A Paladin's TrainingChapter 17 free porn video

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“Two suns will rise from the ashes, but the sky can only hold one.”

-Prophecy found in a partially destroyed book, title and author unknown.

The days went by quickly as Smythe occupied himself with carefully combing Ironshire for any dormant arohim that may be residing in the town. A next-to-impossible task, to be sure, with the vala being undetectable in a person until it awakened.

Jeira had been getting along much as expected from a woman who had lost her husband so suddenly; some days her spirits were up, others down, but her heart was healing slowly. Bella and Rayna spent as much time with Jeira as they could when they weren’t working their crafts – Bella was a weaver, and Rayna a seamstress – which seemed to help Jeira no end.

Hamlin’s service had been a simple affair, with just Smythe, Bella and Rayna present, along with a handful of folk from the town who knew the man and had come to pay their respects.

This morning Smythe had been out and about, as he had the last several days, feeling about with his Gift from time to time on the chance that he might sense a blooming arohim. It was not a fine day in Ironshire; a late spring rain had set in, and the steady downpour had remained consistent the last few hours, effectively keeping indoors those who did not need to be outside.

Smythe pulled his collar up against the rain, though he was already soaking wet. His leather boots splashed through puddles as he strode down the cobbled street, keeping his vala expanded for the enhanced awareness, despite the risk. He’d been at this for days, now, and turned up nothing.

“One more day, Henley,” he muttered to himself as he walked, squinting against the rain. “Best to be sure. One more day.” The last thing he wanted was to miss an arohim due to lack of searching. Ironshire had a population of more than a thousand folk – mostly humans, with the odd Dwarf or Elf getting around – and Smythe wanted to be absolutely thorough with his search.

Before Aran, there hadn’t been a new arohim since Smythe had found Elaina thirty years ago. Then Aran had come along, and now Sara, which gave Smythe hope for the future of the Order.

As Smythe was trudging through the Ironshire town square, with the Iron Fountain decorating the centre, he saw something that made him stop dead. Four people in red-lined yellow cloaks were dismounting their horses in front of the town hall, which lay on the southern side of the square.

Didn’t Aran say that the Heralds of Dawn wore cloaks of those colours? What could the Heralds want in Ironshire?

Retracting his vala, Smythe put the Fountain between himself and the Heralds and peered through the steady rain as they ascended the stone steps of the hall and entered through the arched double doors that always stood open during the day.

He considered going in after them to see what they wanted, but thought better of it; best they didn’t see his face if they didn’t have to. Perhaps it was best to lay low until he could learn what the Heralds were doing in Ironshire.

Smythe hurried home, burning to know the answers to the many questions racing through his mind.

Smythe remained around the house the next day, during which the rain continued, only seeming to get heavier as the day wore on. Truth be known, he wanted to be out seeking potential arohim, or finding out why the Heralds were here, but his instincts – which had served him well over the past hundred years – told him to stay put for now.

Needing something to focus on, he fired up the forge behind the house and got busy in the smithy, working on a few orders that had fallen behind due to recent events. Ironshire knew Henley Smythe as a weaponsmith, and weaponsmith only, and it was important to keep up the appearance, especially with all the distractions he’d had lately. For each thing he crafted, he used just a touch of his vala to improve the quality. Everyone knew that any weapon forged by Henley Smythe took longer to rust, and needed sharpening much less than normal. His reputation had grown over the last ten years as the best smith in the region, and folk paid well for his work.

Smythe lost himself in the repetitive ring of hammer on steel, the sound somewhat dampened by the rain hammering on the tiled roof of the smithy. The day was cool, but the work was hot, and he soon doffed his shirt to work in just his breeches and leather apron. Halfway through shaping a new sword for one of the guardsmen, a presence brought his head around.

Jeira stood there watching him work, arms folded and leaning against one of the timber uprights that supported the smithy roof. She looked beautiful, clad in a sheer white robe that only just covered her to the tops of her pale, slender thighs. Rayna had made the garment for her, and it was a fair approximation of the traditional robe that was worn by members of the Order of Aros.

