Strange RelationshipsChapter 32B: More Object Lessons -- And Velma Gets A Visitor free porn video

Thirty minutes later, he was as ready as he was ever going to be, having used the last few drops in the bottom of the bottle as after shave and the nip as mouthwash. The shot steadied his nerves a bit, too, which was suddenly important; it was one thing to TALK about staggering into a woman's room looking for pussy, and quite another to actually DO it!
Velma lumbered out of her bathroom, having washed her hands to remove the powerful female musk on them from the masturbation session she'd indulged in moments before. 'Dem kids is prolly bangin' like jackrabbits, ' Velma sighed to herself, sliding under the sheets. She glanced at her thin cotton nightie lying on the chair, but she was worked up and generating enough heat to raise the room temperature. Her ribs were wet and sticky where her huge jugs lay on them, so she lay down flat on her back and pushed them off-side to drape under her armpits. If she got worked up again, she could always haul 'em back up where she could get at her nipples. Damn that Ed! She'd been hair-trigger for days since he started makin' them noises!
She was still trying to get her mind away from 'crazy shit' and compose herself for sleep when the outer door to her rooms banged open, smacking the wall. A figure staggered through, then turned and pressed it gently closed with the exaggerated care of the thoroughly soused. "Who dat? Ed?"
"It's the Lone fuckin' Ranger, you silly bitch! Wake your big ass up -- I like my women to know I was there..." The dim figure weaved through the sitting room, waving what appeared to be a bottle, bashing it on the bedroom door.
"Ed! Whatchew doin' here?"
"I come ta see if your big ass is softer than my bunk..." Ed replied, dropping the bottle on the night table. He leaned over her, taking in bare shoulders in the gloom, "Huh, I figgered you'd wear a circus tent to bed or somethin'..."
"Ed! You ain't s'posed ta be here!" Velma came bolt upright in her bed, and the sheet fell a considerable distance -- but not enough to uncover nipples...
"Am, too! You invited me!"
"Ah did not! Whatchew doin'?"
"You're right -- it was more like a dare! I'm takin' off my jeans -- I don't sleep in 'em, ya know!"
"Ed, you crazy fookin' bastid! You don' jes' come inta a woman's room an' crawl in bed wit' 'em!"
"What? I gotta kiss you or somethin'? If you're gonna start screamin', get it over with, so I don't have to go huntin' my jeans on the floor..." He stepped out of them and bent to shuck out of his shorts; a stiff probe became visible in the darkness. Velma gazed at it, transfixed, while Ed threw his T-shirt over his head. "Lessee what we got here..." Ed tossed back the sheet and reached for the bedside lamp.
"No!" A hand shot out and grabbed his, then jerked him, off-balance onto the bed. "Ain't no fookin' way you's gonna see me nekkid!" If'n he did, the bastid would run off, Velma figured -- and it was too late for THAT!
Ed found himself draped crossways over a considerable mass of soft flesh. "Awright," he mumbled, trying to find a way to lurch up without actually using Velma's body to brace on, "bein' you're so insistent... Got that flour?"
"You bastid." There wasn't a whole lot of heat behind the comment, though. Velma was deep into the realization that there was a hard body draped over her. Was Ed REALLY gonna fuck her? Was he even capable? The rod of hot flesh burning into her hip said he was...
Ed's right hand homed in on the heat source, "Hey, pretty wet down here. You been playin' with yourself?" Palm flat on her springy pubic hair, he wormed two fingers between her fleshy outer lips, finding the hard bump of her clit almost instantly.
"Oooooohhhhh!" Velma moaned at the touch. "Damn you, Ed! Cain't you say anythin' nice?"
"I gotta start now?" Draped across her as he was, the mass of her left breast was actually convenient to get to, hanging off the side of her body like that. You couldn't really see the areola in the dark, but you couldn't miss the stiff nipple! It was a mouthful in comparison to anything Ed had ever dealt with...
"AAAAaaaaahhhh!" Velma was halfway to orgasm already! It was as if the mouth on her nipple and the fingers on her clit were electrocuting her; she was twitching as nerves in the two hot spots made her jump all over... Her left hand came up and held his face against her breast of its own accord, while her right went feeling for the hard, hot flesh at her right side...
