New Kid Easy Like Sunday Morning
- 4 years ago
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"A dance?" Jared asked. They were sitting in Home Room listening to the announcements. He looked at Cynthia. "Are they serious?"
"I think so," Cynthia whispered. "That's what she said. Um, I wonder if I'll get to wear a really nice dress."
"Maybe we'll dance in the nude, just like how we do everything else around here."
She smiled indulgently. "It's hard to dance when you're naked. The boy gets stiff and his dick keeps getting in the way. Pretty soon he has other things on his mind."
"And the girl doesn't?"
"That's where we're different. I'm pretty sure the only thing boys think about is sex, but girls think of things other than that. Besides, a dance is a chance to dress up and feel really pretty."
Jared was going to say more, but the Home Room Teacher had finished with announcements and everyone was quiet. He'd seen the look Cynthia had on her face after undressing this morning, and he was pretty sure she was only thinking about sex. If Shannon was right, and he had no reason to believe otherwise, she was probably getting frustrated because she had to do most of her homework at school, and the only chance she had to relax and enjoy herself was at the beginning of the day.
She'd been running late, and most of the kids had already paired up. He and Shannon were busy in a 69, so he'd seen Cynthia stalk across the hall only when he came up for a breath. She'd found a boy, and about the time he got behind Shannon and put it to her doggie style, Cynthia had wrapped her arms and legs around a boy and was trying to pull him into her.
He'd been surprised that he hadn't felt any jealousy. It had to be part of the culture at school. Sex was something you did, but you didn't get hung up about it. The girl wasn't your private possession, and that was an important lesson. He hated it when the school gave lessons like that.
Cynthia had shifted to being on top of the boy, facing away, and so while she rode him, and he pounded into Shannon's heated pussy, he leaned over and sucked Cynthia's tit. She had gotten this incredibly pleased look on her face, and had held him to the back of her head. In the end, he'd exploded into Shannon, while the boy came in Cynthia, all at the same time. Shannon had caught her breath like she did when she came, and he could feel Cynthia quivering through her own climax.
They'd collapsed into a tangle of arms and legs. It was several minutes before anyone felt like moving.
"God, I love it when that happens," Shannon said when she finally stirred. "It's sort of cosmic or something when everybody comes at the same time."
"Never felt anything like it before," Jared said.
"I wish we could do it again," Cynthia said. She got to her feet and pushed her hair back. "Well, I hate to screw and run, but Home Room is in just a few minutes, and we'd better hurry if we don't want to be late."
The others got to their feet and headed for the showers. They'd just beaten the bell into Home Room.
Now, as they split up to go to their first classes, Jared found himself walking in step with Cynthia. "What was that about a dance?" he asked.
Her eyes lit up. "They had one last term. It's not held here at the school, but a nearby town. You can't see it from here, but there's a small town about three miles from here."
"And do we end up there, or start here, or what? How do they work it?"
"You show up here to get ready—"
"And dressed?"
"Of course, silly. A dance is a chance to dress up and look really pretty, at least for the girls. Guys are supposed to look handsome."
"Do they provide the clothes? Or do they have some way to bring them here?"
She laughed. "Oh, no, there's a dress shop in town. You're given a credit, but it all comes out of the fees and tuitions that the school collects. Or, in some cases, if you're here on a scholarship, the school pays for it all."
"I think that's most of the students," he said.
She shrugged. "Could be, I've never looked into it." She looked up at him shyly. "Are you asking me to the dance?"
"Sure." He thought about what she'd said, and realized that, indirectly, she had just asked him. "Uh, that is, will you go to the dance with me?"
Her smile lit the hallway. "Why yes, of course I will."
They had to part before he could say much more. He tried to picture her in a dress—the most he'd seen her in had been the jeans and tee-shirt she normally wore to school—and surprised himself by succeeding. Of course it would be hard not to see her as he did now: naked, her body lean but curvy, with well-rounded breasts, a cute ass, and that wisp of hair at the base of her tummy and covering her pussy.
