The Seduction of Penny RamirezChapter 3 Penny Surrenders Her Soul
- 3 years ago
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Penny awoke to her alarm at five thirty. She puzzled for a moment, trying to remember when she had set it and why she had set that particular time. Finally, she gave up and simply accepted it, and she rose and stretched languorously, looking out the window toward the sun peeking at her from between the houses on the opposite side of the street.
There was no other movement in the house, so she felt that she had time to spend in the bathroom at the end of the hall (one of two on this floor). She took her makeup case with her, and started running a bath. Usually, she did not spend long in the mornings to improve her appearance, but now she put her razor to work, until her legs and underarms were smooth. For the first time, not really understanding why, she spent time "down there," trimming and shaving, until her pubic patch was almost nonexistent. She soaked in the tub, thinking (oddly) of nothing at all, until her skin began to wrinkle; then she used the last of the body lotion she owned, loving the feel of it on her skin. Back in her room, she spent more long minutes in front of a mirror, feeling strangely feminine and actually pretty. She would have to wear the same dress, but it was still relatively fresh. Thanks to the free night in the hotel, she thought that she might be able to spend enough at the second-hand store to buy a skirt and a couple blouses that would satisfy her strict boss' sense of propriety.
When she got to the office, the only one there was the night dispatcher, who seemed surprised to see anyone before eight o'clock. She busied herself with chores, filing more of the moving-violation warrants (her first in-office duty from the previous day). At seven-thirty, she dumped the old pot of coffee and started a new one, and ... guessing that the sheriff was as punctual as he was bureaucratic, she had his cup cleaned, filled and ready as he walked in the door.
He was clearly taken aback and for once, he was seemingly speechless. She pretended not to notice his lingering leer (if those years of waitressing had taught her anything, it was how to do that). She found herself blushing ... but not so much at how he stared at her, as the fact that HE blushed when he realized he was doing it. She found that his discomfort somehow removed him from the category "pervert," and placed him into the category "kind of cute," instead.
"Holy Christ, Penny," he exclaimed after taking a sip. "This is the first time I've ever had FRESH coffee in the morning! Did you make this? I didn't think you knew how to fix coffee."
"If it's at the Mid-City Diner in Fort Worth," she answered, "I know how to fix it. I know how to fix coffee, and I know how to fix chicken-fried steak with cream gravy, and I know how to fix a Wurlitzer juke box when the dollar bills get all wadded up behind the coin return gizmo." She smiled at his expression and turned to leave.
"Wait!" he ordered firmly. "Did you go to see Madam Dormir yesterday? I expect a report!"
She smiled and returned to sit in the chair at one side of his desk. Instinctively, she sat upright, her knees together with her hands resting on them. She found that for some reason, she kept her eyes lowered, except when she needed to use them for emphasis, and couldn't help but think, in the back of her mind, that this gave him the opportunity to look at her breasts ... at her figure. The idea made her face feel warm. "What do you want to know?" she asked quietly.
He cleared his throat. "What did you see? What did you do? What did SHE do?"
"She hypnotized me," Penny answered simply, giving a little shrug without looking up.
She heard him swallow. He coughed again. "She did what?" When she didn't answer immediately, he asked: "Why did you let her DO that?"
She sighed. "I didn't really have much of a choice. Before I knew what was happening, she was doing it ... and I was falling asleep. I ... I've never felt like that before. I've never slept so deeply ... so totally and completely. I'm not sure, but I think that if she walked into this room right now and told me to go to sleep, I'd do it. I don't think I'd be able to resist."
He wiped the palms of his hands on the sides of his trouser legs. "Do you think she's ... um ... controlling you in some way?"
She thought for a moment. "I don't know. I think maybe she is."
He was silent for a long moment. "Do you ... do you trust her?"
That made her look up into his eyes. "Oh, yes!" She thought that she was being too emphatic, but she felt that he needed to understand this. "Sir, she said some really strange things, but ... but she's a GOOD woman ... a good PERSON! I don't think she could ever ... um ... ever..." She was suddenly confused. "What is it that you think she's done that's against the law? What is she informing you about? Why do you want to see her this morning?"
He ignored her. "What 'strange things' did she say?"
Once again, Penny found that she couldn't meet his eyes. "She ... she seemed to know all about me. ALL about me. She knew about my grades in the academy. She knew how I felt ... how I feel ... what I want ... the type of person I am. Everything! She knew everything about me! She told me that SHE was responsible for me being here! That SHE was the person who brought me here from Fort Worth!"
