, 'twas no wonder, For such were her mother And father before As they rolled their wheelbarrow Through the streets broad and narrow Crying 'Cockles and mussels, alive, alive-oh!' Alive, alive, oh! Alive, alive, oh! Crying 'Cockles and mussels, alive, alive-oh!'" Eventually, we came to the end of the street, where we turned left to get to the old dock on which the fight area was located. All the way through, we rolled the wheelbarrow and sang: "She helped us to escape And we owe her a favour For she helped us break free From the cruel Clutching Hand! Now we pull her wheelbarrow Through the streets broad and narrow Crying, 'Cockles and mussels, alive, alive-oh!' Alive, alive, oh! Alive, alive, oh! Crying, 'Cockles and mussels, alive, alive-oh!'" As we finished our little song, we handed the wheelbarrow to the food collector at the fight area, and he let us onto the premises. *** As soon as we had entered the fight area, Robin went to a recruiter and signed up for a fight against one of the local heroes. As for me, I was about to head on into the crowd when a female recruiter spotted me and said: "Hey, you! We have a Companion-class cyborg who is itching for a new fight, and her slate's empty. Why don't you sign up to fight her, if you've nothing better to do?" "Very well!" I said. "I think I shall!" And so I signed my name to her roster. "She's Pretty Boy's girl!" the recruiter told me. "You'll find her in the tent with the cherub's face painted on it. She's waiting for you there." "Thanks," I said, "I think!" I made my way through the tents in the fight area until I found the one with the cherub's face on it. Near the entrance was a tall man in a blue suit with a brown shirt and a red tie. His face was that of a cherub, and he had blue eyes with no eyelashes and short curly blonde hair; he wore no mustache or beard. "You must be Pretty Boy!" I said. "Right-a-rooney, lady!" he cried. "And you must be my Companion's next opponent!" "I am indeed, sir!" I said as I took off the ridiculous sun hat and walked into that tent, where I found my opponent awaiting me. "So, you're another cyborg!" she cried. "Before we begin the fight, Sister, I should tell you that we Companions are the best cyborgs on the market because our minds and bodies are based on those of the real Companion Cartwright!" She then threw off her bathrobe to reveal a powerfully muscled body that couldn't have been that of a Companion Class cyborg. Somehow or other, she'd inherited the body of a cyborg of another type entirely after losing her own. "Let's begin!" she cried, and then she jumped on me, knocking me to the ground before I could make a move of my own. I panicked, terrified of being injured in a fight, and slammed my elbow into her chin, then kneed her in the stomach and caused her to double over. As I was rising to my feet, she got her foot behind my leg and knocked me over again. As I backed away from her, I ran into Pretty Boy, who closed and sealed the tent flap before seating himself in front of me. Rising to her feet, the Companion ran toward me and leaped on me, pinning my arms to the ground and waving her long blonde hair in my face, causing me to actually turn my head away from her. She then shouted to someone at the back of the tent: "Your trap worked, Hand! We've got her!" At once, what I had thought to be a pile of rags rose to its feet and came toward me. "Who are you?" I cried, and the figure said: "I am the Clutching Hand, Helen Hunter, and once Dr. Simister had tipped me the wink, I waited for you to go past Molly Malone's home like all the other cyborgs I've caught did, and fall right into my little trap here at the fight area. I intend, now, to return you to the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, for which I will receive money that I will share with Pretty Boy and his Companion with the muscles there." Suddenly, Robin walked into the tent. When he saw that I was in danger, he pulled the Companion off of me, and the two of us fought off Pretty Boy and the Hand together. After the three villains had fled, he and I rested in the tent. Robin told me: "Helen, I won the fight at the other tent, so when the lady recruiter told me where to find you, I came straight up here." After resting for awhile, the two of us left the tent and, as we were passing a tent with the image of a cat's face on it, a furry white arm pulled Robin in. When I followed him, I found him talking to a huge female cat creature who was stroking and caressing his face and smiling at him very happily. It asked: "Why is it you never come to visit your old grandmother in the Bowery, Robin?" "I didn't even know you were still alive!" he retorted. "Dad told me you had died years ago, yet now I've found you here, alive and well!" "He