RedemptionChapter 19 free porn video

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Everything was in place for Dex to enjoy a storybook Senior year. He was on his way to being a wealthy young man. His home life couldn't be better. He was near the top of his class. His basketball team was favored to make it to State again. He did not have a regular girlfriend, but he could easily get a date at a moment's notice. He was not getting sex on a regular basis, but for a seventeen-year-old, that was not a tragedy.

The basketball season started off as promised, with the team easily winning all its non-conference games. More than any other year, Dex was having pure fun on the court. His serious, undemonstrative demeanor had not changed, but he was much more congenial and gregarious before and after games.

Dex's firm college decision did not stop the flood of phone calls. It got so bad that Mike installed a second line and distributed the number only to friends and family. The answering machine on the first line was given a curt message declaring that Dex was no longer available if the caller was a recruiter. All calls on the first line were screened. Four different times, college assistant coaches waited outside the locker room after games. Dex was polite, but would not give them any time.

The metro area sports press went through a frenzy of decrying Dex's decision. The common theme was that it was a waste of talent that should be on national display. Several pointed out that Dex's high-speed, slashing style of play would be a mismatch in the Princeton-style control game used by Addison's coach.

Very few things could cause Dex to lose his cool, but an attack on his family was one sure thing. The sports reporter for the leading local TV station did a spot inferring that Mike and Karen were guilty of bad parenting for not steering Dex to a major school. Judy Morrison, the reporter who had helped Dex with the Schantz encounters, had given him her home number. As soon as he saw the TV spot, he called her, offering an on-screen rebuttal on her station, a competitor to the offending reporter.

At 11:30 that night, Judy arived with a cameraman, and Dex did the interview. In response to one question he said "I read and hear a lot of hand-wringing about how sports has become nothing but a business, and there is no pure fun anymore. Well, (he named the reporter) is a perfect example of the problem. He seems to think anything but getting on a top ten team is a failure or chickening out. He must have no idea of how sports could fit in with other things in a fulfilling life."

"I love basketball. I will play it anytime, anywhere, against anybody, and enjoy it thoroughly. I don't play just to see my name on ESPN, or land an NBA contract. Maybe you can only understand if you love sports for its own sake."

"As for his comments about my Aunt and Uncle - I know for a fact that he has never met them. He has no idea of the hours they have spent helping me weigh all the factors in my decision. I certainly hope he is better at sports reporting than he is at family counseling. If this is an example of his journalistic standards, we may not even be getting our sports news straight."

This was the hardest-hitting part of the interview. Judy was almost peeing her pants with excitement after they taped the interview. She had first suggested her channel's sports guy do the spot, but Dex insisted it had to be her. The station ran it on four different news spots the next day, and there was lots of viewer feedback.

The offending reporter apologized on the air and tried to make amends with Dex. Dex told him curtly on the phone that he had crossed the line, and he would give him no more interviews.

By the first of the year, Jenny was at the top of the country music world, and everyone associated with Doggerel was reaping the benefits. After repayment by Karen and Mike, Donna, and Coach, Dex's investment had tripled. He worked out an agreement to sell back all but 5% of his ownership for his original money plus 20%. He felt guilty receiving so much of Doggerel's profits just because he happened to have the money through no effort of his own. Chris was at first reluctant to accept Dex's offer, but Dex pointed out that they could need all the available profits to stay in business if Jenny's popularity lagged at some point.

In late March, Dex again stood at the State Tournament and accepted his All-Tournament award. His team received the runner-up trophy, a bitter disappointment at the time, but a huge achievement for his school. He also repeated his All-State selection. He was grateful when national letter of intent signing day came, as the flood of recruiting phone calls and attempted visits finally ended.

As Dex stepped off the platform after receiving his diploma in late May, he thought back to his arrival at the Ferguson's. Mike had been determined that Dex have a high school experience he would remember fondly, and Mike's wishes had come true. Certainly, Dex was happy to be through with High School, but not because he was fleeing a negative environment. Many of his best memories from the period had little to do with school, but together, his various experiences constituted a positive foundation for the next stage of his life.

Dex once again worked at the brokerage firm for the summer. This year, he had been assigned to the research department, where he was exposed to the information the firm used to make recommendations to its clients. His time in research was very enlightening. The volume of information available and the skill the researchers employed analyzing it were impressive. The scarcity of automated tools for financial data analysis, though, he found surprising. Also surprising, and disturbing to Dex, was the widespread cynicism of the research staff.

By carefully following the recommendations from research through for a few weeks, Dex knew that they were accurate a very high percentage of the time. The reason for the cynicism was that the brokers too often ignored the recommendations and counseled clients from their own opinions. Quite often, this generated more fees for the brokers, but not always better profits for the clients.

Early in the summer, Dex got together with Coach and explained the problems involved in analyzing the masses of data. With Coach's training in statistics and Dex's growing interest, they brainstormed ideas on possible computer systems to automate data handling and improve presentation of results. They would get together regularly throughout the summer, eventually coming up with the preliminary design for a commercial product. What they envisioned, unfortunately, was not viable with currently available data acquisition techniques, and was beyond the calculation power of current personal computers. Coach did not have access to the larger scale computers at Addison, so their plans were, for now, put on hold.

Dex hesitated for a couple of weeks before addressing his other concern. Finally, he got together for lunch with Gerald Archer and explained the problems he had observed with brokers and research recommendations. Gerald, being a highly ethical executive, was not happy about the possible abuse of client trust. He did not take any action immediately, though. Instead, he assigned Dex to a special project to track broker transactions against research findings. The firm's mainframe computer held all the transaction data, and Dex was given access to it.

