ShawnChapter 36 free porn video

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We stayed at my home in the city for a week as I got the businessmen kick started. I almost wanted to do just that in reality. I was heartened though when the newspapers started talking about human rights and the need for the native population to take on many of the tasks that the whites had to bear.

We flew out to the farm and visited my other family. Paka took an immediate liking to Juni but the girl was almost frightened out of her wits when the two first met. This was more of a time to unwind and it was easy to do so here. I was only called a little to practice my trade and most things were simple. Some of the villagers had difficulties but were much better than the population in general.

The courses at the academy now got much more difficult. When the large shipment of computers, monitors and phones had arrived, orders came with it to leave it alone. I now opened some of the boxes and set up just a few of the systems. The teachers and security staff were briefed first and I showed them how to log onto the system and access the satellite. It was getting late and I used the cameras to show our village and individual buildings. I increased the magnification and we watched the students going about their activities. It was difficult to tell who was who because we were almost directly overhead.

They did not believe it so half went out and performed various antics before coming back and then being told what they did. The other half had a turn until all partially believed what was happening. This group had to share twelve machines, leaving four dozen for almost a hundred students. I had to have it this way till the teachers learned what to do to teach the rest.

I went into what a computer was good for and how it would form an integral relation with mankind very soon. They were told they had to share a dozen machines. Juni assembled the next unit using as much care as she could to make sure everybody would be remembered. When the staff had their allotment of units, we used cameras and microphones to allow them to be linked even closer. In an hour I had each of the instructors and other staff talking to each other and seeing who they were talking to at the same time.

The students' education was my goal. One avenue was to learn about the computer through the use of the telephone in conjunction with the machine itself. I was forced to use one of my high tech uplinks and this had to be hid as it was in Ethiopia. Some of the people in Ethiopia had been waiting and those that spoke English helped the even newer people here.

I gave the first few lessons to the students myself the next day. Juni did quite a few as well. The engineers in Ethiopia were called on again and the students were amazed at what was happening. My speech to them after the lessons was very serious. "The people in this room have to learn about this machine and other machines too. In a year or less you will be broken up into groups and will go out into our country to teach many more adults and people your age. If you fail, the ability of this country to compete in world markets as anything more than farmers will be seriously harmed."

They were very solemn at this statement but I knew that they would work even harder to get ahead now. This group was one of the best educated group of natives in Africa and I planed to flaunt their expertise to the Europeans.

The next night I told the academy what I had done so far because they couldn't follow the news very well. The ship, autos, planes and space were not really believed but the computer was thoroughly believed. Some students after only one day, took on the trappings of a religion with the computer. When the presentation came on after dark they all could credit some of the other facts to me now.

I spent a few days camping so that Juni could see the African wildlife but we were in the end of the rainy season now and most times it was very wet. I could just about see the earth soak up the water like a thirsty man and give a little groan of contentment.

Before we left I was able to chase Juni through the savannah when both of us were naked. Juni ran in feigned fright and tried to stay just out of my reach. When she stopped, too tired to carry on I pounced on her and did to her what each of us wanted done. We came back to camp muddy and me holding her in my arms. I don't know if it was her aura or not but I felt closer to her than anybody since Lusa. Mary was next to be sure and I had to assume it was something inside us that made the attraction so strong.

The next day we flew to London. My artworks were selling well but there were never enough of them. For most of the flight, I painted scenes in my mind so that I could put them on canvas when we arrived. A sketch pad did allow me to catch Juni in moments that she was thinking her own thoughts and I even put some of her aura into each.

Sharon and some of the old sorority greeted me very enthusiastically. Juni was a little put out because she thought them more of my wives that I had not mentioned to her. In a quiet moment I told her that the girls were just friends and that I had not touched any of them.

Grandmother and grandfather seemed to love Juni for some reason. They were still put out about the war and the Japanese part in it but Juni was definitely different in their eyes. One night we stayed in dad's old room and then we all went to the civic centre the next day. Grandfather showed her the building and the bas-relief as if he had been the one to do all the work. I chuckled at this for he had become something of an authority on this area of the city.

That weekend we went across the channel and went into Paris to see Monique and the other girls. This time I was mobbed by less but they were even more ardent. Monique and Beth now had more or less steady boyfriends so I just treated them as good friends. Jessica and Stephanie were the only ones still shopping around. Jessica was still looking to have me as her husband and Stephanie loved all the girls but especially needed Monique's company.

I caught up on business as the girls showed Juni the city. More real estate had been purchased in my absence. I inspected the properties and found them to be good investments. That night we went to a fancy restaurant and Juni sampled many different Parisian dishes.

That night in a bed kept specially for me, Juni and I made slow love until she was exhausted. Jessica came into the room and slid into the bed unasked. "Will you make love to me Shawn? It has been such a long time and I really need you."

I looked at Juni and I got her headshake and I just kissed Jessica as an answer. Her cries were eventually so loud that she awoke the rest of the girls but they politely stayed in their own rooms. An hour later she was sprawled on the bed and Juni was again ready to start again. I did not stint and sawed into her opening many times till she fainted from the exquisite feelings running through her. We went to sleep then but later I was awoken with Jessica sucking on Juni's clit.

Juni had awoken half way through the encounter and when she saw me sleeping, she simply let Jessica continue with what she was doing. I got off the bed and found Jessica's back opening and worked my way into it. She sped up her endeavour to please Juni as I worked in her bowels. Juni came first then a minute later Jessica followed. After cleaning myself then Jessica I put the girl on the other side of me and we returned to sleep.