‘Too pretty to be a farmer’s wife,’ Smythe thought to himself as he appreciated the way her black tresses framed her pale, lightly freckled face and tumbled down over her slim shoulders.

Her dark eyes reflected the glow from the forge as she regarded him. She didn’t say anything, and Smythe got the feeling she didn’t want to talk just yet, so he carried on shaping the glowing metal, sticking it back in the burning coals and pumping the bellows when it got too cool.

He could feel Jeira’s eyes on him as he worked, following his movements from bellows to anvil to quenching barrel. With the blade finished and ready to be fitted to a hilt, Smythe turned while reaching up with both hands to pull the apron’s neck loop over his head, only to find Jeira standing inches from him, looking up at him with those deep, dark eyes.

His hands froze where they were, awkwardly holding the apron loop against his chest as he met her unblinking stare. “Are you well, lass?” He asked softly.

In answer, she nodded, and reached up to take the apron from his hands, her slim fingers gently removing his thick ones from the heavy leather. She let it drop, and the top half of the apron flopped down against Smythe’s legs, leaving him bare to the waist.

Jeira’s eyes left his face for the first time in long moments as she brought her hands up to run her fingers through the thick hair on his chest, not seeming to mind that the dense curls were beaded with sweat. Ever so slowly, her hands trailed down his flat stomach and around to the tie at the small of his back. She had to step closer to reach, and her soft breasts pressed into his chest as she deftly untied the string and let the apron drop to the ground.

Smythe wanted to stop her, or to at least make sure she was ready for this, but would she be doing this at all if she really wasn’t ready? Using his vala, he aligned with her to get a feel for her emotions. While not as accurate as a real Bonding, aligning could still give a fair idea of a person’s state of mind. In this moment, he could feel Jeira’s pain over the loss of her husband, but also, he could feel love, gratitude, and intense arousal.

Of course. She was Bonded to a Paladin – Aran – and so her desires were much more potent than they would be otherwise.

A sense of urgency seemed to overtake Jeira as she moved back slightly to get her hands down to his belt. When Smythe tried to help, she batted his hands away and shot him a predatory look that set his blood on fire. The look said; “I’m in charge, I want this. Don’t get in my way.”

Smythe suppressed a small smile as she bent to tug his breeches all the way down, enjoying the feeling of freedom as his hardening cock sprang free of it’s confines, the cool spring air feeling good on the sensitive skin.

Jeira left his breeches around his ankles and remained in a squat before him. Her eyes were locked on his rising phallus and her hands had come up to his thighs, slowly stroking them up and down as she brought her mouth to the bulbous cockhead and opened wide.

“Fuck,” Smythe muttered as he watched the end of his cock disappear into Jeira’s mouth. She began to suck him earnestly, her head rocking back and forth and the little moans from her throat creating pleasurable vibrations. Her hands moved from his thighs, one to caress and fondle his heavy balls, the other one snaking around to squeeze his buttock, her fingernails digging in as her passion mounted.

The deluge continued outside as the smithy was filled with the wet sucking sounds of Jeira’s skilled oral performance, as well as Smythe’s grunts of pleasure.

Jeira’s mouth popped off his cock to utter her first words since appearing at the smithy. “Come in my mouth, Henley,” she panted before inhaling him once again.

Smythe had spent eighty or so years of his life as a Paladin, and could choose to spend his seed whenever he desired, but he didn’t see the point in denying the lass her request, and so he allowed himself a release, bellowing with pleasure as he felt his nuts tighten and hot fluid travel up his shaft before erupting into Jeira’s willing mouth.

She moaned wantonly as his come hit her tongue. Pulling her mouth free, she smiled up at him as she tugged on his pole, aiming his still-pulsating cock at her face, which quickly became spattered with his hot cream.

Quite unexpectedly, she began to laugh as his climax died down. Still clutching his cock with one hand, she stood, scooping some of his juice off her cheek and popping it into her mouth.

