AdoréChapter 5: Rick free porn video

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Richard Steele-Rick-considered his years at UC Davis among the best of his life. OSU, where his brother was, wasn't a bad school at all, but he thought Davis had the best animal husbandry program in the west. And he wanted the best. He had in mind getting the ranch out of the beef business, focusing on breeding stock for other ranches. Oh, sure, they would always sell the culls for beef, and that would be OK. But he wanted to learn how to breed superior cattle. Cattle that ranchers would pay enormous sums for. That way, they would no longer need to worry about commodity prices, or be at the mercy of the packing houses.

Rick was also in love.

He'd made one of his frequent visits to San Francisco-a group of friends from Davis would go down for a weekend a couple of times a month. This time he'd found himself in the art museum in Golden Gate Park. Standing there by the front door, admiring the huge bronze urn depicting love of wine, he noticed the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen leaving the museum. She was a pure Scandinavian blonde, with the clear pale complexion and nearly white hair of the far north. Her face, in his opinion, was a fit subject of poetry, even completely free of makeup as it was. Her clothing was eccentric-she was a 'Hippy, ' with tie-dyed shirt and skirt, sandals, hair in a clip, and no bra... the clothing couldn't conceal that, nor the exciting shape of her figure.

As she passed him, she slipped, doing a pratfall at his feet. She fell hard, her head hitting a paving stone with a lot of force. When she just lay there, Rick quickly stooped to help her up. He rapidly discovered that she was unconscious, with a nice goose egg swelling on her forehead.

He'd seen the whole thing, though her fall was too sudden for him to catch her. He knew nothing was broken, so he turned her over and held her in his lap. Attendance at the museum was low that day so it was a few minutes before anyone else came by. He asked the first who did if she would go in and get him a damp cloth. The woman whose head he was cradling had fallen and was unconscious. Concerned, the lady hastened to do that, and Rick was gently wiping her face and the lump on her head when he saw her eyes flutter open. Though she wasn't focusing, he could see that her pupils were equal. No concussion, then.

When he looked again at her face, he saw that she was focusing now... and that her eyes were the pale blue of the summer sky at the ranch.

Elin Gustafson had not had a good week. She was majoring in art at USF, and loving it. But Tuesday her advisor had asked to have a talk with her. He suggested that she switch to a 'more practical' major-with the additional suggestion that she was a good draftsperson, but didn't have the talent to make it as an artist.

Then her mother had called to say that she'd met a man she adored and was getting married that weekend in Reno. "No, don't come, dear. I don't want Johnny looking at any younger girls just yet." This would be her mother's fourth husband, not to count a number of 'boyfriends' over the years since her father had died. "I'll let you know where I'm living as soon as we settle someplace."

Elin was thankful that her father had left college money for her, in funds she controlled.

And then her roommate poured tequila into her goldfish tank, thinking it was funny. Six dead goldfish and a contaminated tank wasn't that funny. Neither was a roommate who was drunk every weekend and usually brought home some guy she'd only met a few hours before.

For a treat, to lift her spirits, she'd gone to the museum. Leaving, she spotted a real hunk admiring the bronze urn. Paying too much attention to him, she didn't notice the piece of rotten fruit some kid had left on the pavement. She remembered her feet going out from under her...

She awoke with her head in the hunk's lap and his gentle hands bathing her face and head-which ached terribly, now that she thought of it. His face was frowning in concern as he looked deeply into her eyes.

Elin attempted a smile. It hurt, so her lovely lips just twitched up at the corners.

"Are you OK? Can you talk?" the hunk asked her.

"I think so," she murmured. "What happened?"

"You slipped on something and fell. You hit your head pretty hard and were out for a couple of minutes. Do you want me to call an ambulance? Or can I take you to a doctor?"

He sounded really concerned. Like someone who cared. She smiled up at him. "I think I'll be OK. Would you help me up?"