On Monday we travelled back to London. We had enough time to show Juni the 'mall' I had built and how I saw the idea incorporated into the underground shops in Tokyo. She liked the idea immensely even if she had seen the computer generated graphics many times before. At the airport my grandparents saw us off on our flight across the Atlantic.

This time I took watercolours and whiled away my time producing many canvasses for the gallery. Juni did not mind too much because she was in most of them. After a stop for fuelling in Gander, we flew to Toronto. We were met by only Mary and Sally. The rest were still in school and knew better than to skip classes.

I kissed Mary as a husband should and passers by found this odd enough to stop and stare. When Mary was out of breath I stood her up and picked up my little girl and gave her a kiss too.

"Oh Daddy I missed you so much," she said with a lot of feeling.

"I missed you and your mother too. This lady here is the woman that spoke to you on the phone all those times. Sally meet Juni."

All the girls hugged each other and we got into the LandRover and travelled to Mary's home. It was not actually hers now because she had sold it and had possession only until the end of June.

When we got out of the vehicle Juni ran her hand over the body of the large vehicle. "This car is so big. It could carry a large family or lots of cargo."

"We have a lot of snow here and this is a good vehicle for travelling then. We will have to sell the vehicle though because it will cost too much to transport."

Mary piped up, "I can drive it to British Columbia. It should only take four or five days."

"I have been keeping it a secret but I want you with me in Japan instead. You must learn the language and the girls can go to school there. The import export business works best if you meet the people that you are dealing with first. Are you willing to go there and help me?"

"I will go anyplace you want me to go Shawn."

Inside the house I took Mary upstairs and brought the other two with me. I removed her clothes and started making love to her. Juni saw this and removed her own clothing too. Sally copied what the older girls did.

When Mary had her third or fourth orgasm I moved over to Juni and did the same thing to her. With two almost unconscious women on the bed, I floated a frightened then a pleased little girl to me and got her to lie down on my chest so she could calm down.

An hour later I heard the front door open and Liz run upstairs. She at least was quiet at the top and found three naked females sleeping around me. I smiling at her as she said, "Did you save any for me?"

I just brought my finger to my lips and slowly got up with Sally still on my chest. This had to be done with my extra abilities for I was too top heavy. When I got up to my knees I placed the girl down in my place and got off the foot of the bed. Liz came to me with her arms to help and said, "I missed you so much. You don't know what it was like to lose you after I'd just met you."

"I missed you too Honey. Let's go to your room now." She smiled, took my hand and raced to her bedroom. Now the bedroom was much cleaner and in fact the whole house was cleaned up. They told me how all the girls had decided to paint the house together. This allowed them to stay over and both Sofia and Rachael found new bed partners.

Liz needed no foreplay and I slipped into her as I heard her groan of contentment. She was able to meet my thrusts for only a minute before going into overload. The next few orgasms just took the edge off her appetite though. The next one took a long time because I held her back. When I did allow her to orgasm she did so very loudly and my mouth was barely able to stifle her call.

I had been worked up enough that I had my third release as well. I felt more than just content that each of my ladies had done this for me.

Not too much later a car stopped out front and Rachael's mother dropped off her daughter and Sofia. The girls just waved goodbye and entered the house as family would. I was able to meet them at the top of the stairs. They looked up to see my naked form standing there with a reliable indicator telling them that they were wanted. They called my name and ran up almost knocking themselves down in their haste.

"Hello my loves. Do you want to go to my old room?"

They definitely did and started taking off their clothes as they went but Sofia stopped part way and stopped. She had her period and just remembered. She felt very bad about this and I knew if she were left alone she would break down and cry.

"Rachael, Sofia, we are going to have a shower first. Get naked and get running." In a flash they were in the tub and I turned the water on till it was warm. I washed each of them and then slid into Sofia as Rachael held the girl's arms and kissed her lips. I stayed in Sofia until she had her allotment of orgasms and I had one as well.

I carried her wet body to the bed and put her down on some towels before returning to Rachael. "You are last this time darling," I said just before kissing her. Soon I was pounding into her as I did Sofia and she came even sooner. She had three vaginal orgasms and one anal. The last one was in sync with me.

I washed both of us off and took her out to lay her beside Sofia. In the doorway were Mary and Juni watching intently what I was doing. Apparently Juni was taking the old axiom seriously about being in Rome for she was as naked as the rest of us. She came to me and asked, "Are these the other two?"

"Yes, this one is Rachael and the other is Sofia."

"They are very beautiful girls." She left unsaid why she was picked as a wife.

"You are beautiful too. As you get older you will even get more beautiful as your features fill out. I am not lying to you to make you happy. What I said is the truth." She kissed me regardless and she was only a little afraid to believe me.

I closed all the drapes and pulled the blinds for privacy. Mary, Juni and I sat around the dining room table because others would be joining us when they woke up. Mary had heard our conversation and said, "Shawn is right. You are beautiful and will get even more so as you age. When he told us about this aura thing I didn't know whether to believe him or not. After meeting you, I know he was right because I see a lot of similarities in us." She turned to look at me. "Shawn, what do you see in each of us?"

"I see light coming from around your head and your extremities. When I met both of you I knew that you would both be my wives. Lusa had the same glow and I have come to the conclusion that it means that we are meant to be together like the north and south poles of a magnet. Everybody has an aura but there are differences in colour, intensity and even shadings. Both of you when I found you had tumours which I had to remove to save you. Those appeared as black areas in the affected parts of the body."

Mary asked, "What about the other girls?"