A few days later, Dex went to Gerald's office, and told him about Coach and their analysis product ideas. After some discussion, Coach was hired as a consultant, and he and Dex had the computer resources they needed to explore their ideas. Their first priority was to address Gerald's concerns, and they were able to give him some actionable data on broker deviations from research recommendations. Although relatively simple, this project was an excellent starting point for their new venture.

Gerald was appreciative of the heads-up Dex had given him on broker abuses. He was impressed by the analytical results Dex and Coach had generated, and intrigued by the potential of their methods. By the time he started college, Dex was involved with Coach in a private development project with computer resources and some funding supplied by The Archer Group.

By the time summer was half over, Dex was falling in love with Connie. During the school year, he had practically pushed her from his mind. They had very little communication while she was away, and had only dated a few times when she was home. The previous warmth had not been there, and Dex assumed that it was over between them. It had never been a real romance, so he was rather philosophical about it.

He was surprised when Connie showed up at the Fergusons' on her first night home. Dex was upstairs and saw her car pull up. When he opened the door for her, she leaped into his arms and started sobbing uncontrollably. Long after the crying stopped, Dex tried to find out why the tears, but she just shrugged it off as missing him terribly. Part of his mind was troubled that there was something more going on, but she would not budge, and he was too glad to see her to push the issue. After their tearful reunion, Connie and Dex were together for ten straight nights.

Dex had no idea of the turmoil at the Archer mansion. Evelyn had suffered a major shock when Connie came home and completely refused to submit to any of the previously effective controls. Connie openly told her mother to leave her alone. She was going to be seeing Dex and there was nothing Evelyn could do about it.

Evelyn could not understand this turn of events. She knew Connie had been dating, if that was the proper word, Maxwell Wetherby III, scion of an East Coast pharmaceutical fortune. Actually, Connie had been Maxwell's slave, submitting regularly to a wide variety of humiliation and abuse. Evelyn had just assumed Connie's submissive streak was satisfied, and that she was happy.

Maxwell was not just a dominant, though, as most of those had rather strict standards governing their treatment of subs. Maxwell was an abuser. He had brutalized Connie in anger several times, resulting in at least three ER visits that Evelyn learned about through the school's parent notification policy. She was willing to overlook those 'minor' indiscretions in the hope that Connie could eventually land Maxwell as a husband. She saw him as the answer to all her social climbing dreams.

It was inconceivable that Connie might no longer be submissive. Such turnarounds did not happen, especially when the sub was actively engaged as a slave. Evelyn could only conclude it was the influence of Dex, and her hatred of him grew even stronger. She saw him as the main obstacle to her rightful status on the Social Registry.

Despite her consternation, Evelyn was not given to panic. She had enough experience manipulating Gerald and her children to be confident that she would find some way to make sure Connie was back at school in Maxwell's clutches. His whips and chains could wipe out whatever bad happened this summer.

Among the things that attracted Dex to Connie was her exceptional perceptiveness. Despite all the bad choices her submissiveness drove her to, she could read people instinctively.

In the third week after her return from school, Connie came down the stairs to Dex's room late one evening carrying an overnight bag, and wearing an unmistakable expression. Until now, their dating had involved no more than light petting, but she obviously thought it was time for the big step.

Dex happened to be sitting watching the evening news when she came down, and she plopped on his lap. "Dex, I know you're worried about some of the guys I may have been with. I got myself tested, and here's the report. I'm clean. I also got on the pill when I was still at school, so I am now safe. If you are still worried, here are some condoms we can use. Now, will you please make love to me."

If not exactly expecting it, Dex was not surprised by her request. Just from the way they had talked their last few dates, there was an implied permanence in the relationship.

Following the pattern he had learned to enjoy so much, Dex took her hand and led her to the bathroom. There, he kissed her before starting to remove her clothes. She got into the spirit quickly and began working on him. Connie was built more like Margo than like Donna. She was fairly tall, and had more pronounced curves all over than the Ferguson women.

Connie's breasts were heavy enough that they settled noticeably when liberated from her bra. He would later observe that for all their size, they still stood remarkably high when she lay naked on her back. As he washed her, Dex noted that, for all her generous curves, she still had the teenaged tightness to her body. Her thighs and buttocks were definitely more substantial than Donna or Angeline, but they were taut and well-shaped and encased in the same smooth skin that graced her whole body.

The day Dex had rescued Connie, he had instantly categorized her as sexy, even in her contrived grungy clothes and weird makeup, and even with a bloody lip and a puffy eye. Seeing her now in all her glory only strengthened his initial impression. It was not just her body that made her sexy - it never was with any woman he had met. It was the totality of looks, movements, expressions, and, for lack of a better term, aura, that made Connie sexy.

As he thought ahead to taking Connie to bed, Dex realized that she had undoubtedly been fucked many times. Knowing some of the boys she had been with, he seriously doubted she had ever been made love to. Tonight, he would remedy that lack in her life.

Although she did not appear to be nervous, Dex assumed Connie had some apprehension about their first time. He could imagine that she always had some pain and degradation during sex. Submissive though she might be, she could not have looked forward to that. The challenge was to let her know there would be nothing like that from him.

A shower or a massage had become Dex's favorite preludes to sex, and he decided to use both on Connie. He also decided to address the dominance/submission, pain/pleasure issues gently but directly. As he was massaging her shoulders and neck, he brought his mouth close to her ear and spoke softly.