“Mmm,” she murmured. There was a distinct twinkle in her eye as she made a show of sucking on her finger while slowly fisting his still-rigid member. Her hand never released it’s grip, even when he bent to tug his boots off and kick his pants away.

Smythe reached out to the nearby shelf where he’d hung his shirt, and offered it to her so she could wipe herself down, but she refused, and with a wordless smile, began to walk backwards, leading him by his cock out into the pouring rain.

In seconds they were saturated, their hair plastered flat against their heads and water streaming off their bodies. Jeira laughed delightedly, her face turned to the sky, blinking against the downpour. Her robe had become completely transparent, molding itself to her slender frame and clinging to every graceful curve.

The cool rain felt invigorating after working the forge, and Smythe couldn’t help but laugh along with the beautiful woman in front of him. She was a sight indeed, with her slender body dripping wet and her pink nipples hardened to points. The rain had done nothing to dampen Smythe’s desire, and he wrapped her in his arms, interrupting her laughter with a fierce kiss.

Her hands instantly came up to his shoulders as she kissed back, moaning into his mouth as she pressed herself to him, telling him with her body that she was his.

Between the house and the forge was a small expanse of soft grass, which Smythe lay Jeira down upon. She opened her thighs willingly, inviting him to take her right then and there, out in the open and in the pouring rain. He did just that, untying the sash of her robe and parting it to expose her to his eyes before he smoothly slid into her waiting warmth.

Jeira clutched him tightly, her slim arms and legs trapping him in a most enjoyable prison. After giving her time to adjust to his size – he could alter it at will, but sensed that this was what she wanted – he began to slowly pump his hips.

Jeira whimpered into his ear as they fucked with a gradually increasing tempo. The rain continued to beat down on them, but their desire was running hot, and Smythe was not about to let something like a little rain interfere with his first time making love to Jeira.

He pushed himself up on his hands so he could look down at her pale, slender body. Her breasts bounced in time with his hips, and as his eyes wandered further, he could see his cock disappearing and reappearing between her slick lips.

Jeira’s lust-lidded eyes locked onto his as her hands caressed his arms and shoulders, then moved to his neck before trailing down to his chest.

Feeling into her, Smythe read what she wanted, even though she didn’t know it herself. Abruptly shifting the angle of his hips, he thrust deeply, his pelvis smacking into hers with a wet slap.

Her eyes came wide open at that, and her fingers curled violently, gripping two handfuls of his chest hair as she sailed into a quaking climax, her mouth open in a silent scream, her body tensed, her thighs vise-locked around his waist.

After long moments, she began to relax, and Smythe changed their position, gathering her up in his arms and sitting back on the grass, which put Jeira sitting in his lap, still impaled on his shaft.

She held his face in her hands, looking into his eyes. “Thank you, Henley,” she whispered.

Her words were almost inaudible over the rain, but he caught it. “Thank you, lass,” he returned, smiling broadly.

Their lips met again in another torrid kiss, and Jeira’s hips began to move, aided by Smythe’s hands lifting and lowering her bottom, as well as squeezing firmly.

Jeira broke the kiss and leaned back, supporting herself with her hands laced behind his neck, giving him access to her breasts, which he took full advantage of, quickly taking a hard nipple into his mouth and lashing it with his tongue.

Smythe didn’t know how long they made love in the rain, nor did he care. Night had fallen some time ago, but the rain still persisted. At some point, he’d walked into the house, dripping wet and carrying an equally soaked Jeira, who was sound asleep in his arms. After toweling her off, he tucked her into her bed and quietly left the room.

Now that night had come, he would be able to walk the streets with less risk of being noted by the Heralds. It was time to find out what was happening in his town.

The news was worse than Smythe feared. After a few days of wandering around town and having discreet conversations with the right people, it looked as if the Heralds were petitioning Berrigan Stallen – the Mayor of Ironshire – for permission to open a chapter house in the town.

Smythe had stayed clear of the four visiting Heralds, but had seen them from time to time riding through the streets and looking down their noses at folk. Most stayed clear of the strangers, but some of the more foolish denizens of Ironshire seemed interested in the Heralds, or at least in the ridiculous stories they told of the Order of Aros being a perverted cult!

