Somebody Take Me Drunk, I Think I'm HomeChapter 2 free porn video

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The road to the White House

You'll need to read the first chapter of this story to understand this second one. Thank you for reading. The politics mentioned in this story are not necessarily my personal beliefs, what is mentioned works in this story and are meant to make it a little more life like. Ejoy:

I'd turned down the offer to run for United States Senate from Colorado in the second half of my second four year term as Governor of Colorado. I'd be term limited out as Governor, unable to run for a third term, though my approval ratings approached eighty percent within the state, even after seven years and some tough decisions.

My wife, Victoria was having a wildly successful career as Division Chief of Detectives for the Denver Police Department. I couldn't ask her to leave her fulfilling job and move to Washington, D.C. and I would not be able to bear being apart from her.

Some things began occurring during that time, though, that changed the fate of us both. More than just us, it would affect the entire United States, even the whole world.

A scandal broke in the winter of my seventh year in office. Not a scandal in the Governor's office, a scandal in the Denver Police Department. The feds had conducted a sting operation, and swept up twenty two detectives, sixty one uniformed patrol and twelve supervising officers from the Denver Police Department.

Racketeering charges, corrupt police practices and a host of bribery, lying, and cheating charges were filed. Ninety five total officers were suspended, fired or quit. The federal court dockets were filled with cases of police corruption.

Victoria had been chief of detectives and some of her officers were involved. She, herself was clean, no fingers pointed her direction, no invectives directed at her, no suspicions ever noted regarding her actions or decisions.

Victoria was, however a prime candidate for throwing under the bus, cleaning house, exonerating the Chief of Police and the Mayor, so she was asked to resign. As a supervisor, they charged that she should have had a handle on her people and when she did not, she was expendable. Heads had to roll and hers was only one of them.

About that time, it became public knowledge that President Mitt Romney and Vice President Michele Bachman had had a heated exchange in the hallways of the west wing of the White House.

Bachman was decidedly more conservative than Romney and she supposedly challenged the President on two or three major policy differences. Apparently they'd been cool towards one another for some time and the explosion between them occurred in front of staffers.

It went viral in one hour. The news of their donnybrook was the headline of the next months.

Romney was entering the cycle of his second term Presidential bid. The primaries were under way and the Democrats were eating this news and Romney for lunch.

I received an eleven PM phone call from the White House Operator, "Governor Roberts?"

"Yes." I blinked into the dark, reaching for my bedside lamp.

"One moment, sir, for the President."

"Governor, this is Mitt Romney, I'm sorry to bother you so late at night, can I have a few moments of your time?"

"Good evening, Mr. President. Of course; it is eleven here, but one AM there, isn't it, sir?" I replied. Victoria blinked at me in the brightness of the bedside lamp. "Is everything ok, sir?" I said.

"Governor, I have a situation on my hands and I need your help. By now, you've heard of the defugalties between the Vice President and me last month." He said.

"Um, yes sir, I have. It is unfortunate to be sure, Mr. President." I replied, warily.

"Scott, I'm in a tough race for reelection. Michele and I are going to part ways at the end of this term; I need a replacement for her on the ticket. My staff has done extensive research on you out there in the West, we are politically compatible, and Colorado is a swing state, you are a popular Governor, I need you on my team." He intoned.

"Scott, I am asking you to give some serious thought to becoming my running mate." President Romney told me.

"Mr. President ... I, I'm shocked, sir. I don't know what to say." I hesitated.

"No need to answer tonight, Scott. Give this some thought. I can't announce this too early anyhow, so we'll go public in July just before the convention. I have two other possibilities that I'm considering, but you are at the top of the list. I want you to seriously consider the service of your country here, Governor." The President extolled. "Will you do that?"

"Mr. President, I'll discuss this with my wife. I'll give your words serious thought. Regardless of what I decide, sir, I thank you for the generous thought and your confidence." I replied.

"You're a good man, Governor; I know we'll get along great. You have nearly two great terms in office, you have two terms as a Colorado State Senator, you are a wounded hero, and you are ready for the big leagues. The people love you out there and they'll love you all over our land." The President said.