He sighed, turning away and forcing himself to think of his next class. The trouble was, it was too easy to think of sex here at Claiborne. Of course once you did, and got horny, it was easy to take care of the problem, too. He eyed the ass of a cute brunette in front of him. He could feel his cock twitch, and knew that the only thing that was going to take his mind off of sex was burying his rod in some girl's willing pussy.
An hour later he did with the brunette he'd followed into class. She bucked and twisted against him, her tits bouncing around vigorously. She wanted it hard, and he gave it to her that way. She gripped his bottom hard when she came her mouth open in a silent scream. When he felt her pussy spasm around him he couldn't hold back. He arched, driving as deep into her as he could get, grunting softly, his mind blank as he poured his passion into her in one surge after another.
" ... like to stick the old schlang in her," Elrod said, staring at a teenage girl waiting at a nearby bus stop.
"She's making me hard," Tommy said. "I wonder if she puts out."
"That's what we need," Elrod said as the bus stopped and the girl got on. "We need to find some cunt who'll take all of us. You know, somebody who'll spread and let us all have a crack at her crack."
The others laughed, and Elrod grinned at his rather inane witticism.
Jared wanted to turn away. He'd done it with a girl just after she'd done it with some other guy, earlier that day as a matter of fact in the shower at the end of P.E. He couldn't tell if she was wetter than normal. There'd been a pile of bodies, male and female, spray, steam, and everything else. The girls had been wet and willing, and the guys hard and ready.
He'd come twice in the shower, and afterwards had felt so tired he had trouble keeping his eyes open. But like every other time at Claiborne, he'd been ready to go two periods later when Shannon had wanted a hard cock.
"What's a matter, Jared?" Tommy asked, interrupting his reverie. "That bitch not interest you?"
"Oh, she interests me all right," Jared replied. She looked just like the brunette he'd done it with earlier that day. "What's not to like? She's got tits and a pussy. What else does she need?"
"A mouth?" Tommy asked, and laughed. "We could double-team her. Saw it on a website last night. The slut was sucking one guy, and fucking another."
"I've seen that," Elrod said. "It's like the slut can't get enough cock."
"I wonder if some girls actually get that way," Jared said. "There was this one site where the girl sure acted like it, and even said there were times she couldn't get enough."
"Yeah, fucking nymphos," Elrod said. "Girls'll tell you they aren't, but when you give it to them, they like it."
"We just need to find someone like that," Tommy said. "I'm so horny I can't think straight."
"I may have someone lined up," Elrod said. "There's this one gal who might be interested."
"If she's like the last one you 'found'," Tommy said, "it'll cost each of us $20. No thanks, I don't want to pay for it."
"Nah, she's willing to do it for free. Who's in?" He looked around, checking faces. "What about you, Jared?"
He shook his head. "Can't, my dad's got me doing stuff the next couple of days. I'll be with you in spirit, though."
Elrod frowned, but before he said anything his face cleared and a sneer twisted his lips. "Probably wouldn't know what to do with it if it dropped in his lap," he said.
Jared let that insult pass. "Told you, my old man has something cooked up."
The others in the group shifted ever so slightly, as if they were giving him the shoulder. Just like that he wasn't part of them any longer.
Nobody made it overt, but over the next hour he found himself shuffled off, and when the group finally split up, he was the only one who left their hang-out by himself. Nobody said anything, but he could sense that he wouldn't be missed.
"It's been coming for a while," he said to himself as he walked home. He remembered the last girl Elrod had 'arranged', a hooker who was willing to take on a half-dozen horny teenage boys for a price. Everyone had had to use a condom. He'd thought it pretty exciting, he could touch her tits and pussy, but that was just before he'd started at Claiborne. If there was one thing he'd learned, it was that he liked the girls eager and willing, something you didn't get with the girls selling themselves on the street.
In a way he wasn't sorry to go his own way. One of the teachers at Claiborne had actually encouraged it. Oh, not in so many words, like a lot of high school students he was fairly resistant to direct pressure. His time at Jackson High had taught him to give lip service to whatever cause the teachers were pushing, 'cooperate and graduate' as they said.
