The Rakshasa s HeartChapter 4 The Rakshasa rsquo s Heart
- 2 years ago
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June Foster – Saturday, June 20th, 2015
"Good evening, Forefront Foundation, you've reached the office of Gabrielle Collins. My name is June Foster, how may I direct your call?" My job had gone from routine to grueling in the last five months. I was executive assistant to the COO, Gabrielle Collins, an undereducated mystic three years younger than me. It paid well, but I wasn't arranging student interviews or working on outreach anymore. I was fighting alongside a nutty girl against the backlash of her dead pedophile father.
"Ms Foster, this is Thomas Welles. Is your Ms Collins in?" Thomas Welles was a private investigator I had found for Gabrielle after the shit started. I hadn't met Ishmael Rawlins; Gabrielle had swept me out of the office the few times he had visited to pick up or drop off Gabrielle's mother. I had been certain they were sisters before the death. Olive was 36, Gabrielle was 25. At the time, I had thought the rush job had been frustrating. I had wanted to meet him. He was a high valued donor to the Foundation. He had contributed to great work. We were leaders in women's education. Now that he was dead, accusations of rape were popping up like Cosby victims.
He was a multimillionaire and Gabrielle was itching at the teeth to inherit. I didn't blame her. She was a product of his nepotism. She had raged at being locked out of her father's assets until the courts could sort out the claims. She was loathe to share a cent with the victims and her illegitimate siblings. Chances are she would come out of this richer than she could handle. She had hired Thomas Welles to keep an eye on everything until the dust settled.
"This late I'm supposed to say no. But for you, handsome, I'll make an exception," I grinned into the phone. Out of all the calls I fielded today, Welles's concise professionalism was a welcome reprieve. I placed him on hold and walked up to Gabrielle's office door.
"Ms Collins, it's Thomas Welles," I poked my head in without knocking.
"Take a message, June. I'm still dealing with the briefs Dalton West have sent over," Gabrielle was sitting at her mahogany desk pulling her brown hair as she read a green jacketed file. Her skinny awkward legs were kicked up on the desk corner and her office chair was reclined past safety. Dalton West wasn't the law firm the Foundation dealt with, but it was the law firm she went to to handle her inheritance work.
"You really should have a lawyer sent over," I pointed out. My English literature degree wasn't much help for the legalese and Gabrielle's three semesters of biology were probably not up to task.
"We'll be seeing Mrs Camberley on Monday," She flashed her eyes at me angrily. She did not care to have her limitations pointed out, "I want to do my homework."
"Of course, Ms Collins," I decided it would be best to get away from the madness. I was itching to get out of business casual and into casual fling, "If you're going to be busy for the rest of the night ... It is Saturday?"
"Yes, get the message and go home," She crossly turned the page.
"I wasn't thinking of home," I moved to close the door with a smile.
"Good night, June," She said tersely.
"Good night, Gabrielle," I mirrored vibrantly.
"I'm sorry Tom, she's busier that I had predicted. Can I take a message?"
"The surveillance she had on her father's estate has incurred an anomaly today," I loved his vocabulary. There's much to be said about the size of a man's diction.
"Do you mind if I just translate that to someone visited her father's home?" Gabrielle wasn't quite the size queen I was.
"Not someone, A woman named Carmen Dominguez," He replied.
"Yes she's the vice president of finance at The Forefront Foundation," And supposedly one of the few women who remembered Ishmael Rawlins as something other than a rapist. Olive did as well.
"I know, I only have her name because of Gabrielle's files. That's not what was anomalous. She arrived with two other women and a man. No women matched the files on Olive Collins, Nadine Donaldson, Wanda Eckles, Henriette Gallant, Fawn Garrett, Lucy Kobayashi, Sara Saint or Bryn Valparine."
"Thank you for listing off all of the names," I tried not to stick my tongue out at the phone. If he wasn't more than twice my age, happily married and unwilling ... I kept a bigger stick in my top drawer I'd love to shove up his ass.
"I'm sorry. I'm trying to be thorough. Anyway, the four entered approximately 7:45 am and left at 12:55 pm. The man was fair haired and Caucasian, 5'11'' and appears to be 200 to 240 lbs. The unknown women were a skinny brunette, 5'6'', left handed, 120 to 145 lbs and a tiny blonde, practically bald, covered in tattoos, 5'0'' and maybe 100 lbs."
"That's Sara Saint," She sometimes appeared with Carmen. From the way they acted I had always assumed Carmen was the butch. I was blown away to find Sara had been blossoming into a hardcore bull dyke these last couple of months.
"Oh, she doesn't match photos Ms Collins provided," Yeah, understatement.
"Why didn't you go in and talk to them?"
"Your boss didn't hire me to have a team watch the house. She hired me to review footage every day," He was defensive and that wasn't good. I dialed back my tone.
"Oh, OK. So Carmen and Sara brought two people to the old home. Why is that important?"
"Because they left with three big suitcases and the caretaker."
"I thought she passed away a few weeks ago?" That had been the weirdest funeral I had ever seen. Nadine had quit when the rapist died and I hadn't expected to see her again. I seemed to be the only one at the service that didn't seem to be in some kind of cult. Everyone had pickpocketed something from that mansion. I'm glad Gabrielle hadn't kept an eye on me. I had a bottle of Riesling and a pair of gold bracelets at home but I'd never wear them anywhere near work.
"No, the other one, Phoebe Waterson," He corrected me.
"Oh, OK. Wait, I didn't think Phoebe ever left?" I had met her at the wake. She was bored and Carmen had introduced us. She stayed firmly in the kitchen picking at the food.
"She hasn't. Not in five months." He emphasized. I decided to skip the quip about thinking my life had become boring. There was only one way to handle this.