"Aw, Penny, don't be ridiculous! She had nothing at all to do with you being hired. I needed another deputy, and I hired you. Period."
"But why did you pick ME? I mean, if you'd checked my record, I can't see how you could possibly choose me over all the applicants from all the police schools in the state!"
Now, HE was the one who couldn't seem to make eye contact. "Well..." He cleared his throat again. She was beginning to find that she could interpret the meanings of his various coughs: discomfort, insecurity, stall tactic, guilt. "To tell you the truth, the county board of directors suggested that I hire a woman for the job. It didn't matter to me, really. But ... well ... there are two women on the board, and somehow, they came up with your name. I just needed a deputy, and they hold the purse strings. But THEY came up with your name ... not Madam Dormir."
Penny nodded. It was true. Madam was telling the truth. Madam never lied.
He frowned, seeing that she didn't believe him. "And just why did she say she wanted you to come here to Rising Rapids? Why would SHE pick you?"
She gave him a little shrug. "You're not going to believe it, but she claimed that I was somehow going to save the world or something. Or save Rising Rapids, anyway. She made me sound like Wonder Woman. But ... but, at the same time, she told me that it was in my nature to be submissive and meek and dependent on others." Penny sighed. "I know it all sounds like she's some crazy woman ... but I BELIEVE her, Sheriff. I TRUST her. She's just a really nice lady. I don't think she would ever do ANYTHING wrong!"
She stole a peek at him, and she was shocked at his expression. That look he was giving her told her that he cared about her ... that he was concerned about her ... that he was worried about her. He sighed. "Penny, Madam Dormir sells dope."
The statement seemed to knock the breath out of her. She blinked at him, uncomprehending for a moment. "I ... I don't believe it."
He kept giving her that concerned look. "What time did you leave her yesterday?"
She frowned, feeling she wasn't keeping up with the conversation. "Um ... I got back about eight o'clock."
He nodded. "So you were with her for four hours?" He waited until she was forced to nod. "And for four hours work, you paid her twenty dollars?"
Her eyes widened. "Oh! I forgot to give her the twenty dollars!"
"How do you think she makes her living, Penny? She doesn't charge anything when you go to visit her. She sells drugs. THAT's how she makes her money. It's no secret ... everybody in town knows it." He handed her a handkerchief. It was the first that she'd noticed she was crying.
She dabbed at her eyes. "Why ... I mean, if you know about it... ?"
He shrugged. "She never sells anything except marijuana, and even then, only in very small quantities. She has all these little rules for her customers ... don't drive if you smoke one ... that sort of thing. And she refuses to sell to the type of guy that gets nasty when he's high. In fact, like I said yesterday, most of her clients are women." He shrugged again. "Hell, she sold me MY first joint when I graduated from high school. But she's been here forever. She's just part of the town ... part of its people."
"I ... I want to talk to her. I want to hear her side of it."
"No," he said firmly. "I don't want you to see her again ... at least, not until after I've had a chance to talk to her about this other thing."
"What thing?" she implored.
"I'll tell you about it later. But not now ... not today. I have to keep it secret ... sorry." He thought in silence for a long minute. "I need to ask her about all this 'save the world' stuff, too. That's ... that's just plumb loco. She's never struck me as the crazy type."
"Can I be here when you talk to her?"
"Definitely not. Like I said, I need to keep this absolutely hush-hush. I'll brief you in a couple days. In the meantime, I don't want you mentioning anything about her to anyone. Period. Got it?"
Penny nodded, rose from her chair and handed the moist handkerchief back to him. "Yes, sir. I understand." Without another word, she turned and left his office.
She worried over the problem of Madam Dormir for the next hour while she was filing the warrants for the moving violations. It was slow work ... tedious work, but she didn't mind. It was work, after all. Every few minutes, she found herself checking the clock on the wall, which should have been odd. She'd never been a clock-watcher. She'd always worked at a task until it was done, never really caring about break time or quitting time ... or time in general. For no particular reason, she rose from her desk at precisely nine-fifteen and went back to his office, knocking gently as she walked in.
"Get you a cup of coffee, Chief?" she asked innocently.
He smiled, nodded and handed her his cup, though he let his eyes slide over her body as he did so. She smiled, too, and blushed a little, but didn't object. She poured the coffee from the large pot, then took the full cup to her desk, along with a small plastic container of cream and a packet of sugar. She poured in the cream, then she poured in the sugar, then she fished out a small glass vial from her purse. She uncorked the vial, poured in the clear liquid, replaced the cork, and put the empty glass container back into her purse again. She stopped at the coffee pot long enough to stir the hot brew with a spoon, then she took the cup back to her boss. He tasted it, thanked her, and they both went back to their individual tasks.
