Embarcadero StationChapter 5 free porn video

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"Mom, you're not really going to wear that on your date tonight are you?"

Trisha Neilson-Ryan MD sat at her vanity dressed only in a blue silk robe and smiled in the mirror at her sixteen year-old daughter, Allison.

"First of all, it's not a date ... it's just dinner with a friend, and secondly, what's wrong with what I'm going to wear?"

Allison gestured at the blouse and skirt on the bed.

"That's what you wear to work every day. The only thing missing is your lab coat!"

Allison walked into her mother's closet and began looking through the hanging clothes. Trisha could hear hangers sliding on the closet rails.

Allison called out from the closet.

"So, this "friend" from work, is he another researcher?"

Trisha knew Allison was dying of curiosity since Trisha rarely went out. In the two years since Paul had died, Trisha had devoted herself to their daughter and to work. Paul had been a wonderful husband and father and they both missed him terribly.

"No ... he owns the computer company that's upgrading all our systems."

From the closet Allison said, "So he's some computer geek?"

Trisha smiled, as an image of Michael Anderson came to mind. Michael was far from a geek. He was tall and handsome, and soft-spoken, but when he spoke people listened. He had a presence that people had a hard time ignoring.

Suddenly she flushed as she remembered how Michael's strong body had felt against hers' all those years ago when they were in high school and she was madly in love with him. He was a wonderful, caring lover who had made her crazy. Trisha was glad her daughter couldn't see her reaction. Allison was a perceptive girl.

And truth be told, since Paul died Trish had felt a rekindling of the love she and Michael had shared in high school. It wasn't that she didn't miss her late husband – he was a brilliant caring man, who had loved her with all his heart. It was just that working so close with Michael sometimes for days on end, and long days they were, she fell in love with him all over again. Michael had been her first love and when they broke up she was devastated. For months it seemed she had an elephant sitting on her chest – she just couldn't breathe. Even in a new school away from him she was miserable. It had been her fault and that made it worse and then when she discovered her sister's savage plot to ruin Michael in high school she was devastated all over again. Michael disappeared after he finished school and nobody seemed to know where he had gone. And then one day more than four years later he walked into her lab at Berkeley.

"Mom, are you with me? Did you hear what I said?"

While she was lost in thought Allison had come out of her closet holding a chic little black dress and matching pumps – pumps that Trisha hadn't worn in a long time which had impossibly high heels. The dress was a classic black dress, sleeveless, with spaghetti straps and a bit shorter than she was comfortable with these days – not that she still didn't have the legs to pull it off. She had never worn it. Trisha had bought it to wear for their wedding anniversary dinner but that was the week when their lives were turned upside down because Paul was diagnosed with cancer of the spinal cord. Had it really been four years ago?

Trisha smiled and shook her head, "I don't think so. It's much too..."

"Too what?" Allison replied. "Sexy?" Holding it in front of herself she wondered if she could borrow it for the Junior Prom.

"And don't even think about borrowing it!" Trisha laughed.

Allison's face reddened, knowing her mother had read her so easily.

Changing tactics Allison said, "So what do you know about this guy?"

"Well he owns his own company, he's brilliant, has a son at Stanford, a daughter in law school at Berkeley and well ... he's nice looking..."

"Oh, how nice looking?" Allison teased.

"Very, now can we change the subject?"

"Only if you'll tell me how you met?"

She turned around on the chair and faced her daughter, struggling to think about what to say. She and Michael had now been working together for almost three years and the computer upgrade project was about to be completed. That bothered her more than she'd like to admit. Seeing Michael made her day and she would miss the quick brownbag lunches they often shared – sometimes in a conference room filled with medical center tech staff and Michael's people. It didn't matter just being around him brightened her life. During that final year of Paul's life as his illness took a greater toll she found herself relying on Michael more and more as a friend. He was someone she could trust and never worry about what might find its way into the medical center gossip chain.