"Sure." He helped her to a sitting position, holding her steady. A good thing, because she saw whirling lights at the fringes of her vision.

Standing, he held both her hands and helped her upright. Since she swayed against him and her knees almost gave way, he held her tightly to him, so she wouldn't fall.

"I think we'd better sit down again," he said. "Think you can walk to that bench? That's it... That one... right there?" He almost carried her.

With his help, she made it to the bench and sunk down gratefully.

"I really think you should have someone look at your head," he said.

She replied, with a bit of strength in her voice, "I'll be all right. I just need to get home. I can rest there."

"Where's that?"

"Over on Fillmore."

"How did you get here?"

"On the bus. Don't need a car here."

"Would you like me to help you home?"

"That would be very nice of you. Are you sure it's not too much trouble?"

"Not at all. I was bored this afternoon, which is why I was at an art museum alone. My buddies wanted to start drinking early."

"I'm afraid I'm not much excitement. But I'm glad you're here to help me."

Getting her on the bus, once she was strong enough to walk to the bus stop, was something of an adventure in itself. He got really strange looks from the driver and a couple of the passengers. Everyone was relieved when they got off at the stop near her apartment.

Her place was a second floor walk-up in an old building, but was nicely furnished in a 'new age' way.

Once they were inside-her roommate was gone for the weekend-she asked, "Can you stay a bit? Make sure I don't pass out or something?"

"Sure. Happy to. Although you seem a lot more steady on your feet than you were a bit ago."

"Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good, except for this rotten headache... Can I get you anything? Glass of wine? Beer? Grass?"

"Wine or beer. I don't smoke."


"Tried it once. Don't like being out of control, so I haven't used it since. Don't do more than a drink an hour, either. Same reason."

"Holy cow, not only handsome as can be, but straight, too. How about girls?"

"Now there you got me. I like girls. Don't have one at the moment, but that's 'cause I haven't replaced the last one yet."

She brought him a beer and a glass, poured a glass of wine for herself, and sat beside him on the sofa.

"You don't sound, act, or dress like you're from The City," she commented. "Where are you from? And what brings you to town?"

Rick started telling her about coming down for the weekend from Davis, where he was an animal husbandry major. That told her he was not a city boy and she asked where he called home. Then she had to hear all about the Steele Ranch, its beauty and its setting and about ranch life.

"You never even dated until college?" She couldn't believe it.

"No. We didn't go to high school. We were taught at home. The nearest girls were too far away to date."

Unbelievable. This guy had obviously made up for lost time, from the things he'd said about girls at UC Davis. And he was not some airheaded kid doing college because his parents expected it. He was a real gem-Elin decided she wanted this one.

Soon it was twilight. Elin suggested they get something to eat. "I can cook, Rick, but there's a wonderful little Chinese place right around the corner. We can go there, or I can order takeout. Either way, it's my treat."

"Let's go there and I'll pay," Rick offered.

"No. You've already done so much for me, feeding you is the least I can do."

"OK, but if you're going to pay, let's eat here. I'd really feel bad if I let you pay for me in a restaurant."

'OH GOD! All this and a gentleman, too!' she thought. "If that's what it takes, it's OK with me." She called in their order, then brought him another beer. "About the time you finish that, our food will be ready."

Rick was enthralled. He found the woman's conversation to be funny and interesting. And he soon realized that, though she was a free spirit and very much her own woman, she was extremely intelligent. He also discovered that she was a genuinely nice person. The nicest he'd ever known. "The milk of human kindness..." He seemed to recall a quotation with that in it. That described Elin... the inner Elin. The outer was just downright beautiful.

After they strolled to the Chinese place and returned with their booty, Elin preferred to eat on the sofa rather than at the table. Rick turned down her offer of another beer with dinner in favor of the tea that came with it.

When they had eaten enough, Elin moved to him and leaned her head against him, pulling his arm around her.

