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Robert heard the door shut behind him, and he stood in the entryway looking lost.

“Is that so?” said a voice from farther in the room.

“Yes,” Robert said, with brow furrowed. “In fact, when I said that, I couldn’t even remember my own name, believe it or not.”

Charlotte looked around the corner, raising an eyebrow at him. “I hope you haven’t forgotten mine.”

“Charlotte! Of course,” Robert laughed under his breath. “Now that you mention it, it almost feels like I didn’t know it at first. And...damndest thing, but I can’t remember where we are.”

“My hotel room,” Charlotte said, leading him in by the wrist.

Robert looked at the cream-colored carpet, wide bed, and heavy curtains pulled tight over large windows.

“So it is. Odd that I should forget right after coming in here. Actually, it wasn’t even like forgetting, it was like I never knew it in the first place. Imagine that, to all of a sudden find yourself somewhere and not know where it is, or why you're there, or who you are.”

Charlotte took a bottle of wine out of the mini fridge. “It’s traditional to begin a story in medias res.”

“'In media res'?”

“Yes, in the middle of things, so that the reader will be drawn in by questions about the things they don't at first know.” She handed him a glass.

“But how can the reader find out what’s happened before the story began?” He had no idea why she was bringing this up, but the sound of her throaty voice made him ready to talk about anything just as long as she would talk back.

“It has to be communicated through exposition," she said. "For example, if I were to say that we just met in the hotel bar an hour ago, and that I’d picked up on you because you weren’t confident enough to approach me first, and that it was all my idea to come up here to my room.”

“I guess that does fill in the blanks a bit.” Robert frowned. Something about this conversation seemed very odd to him. “Something about this conversation seems very odd to me.” He blinked. “I don’t know why I just said that. I mean, it's true, but the exact way I said it, it feels...stilted? Artificial? As though they weren't really my words at all, but ones that someone else picked for me. Such a strange thing to say...”

Robert swallowed half his wine at once, feeling self-conscious.

“It's such a lovely night," he said. "Do you hear something?”

Charlotte had her back turned to him, looking at nothing in particular. “Hear what?”

“A kind of clicking noise?”

“Like a tapping?”


“No, I don’t,” she said.

Robert looked around. “I’m hearing it all the time, but I can’t tell where it’s coming from. No, actually, it’s not all the time, it’s only when one of us says something, or does something. If we stay very still and don’t say a word-”

“It stops, until we do something again.”

"Like that!" he said.

"I can't even imagine what you mean," Charlotte said, setting her glass down and moving to the bed. She was tall, with wide hips, small breasts, and long black hair. Her red dress fit the curves of her body like a second skin.

“Have you ever noticed how a story will sometimes describe the secondary characters but not the main one?” she said as she took her gloves off and flung them to the floor.

“No, I hadn’t,” Robert said.

Charlotte kicked her shoes off. Robert set his glass down next to hers and crossed the room to the bed, loosening his tie as he did.

“Well, I guess that means-" he stopped. "Would it sound crazy if I said that I didn’t even notice I was wearing a tie until I just loosened it?”

“Incidental objects don’t usually enter a story until an action needs to be performed with them. You left your briefcase by the door.”

Robert looked back. “So I did.”

“A seemingly trivial detail that’s singled out early on may become important later. Tell me, do you still hear that clicking noise?”

“All the while you talked, actually.” Robert frowned. “And when I did.”

“It’s probably not important. Like your briefcase. Are you going to take all night to kiss me?” She pouted her red lips.

Robert leaned in, putting one hand on her hip, brushing his lips over hers once, then leaning in a bit more, kissing deeper.

“Mmm. You know a first kiss can be the most important part of an erotic story."

"What do stories have to do with-"

She kissed him again, wine-stained lips panting hot breaths on his open mouth.

Charlotte turned and unzipped the red dress, letting it fall down her shoulders and hips and then stepping out of it. “Black is the most common color for women’s underwear in fiction,” she said, turning to show off her black bra and panties combo.

She took hold of his tie, pulled him to the bed by it, then pulled it off entirely and tossed it across the room. She ran her hands down his chest, opening each of the buttons on his shirt in one swift motion.

He kisses her neck as she stripped the shirt off his back, running her lacquered nails over his shoulders. She pushed him to the bed, pinning him, then swung one leg over his body and settled down to straddle him between her thighs.

"I guess I'm meant to be the dominant character in this scenario," she said, sounding bored.

"You say the strangest things.”

"That's because I'm breaking the fourth wall," she replied. Charlotte unhooked her bra, tossing it aside without paying attention to where it landed.

She licked the ends of her fingers and swirled them around her large, puffy nipples, flicking the tips as they stood erect, then guiding his hands to her breasts. He massaged them in a circle, savoring the feel of the soft, hot flesh.

"Pinch harder please. Mmm, good. Harder."