On the day of Paul's funeral Michael had come to the memorial service and to the cemetery. She was aware of him amidst the throngs of mourners as he stood a few paces behind her, but they never got a chance to speak. She was greatly comforted by his presence. And as she turned away from the grave on that blustery and cool San Francisco day and watched him stride away toward his car, she finally gave in and admitted she had developed strong feelings for him. Was she deluding herself? Were her feelings just a reflection of the intense passion they shared all those years ago, or was this something new? Or was she just confused and vulnerable and seeking solace in a man who was a friend? Did he feel anything more than friendship and sympathy? During the year they worked together before Paul's death he had never shown anything but the affection and loyalty of a friend. Of course Michael was married but Trisha knew little of his marriage. Michael was certainly proud of his son and daughter but he rarely said anything about his wife.

"Hello, mother ... you still with me?"

"Oh sorry, I've know Michael since high school."

Allison looked at her sensing something more.

"He was my first boyfriend." There she had said it but those words unleashed such a sorrow it was hard to control the tears that sprang to her eyes. She grabbed for a tissue and dabbed at her eyes, watching her daughter's expression change from someone who was going to make a wise-assed remark to a caring daughter.

Allison put the dress on the bed and came over and put her arms around her mother.

"He must have hurt you badly."

Trisha was at a loss for words as the sobs came out. She just couldn't imagine where this stabbing hurt had come from. After more than twenty years the memory of Michael walking away from her in the park across from the high school that rainy early January day, was as fresh and painful as the day it happened.

After a few minutes Trisha composed herself.

Allison moved away to the bed and sat facing her. She felt very protective of her mother and she couldn't imagine why she would even consider seeing a man who had hurt her so badly even if it was years ago.

Trisha blew her nose and looked at Allison feeling some explanation was needed and said, "He was the love of my life, my first love. He was a senior and I was a junior. We met at the Berkeley pool during the summer. He was a lifeguard."

She smiled a bit at the memory of their first meeting – meeting the shy lifeguard with the intense gray eyes and the killer body.

"So he took advantage of you and then broke your heart, right?" Alison asked. Her tone told Trisha exactly what she thought of him.

Trisha held back more tears with a great deal of will.

"No ... he loved me with all his heart ... but ... I did something incredibly stupid and I hurt him so much that he couldn't stand the sight of me..."

Trish hung her head and the tears came again.

Allison was confused. This woman, her mother was the epitome of the professional woman, a woman who blasted through college in three years at the top of her class, was accepted to medical school at twenty-one, married her mentor Paul Ryan a brilliant research scientist and spent her years solving the riddles of awful diseases. How did this superwoman make a mistake that caused her such sorrow many years later?

"I'm sorry Allison. I don't know what came over me. The memory of the day we broke up just washed over me." She smiled slightly and said, "I thought I'd forgotten all about that. I'm being silly."

She got up and joined her daughter who was still sitting on the bed. She took her hands and said, "Sometimes memories which have been locked away decide to pop out at unexpected moments."

Allison hugged her.

Trisha knew she had lied to her daughter. Being around Michael, especially after Paul died had reminded her daily of her stupidity, and despite how she tried to rationalize it as the misjudgment of a hormonal teen, who had too much to drink, it was still there in all its darkness.

Finally Trisha said, "Guess I'd better get back to getting ready."

Allison stood and picked up the black dress. "This is a definite. You're going to show this guy that he shouldn't have ditched you all those years ago." She grinned at her mother, nodding her head.

Trisha looked at her and then at the dress. "You're right. Tonight it will be eat your heart out Michael Anderson!"

Allison smirked at her and put the dress back on the bed. The mood had lightened.

"He's coming here?"

Trisha nodded.

"Well then I'll be interested in meeting this guy - especially if he's good looking. Now are we talking about hunky good looking or just not bad for an old guy?"