would, wouldn't he?" the creature replied. "No, I've been protecting the city as I did when you were small, as the formula that transformed me into this keeps me fit and healthy." "Who, or what, are you?" I asked. "I am Louise Oakley, but these days I go by the name Graymalkin!" it - no, she - told me, and I could see her very human love for Robin in her golden eyes. I asked her: "Would you escape the city with us?" "Do you really want me with you?" she asked. "I'm sure Robin would like nothing better!" I said. "Then, that's just what I'll do!" she said. After she folded her tent, the three of us walked toward the Mulberry Bush, a small restaurant on the edge of the fight area. Graymalkin put her hands on our shoulders and said: "I can hear Pretty Boy following us!" And, indeed, Pretty Boy soon appeared behind us. He pulled a knife and chased after the three of us. Whenever we tried to get him, Pretty Boy ducked around the corner of the Mulberry Bush, all the while singing this song: "Round and round the Mulberry Bush The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought it all in fun, POP! Goes the weasel! "Up and down the old main street, In and out the Eagle, That's the way the money goes: POP! Goes the weasel!" Pretty Boy chased the three of us round the Mulberry Bush while singing that song at least three times. On the last turn, however, we found a man lying on the ground. I bent down on one knee and tried to help him up, but Graymalkin pushed me away and said: "I believe I can effect a miraculous recovery." Grabbing the man by his short collar, she lifted him onto his feet with one hand, and he panicked and fled into the darkness. "That was Weasel John, the Bowery's best accident faker!" she said. "The Clutching Hand must have stationed him here to slow us down." "And, in doing so, he allowed the three of you to fall back into my clutches!" the man himself said as he and Pretty Boy stepped out of the shadows and took Robin and I captive, forcing Graymalkin to surrender to him at last. Once he had us in his clutches, the Clutching Hand took us to the front door of the Mulberry Bush, and Pretty Boy opened it to let us go in. After we'd entered, the two men took us to the bar, where we again encountered the Companion I'd battled sometime earlier. She smiled at Graymalkin in a sinister manner before turning to me and saying: "For trying to leave the city without the proper tickets, the Clutching Hand has ordered you to fight me to the death, Ms. Hacker!" I looked at Robin, then nodded and said: "I'd rather be dead than trapped in this dung heap of a district, Companion!" "Let's begin, then!" she cried as she launched herself at me and knocked me down, pulling my arm behind my back with one hand while holding the other one on the floor and squeezing my stomach with her legs, then crying: "So, you're terrified of being injured in battle, eh? Well, once I've taken a round out of you, I'll kill your Robin as well!" A wave of terror surged through me. "NO!" I cried, slamming my head into hers and then throwing her over my shoulder. "NOT ROBIN! DON'T KILL ROBIN!" And then I jumped her before she could get up again. She shoved me off with her powerful legs and leaped to her feet as Pretty Boy cackled madly and sang as loudly as he could: "Here we go Grueby-loo, Here we go Grueby-light, Here we go Grueby-loo, All on a Saturday Night! "You put your two hands in, Then take your two hands out, Then put your two hands in, And shake them all about!" "IXNAY!" I shouted, then slammed my fist into her cheek, sending her a few steps back, before throwing an uppercut that caused her to sway back and forth. "So, that's it!" I cried. "You're primarily a wrestler, aren't you, Companion? No wonder you couldn't dodge my punches! That means I have quite an advantage over you, girl!" And so I peppered her with punches until, with one last mighty blow, I knocked her block off, causing the headless body to fall to the ground. Grabbing her head, I put it back on its shoulders and used Pretty Boy's tool kit to repair her damaged wires; I'd seen it lying on the floor nearby. When the Companion opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was me. As I helped her up, she said: "You saved my life? I tried to kill you, and yet you - you saved my life!" "All life is sacred, Companion!" I replied. "Even the life of a cyborg like you!" "She's right, you know!" Graymalkin said. "I have never taken a life myself at any time, past, present, or future, Companion." "The only thing Pretty Boy's ever given you is circuit damage!" I said. "Why won't you wise up and come over to the good guy side?" "Don't listen to them, Companion!" Pretty Boy shouted. "They're trying to call your bluff!" "No," the Companion said, "YOU