Strange RelationshipsChapter 32A: More Object Lessons -- And Velma Gets A Visitor free porn video

Nora was ready when Nate wheeled up in front of the mansion; she climbed in, and Nate headed for the hospital. Nate was pensive; after a quick peck on her cheek, he was quiet for several minutes.
Finally, Nora opened up with, "Was the job that bad?"
"No, it was okay. Nothin' super-duper, but a lot better than nothin'." He sat quiet for a moment, then, "I'm wonderin' if I done wrong..."
"Why? What happened?"
"Well, it's complicated. I don't want you to tell your Daddy and have him land on the guys at work with both feet..."
"Are they doing something wrong?" Nora asked, concerned.
"Well, uh, no. Well, it would be, normally, but it didn't feel wrong in this case..."
"C'mon, Honey -- out with it. We'll try to keep Daddy out of it."
"Okay, well, the warehouse manager is doin' his secretary..."
"Really?" Nora shook her head. "Well, he's not hiding it very well if you found out on your first day..."
"They ain't hidin' it. Everybody knows -- in fact, the secretary likes to have two..."
"Whoa! Don' go too far, here! Lemme finish!" Nate waved his hands.
"All right," Nora replied suspiciously, "Keep driving..."
"The secretary is a slut -- I ain't callin' names, here, SHE says she is!" Nate insisted. "An' she likes to, well, suck a little dick while the boss does her..." He held up a finger to forestall an outburst from the thunderclouds gathering over Nora. "She didn't get mine..." This backed things down quite a bit. "I never touched her, but..." Nora was waiting him out, but her expression was skeptical. "Okay, she likes to be watched, an' she likes to be told how skanky she is. I was there, and she asked me to, so I turned on my rap an' let her have it, 'bout as nasty as I could think of. It was only after she cum like a racehorse I got to thinkin' that maybe that was sex?" The question was punctuated with a nervous glance.
"You didn't touch her?"
"Uh uh. Made a point of tellin' her I was taken an' off limits -- polite, of course."
"So, you watched while she did what, exactly?"
"She was takin' it doggie-style an' blowin' a dude at the same time."
"And she asked you to call her dirty names?"
"Yeh. I rolled it up inta some wild shit, bein' staked out nekkid in the 'hood with 'Slut' tattooed on her tits an' takin' on whoever showed up, three at a time. 'Bout then she started to blow..."
"What does this woman look like?"
"Big, dark-haired Italian-lookin' bitch, thirty-five or forty. Not your movie star -- even porn flicks -- except maybe just on eagerness to please..."
"Uh huh." Nora could see Nate's problem; she couldn't decide whether she was mad or not, herself... "It was sex, Nate. After a fashion. I'd be very angry if she'd... serviced you..."
"I didn't touch her!" Nate insisted. "I told her no offense, but I had better at home and wasn't about to fuck it up!"
"I believe you." Nora rubbed Nate's back, feeling the dense muscles. "I honestly can't decide whether to tell you never to do it again or not... Does it seem likely she'll ask?"
"Mebbe," Nate grunted. "It seemed like it was the icing on the cake..."
"Was you being black part of it?"
"Well, it coulda been. But black dicks ain't new to her -- she was suckin' one."
"Yeh. She only fucks the boss, but she's sucked mosta the dicks in the place, and 'bout half of 'em are black..." Nate shrugged.
"Okay." Nora thought about it. "This could go a bunch of ways -- I'm not sure how I feel about it. If she asks, you can talk nasty to her again -- don't volunteer! -- but if you let her suck you off, and I'm not standing there, obviously approving, I'm gonna be real mad!" She eyed him a moment. "And I reserve the right to change my mind about this at any time!"
"Okay." Nate wasn't dumb -- he was STILL in the doghouse.
"You told me, though, and that's big." Nora pecked him on the cheek. "And it WAS an... odd... situation. You're off the hook, for now..."
Nate's mother was in rare form when they showed up: "Huh! I figgered you wasn't comin'. I'm goin' NUTS in this fuckin' place!"
"Sorry, Mama -- I had to work."
"You WHAT? Since fuckin' when?"
"Since 'bout four o'clock. Got a job in a warehouse, loadin' and unloadin'."
"It fuckin' pay anythin'? This place is gonna be expensive..."
Nate shrugged. "Twelve-fifty. Don' worry 'bout this -- you're insured, since Nora's Pa decided you was."
"I wonder what the fuck THAT is gonna cost," Tabitha grumbled, flashing a glance at Nora. "You got any idea, Girl?"
Nora shrugged. "None. I'm surprised that he interfered at all; I think the reason was that you kind of implied that he was your protector, then Rodday ignored it. Daddy doesn't take insults well. That and, well, you're family..."