"I'll get Miss Collins for you," I had already been picking out the slutty dress from my closet in my mind. The doors slammed shut. Well, there was a teensy bit of hope.
"It might be nothing," He didn't believe that.
"And it will be my job if I don't," I certainly believed that. I put Tom on hold and returned to Gabrielle's office, knocking this time as I opened the door.
"What is it, June?" She was on another folder. There was a stack of dozens more standing crooked at the edge of her desk.
"Tom is saying that Carmen and Sara took Phoebe and suitcases from the old home."
"What! Put him through!" She dropped the folder and slipped. She freaked out, grabbing the arms of her chair to save her from a crash. Steadied after a moment she rose up to her feet.
"Very well, Miss Collins," I crossed my fingers as I reached to close the door, "Good night."
"No, you're not going anywhere."
Of course, I wasn't.
Courtney King – Saturday, June 20th, 2015
"Hey, Courtney, did you have a good shift?" I had arrived home after speeding from work. I was 19 but I had only had my license for about 8 months now and I couldn't legally drive after midnight. Not that I had needed to speed home. I had a big window of 55 minutes to make the 7 minute drive. I just had other commitments tonight.
"Great," I spun passed my dad who was in the kitchen eating a sandwich. I skipped with nervous energy, "I'm going out tonight."
"That's nice," He turned back to his Kobo, "Leave the car keys by the breadbox."
"Oh, sure," I cut back through the kitchen and dropped the keys next to the fridge.
"Who are you going out with tonight? Dashawn? Greg? Johnny?" I was glad I had trained dad to ask that question with concern rather than scorn. I wasn't a one man woman and I wasn't stupid. He trusted me enough to make my decisions and so I trusted him enough to listen when he told me one of my boyfriends was garbage. We had a great system. Mom disagreed.
"Gwen and Melody," I answered and noted that he was happier with my choices than he would have been with a boy, "They're on their way now and I got to change."
"And shower. You smell like pancake batter."
"Thanks daddy," I wish I had proper time to get ready but I had to hurry. Convincing Gwen to come by and pick me up, instead of rushing straight over to Mrs Flynn's, had been like pulling teeth. I threw my uniform top at my hamper before the door had swung all the way closed. I kicked out of my skirt. Neither my panties nor my bra landed in the hamper.
I sat on the foot of my bed. Thank God, I had shaved my legs yesterday. My cunt deserved a touch up but it wasn't stubbly. I tore open my closet. Classy or trashy? I took out a short pleated skirt and a white top. I wasn't getting past dad going braless like this schoolgirl slut outfit deserved. I dug out a real nice black bra that showed through the top. Matthew was going to love it. I decided to pass on the pigtails. I grabbed some knee socks and Mary Janes. I tossed back the socks and rolled up a pair of fishnets. Be classy, dress trashy. Well, start classy.
I was in the washroom, changing work makeup to going out makeup. The bubblegum pink lip gloss went perfect with the look and my already black painted nails matched my stockings. There was a knock on the door.
"Just about finished," I called out.
"Your friends in the Cadillac pulled into the driveway," My mom sighed. I doubled checked everything. I looked good but I could have used a bit more time. I rubbed my wrists together and touched the perfume to my throat.
"Hell, Courtney ... This is how you dress to go out with girls?" My mother rolled her eyes.
"I learned from the best," I smirked at mom and she shook her head.
"I moved your dad to the living room. Don't stop to say hi," She gave me a quick hug and trundled off. I rushed through the kitchen, my Mary Janes clicked across the tile.
"Have fun, sweetness," Dad called after me.
"You too!" I shouted back and rushed down the stairs outside the front door. Gwen was waiting in her huge car and Melody was drumming her fingers on the dashboard. I hurried to the passenger side door.
"Shotgun." I grinned at Melody. The little bitch was looking good. She had on this little red dress with a black choker and shiny heels. She might be able to take the place I belonged at Flynn's but she wasn't taking the place I belonged under Matthew. I wondered if I could take her job at the restaurant tonight? If Mrs Flynn said no, but Matthew owned Mrs Flynn, and Courtney can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch...
"What, seriously?" Melody looked to Gwen and then to me.
"Just give it to her, Melody," Gwen shrugged. She looked nice but was clearly feeling underdressed. She had on this tight low-cut navy blue top. I could see the bra lines underneath. She had perfect breasts and in the teeny tiny shorts she was wearing her ass could kill people. I'd have to beat her in ways other than looks, "We don't want to keep Matthew waiting longer than we already have."
"Goddammit!" Melody grumbled and swung her legs out and strutted past me. I had made a great pick for Matthew. Melody was standing model tall in her stilettos. She was small breasted and had skinny hips and butt but her legs went on for days. Her bright blue eyes sneered me up and down.
"What? No pigtails?" She scowled as she opened the backseat door.
"Gotta save something for round two," I bubbled and hopped into the passenger seat. Our doors closed with a short rhythm and Gwen refused to reverse out of the driveway until both of our seatbelts clicked.
"I told him I would go over after work," Gwen worried.
"It's after work, right after work for me," I drummed my fingers on the dashboard to the song on the radio. I was always so pumped before first dates. I hoped Matthew's magic powers made his dick huge. Like cartoonishly big. What are you doing? Oh my! That'll never fit inside me! Just, please, go slowly ... I chuckled.
"Great ... She always this serial killer?" The peanut gallery commented.
"No," Gwen sighed, "She hasn't killed anyone yet."
"No killing, just hard gritty fucking," I beamed tasting the watermelon in my lip gloss.
"I still think we'd better keep our eyes on her," Melody was angry at me. What a waste.
"I tried that," Gwen moaned, "Nothing stops Courtney."