"That's nice. Good food, good company, and good conversation. Now a warm arm around me to help the digestion... Please tell me more about your ranch, Rick. It sounds so beautiful, I'd love to paint it someday."

"Maybe you will, someday..." he said, launching into glowing descriptions of his favorite places on the ranch.

When he ran down, she looked at him. "Rick, you said you don't have a girl right now. Maybe... just for tonight... could I be your girl?"

He looked at her, trying to see if she was asking what he thought she was asking. Those beautiful blue eyes were looking at him with need in them. He already knew she was no tramp. He moved to kiss her and was met by lips softer than he'd ever felt, until they firmed and became demanding, parting so her tongue could taste him.

They moved to change the angle and her head brushed against his, causing her to gasp when her bruised forehead bumped him.

He backed off, afraid he'd hurt her. She just looked at him a moment. "It's all right. You just brushed my bump. It's still pretty sore... You know, we'll be a lot more comfortable in the bedroom, and I can get some aspirin for my head."

So matter of fact: They'd be more comfortable in bed and she'll get some aspirin...

He'd never met a girl like her.

No games, no faked coy reluctance. Just honest desire.

She stood and held out a hand to him. Taking it, he rose and let her lead him into the bedroom, where she calmly removed her clothing and folded it neatly on her dresser. Naked, she looked even more beautiful than she did clothed. Her body would put most Playboy centerfolds to shame. She was just plain gorgeous.

Nonchalantly, she walked into the bathroom, took two aspirin and brushed her teeth. She gave herself a quick, tight grin. This one was hers!

In the bedroom, Rick was standing as she'd left him. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her.

"Only with you... and only if it's what you want, too."

Rick grinned and began shedding clothing. "This country boy is all yours, ma'am."

In moments they were writhing together on the bed. Somehow, Rick entered her, though there was no moment he remembered when he did. They were so hungry, each wanting to devour the other. The feel of her skin against his was electric. So soft, so smooth, and so sensuous; he'd never experienced anything like it.

Elin felt much the same. This man created feelings in her that were new. She was not a virgin, but she felt that she'd never made love before. Without warning, an orgasm swept over her, wracking her with ecstasy. As he kept moving against her and in her, she felt another sweep over her. And then, incredibly, yet another. She was gasping for breath, feeling like she was drowning, when she felt him stiffen, then shudder deep inside her.

Elin wept for joy. Everything before was just sex-this was making love. She knew at last what it was all about. And she felt a meeting and melding of spirits with her lover's too. Her search was over.

She had found her mate.

For his part, Rick was wiped out. This was the most incredible sex he'd ever known. With a San Francisco hippy girl. She was probably much more experienced than him. That could account for it. But, even if she had fifty lovers, he was glad to be one of them. He'd be back, if she'd have him...

His next thought was that it was morning and he'd slept all night with his arms around the most beautiful girl he'd ever met.

The beautiful blue eyes were open and searching his face. She sported an ugly purple bruise on her alabaster brow, but she was still gorgeous. A tiny smile graced her very kissable lips.

"Good morning, darling. Would you like some coffee?... I'll be happy to fix breakfast if you want."

"Bless you. I'd like that a lot. Uh... do you maybe have a razor I could borrow?"

Her laugh sounded to him like bells ringing. "In the medicine cabinet. New blades, too. I just use soap, so there's no shaving cream, I'm afraid. Go ahead and use my toothbrush. I don't think we'll catch anything from each other." Except love, she thought.

Shaved, brushed and dressed, he joined her in the kitchen, where she was frying some bacon, buttering the toast, and had a half-dozen eggs ready to fry.

"Your coffee's right in front of you, dear," she said. Noting his stare, she blushed. "Well, I can't very well cook bacon naked, now can I?" She was wearing an old t-shirt and nothing else.

When she served their breakfast and was sitting opposite him, she asked, "When do you have to go back?"


"When do you have to go back? You know, to Davis?"