He shook his head as he recalled one of the Heralds he’d seen yesterday – a beardless young fellow barely old enough to be called a man – standing on the lip of the Iron Fountain grandly proclaiming that the Heralds of Dawn saved the world from the Paladins a thousand years ago!

Smythe had only just stopped himself from yanking the boy down from his perch and setting him straight. What was worse were the twenty or thirty townspeople standing around and listening!

Smythe loved Ironshire, as well as her people, but it was a relatively quiet and isolated town, and the residents were simple, well-meaning folk, who were probably just excited that there was something unusual happening.

It would be a shame when he had to leave Ironshire – he never stayed in a town longer than about ten years; it got too hard to explain why he never looked any older – Smythe found that he quite enjoyed the quiet places in the world. Steady work, a good tavern, and a pretty woman or two to occupy his time. What more could a man ask?

It would be easy to just disappear to some far corner of Ekistair and settle down in some town nobody had ever heard of and let the rest of the world go its own way, but that line of thinking would serve him not. He was a Paladin, bearing the Gift of Aros, and so he would honour that Gift by serving.

The rain had finally ceased earlier that day, but the heavy clouds still remained, concealing the moon and stars. In the main streets, lamps had been lit atop steel posts at dusk, as they were every night, but in the narrower, lesser-used back streets through which Smythe was walking, the darkness was near pitch. It mattered not, with his vala -enhanced senses guiding him safely between the tall brick houses with their sloped roofs.

The faintest scrape of boot on stone came from behind him, and before Smythe could turn, something struck him in the head. As he fell to the wet cobblestones, one last thought flitted through his mind before everything went black; why hadn’t he sensed someone behind him?

Smythe floated in blackness, an empty void of nothingness that stretched on for eternity. With a smile, he imagined a comfortable leather chair, and into existence it popped. Taking a seat, he imagined a richly furnished study, with solid timber furniture, a fireplace, and fine paintings lining the walls, interspersed by bookshelves brimming with volumes.

He’d visited the Plane of Aros so many times now that creating whichever setting he desired was automatic, and done with only the briefest thought. He took this time to think about what had just happened in the waking world.

Somehow, someone had snuck up behind him and knocked him out, but how had his vala not sensed them? The vala had never failed him before. Smythe resolved to find out once he awoke.

Suddenly, a chair appeared opposite Smythe’s, and a second later, a man was occupying it. A handsome fellow with clear blue eyes and shoulder-length hair tied back with a leather cord.

“Aran!” Smythe exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

“Hello, Henley,” Aran said warmly as he clasped Smythe’s forearm before they embraced in a back-slapping hug.

“It’s good to see you safe, lad,” Smythe said as they resumed their seats. “We were worried for a bit, there.”

There was something different about Aran since last Smythe had seen him. Something had changed; it was in his eyes. While he looked the same physically, he seemed older, wiser, and more in command of himself.

“I am safe,” Aran said, though his tone hinted that safety was a fleeting thing. “And Jeira?”

“Safe,” Smythe replied. “Though I didn’t get there in time to save her husband.”

Aran nodded sadly. “I felt her pain, though I knew not what caused it.” He met Smythe’s eyes levelly. “I know you did everything you could, Henley. Thank you.”

Aran had seen straight to the problem Smythe had been having; he’d been trying not to blame himself for Hamlin’s death, but sometimes niggling doubt crept it’s way into his heart. Still, Jeira held no grudge toward him, and Smythe really had done everything he could. Perhaps it was time to put this one to rest.

“She is still with you, in Ironshire?” Aran asked.

Smythe nodded. “Living with Rayna, Bella and I. You know, I’ve become something of a caretaker to your women, Aran.” Like Jeira, Rayna and Bella were also Bonded with Aran.

The younger Paladin grinned. “I’m sure you’re having a horrible time with that, too.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Smythe said dryly, unable to stop his own wide grin. It really was a wonderful thing, having three beautiful women to love.