She was surprised to suddenly see Madam Dormir standing beside her desk. The clock on the wall showed that it was nine-twenty-eight. "Madam," Penny said, startled. "What are you doing back here? I thought you were supposed to talk to the sheriff." Madam's bright smile was contagious. She was startled, however, when the woman picked up Penny's big cloth purse and began rummaging around in it. "You ... you shouldn't be doing that, Madam. OH! Please be careful of the gun. It's loaded. What are you looking for?"
"Just this, dear," Madam replied, taking a small, empty glass vial from the purse.
Penny blinked, confused. "What ... what IS that? How did it get in my purse?"
Madam smiled gaily and dropped the vial in her own handbag. "It's nothing at all, my dear. I must have dropped it in your purse accidently yesterday." Penny frowned, confused. "Dear, I want you to just forget all about that, alright?" She put a finger under Penny's chin and lifted her face until their eyes met. "It's of no importance. Just forget about it."
Penny felt suddenly dizzy. Closing her eyes seemed to help a little, but when she opened them again, she'd lost her train of thought. "Madam, do you sell marijuana?"
The woman frowned a little. "Well, yes, dear. I didn't think you were the type that would like it. Do you want some?"
Penny paled. "NO! I mean ... No, of course not. I ... I didn't know ... um ... that you sold ... um..."
Madam smiled again. "Well, you're still new here, but everybody in town knows. And now, you do, too. Just let me know if you change your mind." And she turned and walked toward the sheriff's inner office.
Penny wasn't sure how to take all of this. She felt oddly disconnected, as if she should be doing something ... or worrying about something ... but couldn't quite remember what that something was. Slowly, she got back into the routine of her paperwork task, but again, she found herself checking the clock every minute or two, as if she was anxiously waiting for the proper time of some important task. At precisely nine-forty-five, she rose and walked swiftly to the door of the sheriff's office.
"He's in an important meeting," Bea told her. "He doesn't want to be disturbed."
"Yes, I know," Penny responded. "He's with Madam Dormir. He wanted me to go in and give him some information while she was there."
"Well ... he could have told ME about it!" Bea groused. "Go on in. I'll make sure no one ELSE disturbs him."
Penny nodded, tapped lightly on the door, opened it and went in. She turned as she entered, giving her attention to the task of closing the door quietly. Something was tickling at the edge of her consciousness. This WAS what he had told her to do ... wasn't it? She frowned, uncertain. Well ... she was here now. If this wasn't what he wanted, he'd just tell her to leave, that's all. She turned toward the sheriff's big desk. And she froze in amazement.
The sheriff sat, sprawled in his chair, his arms hanging at his sides. His eyes were closed, and his head was leaning comfortably against Madam's ample breasts, her arms wrapped protectively around his head. He was drooling a little on her blouse. She was stroking his hair with her fingertips, and she was droning: "Deeper and deeper, now. That's it. You feel SO good ... and comfortable ... and relaxed. Go deeper for me. Deeper and deeper."
Penny took a step toward them. "No," she said aloud ... though for some reason, she was keeping her voice low, as if not to awaken him. "Madam, you mustn't! Not to HIM!"
Madam Dormir looked up at her and nodded, as if she fully expected to see her here, but a bemused little smile flitted across her lips. She pointed directly at her, and Penny halted suddenly, as if that pointing finger was an order that could not be refuted. "Stay right there, dear. Don't move. I'll be with you in just a moment. I'm running a few minutes behind, but he's coming along nicely now." Then she put her lips near the sheriff's ear and continued her mantra about going deeper.
Penny's mind was in utter turmoil. She desperately wanted to stop Madam, but she was somehow incapable of either movement or speech. As she watched, she finally recalled what the sheriff had told her earlier ... that she should NOT come into the office. Why had she forgotten that? But now, it was certainly a lucky thing that she had. Now, she could stop Madam from hypnotizing her boss ... stop her from controlling him. If only ... if only she could move.
Gently, Madam lowered the sheriff's sleeping head to the surface of the big desk, turning it so that his cheek was resting on its surface. He was mumbling something, and Penny had to concentrate hard to understand. He was counting ... softly counting: " ... thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen..."
"That's right, Joe. Deeper with each number. Keep counting. Deeper and deeper." Madam Dormir was coming around the desk now, walking up to her, smiling at her. "Very good, my dear. You are doing SO well."