She shook her hair out, letting it fall in curls across her back, a few stray locks spilling over her shoulders and trailing the lines of her collarbone. She squeezed his body between her thighs until he grunted and then relaxed just enough to let him to catch his breath.

Her smile was thin and, he thought, not entirely friendly as she applied pressure again, grinding her crotch against the bulge in his pants, sweeping her hips in a steady motion back and forth against him, pushing down, teasing him with the soft, wet, inviting spot between her legs.

Robert experienced an unplaceable sensation of swimming, or falling, or fighting (he wasn't sure which). He felt, for some reason, as though nothing about this situation made sense. Try as he might, he could not recall anything about the night before coming to this room except what Charlotte had told him, and even then in terms no more specific than what she had said. It was like an invisible force was pushing him forward and he had only the choice of going along with it or being crushed by the wave.

Charlotte, meanwhile, had ripped his pants off. Her smile grew even more unfriendly as she pressed the tip of a long nail against the bulge now clearly visible under his briefs. She shimmied down his body, locking her knees against his, rubbing the bulge, the corners of her mouth twitching when his breath quickened. She slid her fingers against the waistband, then under it, and flung the last garment aside.

She circled two fingers around the shaft of his cock, forming a ring and stroking from the base up to the head. "'Cock' is easily the most common euphemism for a man's genitalia in fiction" she said. "It's one of the few truly vulgar words that rarely spoils the mood."

Charlotte squeezed tighter, fingers rubbing against the smooth skin and reflexively contracting muscles of his erection. She raised herself up enough to guide his cock between her thighs, pushing her panties aside, sinking down slowly as her wet lips slid over his swollen shaft.

Robert grunted, thrusting up and grinding against the inside of her cunt. "Did I-" he said, gasping, "did I just thrust up and grind against the inside of your, er, cunt?"

She raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it quite like that."

"I don't think they were my words. Do you ever have that feeling like you're not in control of yourself?"

"Oh, I love that feeling," she said, tossing her head back and beginning to ride him, bouncing up and then dropping back down to the satisfying smack of her naked thighs on his.

"That's not what I meant," said Robert.

"Shhh. Just concentrate on this for now," she said, stroking one of his cheeks. She arched her shoulders and back muscles to drive down on him with greater force, biting her lip as she did.

"Verbs tend to cluster together as a sex scene goes on," she said, eyes closed, head tilted back, frame shaking with the effort of each downward thrust. "Common words are:" she gasped, unable to speak for a second, then the list spilled out of her in a rush: "'moan', 'gasp', 'scream', 'pant', 'tremble', 'shake', 'ache', 'claw', 'writhe', 'thrust', or even, if it's that kind of story, just 'fuck.'"

All at once she fell on top of him, keeping her back arched, the wave-like motions of her body continuing. Her face and open, panting mouth were only a few inches from his.

Robert had that feeling again, of being forced ahead. It wasn't just Charlotte's aggressive style, it was a feeling like strings being pulled, as though each movement, each word, each breath that he took was being determined independently of him, and he was just following directives.

Charlotte's lips were so close to his that they touched in an impromptu, open-mouthed kiss when she spoke:

"Do you feel it?" she said, her body convulsing.

"Yes," he said, mouth open, gasping.

"Are you sure? Are you sure that you feel and that you're not just being made to feel?"

"What's the difference?" he said, his hands moving over her hot, sweaty flesh, but even as he said it he knew the difference, had known it all along, had just that very moment been thinking about it, but still other words formed and left his mouth seemingly without his consent.

"The difference," she said, voice a throaty purr, "is in your nature."

Before he could respond she cut him off by pounding down on him so hard he thought he might break, the sensation created by that moment so intense that any response was, for the moment, impossible.

"And finally," she said, eyes closed, brow knit with concentration, "describing the climax is the most challenging thing of all. There are," she said, voice growing faint with exertion, "many ways to go about it. For example, one might ground the sequence by expressing it through purely physical means..."

Charlotte's pace quickened into a rabid frenzy, rocking back and forth faster and faster, the bedsprings straining under her exertion. Robert's hands slid over the curves of her waist, hips, and naked thighs, all slick with sweat.

Her breasts were crushed against his chest, her face buried against his neck, a keening moan from somewhere deep in her throat gradually growing louder and higher as her nails bit into his shoulders. Her cunt became hotter and wetter with each second

"Or," she murmured, so softly he could barely hear her, "you could try to express it through outsize descriptions of sensations and state of mind."

Charlotte moaned as pleasure welled up inside of her, spilling out, overflowing, saturating her senses, the hot, aching, electric force of it stimulating every inch of her from head to toe. She felt it take hold of her, throw her back, push her down, and finally burst inside her, expanding past the limits of her body, her mind, her feelings, her self, and then crashing back in to fill the void it had left behind, leaving her drifting, helpless, numb, inebriated with the force of it, dragging Robert along in her wake all the while until both were spent.