are, Pretty Boy. They've shown compassion by repairing me." And then she jumped him. He pulled a gun, but she crushed his hand before he could fire directly at her. Meanwhile, I attacked the Clutching Hand, grabbing him by the fists to take advantage of his shock and surprise. Then I slammed him against the wall and removed his cap and hood. Underneath them were the familiar features of - Dr. Simister! When I saw it, I gasped in horror as Robin said: "So, this is what Simister's been up to!" "No," Graymalkin said as she felt his face, "this is latex, not human skin, and that means the Clutching Hand is trying to trick us again." She pulled off Dr. Simister's face to reveal that of a man who looked very much like Robin himself. I turned to him and said: "Robin, just who is this man?" "It's my father, Robert Demetyr Tasker!" he cried. "Dad, why'd you become the Clutching Hand?" "To protect the investment of Dr. Beckley and myself in one merged corporation!" he replied. "I was forced to sanction and perform the essence transfer procedure because the company is still working on a more complex A.I. for the Helens, so you're the only one with a human consciousness. You, Helen Hacker, are the prototype Helen, and the others that follow will be A.I.s!" "And what of you, Pretty Boy?" Robin asked. "Oh, I partnered up with him to find you when the police couldn't, eh, Mr. Tasker?" he replied. "I did find you, and I was the one who told the cops where to locate you!" "Just who are you, Pretty Boy?" Robin asked. "Let's find out, shall we?" I said as I grabbed Pretty Boy's face and pulled it off along with his hair, revealing his true horrible features underneath: his face was utterly hairless, and burned in such a way as to give him a wild-eyed appearance, and his remaining hair was brown and covered his scarred head like a lion's mane, except for over his forehead where it had been burned off. He laughed and said: "Now that you know Pretty Boy's secret, the penalty is death!" "Hardly!" I cried as Graymalkin grabbed him and bent thick wire around him. "And now, it's off to the nearest police station for you two!" *** When we dropped our prisoners off at the station closest to the Bowery Gate, and they'd been read their rights and arrested, the sergeant in charge of the desk told me: "These two have been wanted for a long time, Pretty Boy especially. His real name's Karlemagn Petroushka, and he's the twin of Konstantin Petroushka, the man whose brain is now in the skull of Golem, the ultimate supercomputer!" "For God's sake, I hope they remain in jail for the longest possible time!" I said. "Is there a reward out on these two?" Robin asked, and the sergeant said: "You better believe there is! And, it'll get you out of the Bowery forever!" "HOORAY!!!" the three of us cried. *** As it turned out, the sergeant was correct: the reward was enough to buy the three of us the tickets we needed to leave the city. We presented them to a gate guard, and he tore off their perforated ends and handed them back, then opened the gates. We hurried through just before he closed them again, and as the three of us walked down the path leading out of the city, Graymalkin smelled something. Running off into one of the fields, she pounced on it and lifted it up to reveal a dead bird, which she feasted on as the three of us headed for the bridge up ahead. As we crossed the bridge, we saw the fish in the water and the ducks on it, and sang: "All the fish are swimming in the water, Swimming in the water, swimming in the water, All the fish are swimming in the water, Fol-de-rol-de-ray! "All the ducks are swimming on the surface, Swimming on the surface, swimming on the surface, All the ducks are swimming on the surface, Fol-de-rol-de-ray! "You and me, we're going to the Outlands. Going to the Outlands, going to the Outlands. You and me, we're going to the Outlands, Fol-de-rol-de-ray!" Soon we reached the end of the path and entered the Outlands, although to enter them I had to bash down the old gate there with my fists. Once we were in the Outlands, the three of us were so happy that we sang: "The sun is shining in a tree, And everything's so bright, I see. We've stumbled on a land of gold, Just the spot for home, I'm told. "Ta-ra-ra?BOOM-de-ray, Ta-ra-ra-BOOM-de-ray, Ta-ra-ra-BOOM-de-ray! "This is where we'll make our home, Nevermore at last to roam. We'll live near that old beehive, And perchance we'll start to jive! "Ta-ra-ra-BOOM-de-ray, Ta-ra-ra-BOOM-de-ray, Ta-ra-ra-BOOM-de-ray, Ta-ra-ra-BOOM-de-ray!" Soon, the three of us came to a clearing. "What a beautiful spot!" I cried. "It is, yeah!" said Robin. "And this is the spot where I want to settle down and to build a home we can live in for the rest of our lives!" THE END