Aran laughed. “I miss them, but I’m glad they’re with you. They’re in good hands. They’re probably all curled up in bed with you now, are they?”

Smythe grimaced as he remembered the blow to the head he’d just received. “Actually, lad, I’m only here right now because I was struck from behind on the street and knocked out.”

Aran’s brow furrowed as Smythe added, “funniest thing, though; I didn’t sense it coming, even through the vala.”

The lad sat forward at that. “Did you get a look at who hit you?”

Smythe shook his head. “I went down quick; it was a good blow.”

Aran looked worried. “I nearly lost Sara in a similar way, except the man had a knife, not a club. She didn’t sense the assassin, and neither did I.”

Smythe pursed his lips. “I’ve never heard of anything like this, Aran,” he said quietly. “Does Elaina or Amina know?”

“Not yet,” Aran replied. “I haven’t met with either of them in some time.” The lad’s face grew serious then. “But more importantly; you, Henley, are likely in danger right now!”

Smythe flashed Aran a grin. “I’ve been in danger before, Aran. I’ll be in danger again, too, I’ll wager.”

Aran studied Smythe intently, not fooled by the grin. Yes, he was definitely different. He was becoming a leader. “Are there Heralds in Ironshire?”

Smythe nodded. “Four of them turned up a few days ago. They’ve been meeting with the mayor, I think. I’ve been keeping a low profile, but since they arrived, I’ve wanted to search just another day or two for any arohim that might be around town.”

Aran looked thoughtful. “It’s possible they’ve a way to avoid being detected by the vala. I hope this is not the case, but we must prepare for the worst. Do whatever you need to do, but get out of Ironshire, Henley, and take the women with you. Make for the Karvani Mountains, for Amina’s Temple. I’m on my way there now with Sara and the others.”

“Alright, lad,” Smythe agreed. “I’ll do what it takes, and get the women out safely. For what it’s worth, I’ve been combing Ironshire for days and not sensed any arohim. I’m convinced there are none.”

“Well, that’s one less thing to concern ourselves with, I suppose,” Aran said. “Have you spoken with Amina or Elaina?”

“Not since Elaina told me to find Jeira,” Smythe told him.

“I’ll update them if I see them first. Either way, they need to know all this as soon as possible. Henley, the Heralds are undertaking some kind of huge territory expansion. They’ve got the Maralon City Watch at their beck and call, they’ve put the city on lockdown, and they have patrols all through the countryside, too. Them being in Ironshire can only mean one thing; that they want influence there, too.”

Smythe saw the sense in this. “I think the mayor may be listening to them, too, else they would have left by now.”

“All the more reason for you to get out, man,” Aran urged.

“Right then,” Smythe said, standing up. “I have work to do, so I’ll be off. I’ll speak to you soon, lad, I’m sure.”

Aran stood too, and embraced Smythe again. “Take care, my friend. Get out safely, and give the girls a kiss for me. I’ll see them soon.”

As the last word left his lips, Aran winked out of existence, and Smythe followed, back to his unconscious body.

Smythe’s head lolled, his chin on his chest as he came to, the room coming slowly into focus as his vision corrected itself. He was naked and roped to a chair in some sort of cellar or basement, with stone walls and pillars.

The only light was coming from the torch being held by none other than kind-faced Berrigan Stallen, the Mayor of Ironshire.

“Really, Henley,” Berrigan began, for all the world as if he were a grandfather speaking to a favourite grandchild who’d gotten himself in trouble. Which was ridiculous, as Smythe had at least forty years on the man, but Berrigan didn’t know that. “At first, I didn’t want to believe it, but the more I got to know you, the more obvious it became.”

“Berrigan, please,” Smythe muttered thickly, finding it difficult to make his lips and tongue work. “Why am I tied up?”

The mayor ignored him. “You are the most talented smith I’ve ever seen, and you could make your fortune in Maralon, or Dun Arghol, not to mention one of the Great Cities! Yet, you decide on a backwater town like Ironshire?”