Trisha made a face at her daughter. "Get out of here and let me finish getting ready."

"On second thought mom, maybe you should just go with the skirt and blouse!" Allison laughed.


"Yes mother." She said in her most insincere voice.


As she left smiling she said, "I'll listen for the door."

As Trisha stepped into the shower she reminded herself that this "date" had come about because Trisha had asked Michael out. She had watched him cocoon himself after the divorce and decided it was time for him to get on with his life and she was determined to be the woman who helped him do that. She knew that she wanted to see him away from work so she could explore the feelings for him that had been growing since Paul's death. Actually she knew her feelings she just didn't know how Michael viewed their relationship. She wanted more than friendship.

Trisha did wish Michael had felt close enough to her to unburden himself about what had happened to his marriage. She knew some of the details and the cause of the divorce was a betrayal on the part of his wife.

She recalled the day that she first heard about a problem with Michael's wife. What was her name? Oh yes, Sarah. About a year ago he had arrived at the medical center for a meeting and he looked like hell. She called him aside at the break.

"Michael. Are you okay?" She smiled at him and said, "I'm your friend so I can tell you that you look terrible. Feeling all right?"

"I'm sorry Trisha ... just some family health problems kept me pretty much occupied over the weekend."

"Is everyone okay?" She said with genuine concern.

He looked at her, the sadness in his eyes made her want to cry. "My wife ... she's been hospitalized."

"Michael, why are you here? You should grab your things and go. This meeting can run itself." She looked back into the conference room and all the IT people had their heads together with Michael's techs. I really didn't matter whether Michael was there or not.

"She' unconscious and I couldn't just sit there and go crazy. Anyway my daughter is with her right now. I'll check back tonight."

Trisha took hold of his arm and steered him toward her office. She sat next to him on the couch. "Can you talk about it?"

He sighed heavily. "Sarah tried to commit suicide."

Trisha was shocked and had to suppress an urge to try to get all the medical details and said, "Oh dear, I'm so sorry. Is she going to be okay?"

"She's out of danger."

Trisha didn't press for more, but after a minute or so he said, "I got home from Taipei on Sunday morning and ... I found her."

Trish put her arms around Michael and held him for several minutes.

Michael never provided any more details other than to give her an update on Sarah's condition when she asked. Not long after she was released from the hospital he announced he had moved out of their home and was divorcing her. Tricia was puzzled because she couldn't imagine Michael abandoning a wife of over twenty years under those circumstances. She wondered if she had misjudged his character. No, she decided, Sarah must have done something pretty terrible to Michael to precipitate a divorce after Sarah's hospitalization.

On her own she pieced together the story. When she heard that the law firm Madison and Trasker was downsizing and moving to Oakland she called a female friend who was one of the attorneys. Trisha knew Michael's wife had worked there.

"Trisha, several months ago the shit hit the fan around here. I'm moving on. This place is toxic. One of our paralegals tried to commit suicide. She was full of cocaine provided by one of or senior guys. An anonymous tip came into the DEA and they tore this place apart. They found a huge amount of drugs in his desk of all places. They think someone might have tipped him off since his computer was completely wiped – even DEA's best guys couldn't recover a thing. I did wonder if he had time to wipe his computer why he didn't flush the drugs. Puzzling..."

"Did you know Sarah Anderson?"

"Trisha, why the questions?"

She paused for a moment, "I'm a friend of Sarah's husband."

"Oh? You can't just ask him?"


She paused for a few moments and then said, "Look Trisha, I just heard that some of the senior guys were trading cocaine for sex with some of the assistants and that included Sarah Anderson. That's all I know, except there were some lawsuits and several firings and a mass exodus of attorneys from the firm."

"Thanks. I owe you."

Her friend laughed. "You can't afford me! But send me some business. I'll be over at Lloyd and Johnson."