Ed had a mouthful and then some, and wondered if the big hand holding him in place was going to smother him -- for a fat bitch she was STRONG! Well, he'd worry when things got bad... He put his mouth on autopilot and started concentrating on the games his hand was playing in her increasingly soaking wet gash. Everything said he was in for one helluva ride... A hot hand wrapped itself around his hard-on and Velma grunted, "Oh, Lordy, that's SOOOO nice..." but he didn't know whether she meant his dick or feelings in general, since she started shaking like she was being jackhammered and went, "AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!"
Yep, THAT was a cum! From the way she clutched his head to her and squeezed his cock like it was going to make it longer and narrower, he figured it'd been pretty good, too! Breaking loose, he wheezed, "Easy, I want to be able to use that thing!"
Velma let go as if the shaft had burned her hand! "It's okay, ain't it?" she worried, breathless from the shockwaves that poured through her.
"Yeah, it's fine. You want it?"
"Uh huh!"
"Roll over and git your knees under ya, then," Ed directed. "I ain't sure missionary is gonna work, but doggy-style will for sure!"
Velma did as she was told, letting the implications of the comment go. Ed knelt up and started probing. "Wrong hole, ya bastid! Down a bit!"
Ed chuckled, muttering, "Another time," under his breath, and shifted lower. There had to be a hole in there... "Damn, I know this thing's been used once..." His cock lodged in an opening that didn't seem big enough, "That it?"
"Yeh," Velma panted. "Hey, what 'bout rubbers?"
"I didn't bring no rubbers. YOU got any rubbers? You ain't on the Pill, or some shit?" Ed got uneasy. "Mebbe..." He started to withdraw.
Desperation put a hand like a steel claw on his right arm. "NO! Don' you go anywheres! You goin' do this thing, NOW! Y'all heah me!" The eyes that locked with his over her shoulder showed whites all the way around the pupils.
"Bein' you insist... Take it easy on my fuckin' arm!" Ed lugged plywood, cement, four-by-four timbers -- but he didn't have a grip like THAT!
Velma backed off, but she didn't let go yet. "Yo' git it in," she muttered. "Ah's jes' offa my red time -- we be safe..." It was the truth, but that was mere coincidence. She'd have told him she was infertile, or had a hysterectomy, or ANY damn thing to get the feel of... ah, yeah, that was it! -- firm flesh passing through the ring at the mouth of her cooze, filling her... "Oooooooohhhhh!"
Ed didn't know it, but his was only the fourth cock to enter Velma's vaginal passage in thirty-seven years! The first time had been back home when she was twelve, when some fool high on ganja had nabbed her in a cane field, fooled by her already oversize titties into thinking she was older. She'd screamed and cried and bled like a stuck pig, causing her attacker to get suddenly paranoid and abandon the attack. The second was at a wild party in her late twenties; she'd been so far gone on rum and pot that she remembered the act vaguely, but not how she felt -- or even who the boy was. Somewhere in the middle, she'd passed out, and tryin' ta find out who done it afterwards was like pullin' teeth... The third time had been 'da Boss', and it had been almost like a doctor visit; he'd brought her into the playroom, had her slip down her panties, put her in a chair with stirrups, flipped up her skirt, and penetrated her, dry, wearing a rubber. He wasn't there long -- she didn't think he even came -- it was just an exercise in making her understand that this wasn't just any old job and she might have to put up with some shit. 'Da Boss' did all of his female servants, and she was no exception -- end of story.
But Armand HAD hung out in there long enough for it to stop hurting and become VERY pleasant; later, picking up on his habits from the conversations of some of his other conquests, she decided that he'd deliberately left her hanging without an orgasm -- a sensation she discovered on her own with the help of her fingers. Over time, it became obvious that a good fuck was something that many women would go to some lengths to obtain, and that men were even more adamant about it -- but while disinterest had turned to curiosity and morphed to craving, opportunities hadn't really picked up...
All Ed knew was that Velma was ungodly tight for such a big bitch... "Jeezus! Don't ya ever use this thing?"
"Whatchew think? Yo' seen a line outside 'a my do'? Pipe down an' move dat ting -- oooh! Holy Jeezus! Gawd!" Ed had bottomed out, and Velma was experiencing new things! So THIS was how it was supposed ta be!
Ed was gritting his teeth to keep from blowing. Ol' Velma's twat was hot and wet and fit like a glove, producing instant over-stimulation. Who'd have thought that the silly bag of jell-o had a pussy like that? Damn! Pulling back out was even better than sliding in; Velma's cunt fought every step of the way, clutching him around the ring where the head of his cock met the shaft. "Damn!"
"Sumpthin' wrong?" Shit, he wasn't gonna stop, was he?