For the first time, Smythe truly regretted choosing Ironshire as the place to live this part of his life. Small towns were gloriously quiet and unassuming, but in small towns everyone knew each other, and that could create problems. “Berrigan,” he repeated, this time with more success. With an effort, he raised his head to look the man in the face. “I know you’ve been meeting with the Heralds. Don’t listen to them! They lie, and are more dangerous than you know!”

Berrigan nodded sadly, unperturbed by Smythe’s outburst. “It had to happen eventually, Henley. There were too many things about you that stood out, like your real age, or your birthplace, or your remarkable abilities with women!” Emotion had crept into Berrigan’s voice, which cracked slightly as he spoke.

Smythe took the man’s tremulous tone for sadness. He’d never seen the greying, grandfatherly fellow upset, and deeply regretted putting him in this position. “I have not been completely honest with you, my friend,” Smythe began. “But I swear on my life, I am not what they say!”

Berrigan sighed and moved to slot the torch into a sconce on a nearby pillar. “Alas, Henley, perhaps I should mention that I have not been entirely honest with you, either.” He continued talking in his gentle, kindly voice as he removed his cloak of office before beginning to undo the laces of his fine linen shirt. “There are depths to my own history that I have chosen not to reveal, until now, at least.”

A ball of ice formed in the pit of Smythe’s stomach as Berrigan opened his shirt to display the symbol tattooed on his chest; a sunburst with pointed spikes radiating from the centre, the very same symbol that was emblazoned on red-and-yellow cloaks worn by Heralds.

Berrigan Stallen was a Herald of Dawn.

On instinct, Smythe opened his vala and felt into the other’s man’s heart in an attempt to align with him, but found no resonance, no commonality with which to align. It was like trying to find emotion inside a rock. How was this possible? In all his long years, Smythe had never met a living creature he couldn’t align with.

Berrigan barked a laugh. “Ha! Keep your filthy powers to yourself, Henley. They won’t work on me, anyhow; I am a seasoned Paladin hunter, and I learned long ago how to resist your abilities. Your head will be the fourth on my mantle.”

Paladin hunter? Fourth head? Rage began to burn in Smythe’s gut. Paladins were scattered across the world, numbering probably less than twenty or thirty, and this man was hunting them?

Smythe slowed his breathing in an attempt to contain his fury, but it was difficult.

Leaving his shirt open, Berrigan stepped in front of Smythe and squatted before him, and for the first time ever that Smythe had seen, the kindly expression was gone, replaced by one that belonged on a beast of prey. Up close, Berrigan’s eyes glowed with an unsettling light of zeal, bordering perhaps on madness.

The Mayor’s voice was quiet, and his eyes bored into Smythe’s. “Your order is lies and poison, Paladin, and your so-called Gift will not affect me. I am one of the High Council of Heralds, and have been for near twenty years.”

Smythe met the other man’s stare levelly, refusing to be intimidated.

Berrigan continued, his tone suddenly shifting to something bright and happy, making Smythe wonder if the man was in full control of his sanity. “Now, word is currently being spread about town regarding your true nature, and you are to be executed on the morrow in the town square. I expect a rather large crowd, Henley.”

“Just like that?” Smythe spat. “You’re going to kill a friend just like that? Oh, Berrigan, if you only knew the truth, you would stop this madness.”

“Silence!” Berrigan’s shout was punctuated by a loud slap and a stinging sensation on Smythe’s cheek. “For long we have waited, Henley, we Heralds. We are rising again, you will see. Kedron!” He barked that last word, and there was a pause before doors creaked open behind Smythe and bootsteps made their way into the room.

A younger version of Berrigan stepped up to stand beside his father. He was tall and wiry, young Kedron Stallen, with short black hair and eyes of brown. The lad couldn’t have been more than seventeen or eighteen, yet he looked down at Smythe with contempt, his lip curled in a sneer.

Overall, the boy was a fair imitation of his father, though he had not yet the presence or the self-confidence to carry off the look of disgust believably.