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This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don’t know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was “Lady of Kent”. The chat line was a free forum, I can’t remember which one it was now and it doesn’t really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We chatted...

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How I Met Max and Helen

By Drakon Max tightened his grip around my waist and thrust forward violently. His massive knot was forced into my tight pussy and began to swell even more. I bit my lower lip to keep from screaming, not from the brief amount of pain but the tidal wave of pleasure that crashed over me. I couldn’t believe how incredible it felt as my body quaked uncontrollably. Less than twenty four hours earlier, I wouldn’t have thought I’d willingly put myself in this position. Maybe I should start from...

3 years ago
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Auntie Helen

During the summer just gone, me, the dirty slut, fucked my Auntie Helen and her husband many times!Long boring story of how I ended up spending the summer with my Auntie Helen and her husband. Colin is buff too, and I've like always fancied him. Two weeks into staying there, roughly, I got to fuck him. I did the whole seduction thing one morning in the kitchen. I came up behind him, grabbed his cock, and ended up getting fucked on the kitchen floor. To me, it was all cool. He's like only ten...

2 years ago
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Saving Me From Helen

I looked at her standing there naked except for a pair of high heels. She ran her hands over her breasts and smiled at me, "You like?" I smiled back at her, stroked my cock and said, "No, I don't like, I love." Oh baby, for a young man you sure do know the right things to say." As she walked toward me I thought, "Thank God for trashy Southern girls. If it wasn't for one of them I wouldn't be here and loving this." She sank down on her knees in front of me and said, "Stop playing...

4 years ago
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It was more than twelve months since the young women had moved next door in all that time we hardly spoken, just the odd good morning, how are you, the garden looks good that sort of thing. Not at all an unattractive women Helen I found out her name, looked about 5’4” probably carrying a few more pounds than she should, but she still looked good when she trotted off to work in her too tight pencil skirts and 3” patent shoes with bare brown legs. Her clothes all looked rather threadbare but...

4 years ago
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Naughty Helen

I have known my friend Helen ever since I sat next to her on my first day in primary school. We became firm friends often in trouble with the teacher for giggling and talking in class. Helen was probably in trouble more than me but that was because she has always been more confident, more talkative and more of a risk taker.As we got older and became interested in the opposite sex Helen was still the more confident of the pair of us. The first to get a boyfriend, the first to kiss a boy and the...

4 years ago
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True Swingers Matt and Helen

Every so often, while surfing the classifieds in an attempt to find people that want to share themselves with us, you find a couple that are truly outstanding. It would be fair to say we had a hard time finding a couple where the woman was a true bi-sexual with a boyfriend or husband in tow. The single bi-sexual female was indeed as elusive as the Manhattan tiger.Helen was different – lesbian, but with a husband; a husband to look after the kids while she met with her female friends for...

2 years ago
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Tommy and Helen

Two people in love. It’s dark and the road’s dangerous. It’s a two lane high speed highway, it’s raining, and I’m still at least an hour from home. I don’t know how it came to this. I halfway feel like just turning the wheel, flipping my SUV, and saying good bye to the whole shitted up mess. I won’t though. I won’t because I love my two kids, and in spite of everything I still love my wife. An hour from home and I wonder what kind of home it will be when I get there. I admit it; I’m angry,...