"I won't keep you any longer tonight; let's talk again in a few days. Oh, Governor, please don't say a word to anyone about this phone call for the time being, is that ok?" He asked.

"I need to discuss this with my wife, sir. Without her on board, there is no further need to discuss anything." I said firmly.

"Of course; I wasn't talking about your family, Scott. I mean your staff or the papers or television reporters or that sort of thing. Let's keep this under our hats for the time being, with the exception of Victoria, ok?" He replied.

I was shocked that he even knew my wife's name. "Of course, thank you Mr. President. Good night, then." And I hung up the phone.

I sat there in bed, looking into the darkness of the room like a jackass staring through a gate, my mouth open, my mind frozen in the moment.

Victoria had heard my side of the conversation and much of what the President had said, she was lying right next to my head as he and I spoke, she could hear through the speaker of the receiver next to my ear.

Victoria, too, was silent. With the pressures of her job, the request for her resignation, the times were ripe for change in our lives. We were ready for change and we didn't even realize it would come seeking us.

We spoke not a word. I rolled over and kissed my beautiful wife. She returned the kiss with passion. Her need to be loved was extra keen at this difficult time, and my desire for the security of her arms was extra keen at this daunting time.

Victoria slid her thigh between my legs as we kissed; she rubbed her warm pudenda on my naked leg, moaning into my mouth, writhing in my arms. I responded to her passion with an erection hard enough to cut glass, poking her hip. I licked her lips and the roof of her mouth, my tongue dueled with hers, we exchanged moans.

She touched my hard root with her strong hand, encircling it and pumping. I smelled her great need, she asked me to stick it in and as I rolled over onto her, I let her guide me into her warm folds.

In one smooth stroke I was buried in my loving wife, she urged me on, putting her hands through my arms and at the back of my shoulders, legs splayed on either side of my torso. I pumped, grinding the top of my cock on her clitoris; she began ascending to her orgasm with increasing speed.

I bottomed out, inside her and she gasped. A stifled scream escaped her lips. She knew a loud scream would bring a Colorado State Patrolman crashing in on us, weapon at the ready. We both stifled giggles.

My Chief of Detectives and I, the Governor of Colorado, mated there in the master bedroom of the Governor's Mansion until dawn. When we had to finally pee, we disconnected and I called down to the kitchen for two bowls of fruit and a pot of coffee with two cups.

We had needed to reconnect. The pressures of both our offices, our responsibilities were great and we needed one another now more than ever. And, we always had needed one another badly.

I decided to take this Friday off, cancelling my appointments through my inter office voice mail to my staff. Victoria also called in and announced she'd not be in. Her boss, the Chief of Police called, demanded to talk to her, but we were insulated by the Governor's staff and she'd shut off her cell phone. We needed a day or two and now was the time to take it.

For, that which would follow would be daunting, indeed.

Our weekend shut away in the Governor's Mansion was spent mostly naked, mostly in bed. We did dress late on Sunday morning and walked to a Village Inn nearby for a feast of Banana Nut Pancakes, eggs, sausages, coffee and orange juice. We went incognito and nobody recognized either one of us. It was fun; occasionally we tried to get out and among the people unnoticed. We'd become pretty good at it, not getting caught even once.

There was great pressure in the air the following Monday morning as Victoria Roberts, the first lady of Colorado and the Chief of Detectives of the Denver Police Department, marched into the office of her boss.

The Federal District Attorneys were ruthless in their prosecutions of the police department. But, Victoria was without blood on her hands, she had no nervousness for herself. Those around her, many of them, did have great nervousness.

She had met with trusted colleagues, she had led an in depth investigation about the alleged corruption scandal herself, and when she entered her bosses office, she had two of her most trusted lieutenants with her.

"Chief, you are under arrest. I am placing you under arrest for corruption, accepting bribes and racketeering. Hand over your weapon and your shield, sir." Victoria said to her boss, Chief of Police Derwood Patrick.

"Detective Roberts, what the fuck are you..." he exasperated.

The two lieutenants took either arm, twisted them around behind him and cuffed him. They patted him down, removing the contents of his pockets. Victoria advised him of his constitutional rights and then dialed the Federal prosecutor from the chief's own phone, on his desk, and announced that they, the Feds, needed to come take into custody her prisoner in the matter that they were investigating.