I brought my finger to my lips and said lower, "Auras change over time and they may or may not get yours." Just then all the rest of the girls came downstairs with Sally being held by Sofia. The latter was the only one with panties on. When they came into the room I stood and introduced them to Juni. She was kissed like a very old and dear friend. I took Sally and seated the rest.

When they were comfortably seated I said, "I have a surprise for you three. My work in Japan has turned out to be a very serious affair. I have committed all my resources to making the city of Tokyo the best it can be. The import/export company will need lots of training and I want all of us to go to Japan. You will each learn the language and meet the people. School will be taken care of there and you will learn what it will be like to deal in very large business deals. I will be selling not only toys but I will also be selling oil tankers. What do you think of moving there this summer?"

The girls were very happy mainly because they would be with me. Instead of going out I made a meal and we all sat around and talked as if we were nudists. Liz got a few phone calls from friends that she would never have gotten at one time and I was happy to see she was fitting in so well. Soon I had the girls doing their homework or studying. When this was done Juni in an unaccustomed bout of openness started to teach the girls Japanese. This lesson would be well remembered because she used me to let the girls learn about male body parts. The girls had a fun time saying some of the words and even repeated many of them so they would set in well. Juni liked to hold the part in question and repeat many of the special features.

I had to cut the lesson short because Liz wanted to start with some of the Japanese verbs having to do with this activity.

Juni was sleepy, mainly from spanning the different time zones. She stayed up as much as possible but I put her to bed early and took Rachael and Sofia home. I had the girls phone ahead and I met Rachael's parents first and talked a bit about what I was doing in the world. A half hour later I was doing the same thing at Sofia's home.

The parents of both girls were similar and wanted the best for each of their daughters. They knew that the girls followed my dictates to the letter and this made them much better at school. Shy Sofia asked me to keep my cock in good shape in Japanese as we left. Her parents thankfully did not know the language. I said in reply, "I want to spread your legs and nibble on that delicate morsel there for the rest of my days." She blushed even though none of them knew what I was saying. Sofia could only guess at some of the words.

The next day I went to Bay Street and basically picked a businessman who would give me a lead to a good corporate lawyer. When this was done I spent an hour finding all the peculiarities of Canadian law as it pertained to import, export, telecommunications and banking. It was not that much different from the British system. Both did have a lot of waste in how a law was applied and how things could be done. It would take a Supreme Court decision in many cases to see which of the many laws I would be able to work with.

The girls' birthdays were coming up. Rachel's in two weeks and Sofia's three weeks after that. This would be their eighteenth birthdays and of a legal age to go where they wanted. When they graduated high school I wanted them with me. Already the parents were a little tired with me not giving any guidance and had worked out where they wanted to send the girls. None of the decisions would be anywhere close to what I had chosen.

I stayed long enough to draw up some plans for the special engine I would need to power some aircraft I wanted to build. An American plant in western Toronto would have to do for the rough engine spindle. I negotiated with them telling them my requirements. They of course wanted all the engine not the main shaft and bearings. I was adamant and we arrived at a fair figure. There was little they could do with the drawings I gave them because of the radical design of the engine. It would take a month to make and then it would be shipped to Tokyo for me. I signed a cheque for half to get them going and made sure there was a penalty in the contract if they were late in delivering.

Most of the things I set out to do had been completed so the next day we prepared for our flight home with almost a two day stopover in Vancouver. The girls started to cry again even Juni did too. I said, "There is only a little over six weeks to go and you will be flying to Japan. Your birthdays are very soon and I will get your schools to send your transcripts to me. You will then be enrolled in the University of Tokyo. Mary, Liz and Sally will have a private tutor to get them up to speed as fast as possible." After a lot more hugs and kisses Juni and I boarded our flight.

The trip was tedious and again I worked on my watercolours. This time I painted at the back of the plane and called any children that were present to come and see what I was doing. Some parents offered to buy my art but after I had told them what it would cost at my gallery they quietly but quickly backed away from making any offers.

I pointed out nice places in the Rocky Mountains as we flew high over them. Apart for Mount Fuji there was little snow ever in Japan. Like there, I knew snow was in the mountains here all year long. Once we landed I just showed Juni some of the places I thought would be good for our warehousing and sales. If the trucks were sold, they would come in as subassemblies and would be assembled on the site of any large earth moving operation. Automobiles could come in here if I made ships that could accommodate that kind of cargo. We discussed the properties I already owned to see if we could find a better purpose for them.

When we got off the plane I called a resort and we were driven higher into the mountains for a relaxing day. At noon the next day we were driven back to Vancouver and a taxi drove us around to see many of the sites I wanted to investigate at a much closer distance.

There were a lot of Oriental people here and Juni struck up a conversation with a shop owner about the weather and opportunities for making a profit. The talk went on for five minutes till the owner deduced who I was. I urged Juni out at this point. We shopped for a few nice things for souvenirs and when it was time to go. I recovered my paintings and shipped them to London.

When we finally arrived in Tokyo many hours later, it was raining hard as we ran down the steps and across the tarmac to the shelter in the terminal. Customs recognized me immediately and we went through very quickly. Juni's father was waiting for us and she ran to him and Juni gave him a big kiss in public. Mr. Hitomi was a little put out about the showing of affections in public but secretly liked it nevertheless. Our bows to each other though were very formal.

In the car Juni told about her around the world trip and what she had done. Vancouver was most recent in her mind and she talked about how beautiful it was.

Kochiyo and Maeko descended the front steps of the house when we arrived. Maeko opened the car and offered to carry the heavy suitcases. I gave a lighter piece of luggage to each and one to Juni as well. Mr. Hitomi gladly carried the computer while I took out the rest of the luggage and let the driver take the car away.