"Nope," Ed grunted, starting the second full stroke, "Just surprised, is all." The second stroke went faster, but was just as good; Velma merely seemed to be conforming to his shape.
"Damn nice in there..." Ed was getting rolling, now. "Spread your knees a little, an' drop your head, so's I can bang your clit better."
"Oooooohhh! Take all you want -- Ah got's plenty..." Following instructions brought instant benefit. "Hunh... Hunh... Hunh... Hunh..." Velma started getting that feeling she got when her l'il nubbin got hard and she couldn't keep her fingers away -- but there was somethin' added, the sweet feelin' of havin' somethin' soft an' hard at the same time slidin' back and forth in there, touchin' places that hadn't BEEN touched before... "OoOH shit! Ah'm -- OOOOOHHHH! -- Gonna... EEEEYAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Velma shook like a wet dog, muscles jumping, while bright colored lights flashed before her eyes.
Ed hung on for the ride; control was out of his hands for the moment. In fact, it was out of his hands in more ways than one -- he couldn't keep his nut in the presence of all that frantic activity! He hauled himself against Velma's jiggling ass and let her pussy -- which was going nuts -- milk him dry, "NNNNNNNNnnnnnnggggggggghhhh! Damn!"
Velma felt the first pulse, and suddenly her whole attention was on the feel of 'dat ting' as it swelled and shifted and hardened even further and squirted jets of cum in her cooze. It was like something urgently important was occurring, something monumental, something she didn't have a word for, something that eclipsed what was inarguably the most incredible orgasm she'd ever had. It seemed as if her whole consciousness was plugged into the lining of her cooze, feeling the impact of every drop while Ed poured spunk into it.
When it was over and Ed's muscles unlocked and he let go of the death grip he had on Velma's heavy shanks and straightened up, she murmured, "Dat's it?"
"Well, yeah," Ed grunted, a bit embarrassed. "I usually last longer, but it's been a while, and I didn't expect your pussy to work it like a vacuum cleaner... Lemme get a snooze in and I can go another round, probably," (he hoped -- it'd been a pretty impressive nut). "Second time'll last longer."
"Lemme up, then," she countered. "Ah gotta go ta da bathroom. Yo' don' want me layin' 'round wit' a cooze fulla yo' drippin's." Funny, the dead feeling that settled in her chest when she said that...
Ed unsocketed his shrinking cock. "Awright. Don't take all night -- I'm gonna have to pee, too."
Velma, backing off the bed stopped, "How yo' know dat?"
"Yo's gonna hafta pee?"
"It's how we clean out the tubes, after..."
"Oh," Velma's grin was barely visible in the gloom, "Ah getcha."
Ed, washed out, collapsed on the bed and watched her go -- not that he could see a damned thing in the gloom. With relaxation and recovery came buyer's remorse -- what the fuck kinda fool fucks a woman who works and lives in the same house he did? Now that the little head was momentarily taken care of, the one with the brain in it started up and wanted accountability. What kinda stupid bastard fucks a three hundred fifty pound woman? God knew what she looked like without clothes; she damned sure didn't want him to know -- the bathroom light hadn't come on until the door was firmly closed. Add to that the fact that she was black, and from some damned island place, and spoke English like Aunt Jemima... What the fuck was he thinkin'? 'I probably oughta run, not walk, outta here... ' he thought to himself, but nothing moved. 'Besides, I gotta work with the woman -- no sense pissin' her off, ' he temporized. 'We'll go another round, and I'll go back to my room and if she gets all cow-eyed, I'll tell her some tale and let her down easy.'
Velma sat on the toilet, letting what felt like a pint of Ed's goo drip from her, wondering if she was going to laugh or cry. The preceding few short minutes had been the most amazing thing she could ever remember having done -- but it was over, and Velma doubted that there would ever be a rematch. Some instinct kept telling her she should be hanging on to the stuff seeping out of her -- which was jus' fookin' CRAZY! Like she wanted ED's kids? Of course, on second thought, ol' Ed wasn't THAT objectionable -- an' he WAS jus' 'bout the only bastid ta climb between her legs and leave a load... Bein' two of the others definitely didn't, and she wasn't sure about the third, he might BE the only one! One thing was certain -- if she got stupid and started makin' sweet noises, he'd run like Hell -- IF he wasn't gone already... Sighing, she collected a wad of toilet paper and wiped herself, got up and gave herself a quick look in the mirror -- what parts she could actually see. Turning off the light, she staggered out through the open door, blinded.

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