Then Smythe saw something that rocked him to his toes. For the briefest second, a golden nimbus surrounded Kedron, vanishing as quickly as it appeared. If the lad had not been standing right in front of him, he might have missed it altogether.

Kedron Stallen was arohim.

Smythe nearly burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, captured by a long-time friend that was secretly a Herald, while searching for an arohim youth that turned out to be the very same Herald’s son? Aros worked in mysterious ways, indeed.

“You’ve met Kedron before, have you not?” Berrigan said proudly, clapping his son on the shoulder. “He is almost ready for his Cleansing. He is strong, and smart; he will make a fine Herald of the Dawn.”

Smythe didn’t know what a Cleansing was, but he didn’t care. Kedron was arohim! He chose to keep his mouth shut, for now.

“Son,” Berrigan addressed Kedron. “We are giving Henley the rest of tonight to contemplate his impending execution, and you are being given the honour of guarding him.”

The lad stood up straighter, eager to carry out his duty. “Yes, father!”

“He will try to lie, to coerce you, to make you doubt yourself, Kedron, but your faith is stronger than his deceit, is it not?”

“Yes, father!”

Smythe felt sorry for the lad; what things had his misguided father subjected him to in the name of their order?

Same as A Paladin's Training
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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 1 Action On The Beach

"Few can argue that the island of Agoras is one of the most beautiful of the Aegean Greek islands. But the legends that surround the island speak of a past where beauty here was valued in coin. Oh, that's no bloody good!" Bethany Howes, standing up to her knees in water, fifty feet off the beach, pushed her face into her hands shook her head and called to the group watching her from the beach. "Let's go again!" "Agoras is one of the most beautiful of the Aegean Greek islands," she...

1 year ago
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My first Love story ever but with a Telugu Slut 8211 Part 1

Hello all! First time writer here. My name is Arun, I have been living in USA for last 9 years. I am a single 29 year old working as a Software Developer in one of the biggest tech firms in USA. If any one wanna reach out, you can reach out to me at or on kik: davidswaminathan. I am 6 feet tall with medium built with a 6 inch cock. I have thick curly hair but try to keep it clean and straight. Any women who are in USA wanna meet for an illicit meeting do reach out. We could go out for a coffee...

1 year ago
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Romantic Conference Pt 02

Ryan could feel a wet warmth as he realized that she had been wearing nothing under her skirt. She moaned as he began gently tracing the slick spot from her hardening mound to tight opening. As the passion grew, Sarah slid further onto the bed and laid on her back. Ryan followed as his fingers sunk into her now sopping and swollen pussy. He could feel her pea-sized clit respond as he fingered both it and the ridges building inside her most intimate spot. He worked both the inner and outer folds...

2 years ago
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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 8 Camping with Jax

Tooling down the road an hour or so later, the RV was quiet, other than the hum of the wheels and the soft sounds of the radio. Everyone except Jax had succumbed to the white noise of the road and fallen asleep, Robin still splayed naked in the seat next to him. This was going to be a fun trip. It was peaceful to be the only one awake in the vehicle. It felt like it was just him and the open road. He had his driving sunglasses, his driving gloves, even his driving hat and Jax was content...

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Something Old Something NewChapter 6

Priscilla’s parent had planned a surprise out of town trip and so Clarissa returned home after she saw her friend off. She walks into the house and plops down on the couch. She hears something strange from upstairs, and it makes her curious. Jewel is too engrossed in enjoying the climb to her orgasm to ever notice the front door open and click shut. Then within two minutes, she is wailing at the top of her lungs as Bentley’s knot presses into that spot. Clarissa slowly approaches the door...

1 year ago
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The Stranger Peers In

Mike watched Jon from the window of the apartment complex. Jon was hugging his wife and kids before leaving them and sneaking his way to Mike’s place. Jon climbed the stairs and Mike could see Jon’s hardness through his pants. He was coming to fuck Mike’s girlfriend, Morgan. Mike was probably harder than Jon. After the last time Jon fucked Morgan she admitted, after being pissed about the condom, that she enjoyed the session. So Mike set up another one. When Jon arrived Morgan...