Inside Juni opened her suitcase and gave out souvenirs from all the places we stopped at. Juni was soon very sleepy and went upstairs to her old room while I had a quiet talk with her father. "Sir now that your daughter is my wife it is up to me to provide a place for her to stay. I have more women and a child coming in a month. Would your household be unduly upset if we stayed here until our own home is built. This may take up to two years."

"My home has been quiet for a long time and I think I will like to hear the patter of little feet. Tell me more about the child."

I took out my pictures again of Sally and the other girls and told him more about the child. He seemed captivated by the girl because in some ways she reminded him of his daughter at that age. When I was about finished telling everything about the family I said, "You have taken on a heavy responsibility. Being Juni's father will make you a grandfather to the child. She is not being brought up with Japanese customs. She will be what is called a 'holy terror' in this house." The man chuckled mainly because he would have two women to run interference for him.

I took out of my pocket a small device with a blunt antenna and pushed a button to turn it on. A tone came from the small speaker and Mr. Hitomi asked, "What is this for?"

"Go into you office with this and walk around." The man did and when it came close to the microphones a much higher tone came from the machine. He gave a big smile and walked throughout the house trying to find more. When he came back he said, "This is so small and so sensitive. I can be yards away and find the devices. Lamps, telephones and motors make a much different sound."

"I have been doing some thinking and I believe that soon they will be putting things in the telephones or on the line where it leaves the house and pick up information from your own phones." I took out a small head set I had made and plugged the end of the wire into the device. He looked at me questioningly and I said, "They can hear the tone and know they are found out. The way it is now, you will know and the others will not. The meter on the face will also give you an indication. These are what our plant here makes. It took a while to get the special chips fabricated but they are being made in small units. In a few months I will get the individual circuits patented and then the unit will be for sale."

"Ah a very good idea Sir Shawn."

"Before I left Mr. Hitomi, it was simply Shawn. I would like to be thought of as your son-in-law."

"Shawn it will be. My name is Morie and I would prefer if you call me that."

I was pleased and said, "Well Morie here is my next plan and I think you will say your usual, 'impossible'." He shook his head no, so I said, "I want to go the American base and buy some of the scrapped B-47 airframes. They have no engines and no instrumentation." The man looked at me questioningly and I continued. "I have partial engines coming that I will complete here. The new plane will now be able to fly well over a hundred and twenty miles." This was actually a very short distance, so I continued, "from the earth."

"Impossible, where did you get an idea like that? The plane was a high altitude bomber then given the task of doing the same thing at a few hundred feet. It is a good plane but the new missiles can take it out easily."

"I may not be able to outrun a missile but I can make it almost fly to that altitude. My engines are designed to be very powerful and will do the job easily. When they get very high scoops come out and funnel additional air into the engines to allow them to function at a higher altitude."

"Still impossible."

"The part I think you will find impossible hasn't been spoken yet. In place of bombs I will have electronic packages that will be propelled by a simple scramjet engine that will take the instruments up many more miles till a rocket places them in orbit."

This time I was only given a look and I continued, "The satellites I will begin launching will provide phone coverage for the entire planet."

"I still do not understand your reasoning. We have land based telephones and radio now. Why go to the expense of launching satellites?"

"There will be a lot of money to be made when anybody anywhere can talk immediately to their friends or fellow businessmen. Consider the possibilities if I were in a plane leaving Tokyo and I just thought of a way that would make you a million dollars. Should I wait and perhaps have somebody else pick up this money?"

"It would usually wait until you landed and then phoned me."

"But not always. Instant communications is a thing that will make my company very rich. Another thing my launching will do is bring the world's attention here to us. Soon I will sell the system to other countries for a lot of money. My satellites will be up there first. Like our ships, they will be there first of a new way of thinking. We will be able to sell the technology to others for a good profit. Television and surveillance will be very lucrative."

"I want to keep the technology for the ship to ourselves. You made a good design and we can use it for many years to come."

"Well Morie they will steal our ideas if we don't sell them. This way we make money. Also I want to tell you about a new ship that is four times as fast and can still carry 500,000 dead weight tons of petroleum."

The man's eyes fairly glowed in thought of this. "This ship will be even more secure from storms because it will travel a hundred feet beneath the waves."

The man's eyes now came back with the shock. "Don't joke like that. I am an old man."

"Well, old and revered father, I was not joking. I found that a submarine can travel much faster beneath the waves than on the surface. I will have our ships carry equipment that the world's navies do not have. This will make their trips safe and perhaps even boring." I saw that he was not over the shock yet so I added, "We will wait a few years at least before we consider selling technology but the other ship yards will know our present plans much sooner."

Most of the wealthy families and institutions had banded together with me to form a large company now. I owned large tracts of the city and the company with me owned much more. In a month I had the large excavating equipment ready and started to dig a trial trench for an underground rail line that would only have three sets of tracks in them with a small maintenance walkway beside. In twenty four hours we had dug six miles of trench forty five feet deep by a hundred feet wide. The machine had a large wheel that would rotate and scoop earth and dump the soil onto a belt. The operator would swing it to one side and scoop more. It reminded me of a large chainsaw because of its great voraciousness.

The machinery was just in the testing stages and I kept the speed slow to make sure it didn't break down with everybody watching. The conveyor following the rotating buckets was outside the trench and only a short but very fast conveyor was used to dump material on the other belt. Before we were done the day's work steel had already been put into place and a moving form and been made to be pulled behind us by another machine.