Mrs. Amundson was blonde and Swedish, with big boobs and a shaved pussy. He'd stared at it all during class. Shaved pussies weren't uncommon at school. As far as he could tell, most girls went through stages: first, having hair was a badge of some kind, that she was an adult; then trimming it back, ostensibly for a bathing suit outside of school, usually down to either a tough just above the beginning of her slit, or a thin vertical strip; third, a hesitant shaving, just as an experiment.
Shannon said she'd tried it, but she didn't like having to shave her mons every morning. She kept a small patch, enough that her sisters who roomed with her wouldn't comment on it when they saw her naked. Cynthia, on the other hand, said she liked the 'natural' look. She'd also admitted her cousins would have said something if she had shaved.
But Mrs. Amundson had no qualms about being as bare as a young girl. Jared had stared, fascinated, as the teacher's coral-colored pussy lips distended around his cock. She'd been tight, lord but she'd been tight, and it took every ounce of control he possessed to keep from coming when he was entering her.
After he'd caught his breath he'd settled into making her happy. He'd pumped her until she tossed her head, her long blonde hair whipping back and forth. Her hands had clenched his waist, and he'd felt her grip tighten as she'd gotten close. She'd finally come, making a moaning noise deep in her throat.
That'd been too much, and he'd shifted into high gear, trying to ram his cock all of the way through her. He'd finally flooded her with his come in one long, searing pulse after another.
They relaxed together, their arms partially around each other. His fingers stole down to her pussy, feeling where other girls had hair.
"You like it?" she asked. "There was never very much there anyway."
"It's different," he said. "I think I like it, but..."
"I know. I thought I'd try it. I was ready for a change in my life."
"Does it ... does it feel any different?"
"No, not really. You don't really feel your hair down there. Do you feel yours?"
"Not really."
"I think the only time I notice it now is when someone goes down on me. My view of their face isn't blocked by my hair." She sighed, and her hand stole down to his cock. She stared up at the ceiling as she stroked it. "My friends think I'm shameless because I shaved down there. Guys, they point out, can see everything. They say that as if it's a bad thing, but every person must choose their own path in life, and going bare down there is part of mine."
Jared paused, looking at the usual way home. Normally he'd cut through the park and down an alley. Today, though, he decided to go a different way. He'd go past the library, and, who knows, maybe he'd go in.
He was reading the book he'd checked out when his father got home.
"What are you reading?"
Jared held up the book. "Mr. Lincoln's Army."
"The Civil War?" His father looked surprised. "I didn't know you were interested in history."
"I wasn't, but this was mentioned in one of the textbooks at school, and I thought I'd see what it was about."
"I thought you'd be hanging out with your friends."
Jared shook his head. "I'm not so sure one or two of them are my friends any more," he said.
"Something happen?"
"Just a different perspective on things."
His father straightened and nodded. "I hope you find it interesting."
"It's like the book is a snapshot of America at the time," Jared said. "And it's a part of American History that's been downplayed or ignored."
"Ignored?! What do you mean by that?"
"The civil war is covered in a couple of days," Jared said, closing the book, but leaving his finger in it to mark his place. "There's the Battle of Gettysburg, the Emancipation Proclamation, and Lincoln's assassination. That's usually it. Oh, I almost forgot, all of the moral evil of slavery, well, black slavery, at least here in America, and how that's stained our whole culture."
"There was more to it than that," his father said.
"Yeah, like not even mentioning how 350,000 Union soldiers died to help free the slaves. Somehow that's glossed over."
"It's inconvenient to the current narrative." His father made himself comfortable in his chair. "What else do they miss?"
"The clash of the economies, industrial vs. agrarian," Jared said. "The Union drew a lot of small farmers to the ranks, but at its core it was an industrial economy. The South needed chattel slavery to sustain its agrarian economy. So one of the things driving the road to war was this economic clash, and one of the things that came out of the war was the moving of industries to the South, and laborers to the North. There's more, of course, but that's a good part of it."