"Oh. Oh, yeah. Ziggy wanted to leave about three. That means between three-thirty and four."

"So I have you until you have to leave to get to where your friends are staying?"

"If I'm not in the way."

"Oh, I hope very much that you're in the way... a lot." She grinned at him. "Can I show you one of my favorite spots in the city?"


She took him to Union Square and led him into Gumps. On the second floor was an incredible collection of carved jade figures. They spent three hours admiring them, Elin discussing several of the pieces she'd studied previously and researched. Rick came away believing that she really knew what she was talking about, when she discussed art.

They took the cable car to Fishermen's Wharf and had lunch in a little restaurant out of the tourist path. Then they just wandered hand in hand, until Rick had to go.

Before he could ask, she said, "When will you be able to come again?"

"I think I can make it in two weeks. I'll drive myself, maybe cart a couple of guys along to pay for the gas. Would you have some time for me that weekend?"

"You can have me from Friday night until Monday morning, if you can stay that long. I'll kick my roommate out before then. We'll have the place to ourselves-if you don't mind staying in my apartment?"

"Good heavens no. It's a lot better than the places we usually flop. And lots better company."

"You have my number?"

"Yeah. And you have mine," he said. You've got my number all right. My number's up, he thought.

On Tuesday, Rick visited a florist in Davis. One with the FTD logo on his door. He sent her one long-stemmed red rose.

Wednesday night she called him. "Rick, that was so thoughtful of you. I cried when I opened the box. You are still planning to come down aren't you?"

"I wouldn't miss it," he declared. "I only wish I could come this weekend, too."

"Oh, could you?" she breathed.

"Only in my dreams, I'm afraid. I have a big test Monday that I have to study for. It's a really important class."

"I understand. I'm just anxious to see you again."

"Me too. Thanks for the call."

"Good night, dear," she said as she hung up.

When her roommate finally came home, they had some words. The roommate moved out the next day. She wasn't upset with Elin. She knew Elin was a remarkably kind person, and that she had taken advantage of her kindness outrageously. She could move in with a guy she knew. She'd be OK.

Two weeks later, Rick arrived mid-afternoon on Friday.

"My afternoon class was cancelled and I didn't see any point in waiting," he explained. "Besides, I want to take my favorite girl out to dinner and maybe dance with her a little. Say, you're even more beautiful without that big purple lump on your head... It was kind of fetching, though."

"Oh, you. Where do you want to go? Fancy or fun?"

"Fun, by all means. Do I need a jacket and tie?"

"Not tonight. But get your stuff out of the car-it's not safe to leave it out there on the street."

He retreated to his pickup and brought in a large suitcase and a garment bag. Seeing her expression, he said, "No, I'm not moving in. I didn't know just what we'd be doing and I wanted to be prepared for everything."

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Loverboy Ricky

It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager….   Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him.    It was summertime...

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Loverboy Ricky

It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager….   Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him.    It...

1 year ago
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Maria teaches Ricky

“Cum all over my throat right now!” Maria walks into her brother’s room and yells, “RICKY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU’RE ONLY 11!” as she quickly grabs the plug to the T.V. and pulls it. “Come on Maria, all of my friends told me to watch this.” Says Ricky. “Maybe when you’re old enough, but right now, you’re not nearly old enough.” “Well, you watch these things, I know you do. I’ve seen you watch them” “When did you see me watch a porno?” “I saw you last week, I was walking by...

2 years ago
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Trickster By Maskedscribe The way to the witch's hut was gloomy and foreboding. The further she followed the path, and the further the hour went from noon meant that the shadows would grow longer and more sinister. All of the trees that crowded around and blotted out the sky were barren of leaves dark and gnarled looking like scores of claws grasping at the sky. The path snaked though the swamp's pools of stagnant water and fallen logs and eventually...