Tabitha gave her a jaundiced look, "Until YOU say otherwise..."
Nora turned an eye on Nate that told him that this evening's escapade wasn't over, and replied, "As long as Nate remembers to keep his... dick... where it belongs, we'll be fine..."
Tabitha sniffed something. "An' where's that?"
"In me!" Nora took the dare.
Tabitha chuckled. The girl had pluck! She'd expected 'In his pants!' "Boy, you in trouble fer sumpthin'?"
"Uh, sorta, maybe..." Nate sensed that he was being cornered. "I didn't fuck nobody."
Nora amplified, "The secretary at Nate's new job likes group sex. And she likes being talked nasty to and humiliated. Nate talked nasty to her."
Tabitha's head swiveled, "That's sex, Boy."
"I kinda figured, afterward. During, it was jus' runnin' my rap."
"You gave her what she wanted, an' she came -- right? If it'd been a business transaction, she'd owe you for it."
Nate nodded. If Mama said it was sex, it was. She'd know...
Tabitha looked at Nora and amplified, "Some johns just want to watch you play with yourself while they jack off." Nora went pink. "Sorry, Baby, I keep forgettin'..."
"It's okay. Daddy has been educating me. I know he gets off on dominating people, with or without sex..."
"You mad?" Tabitha asked.
"Uncomfortable. I know he didn't realize, until after. And he DID come to me with it right away. I'm not thrilled, but..."
"Too fuckin' late, right?"
"What'd ya tell him ta do nex' time?"
"I told him that he could talk dirty to her IF she asked -- but if he did anything else without me standing there..."
"That was broadminded of ya," Tabitha opined. "Most gals woulda said, 'No, but FUCK no!'..." She turned a glare on Nate, who threw up his hands.
Nora smiled ferally. "Well, I might want to watch, sometime..."
Tabitha chuckled. "He's your first, ain't he?" Nora nodded. "An' I'm pretty sure 'bout the other end..." Nate nodded, too. "Ordinarily, I'd be tellin' ya both to try a coupla things so ya could tell love from sex -- but sometimes, that jus' muddies the water..."
"I think Daddy will be pressing for that, at some point," Nora offered.
Tabitha nodded. "Be up-front wit' each other." She flashed a glare at Nate, "You unnerstand, Boy? That don't mean afterwards!"
"Yeh," Nate nodded. "I got it."
"You get an opportunity, an' you cain't clear it with Mama," Tabitha's look identified Nora as 'Mama' -- not herself, "you keep your dick in your pants!"
"Awright." That subject closed, Tabitha moved on, "Why am I still here?"
"I dunno," Nate responded. Nora threw up her hands.
"I ain't got nuthin' life threatening," Tabitha declaimed. "Even insurance don't allow ya ta hang around takin' up valuable bed space. What the fuck? Call your Daddy."
Nora shrugged and went to the phone in the room. Flipping open her cell, she looked up the stored number and dialed it on the room phone, since cell phone use was not allowed on the ward.
"Yes, Daughter?"
"Daddy, Nate's Mama wants to know why she's still in the hospital."
Armand ruminated a moment. "Give her the phone."
Nora handed off, wordless, to Tabitha. "Yeah?"
"I instructed the hospital staff to put some weight on you," Armand announced.
"Yeah?" Tabitha replied suspiciously, "An' what else?"
Armand rolled his eyes, "All right, they're treating your chemical dependency, too. I don't expect to win that one -- just back you off a bit. But if you MUST play with recreational chemicals, you'll feel better and be safer if you're less wasted. Besides," Armand's voice hardened, "you'll get a lot more johns if you don't look like a skeleton with a couple of saggy bags on it's chest."
Tabitha cackled. "I see you ain't tryin' ta reform me. There's gotta be cheaper places, though."
"True. But you're harder to get at in the hospital; if Pinkham is more of a fool than I think he is, you're safer, there."
"Wit' the people you got runnin'? You probly got a safe place ta stash me where I can get three hots an' a cot -- an' whatever you're pumpin' inta me ta clean me out..."
Armand considered this. "You're probably right -- but I didn't want you to feel like I was making a prisoner of your scrawny ass." The rough talk was deliberate; he knew Tabitha would appreciate it. "I'll send Matheson around in the morning, and we'll see what makes sense."
"Good! I like him. My pussy's startin' ta itch -- maybe I can get him ta road test it..." Tabitha chuckled.
Armand shook his head. "Tabitha, do you LIKE sex?"
"Well, yeah, when it ain't business," Tabitha replied. "It ain't big, since I get so much -- but I like havin' my clit diddled an' havin' my tube punched when I don' hafta worry 'bout whether the bastard doin' it is havin' a good time... Been a coupla days, now. I'm startin' ta have fond memories."