"Damned right!" I didn't like their attitudes. They were both older than me and they didn't seem to know how to fuck, "How do you think we should start, Gwen? Double blowjob? Triple?"
"I don't want to have this discussion," Gwen interjected. She was as big of a sourpuss as Melody was. Melody was offended her life had turned into this. Gwen was worried she was late. She hated letting people down. I wasn't having it.
"You two are going to be the worst fucks of Matthew's life!" I announced. Although making assumptions based on what I knew of the dishwasher would suggest that Gwen lying there like a dead fish while praying to some decrepit elder god for the annihilation of our species would be the best night of Matthew's life. Even if the prayers were answered, "C'mon! Smile! You're going to have sex! Make it awesome!"
"We don't know for certain that sex--"
"Don't pretend otherwise, Gwen," Melody interrupted
"Gwendolyn," Our driver muttered. She was still on that? Gwendolyn just made her sound like some smug bitch. She was way too friendly and caring to be Gwendolyn. She was a Gwen.
"Gwendolyn," Either way, I wanted on her good side, "You should be the happiest out of the three of us. He picked you. Don't you feel proud that he just had to have you?"
"A little bit," She lifted her spirit a little, "I like Matthew, but I've never been attracted to him."
"I only really noticed him today and he didn't even seem to notice me," Melody was offended, "I can't believe he brushed me off after those tit shots we sent."
"I was offended too," I admitted. Matthew had arrived at work to find the new guy had quit an hour before. Kelly had been bribed to stay and the whole restaurant was running a 18 minutes slower than it should. He dove straight into work despite Franklin being pissed about Matthew's haircut, "But turns out it's all good. He left his phone at some girl's place this morning. You didn't get any texts since he got off work yet, Gwen ... dolyn?"
"No not yet, but he should be at Mrs Flynn's by now. What if those other girls are there already?"
"Then we're less of a surprise," I shrugged, "I can still guarantee that he'll be excited to see us. Provided, you know, you two can smile."
Gwen had these plump beautiful lips and she rolled out a beautiful one. I turned back to see Melody. She'd been a waitress, the smile becomes easy. Holy shit! I was so glad my tits were bigger. Melody had thinner lips and her smile was just a little crooked but once her eyes tagged in she was devastating. I pulled down the sunshade and tried my smile in the mirror. There were better legs, breasts, ass and smiles in this car? I was confident I had them in the practical, "The secret to awesome sex is to have awesome sex."
"It can't be that easy," Gwen said in doubt.
"I find demanding better gets you better," Melody chipped in. Oh, I was going to need to double down on her. We pulled up to the corner of Barrington and Morris.
"Can't park here Saturday nights," I pointed to the street cleaning sign a few meters back. Gwen sighed and rolled us around the corner. Another right and we were opposite our destination on the same block. The three of us got out. I was ready. Gwen was nervous. Melody had recovered.
"Lock your doors, please," Gwen had both Melody and I to return to the car again. They closed together with one thunk. Mrs Flynn's apartment was accessed from the back side of the coffee shop. There was an intercom but the door was unlocked and I was walking up before Gwen could page. We all climbed the fat staircase to her front door.
"I wish the staircase to my apartment was half as big," Melody complained, "My stuff might not be so nicked and beaten."
Gwen was going to knock but I grabbed the knob and walked in.
"--will be perfect and I'm all for it. I can use my inheritance to get the vans and some of the materials but--"
"Helllloooo Matthew!" I zipped across the apartment and jumped. Matthew was sitting on a big purple sofa and I managed to land with my legs across his lap. He looked at me, shocked. Mrs Flynn smiled from across a wood rimmed glass coffee table. Folders and papers were open and tossed all over. Mrs Flynn looked over at Melody and Gwen but Matthew had his eyes wholly on me.
"What! Courtney!" I went to reach around his neck but he caught my braceleted wrist and stared wide eyed.
"When did—Gwen?" Matthew looked across the room to see Melody and Gwen approaching at a more sedate speed. I hopped my butt up onto his lap and dropped my legs on either side of his farther knee.
"She prefers Gwendolyn," I laughed as the other two came across the room. When Matthew looked at me, I kissed him. He missed quite a few beats. It took him nearly a minute to grab my cheek and kiss me back. I shifted across his jeans, he was excited. I pulled back and he was smiling. I chewed on my lip showily.
"Well hello to you, too," Matthew laid a little kiss on my nose and I beamed back at him genuinely.
"You seem surprised," I noticed.
"I kind of forgot you had the bracelets, Gwendolyn," Matthew moved me and his legs until he was comfortable as he talked to Gwen. I guided his hand to hold my butt. He squeezed and I wordlessly begged for more.
"No you didn't," Mrs Flynn interrupted, "You reached for one when that cutie was getting you a shirt."
"Alright," He conceded, "I guess I forgot about them after you messed up my new haircut in your truck."
"Can you blame me?" She laughed, "You just looked so handsome."
"So, yep!" I forced myself back onto center stage, "Gwendolyn got you the cutest piece of ass you've ever had! And look what I got you!"
"Hi," Melody hovered behind Gwen's shoulder. They were deciding on where to sit. I motioned for Gwen to share the couch with us. Melody walked around the table and sat lotus style next to Mrs Flynn.
"Hi, Melanie," Matthew grinned, "Your dress looks incredible."
"Melody. And thank you, it's my favorite."
"I'm sorry, I'm the worst with names," He had the greatest honest smile, "Wanna try again? Hi."
"Hi," Melody had a sad sweet smirk. God, she was cute.
"Well, let's stop being awkward," I reached down and felt out Matthew's bulge. His instant reaction was to pull away. That lasted less than a heartbeat. He squeezed my butt again and laid his hand on my belly. I looked over to Mrs Flynn and asked, "What are we doing?"