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Hi i am a child specialist practising in the north delhi.there are many patient who comes with the young mother as there kid fall sick frequently therefore sometime they come frequently and that way there develop some good personal relation with some of them but not beyond the dignity of the profession. Like this there is one patient chavi who is around one year old is my one of regular patient.and she comes with her mother neha and her father rajeev frequently as she often falls sick due to...
Fresh from my hot shower. I walk into my bedroom, where I hear Tammie on her phone talking to her son Tommie. "Okay, you can go over to Alex's house, to finish your science project. But that's it! You go straight home when you're finished. Because you're still grounded." I look through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear for my trip to the park. I hear Billy and his friends returning from Chad's house. Billy walks into my bedroom. Where Tammie and I are still naked. He...
Chapter one Craig and Jenny. The bell rang for the last time in coxville High as the kids packed up their books to be put in their lockers or carried back home for homework. One kid was the first out of class, wanting to get home quickly. His name was Craig, and he had made history by being the only coloured kid to get into Coxville high. His grades had been good enough for it and he had gotten in with no problems. His grandfather had been proud. He had gone round the ghetto they...
Introduction: The adventures of a well hung black nerd in a town of hot white bimbos. Story is inspired by characters from John persons though story is way different than the comics. No racism is approved by the author. Chapter one Craig and Jenny. The bell rang for the last time in coxville High as the kids packed up their books to be put in their lockers or carried back home for homework. One kid was the first out of class, wanting to get home quickly. His name was Craig, and he had made...
When the war started I was to young to fight. They would not even accept me as a cadet. My father was not the loving type and understood me. He made a few calls and pulled me into his room. He pulled out an old Ghost bull pup assault riffle and a Killian pistol from his closet and handed them to me. He also pulled out a very old looking military style bag and handed it over, "you will need more than what is in here but it is a start. Go to the cargo area of the starport, hanger JL592. Find a...
I slept in late that Sunday morning. Almost 8:00 AM. Late for me anyway. Tim was still on top of me but at least he wasn’t ramming that cock of his into me anymore. Guess he was finally fucked out. At least for now. I hated to wake him up but didn’t have much choice. After all the little goober had put in a lot of hard work last night. I got him awake finally and told him he had to get off me because I had things to do. “On Sunday? Like what?” “Oh. I don’t know. Feed the animals. Get some...
"That shoulder holster rig sounds interesting. Why did ya bring it up?" The bartender grinned an' said, "'Cause I just happen ta have such a rig fer sale! A man came through here a month or so ago an' offered ta trade a spare rig he had fer a bottle of whiskey. I hate ta say it, but I cannot turn down what looks like a good deal. The holster rig ought ta be worth around $10, and he swapped it fer a $2.50 bottle of whiskey. I will sell it ta ya fer $3 an' call myself lucky. What do ya...
“Don’t scream or I’ll kill you.” the guy, who looked to be about 23 years old, said as they walked deeper into the woods. “What do you want with me?” she asked him fearfully. “You’ll find out the hard and painful way.” He said as she realized that this was pre-planned. After they walked for about ten more minutes; a fifteen minute walk from the road; they reached a small clearing and there was a mattress on the ground with trunks and a chair around it and a fire pit a few feet away,...
Introduction: A girl is kidnaaped and falls for the man who kidnapped her She walked along a roadway, her car had broken down and she was going to get help, she had forgotten her cell phone back at her house. She wore a black mini skirt, a light pink short sleeved blouse, and navy blue flip-flops. She had dark blonde hair that was so short that you couldnt do anything with it, she had hazel blue eyes and she looked to be about 18 years old. As she walked past the woods a man who was walking in...
The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – CHAPTER 2- “Hello kids, this your new classmate, Emily Banks. She just moved in our town from, huh, where did you say Emily?” said the teacher. “I come from Ludlow.” Said Emily in a low tone voice. “Very nice. Please, take a seat, and I’m sure the kids would love to tell you all the details of my class.” Emily scanned the class with her eyes, until she spotted the empty spot besides Bryan. She started walking to the seat, and sat down by...