Nobody expected this. Not the Feds, not the Mayor not the police department. Victoria is a consummate professional and she did her job. When she got wind of the corruption, she launched her investigation, privately, quietly. Not knowing who she could trust throughout the department, she only confided in her closest allies.

Her discretion, her experience and her tenacity paid off. The U.S. Department of Justice had concluded the same results as Victoria, but they were slower to act and she got the rat. She turned all her findings over to the Feds that day.

The police department was in a ruinous heap. Morale was at low ebb, the ranks were depleted because of the arrests, firings and resignations, and those left to carry the load were overburdened.

Victoria held a meeting of the Denver Police Department Protective Services Association, as acting Police Chief. She spoke to the officers and asked for their cooperation while the sorting out took place. Many of those men and women were her peers and had backed her up, or she they at one time or another. As usual, they only had each other in their jobs. They'd make do.

The mayor asked Victoria to assume the Chief of Police Position as permanent Chief.

Without even thinking for a moment, she replied, "No, sir. I am not interested at all. I'll tender my resignation to you right now, effective one year from today. Until then, I'll serve as your acting Chief. If you find one sooner, my resignation will be effective then." Handing him her letter, she turned and walked away from the mayor of Denver at that.

Victoria had been betrayed. Betrayed by the mayor, the chief and those in a position to do what was best for the department. But, now, Victoria had other fish to fry. Her husband may become the Vice President of the United States. He would need her and she intended to be there for him. It was time for a break. It was time.

The Colorado Governor's office had received requests from the national media to speak to the growing swell of support for Scott Roberts to join President Romney's reelection quest. Not having decided and not having heard further from Romney, Governor Roberts refused all questions about the subject.

It was April, already, and the rift between the President and Vice President was growing. The party needed a healing force if it was going to remain in power.

Governor Roberts had held off answering President Romney. The President was becoming increasingly vulnerable to the hard right, and the left was always there firing their missives. Romney had finally asked Roberts again, pleaded with him, to accept the invitation to run for Vice President.

Victoria encouraged her husband to follow his conscience. She advised him that she was with him, whatever his decision. She let him know that she'd be free from her responsibilities at Denver PD no later than February the following year, just after inauguration. She offered to be his sounding board, and they often spent the evening or all day on a weekend talking about all the possibilities, liabilities and challenges.

Finally, "This is Governor Roberts of Colorado to speak to the President, please." Scott told the White House operator. There was but a few seconds of silence on the line.

And, then; "Governor, how are you. I am so glad to hear from you, do you have news for me?" The President spoke.

"Mr. President, it is wonderful to speak to you again also, sir. I do have news. Sir, if your offer still holds, I'd be proud to join your ticket as your running mate in November, for your second term as President of the United States as your Vice President."

"Thank God. Scott that is the best news I've had recently. I'll dispatch a team from the campaign to come to Denver and bring you up to speed on what is happening. I'd like for you to field some of those questions from the press. The team will discuss all this with you. We can announce together from the steps of the Denver Capitol next month, in June if you'd like." The President spoke breathlessly, obviously greatly relieved and excited.

"Very well, sir; but I thought you said we'd announce in July. This will really change my life right away," Scott laughed.

"The alligators smell blood in the water, Governor, I need reinforcements. You'll be a great help." The President confided.

There was great celebration in Colorado and on the steps of the Colorado State Capitol building that day in June when President Romney and Governor Roberts along with Ann and Victoria announced that the Governor would join the Republican ticket.

Victoria and Scott celebrated quietly that night. "Remember finding me in a puddle of vomit, my pants full of poop, my life in confusion, Vic? You, single handedly brought me out of the depths of defeat and destruction. Whatever is to be, you are the catalyst. Have I told you how much I love you, lately?" Scott asked Victoria as they sat on a porch swing quietly rocking back in forth embracing one another in the the West Garden of the Governor's Mansion.

She didn't answer, just nuzzled into her husband's chest and increased her hug around his middle as they sat in the swing. She smiled to herself, full of satisfaction, happy that she'd done the things she did to encourage him.