4 years ago
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Tryst with Tera Patrick

To state the obvious, Tera Patrick is an incredibly beautiful creature, and I own every one of her adult DVD's, and plenty of magazines she appeared in, plus pictures I downloaded from the internet. Fuck I have a Tera Patrick file in... Sorry I'm not letting know in where. So just imagine my excitement when my friend Bradley Scott got us invitations to a Hustler Convention that was taking place in a nearby city. All the top names in the adult film business were going to be there; Jessica...

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Master Elrick

I had worked in the house of Master Elrick for almost six months, when he came calling one night. For sixteen years, I had lived in a small village, where there were no servants. The people were quite simple, and helped one another during times of need. I was not accustomed to such a life. Our town was just as poor as it was simple. My father eventually found it hard to make a living in our area. Miss Eleanor, Master Elrick’s head Servant, had passed through our village one summer day. It...

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Some Hilarious Dirty Jokes and Limericks

An elephant and a mouse, lifelong best friends, are walking along a dirt path in Africa. Suddenly, the elephant falls into a big hole and screams for his friend to get him out. The mouse runs home as fast as he can, gets his Mercedes, drives back to the hole, ties a rope to the car and pulls the elephant out of the hole.The next day, the 2 friends are walking along a dirt path, and this time, the mouse falls into a giant hole. The elephant, not panicking, quickly tosses his dick into the hole,...

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Kathy Flashing and Sex At The Brickyard

You have a lot of ‘firsts’ in your life when you’re sixteen. Just a couple of months after flashing at the Indy 500, I flashed at the Brickyard 400. I can tell you one thing, the good old boys of NASCAR are a bit more aggressive than those Indy car guys. Oh, I think you could say a lot more happened. It sure surprised me. As for me, I'm still crazy about flashing. I took some new measurements and apparently, I'm still a growing girl. Now my measurements are 38D - 19 - 30. My big breasts are...

3 years ago
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Uncle Cedrick

Growing up I spent every summer in Buff Bay Jamaica with my Grandmother and extended family. I had loads of fun,being with my cousins and just enjoying the clean waters of the beach and the island life. My grandmother lived in a spacious 4 bedroom house, which the backyard led straight to the beach, and she owned a tourist shop. She lived quite well as Buff Bay was a resort town. She lived alone but my uncle Cedric came from across town and often spent a few days with her caring for her home...

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Awesome Threesome With Rickshawala

Hi, this is Lalita again and I’m 19years old. I’ve dated only 3 guys in my life and had sex with one. I love having physical relationships. I’m 5 foot 5 in, slim, and my stats are 36-28-36. I have fairly big boobs and I love having them admired from men. This is my second story and I’m happy that you liked my first one “Boob pressed by rickshawala.” so here it goes…So, it had been three weeks but still the memory was fresh as new in my head. It went on and on like a tape in my mind making me...

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Hot Mumbai Rickshawala

Hi all, this is my first sex story of the many encounters, I have had in my life. Filled with fun, passion, sex and lot more. This story is of a hot kashmiri rickshaw guy I met and had sex with… A little about me, I am Forever 21, kidding I’m 29, but look in my 20s, got a perfectly curved body and 5. 8 inches tall, fair, golden hair. This story starts from a beautiful night, I met a friend who was celebrating his anniversary at a Restro Bar in Andheri, we had a lot of alcohol shots, different...

Gay Male
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Awesome Threesome With Rickshawala

Hi, this is Lalita again and I’m 19years old. I’ve dated only 3 guys in my life and had sex with one. I love having physical relationships. I’m 5 foot 5 in, slim, and my stats are 36-28-36. I have fairly big boobs and I love having them admired from men. This is my second story and I’m happy that you liked my first one “Boob pressed by rickshawala.” so here it goes… So, it had been three weeks but still the memory was fresh as new in my head. It went on and on like a tape in my mind making me...