1 year ago
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I'm a married lady who likes a little pussy on the side now and then, something my husband knows nothing about and I've had a few subs through the years. I like the subservient cunts, they are easy to manipulate and always take good care of my pussy. A new family moved in down the street from us, Helen, she's a blue eyed blond with great legs and a lousy attitude who thinks the world owes her something but her husband, Doug is real nice. My husband, much to my chagrin, offered to show them...

2 years ago
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Sarah had brought her new daughter to the Co-op. The girl was little more than a tiny face attired in a pink cap and wrapped in a blanket. The women took turns holding her, talking about the birth with Sarah, and asking her what her plans were. Finally Kalliste Periakes, the baby on her shoulder, asked the one question everyone had missed. "What's her name?" "Her father wanted to call her Matilda," Sarah said. She made a face as the women around her burst out laughing. "I couldn't see...

3 years ago
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Curious Case of Helen

Helen Featherstone was a nurse; not just any nurse but a staff nurse in charge of the male ward at a world famous London hospital; She was 42 years old and what with her job and her mania for exercising she had a slim trim figure topped off with large 40 D bust; he short cropped blonde hair and hazel eyes gave her a lesbian appearance or to be more accurate the look of a dyke. Nothing could be further from the truth; for in her own way Helen was cock crazy; when not working she was usually on...

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Harry And Doreen And Helen

Harry and Doreen Shemmings were a married couple in their very late fifties who liked to spice up their sex life by occasionally devising situations which would titillate their partner.They had gone shopping at the local supermarket and as they pushed their trolley around Doreen leaned towards her husband and said in a low tone "Harry, what would you say if I told you that I had come out shopping without putting on any knickers?."Harry, in an equally low tone replied "Doreen, if you told me...

3 years ago
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My fantasy with Helen

I am about 47 years old now and this would make her about 42. I am married to a beautiful woman who has lost almost all interest in sex. The wonderful things that medications can do to you. I my fantasy I meet up with Helen at a fast food joint and she gives me one of those wonderful hugs that I just love. She pulls her self up against me and holds me tight as I do the same to her. We break apart and make small talk then go about our lives. But in my fantasy the hug lingers and I...

4 years ago
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Remembering Helen

I dedicate this story to Helen, I just found out she died today. I was just heading out the door for work when my phone rang. I considered ignoring it, but something told me I needed to answer. “Hello.” I grumbled. “I’m so glad I caught you, it’s Helen.” The exasperated voice said. “My car’s dead again, can you swing by and pick me up?” Helen and I worked together, I was 23, she was 43. She’d been divorced for about 10 years. The only luck she ever had was bad. She was a great person and...

2 years ago
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Keri and Helen

It was the morning after Helen had caught Keri with her piercings and they had spent the rest of the night having amazing sex. Keri was still half asleep, but something inside her pussy started to vibrate. First very slowly, but gradually it became more and more intense. Now somebody was sucking on her left nipple! She opened her eyes and looked right in to Helen’s eyes. Helen smiled, but kept on sucking and nibbling on her nipple for a while. “Good morning darling” she finally said. “Are you...

3 years ago
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“Well? What do you think?” she asked me. “Stunning! I just wish that I was at least 20 years younger, then I might have a chance with you. Can I at least buy you a drink?” I was standing at the bar in the hotel where I was staying while attending a conference. “Thanks. I would love a glass of champagne.” I finished my scotch, then turned to the barman and asked for a bottle of champagne and two glasses, which I had him charge to my room. We took our champagne over to a small table. I told...

4 years ago
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The First Time With Helen

This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don't know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was "Lady of Kent". The chat line was a free forum, I can't remember which one it was now and it doesn't really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We...

3 years ago
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When I married Helen I had no idea she was a slut. Not that it would have mattered - I'd of married her anyway. She was, absolutely and without a doubt, the best piece of ass I ever had. We met at a wedding reception, fell in heat with each other, and before the night was over we were in bed together. Six weeks later she moved in with me and six months after that we were standing in front of a justice of the peace. Now Helen was no great beauty. She did not have a magnificent body, but she was...