"Matthew's putting together a catering company," She answered with a wave to the paperwork.
"Why?" He can force girls to be his slaves. Surely, he could just tithe us or something. I tactically decided to not bring it up.
"I can't be a dishwasher and be responsible for a bunch of women," Responsible for us? I was surprised at that concept, "I remember when Deborah was putting together the plan back at the divorce. I figured if I had her brains behind me, I could have a successful business and somewhere to put beautiful women to work."
"Oh! Dibs on waitress!" I announced to reinforce my eagerness to work for tips. He kissed me lightly again. I corrected him with a hard passionate wet smacking. Gwen, Melody and Mrs Flynn all waited on us awkwardly.
"What do you think Deborah? She is ready," He asked for me as he sampled the watermelon I had left on his lips.
"Yeah, I know," My boss sighed, "Melody was the second best waitress I'd found in the city. There's no way I couldn't hire her."
"Um, thanks," Melody bristled at the second best comment. I figured it was a Mrs Flynn compliment. Like a second biggest monkey head sort of thing.
"Come join Gwen and I on the couch," Matthew reached for her. She stood and took his fingers. He scuttled with me on his lap until we had the middle. Gwen was tucked in behind my back. Melody lowered herself down at my feet. She didn't cross her legs like Gwen nor I, she settled primly with her knees together. She smiled as Matthew stroked her platinum blond hair over her ear, "You are so beautiful."
"Thank you," She blushed. Slut. I wish I could manage that. I saw Matthew grinning at her so I leaned forward and took a handful of her thigh.
"Can I pick 'em or what?" Matthew laughed and kissed me. I don't think we went at it like we had last time. We were interrupted. The other girls were too polite to tag in or team up on him. Their losses. However, we weren't the only ones due tonight. The buzzer buzzed.
"I'll get it," Mrs Flynn rose up and fixed her tank top. She was dressed about the same as Matthew. She had on a pair of jeans, hot jeans though, tight on her legs, and a cherry red babydoll tee. Her hair was messy and her lipstick was smudged. I wondered if Matthew's dick shared much of that color.
"That should be everyone!" Matthew sighed, "I mean, provided I don't have Zina and Kelly coming tonight?"
"No, Gwen said I couldn't give you Kelly," I overacted the indignity of it. Matthew smiled along with me, "Something about a felony."
"Isn't age of consent 16?" Melody asked.
"Yeah, and Kelly isn't," Gwen shook her head.
"Oh," Melody nodded, "Yeah, that'd have been bad."
"Anyway, I'm glad," He sounded relieved.
"Why's that?" Gwen asked.
"Look," He made sure to look all three of us blondes in the eyes, "I can't have you girls just creating me some giant harem I can't control."
"Why not?" I squeezed his dick again. It was well defined in his baggy Levi's, "I have great taste in sluts. Look at Melody."
"Hi!" The front door exploded in perkiness. A seriously tatted bolt of lightning rushed by my thigh and took up residence on Matthew's other thigh. She slammed into Matthew's chest with a hug, "Oh my God! Wizard!"
"Wizard?" Gwen asked. I liked it, Gwen and Melody clearly judged.
"Gwen, Melody, and Courtney: This is Sara," We all touched and nodded and smiled at and to the newcomer, "Over with Deborah at the door entering at people speed is Phoebe, the redhead, Dawn the smiling one, and Carmen."
"Ah, you're the hot Latina Amazon! Well done," I had to look hard over my shoulder to see them. I wolf whistled at Carmen and she beamed back at me. The new girls all came in and we shared hands, hugs and hellos. The girls were all very different. Carmen was dressed to the nines. She had a gorgeous leather LBD. Her long legs had that beautiful South American complexion and were raised up on three inch strappy heels. The rise of her skirt flashed the barest view of her wet labia.
Dawn was probably the closest to my age in the room, next to Melody. She hadn't done much beyond wash her clearly unmanageable brown hair. She was wearing shorts and a tank top like Gwen but the brunette's were looser and dumpier. She had really spikey nipples poking through and advertising her bralessness. She couldn't hold a smile for a full breath nor did she seem to care for eye contact. She placed a grocery bag of stuff on the edge of the coffee table. She hopped up onto a nearby armchair and swung her ankles under her butt.
The redhead was just bored. She should have been a mess of freckles but she looked like she got less sun than Dracula. She wore jeans and stylish halter and just announced to the world that she was too cool for giving a shit. I turned my attention elsewhere. She wandered onto Dawn's armrest after I forgot her name the second time.
The last girl was right next to me. She adored Matthew and wanted all of us to as well. No, she expected us to. She knew we would. She had maybe a month's worth of hair on her head. She could wear it well but she need a few more studs and rings in her ears to go with the dragon, thunderclouds and thorns on her arms. She was wearing a light belted sundress in green and silver. She was a conflict of styles. She seemed to like me the best, probably because I had already climbed up on Matthew. Her hand joined me down on Matthew's dick and we kissed before his face. He liked that. I got a little tingling from her tongue stud. I was eager for more when I pulled back.
"You've got a lot of girls," Melody commented.
"Yeah, he's off to the races!" Carmen settled down next to Mrs Flynn. Her skirt rolling even further up the tops of her thighs. If the glass table wasn't cluttered, we'd have a scandalous view from the couch.
"He liked them one at a time," The redhead explained, "Maybe months or years between each girl."
"Well Matthew likes them the correct way," I assumed she was talking about someone else, "And if Matthew can't handle the pace, I'll train him up for it."
"You seem pretty sure of yourself, Courtney," I couldn't tell if Mrs Flynn was needling or complimenting. I kept the peace and assumed it was positive.
"That's because I'm awesome!" I grinned.
"How awesome?" Dawn asked for Matthew.