They lay quiet for a long time, the only sound their matched panting and the wild beating of their hearts.

"Of course," she said, when she could talk again, "all of that is a matter of personal style. Everyone expresses things their own way."

He dressed in silence while she lolled on the bed, watching him with half-lidded eyes.

"That was amazing," he said, "but very strange. I can't remember all of what you were saying, but I remember that it made me feel very confused. And very uncomfortable."

"That's because you're not a self-aware character," she said, sounding bored again.

"I just wish I knew what that damn noise was," said Robert. "It's still there! It's been there all along."

"It's a keyboard," said Charlotte.

Robert froze in place. "A keyboard?"

"Yes. It's the sound of our words and actions being written. That's why you only hear it when one of us is doing or saying something."

Robert stood with his belt dangling in his hand, staring at it without seeing it..

"See how you paused in the middle of putting your belt back on?" said Charlotte. "You did that because the narration said so."

"Did you...did you just say something else?"

"Several things, but they were deleted and then replaced with what I said about your belt instead. Hand me my bra, would you?"

Robert found it flung over the back of a chair and passed it to her. He felt dazed and his head hurt.

"I feel dazed and my head hurts," he said. "And I don't know why I just said that. And I'm sure I didn't really feel it until just before I said it. And I don't understand what you're saying at all."

"I'm saying you're not real, Robert. Neither am I, neither is this room, neither is this conversation. We're just fiction. This is a story, Robert; you’re a regular guy and I’m a woman who's no good for you and we’re having a night of cheap thrills, and then you're going to have a horrible revelation. That’s our plot.

“This is all being made up as it goes along," she continued. "That's why you couldn't remember anything when you first got here, because that was the beginning of the story, and nothing else had been written yet. But when it was written who you were and where you were and what you were doing, it was as though those things had been true all along.”

Robert had finished dressing. "Look, I don't really know what you're talking about, but I'm positive that it doesn't make any sense."

Charlotte sat half-dressed on the edge of the bed and looked at him like he was an idiot child.

"Poor Robert, you have no idea. You're not a person at all, you're just a character, and not even a very well-developed one. Did you know that you have no last name?"

"Of course I do!"

"So what is it?"

"I...well I don't know, but I'm sure I have one!"

"Now stop and think Robert, does that make any sense? How can you have a last name and not know it? You don't know it because you don't have one at all, because it hasn't been written what is it yet. Isn't that right, Robert Holder?"

Robert Holder felt as though the room was spinning. "Is that my name, Holder?"

"It is now. Or always was, but wasn't until it was written that it was. Maybe you should check if it's the name on your briefcase?"

"But if I'm just a character, then you must be too!"

"Of course I am!"

"Then how do you know all of this? How is it that you know all the things that I don't? Are you writing this?"

"Of course not! It's just my dialogue. I speak it as it's written for me. I don't know anything more than you do, which is to say, I know as much as I've been written to know. I just seem like I know everything because he writer has decided to use me to voice exposition."

The same information could come through omniscient narration instead.

"But dialogue is more interesting to read." She studied her nails as she talked.

"But surely people in stories don't know that they're in stories!"

"Not normally, no. Do you feel frightened?"


"Good. Your existential horror is important for thematic reasons."

Robert wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. "How is that you're so damn calm about all of this?"

Charlotte laughed. "You poor thing, you really are dense. This is how I‘m written. I'm supposed to be a foil for you. And I'm kind of a stock character anyway; the sadistic, uncaring woman who destroys you with a terrible revelation. That’s why I laugh so much, and then look bored whenever you’re grappling with the ramifications of all this.”

Charlotte laughed and then looked bored while Robert grappled with the ramifications of all this.

“See?” she said again. “But I can react entirely differently if I'm written that way. I’m a fantasy girl in a sex story, I can be anything. What if I were a frightened, hysterical waif who needs saving?”

Charlotte’s eyes went wide and she started to shake. She grabbed Robert by the wrists, her nails gouging his skin, and she pulled him toward the door, half-screaming and half-sobbing:

“Robert, Robert, I don’t understand what’s going on, I don’t know why I said all of those things or what that awful noise is or what’s happening to us! Robert, let’s get out of here, I’m scared, I’m so scared, I don’t know what will happen next but I know I don’t want it to, please Robert, help me, help me!”

Robert pulled his hands away, horrified, and Charlotte burst out laughing again.

“See how easy it is?”

“That was a very convincing act,” Robert said, rubbing his wrists.

“It wasn’t an act. I meant it all. But now I don’t. Or maybe I do still, but I’m supposed to act as though I don’t? Maybe I'm even more a prisoner of this story than you are, not allowed to express the same terrible fear that I know we both feel?”