2 years ago
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Helen was on her way to her first gay club. She had decided it was time she “came out”…well, not really. She hadn’t told any of her friends (except the one... the only one.. she had had sex with). And as for her folks, that would be impossible. It was just that she had finally made up her mind to go to a club where she could meet other gays. Was she gay? Or bisexual? Probably the latter, as she had been screwing guys for a couple of years, and she had certainly enjoyed it. But she had been...

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Helen leant back and took a drag of the cannabis cigarette in her hand. She smiled at her companions, the public school educated boyfriend with his friends, and her friends from the local Comprehensive. Marijuana always made her chilled and she relaxed back sucking in the smoke from the illegal cigarette. "When are your folks back?" A wiry black haired boy asked the eldest boy present in his well-spoken voice. Fabien sniffed. "Monday," he replied after pausing; the skunk was powerful...

4 years ago
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Tom and Helen

I hear him gasp as I push him back onto the big king-size bed. He watches me from under lowered lashes as I straddle his naked body. His hair is a tousled, dusky blond, sexy mess. His eyes, although half closed at present, are blue, the kind of eyes you can look into for hours. His lips are red, full, and soft. His skin is tanned and smooth. His chest is muscled and well defined, his legs are long and powerful, all 6ft 3inches of tanned male body is lying beneath me, wanting me, waiting for...

2 years ago
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Betrayed by Helen

--------------------------------------- As I sat at my desk squinting at my screen, the dull throb in my head re-asserted its presence and I winced in pain. It was clear that I was of no use at work today. My headache was never going to go while I was sat staring at pages of figures and I was very keen to get rid of my headache in time for tonight. I had arranged to take Helen, my girlfriend, out to dinner followed by a show she had been dying to see. I resolved to go home and rest my...

3 years ago
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The ResearcherChapter 4 Helen

The two girls met as planned at the coffee-house. They were so different in appearance that the one complimented the other and the vivacity of the brunette was a splendid foil for the quiet and thoughtful blond Kim. When Kim had first seen her, though she had been in no position to really study the girl, Helen had not seemed in the least lively. Kim now realised that it was solely because the conditions at the time were right out of her experience and the girl was both shy and excited. Then...

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Visiting Peter and Helen

I had met Peter at a local motor bike repair shop where a mate of mine owned the workshop and I was doing some computer improvements to get his computer running faster.He mentioned that he was having problems with his own computer that he had at home and used by him and his partner. I said I could come around and take a look and see if it was something that I could fix fairly easily. I said I would come just after I had finished here.I arrived and Peter and his partner Helen were there and was...

3 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 27 The Abduction of Helen

With the web site launch done, I had some time to devote to the Questor's project. I know I shouldn't really go on operations but it's hard to resist the adrenalin rush and besides, Freddie and Harry both seemed happy that I was getting involved. "Just as long as there are no vodka bottles around," said Harry with a smirk. Plus, of course, Hannani had been keen for me to handle things personally and the customer is always right. I've always liked the Ashmolean Museum. Not a lot of...

3 years ago
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Meeting Rick and Helen

I started communicating with Rick through seeing his pictures and profile on the internet, or maybe he contact me through seeing mine , I can't remember, but after some lengthy communication we agreed to meet.Despite him and his wife , Helen admitting to having had a 'disasterous' recent meeting with someone else they both agreed they would like to meet me even though I had stressed I was not 'into' women. They lived some distance from me and after a long drive I was at their door.They both...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Helen

The phone call was hoped for, but not totally expected. I had figured that the soonest I would hear from them, if they took the deal, would be at least two weeks away. But at eleven-thirty the phone rang and Mortenson said, "We are going with you Bruce. I've signed the papers and a copy is being faxed to you. You should have the originals by FedEx in the morning. Looking forward to doing business with you guys. Talk to you later." I walked over to the fax machine just as the document...

4 years ago
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Hazards At Glory Hole

Hazards At Glory HoleBy: Londebaaz ChohanAeron Bhatti was married and if anybody ever had been happy being married, so was AB but as it is only a myth and everyday thousands, if not much more men get in the trap; so AB was also no exception. He had a very good job, taking him for meetings to the exotic places and parties at strip clubs, adult boutiques and even more but his married life, though ok but it was not a very happy story.Now, there is no pull more stringent, appealing and attracting...