He'd become her strength as well. For her, he was unlike any other man. He fulfilled her in a way others would not dream to do.

The Democrats selected Hillary Clinton as their Presidential Candidate and Diane Feinstein as Candidate for Vice President.

President Romney and Governor Roberts both thought the Democrats made a tactical error in judgment in doing that. They were right, as it turned out.

Governor Scott Roberts was sworn in as Vice President of the United States of America on January 20th, Victoria holding their Bible for him to swear his oath of office onto.

Romney/Roberts had swept to victory with a 54/45 margin over the Democrats. 1% went to 'others.' The Senate of the US was split 54/45 Republicans in majority with one Independent in residency. The US House of Representatives was split 225/206, plus 4 independents, also a 54/45 % split Republicans over Democrats. The country was divided exactly the same in these three areas of Government.

The mandate to govern was solid, though slim. The road would be rocky and fraught with battles over policy.

Victoria flew back to Denver after the inauguration ceremonies, resuming her duties as acting Chief of Police for three more weeks.

The court cases against the ninety some officers hadn't gone well for the government over the past eleven months. Most of the available damning evidence pointed to the ex-chief of police and two of his deputies, and was exculpatory for most of the other officers accused. Some minor offenses were reported and acknowledged, but nothing as criminal, nothing as sinister as initially undertaken and accused by the Federal authorities.

Reputations were destroyed, careers ruined and a whole city and state uprooted without just cause. It seemed political in nature as Romney and Roberts looked back upon it, with the Democrats in the Department of Justice trying to discredit Roberts before he even was up for office. They'd anticipated Romney's choice well, but the culpability just wasn't there. As it turned out, there wasn't enough dirt to fill in a grave in the department, except the Chief and two of his cohorts.

President Romney directed his Attorney General to appoint a Special Prosecutor to look into allegations of wrongdoing against the Dept. of Justice, itself. What a nest of wasps, indeed.

Victoria was begged by the Mayor and City Council to stay on as Chief of Police. She declined, absolutely, and left her office vacant, without a replacement on the date that she had noted in her initial letter of resignation, one year earlier. She finished her business in Denver and moved to Washington, D.C. to be with her husband, the Vice President.

Denver Police Department finally hired a veteran of its' own ranks. He was recommended to the Mayor and council by Victoria before she departed and was one of the two men who had been with her that day that the previous Chief was arrested.

President Romney was being hounded day and night by the loyal Democratic opposition. The liberal press was in a full court press against him and he seemed paralyzed to act. Day after day week after week they carried unflattering stories and biased criticisms of the administration policies. Fair and balanced were not the order of the day for the media hounds.

The President asked the Vice President to breakfast every Wednesday morning. They cleared their calendars for two hours and spent those hours in communion with one another, talking candidly about the issues of the day.

It was July of the second year in office, in that second Romney term. The day was warm and humid, the President and Vice President were on the portico, having soft boiled eggs and Canadian bacon with hash browns and wheat toast, served with orange marmalade and coffee.

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Hot Rape Session of Drunk Bar Chick me

I was no-longer in my teens and so I was drunk, I thought to myself as I looked down at the bottle I held with both-hands in-between my tits. My ass was against the wall outside of the women's toilet, where I stood, black high-heeled shoes together. The music was still loud even here, but not as loud as the main rooms. I suppose I would soon be settling down with my boyfriend and letting him get me pregnant and become jaded and bored. What a dismal thought for a libertine hedonist like...

2 years ago
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Drunk and Used for Sex in every hole

I wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon a large dildo and pushed it up my cunt just to make sure I was wet...

3 years ago
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Moms Drunk Again

Mom's Drunk Again I had been off getting into trouble as usual. My mother was a single parent with two teenage kids on her hands, a crappy job, and bills to pay. I’m fifteen years old and I get to do just about anything I want to, as long as the cops don’t catch me. My sister Evelyn is thirteen years old and a little brat. She snitches on me all the time even though Mom doesn’t punish me and I always get even with her. Mom is a thirty-three-year-old woman with a great body....

3 years ago
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Drunk and Used for Sex in every hole

Introduction: Some great sex after I was picked-up Girls Wild Night Out I wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon...