Robert paced the room, running his hands through his hair. “This is the craziest damn thing I’ve ever heard! Are we even real? Are we even here?"

“There is no here! It's all just words, words, words. Only words are real. I’m only here now because I’m speaking dialogue. Then again-”

Maybe I’m not here at all. Maybe just my dialogue is. Or maybe
















“Stop, stop it!” Robert covered his head. “It’s horrible!”

“I’m sorry Robert, but that’s the kind of story this is. Of course, it’s almost over.”

Robert froze. “It is?”

“Oh yes. There are only a few more pages. It’s a short story Robert, a very short story.”

“But I don’t want my story to end! What will happen to me when it does?” Robert's voice cracked.

“Do you know what happened to Ishmael after the end of ‘Moby Dick’?”

“What happened?”

“Nothing! There is no Ishmael. There is no Moby Dick. They're just collections of words, and when there are no more words then there is nothing else. Soon this story will be over. And to tell you the truth, I don’t think you’re going to make it all the way. I think you might be leaving this story even before it ends.”

Robert felt cold sweat on the backs of his hands. “But I don’t want to! Can’t I stay? Can’t I do more?”

“Probably not. You’re not very interesting.”

“I can develop!”

“That sounds like a lot of work.” Charlotte yawned.

“What if there’s something the reader doesn’t know about me? What if I’m coping with the death of my fiancé? Or what if my fiancé is alive and I just slept with you to get back at her for cheating on me first, but now I only feel worse, and I'll find her and have a reconciliation? Or what if...what if I’ve robbed a bank, and I’m on the run, and I’m about to take you hostage? Yes, that would keep the story going!”

Robert looked at his briefcase. “I bet there’s a gun in there!” he said. "And stacks of unmarked bills."

Charlotte shook her head. “I doubt it.”

“But look how often the briefcase was mentioned earlier, to make sure that readers noticed it! That must mean that there’s something important inside, something that will keep the story going!”

Robert’s hands shook as he picked up the briefcase and fumbled with the latch. “Don’t worry Charlotte, whatever is inside of here and wherever I go next, I’ll be sure to take you with me. I won’t let our story end now!”

“It won’t work Robert. You still don’t understand.”

“Yes, yes I do! Don’t you see, the briefcase is open!”

“And what’s inside, Robert?”

“Why it’s, it's...nothing at all. There’s nothing in the briefcase. Of course, it was a red herring!” Robert’s voice became faint and his eyes lost focus. “The whole reason for the briefcase was to mislead and distract the audience, and then to heighten my surprise here at the climax.

"This is the moment of final dramatic revelation," he said, "which is why my voice has become faint and my eyes have lost focus, physical details that communicate the emotional trauma I’m going through. It all makes sense, if you think about it.”

Charlotte closed the briefcase and patted Robert’s hand. “And now it’s time to go away. That was your entire character arch.”

“But can’t I stay a little longer? Just one more page, one more paragraph, a few extra lines?"

“I’m walking you to the door now.”

She walked him to the door.

“And now I’m opening it for you, and saying good night.”

She opened the door for him, and said good night.

“But there’s nothing out here!” Robert said.

“Everyone knows what hotel hallways look like,” said Charlotte, “so there’s no need to describe one.”

“Can’t it at least have red carpet? I’ve always liked the color red. Just think, that wasn’t so until it was written, but now it’s always been so. There are all sorts of things about me that can be made to have always been true. I used to work as a lifeguard at the beach. I have a brother and he broke his arm when he was seven and I was six. I hate the taste of walnuts!

"Why, I could almost be like a real person! People say that about characters, don't they, that it almost feels like they're real?" Robert stopped. "But that's not going to happen to me, is it? I’m going away now, aren’t I?”

Charlotte nodded. “Yes, you are, but first you’re going to have a moment of clarity when you realize again how crazy all of this sounds.”

Robert laughed. “I just realized how crazy all of this sounds! To think, I let myself get so upset. I’m going to go home now. I’m going to go home and go to bed, and tomorrow I'll think about you, but I’m not going to call you ever.”

“No,” said Charlotte, “you aren’t. But you know Robert, if what I told you is true, then once I close this door you'll have been written out of the story and you’ll stop existing forever. Do you have anything you’d like to say before you go?”

Robert swallowed and licked his lips. “Well, I guess-”

She slammed the door in his face.

She stood for a minute, listening for his voice or footsteps. There weren’t any.

She sighed.

“That was awfully mean. There must have been a nicer way to write him out."

She went to the table and poured herself a new glass of wine.

“Oh, of course, I’m the bitch, I'm not supposed to care. Over-sexed, over-indulgent femme fatale, uses men and then discards them, that's my profile, right? I wish I weren't such a dull, misogynistic stereotype. Oh well, poor Robert, at least he got one good lay before he had to go.”

She sipped her wine, and then she put a finger to her chin in thought.