Penny felt very confused. Madam's praise made her heart happy ... made her stomach flutter in a most pleasant way. But something was ... wrong. "Madam, PLEASE don't hypnotize him! Not HIM! Take me, instead! You can have me ... you can make me do things ... make me do ANYTHING! But please, please not him!"
Madam smiled with utter mirth and pleasure. "My, my, dear. This IS something. I haven't given you any suggestions at all concerning Joe, and you've gone and fallen in love with him all on your own!"
Penny blinked. "No ... I ... I just want you to..."
"I'm sorry, dear," interrupted Madam, "but I'm very short on time, and there's SO much to do. I want you to look into my eyes, please dear. Directly into my eyes. That's it. Now get sleepy for me, please."
Penny's eyes suddenly became so heavy she could hardly keep them open. "No ... no, Madam. We need to talk about the sheriff! You ... you can't..."
"No thoughts, now, dear. Look in my eyes, and just let all your thoughts slip away ... slip away..."
"But ... but, the sheriff..."
"Look in my eyes ... let your thoughts slip away. No thoughts now. You have no thoughts at all." She paused, and fleetingly, Penny imagined that there was something that needed to be done. But ... what was it? Madam would know. Madam knew everything. "What are you thinking about, dear?"
"Nothing, Madam."
"Very good, dear; very good. And now that you have no thoughts, we will fill your head with sleep, instead. You are very sleepy, aren't you, dear?"
"Yes, Madam. Please ... please make me sleep now."
"Very well, dear. Close your eyes and sleep. Now."
Penny found herself sinking down, down, down into a wonderfully sound sleep. She didn't know how long it lasted, but something nagged inside her mind. Something wasn't right. There was someone who needed her. She had to fix something ... or at least, she had to try. She wanted to sleep, but instead, she forced her eyes open.
She made a little noise, deep in her throat. This wasn't right at all. She was naked. Absolutely, totally, stark naked ... and she was standing in the center of the room, her hands at her sides, her feet far enough apart that her pussy was clearly visible. And behind the desk, the sheriff was leering at her with undisguised lust in his eyes. Madam stood beside him, bent slightly at the waist, so that her lips were next to his ear, and she was talking quietly to him, pouring words of passion and desire into his fertile mind.
"This is wrong," Penny said quietly.
Startled, Madam glanced up at her, but her initial look of shock was gradually replaced with one of amazed delight. She straightened and walked around the desk to her, beaming. "Oh, my. You really HAVE got it bad, my dear. You want to protect him. You would do anything for him, wouldn't you?"
Penny blinked and tried to understand. Once again, she couldn't seem to move, couldn't even raise her arms to shield her incredibly stiff nipples from the view of the ogling sheriff. She took a shuddering breath. "Yes," she answered quietly. "I'd do anything for him." The most surprising thing about that statement was that it was undeniably true.
"If you want to protect him, my dear, then you must do as I say. You DO want to protect him, don't you?"
"Will you do as I say?"
She hesitated. "Yes."
"You are dreaming, my dear."
Her brow furrowed in thought. "I am?"
"Yes, dear. You are deeply hypnotized. You are asleep, and you are dreaming. This is all a dream. It's very ... erotic ... isn't it?"
"Oh, yes."
"Joe wants to see you in deep hypnosis again. It really turns him on to know that you are helplessly in someone else's power. See how much he wants you?"
"Then, if you want to please him, let sleep come again. You are asleep, and this is a dream; and in your dream, you are sleepy ... sleepy. So sleepy. That's it, my dear. You won't fall ... you'll remain standing just like that as you sleep. Sleep, dear. Sleep."
She was especially deep now. It took a long time to come back from sleep that deep, and she had to struggle to do it. Finally, she opened her eyes.
Madam and the sheriff were standing over her, looking down at her as she slowly awoke. She was in the chair at the side of the sheriff's desk, and her mind was still muddled by sleep. She smiled up at them wanly, then frowned a little as she tried to hold onto a particularly strange and oddly pleasant dream ... but it flitted away, the way dreams always seem to do. "How ... how did I get here?" she asked them.
The sheriff cleared his throat, and in her mind, Penny was able to translate it as his "I'm concerned about you" cough, which made her blush slightly. "You came in while Madam Dormir and I were talking," he told her. "As long as you were here ... against my instructions, I might add ... I asked her to demonstrate how she can hypnotize you. She whispered something in your ear, and you collapsed into that chair, out like a light." He turned and looked sternly at the older woman. "I don't like knowing that you can do that to one of my deputies."