Armand chuckled. "We should talk sometime -- I'm sure it would be educational."
"Well, I ain't busy..."
Armand, still chuckling, hung up.
Tabitha looked up at Nora, "Your ol' man is a piece of work..."
"Yeah," Nora agreed. "You have no idea..."
"He calls a spade a spade, an' I like that..." Tabitha mused. "Good goddamn thing, since I figger I owe him an arm an' a leg..."
Nora shrugged. "He'll find a way for you to pay. And depending on how you feel about it, it won't be too bad..." She grinned ferally, "On the other hand, if you buck him, he'll get a big kick out of making it painful. It's his way."
"Yeah. Ask my mother..." Nora shook her head.
"Ask ANYBODY that lives at your house! Mama, he's got at least one outright slave runnin' 'round nekkid..." Nate blurted.
"That ain't as surprisin' as it might be," Tabitha grunted. "I met a coupla girls who said he broke 'em in -- an' they're specialists, both inta kink..."
"Yeah," Nora sighed. "I'm just learning about it, but Mom -- well, even though they're divorced, he's been using her as a training aid for years... Now that Nate and I are together, Daddy figures it's time I grew up and saw the real world. We moved back in last weekend, after the attack on Mom. For me, it's for the first time, but for Mom..." Nora shook her head. "Daddy makes no bones about the things he does -- there's even a room for it. He calls it 'the playroom'..."
Tabitha nodded. "Well, I don' think he's gotta clue what the fuck he's gonna do wit' the likes o' ME!" She shrugged, then winced. "I don't suppose you went out and got them nipple rings?"
'Fuck, ' Nate thought to himself. "No, Mama."
"I did." Nora dug in her purse and came up with a case. Inside was a pair of small gold barbells. She handed Tabitha the box, "They're only plated, but it's all the money I had on me when I went to the mall after school."
"They'll do fine," Tabitha grunted, eyeing them.
Tabitha snapped a glare at Nate, but Nora chopped it off, "Nate was at work -- besides, this was better done by a woman."
Tabitha shrugged and nodded agreement. "Help me get this bandage off, then." She started digging at it, but the clips were around back.
Nora stepped up on one side, and waved Nate into position on the other, "Just raise your arms." Tabitha did so and Nora leaned in, disconnecting the clips, then began unwinding the bandage, rolling it as she went. When it got to the point of being out of reach, she handed it to Nate, who brought it around his side, but didn't roll it. Nora gave him a frowning glance as she rolled up the slack; on the next pass, Nate rolled, too. The dozen wraps were undone in no time, exposing the gauze packings covering the wounds on Tabitha's breasts, and, more important, her needle- impaled nipples. Nora got a look, cradling a breast gently and trying to rotate the needle, then reached in her purse, bringing forth a bottle. "Antiseptic solution." She dribbled a little on Tabitha's left nipple and went to work on the needle again.
"Shit burns," Tabitha grunted, hissing.
"It's the right stuff," Nora replied. "I asked."
"You're doin' fine." Tabitha fished a stud out of the jewelry box and handed it to Nate. "Open that -- I think it screws off."
Nora nodded. "They're not beginner's studs, because the hole size was wrong. Beginner's just click over a ring, like post earrings. We'll have to be a little more careful."
"You done good, Girl."
"We'll see." Maybe the bar was too thick? Nora was worried, but given the size of the needle, which must have been for quilting, or something...
Nate was standing there with it in two pieces; Nora took the stud and put the tip in contact with the not terribly sharp ball point of the needle, and began backing the needle out. Tabitha hissed and shifted a couple of times, but the stud followed the needle properly into her wounded nipple and out the other side. Nora applied another few drops of solution to the wound, then handed Nate the needle and held out her hand for the ball cover, which she then gently screwed on. "How's that?"
"It'll be fine when it stops burnin'," Tabitha hissed. "Do the other one."
Nora repeated the procedure, only realizing as she stepped back that she'd repeated the insertion exactly, rather than doing it mirror-image -- not that you could tell with the design of the studs. Besides, the guy who'd done it had pierced them both from right to left, anyway; to mirror image them, she'd have had to work the eye of the needle through the wound...
Tears were streaming, but Tabitha murmured, "Thank you, Child."