“But wait, I just realized, there are no other characters. Now that he’s gone, I don’t have anything to do. And that must mean that my story is coming to an end!”


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Bhai Ne Bujhai Pyaas

Hi, mera nam zareen hai. Gora sexy badan mera main feature hai or dekhne me mai bohot hi sundar hu. Mai delhi me rehti hu. Huamari family me mai mere papa, mera chota bhai sameer jiski age 18 sal hai or meri ammi rehte hai. Meri age 21 hai or figure aisa ki koi bhi ldka mujhe dekh kr zada der shant ni reh skta. Humari family kafi khule khayalo wali h. Maine ammi or papa ko br sex krte hue dekha tha pr maine kabhi sex ni kia tha. Ab mai kahani pr aati hu. Bat kuch 3 mahine purani hai. Mai roj...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 147

February 15, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, We brought Civia and Maren home with us after the pitch session and split into duos, except for Brett, for the shower, with Civia showing Maren the ropes. Having never played team sports, particularly team sports at a serious level, Maren was uncomfortable with showering with all of us, so Civia took her to the shower in the bedroom on the 1st floor. Brett showered and dressed in one of the 2nd-floor bedrooms. The two younger girls joined us in the...

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Parisian Surprise Part Three

This is the third part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. To best understand the story, we suggest that you read the preceding two parts before reading this one, but this story may be enjoyed on its own. Robert and Juliana have already had some sexual adventures on their flight and during their first day in Paris. They have agreed to take turns being dominant during their holiday, and, in this story, Juliana ups the ante to Robert’s delight. ...

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Fays Dirty Discoveries Ch 04

Without pausing for another moment, Nadia whipped the cane down across Fay’s out-thrust cheeks, causing the ginger girl to scream aloud. A second stroke provoked the same reaction. Nadia had no intention of going easy on her slut of a room-mate, so she decided a change was needed to the situation. ‘Ok, Fay, we can’t have you making that much noise or the neighbours will probably call the police,’ Nadia sternly declared, before peeling fay’s stained, satin panties down over her full cheeks, now...

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CarlieChapter 10

Carlie’s turn: I’m winging this, you know ... Never had The Talk, not the official one, from Grandma, nor Mom. And here I am lying in my bed on the last night that I’ll be a virgin, a single girl. I know a few things. I listen, even read a little. I know anatomy, and heaven knows, I’ve explored my own enough. The unknown is my partner’s parts. I do know something, though. Kinda pushed up the intimacy the last few days, just to get a handle (oh, is that oblique enough?) on arousal of the...

4 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 19

Dear Willow, Someone thinks I should work on your tank. Actually the loading mechanism. I'm sure it wasn't you who included about a ream of technical drawings and information regarding your loader. I got the word from Marissa, 'improve that if you can', so I'm busy in my personal space, which now looks more like the inside of a science fiction machine shop rather than a bedroom ... anyway I have convinced the replicator (I have a small one in my space) to interface with my version of...

2 years ago
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The Au PairChapter 9

"Tim, I'm so glad to see you again, I've been thinking, and I really don't think I can go out with you." Kathy and Tim were at the bus stop again, waiting for Julie. "I just love your accent." "Didn't you hear what I said?" "Of course I heard. But your lips say one thing and your eyes say another." Ken smiled despite himself. "Are you always such a charmer? Oh Bollocks. Please, Tim, it just doesn't make sense." "Why not?" "Well..." Ken had rehearsed this the night...

1 year ago
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Sex With College Classmate Jahnavi 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone, I am Diganth, 26 years old and I am from Bengaluru. I am an average-built guy with a good size dick that can satisfy any girl. I firstly thank all the readers who read my previous stories and enjoyed them. To the readers who haven’t read my previous stories, please do read them. And I am overwhelmed by all the responses I received. As I had promised all the readers, I will keep posting my real sex experiences. And this is one of them. This story is also a real one that took place...

2 years ago
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Uncles Favorite NieceChapter 3

"Now, Gracy, there is still the matter of your interruption, to be dealt with." I said as we sat up. "But Uncle Grant, I don't want a spanking!" Gracy whined. "Want it or not, you're getting a spanking, Missy." I answered sternly. "My name isn't Missy, it's Gracy!" she spoke back to me. "You know very well I meant, and you're being sassy, which just means more swats." "That's not fair!" "How is it not fair? You know better than to interrupt your elders. Your Mother...

2 years ago
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Village FeteChapter 8

"I wish you two would wear something. I allow you to run around the grounds naked, but I think you might appear for breakfast properly dressed, my dears!" "Why, Uncle? We're going to be very publicly naked most of the day. Why bother to dress, only to have to take it all off later? We're walking to the village like this and we'll stay this way all day. You let us in for this, Uncle dear, after all said and done, trying to get yourself back on the Council - fat chance of that, by the...