The trench was very wide because homes and businesses were now going to be incorporated into the matrix. A freight train at night could stop on the tracks and a business could just unload directly into their lowest basement. Elevators would move the cargo to where it was needed. The ground level entrance would provide a place for retail activity to take place. The two levels above would supply housing for the owners and their employees or just rented out to families.

Same as Shawn
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Abby exhausted herself right into a deep sleep, where I joined her after cleaning us both up and straightening the bed. The night passed without incident. Other than a trip to the bathroom, we slept until morning when the general hotel noise woke us both. Showers and breakfast were done in short order, because we had shopping to do. There was a large indoor mall near Mark’s apartment and we headed there in time for their ten AM opening and went straight to work to repair Abby’s wardrobe. It...

1 year ago
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My First Bondage Experience

I was introduced to my very first bondage experience by a gal I know. We are good friends and she asked me to watch a BDSM Video with her and we did and she whispered into my ear that she would like to do that to me. I wasn't sure I wanted to but she talked me into it. She led me into my bedroom and asked me to strip naked and I did without hesitation and soon I found myself standing naked in front of her. She instructed me to climb onto the bed and told me to lay down on my tummy. I felt her...

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Reddit Gone Erotic, aka r/GoneErotic! Do you like to browse through images that are naughty, but in a tasteful way? Well, this subreddit, called r/GoneErotic/, is basically all about showing off gorgeous women and handsome hunks in a seductive scenario. As they say, this is more than just showing explicit images; it is about the way they show them and how they leave your imagination to run wild.There is a lot for you to browse through because Reddit is an overall amazing place. So, if you are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Daddys Honey Pot

His distracted mind quickly snapped to my attention, realizing what had happened to his sweet little girl. Daddy snatched me up into his arms, gently kissing me on my cheeks. As I wrapped my arms around his neck, squeezing onto him tightly, he carried me into my bedroom, still sopping wet and writhing in pain. He whispered into my ear; "Oh babygirl, you're alright, Daddy's here now, Daddy has you baby." I was still sobbing as he laid me down onto my queen sized bed. My petite body...

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Work meeting today with mature curvy lady wearing

Had a meeting at work today with a mid 40s woman, size 16 ish figure and she was wearing tan tights , heels and a shortish thin dress than rode up when she bent over the desk to get some documents we had to discuss. Don't know how I hid my hard on from her.She met me at reception and all the way to her office I could hear the swishing noise of her nylon covered thighs rubbing against each other.I definitely know she wasn't wearing stockings as she sat facing me at a round table and when she...

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first love3

Jesse groaned and followed. Marissa was the party animal and wasnt afraid to do anything. Jesse was the shy, cute guy who didnt like attention drawn to himself. He doesnt know why they hang out, they were totally different people but bring the best out to each other. Marissa and Jesse arrived at the house that was already packed with people. Jesse followed Marissa in and immedinately became nervous. Marissa was all hyped up and ready to party as usual. When she noticed Jesse, she went...

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I was on one of my daily walks. Long walks. I'd walk for hours on end, almost every day. Not from the beginning, though. In the beginning I'd stay in bed with the curtains drawn, numbed by sorrow. Mourning my wife's death, and feeling sorry for myself having lost my job which had meant a lot to me. My wife was driving our car, when a truck coming from the opposite direction had blown a front wheel tyre. Annie was killed instantly and I had lost part of my left arm and suffered a few other...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 87 Jessie Meets Treebeard

The young man said nothing but just nodded. As soon as Jessie nodded back with an “OK” he raced around the counter and closed the office door and put up the ‘Closed’ sign. He then pulled down his own trousers and underwear and plonked himself down in a chair just over from where Jessie was standing. Jessie looked down at the guys limp cock resting between his legs. It didn’t look particularly big and had a cute little tube of foreskin hanging over the end hiding the knob of the penis. What...

2 years ago
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CowboyChapter 2

Mrs Marie Johnson was entirely unaware of the state of their finances. She had met Mark Johnson in Boston when he worked as assistant manager for Crumblies, a department store that supplied all the haberdashery needs for a segment of the middle class of the region. Mark Johnson was handsome and helpful, it made him popular with the ladies, who often found reasons to need to ask for his especial help in discovering just the right shade of blue cloth or understanding the cleaning requirements...

1 year ago
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Derby Line Marriage Ch 32

Hanna arrived a few minutes early to Rockefeller Center where she was supposed to meet Jovita. It was Christmas Eve, or as Hanna liked to call it Erev Christmas, and the famous Christmas tree was up in the plaza. Hanna looked at it as she thought about the change in her attitudes over the past year. A year ago, I wouldn’t have looked twice at a Christmas tree. By this time next year, I’ll be Jovita’s wife and we’ll be sure to have a tree in our home. Opposing assimilation into America’s...

2 years ago
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Games 3 Chucks Gaming NightChapter 6 Center of Attention

The silence stretched out for a long moment until Jackson spoke up, breaking the stillness. “I think we’ve all had plenty of enjoyment. Don’t you think Niki deserves some too? Steve, grab that blanket, and Brenden, finish getting the game stuff in the box and clear off the table.” Waiting while Steve got the blanket, Jackson moved forward and spread the soft flannel fabric over the table. “Um, Niki ... lay down, and we will, you know, make you feel just as good as you made us feel... ?” The...

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PornMegaLoad Gia Costello Sex And The Single MILF

Gia “ChickSicilian” Costello chats with Oliver Flynn and mentions that she loves big cocks. That’s what Oliver has for the busty brunette’s mouth and pussy in her first big bang at XL Girls. They fuck hard and long and in a variety of positions that hit Gia’s sweet spot just right. To seal their new friendship, she wants that massive load of sticky cum spurting all over her face, and what Gia wants, Gia gets. “I love a hard, rough, sweaty, long sex...