Nora smiled and picked up the wrap, and she and Nate began replacing it. Tabitha grunted, "Try ta do the nips last, and bring the end around so's I can open it. I think I wanta give 'em air..." Nora nodded, and the pair concentrated on covering the puncture wounds on the upper slopes of Tabitha's breasts and those in her ribs underneath. The change in wrappings allowed the clips to be set in Tabitha's left side. "Good. Awright, ya'll run along -- I ain't gonna be worth a shit fer awhile. Thanks fer comin'." As the pair hit the door, she said, "Boy, stay a minute." The look said she wanted to talk to Nate alone, so Nora stepped out to give them privacy, going to the elevator. Tabitha turned on Nate, "Look, you little dickhead! I'm impressed in spite of myself! That's a helluva girl you somehow tripped over, even settin' aside her daddy an' shit -- which I ain't sure I'm all that happy 'bout, anyway! Best you do right by her 'cause it don't look to me like they's better out there! You unnerstand, Boy?"
"Keep you're dick in your pants, 'cept when she says it's cool an' you'll be a happy motherfucker! I don' hafta ask if it's good shit, that's wrote all over your goofy face! Best you remember what it's like ta do without, if'n some other bitch waves her twat at ya!"
"Ma! That's my woman! I ain't fuckin' stupid!" Nate howled, stung.
"Well, you'd be the first man that wasn't!" Tabith shook her head. "Go on, get outta here! An' do sumpthin' nice fer her tonight, unnerstand? You're still inna doghouse!"
"Yes, Mama..." Nate rolled his eyes on the way out.
The elevator was just arriving. "What was that about?" Nora asked, as Nate joined her.
"Mama approves of ya," Nate grinned as the pair stepped inside.
The main dinner seating at the mansion, for Armand -- and to a lesser extent, Jason and Sharon -- had been uneventful, with quiet conversation about the status of things. The Wench knelt at Sharon's right, eating nothing and hoping that someone would think to feed her later; at one point, Armand looked up and wondered aloud why he had an overseer. Sharon's response of, "I don't know, Armand," brought a grin, but Jason pointed out that the Wench needed a training Master. "She'll get fat and lazy and be useless for her primary function in Sharon's care..."
Sharon glared at him, but conceded the possibility. "If her primary function is to be used as a fuck toy, you're probably right."
"That's what it is," agreed Armand, "Isn't it, Wench?"
"Yes, Master."
"Fine." Sharon's glance at the Wench labeled her 'traitor', but the slave replied, "With respect, Mistress, it IS my job. Master has indicated that I am to await your pleasure, something I am more than happy to do, but I'm supposed to be a more general-purpose tool..."
Armand looked amused, adding, "Sleeping with you could be considered training in the female arts, and waiting on you is good practice in servitude, but we need to maintain her ability to pleasure men, too."
Sharon blushed fiercely at the allusion to their tryst earlier in the day, but managed to comment, "Charles managed to provide her daily dose last night..."
Clearly enjoying the exchange, Armand inquired, "Should I ask him to help me keep YOU in tune?"
Sharon opened her mouth to reply hotly, then closed it, mastering herself. Nothing she said here would make her safe -- if she dared Armand, Charles would have her bent over, sliding his cock in and out of her before the night was over. Similarly, if she hastened to deny the possibility, Armand would accept THAT as a challenge -- with the same result. Silence was the safe route...
But Armand wasn't having any: "Well?"
Sharon took a second pass at producing a safe answer. At the end of it -- a pregnant pause of some fifteen seconds -- she replied, "I don't have any real say in the matter."
"What does THAT mean?" Armand pressed. Jason, off-side, was showing his teeth in that Death's head grin of his.
"You will do as you wish, and I will... cope..."
Armand put down his napkin. "This isn't dinner conversation. Let's adjourn to the study. Jason, you may call for Inez, if you wish. Sharon, you may bring the Wench..."
"Felicia?" Sharon glanced over her shoulder.
"I go if Mistress pleases," the Wench replied carefully.
Armand turned from this and directed, "Jason, have Inez bring coffee. We have other matters to discuss, too." He rose and walked out. Jason followed after using the intercom, leaving the women alone.
Sharon turned to the Wench. "I don't know if it's smart for you to be there..."
"Me, either, Mistress -- Master seems to be starting on one of his moods..."
"Why didn't you..."
"... Stand up for myself? Why? Mistress, I WANT to be here! Since I was made a slave, I've been happy -- and absorbing an occasional cock or licking an occasional clit isn't an awful thing to me! We're different in that; I'd be just as happy sucking your clitty while Sir pounded his cock in my ass EVERY NIGHT -- and if it was Master, even better! I'm not going to pretend that I'm here against my will..."
"If you go in there, you're going to end up doing something similar... And so will I!"
"Actually, I imagine that you will get Master's primary attention..." the Wench replied ruefully.
Sharon thought about it. "You'll end up licking me," she stated positively. "He'll want to embarrass me further over this morning..."
The Wench nodded. "Undoubtedly, Mistress." Then she grinned. "The only way you'll win is to be a big girl about it."

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