She patted his hand, placating him. "Don't worry your head about it, dear," she told him. "I'll only use it for therapeutic purposes." She picked up her purse and moved toward the door. "Thank you for listening to me, Joe. I know that you'll do the right thing."
And she was gone.
The sheriff stepped up to her chair and held out his hand to her. He cleared his throat, which she understood as the cough he made when he was looking at her cleavage and hoped she didn't look up and catch him in the act. Obediently, she didn't look up, but she reached out and took his proffered hand, allowing him to pull her into a standing position. This, however, put their bodies in closer proximity than they had ever been before. She blushed and kept her gaze low, feeling his strength and size so close to her diminutive form. His hand let go of hers and brushed lightly against her right breast as he moved it to his side, making him cough rather violently and step back abruptly from her.
She flushed, but didn't object. Finally, she said: "Sir, perhaps it would be best if I resigned."
"What!?" he barked, genuinely flustered. He raised his arms and let them flop helplessly back to his sides again. "You mean ... because I touched you? It was an accident..."
She laughed out loud at that, then blushed even more. "Don't be silly! That's not why."
"Well then, what the hell ARE you talking about?"
She looked up at him, tears pooling in her eyes. "She made me come in here, somehow ... even when you'd ordered me not to. She can make me do things."
"You can simply resist her," he said.
"But I can't." She paused for emphasis. "I don't WANT to resist her. I LOVE it when I fall into a trance for her. I love it so much, that deep down inside, I KNOW I'd never be able to resist. Not ever." He didn't seem to be able to respond to that. "Sir, I'm a natural submissive. I know that now. I'm submissive, and meek, and obedient, and compliant and subservient. I could NEVER make a good cop ... no one with those traits ever could. I asked Madam Dormir ... I BEGGED her to make me more assertive. But she told me that would go against the nature of the person I really am." She sighed. "I'm afraid I'm going to get somebody hurt. If I ever had to fired that automatic in my purse, there's no telling WHAT I'd hit!"
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Suffering for PennyChapter 1Penny's eyes slowly opened. She pulled her arms from under the blanket and rubbed her tired eyes. Today was the day. She was finally turning 18. And daddy had promised her a special present today. She lazily got out of bed and gathered the clothes she wanted to wear today. She headed to the bathroom to prepare for her big day. She stripped and admired her body in the full length mirror. She took a moment to look at her cute blonde hair, then ran her hands down her...
Over the course of the week following her first lesbian experience, Penny found Niamh’s words at the coffee shop surfacing in her thoughts again and again. It was true: somehow, her sexuality had been heightened and emphasized with the knowledge she could be satisfied by a woman as well as a man. She wondered if this meant she was bisexual. It seemed strange to think of herself in those terms, but she couldn’t deny the sensuality of what she had done with Niamh: there had been a real connection...
On Wednesday night, lying in bed wrapped in a tangle of sheets, with Marina curled up by her side, Penny agonized in despair at the choices she was faced with, completely unable to come to a decision. It didn’t seem like there was any solution which would give her what she craved. She wanted to remain faithful to Mark, but also yearned to explore her newly-discovered bisexuality. The only way this could happen would be if Mark knew, and gave her his blessing, but the idea of telling Mark...
Penny was happy in her new home. There was still a lot to do around the house, especially the garden, but work commitments kept Mark busy, and after having taken some time off while they moved, Penny returned to her part-time job. What had been a burst of activity, making the house habitable, became the slow process of settling in and turning the house into something uniquely theirs. The rest of the week passed quickly and for a few days Penny forgot all about Alyssa and Jason and got on with...
Hey guys, I’m back for another chapter in my Big Bang Theory fan fiction series. If this is the first story your reading I suggest going back to the start, it will make a lot more sense for you. So far we’ve seen what the smart and slutty Leslie Winkle gets up to when she gets a hankering for nerd dick, now it’s time to bring in Penny. Penny is the incredibly hot blonde who is the only female character to be in every season. She is really, really hot (seriously I would do bad things to...
A Passion for Penny © Suburban Sinner 2007 This is the true story of how, after knowing each other for more than ten years, I found myself in bed with one of our closest family friends. I've changed the names and a few other details that might give too big a clue to my or Penny's true identities, but otherwise this is exactly how it happened – or at least it's how I remember it!In her early forties, a highly educated professional woman with two teenage children,...