So Trisha had discovered what tore Michael's marriage apart. It saddened her. What had prompted Sarah to get involved trading sex for drugs? She knew they had two children and apparently no money worries. Was Michael an ogre who made life so miserable for Sarah she turned to drugs and suicide? Trisha just couldn't imagine such a thing.

Of course Trisha knew Sarah from high school. Not well of course since Sarah and Trisha's older sister Melinda were on the pep squad together there was some contact. After high school she didn't recall ever seeing Sarah again until maybe three years ago, not long after Michael was awarded the huge contract to revamp the computer systems at the medical center.

It was at a charity gala for the medical center and it was also to honor Paul. He had rallied enough be able to attend – in a wheelchair. The cancer was spreading fast and it really was nothing but a matter of time. Just by chance they were seated at a table for eight with Michael and Sarah. Even though it had been years since they had seen each other the two women recognized each other instantly. The crowd was too big and the festivities too loud for much in the way of conversation. Trisha watched the two of them and saw the distance that that seemed to overshadow their relationship. Sarah was very attractive and probably didn't weigh much more than she had in high school. Trisha also noticed Sarah seemed to be hitting the wine pretty hard.

That evening Paul was honored and made a wonderful little speech, full of self deprecating humor, and as usual gave many thanks to his staff who he recognized by name. By the time he finished and gave a heartfelt thanks to Trisha there were many handkerchiefs in evidence. His pleas for more research funds made for a record fund-raising evening. As things wound down they were left at the table with only Michael and Sarah. Michael had been trying to get Sarah to dance with him but she seemed out of sorts. Finally, Paul called across the table, "Mr. Anderson might I ask you to do me a great favor?"

Michael looked across at Paul and smiled. "Please call me Michael ... and whatever favor I can grant, Doctor Ryan, I would be honored."

Paul smiled, "Well it's not an earth-shaking request, but Trisha loves to dance and I am temporarily chair-bound, so could you dance with her one time as my proxy?"

Michael stood and said, "I'd be delighted!"

Sarah stared daggers at Michael and reached for the last bottle of wine near the center of the table.

Trisha remembered that dance like it was yesterday. She wondered what was wrong with Sarah that she didn't want to dance with Michael. When Michael took her in his arms she forgot all about Sarah, and with the wine she had consumed she let herself go and melted against him as he led her around the dance floor, in the darkened ballroom. Michael was a superb dancer. Whoever taught him did a wonderful job. His lead was almost telepathic, guiding her with just a subtle pressure with a hand on her back or arm or a minor shift of his leg. She had never experienced dancing like this. It was wonderfully erotic. They had been working together for only a short time but this was the first time since they were teens that she had been in his arms, and the dance was over much too soon. She and Paul said their good nights and it was not lost on her that Sarah was rigid with anger when they returned to the table.

The memory of that night suddenly caused Trisha to consider that evening more closely. Had it been that dance that had started Sarah down the drug infused path she chose? There was a tension between the two but was it Sarah's jealously and insecurity over Michael working each day with Trisha that set the self-destructive course? Sarah and Trisha had been rivals of a sort many years ago but the fates had given Sarah the upper hand and she had ended up with Michael. Why would she feel threatened?

Trisha tried to will the memories away but without success. They flooded back. Suddenly she was sixteen again and in love for the first time and it was a beautiful northern California summer before her junior year. Those days with Michael were magical. He had come out of his shell with her. He explained reluctantly that his previous girlfriend, Sarah, had dumped him the year before. At the time, Trisha couldn't imagine what was wrong with that girl, but aside from the hurt to Michael she was grateful, since that left the field open for her. She knew vaguely who the girl was and then one day at the end of summer just before school started Trisha saw Sarah come to the Berkeley pool where Michael was the lifeguard. Trisha took great pleasure in walking up to Michael and putting her arm through his. Sarah seemed shocked. It was actually funny because Sarah seemed to want to be possessive, but Michael shut her down. It wasn't anything he said it was his attitude of coolness which let her know there was no more interest on his part. She had dumped him for the glamorous life of a cheerleader and had discovered that he wasn't going to wait for her. Trisha had never told Michael how satisfied she was to see his ex girlfriend put in her place.