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A Long Hard Look part 5

I couldn’t speak. I was proper shocked as he sat down next to me. ‘Judy! Bloody hell, is Ross really your brother’s friend like?’ ‘He is, they’ve been friends since college,’ I answered, not able to take my eyes off him. Mmm, he was the gorgeous stud that I face fucked 2 hours ago. Now we’re in the same household together. I couldn’t believe my luck. ‘Is Ross your brother?’ ‘Nar babe he’s my cousin. Just visiting my auntie for Chrimbo, my dad’s on vacation with my mum in Portugal, they left...

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A Mile High Encounter with Laura

A lady friend of mine once confessed at a dinner party an amusing event that happened to her on an aeroplane. She had been flying alone, economy class from London to San Francisco, and was sat next to a small, overweight, middle-aged man. The cabin lights were dimmed for that dubious time period when flight attendants arbitrarily decide it is bedtime (regardless of the fact it is daylight outside and only 2 o’clock in the afternoon), and she woke from a nap to find she was inexplicably...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 13

Sereine and I getting stuck in a quarantine shelter for almost a week didn’t really affect my overall schedule. I didn’t have much to do before I had to leave for Shilling, so there was a lot of available time in my schedule. The only impact the delay caused me, was my having to reschedule a few minor things that I wanted to do before I left for Vora. Overall, I would be able to finish all of my outstanding tasks before my departure date. One of the good things that happened while I sat in...

4 years ago
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Troom First Time Hot Bi n Trans Stories

Hot Bi and Trans Short Stories1. T-Room First TimeThese short stories are kinky-hot tales that fit in with The Prelude Stories and the My TV Sex Adventures. They are from a variety of time periods beginning, like this one in my teens and extending to ummm… probably last week or so. Enjoy and comment, particularly if you’ve had similar experiences!!! What to do on a school holiday? I was a new proud holder of a driver’s license, employed as a dishwasher, and a happy-to-be-driving used-car owner....

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KittyChapter 5 Sally McCall

It had not been my intention to see Janet and Berry off. I didn't think I could bear to see them leave. But as the hour of their departure approached, Ruth must have seen me keeping an eye on the clock. At first, I declined her offer to let me take a few minutes off. I argued that it was the middle of our rush hour. She whispered something to Ben, and he ordered me to get out of his kitchen, adding that he was concerned that in my present state of mind, I was an accident waiting to...

4 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 6

It was Friday night - half a year since I had started my life over with Abby. I was sitting on a bare hardwood floor looking at the sunset from the picture window. The white walls were bathed in golden light from dozens of candles I lit around the room, leaving shadows to dance in corners of the high ceiling. "Tommy?" "In here." I called. Abby came in the living room, dressed in a simple white sheath dress. She knew I loved the way she looks in white. This dress clung to her like a...

2 years ago
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Mel begins her new life

Mel, short for Melissa, was a completely normal girl growing up. By the time she reached 18 though, she knew that she wasn't normal. She couldn't remember ever being sick, and she could read people. That is to say, she could look at someone on the street and know what was going on behind their eyes, know the dark thoughts and urges that they keep hidden from the world. She could also tell what was going on in their body, whether they were healthy, or whether they were harboring some unseen...

3 years ago
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Medusa Fates GameChapter 10

~~Darian~~ Darian took a small step back, and kept his sword up and ready. “Patrius.” “Patrius ... the guard from Tiryns?” Otrera came up beside Darian, sword as ready as his own, and scanned over the group of villagers. They were just people, armor as old and untended as a farmer’s sword, and untrained hands fumbling with their equipment with just as much clumsiness. Their fingers floundered over the weapons, and their eyes glazed over their work, half open, with heavy shoulders and...

1 year ago
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Ida Found Her Pleasure

The scenes are making her excited more than the other days. She knows the reason. She is fantasizing with Dave, her first love. She imagines that Dave and she are the star of the porn movie that she’s watching in her PC. Ida was oversized and that’s a frustration in her life. She stands on her 19. Her weight was 98 kg with a 5’-11” height. Her breasts were 42. She tired several times consulting with doctors to reduce her weight, but those didn’t work indeed. Every boy in her school used to...

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Lair of the Cryptmother

Althea Amberhearth sat at her usual spot in the Black Crab tavern. Few windows and a scarcity of candles meant the establishment rarely rose above dim light. Probably so that the customer base would fail to notice the numerous stains littering the wood floor. A shame the lighting did little to stymie the stench, as the sickly sweet scent of old ale trickled into the young woman's nose. She idly flipped her loose, blonde braid from one shoulder to the other and glanced back toward the wooden...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 1MotherinLaw Delight

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter One: Mother-in-Law Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. King Edward IV – Shesax, The Kingdom of Secare A pleased smile spread across my lips. For once, things moved swiftly upon my command. Word had arrived that not only had Knight-Errant Angela been accused of high crimes by the Doge of Raratha, but so had Acolyte Sophia ev'Tith, servant of Saphique and daughter of the contemptible Duchess of Tith....

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Sins from my Stepmother Book 1 Ch 15

I My name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he wasn’t around much. He travelled to Europe regularly and commuted during the week to Manhattan for meetings. When he was home, he was either...

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Velma a great lesbian

While Marge quite often gave high teas at which everyone dressed up, mornings she would usually spend in the company of her cousin Millie or her friend Velma. The two seldom came together. Jo could tell why: Marge’s cousin and Velma were from two different worlds. One could see Millie doing church work, singing in the choir, or helping pass the collection plate. Velma belonged in a strip show. And it didn’t take much to get Velma to strip, or at least to take off her blouse and exhibit those...