2 years ago
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Susan gets drunk and fucked by guys in our street

I had taken Susan out for a drink to a pub in Margate, a couple of drinks went right out of the window, as after she had drunk a few pints of dark fruits, I decided that she should go on to drinking Bacardi and coke. And after a few hours it would be fair to say that Susan was very drunk.She had been chatted up by a couple of guys and because she was by now very drunk she was quite happy for them to grope her tits when they thought that I wasn’t looking. This was fine by me as I love watching...

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True story Getting drunk with my aunt

This is my first story sorry if it's hard to read I'll keep trying to fix it...This story is true it's up to you if you want to believe it or not. I was 21 at the time used to lift but didn't really have an athletic build 5'11 youngest of 6 c***dren (I'm 30 now) We had just moved into our new place... A very small place. It was about 7 people in an apt. Anyways we had a small party with a few family members from my mom's side come over nothing major just my aunt and a few cousins. I greeted my...

4 years ago
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Tommys Drunk Mother

Exploring Mrs Miller Note -this story is about two English boys and the drunk mother of one of them. As such you will find a few English phrases as the boys use English expressions and names. For American etc readers:-Mum = MomFanny = cuntKnickers = pantiesThis story is almost certainly a work of total fictionI had my first fuck when I was just turned 12. Most guys get their first experiences with their girlfriends the same age but mine was with the mother of a school friend -and he was...

4 years ago
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drunk abroad

drunk abroad / part 1I was drinking and relaxing after a long day of walking about 4 months ago in a small local pub, while traveling on winter time in the mountains, i was alone having a glass of wine to warm myself up, after walking in the blistering winds out side. the pub was full with people, young man and woman on holiday, the old folk of the small town and some groups of people who came to ski.Around midnight or so the pub was almost empty, a few old drunk man, 4 guys ware sitting in the...

3 years ago
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Accidental Drunk Sex With Hot Cousin

Hey everyone, it’s me John back with another incest story with a sexy cousin. Let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I’m now 21 years old, having a 6-inch thick dick. I’m a Mallu. Coming to my cousin sister, her name is Audrey. She’s 20 years old studying in Canada. She’s super freaking hot. She’s my sexiest and hottest cousin, with a fair complexion. She has medium thick pink lips, good boobs, and ass and a sexy S curve. I don’t know her size chart otherwise I would have mentioned...

2 years ago
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Fun Time with a drunk sister

Bart, an eighteen year old high school senior, can't wait to get out of his parents house and go away to college. Being a typical suburban teen he is anxious to spread his wings and explore the world without his parents constantly looking over his shoulder. Another reason that Bart can't wait to move out is his sister, Britney. She is only a year older than him but being the more mature one he ended up living in her shadow because she demanded so much attention from his parents. It wasn't so...

1 year ago
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My sister got drunk

My sister got drunkthis is my first story, about a good time I had with my sister one night she came home drunk This is my first story, so be gentle.This story happened a few years ago, the summer I graduated from high school. My sister was home from college on her summer break, and she was in quite the partying phase. My sister wasn't a super model, but she was still pretty. She was about 5 feet 4 inches tall, and very curvy, but in a good way. She has long brown hair and usually wears it...

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Terry and I were great friends and had grown up together. When puberty struck, we both realized that we were attracted to other guys and were able to rely on each other’s support as our sexual orientation began to develop and flourish. Although we did fool around, we soon recognized that we were not really into one another and were attracted to the same kind of butch guys. As time passed, we both got lucky from time to time and delighted in sharing our adventures about the horny studs that we...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Drunk Mom Loses Control

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I’m back with another story today about my drunk mom. I hope you all have read my previous stories. If not, please do give it a look A small introduction for the new readers, I’m Sarah. I’m 24 and live in Mumbai. My stats are 36-28-36. I’m bisexual, and I work at an MNC and also into modeling. We’ve usually come across guys fantasizing over their moms. But I don’t think I have ever come across a girl feeling the same for her mom. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe...