Wife LoversPenny is panting, groaning, and grimacing a bit as her asshole stretches wide around your cock. She is on her hands and knees, her massive tits sway below her as you pull back on her hair and shove your cock harder into her tight ass. Penny screeches as she feels the last half of your steel hard cock bury in her depths, your balls smashing into her soaking wet pussy lips. You slowly start stroking into your wife loving the sight of your cock making her ass hole stretch. Her ass cheeks start...
"Penny's Cage ???????? "Penny's Cage." ?In the warm, stuffy darkness of the Shed, Penny stirred on her bed of straw, drowsily feeling its familiar prickly scratchiness against her bare skin. She reluctantly opened her eyes to see the first, faint hints of dawn turn the skylights far above her a dim grey. She had enjoyed another of the occasional long and death-like sleeps which came upon her at regular intervals. Sitting up, she raised a front paw and swept back from her face the...
Penny’s Fourth Day At the end of the third day Bridget told Mr Johnson that Penny had such a big day that there would be no homework assignment for day four. She slipped Mr Johnson a DVD which contained a video of the afternoon class on anal discipline. She said perhaps they could watch it and maybe Penny’s cunt would like some gentle tender attention from both Mr and Mrs Johnson that evening. Penny dozed in the car on the way home, she smelt of hard core anal sex. It was all over her, she...
Copyright© 2004 - Shakes Peer2B Penny sat facing away from me, watching her mother enjoy the attentions of my half-Wolf companion, Caesar, while she slowly rode my cock. Sarah, her mother, had just screamed her way through her umpteenth orgasm as Caesar blasted his superheated dog cum deep in her body, his knot swelling her belly as if she were pregnant. Caesar's brother, Czar, another half-Wolf, half-Malamute brute, lay in the corner licking Penny's essence off the pink flesh of his...
Summary:What they were doing in Penny's apartment during The Pork Chop Indeterminancy. Points if they do it between the boys coming over to ask Missy out, and have to get dressed to answer the door each time.Work Text:If there’s one thing that both the Cooper twins are used to, it’s getting their own way. Penny finds this out halfway through the first glass of wine, when Missy leans over, puts one finger under Penny’s chin, and turns Penny’s face toward her.“I’m sure I don’t need to tell you...
On Sunday morning Marina returned home, determined to make the best of her situation with Steven, invigorated by a new confidence founded on the relationships and friendships built over the previous days. Both Alyssa and Penny asked Marina to return the following week, although neither of them mentioned that the upcoming party would be somewhat different. Thinking only of the lesbian sex she anticipated would be on the menu, Marina happily agreed to visit Penny again in a week’s time. The two...
Denise could drive me crazy in at least three different ways. Number 1: She could be sulky, bossy, sarcastic, impossible to please and pathologically unreliable. Number 2: She could be provocative, charming, seductive and frankly more dirty in bed than any other woman I ever met. Number 3: There was no way to tell which of the first two she would be on any given day. So it was always going to be a bad idea to drive one hundred and fifty miles in the hope of getting to fuck her. But when...
AnalPenny’s Second Day at Finishing SchoolPenny was very satisfied with herself and her first day. She finally got some real cock penetration but only in her arse. She thoroughly loved it, in fact, she was now an addict for anal penetration. She loved everything about it, the way it made her feel like a filthy whore, perhaps even the thought that she had probably gone a lot further than her mother ever would have. Perhaps it was some kind of weird Electra complex playing out but what she couldn’t...
The next morning when Penny got up she had voice mail about the second bedroom. As she listened to it she jotted down notes about the caller. It was a woman named Laura who said she saw the flyer in the lobby on her way to work and was currently looking for a place closer to the downtown area. When Penny called her back they spoke for a few minutes and agreed to grab lunch together today and get to know each other and discuss the living situation.At lunch time Penny waited down in the lobby for...
LesbianA Passion for Penny – Ch. 03 Suburban Sinner 2008 This is the continuing story of a true life affair between two close family friends. Its passionate beginning is told in my first chapters - A Passion for Penny 1 & 2 – which proved more controversial than I had ever imagined – I even received hate mail - so please be warned: This is a true story of two married people having an affair. It lasted two exciting years before it ended. If you are distressed by stories about 'cheating'...
Wife LoversPenny Tweedy Anderson was a military wife faced with long-term separations from her hubby Derek due to deployments to the Middle East and Afghanistan. Master Sergeant Derek Anderson was a much-decorated military non-com serving in the Army Special Forces.Penny was a highly sexed mother of three-year-old identical twin boys, Tommy and Timmy. She was deflowered as a mere sixteen-year-old, and from that point on, could never get enough cock. She got knocked up when she was eighteen and gave birth...