"Connie, you have a beautiful, sexy body. I want to touch it, love it, and worship it, but I could never purposely hurt it. I will try every pleasurable, exciting thing I know to make sex good for you, but I cannot use pain to stimulate you. I want you to be my lover and my partner, but I cannot make you my slave. I think you know by now who I am and what I am like. I hope your coming to me tonight means you want loving sex, and I long to give you that. If you absolutely need the other, I cannot do that to you."

Connie shivered slightly at some of Dex's words. When he stopped talking, she sniffled a few times before answering him. "Guys have always used me. I thought I wanted it - needed it. I don't want it any more! Make me forget it, Dex! Please!"

Of the challenges Dex had faced in his life, this one was as frightening as any. This lovely, fragile, screwed-up woman was depending on him for healing that the most expensive psychiatrists had been unable to effect. On top of that, the stakes were very high. This was a woman he wanted a relationship with, perhaps a permanent one. Failure on his part would doom her and leave a huge hole in his own life. He knew he could not be with the old Connie. He had to help her change or they had no future together.

Dex was not sure if he had paused in his massage while he pondered his challenge, but he steeled himself to continue normally. Not that it was an onerous task. The intimate contact required for a massage always felt wonderful to Dex, and he was determined to explore and worship every inch of the sexy, naked woman beneath his hands.

Dex tried to think as he massaged, going over in his mind what he could do to help Connie, and he came back again and again to the two keys he thought he had discovered about women: self-worth and self-image. He had learned them from abused women, but they must also apply to submissive women. The concept of submissiveness was very hard for Dex to grasp, as it did not seem to have any rational basis. The only explanation that helped him was that a submissive woman was an abused woman who thought she deserved it.

Because of several discussions with Margo about dominance and submission, Dex knew he was over-simplifying things. (Apparently, the reading with which Margo filled her many lonely nights as Roger's wife had given her an impressive store of knowledge on psychological and interpersonal matters.) Still, the simplest, most direct approach had always been his style, and he was not confident he could handle anything more sophisticated with Connie. He wanted to be her lover, not her shrink. He would do everything he could to elevate her self-worth and her self-image, and fervently hope it was enough.

For the next hour and a half, Dex did serious work on Connie's self-worth, taking her to several orgasms with his fingers and his tongue, and lavishing complements and endearments on her. When it came time for intercourse, he insisted she be on top. He wanted everything they did sexually to portray either their equality, or her superiority. He had resigned himself to not enjoying doggy style for a long time, since Margo had told him that was the position most used by dominants.

At one point, Connie wanted to take him in her mouth, but Dex stopped her. Deciding she deserved to know what he was trying to do and why, he told her a blowjob was the ultimate form of submission imposed on a woman. Someday, he told her, when she wanted to blow him out of pure love and sexual exuberance, he would be honored to have her mouth on him. For now, he would do nothing that was associated with her past submissive experiences.

Another surprise occurred about the time Dex's relationship with Connie was reignited. Rick called Donna and asked her out. They had seen each other a number of times on campus, but had not really 'gone out.' Donna had dated five different guys throughout the year, but five dates was the most for any one, and she had not gone to bed with any of them. She had worked very hard on her studies and had driven home a total of six times, including the regular vacations. She and Dex had just naturally slept together whenever she was home.

Rick's first two years at college were a mixed bag. Football had gone well, he had played quite a bit his Sophomore year, and he would probably start as a Junior. He was doing well in his tough pre-med schedule. His academic success was no surprise, as his High School valedictorian honor was not achieved by just brains. Despite his partying and his attitude toward girls, he had always been disciplined in his studies.

Predictably, there was no shortage of girls eager for Rick's attention, but he was strangely uninterested. He found a girl in one of his classes that he first studied with, the started going out with. It was if he had dialed back to Junior High, and he became immersed in a close, but non-sexual relationship for the first time.

When Donna came to campus in Rick's second year, he saw her just often enough to keep him aware of her. Toward the end of the year, his interest in his regular date began to wane, and, much to her chagrin, they were no longer a couple when he went home for the summer. The problem was, every encounter with Donna brought back memories. Even the memories of how she had caught him naked no longer brought the same reaction from him. Rather than his embarrassment, he remembered her incredible composure and her sexy demeanor throughout that visit.

In Rick's mind, Donna had become the ideal of a strong, sexy woman who could be his equal. Whether as a reaction against his earlier treatment of girls, or because of the late influence of his mother, he longed for a mate he could truly respect, and in his mind, Donna was the perfect fit.

As a further measure of his personal growth, Rick realized the challenge he faced convincing Donna's parents of his worthiness. As he began dating Donna regularly, he went out of his way to spend quality time with Karen and Mike. Margo had already been telling them how much Rick had changed, and it was not long before the night of the party that went sour was nearly forgotten.

Her unexpected, but very much welcome, new relationship with Rick brought Donna face to face with the one issue she always knew she would have to address: what about her and Dex? From day one, they had both declared they would not be life partners. They had both meant it, and she still did. All during her time with Jared, there had been nothing that forced her to reassess her intentions toward Dex. Jared was never 'the one.' With Rick's first call, everything changed. She knew instinctively that Rick could very well be 'the one.'

The issue Donna had to face now was whether Dex was already 'the one.' The fact that they were cousins could be managed by an out-of-state wedding. The risk of birth defects was minimal. Their family and friends would adjust and be supportive. In short, it was up to them - up to her, as Dex would accede to her wishes.