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Boob Pressed By A Rickshawala

Hello, my name is Lalita and I’m 19 years old. I’ve dated only 3 guys in my life and had sex with one. I love having physical relationships. I’m 5 foot 5 in, slim, and curvy. I have big boobs; 36d. This is my first story, and it is based on a real life incident. This happened 6 months ago, when I was coming back from a friend’s birthday party. She lived near my house at a walking distance, but since it was almost midnight I decided to take an auto. I live in Mumbai and it is generally safe for...

4 years ago
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Femmericks By Lenal A dad took his kid to the mall Told the wizard, "She asked for a doll" So now every day, She says, "Daddy, let's play," And then he's the best Barbie of all. A builder's responses were crass When the witch said he used half his ass So she made the big jerk Put his whole tush to work When he dances each night, as a lass. Young Susie experienced joy When she broke lonely Billy's new toy. Doc Smith made her play nice With his TG device In a tale tagged...

2 years ago
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Prickoless On Prickoless

I am Prickoless. I wonder, can you remember my real name without looking back? No? Well, my name is Barry.I know that most of you despise me. You keep reading because you want to see how far I will be humiliated before I snap.  I know that some of you reading this transfer the ire you feel for your own husbands and heap it onto my shoulders.You guys out there (I know there are some, perhaps the enlightened ones who have read the story so far), don’t be complacent. You may find yourself either...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 929 All Kinds of Limericks

These are compliments of Rick M. Air Lingus A mother and her young son were flying Air Lingus. The son, who had been looking out the plane’s window, turned to his mother and said, “Mom, if big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?” Stumped, the mother suggested to her son that he ask the stewardess. The boy promptly got out of his seat and wandered back to the service area. “Excuse me,” the boy said to the stewardess. “If big dogs have...

1 year ago
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Someone slipped a Crickex link into my DMs the other day, asking me to take a look and let them know what I thought. On most days, I spend the morning and afternoon reviewing hardcore pornography before relaxing in the evening with some recreational, off-the-clock masturbation. Based on the name, I really thought Crickex was going to be some weird-ass insect-related fetish fuckery, and I really wasn’t looking forward to fap testing it. Fortunately, it turned out to be something else entirely....

Betting Sites
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Caught in my Fredericks

As with most Friday mornings, I had made an early start in order to finish up the week’s work and enjoy a worry-free weekend. Arriving in my office a few minutes before 7 a.m., I began taking advantage of the quite time to concentrate on a few pressing matters. Just as I was deep in thought, I heard what sounded very much like a young girl’s half-timid and half-joyous giggling. The how and why a teenage girl would be in our suite of offices before the start of business caused me to investigate....

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Alex n Ricky

It was after school when we had drama classes and it was about two hours long. I had been in the club for about a year and a half and i really enjoyed it, while Alex was new to it. So, it was after school, in the theater, and i was early. Then without noticing Alex had came in and i was practicing my sketch. "Hey..uh? Is this the drama club?" Alex said in a shy tone "OH! oh my god!... you scared me!" I said in a startled voice "Oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to disturb you but...

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A Tryst with Tera Patrick

To state the obvious, Tera Patrick is an incredibly beautiful creature, and I own every one of her adult DVD’s, and plenty of magazines she appeared in, plus pictures I downloaded from the internet. Fuck I have a Tera Patrick file in… Sorry I’m not letting know in where. So just imagine my excitement when my friend Bradley Scott got us invitations to a Hustler Convention that was taking place in a nearby city. All the top names in the adult film business were going to be there, Jessica...

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my arabhijab wife nadia with my friend ricky

Hai its my real story .i am Spencer 32 year from Albany ,newyork , I am working in real estate company,i am white ,my wife is arab name nadia from saudi arabia she is 25 year, we married 1 year ago,she is a beautiful hijab ,we are happily married couples, 6 months before I got financial crisis it was a huge amount my friend ricky help out of this problams he is rich financer own office, he is not married ,he is like play boy good lucking ,funny, most of time spending with girls, girls like him,...