Kid Orgy When we were all much younger, dad bought an old house that he called a ‘fixer upper’ but it never seemed to get fixed up. He didn’t make much money so work on the house was pretty slow. In fact I don’t remember anything really getting fixed in the last couple of years, not even the lock on the bathroom door. At first he had plans for five bedrooms. You see there is mom and dad and then there are four of us kids. My oldest brother Tom is sixteen, my oldest sister Elaine is...
Anandi was taken aback when she opened the door. With her husband Subhash was a tall, dark and handsome young man. Just looking at him made her go slightly weak in the knees. She would’ve been caught red handed staring at him had he not bent down to touch her feet, “Paay lagoon maami!”, he said and that’s when she realized that he was Shyam. She blushed a deep red and managed to mumble some blessing. She asked them to freshen up and rushed to the kitchen before things became obvious and...
IncestHi this is my first story to this site. Forgive my mistakes if any. My name is Latha. I live near Cochin in Kerala. I choose not to disclose my exact place. I am 42 years old and am happily married to Mukesh. We have one daughter Kavya who is doing her Engineering in Calicut. She went to Calicut last year and is staying in a hostel. My husband owns a restaurant and he is usually out of home all morning and most times he arrives by 8 in the night back from the restaurant. What I am about to...
When it first started I was 14 years old and was really into watching porn and jerking off, when my mother Sue Parker comes into my room on a Saturday morning with dad outside working in the yard. She just stops right there at the doorway, seeing me naked at my desk with my laptop open playing a porn where a mom is sucking her sons dick in his room for the first time. So as mom is staring at my 10” semi hard cock as I’m still watching the porn, we hear the son yell, “with practice mother you...
By now, I could sympathize with Simmons, the Regional Operations Manager I had been called in to "clean up" for. No doubt he was a screw-up regardless, but his assistant, Marsha O'Donnell, might drive anybody to distraction. No, I don't mean because she was hot — although she certainly was. No, Marsha O'Donnell would drive anyone crazy with her endless prattle. Here are the things you would learn about Marsha within ten minutes of meeting her, whether you were interested or not: First,...
story:[mF, cheat, wife, inc, mother, son, BBr] Every teenage boy at some point thinks about fucking his mom. And for most, it’s just a phase. They find a girl. They move on. For Josh Stevens, fucking his mom was his obsession. Lisa Stevens entered the kitchen. Her husband sat at the table, drinking his coffee and scanning his tablet, reading the news. Their son had just left for school. “What’s up with that dog of yours? This is the third time this week he’s dragged one of my bras under...
"Yesterday you and Martin were talking about the differences between the outside world, and here at Claiborne," Shannon said as they left their last class of the day. "Try this: how many students here at Claiborne are virgins in real life? I am. Back home, outside, I've barely even let a boy kiss me, and yet here I've had sex with three different boys just today, and I don't know how many over the last year." "You mean you didn't count them?" Cynthia joked. "I haven't. I figure...
The next two months crawled. Life at school became a routine alternating between classes, sex, and doing research on their project. Cynthia and Shannon took most of his spare time, but Iris was always there, apologetic about her 'leaking', but full of enthusiasm, and full of insights that only came to someone with a little more experience in life. He and Alex made slow progress, but when Cynthia and Shannon joined in—Martin found another girl that fascinated him more than Shannon, and she...
Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- and after dinner and dancing with some of Dominica's friends, the slave feels like she's going to explode if she doesn't cum, soon! Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 7, Skid Marks By jessicablank Chapter 7, Skid Marks: Cum... cum... cum... Daniella desperately needed to cum. The throbbing in her clit, the butt...
Tara - 16 Troy - 12 Devine - 11 Trevor - 13 My name is Tara and I am sixteen. I am 5'5", 110, have brown eyes and brown waist length hair. I have been told I am a very cute and a petit girl. I am on the Blake High School Cheer Leading squad and on the school swim team. I could have been out on a date but I was saving for a car but I was taking all the sitting jobs I can. I had just turned 16 and had not had time to job hunt yet. It was Friday night...