As a measure of the strength of their relationship, Donna never even considered making a decision about Dex on her own. As an example of the spirit of their relationship, she caught Dex on his desk chair and assumed the now-significant lap-straddling position. For a moment they just grinned at each other.

"A lot of wonderful things started just like this," Dex said. "Do I sense that some wonderful things are about to end like this?"

Donna's grin was replaced by moist eyes as the gravity of their discussion hit her. "We... we've always told each other it would be this way. D... do we still feel that way?"

"What you're asking is if we want to be engaged to each other, isn't it?"

"If we do, this is probably our last chance. We both have potentially serious relationships starting. To be fair to Connie and Rick, we need to decide about Donna and Dex."

"You're right, Donna. We have to. Tell me, do you want to be Mrs. Dex Madison? You won't destroy me if you say no."

"Ohhh, Dex. I could see a wonderful life as Mrs. Dex Madison. It... it's just not the life I've thought about these past years we've been together. You mean something to me no one else ever could, but I always thought there would be someone else for me. Can you understand that?"

"Of course I can, Donna. You're not betraying me. You're saying what we've always said, and I think we were right. I won't deny that it's hard to have to really live with it, now. I've told your folks you would marry Rick someday, you know?"

"You what? How could you have known that?"

"I didn't know it. It just felt to me like it was going to happen. You two are a great match, you know."

"Well, he's certainly not the same Rick I took revenge on two years ago. He's... he's..."

"He's Margo's son, now, isn't he?"

"Yeah, I guess that's it. You know, she's got to be peeing her panties with excitement about now." She giggled as she said this.

"Hmmm. I'm no marriage expert, but a good match with the whole family has got to be pretty important, too. You and Rick would be perfect in a lot of ways."

"And you and Connie?"

"Me and Connie have a long ways to go, but we're off to a good start."

"Don't take this wrong, Dex, but is Connie more your lover, or more of a rescue project?"

"I don't take it wrong, Lover. I'm never sure myself, when it comes to women."

That simple admission by Dex brought a flash of clarity to Donna about her decision. Since their very first day, she had sensed there was a part of Dex that was unattainable to her, unpossessable. Even four years of maturity and healing had not changed that. Much as she loved her cousin, she feared that unattainable part of him would be a barrier to the kind of marriage she wanted. No, Dex was not the right husband for her, and a load was lifted from her heart.

"Um, Dex, you called me Lover, which brings up the big question. Is sex between us over?"

"For myself, I don't want it to be. For Connie, though... she has to know she's the only one. If she thought she was not enough for me, all my work on her self-worth would be wiped out.

"I haven't been to bed with Rick, yet, but I'm starting to feel committed to him. Oh, God, this is so hard! I know it's right, but..." Whatever else she was going to say was lost in sobs.

"Donna, Honey. Only two people who love each other like we do could have the strength to do this. I will always love you, you know that. Not having sex won't change that."

Dex thought many times over the next several weeks about Donna's question: was Connie his lover or his rescue project? He never came any closer to an answer.

Connie was a very responsive and passionate sex partner, and Dex could never get enough of her succulent body. Her passion, however, was always expressed as frantic clutching or as tears. He had yet to see signs of joy or fun in her lovemaking. He was not surprised that she had become very attached to him - dependent on him. He had expected that, given her submissive tendencies.

Dex was in no way discouraged, though, nor any less in love with Connie. She was showing definite progress in many areas. The difference was noticeable watching her walk alone through a public place. She had a new assurance in her bearing, even a hint of flaunting. Dex's comments on her appearance had been constant, and his family helped. In private, he was effusive about her sex appeal. Teasing and light-hearted banter were more and more prevalent in their conversations, replacing the cynicism that was common from her in their earlier dating.

While running one morning, some thoughts that had been rattling around in Dex's mind for some time coalesced into a startling realization. Last year at school, Connie had been involved in a submissive relationship, and quite probably an abusive one! It explained so many things. He double-timed home, and had the phone in hand to call Carl when he thought better of it. Connie should tell him herself. Going around her to find out could only damage her progress.

That very night, Dex pushed Connie to tell him everything. They were in his bed, with him propped against the headboard. She was on his lap facing away from him, impaled. When he told her what he thought, she came apart, sobbing almost uncontrollably. He had to grab her around the waist firmly to keep her from getting up and leaving. For the longest time, she would not look at him or talk to him.

Fortunately, Dex had a flash of inspiration about why she was so distressed. She was afraid he would think her unworthy and would not want her any longer. He had become adept at dealing with her self-worth issues, and once the cause of her upset was identified, he was able to get through to her. They hardly slept at all that night as he pulled detail after detail from her, sometimes nearly sickening him.

The next morning, Dex did something unprecedented for him - he called in sick to work. He was not out of reach of Connie for the entire day, even for the most personal bathroom duties. By supper time, he believed she had recovered. He insisted they sit down with both her parents that night and tell them everything.

Gerald sat in slack-jawed disbelief as Connie described her hellish year in a flat monotone that Dex recognized so well from his own recountings. Evelyn had radiated hatred toward Dex from the time Gerald had almost physically forced her to sit down with them. Dex watched Evelyn closely as Connie talked, and arrived at two conclusions. First, that Evelyn was sexually aroused by the descriptions of what Maxwell did to Connie the slave. Second, that Evelyn knew about the assaults and the treatment Connie had needed.

The one secret Connie still held tightly was the dom/sub activity between her mother and herself, so neither Dex nor Gerald had any knowledge of it. Even though Dex noticed Evelyn's arousal, he had no way to make that connection. From the earliest times, when Connie was just nine, Evelyn had drilled into her the need for secrecy, and that long-term conditioning still held.