BisexualPenny’s Third Day Penny loved what had been done to her throughout the second day and was quite proud of her accomplishments so far. She was so thankful to her guide, Bridget. She made sure she showed it too! Whenever she had the opportunity she would always do what she could to help Bridget cum during the class activities. Bridget was the kind of slut she looked up to, and craved her approval. So when she was to be picked up this time by Mr Johnson she thought she might share Mr Johnson’s...
What a beautiful sight TJ says walking up behind Penny. His hand trails over her reddened ass cheek making her quietly moan. We are not done yet slut, TJ tells Penny. That was just the beginning. You did very well being a submissive little cock whore. I think you would enjoy more wouldn't you slave? Penny's legs begin to visibly quiver and she whimpers into the blanket on the bed. TJ viciously swats her already welted ass. Answer me you filthy little fucking slut! Penny turns her...
I was home on Christmas break after my first semester at college. It was good to see my parents again. I had missed them while I was away. It was my first day back and I was in the den talking to mom about college life. Dad was at work when I got home so I had a warm welcome from my mother. I had only been home an hour when we heard the phone ring and mom went to answer it. From where I was I couldn’t make out what she was saying but she did sound extremely concerned. It was only a couple of...
She stood immobile as she had stood for the past three days, afraid to sleep in case she stumbled and the rusting metal collar by which she was secured by way of a short chain from the cellar's vaulted ceiling should serve to snap her neck. She still wore her yellow party dress, and her black bomber jacket, even her high heels, only her pretty pink panties lay on the soiled stone floor where she had taken them down to answer a call of nature and she hadn't been able to pick them up...
A Passion for Penny – Chapter 2 © Suburban Sinner 2007 This is the continuing story of a true life affair between two close family friends. Its passionate beginning is told in my first story - A Passion for Penny – which has been more controversial than I had ever imagined it could be.For those who haven't read Part 1, Penny and I are both in our early forties, married (though not to each other) and each of us has two teenage children. Penny is a highly educated...
Wife LoversPenny King In 1957 when I was ten years old we had just gotten a television set. It was quite the entertainment center too. It was a big wooden cabinet with all of the doors closed. It was sort of divided up into four quarters. The upper left corner was a twelve inch television with the record cabinet below that. The upper right corner was a radio and below that was a record player. Mom and dad had some of the older 78s that were thick and only cut on one side but they also had some of...
Author unknown.My name is Penny Michaels and I live with my aunt outside of Chicago. My life seemed to be pretty normal for a person who lost her parents at a very young age. I don’t really remember them very well and no one has really explained to me what happened to them. I’ve been dating a guy named Jim for the last several months and it seemed our relationship was starting to get serious. I was hoping he would pop the question soon and turn me into a bride.This all changed rather suddenly...
### CB-4373 ###Always Hot Wifeby Steve GoldenFOREWORDThe seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage with the girl and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who, under group pressure, join the neighborhood...
Author’s note: If you’re expecting a stroke story, you’ll be highly disappointed, so I’d suggest you move on to another one. And though there is plenty of hot steamy sex later on in this story, I’ve slowly built up to it for a number of reasons. For one, I wanted this somewhat far-fetched idea to at least sound plausible. It’s a bit on the Dean Koontz, even Stephen King side of things with a dash of true erotica mixed in for flavor. I thought I might attempt this tale, see how well received it...
CREATED BY BIGHORNYCOCK123"Okay! Okay." replied Amy Farrah Fowler standing naked in the middle of the apartment."Well, as you know the boys are away at another comic convention" she then said."Yes, like they often are! But that doesn't explain why you and Bernadette are naked in my living room, with a strange guy!" retorted Penny sternly."Look. What do you want us to say?" retorted Bernadette back, as she climbed off my spent dick and stepped down onto the floor, standing as naked as Amy was,...
After reading many of the stories on Fictionmania, I thought I would post some of the stories, I've been working on. This story is part of a much longer story I've been writing and editing for over 3 years. This story was written as one, but in the interest of 'keeping it simple stupid', I am breaking it up into several chapters. I welcome any constructive criticism to help improve my writing and this story. Any questions or comments can be emailed to: [email protected]. The...
My green eyed beauty and I had been having sex just over two months and I think that Penny is even happier now than I have ever seen her. She kind of tricked me into noticing just how amazingly sexy she truly is but now that I know, I can’t get enough of her beautiful body. She came home from school this afternoon with her best friend Jill, who is also an extremely good looking young woman and also in her late teens, like my Penny. Jill is shorter than Penny’s 5’4” frame, being only 5’, but she...