3 years ago
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On my way home

I was making my way home from work and I decided to take a different route, past your apartment. You were a beautiful, busty woman in her early/mid twenties. I was kind of unhappy that day. When I walked past, you were outside in the parking lot. You saw me, and called me over. When you saw I was unhappy, you asked me to come in and tell you about it. We got in, and you brought me a drink, and sat on the couch next to me. I started talking to you, and you asked me questions, and pretty quickly...

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A brother enjoys taking his lovely sister8217s cherry

“Billy, come here!” my sister loudly demanded. “I need a favor.” So I stopped what I was doing and crossed the hall, not wishing to anger her since she was a tyrant when she was mad. She was laying on her bed, naked, one knee raised and smiling at me. I blinked at her and waited, feeling my cock tremble. My sister is super hot, a high school senior with a killer body, a fine athlete and a real brain. She smiled at me and licked her lips. Her pussy lips were bulging out...

3 years ago
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THIRTYONE DAYSPART 3 chapters 1214

Introduction: A young man engages in sex with 31 different women before fallling into the dark, gay underworld. CHAPTER TWELVE The chemical crashed hard against me. My knees completely buckled, I fell back hitting the bed with my bare ass. The blood had left my extremities and was charging towards my skull and cock. My head pounded. I could see my cock throbbing. I was flat on my back, not a clue as to how I got here. The tipped up lighting slashed off the mirrors and blinded me. I felt my...

3 years ago
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A Changed Man

Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti He saw the oncoming headlights and instinctively swerved onto the shoulder. That probably saved his life. But not his manhood. "Your name. What's your name?" He stared up into the bright light. It hurt to look. It hurt all over. "WHAT'S... YOUR... NAME?" "Jer- Jeremy. Everybody calls me Jerry. Jerry Morgan. What's going on? Where am I?" "You're doing fine, Jerry. Just keep hanging in there. You're in an ambulance. We'll be at the hospital in just a...

2 years ago
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Good Twin Bad TwinChapter 2

Marc felt a set of warm lips trailing kisses down his neck. He felt a strong body behind him. He knew it was his twin brother Darren. He smiled and turned around to give his new lover a big wet kiss. The boys kissed passionately with tongue and all. Darren broke the kiss and touched his twin's face. "Good morning lover," he teased. Marc blushed. He never thought he'd fall for a guy especially his own twin brother. The boys were different as night and day. They both had had dirty blonde...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 11 The First Jump

Lee woke up approximately four hours later. The crushing effects of the jump forced the breath out of her. The tunnel had been created, and they were short-cutting across space. She never could get her head around the science of why it was possible. It was a simple fact of her life. After the jump, Lee had stayed pinned to the mattress for a minute due to several gees of pressure, as the compensators tried to reassert the artificial gravity. She then floated and fell several times as they...

3 years ago
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Her Dress

‘I don’t feel comfortable receiving gifts from you, although the turtle dress was very comfy.’ ‘I got it for you because I feel you would look very sexy in it, plus the little nothings. ‘I almost got the shoes for you.’ My heart splinters. I see them together. I watch how he watches her. I watch how he sees the dress in the store, and he thinks of her wearing it. I watch as he pays for the dress, flirting with the clerk, talking to her about who the woman is that he buys the dress for. My...

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Hi mera name neel hai .This story was held when i was in 11 class vo hamare commers ki teacher thi,vo hamare colony mai rahati hai aunka name mamta hai vo merrid hai,mai aunja vaha tushion parnai jata tha or 1 bar mai tushion par nai ja raha tha aachanak ek car mujsai aa kar takra guye merai peeth mai lag guye the mare tushion ki mam aaye or bole beta aundar aajayo merai dard ho tha madam nai kaha lao mai davai laga date hu tum bed par aultay lat jayo, jam mam nai merko davai lagai to mare...

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Ron And Ronnie Chapter 15 Ronnies Cheating Way

I met with Miriam and she gave me the script for the pill for when Sue came home. She said that she had a very busy couple of weeks ahead so we set a date to have lunch together on a Thursday in three weeks time. Afterwards, I headed home. It was getting late so I had a meal and went to bed.Again when I awoke the next morning, it was eight o’clock. I felt totally rested more so than I had for the last couple of years. I wondered why but after consideration I realized that I had been aware that...

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Sex With Biological Mommy 8211 Part II

Thanks for appreciating the 1st part of the story though I did not get any comments I’m continuing with the story and I hope you all like it. So when my sister came to know about all the things she started crying and created all the scenes around the house with her and mom getting into a fight over righteousness and taboo. Following few days was difficult for both of us unlike mom who readily accepted what happened and moved on. I tried to talk to Neha but she never got along with me, and I...