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Summer was ending and two weeks before the close, I was approached by Uncle Sheldon. “How would you like to intern with the company?” “Cool” I replied. “Doing what?” “Oh some book-keeping” “… you know learning the ropes … and keeping a watch out for things.” Sheldon was the Managing Director for a large retail supermarket, he was also Yvonne’s brother in law, in a double whammy he was married to my other aunt’s sister so he was connected on both sides. A very astute man he said little but...

4 years ago
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Full Circle Chapter Four

Fix’m Full Circle – Chapter Four We headed south out of the city with me deep in thought. “Did I really know what I was doing?” Here I was a sixty-three year old man involved with a sixty-three year old woman who I hadn’t seen in forty years until yesterday who wanted me to fuck her forty-seven year old daughter who had had a twenty-three year old daughter by artificial insemination that she had named after me and who was, for all intents and purposes, at forty-seven was still a...

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Sensual Affair

We arrange to meet one another and we decide to meet in a restaurant. I’m dressed to the nines in a black dress with thigh highs and heels, matching jewelry, and a smile on my face. I’m met by a nicely dressed gentleman who pulls out my chair for me and asks what I would like to drink. As we wait for our drinks, he gazes into my eyes and whispers that I look beautiful tonight and he cannot wait to touch my lips (the ones on my mouth). He slips a hand under the table and sparks shoot up my body...

4 years ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXIV 8211 Chut Chut Ka Pyar

Mere pyare doston, Jaisa ki maine apni pichhli dastaan me waada kiya tha, main aap ki Julee phir se haazir hun apni chudai ki dastaan ka agla bhaag le kar. Hamesha ki tarah is baar bhi aap ko pata chalega ki maine apni jindgi me chudai ka koi bhi mauka nahi chhoda hai aur meri aaj ki dastaan is ka taaja udaharan hai. To, bina aap sab ka jyada waqt liye, main shuru karti hun apni chudai ki dastaan ki kaise maine Neeta ko apna lesbian partner banaya. Sham ka waqt tha aur main apne ghar me akeli...

3 years ago
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Changing Channels Couples Therapy

Changing Channels - Couples Therapy Julie and I had been on the outs for about a year now.? Hard to know what started it, but I guess we weren't as compatible in real life as we were in college.? I'd strayed a bit on a business trip back East a few months ago, and I got the feeling that she'd done the same.? Neither one of us had told the other anything, but we weren't really speaking anymore anyway.? We were thinking about getting an amicable separation, but the lawyer told us...

2 years ago
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Snow Storm1

Snow Storm Here in the Adirondack Mountains of New York we are certainly used to harsh winters and heavy snowfalls. So when the local weatherman called it the Storm of the Century I had to laugh. After all it is only seven years into this century and that leaves ninety-three more years for a bigger storm to come by. I figured that the odds were in our favor that this was NOT the Storm of the Century after all. However I also know better than to tempt fate. I live on a small body...

3 years ago
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My First Time With An Older Woman

When I returned from Viet Nam in the early 70's, the company I was working for prior to my Army service, sent me to one of its' subsidiaries in Arkansas. While I was there I rented a mobile home from a widow that was located about a 100 yards from her main residence. She was a fairly attractive woman in her middle 50's, but, being only 25 at the time, my interest in her was limited to making small talk when I stopped by to pay my rent. After being there several months, I made my normal stop at...

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Spa Treatment

They sat near each other. Neither speaking, just looking their fill and sizing each other up. She tried to relax, but couldn't despite the swirling heat and the privacy of the sauna. He stood up and went over to inspect the crystals lining one wall, she followed him with her eyes, taking in the broad shoulders and back that narrowed at the waist to the smallest Speedo she had ever seen. Despite not being a fan of them, she was glad that she had told him to bring one; it gave her the...