"I'll put my mouth where my mouth is," I smirked at her and gave my best 'Try me!' at Matthew.
"You want to suck my dick while I finish up with Deborah?" He took a handful of my hair and tilted my eyes down to his.
"Sure!" I put all the smile I could into it.
"Oh my God! Right in front of everyone!" Gwen spoke and she wasn't the only one with that opinion. Melody scrunched away to the armrest.
"Gwen, kiss me," Matthew turned past my shoulder. I got wet watching Gwen and Matthew. He was full of bravado and nerves, she was ready and needing to please. I watched their tongues roll in the small breaches between their lips. I squirmed, on his lap. Sara was picking open his fly. He grinned, "Look how excited that got Sara. Or embarrassed that got Dawn. I want to be open and sexual with all of you. How does that make you feel?"
It made me feel great. I had done a lot of sexual things since I first had sex in grade 8. I decided not to give the triumphant 30 minute dissertation on how fun it was. All I could do was fire of a salute as a I sank to my knees. Sara wolf smiled as she pulled denim and cotton away from Matthew. I got to see what I was teasing.
"Worried," Gwen said still warm, confused and breathless from the kiss.
"Unsurprised," Melody scoffed. I watched Sara growl at her and Melody flinched again.
"Excited," Between Mrs Flynn and Dawn, I wasn't certain who echoed who. I let the chaos around me dissipate. I took Matthew in hand. He was dark in my fingers. He smiled down at me and I opened up for him.
"Can I make a point?" Mrs Flynn asked. I could feel her voice echoing in my jaw. Matthew fit in my mouth comfortably. I looked to Sara and wondered if she struggled; I flicked my eyes to Gwen and knew she would.
"Of course." He said comfortably. I took that as impulse to do better. Head is more art than science. It's what the beholder likes more than there being one perfect way. Matthew liked noise, wetness and the back of my throat.
"If we're all fucking you. And I'll bet you'll have us fucking together and even just each other," She set the stage. I pumped the couple of fingers worth I couldn't fit into my mouth vigorously. He slouched his butt forward on the couch. I made sure to roll his foreskin further back whenever I pulled back and sank back down. Melody's fingers stroked my hair. Mrs Flynn continued, "I'm going to lose some respect at work."
"Good point! Girls," And he had perfect eye contact with me when he spoke, "When you are working for me you're all to do the best job you can. You'll respect whoever is in charge. Deborah for Flynn's and probably for the caterers and if I put someone in charge, that's important to me so it's important you. Treat whoever she is with respect and don't undermine her because of whatever we did before or will do later, OK?"
I fired off another salute. Something felt wrong. He was awkward in talking, nervous and readily distracted. That didn't matter. I knew what he wanted. He wanted the best and I realized I had never given it to Mrs Flynn. I staggered with him deep in my throat. I coughed and my mouth flooded with excess saliva. He grinned.
"Good," Mrs Flynn beamed, "That's better."
"Whatever I can do to help," He grinned. Sara was pushed back from me so I had more room to work. Matthew couldn't pet my hair because he had pulled Gwen and Melody tightly against him. Gwen hugged him and never met my eyes. Melody watched him and kept my hair from my face so he could watch me. He smiled when he didn't breathe really hard.
"Good, there is the problem that we don't have a dishwasher for tomorrow," She reminded Matthew about the new guy's quitting. That had been a spectacle. Franklin let him rant rave and curse just so long as he was moving to the back exit while he did it. Matthew looked frustrated. I slurped loudly as I cupped his balls. They had been tight against his bottom but momentarily pulled him back. I should've known he was going to cum, but I was off guard. Matthew wasn't quite the same as the other boys I'd been with. He was carrying on a conversation with the room. I'd have been offended if he wasn't keeping his eyes on me.
Dear Readers, this is the third story about an Indian man and his maid. The first story was about how an Indian man, managed to entice his maid to have sex with him. The second story was about how he fucked her the first time. Subhash was anxiously waiting on the third day for his maid Sushila to come for her work. He would glance at the clock, pace his room and again look up. The clock was showing 10:00 A.m. Sushila was already an hour late and Subhash was fuming inside. Two days had gone and...
The next day Subhash heard the door-bell ringing at 8-00 A.m. , he was surprised, because there was nobody expected and Sushila never came before 9-00. When he opened the door sure enough he saw it was Sushila standing there with a plastic bag in her hand.Subhash let her in, locked the door and asked her, “Does that bag contain the towel?” Sushila just smiled and nodded. Subhash asked her to make tea for him first. She went to the kitchen. It was a small flat, two bedrooms, a hall and a...
Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith Queen Adroyna was dead. My grandmother. The longest-lived queen in Naith’s history. She had fended off assassination plots from aunts, from cousins, from sisters, and from her own daughters. She had drenched the Ziggurat in the blood of rakshasas to gain and maintain her clawed grasp on the queendom. And now she was dead. Of natural causes. Just thinking about it sent a horny wave of desire...
Hi friends kaise ho mai aapka raj fir se hazir hu aapke samne apni ek story ko lekar ummid hai aap pasand karenge or mujhe par mail zaroor karenge to mai aapko apni ek real story sunane ja raha hu jo meri or meri girlfriend ki saheli ki chudai ki kahani hai to dosto mai start karta hu ye story 3 mahine pahli hai mai sham ko ghar par baitha tha to mere mobile par ek call aaya call attend karte hi dusri taraf se ek meethi si aawaz aayi usne apna intro diya ki wo shashi bol rahi hai mai aapki gf...
Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story. Main aapko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi Jacob (24 years) ne uske college friend cum businessman Shashank Chopra ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko new sex story batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha. Anamika ke sath mere Abu Dhabi based hotel ke personal suite mein sara din sex kiya. Uske baad hum dono raat mein dubai wapas...
Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek sex story. Iss part mein main aapko bataunga ki Aditi aur Shashank ne ek dusre ke sath kya kya kiya. Uss din Aditi ke iss decision ko sunkar main andar se tut gaya. Mere Aditi ko time nahi diya. Iski wajah se hi Shashank Aditi ko emotionally weak karke apne sath extramarital affair shuru karwane mein successful ho gaya. Fir Shashank ne Aditi ke chehre ko apne dono hatho se pakda aur apne hoth ko uske hoth par rakhkar...
Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra (27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Agle din subah 8 baje main apne ghar se nikla. 9 baje Anamika ke ghar ke gate par pahuncha jahan. Woh mera wait kar rahi thi. Anamika ne us din grey blazer, black full sleeve shirt inside, grey pant...
Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra(27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko apni kahani batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri kahani mein padha ki maine Anupriya ke sath usi ke ghar mein sex kiya tha. Aur din bhar sex karne ke bad hum...
Thursday - Chastity's Lesson I was shocked when I came down to breakfast. Instead of reading the paper, daddy was watching my video on his iPad, pausing it over and over. But the real shock was mother. She was wearing an apron and high heels, and nothing else. She smiled and giggled when she saw me. The way her big tits bounced reminded me of Bubbles. "Good morning, honey," she said, looking at the dress I had picked out. "Don't you have anything shorter than that?" Who was this pod...
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Thrak – The Free City of Hargone I clenched my fist as I marched across the deck of the Golden Hunger. The pirate crew scurried around us, preparing the ship to cast off from the river docks of Hargone. We would put out into the Elba River and sail north through the river’s mouth and into the Nimborgoth. A northeast course would takes us to the island of Yalut and the city of Grahata. There, in the city’s labyrinth, we would slay Gewin’s...
This part is in continuation of my previous parts. Please read the 2 last parts to understand the further story. Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz I was busy these days a bit with my next target, that I ’ll will tell later. Yeah, I ’m back with the next part of this series shashi bhabhi part 3, the concluding part. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m deven shastri, residing in the capital,...
IncestChapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...
If you have read some of my stories you will already know I am a convincing trans and that I love to meet Muslim men. This is a story that happened just over 3 years ago in Birmingham and I wanted to share it with you. I was on a well known swinging site one evening and got chatting to a Pakistani guy called Amit. He was 28, handsome and had a really beautiful brown cock and I already knew I wanted him. After a few messages he wrote, can you I request something of you? Of course I replied. He...
Erin sat on her sofa with her best friend Shasta and as usual the subject turned to their husbands.“My husband has always had this fantasy about watching me have sex with another woman” said Erin“I know what you mean” replied Shasta. Mine has said the same thing about me”Both women laughed, this topic of conversation had come up many times before. “I have an idea” said Erin “lets make a video of us in our underwear….a few sexy poses should put a stop to their going on all the time to see us...
My name is crash. I was a teen when my neighbors from the same country as I am moved in. She had her first son. And in a few months we got to know them very well and we became family friends. When ever we or they had family gatherings they always invited me. And the heroine of the story always treated me like her son. Her name is Shashi (short form of her name) she is 24 and has a body similar to kelly brook (Hollywood actress. please google for more erotic-ness). Her boobs are very similar to...
Agent Chase, Agent Chastity CHAPTER ONE: The Ground Below By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1 In the not too distant future ... AGENT CHASE BINGHAM Chase examined his shoes. They had not been shined in at least a couple of days. This would never do, he decided. He detoured from his brisk walk down the hall into one of the few restrooms open to the public. Grabbing a quick handful of toilet paper, and throwing his feet one at a time onto the sink, he buffed vigorously at the...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...
Agent Chase, Agent Chastity Chapter 2: The Sky Above ? by: Diana Heche Part 1 - BASE COMMANDER KASKE It was the endless piles of the paper work, more than even being stuck on this rock floating in the nothingness of space, which got under the skin of the Base Commander. While his contemporaries were still on active duty fighting in Mexico and the Middle East for the real army, he was working as a glorified policeman for an energy company. The kind of job that washed up alcoholic...
Hunter, Chasity, and I all made our way to my car. We immediately left and went back to our place. I didn't even ask if Hunter rode in with Mason, but he wasn't objecting to anything. Chasity sat in the back of the car, but that didn't stop her from rubbing Hunter's shoulders and pecking his cheek.I didn't get jealous and let it all happen. Considering how hot the night already was up until then, I knew all bets were off, so I was more than willing to find out just how far it would all go. I...
ThreesomesChapter Eighteen: Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen. Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi’s window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I...
Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Yeah, I’m back with a story about which I have talked about in my last story, umm okay let me remind you all about that, remember I talked about Shashi bhabhi in my last story. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m Deven Shastri, residing in the capital, New Delhi, average guy with some good looks I guess, and a normal cock size of 6inch with 2.5 cm thick, to be frank coz I don’t like to be fake at all,...
IncestWednesday - Chastity's Answer Steve was lecturing about chapter 9 and 10 of our Human Sexuality textbook today. It was all about technique. I decided to ask him why we spent so much time on sexual mechanics and so little on love. "After all, it's just intercourse." He frowned. "Remember to watch your language, young lady." I blushed. "I'm sorry. I mean, it's just fucking." Steve looked at me for a long time. Then he spoke. "I'm going to tell you a love story about a girl named...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I fought to keep my fear at bay and marched up the last few steps of the Ziggurat to the top where the open throne room lay. I...
Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Four: Taming the Rakshasa By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Thrak – The Free City of Hargone I clenched my fist as I marched across the deck of the Golden Hunger. The pirate crew scurried around us, preparing the ship to cast off from the river docks of Hargone. We would put out into the Elba River and sail north through the river's mouth and into the Nimborgoth. A northeast course would takes us to the...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Eight: In Sight of Mount Shasta Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Sunday, June 5th, 2072 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Redding, CA “So she's coming along?” I asked when my siblings and Queenie met us downstairs. Sarah was with them, dressed in Queenie's shirt and Reina's pants. Sarah swallowed, her blue eyes wide as she stared at me. “Yeah,” Rex shrugged, his hand sliding down to fondle Sarah's ass. “We had a nice family get...
It was one week since I delivered Miss Hastings to the Bordello in Hythe known as the “Green Room.” Her father had pleaded with me to spare her from the workhouse when I had them thrown out of the property in Brighton Road which he had forfeit on failure to repay my loan with the necessary promptitude. Hastings had a liking for gambling which quite exceeded his talent. He owed money everywhere, his property was mortgaged, and not once but it seemed to many different persons at once, and...
Mark arrived in Istanbul two days and one night after spending the Summer Solstice in a Greek field. He'd been looking forward to seeing the city since setting off on this hitch-hiking adventure during his gap year. In six months he'd be among the dreaming spires of Oxford but, for the moment, that was a different world away from the elegant minarets and towers in the age-old city on the Bosporus. Gateway to Asia; historic Constantinople, a rich alloy of Christian and Muslim that gleamed in...
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Sunday, June 5th, 2072 – Chasity "Chase" Glassner – Redding, CA "So she's coming along?" I asked when my siblings and Queenie met us downstairs. Sarah was with them, dressed in Queenie's shirt and Reina's pants. Sarah swallowed, her blue eyes wide as she stared at me. "Yeah," Rex shrugged, his hand sliding down to fondle Sarah's ass. "We had a nice family get together last night. Sarah's got nothing left for her here." "She's...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I finished dressing after fucking Lasla at the bow of the Treasure Box. The ship was coming into the dock. Thick mooring...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Azkobez Hold, The Otsal Mountains “My mother,” I groaned, the fog falling off my mind. I sat up and saw that the woman who was speaking to me was short....
Dark Tales of Force Feminization Volume One "The Martin Hastings Saga" is a work of erotic fantasy/fiction in three distinct pieces and is not based on any beliefs/realities or are any of the characters based on person's alive or dead. This story contains elements of b/d, s/m, forced femininity, and some explicit scenes of gay sexual activity, some non conventual in nature. The story is meant to be a piece of erotic literature for entertainment purposes...
The Alphas By Cassandra Morgan Cat moved slowly across the floor of the nightclub, purposefully, the way she usually moved. Her head was held high, and she stared straight ahead as she walked. In front of her, the crowd seemed to separate as if it had a will of its own, splitting like the Red Sea, moving out of her way. She moved smoothly, almost like liquid pouring out of a bottle. She did not make eye contact. She did not ask to be excused. It was as if...
The Hastings River starts high on the Great Dividing Range running east down through the picturesque Hastings Valley, through unique river towns such as Mount Seaview, Ellenborough and Wauchope before entering the Pacific Ocean at Port Macquarie. Fishing is popular particularly from October through to June each year with peaks during Christmas and Easter. The river has a wide range of fishing opportunities from freshwater bass and catfish in the upper reaches to estuarine species such as...
Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz i was busy these days a bit with my next target, that i’ll will tell later. Yeah, I’m back with the next part of this series Shashi Bhabhi Part 2. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m Deven Shastri, residing in the capital, New Delhi, average guy with some good looks I guess, and a normal cock size of 6inch with 2.5 cm thick, to be frank coz I don’t like to...
IncestPaul woke up, his heart racing. He checked his watch on the nightstand. 12 midnight, so he had only been asleep for a couple of hours. "Gonna be a long night," he sighed. Ancient but unmistakably feminine smells surrounded him. He looked around the room, scanning its contents. Apparently, nothing had been touched after Rosemary's daughter had died. "A car accident," Rosemary had said, clearly still angry. "Hit and run." Old clothing was left on chairs and dressers, make-up lids were...
To The Manor, ChastenedBy: Hooked6 Copyright January 2011 by Hooked6 ([email protected]) all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an...
This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...
Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 28 Return to Tallahassee Mercifully for Beth her week in Charleston ended. She felt like she had survived a very difficult test and she wanted to celebrate. As they were heading back to Tallahassee Beth looked at Aaron. She knew what she wanted. "We had a good visit in Charleston. I think we need to celebrate. There is a nice Embassy Suites in Savanah. Let's stop there for the night. We can enjoy the Manager's Reception and the...
I'm not a huge fan of social media given the countless incompetent morons that utilize it to spread lies and misinformation BUT I will say that after messaging the wrong TAMMY BIGGS by mistake, I do enjoy the possibilities of new connections. I was in Tallahassee, Florida for a conference and was reaching out to another speaker for the event by the name of Tammy Biggs. However it turns out that I clicked on the wrong Tammy Biggs by mistake but my did it lead to quite some fun!My message was...
Monday morning came round quickly after a lazy Sunday. Samantha as she was now going to be called in the office dressed in tight skirt and top and with bare legs and tight panties underneath she was off on her way to work. Alice and Keisha were already in deep discussion, Alice calling Samantha in to join them and after explaining the setup for their new posts showed the two of them to their new design and strategic planning office as they had decided to call the new department. Samantha smiled...
Samantha Jane couldn’t wait for tonight. Her work colleagues only saw her as the prim and proper Jane as she preferred whilst working. Always dressed in her quite drab office suit with her long blonde hair sc****d back and her ample breasts restrained in a substantial bra. Sensible shoes and unflattering neutral tights and big knickers completed the look.Tonight she would be Sammie the horny milf on the lookout for a good fuck. She had planned the night down to the last detail with sexy new...