Incest© Copyright 2003 My house is built on a rather large plot of land, but unlike my neighbors, I don't try to make it produce income for me, so technically, it's not a farm. When the last known heir of the original owner died in the eighteen-nineties, the land fell into a legal limbo while the possibility of living inheritors was investigated (they actually did such things back then!). Then in the early part of the twentieth century, a fire destroyed many of the records of who owned...
It was Penny's first day at an exclusive finishing school for sluts. She proudly wore her new uniform and thought it made her look stunning, showing off her pretty cunt and her beautiful bare arse that could be just seen beneath her short pleated skirt. She paraded in front of the mirror admiring her new uniform and anticipating the day ahead with excitement.Her journey here started some time back. She came from a well to do family, her father was a radiologist and her mother was an executive...
It started like most Sunday mornings. Sam fetched coffee and pastry from the French place around the corner. Depending on how messy the night before had been, she might shower. Or she might just doze. Either way, she would be naked in bed awaiting her horny man’s return. They would lounge and read the Times, sip their dark roast and keep the crumb shrapnel to a minimum. And at some point, one would make a move on the other. Flush with caffeine and a night’s rest and the ever-present lust of...
BDSM"Penny, you get your little butt in here and do the dishes!" Penelope Farrell heard her father's yell but the only effect it had was to cause her to hunch her shoulders tighter to her neck. She knew he would go back to the couch and the TV. Penny was ten years old that summer. She lived with her father and her brother, Carl. Their house was on a street of other run down houses that ran next to a pine and alder forest near the coast of Northern California. Penny's mother had died when she...
During the 1950s, Frankie worked for a mid-level mobster named Pete Sargeni or better known as Big Pete. Frankie was a flunky and acted mostly as a gofer for Pete. Pete kept him around for two reasons. First, Frankie could always be depended upon to do exactly as told without asking why. Second, Frankie had a gorgeous buxom wife, Penny ,that Pete loved fucking.Pete never could quite understand how a mouse like Frankie ever wound if with a sexy hot wife like Penny. What Pete did not know was...
Wife LoversPenny Wishes I By Captain Webster Jeremiah was a sensitive child. Always had been. He cared deeply about others, and their feelings. Unfortunately there were others at his small school who did not feel the same way. One of them was Charles R. "Chuck" Rimart. He had been held back twice and was much larger than any of the other children in Jeremiah's 5th grade class. Chuck liked to throw his weight around, and he had a lot of it to throw. He had to weigh 150 pounds and stood...
It was just after nine o'clock at night and Penny and Richard were up in their tree house in the back yard. They were patiently waiting and watching. "Give me the binoculars," Penny said to Richard. "No, you had them for almost an hour, it's my turn." "Did not!" "Did too!" He had the binoculars trained on the bedroom window. THE window that looked directly into their mothers' room. Earlier in the day he and Penny had fixed the curtains in the bedroom so they would hard to, neigh...
It all started a year ago when my step-sister and I decided to go on holiday together. Actually, we didn’t decide. I still reckon I was tricked into it, not that I’m complaining. Best start at the beginning, though our set-up is pretty conventional. My Mum and step-Dad got together several years ago after respective divorces. Each brought a child, a boy (me) and a girl, into the marriage. At the time we were both approaching our teens. After a little initial awkwardness we both got on pretty...
Getting through it would have been a piece of cake had it not been for one thing; I still could not get the ease with which Penny got it on with Mark and Dave out of my mind. Try as I might I could not accept that a faithful wife could have given in that quickly. Maybe if we had gotten into the watching thing a year or so after we were married when she wasn't so far removed from her slut past I could have bought into it. But after as many years as we had been married and as far behind her as...
All good things come to an end, James had been in our lives for almost two years. Not only was he Penny’s lover he had become a good friend to the family. You can imagine it was a shock when he told us of his promotion and transfer to the tax system head office in Newcastle, Penny and I never realised he would go out with such a bang.He had continued to change, improve and fulfil our sexual needs throughout those months, Penny had become what can only be described as a behind closed doors cock...
Monday seemed like the most carefree day in years. I wore clothes all day in school even though I missed the fun I had last week. The girls who were picked to go naked this week were going to have a hard enough time without me taking the attention away from them. Anyway, I was very surprised when the announcement came over the P.A. system during last period: "Karen Wagner, report to the principal's office at the end of classes". I got nervous wondering what was wrong. Then I sort of hoped it...