When Connie finished her painful tale, Gerald said, very softly, "It's obvious you won't be going back there in the fall." At this, Evelyn looked about to stroke out, but held her anger and talked in a reasonable tone.

"Oh, Gerald, I'm sure there won't be any more problems like that next year. Connie was so fortunate to be accepted there. We can't throw a way such a privilege just because she fell in with some of the wrong friends."

Dex, always reserved, always respectful to his elders, could not keep quiet after that garbage. "Mrs. Archer, I would expect you not to be concerned for Connie's welfare. After all, you knew about her beatings and didn't think it necessary to do anything to protect her."

As Gerald gasped, Evelyn focused all her anger into haughty indignation and railed at Dex for three minutes about his impertinence, the tragedy of him dragging Connie down socially, and how much she had sacrificed for her daughter's betterment. Interestingly, she forgot to deny knowledge of the injuries.

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I showered while waiting for Pam. After towelling off I put my boxers back on and made a drink. I returned to the bedroom and sat in the chair to relax and watched Tina as she slept. She hadn’t moved since I put her in the bed.Pam arrived and came to the bedroom. We kissed before she jumped into the shower. She came back and sat on my lap.”She looks worn out,” Pam observed. “How did it go?””Great,” I replied. “But she’s not there yet.””Doug is,” she giggled. “He is very submissive.”She told...

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My Net Friend Aarti

Hey guys, this is Sunny From chandigarh. I’m a 29 yr old guy. My e mail id is () I wont say I’m a hunk n all but I can very much say that I’m a good looking average built guy, sure of getting a second look from women. So I’m here to narrate a real thing happened with me in september 2009. That was my first time being with an elder woman.One day like always I was chatting on yahoo messenger for some online fun when I bumped into an ID. Casually I asked for the asl n came the reply 36 F HYD. As I...

1 year ago
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My sib made me a sub Part 3

Finally out of boredom she turned and went somewhere else in the house, I heard the phone ring and knew Susan would be johnny on the spot to answer it I wasn’t wrong; however, the phone call was for me. “Jimmy, Amy’s on the phone for you I think you got a girlfriend now”, Susan said. I could hear Amy screaming at Susan like she was possessed, berating her for what she just said to me. Since neither of our phones were not close to my bedroom nor were they in it I had to walk past...

3 years ago
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Big Sister Is HornyChapter 2

"So, little brother, does that mean you've been jacking off for two months?", asked Mindy almost casually. "I... ahh... I've... ummmm... Jesus, Sis! What kind of question is that to ask your own brother!" "A perfectly straightforward one, I would have thought", grinned Mindy, enjoying putting her brother on the spot like this. Normally Eddie had a smart answer for everything and it felt good to make him squirm for a change. "Well, I haven't been seeing anyone, if that's what you...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Scarlett A Pregnant SlutChapter 6

From: Just Plain Bob To: Scarlett Sent: Monday, October 2, 2006 10:55 AM Subject: Stories Started typing the first chapter of your story into the computer today and should have it done sometime tonight or early tomorrow. When it is done I'll send it to you for you to look over and then you can have me change whatever you would like changed before I post it. Does hubby know we are doing this? If so, would he like to contribute? Give his insights and feelings? If he would, just have him drop...

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A Tale Pf TwoTitties

Hi Folks. Here I am with another tale of romance, betrayal, and woe with a few Mustangs and a bit of hope sprinkled om for good measure. I'm joined as usual by the incomparable Mikothebaby on the figurative red pen, crossing out my many grammatical and punctuation errors and giving you a story that is more easily read. The weird thing about it is that when she does a great job no one mentions her. But if we (usually me) miss one thing, it's a federal case. While you guys and you ladies too...

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Bikini Beach Midnight Swim

Bikini Beach: Midnight Swim By Elrod W Mark turned away from the ticket booth, his face a mix of disgust and disappointment. Slowly, he trudged across the hot asphalt toward the car. He opened the door, frowning. "Well?" Mark Wilson shook his head as he slid into the seat. "No dice. It's way to expensive." Bill Jennings leaned forward from the back seat. "It can't be that much," he protested. " Mark turned his head. "You want to give up beer for the next month?" Bill...

4 years ago
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Teaching a Professor Spanish

Ense??ndole a un Profesor Ense??ndole a un ProfesorCap?tulo 1: La Clase-De esa manera, los sexos opuestos generan atracci?n entre s?, es un sentimiento agradable que la naturaleza nos impone para instigar nuestro instinto de procreaci?n. El momento del coito en s? es un hecho muy placentero para ambos sexos por lo mismo, es un sentimiento que la naturaleza utiliza para incitar a la reproducci?n.Sergio Kaen, de 33 a?os y Licenciado en Educaci?n Sexual, repet?a esta clase a?o tras a?o y estaba finalizando la misma con los ch...

2 years ago
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But I Dont Want to Be a Ghost

Amy Lickbottom was teased mercilessly about the erotic flavor of her last name. She knew her parents were quite proud of their heritage and she kept the name even though she was the butt of nasty remarks wherever she went. Even her passive boyfriend Herman joked about pulling her panties down to see if she could live up to her name. She pretended to be aghast but in all honesty she would have liked Herman to be a little more adventurous than he was in reality. At the time that she decided to...