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my arabhijab wife nadia with my friend ricky

Hai its my real story .i am Spencer 32 year from Albany ,newyork , I am working in real estate company,i am white ,my wife is arab name nadia from saudi arabia she is 25 year, we married 1 year ago,she is a beautiful hijab ,we are happily married couples, 6 months before I got financial crisis it was a huge amount my friend ricky help out of this problams he is rich financer own office, he is not married ,he is like play boy good lucking ,funny, most of time spending with girls, girls like him,...

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Get it? Good. My story is about the first older man who I ever had sex with. I was fifteen years old never been with a girl, ever, always was attracted to cock. Any way I had however been with three guys my own age at this point and was open to about everything. I was in my Emo phase, with jet black hair and super skinny body at that point and a lot of gay guys found me attractive and I liked that. I never had to go far to find cock. Even recorded my sexcapades for on-line posting a...

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My Wife and Patrick

This story was written by my dad. We were staying at this hotel, it had a kitchen that we had to share. We did have a refrigerator in our room but the stove, sink, washer and dryer were in the kitchen. We also had our own bathroom but that was all we had. . The beds were in the main room a fall Bed for the wife and I and bunk beds for the k**s. My wife has a pair of breast, her bra size is 50dd. Yes she's a little over weight.I was working second shift, 3:30 p.m. till 12:00 a.m. I would get...

1 year ago
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Derrick had been cruising the North Street Bridge for 20 minutes when he finally saw the pick-up he wanted. A pretty, clean-cut Hispanic boy in a tight, sleeveless Tee. He pulled up beside him and signaled him into the front seat, then turned the corner and drove to the alley behind the Chinatown strip-center. It was empty, dark, and windowless...perfect for a few moments of privacy. They got out and walked to the front of the car. "I'm Michael," the dark-skinned boy said, dropping to his...

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Gordy and Patrick

Gordy "Good morning," I began, "Welcome to Arthropodology. I'm Gordon Hollister. I assume that you've all had a course or two in biology. For the next few weeks I'm going to talk about a few sorts of invertebrates called arthropods: animals with jointed limbs but no spines. More specifically, we'll consider the arachnids or chelicerates, the crustaceans or biramous arthropods, and the insects or uniramous arthropods. There are over 100,000 named species of arachnids: spiders,...

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BurrChapter 68 Like a Ton of Bricks

It was our practice to make our beds as part of our preparation for Sunday evening formation. I dropped my satchel containing clean clothes on my footlocker and was tucking the bottom sheet under the mattress before I noticed the quiet in the room. No one was talking. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Marcy Cochran told me that all the girls at Speedwell knew that Jeannie was out of danger. And if all of the Speedwell girls knew that I had taken Jeannie's virginity, all of the Cromwell Cadets...

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Ryan lay in bed once again. This was the third day in the last 4 weeks that he was not feeling well enough to go to school. He didn't mind missing school. What kid does? The relentless fever he felt however was disconcerting. His pajamas were drenched as was his hair. To say Ryan was stressed is the understatement of the year. He was downright petrified. Looking at his mom and dad, he could see the sheer concern on their faces as well. Even his little brother and sister knew something...

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Wife tricked

Wife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black NeigWife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black NeighborOne of my biggest fantasies was to watch my wife have sex with my neighbor who is black but my wife is a bit prudish and doesn’t believe in having sex outside the marriage. So there I am stuck with a fantasy that will never happen. Until the day I came up with the perfect plan.First let me describe my wife Sandy is 31 years old and only 5 foot 2 but built like a brickhouse. Long blond hair 34...

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The Trickster

Detective Connors was furious. Her department has been getting reports of harassments done to women. But what made these cases different from the rest was the memory lapses that each of the women had. From each case, everybody will be doing their work until one person notices something off about the woman in question. This then spreads like a virus until the woman finally realizes the truth at last. These harassments would range from clothes ripped or missing to crude body writing and evidence...


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