1 year ago
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Drunk Mom Loses Control

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I’m back with another story today about my drunk mom. I hope you all have read my previous stories. If not, please do give it a look A small introduction for the new readers, I’m Sarah. I’m 24 and live in Mumbai. My stats are 36-28-36. I’m bisexual, and I work at an MNC and also into modeling. We’ve usually come across guys fantasizing over their moms. But I don’t think I have ever come across a girl feeling the same for her mom. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe...

3 years ago
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Drunk Mom

This is a true story that one of my readers sent me and I simply fleshed it out according to his descriptions. At twenty years old I was still living with my parents as I was going to college in town. My parents were very caring and supportive and suggested that I stay home until I finish college so that I don’t get into debt while going to school. It worked very well. The events of this story started one weekend when we had a wedding to attend. It was for the son of one of my parents’...

1 year ago
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I was drunk She was pregnant

Years ago I was just eighteen and my friends and I had been hanging out with a couple in their early twenties.We would get booze and go there to drink it and party with them.The female was Angela and her man was called Rick.They seemed a close couple until after about a year he had to get a job out of town and would be gone for weeks. We would still go there and party with Angela but after a while she wouldn't drink or smoke anything but said that she didn't care if we did.As time went on we...

Drunk sex
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A Drunk mom visits her son

Drunk Mom visits her Son By Sleep Walker Introduction: Moms drunk and upset, needs a shoulder to cry on Mom is 39, her Son is 18 Danny and Kate was in the room watching a blue-ray… Drunk Mom visits her Son By Sleep Walker Introduction: Moms drunk and upset, needs a shoulder to cry on Mom is 39, her Son is 18 Danny and Kate was in the room watching a blue-ray movie on his new big screen TV. They laid next to one another holding hands. Danny thought that it may be his lucky night. This was...

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Drunk wife taken advantage of and I dont sto

The wife and I were on a vacation at a resort in the Dominican. As you can imagine we spent the day sipping cocktails in the sun. By dinner time we were both pretty hammered. After dinner we made our way to the bar, and continued the party. By about 11pm, I noticed my wife was beyond drunk. The bartenders had been putting out tequila shots, and she just kept taking them. I decided I needed to take her home, because pretty soon she would be puking all over the bar. But when I tried to convince...

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Drunk Mom and Me 2 updated

It was a long day for me. Hardly paying attention to schoolwork. Thinking of what I had done the previous night. The long ride home in the back seat of the car with my own drunk Mom on my lap. Getting so full of lust that I actually fucked my own mother without her even knowing. Going several times to the washroom and half whacking off, but stopping myself in anticipation of that evening. I helped Mom make dinner and sat with her for awhile on the sofa watching TV. I had mentioned a movie...

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Big ass mexican wife drunk

Now she isnt the best looking women, but she more than makes up for it in with 2 things. 1. That big ole butt and 2. She is a fucking lush. I mean she only needs a few and shes smashed and horny. Also once she starts she wont stop till she passes out. Now for years i have taken advantage of this and fucked her while she was drunk and passed out. Even fucking her in her brown asshole, which she hates otherwise. But I only have a 5 inch penis and am a cuckold. I am always fantasizing about...

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A husband attends stag night at his local club and gets drunk out of his mind8230 again

Andy was dead drunk, and when he was like that somebody eventually had to take him home. We left him lying around for a while because it wasn’t a pleasant task. Andy was one of those guys who fell to bits suddenly when he reached his limit. When he went he was gone. The trouble with Andy was that he did it all too often and his wife was pretty much sick and tired of it. Al’s bucks night had been great up till now, but it was over and somebody had to take Andy home. We drew...

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Mom totally drunk passes out

My name's Ronnie , my folks got divorced a little over two years ago and my Mom took it pretty hard , as it came to a shock to her that her husband had been having an affair for the past several years , which led to him leaving her . After the divorce , my Mom began to drink , mostly at night after dinner , but as time went by , she began to drink more. At first bottles of vodka came in 5ths , then by the gallon . The minute she entered the door after work , she would head to the kitchen make...

2 years ago
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Two Drunk Girls And My First Threesome

I am aged 24, working in an IT firm in Bengaluru. I had been having sex with my girlfriend’s roommate from the past 2 years. It all started when I was having sleepovers in my gf’s flat. Once my gf (she is my ex-gf now) had some urgent thing to do so she left me in her room. I was watching a movie at that time and her roommate came and asked me for my help with her coding (let us call her Kavya). And I playfully asked her what will I get in return if I helped her and she said, whatever you...