3 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 26 Social Acceptability Going Public Commitment Ceremony

“Do you think we’re too far off the scale of social acceptability?” Ashley asked. We were sitting in the new sauna. The temperature in the sauna was around 160-degrees Fahrenheit, and I’d just poured some water on the heated rocks to add a little steam; but not too much or we’d scald. Over the past three months since the unit had been completed in the addition to the house we’d experimented with the temperature and water, always erring on the cautious side. I responded to Ash, “Whoa! What...

1 year ago
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Wendy Ch 01

This conversation and the ensuing adventure took place nearly a half century ago, when ‘a penny for your thoughts’ was a bargain worth consideration and when American made automobiles gathered at drive-ins where a tray of food was hung on the driver’s door and at drive-ins where cars faced a giant screen in case someone actually wanted to watch the movie. “She kept me waiting!” I blurted out. Then catching myself, I lowered my voice an octave and said through clenched teeth, “she kept be...

4 years ago
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Tiffany Takes it Seriously

One event in my calendar that I always look forward to is Sabrina’s sexy girlfest. It coincides with her husband’s annual golfing vacation and enables five horny women to meet up at her delightful country house for a weekend of sexy female fun. We enjoy a simple diet of fruit, champagne and orgasms and when we're all in the hot tub together we share some of the highlights of our sexual encounters during the previous year. I use a small Dictaphone to record all the graphic details so it’s a bit...

3 years ago
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I am 69

This story starts on day three of my summer adventure abroad. I was visiting my favourite uncle and aunt who live in Dubai. My uncle took me shopping to The Mall of the Emirates; we spent all day chatting, shopping and browsing the fabulously expensive and extravagant stores. I had a funny feeling all day, deep inside me. that someone had been following us throughout the mall, but I had been putting it out of my mind. We made our way back to my uncle's white Mercedes Jeep that was parked on...

First Time
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Love Unexpected

‘We’ started with a drunken phone call on December 27th, 2003. Christmas of 2003 had been a rough time for me for many reasons (which I won’t go into here). I was going through a time when I just wanted to stay in bed and wallow in self-pity, and believe me, I did it well. After awhile the phone stopped ringing and the ‘festive’ invitations stopped coming. No one wanted the ‘dark cloud’ to rain on their Christmas cheer and I couldn’t really blame them. I didn’t even want to be around me. ...

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The Smother Box

?Damn,? I swore as I saw what time it was.  I had told Wendy that I’d be home in time for dinner at 6, and now it was 6:20.  I had stayed at the bar for ?just one more? with the guys and now I was late.  I hoped she wasn’t too upset.  I know she puts a lot of effort in making everything just right and it irks here when her plans get shot.I let myself in and hoped I could play it off.  ?Hi baby, I’m home?.  I moved into the dining room and saw that the table was already set.  The nice plates...

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Two Can Play Ch 06

‘Have a good time?’ Paul asked. ‘Wonderful,’ Rachel brightly responded. ‘How many men did you fuck?’ ‘Is that for you to know?’ Rachel was shocked by the brutality of the question. ‘I think it is. What you do is very much my concern.’ ‘We agreed on an open marriage, if you remember. That doesn’t mean I have to tell you everything – nor you me. And frankly, I’d rather not hear about your activities whilst I was away.’ ‘There‘s not much to tell.’ ‘If you must know, there were four. Tony...

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Auctioned into white slavery

  Steve kept studying the bank deposit slip over and over again. He couldn’t believe that he’d just deposited five million dollars into a money market fund under his and Becky’s name this morning. They went from being unemployed and homeless to millionaires over night. Both he and Becky lost their jobs a few months ago when their company was bought out and they merged their company with the parent company laying off hundreds of clerical workers.   All homes of buying a dream house and having...

2 years ago
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The Office Whore Part 27

Office 27Reina woke up to find Chad holding her captive in his arms. It was a nice feeling. When they were like this, nothing else in the world seemed to matter. She laid still and enjoyed listening to the rhythm of his breathing, sighing happily as she remembered how they had thoroughly enjoyed each other last night. She hoped that everything she had planned for his birthday would make him happy and, hopefully, make him see that he could have the best of both worlds. She could be the loving...

Office Sex
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Ninas Joke Backfires

38 year old Nina was in bed and heard the shower start up. This was going to be great she thought. She had doctored 18 year old Megan’s shampoo with colour, a bright red. It would last for days. Nina listened for the inevitable shriek. Megan would be so embarrassed with her red hair. It would only be another moment but just then Megan passed her bedroom door and Nina realised it wasn’t Megan in the bathroom. Then who was she wondered? There was only her Mum in the house. Then it hit her. Mum...

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Michaels cove

Like many people over the years, Michael had moved here to the beach after a nasty divorce. The whole process, the fucking lawyers always with their hands in his pockets, a judge that was interested in her re-election campaign and then there was the cheating, fucking slut of a wife left him drained. He had gone through months of hell as they disected every part of his life over the last 18 years. All he wanted now was to lay back, relax in his little, private beach house and enjoy some time...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 47

Well, Tim was in watch invisibility mode and wondering the same thing. 'That bunch on the barge are absolutely guilty ... the Coast Guard knows it ... the girls know it. If I just flash the pen ... then nobody remembers ... no one can testify because no one knows. When they get that wreck off the bottom they're going to know there was no reason for that boat to sink.' The higher ups ... the ones who pay for all this ... felt it was getting too dangerous to let it go on. Snuff movies pay...