3 years ago
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Fighting Helen

The thing about Helen Eriksen was that she was utterly beautiful. This was the problem with fighting her; it was also the reason that when you lost to her, you didn’t mind. She was about six inches shorter than I, with short black hair and dark brown eyes. She had a sweet, angular face and looked damn-near otherworldly when she smiled. Over the last few months she and I had become close – more as friends than as lovers – and I in my ignorance of future events had no real reason, to start...

2 years ago
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Suffering For My Mistress A Tribute to Ms Helen

The cane falls on my arse again, burning stripes on the tender skin around my hole, between my stretched buttocks. I yelp and gasp, trying to wriggle away from the cruel strokes.  But my movements only pull hard on my aching, stretched balls and harshly clamped tits.  Ms Sarah is so hard on me – it’s so unfair.  I start to cry again.  She laughs and mocks me, speeding up the blows, landing the cane vertically across my sore hole, so that I jump and shriek. This is just the final part of my day,...

4 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 28 Helen

I had one more side trip on my way north, again a pleasurable one although it involved a lot of hard work and very little killing. A woman stopped me from beside the road just after I had topped a rise. She held up her hand and smiled at me, sharing a fine and gracious look. I dismounted. I always had a thing for redheads, and this woman had a rich, dark, auburn mane that flowed well down her back. She was handsome and she knew it. There was pride in her stance. "Need some help," the big...

4 years ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 2 Helen

Upon waking for the second time in the home of Helen, Erik cautiously opened his eyes and found that his mind felt steadier and his head throbbed considerably less. He yawned and stretched, his slender body moving with a cat-like grace. He looked around the room, allowing his eyes to take in every detail. The room was a simple affair with rough log walls, chinked and then painted with a thick coat of whitewash. There were two windows in the room, but both had coverings of heavy, dark-colored...

5 years ago
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One summer evening when was 27, I found myself in the arms of a ffriend of my now ex- mother in law, her legs around my waist and feeling her tight cunt milking the last drops from my throbbing cock deep in her as she moaned in my ear to "fuck me baby....fuck me" I shuddered after experiencing one of the most incredible fucks I have ever had and as I kissed her deep and hard I realized I had just fucked my mother-in law's 68 year old best friend.An hour eariler I answered Joyce's ( my mother-in...

2 years ago
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Sam and Helen

Authors note: This is the first time I have tried to write a story, please feel free to offer constructive criticism that will help me improve in the future if I decide to write any more. Thank you for taking the time to read a story from a brand newbie like me, I read so much here and thought it would be nice to give something back in return. ------------- It was a match made in heaven, Sam and Helen fell in love at first sight, their personalities were also perfectly matched....

3 years ago
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Reality or PerceptionChapter 3 A New Start Helen

It was just after Mickey's birthday party that I met Helen. She was one of the mothers that I met at the party but she was a single mother, about mid 30s, and that made all the difference. She and her husband Chad were not divorced yet but they were officially separated. She was extremely good looking and intelligent. Someone, I can't remember who now, introduced us and wanted to set us up on a date. With my recent introspection, I decided to give it a try. Helen was hot! She was about 5'...

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My Main Maiden 12 Juicy Jane Hot Helen

JUICY JANE IS MY FIRST EVER GIRLFRIEND FOR FEW YUMMY YEARS - HOT HELEN SWEET SISTERJUICY JANE ENORMOUSLY EROTICALLY ENJOYS TO MODEL FOR ME - EVEN FULLY NUDE AS ABOVEJane is first to offer me access to her Private Parts at an almost daily base Whereas my young sis is first LOVEJane is first to come from my kissing hissing whispering before fingering to heaven from first to sixth or seventhJane is first to make my warm wet wooden Mighty Manhood wet her hands our pants and front-seats of my...