Straight Sex
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Fantasy Fulfilled

You've been thinking about doing this for a while. No matter how many times you fuck, it isn't enough. The normal stuff is cutting it for you anymore. But you don't exactly know what you want. You've experimented a lot in the past before. Whether it be role playing, bondage, and so on. Yet, you really haven't experienced that true apex that you desire. It is not as if you had no suitors to help you find your fantasy. Your gorgeous brown hair flowed down to the middle of your back, slightly...

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Escape From Two Prisons

Escape From Two Prisons by Miri Jack Lewis had made a mistake. Being found at a Malaysian airport with a parcel of diamonds that had mysteriously become almost a kilogram of heroin usually meant a death sentence. He knew from the lack of surprise on the faces of the arresting police officers that he had been set up. However the evidence was indefensible and he had no important contacts in the country with sufficient influence to bribe the appropriate authorities. He was convicted and...

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Hot time in the Hot Tub

For our tenth anniversary, my wife Christine and I decided to go on a vacation to Switzerland. Neither of us had ever been there before, but we'd both always wanted to go. We stayed at a beautiful, extremely expensive hotel. It had a large indoor pool and hot tub that were open 24 hours a day. We hadn't taken swimsuits with us, but every night after dinner, or whatever we'd been doing, we'd go and soak in the hot tub to relax. The first two nights, nobody else had been there, so we'd been able...

3 years ago
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Bestiality hardcore

It had been another successful day of fighting villainy for the justice league. They had all just come back from defeating and banishing Mongul from earth and, except for those on duty, were leaving for rest and relaxation at home. Noticeable of those leaving was Diana prince Aka Wonder woman. The beautiful Amazonian princess was getting ready for departure when she was stopped by the voice of her good friend Superman. ‘Hey Diana, you fixing to leave?’ He asked his friend only for...

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Mai Aur Kalpana Mausi

Hey guys this is Abhi and I am back with a new hot story. Horny girls and unsatisfied girls can contact me at . We can have great fun together and don’t be shy while contacting me. Sex is a wonderful thing so don’t hesitate and start enjoying. So ye story hai meri aur meri mausi ki jisko na chahte hue bhi mujhse chudai karwaani padi aur aaj bhi karwaati hai. Meri mom ki do sisters hai. In me se ek kuch 45 years ki hai aur doosri 39 years ki. Jis mausi ki mai baat kar raha hu woh 39 wali ha....

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Joanie and Johnnaked in SchoolChapter 5

Friday Morning Joanie As Sherry and I came out for breakfast carrying overnight bags, Mom started getting teary-eyed. "I feel like I'm losing both of my daughters", she said. "Mom", I said, "It's just for the weekend. Besides, John explained it best to Dad when he said, 'You're not losing your daughters; you're gaining two cousins who are madly in love with them'" "Well", Mom said, "Your sister is of legal age while YOU, Missy, are only sixteen". I replied, "John says I'm...

2 years ago
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My World Of Lesbian Sex

I was sitting on the couch browsing through the tv channels one by one. I was completely bored. It was just the start of my 2 months summer holidays after the 10th board exams ( 18 years old at the time) and my mom was out of town with some work. It was not unusual for her as she was travelling most of the time. Seema, our maid had left for the day, after finishing her daily chores. She would be back only the next day morning. Even my best friend Renu too had gone to her native town for a week...

1 year ago
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Math Call Memories

I had always fantasized about my math teacher. Miss Morgan. She was not only very good with figures; she had a very good figure, as well. In her class, I would often envision being with her ,..maybe after class, or someplace in woods where we could extract square roots to infinity, with being disturbed. Her bottom was two perfect ellipses, and her skirt would always exaggerate her hypotenuse in a way that caused my mind to wander. I was 4x4 at the time and she was about 6-squared. She had...