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A Growing Family Part Two

GROWING TOGETHER – THE BUNTING FAMILY -  PART TWOPart Two (Chapters 3 and 4) Chapter Three – Liz confesses to her Daddy. After their frenzied coupling Doug and Liz had taken showers, changed their cum stained swimming costumes and had gone down to the pool. Laura and Charles were still there, now respectably back in their costumes, stretched out on loungers by the poolside. They were all four sated with the passion of their lovemaking and her Mum had a calm, replete look of content about her. ...

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Frank Beth Anne and Glenda

I had been married to Beth Anne for eleven years when the event that started this tale took place. We had gotten together in the tenth grade, started going steady just before the start of summer vacation between eleventh and twelfth grades and were joined at the hip from then on. We made plans to be married when we graduated from college and one month after that momentous event we tied the knot. Altogether we had been a couple for just a little over eighteen years. We both wanted to succeed...

2 years ago
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My Wild Femdom Fantasy With Dream Girl

Hi! Friends this is my first story on ISS I have been reading it for 6 months. I never had chance to submit a story as i have my exams but now i am free. Please leave your valuable comments in my mail as i mentioned it at the end. Girls and woman in Vizag please mail me as i am dying to have sex. I will get directly get into the story . I was roaming around in the street where just then a woman walked by she was very beautiful she was tall fair and had wild eyes.I went past her.She is a woman...

3 years ago
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Night of my Dreams

This story begins with my brother and me sitting in our living room, when one of our younger friends - Caitlyn, 18 - came from the back of the house saying that she needed to change clothes. She had a summer dress on but wanted to change into something more comfortable. Being that she did not have a change of clothes with her I said she could borrow some of my clothes if that was alright. She had no problem with that so I took her upstairs to my room to find some clothes. Now my room is in the...

2 years ago
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True Transformation

A True Story of Transformation - by: W. Williams When still quite young, around twelve as I recall, there was one Halloween when my parents had planned on spending the evening out so as not to be bothered with the whole trick or treat thing. I was the youngest of four, and of us kids, my two sisters were the oldest, my brother next, and then myself. Oddly enough, my oldest sister and myself more closely had mom's face and complexion, including fair skin and flame red hair while...

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Did I Hurt You

It was Molly's 33rd birthday and she was going to go downtown to the mall and buy herself something really special. Her husband Mark had left her a check for $200 and she was going to find something nice and sexy and hope that Mark took the hint. She wasn't sure what was going wrong with their marriage but lately Mark just hadn't been interested in sex, at least not sex with her. She idly wondered if he was having an affair with someone else but if he was he was certainly being discrete...

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Auntie Emma puts out once again

I spent about the next week just chilling out around the new apartment, buying new bits and pieces and making the place look really nice. I’d stuck to my word and completely left Fiona and Alice alone by not even once trying to stick my dick in any of their holes. I gave them money when they wanted it and shopped and went out spending time like normal mothers and daughters do. I’d acquired a new sexual plaything and I was feeling the urge to give her a little call as my balls were starting to...

3 years ago
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best Massage ever

This is a true story of how I got introduced to the world of private message and happy ladies. About two years ago, I used to stay in the South Delhi locality of Vasant Kunj. I was working with a call center which meant that mostly I was on night shifts. Used to be picked up by call center cab at around 9 pm and dropped back in the morning. Life was good. And, then I started going to the neighborhood gym, and boy my life became better!Let me introduce you to Aarti, my neighbor. She must have...

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A Seductive Massage

Hi guys, this is Shiva from Bangalore. Thank you for your responses to my previous story. This is my second one. Please read it and mail your comments on And please pardon me for any errors I make. Enjoy the story. This story is of a lesbian girl. Her name is Julie. Julie had different feelings for women from a young and tender age of 14. When her hormones had just stuck on puberty, her brain started loving the notion of sex, she had an intense attraction towards her female classmates. She...

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David And Diane

Things were a little frosty when I left the house that morning and they probably wouldn't be a whole lot better when I go home. This is a bad time of the year for me anyway. Everyone wanted to have a party; company Christmas parties, both mine and Diane's, half of our friends planning holiday parties and I am just not a party animal. Diane is pissed at me because I wouldn't go to her company party with her. She knows I hate to go to those kinds of parties; I didn't even go to my own company...

3 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 52

Two women's heads were on my chest as my eyes opened. It took a few seconds for the total replay of the previous night to come. All I could think was 'oh shit'; I've screwed the pooch now. How in the hell did I let that happen? Millie knows how much I love her and only want her. I looked at the other sweet face and almost cried. Rosita is so sweet, and yes, I love her too, but we shouldn't have been making love. Harold said there was justification, but it wasn't something I had...

3 years ago
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My first anal experience Part One

My first anal was very exciting, and only a couple of weeks after I’d had my first ever threesome! The threesome was more about being shared with Ade’s best friend, than them both using me at the same time. I was 44 when I next had 2 cocks, and with just Ade fucking me in between, and although I didn’t know it, I was just entering menopause and my body decided to get real horny, as did my mind. My first time however, I was drunk and very horny, Ade had been fucking me for 3years bu then, my...

1 year ago
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Private Karlie Simon Looking for Action

Today on, yet more action awaits you from Private Specials, Cum Hungry Eurobabes and this time it’s with the incredible blonde, Karlie Simon, who showed up to the club looking for just one thing… cock! A girl as sexy as Karlie always gets what she wants, and soon enough, owner Nick Lang and bartender Csoky Ice were on the scene to give her the dick she deserved as she treated them to a couple of deepthroat blowjobs before putting her big ass and tits to work in a stunning anal...