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Chapter 1I'd only just finished washing the bike and rolled it back into the garage, setting it on the center stand as the rain started.In the last hour and half I'd hooked up the vent trunking to the exhausts and run the bike so the engine was hot again. Done an oil change, checked the chain and changed a bulb in the in brake light. The rain had come down hard enough at one point for me to go pull the door so it was almost closed.It was still raining heavily outside I noted as I began to put...

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Two months after Nigel and I had wanked each other off in my bedroom, the whole gang, that’s all the k**s on our street, were playing hide and seek. Our road ran alongside a massive wooded area where we all used to play and hide. Everyone knows how the game works so I won’t explain it all here.Anyway we were about 10 minutes in when it began to absolutely piss down, everyone ran home but Nigel and I made it to a broken garage, it was only a shell but had a decent roof so we could stay dry. A...

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Blondie and Helen

The AfternoonShe told me to wear my pearl necklace, my pearl bracelets, earrings, a sexy black dress, heels and no underwear. She arose from the waves like a sea goddess that afternoon in a tiny black string bikini and lay on her stomach beside me in the isolated cove as I lay on my stomach sunbathing with my bikini bra unfastened. "You're here alone," she finally whispered. "I've been watching you."We lay together in the hot afternoon sun until she spoke again. "Please put some suntan lotion...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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When I met Henry and Helene

I wanted to share my most wonderful experience. It happened 2 years ago today so once again the memories came flooding back, making me horny and wanting it to happen all over again. I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years. The sex was only ok and there was still no ring on my finger or any prospect of it ever happening. So when I caught him jerking off to a picture of my friend I decided that he was not worth it. Yet, I had been in a relationship for so long that the world outside had...

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When I met Henry and Helene

I wanted to share my most wonderful experience. It happened 2 years ago today so once again the memories came flooding back, making me horny and wanting it to happen all over again.I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years. The sex was only ok and there was still no ring on my finger or any prospect of it ever happening. So when I caught him jerking off to a picture of my friend I decided that he was not worth it.Yet, I had been in a relationship for so long that the world outside had...

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A Note From Helen

A Note from Helen...Bisexuality, group sex, cuckoldryUsually, Thomas writes for the both of us but I feel horny enough about our last little adventure that I am going to type out some of my thoughts and send them in for the xhamster community to enjoy, or ignore, it’s up to them. I do hope it excites some of you. I will ramble and digress as usual. Please see it as a diary entry or some such thing.Were you to follow our list of favourite vid choices you would easily trace our latest fetish. We...

3 years ago
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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 9 Helen

HELEN WAS FLOATING on a high as she entered the front door. She was still tingling from his kiss. Her mother was sitting there watching TV, waiting for her, as she expected that she would be. "So how was the date? Was he a gentleman?" her mum asked. "Oh yes, mum, he was wonderful" she sighed and then proceeded to tell her mum how impressed she had been sitting in the cocktail lounge on the top floor and how fantastic the view was. She went on the tell her in detail about the meal and...

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Hazards of the Job

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" Jerry's gruff voice filled the motorhome. "You've got a fucking hard head, Dan!" Jerry struggled to get the strapped down ice bag over his swollen left thumb but it kept going too high up his arm or falling off his hand. "Well, hell, little brother," was Dan's response. "If you'd ever learn to pull your punches for real like we practiced all week, you wouldn't even know about it." "Yeah, well, I thought you were going to duck a little." "Now you know...

2 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 17 Social Interaction and Other Hazards

As soon as the space station AI came online it began supervising the construction effort and several small tugs appeared from the replicators. The tugs began arranging the raw material stockpiles and the intermediate structures in the vicinity of the factory replicator and shipyard facility. When the AI requested control of the lighter in the hangar bay rather than building another one, Celeste asked, "Why didn't you tell us you could operate the lighters?" The AI replied, "You seemed...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13 E08 Angelica Wrightson 44 from St Helens

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a sprawling red-brick and glass, modern further education complex. The three-story buildings are topped (and sometimes sided) with sloping black roofs and surrounded by flat green lawns. A few young geeky students move around from one building to another. In the final shot, infront of a green sign (on the wall of one of the buildings) that reads “Mersey University Centre Technology – St Helens Campus” – and then, stepping infront of the...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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