3 years ago
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Work blues

Work bluesPart 1 – staff training Another Melody Mitchell story‘I'm sorry" Melody got in first "but Tracy's only twenty-one and she needs the extra coaching if she's going to be able to cover for me next month when we go away to Italy. The only chance I have is if she comes here on Saturdays and we go through the work in the evening. She’s as bright as a button so she should catch on quite quickly if we can get down to it one on one"Melody knew that Steve disliked her bringing work home, but...

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Me And My Uncle Took Turns To Fuck My Aunty

On hearing loud horn I came into this world, seeing the green signal in traffic I started my bike. I had never been into this much of thinking while riding bike and that too in mid of the day in such a heavy traffic. My name is Arun. I am working in a MNC in Bangalore, basically from Cochin. My parents still live in Cochin, I am living as bachelor. I am thinking about my distant relatives my aunt Shoba and uncle Umesh, who are also living in Bangalore, I am on my way to their home. I used to go...

2 years ago
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Postapocalyptic reality 2

This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1https://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-1-640119Of course, her pack might not appreciate other wasteland critters fucking her – and she might have problems scavving with the pack in tow. Come to think of it, returning to her old camp with a pack of mongrels (even if they will let her) might be a bit problematic. She wasn’t ready to abandon her hunting rifle or her laser weapons (even if fusion cells are hard to get), and though she...

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A Mothers Love

A Mother's Love by Alys Chapter 1 I eased into the small gap in the traffic slowly moving around the massive roundabout near Archway in North London. The middle aged male driver in the battered white Ford transit glowered at me momentarily and then accepted the inevitable with good grace. I smiled back and acknowledged him letting me into the flow of slow moving traffic. How I hated Monday mornings, the jolt of going back to work after the winding down of the weekend and having to...

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Two Guys Find Gay Love

You could say this is part two of my first story but can be read as a story of its own. Like I said, a lot of straight guys from my section of Brooklyn don't have any problems with having a queer suck their cock. I found out, that I don't have a problem with it either.  Unlike the straight guys in the neighborhood having my cock sucked by a queer was more than just another sexual option.  It was having sex with another guy that was more important to me.  I found out I was queer that...

Gay Male
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Addies Grandbabies

100% fiction! When Jimmy's mother Margie (4 months pregnant with Jimmy's son) decided to move in with Jimmy and Jimmy's grandmother Addie (who was 8 months pregnant with Jimmy's twin daughters), Jimmy expected his 9-month fuckfest with Addie to come to a screeching halt a month ahead of schedule. Jimmy was hoping to continue fucking eager (though hugely swollen) Addie right into her 9th month, but he doubted that would be practical with his relatively prudish mother around; though Margie was...

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Alyssa was 19. She was 5’ 7” with medium breasts and shoulder length died blonde hair with a few dark streaks here and there. She was sucking Max, her 17 year old brother’s, cock with tears streaming down her face. Meanwhile, a Dalmatian, Toto, was taking her from behind. She was in her room, and the door was locked. Her parents had gone out. Her brother had been getting more and more physically threatening since he was 14. He had tried things before and never succeeded. However, that night,...

2 years ago
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PenthouseGold Lala Ivey Ebony Couples8217 Poolside Pussy Plunging

Ebony beauty Lala Ivey first seduces the camera with her sporty multi-colored outfit, but she really grabs your attention when she strips down and gives a VIP view of her dark pussy lips from behind while riding a kid’s bicycle. Troy Francisco’s big black cock is standing at full staff as well when he sees the Penthouse model and he is soon getting his dark meat sucked on and ramming his thick rod deep into her love hole. Watch the horny couple go out at it nonstop poolside until he...