"The Marriage of Martin Hastings" REVISED Chapter Three "For Better and For Worse" By Rikki Martin shifted his eyes back and forth, looking at all the people standing, and were totally focused on him. He could not turn his head because of the neck corset held his head slightly tilted back but firmly in place. He saw many people smiling and some giggling at the sight of him, but politely covering...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith “Pass,” I said to Princess Naryu’s offer. “I’m not for sale. None of us are.” The dangerous glint in the rakshasa’s eyes...
WARNING: Fictionmania Readers: This story has elements of forced feminization, s/m, b/d, that forces a man to become the bride of another man. This all takes a place in the realm of fantasy and no where else. There are scenes of sexual activity the take place beginning in chapter 5. This story has been posted here before, but it is much revised now. Dark Tales of Forced Feminization Presents "The Martin...
Hi friends mera naam ajay shah he me ahmedabad ka rahene gujrat ka rahene vala hu meri age 27 year he ye kahani 1 sal pahele ki he jab me mumbai gaya hua tha vaha se muje dilhi jana tha kisi kam ke silsile me mene apna tikit rajdhani ex me 1st Class me banvaya aaj me dilhi jane ke liye ravana hua me tren me apne camparment aagaya camarment me sirf akela tha tren ravana hui uska Phela padav boriwali aagaya boriwali se ek sundar hasin aurat mere camparment me dakil hui usne pink rang ki sadi...
A few years ago when I was thinking over ideas for a story about a magic school, two different rival story ideas formed, each with very different magic systems and plots. At the time, I chose to write the one that became my story the Academy because I thought that it would have made for a much better story. However the other story idea keeps coming back to me ever since, especially whenever I consider ideas for a possible sequel to the Academy. Because that idea has been so persistent...
Hi friends .. Mera naam viraat hai mai uttrakhand ka rehne waala hu. Meri umra 24 saal hai dikhne me ek achaa khaasa naujawaan hu. Dosto ye meri pehli aap beeti kahaani jo mai kissi site pe daal rahaa hu. Maine bhut si kahaania iss site pe padi aur mujhe lgaa ki mujhko bhi apnaa kissa yahaa share krnaa chaahiye . To dosto meri kahaani pade aur mujhko mail kr k bataaye ki story kaisi lagi aapko .Jiss aunty yaa bhaabi ko mujhse secret sex chaahiye wo bhi mail kare il.Com To dosto pesh hai meri...
Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...
Hello, friends, my name is Kunal.This is my first ever sex story on Indian sex stories dot net.I believe in masturbation by imagining rather than watching porn. So to start the story.This story is about south Indian hottest milky milf Shruti Hassan.I and Shruti were school friends.I often used to visit her home.I was alone at my home so I called Shruti for time pass.I came to Shruti was also alone bored at home because all family members had gone for a family function.She offered me to come to...
Chat Night Guest: Thomas Hassan On Saturday August 28, 1999 11AM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Thomas at: [email protected] In a change of pace, the guest is in the room first! (Thomas) Hi! *Looking around the room, waiting for the audience* (*Anne-Mal) Hello! (Thomas) Hmmm soemthing on mz kezboard here is fishz! (*Anne-Mal) For some reason everyone comes late, so don't worry! (Thomas) Arrgh! American keyboard... (*Anne-Mal) I doubt that members of the...
Our story begins with a recent refurbishment of a local theater. The local tabloids had done recent articles on the theater: when it was first constructed, its passings of ownership, and its slow decay with the poor economic times. Our two lovebirds had first fallen in love at this theater. They had been following these news articles with building interest as the week passed, for these articles were the build up to the first show of the refurbished theater. The two lovebirds had made a date of...
CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...
Rosaleen Dickonson’s famous quote says ‘Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children.’ Some parents don’t love their children, though. Some parents hate them, wanting to be rid of them the first moment they legally can. In the small New England town of Munishire exists a school to deal with a select few of these...
Hi to all Indian Sex Stories readers. Firstly let me describe myself. My name is Sony a great fan of this wonderful sex story site. I’m from Bagalkot (Karnataka). I am about 5 feet and 5 inches tall and my tool is 7 inches long 3 inches thick. Presently my age is 24. But in the case of sex, it really doesn’t matter whatever your age is. Skin color is fair and my body structure, I am sort of slim. Well forget all this stuff and let me tell you about my aunt, the heroine of the story. Wow, she is...
IncestThe Hastings WhoreOn Wednesday 3rd September 2012, me and my friends travelled down to Hastings for a friends engagement do. We arrived around about 3pm and made our way to the hotel we were staying at. Around 6pm, we left the Hotel and made our way to a pub called the Anchor before going to the engagement party. We arrived at the Anchor and it looked pretty busy. We got ourselves a table and decided a round or 2. Most of the lads including me are single and we thought, whilst we are down here,...
Introduction: Three short stories on a sensual womans wanton fantasies The whore Hellbent to meet my deadline, I sat hunched over the papers at my desk. A million details raced through my mind before I finally noticed the click-clack of your heals as you walked into my doorway. I looked up and my mouthed dropped open at the faire sight before my eyes. There before me was a true vision of sultry, sexy beauty as you stood in a Betty Page-type pose with your back against the doorframe. One foot...
Sam sat in the waiting room reading her magazine, looking up every now and then to scan the room. A woman came in with her son and sat across from her after checking in with the receptionist. Watching from above the book, she waited patiently. As the woman fiddled with the stack of magazines she made her move. Undressing her legs and reached down to adjust her skirt. Instead, she hiked it up enough to part her legs. Which caught the eye of the young man. Not sure what to do he lowered his head...