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My first meeting

By the timeI was 15, I began to go on the computer every night searching for guys to come fuck me, i was desperate. The gay chatroom wasn't at all what i expected, instead of being a meeting place for people who would love to be with me, it was just a place to market porn, ro have cheap cyber sex. Any guy i found in my area would hear my age and run off, scared I might be an undercover agent of some kind. After months of searching I finally found someone who seemed intrested. His name was...

4 years ago
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It was a warm evening, finally some dry weather in this usually, overly humid desert. I was relaxing on my bed watching a bit of TV when I began to imagine a person I would mostlove to be with at this very moment.Then came the tingle. It started low in my body deep at the base of my hips. The tingle moved down along the path of my shaft which began to swell as the tingle intensified. A throbbing sensation joined the feeling and the tingle moved to just below the crown of my shaft more intently...

Love Stories
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I Did a Very Bad Thing

This is an old story of crime and punishment, as old as human history. Can the punishment for the crime ever end? Maybe it is possible, for some, but not others. Maybe it is possible for everyone. Who knows such things? You be the judge. One day I was riding down the turnpike and I just got hungry so I stopped in at one of those greasy spoons that dot our highways. I like to eat in places like that because it lets me see how people really live. I sat down and ordered the mid priced meal of...

1 year ago
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Another Chance at Love

It had been almost a year since I left my husband and moved half way accross the country to be closer to my parents. After his 3rd girlfriend showed up looking for him at my apartment I had enough and took my 4 month old son and left. I called my mom and asked if i could come home again at 20 and she said yes. Here I was a single parent living with her parents. I took a job waiting tables to pay the bills and put my son in daycare and without his father helping me at all I knew that I had to...

3 years ago
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The Ass Play

“Come on” he asks again. “I never did that before I tell him rapidly but he isn’t letting go of it. “Just one time and Ill never ask you again” He asked me so many times I just decided to do it then be over and done with it. I unzipped his pants and say his cute undies budging out. I opened the little flap and BOING! There it was. I had to admit to myself it was thrilling to see it so I did what came natural to me. I’ve seen porn so I knew what to do with it but was just scared. I grab it with...

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The Quest For Jasmine

The quest for JasmineBy BdsmasterPrologueStory synopsisThe main characters in this story are Glenn and Jasmine. Glenn, who made himself rich by having a successful illegal business importing and exporting prostitutes, finally finds the girl of his life. However, it wasn’t a fairy tale for Glenn immediately as Jasmine’s a sex slave who is own by the kingpin of the illegal sex trade himself, Master Rob. Master Rob was Glenn’s sworn enemy (it will become clear in the later parts of the story) and...

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my wife the slut

While my wife is not really a prude, she is definitely not the type of lady who shows off her body. She rarely wears any clothing that shows off her ample cleavage, only occasionally teasing me with a slightly low-cut dress or blouse. She is very attractive, despite having three k**s, including a set of twins, and recently celebrating her 40th birthday.For many years I have tried to convince Greta, my wife, to become more of an exhibitionist. I’ve wanted her to go braless or to show off more of...

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Pennys Promiscuity 22 to 25 Going Pro

Chapter 22“Can you see?” the young radiologist asked, running the square plastic sensor over my lower belly.Pete and I were in a private examination room in the discreet clinic in which the Gynaecologist I had previously visited was based. It was far enough away from home for our visit not to be noticed by our friends or colleagues and the consultant himself was known for his discretion.I was lying on my back; my slightly swollen tummy was bared and covered in goo to allow our first ultrasound...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Cherry Kiss Rebecca Volpetti Wet Pleasures

Cherry Kiss enjoys a swim in the pool as her girlfriend Rebecca Volpetti examines the new vibrator the duo has just purchased. When Cherry realizes what Rebecca is up to, she climbs out of the water so they can explore their new acquisition together. Sitting side by side on the chaise, the girls spread their thighs as Cherry presses the vibrating tip to first her own twat and then to Rebecca’s. The toy feels great when it teases them above their bikini bottoms, but Rebecca is impatient to...

2 years ago
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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 11

A couple days into their trip, Chelsea and the Professor are enjoying an early morning romp. He had woken up with a raging hard-on and Chelsea was only too pleased to help him with it. "Oooh Master, what have you got there?" Chelsea said, taking hold of his hard cock through his pajama bottoms. Chelsea wasn't allowed to wear anything to bed at home, but here she was allowed a big oversize t-shirt to wear which hung down just above mid thigh when she stood up. He rolled her onto her back with...

1 year ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 31 After School Before Bowling

I was the first out of the classroom, first out of the main building, and the first to reach the gate. At least I was the first of my class and most of my year. The reason of course was obvious, Vikki. The reaction this morning had been amazing, most of my class had seen us together at the gate and had wanted to speak to me especially Gerry Connolly and Colin Bucknell. After I had listened and responded, as best I could, to the good-natured barbs from Gerry and Colin I talked to most of the...

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Sex Ed 101 by loyalsock

Helen Boyer glanced up at the clock on the classroom wall and with a couple of hard raps on her desk with the butt end of a ruler, quickly brought her fifth period Human Sexuality and family Planning class to order!!! "Okay everyone," she ordered, "please open your books to chapter eleven, page two hundred fifty two, today we're going to be discussing condoms and when we should be using them!!!" "Now, how many of you use condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse, please raise your hands!?!"...