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12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 10 Three Short Weeks

The car was still there, reassuringly. At least, the police hadn't taken it away this time. But where was Sally? The car was locked, the keys missing from the ignition. She had got bored and gone for a walk. Not Sally, not round here, not looking the way Sally looked. The engine was still warm, and peering through the driver's window, he could see the clock. He had been gone half an hour. That figured, it seemed about right. Long enough for Sally to get bored with the inactivity. Where...

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The Rakshasas HeartChapter 3 The Rakshasarsquos Whip

Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith Queen Adroyna was dead. My grandmother. The longest-lived queen in Naith’s history. She had fended off assassination plots from aunts, from cousins, from sisters, and from her own daughters. She had drenched the Ziggurat in the blood of rakshasas to gain and maintain her clawed grasp on the queendom. And now she was dead. Of natural causes. Just thinking about it sent a horny wave of desire...

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AftermathChapter 17

"Brad, this shit is fuckin' crazy. I can't fuckin' take it anymore," said Private Rodney Lexington, one of the most junior members of the Placer County Militia. He was talking to his best friend, Brad Zachary, also a private and also a junior member. The two men had grown up together in Grass Valley and had been captured together there when the militia took that particular town. They had been assigned to entirely different platoons within the militia at the beginning of the march but the...

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Brother filled pussy full of blood

Hi, I am Nina (nick name). I am from a big joint family and I am too a reader of iss. I have completed my 12th sci from a good college. My family consists of 17 members. This is my first time to express my experience with my big brother “the night on the step day of my marriage”. Writing in front of you after 11 months of my marriage. I have been married on 10th august 2005 with a well developed well fine doctor. Okay here is my story… I was working in mnc bpo company as a live supporter agent...

3 years ago
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Revenge is sweet

A family sitting around the dinner table and the son asks if he can ask a question. The father responds. Of course,the only question! The young man asks his dad: Dad,how many different kinds of breasts are there? Father,surprised,answers Well,son,there are three kinds of breasts. The 20-year-old woman has breasts are like melons, round & firm. Around 30-40 years of age are like pears still nice but hanging a bit. After fifty,they are like onions. Onions? Yes, when you see them and they make...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 51 for A Little Side Trip

Chuck, Melissa and Darren pulled their rental car into the lobby of a nice airport Hilton, where they were to meet Holly by prearrangement. “Why here?” asked Darren as he fished to heavy bags out of the trunk. “Holly hasn’t been anywhere in some 25 years. This was the only hotel she remembered near the airport,” he said. They walked up to the desk and confirmed their reservation. “What room is our friend, Miss Compton, in?” Chuck asked as he fumbled for his wallet. “She is in 414, right...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 46

After a relaxing – and stimulating – time in the hot tub (and after enjoying where it led in the bedroom), the lovers relaxed on the cool cotton sheets to catch their breath. As the sweat dried on her naked skin, Meredith rolled over to cuddle with Brock. He wrapped his arm around her and drew her close to him. "I've been thinking of the future," he said softly. "What about it?" she asked. "Have you thought about a few years down the road?" he wondered. "A few times," she...

2 years ago
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Training Amy Pt 1

I remember the guilt washing over me as Marcus pounded me full of cum. Oh God, I thought I never let Harry fuck me bare. And there's so much... The sordid feeling of infidelity was filling me up with each pump of Marcus's huge cock. He's so much bigger! Poor little Harry. Always so insecure about his size. Even as I struggled with the guilt, Marcus's hot, thick cum felt delicious inside of me, his load shockingly big. I could feel him spraying my cervix. He’ll be devastated. I think, even as I...

4 years ago
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Fringe Benefit

Fringe BenefitBy: Londebaaz Chohan April showers do bring May flowers but it was little too much of rain for the last couple of days. All the University buildings, trees, environment was washed clean and lawn were lush green, looking lovely. Professor Henry Wagner just loved the drizzle outside as he looked outside while seated on his office chair. He loved this weather but as a matter of fact he loved this time of the year because soon it was not only to bring the beautiful flowers all over...

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