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More Than a Meet Ch 01

Not long after joining a Bi-sexual site, I met a guy from my town and soon began chatting about what we wanted.I told him I had never been with a guy but very eager to find out if I would like it. He informed me he had been Bi for some time and willing to teach me.We chatted for a fair while when he suggested we could chat in person if I was willing to meet him. Somewhat unsure I agreed to meet just for a chat, nothing more which he was fine with. He introduced himself as Dave and I could come...

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I like you in your bikini best

It was a cool night, the windows were open and we were in bed. We had just finished having sex and I was a mess. Jason didn't seem as eager as I was for sex tonight so it was over with pretty quickly. I was surprised I had even gotten off since he was only at the most, semi-erect. I was exhausted after doing most of the work and I couldn't understand what had gone on. He used to jump my bones anytime he saw me. Usually it was the first thing he did when he got home and he often would even try...

First Time
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 9

Trae felt a moment of confusion upon awakening. Kat had buried her head into his shoulder and somehow slid a leg between his. She had one arm over his waist and he had his top arm over hers. His lower arm had her pulled into his body and her soft hair was tickling his nose. He smiled as the memories of the night before came back full force. He gently rubbed his hand over her hip and her fine arse. He loved to feel her soft skin under his hand. He was still surprised that she had instigated...

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The Dogging Diaries Questions With The Author I

Part 1 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries I'd like to thank Matt who has been such a great friend and pen pal throughout this entire process for putting together these questions. Awesome job. Away we go ... 1. It was almost a year from when you first dressed as Kristy until you even touched another man's penis. How did you drift? What were some of the things done that help you to drift? What would you say to help someone...

2 years ago
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Indian Bhabhi Cheers Up Her Old Flame

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Raghu and Anuja were done with their anniversary celebrations. As soon as the guests left, they decided to celebrate their sexual life. It’s been years since their marriage. But still, they were able to satisfy and arouse each other to an extent. Anuja stripped herself naked and waited for her horny husband. She spread her legs wide enough for him to access her pussy. They were not going to waste time in foreplay....

1 year ago
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SullyChapter 24

The following day my dick was groaning for pussy and I called Dottie around ten in the morning. She was delighted to hear from me and went crazy when I asked if she wanted me to come over. "Yes! Of course! Here, I'll give you directions... " After assuring her I knew the way and that I'd be there in thirty minutes, I inquired if she'd told her sister about what wee did. "Yes and no." "Which means... ?" "Oh, I said we had a great time and that you were a perfect gentleman and...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 35

The girls timed their arrival to correspond with the end of the cooking, or so it seemed to the guys. Walt, the grill master, had just turned the burgers for the last time and added the cheese when Rachelle and Mary came giggling through the doorway. Each carried a couple of bags of groceries, not that many were needed at the upper apartment. "Chips and soda," Mary announced, bumping Walt with her hip. "No picnic is complete without chips and soda." "And some ice cream for dessert,"...

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Mother Never Looked So Good

Mother Never Looked So Good   Let me start out by introducing myself so you don't find yourself wondering who is telling what and lost in a spiral of information that leads to confusion and despair. My name is Kyle, I am 19 years old and I live with my mom in the city of Bellevue, just outside Seattle, Washington. I played football all through high school, not because it was cool or anything, but because I stayed in great shape and I was allowed to hit the shit out of other guys and not get...

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My Cabin of Solace

My seclusion is important to me. After the loss of my wife, I had no need of visitors and well-wishers. I just wanted to be alone to suckle my misery. Even though this cabin offers me everything I wanted, I can still see her in everything I do. I feel her every day beside me. Sometimes the loneliness is so overwhelming, I do think of closing this place and moving back to civilization. Especially after the storm we just had. Cut off from all of civilization with the roads being washed out, I was...

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Learning to Forgetting to Love Ch 01

Author’s note: It’s been a while since I posted a story, so I hope this gets the ball rolling again. This chapter sets up the story, but there’s also some sex at the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading, sk11. * Tom walked into the classroom and immediately froze in his tracks. All around him, students were quietly seated at their desks, each of them with a stack of papers face down in front of them. As he hurried to find an empty seat, Tom struggled to remain calm, obviously unprepared...

1 year ago
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Lost in Lust on a Luxury Cruise

The four American females stood in the center of their luxury compartment on the upper deck of the "Queen of the Seas" out of Oslo, Norway and registered in Cyprus which might seem strange but was really not all that unusual. The huge ship was configured for several thousand passengers and crew but seldom was filled to more than 50% capacity these days because of dwindling economic conditions worldwide. The cutbacks in service and staffing were visible but not severe enough to curtail...

3 years ago
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Even before we got going, Danny had his hand on Vicky's leg pushing up the little red skirt she had on. I had heard that Vicky was a – let’s just say she had a reputation – and anyway, she didn't seem to mind his touching her that way. In fact, she put her hand on his crotch. So what the heck, I reached over and grabbed a tit. I guess she really liked that because it wasn't long before both of her hands were engaged in our crotches. As the car pulled out of the lot, Danny said, "Let's go...