3 years ago
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Games 3 Chucks Gaming NightChapter 2 Chuckrsquos Party

Feeling a bit odd, but in a good way, Niki lay on her bed, dressed while at home for the first time in a couple weeks. She could hear Chuck’s friends arriving, and the somewhat boisterous chatter filtered into her room through her closed door. After a while, things seemed to settle down, and she assumed they were getting involved in whatever game they were playing. Having agreed with Chuck earlier to at least say hello, and not stay cooped up all night, she decided to go get a glass of ice...

2 years ago
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DCH Kathys FallChapter 2

Afterward, while we were lying on the bed Jack suggested that I spend the night. "Kathy, you have had quite a bit to drink tonight. I think it might be a good idea for you to spend the night here," he said. "You're probably right," I said and promptly feel asleep. When I woke up in the morning, Jack was in the shower so I dressed quickly and then stuck my head into the bathroom. "Jack, I am going home to shower and get ready for work," I said. "Okay, I'll see you in the office,...

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Second ChanceChapter 30

Waiting a few minutes to give Colleen time to get ready for bed, I realized for the first time in three weeks I wasn't grieving for Beth Ann. It still hurt but I could function without the awful sadness that had been haunting me. Colleen's bedroom was bathed in soft light, which was filtered through a red scarf she'd thrown across the lampshade. It was a perfectly feminine space. You might say, girly but in no way childish. Her furniture all matched and was of an eggshell tone, offsetting...

1 year ago
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Nicole the MILF and Her Morally Questionable Actions INCIDENTS 15 EDITS

First off, I haven’t written anything in years, something possessed me this last week and all I did was work on this. Very strange behavior, don’t expect anything else for a while, if ever. The following is a fantasy (as in porn fantasy) story about an abnormally well hung teenager and a MILF. The major theme here is mother/boy. Contrary to my older written works, this is not a xxx story filled with fucking, this is more sensual and erotic. Romantic even. ******* Nicole the MILF and...

3 years ago
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Chocolate and GoldChapter 8

I've lost track of time over the last four months. So much has happened so quickly that none of us had time to stop and smell the coffee, or the roses, or anything else. I'll try to put it in chronological order if I can. First, the results of the trials were much better than anticipated. The fully formulated resin was much more efficient, so we were able to get more power than the initial prototypes. In addition, the thin panel product was fully functional as a power source, while not...

1 year ago
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Replacement TherapyChapter 3 Yoyo DeDe and Captain Kirk

Thank god it was dark when I tried to open my eyes. I was floating around in some never-never land. I could feel pain, but it wasn't acute. It was my eyes that hurt the most. They were like two steel ball bearings, rolling around in the bottom of a tin can. Even the slightest movement of my head would set them off again. I tried to form a coherent thought. Where was I? What had happened to me? I was lying on a cool, firm surface, trying to concentrate. There was a cover over me. I could...

3 years ago
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Waterbury Hills High School Teachers Friday Night Fun Club

I got home with my friend Seth late Friday night.  I could hear giggling and laughing and talking coming from the patio.  We walked out to find my mom standing naked pouring wine for her friends in the hot tub.“Hi Richie, you know everyone. Say hi to your teachers,” mom said.“Uh, yeah, hi Ms. Nelson.  Hey Mrs. Carey.”As seniors in high school, Seth and I had Ms. Nelson for advanced calculus.  Last year Mrs. Carey was my history teacher.  My mom teaches senior English and has Seth this year in...

2 years ago
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Identity Theft

Identity Theft By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author?s Note: Identity Theft, crooks using somebody else?s ID and credit cards to steal over the Internet is a very real problem. The victims, the individuals whose Ids are used, can lose their life savings and spend months, maybe years, trying to restore their credit and their good name. When I read an article about it recently, it occurred to me that such thieves better be very careful whose identity they steal. * * * *...

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Party Interruptus

Taylor had finished her shower, toweled herself dry, and pulled on her black, silk bikini panties when she walked out into the bedroom to continue getting ready for the party. Her first sight was Dave, her husband, sitting on the bed, naked and hard. She could see every heartbeat, as his rigid cock just slightly moved up and down with every pulse of blood into it.“Dave, what are you doing? We need to—““Forget the party, we need this more.”“No, you need this more. Going to the party was your...

Straight Sex
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The Road to ChaosChapter 36

After the tsunami cleanup, after the prescribed period of national mourning, after the investigation into the confiscation of the Flintkote boat absolved him from any violation of Maritime law, Chief petty officer Mahiro Sato was finally at peace to look into the directions for building his portal. The boat was refurbished at National Expense and returned to the Flintkote family along with the thanks of a grateful nation. The Flintkotes were unstinting with neither labor nor finances. The...

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Nikita Bhabhi8217s 8216Joystick8217

Hello Everyone! This is Nik again – back with one more sexcapade. The following story is a genuine incident. I enjoyed the rush of hormones and the thrill in it. I am narrating it as it is. Hope you too like it. Those who are reading this story for the first time, I would suggest you head over to my earlier story where I and . This story is a continuation of the previous incident and is one among many regular sexual encounters that I had been having for past few months. After the first sex that...

2 years ago
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The Twin Peaks Leverage

Introduction: Emma finds leverage on Amy Authors Note: Thank you for the feedback, everyone! I made sure to try and make some more sense in this one and hopefully you like it a lot better then the first one I wrote! Amys face rested between both of her hands as she sat directly across the table from me. Occasionally, she shifted between her hands until a small red blotch appeared on her cheeks from the pressure. Her legs were crossed delicately, whereas mine were spread apart slightly as I...

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