2 years ago
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Pg Wali Bhabhi Ki Samuhik Chudai

Yeh meri pichli kahani ke baad ki baat. Agar aapko yaad na ho toh mein aapko bata du ki pichli baar maine aapko bataya tha ki kaisi maine apni pg wali dukhi neetu bhabhi ka choda lagaya tha. Jaise ki mein aapko bata chuka hun ki uski height 5’4″ thi aur figure 32-26-32 aur rang gora dekhne mein bilkul cute aur mast. Chalo ab hum kahani ke saath aage badhte hai. Dopahar ko khane ke baad mein apne kamre mein let gaya. Shaam ko maine apne saath rehne wale ladko ko bhi bataya ki kaise maine bhabhi...

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First Trip To Heaven

Today I would like to talk about my best experience with my friend’s sister’s friend. Talking about me I am Chirag, a fair skin handsome guy age 24 around 5.8 height and a good physic. I live near Vadodara and would love to say that I love to make people satisfy and for me my partner comes first. Any ladies or girls in area nearby can try me and I bet they won’t be unsatisfied at all. I have a fantasy to have sex with older women but there are many more fantasies for all you sexy little girls,...

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I walk into the club with Sir. I am wearing an off-the-shoulder short black knit swing dress. It shows off my ample breasts and clings to my round bottom. I have to admit, I feel good in this dress. It has been a few months since my relationship with Mr. B ended. I didn't think I would ever get over him until I met Sir. He is a Dom. This submissive/dominant thing is still strange to me, but it feels like what I need right now. It is a weird thing. A man is telling me what to do ... controlling...

1 year ago
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Im Not Normally Like This

This Story is fiction, So if you think its a tad far fetched...ya right? I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot really believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby UK, Have been marred for many years with not that much very "Sexually" exciting happening along the way as it were. I thought our sex life was ok & still had sex quite often but it only lasting around 5 to 10 min's being the norm, The only real excitement I get is...

3 years ago
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“Is that you Caroline?”   Susan’s voice cut through the cold air like the Grim Reaper’s scythe.   “Caroline!   I repeat, is that you?” Susan is Jerry’s mother, woman from Hell, who has a complete mental block which prevents her from using the correct name of Carolyn, or even Caro (as the rest of the world called her). She clenched her teeth.   “Susan!   I hadn’t expected to see you here.” “Clearly!   Whatever are you wearing?” Caro had very carefully chosen this halter-neck...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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IncorrectionChapter 7

“What the fuck!” she cursed, and started squirming. “Yeah, you’re in a bind there.” I mused, and sat the phone down on the ledge. Picking up the ring, I showed her the keys. “Now, I thought about gagging you; I hate getting bit. But then you wouldn’t be able to say anything.” “Mother fucker!” she screamed, yanking on her bonds. “Did you want to stop now?” I teased, dangling the keys in front of her. She spat at me but the main blob missed. All I got was some spray. “Tell you what. If...

2 years ago
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Two StrikesChapter 4

It was, indeed, more than two weeks before Lois returned to the hospital again. "I am now officially Lois Silverthorn, J.D.," she said. "J.D.?" "Yep. 'Juris Doctor.' They used to call law grads 'Bachelor of Laws, ' but evidently that didn't sound high-falutin' enough." "So now, do I call you 'Doctor Silverthorn?'" "Nope. I'm just the same sweet girl I always was -- at least until I pass the Bar Exam." "When is that?" "Almost three months away. Most law grads -- me...

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Brunette - By ZeDD The alarm radio started blaring out ?I want you to want me,? which rocked me from the sound sleep I was in into instant awareness. Shocked, yet still unable to think straight I swatted the little box off my small table and sent it into something that broke like little glasses. Bolting upright, I could only mash my fists together in anger as the remainder of my project for school fell to the floor, little pieces of glass that would no doubt shred the bottom of my...

3 years ago
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Two Naughty MomsChapter 6

Angela's prediction came through that evening. By midnight she was fast asleep, unaided by drugs or alcohol, having been thoroughly fucked by her well-hung son. But across the street, in the little house she shared with her son Mike, Janet Douglas was having a very restless night. Janet's voice betrayed only the faintest hint of an accent but she was a Southern woman, born and reared well below the Mason-Dixon before her marriage had brought her permanently north. She liked to talk and...

1 year ago
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Adulteress Punishment Part 4

Disclaimer: This story is one of my darker ones, with strong non-consent themes. It's also just a fantasy, and the acts in this story I do not condone or support in real life. That's why this is just a fantasy! Now that that's out of the way, I hope you enjoy… ***** Miranda fainted on the bed as Matthew shouted 'No!' and Jake pressed the gun to her pussy and pulled the trigger. But after Jake pulled the trigger, nothing happened. Miranda's bodyguard nearly fainted with relief....

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First Dominatrix Session

This story is autobiographical, it is entirely true and presented without embellishment. For most of my life I've struggled with unknowns, unknowns about myself and uncertainties. Not so much uncertainties about my gender identity, I identify as male and have no feelings to the contrary but at the same time I've also felt a strong "feminine" side to myself that I couldn't deny but tried suppress, built into those delusions of what's "masculine", what's "feminine" and how it's wrong to...

2 years ago
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Chapter Seventeen

CHAPTER s*******nAs William's session with Julie was drawing to a close, James was considering the next stage of Becca's ordeal, a thin razor strop being belted across the smooth firm flesh of her belly. ~Should he carry out the remainder of her punishment himself, or should he invite another of his fellow diners to assist? ~"Decisions, decisions, life is so full of decisions!!!"After reflecting on the matter for a few short moments, James summoned the maitre-de who attended together with the...

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