4 years ago
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Friend8217s Drunk Wife Shabana Fucked For Dessert

I was invited by my friend, Arif for dinner at his house while I was in Hyderabad. He was a well-to-do, living in an independent house in a gated community. His wife Shabana was a woman with a modern outlook. Arif and I have had several escapades with women and are open with each other. Once while we were drinking, he had let it slip that Shabana was a highly spirited woman with excessive sex drive. They were in the small garden in the backyard of their house, they had a small barbeque pit and...

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My cousin got too drunk

Most people, if your family is big enough, probably have at least one cousin they would consider having sex with, assuming they weren't cousins. Or as long as no one finds out at least. This might be a little too far for some readers, but there are a few of you out there already jacking off to the idea. My cousin had just moved into town, not too far from where I lived. When we were k**s, there was an attraction, but we had found out quickly not to ever entice the notion that something...

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damn i was drunk

I've had many lovers on the side and a few threesomes before, but I don't consider a threesome the same as getting gang fucked. This is the story of my first real gangbang. My husband was working a graveyard shift that previous night and woke me up as he got home. Gave me a kiss and I asked how his night was. "Pretty slow" he replied, "slow enough I was able to sleep a couple hours". "want some breakfast babe?""in a bit" he said. "i'm going to go check on the plants." We had some herb...

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New Years With My Drunk Bimbo Aunt

"It's your aunt dear. She might come over for Christmas. Sorry I didn't make dinner, make yourself something." She then quickly went back to talking. Fast forward to now and I'm driving us to my aunt's 6 hours away. The fact that my mom let me drive after only receiving my license recently surprised me. But that surprise was nothing compared to the one that waited for us at my aunt's house. On the way to my aunt's my mom told me about their relationship. Cute little stories from...

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Passed Out Drunk Too Bad

Lisa thought she could hold her booze and keep up with all the other people there at the party that night. She'd started out by taking the first beer her husband, Rob, handed her and Lisa had quickly guzzled that down. She knew if she drank enough beer especially that she'd have to go to the bathroom to pee more often, but she didn't mind that and it gave her a chance to go touch up her makeup and even possibly exchange some hot gossip or some naughty caresses and kisses with some of the...

1 year ago
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Drunk college Student got more than he bargained for

Ryan was with his buddies drinking at a near by Billiards bar, when he received a text from his girlfriend. can't wait too see you next week included with a nude picture. Now Ryan had been without sex for almost a month as they were attending different schools in different cities. Ryan had a long walk home, and was so horny he remembered one of his bi friends had told him about a discreet web-site he could find quick easy blow jobs from other men online, now Ryan wasn't gay but he really needed...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage of My Mom The drunk MILF0

My Mom the Milf I was always curious about sex with my mom. She was drunk a lot and it was easy to look. I'd look at her shapely breasts and shaven pussy and jerk off while she was passed out nude on her bed. I was eighteen and had sex with girlfriends but sex with mom was burning me up. I got home early on a Friday night since she'd come in loaded around ten o'clock and get naked a pass out. I heard her walking up the stairs to her bedroom and popped out to ask if she needed anything. She was...

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The Takeover

THE TAKEOVER James Lock was on a knife edge. He had worked for the Sunlight Group as first as accountant then a Financial Director before he was thirty. His promotion was one of the last acts performed by the Group owner before he died. It was designed as a wedding present for his daughter Sue, when she married James, but he didn't know that it would shortly be her that had to take over the reigns of running the businesses when he was suddenly taken ill. A mere six weeks later he...

4 years ago
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A teenager takes advantage of his drunk sister and her friend

My sister Mary and I waived goodbye to our parents as they drove down the drive. They would be gone for the entire weekend so my sister, who was 16, was left in charge. She was only a year older than I was, but since she was older she got to be in charge. “Cindy will be over in a little while,” Mary said to me, “try to stay out of our way tonight, will you?” “Sure,” I replied, “I’ll probably spend the evening on the computer, anyway.” Let...

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