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How my boyfriend became a stallions slut

My boyfriend and me are live together on a ghorse ranch and take care of several types of horses; young ones, old ones, jumping horses, draft horses and so on. They are high intelligence horses, who can express themselves though facial expressions and gesture. It‘s a special language, which my boyfriend and I learned to unterstand and interpret. Thereby we can read those signs and tell, what they need or feel. In addition, my boyfriend is a qualified horse breeder and regularly takes sperm from...

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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Kristen Scott Dirty Grandpa Part 5

Dirty grandpa Steve waited for the right moment for stunning young lady Kristen Scott to walk by and sweep her off her feet, and eventually onto his bed, with his sexy old man charm. She went home with the older stranger, but when they got here, well- they found me trying to steal his departed wife’s family heirloom dildos. I felt terrible! But he said since we were family, I was entitled to enjoy them. Remembering the cute girl in the room, we decided to masturbate and use them on each...

3 years ago
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The Kennel Club

Anna was cruising down the interstate. There, just ahead, was a turnabout at the 100 mile marker. She eased on the brake. The sign, For emergency vehicles only, was a warning she intended to ignore. The blast of air horns behind her startled Anna and she stepped on the gas, passing up the turnabout. It was both relief and nervous anxiety that she didn't take the turnabout. This time, she promised herself, she would make it—unlike the six other times she tried and chickened out. When Anna...

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Harem of Clar

I was a long range scout and most of the time I did not even carry a weapon. Well I did carry a long knife. I was eighteen and had grown up in the hills back in Genta. When I walked off the huge Atlas a slim man wearing the stripes of a master sergeant took one look and gestured. I stepped out of line and walked towards him and went to parade rest. He snorted and gestured to the long knife I wore, "that is not issue." I stiffened and waited but he smiled, "by the look I would say it was...

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I Seduce Daddy To Be His Daughter Wife

I often sit close to him, but that evening when I snuggled close to him, daddy said, “Rose, darling, I don’t think you should sit close enough to touch tonight.”“Why daddy? Don’t you like it when I sit close to you?”“Yes darling, I do. And that’s why you shouldn’t do it any more.”“But…”“Don’t ‘but’ me, Rosamund. You saw and felt what happened when I got home and we kissed.”“Yes, I did. I liked it. Didn’t you?”“Hell yes, I liked it. I liked it too damned much. Rose, darling, I’m your father. We...

2 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 7 The Spa

I could barely sit for days after Mistress Keri thoroughly tanned my hide and I had to take almost a week off so that I could heal. My mom knew this to and said we should go on a “girls” weekend to a spa for cross dressers and women, she also said that since it was for others like me then I could spend the entire trip as Missy. I loved that idea and hurried upstairs to pack Missy’s bag. I packed the essentials including a mini dress, a few different pairs of bras and panties, a very sexy and...

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SisLovesMe Nova Cane Superhero Pussy Hammering

Curvy babe Nova Cane knows that her stepbrother is a total comic book nerd, but when she asks to go to HeroCon with him, he refuses to take his poser stepsister along. To get her way, she exposes her round tits and wraps her lips around his veiny dick. Later, Novas stepbrother walks into his room to find her reading comic books naked on his bed. She spreads her legs and takes his big dick inside her cunt. A couple days later, Nova dresses up as Harley Quinn and gets her stepbro all kinds of...

2 years ago
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Mom Daugher Condom

Introduction: She caughter her daughter – Now she wants to put the condom on me I was picking up some groceries at the super market when I met her. Valerie Fields was in her early twenties. She had just graduated from college. She was still living at home with her Mom. I made a funny joke about a cucumber in the produce section. She turned with her friends to laugh. I thought she was very cute. She was a little bigger than her friends. Maybe that why I was attracted to her. Ive been loving...

4 years ago
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A Wedding You will Never Forget

But now they had to get going to the main event of the trip, the wedding of one of Trina's very best friends. Bradley was dressed and ready to go to the ceremony - well, except for his tie that he'd need Trina to tie for him. "Trina, you almost ready?" Bradley called toward the bathroom.  A moment later the door opened, and Trina emerged. She looked stunning, her beautiful face framed by her head of thick brown hair, her fine figure encased in, amazingly enough, a pretty good looking...

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BimbotechChapter 8 Bimbo Wife DPed

Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals The fume hood roared as I worked with the chemicals in it. I had an idea for how to make the intelligence serum last longer than an hour. It required just the right combination and percentage of chemicals so the solution didn’t burst into a toxic cloud. Hence, the fume hood. I sat on my stool in my private lab in the bowels of BT Chemicals. It was wonderful to have my own lab to do my research. I squirmed on my stool, my busty...

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