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Pocket Monsters A New Journey and New Horizons

Ash had earlier contacted his Mom telling her that he would be returning home. Little did Ash realize the surprise that she was setting up for his return. He got off the ship and started the short walk to Pallet Town. Shortly after he arrived at his house. Ash walked in the front door and shouted "I'm home!" Ash's mother came out from the kitchen with Mr. Mime. "Ash! Welcome home, it's good to see you". Delia came up to Ash and put her arms around him and hugged him. Ash...

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Just A Patient Ch 1

****This is a story about love. Please let me know what you think…and if you want the sex, you’ll have to stick around… ,)**** * * * * * Alexis stepped into the smell of sickness. She couldn’t stand walking into the hospital, down the corridor and up to the second floor every week because of it. Although, she didn’t exactly walk. She hobbled. Three months earlier Alexis Starger was a lively college freshman. Bright and bubbly with a lust for life, she was on her way to achieve great things...

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Made for Each Other

They had been together for a little more than ten months, off and on. They shared tremendous affection for one another, but they both knew it was the sex that kept bringing them back together. She was fantastic in bed. He was fucking unbelievable. And they were both horny as hell 24/7. The first time they went out together they didn’t make it to the restaurant, but ended up naked, tangled in crisp, lilac-colored sheets. Neither of them had planned it, the stars just must have been aligned or...

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The Fairest of Them All

Lizzie walked around the school checking out all the girls to see who was perfect for “The Most Gorgeous and Wicked of Them All”, the finishing school’s monthly magazine. It covered all arrays of topics, from the girl’s love of spanking to beautiful photos of girls modeling with thrashed sore bottoms. The magazine covered the most spankable bottom, votes to see who were the most beautiful girls readers hoped would be spanked, interviews with the girls on life and their love of being spanked,...

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The first Loving kiss

when Imitaz came home he saw the Coconut seller from Kerala Jamal Dark skinned and gorgeous . all black and in his lungi ..and shirt with one hand he carressed his chest and another his own thigh " so how are you jama " said carresing his penis thru the Lungi , Jamal eyes were full of laughter he was dark and tanned .."Imtiaz .You are so fair and sweet Jamal said i want to kiss you ...." Jamal once againooked at him " ..Imtiaz Blushed perhaps later ... Jamal Laughed caressing his...

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Prize WinnerChapter 10

Jefferson High Monday of this first week of school had started out strangely and it had the feel of being packed full of more than I could handle. Maybe it was intuitive or just superstitious, I didn't know for sure. I was just starting to eat lunch when Jennifer stopped at my table. The freshmen and sophomores had fourth period lunch and the juniors and seniors had fifth period lunch. If you were willing to cut classes, you could show up at either one. Apparently, Jennifer had cut...

3 years ago
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FAMILY VACATION GONE AWRY:: CHAPTER 5Irene had just ate her daughters pussy Maryanne(18).... And Esterr had indeed confronted Irene about her own desires, and wanton lustful needs.So both Maryellen and Esterr came to Irene and told her to get naked, and on the same table her daughter was on, so she did so.Irene now lay naked right beside her naked daughter as Esterr left the cabin with a bucket as Irene was questioning Maryellen where she was going and why?Maryellen only aknowledged that she'd...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 4

The Orthen home was as full of life as always, even on the dreadfull mornings. Maxine Orthen, the blond 9/10 daughter of her family with an impressive bust got up and stretched her long legs. She tried to recall what had happened yesterday but drew a blank. She checked the time. 7AM. Time to get up and prepare for work. Naked as the day she was born Maxine checked herself out in the mirror with a small smirk as she gathered her nursing outfit. Fucking Carl had vacation and she had to...

2 years ago
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Devils fantasy

Keisha was a quiet girl who learned very early that she was a freaky person. She started masturbating at the age of 12. Although shebwpuldnt go on to lose her virginity til she was 17 she was always very curious about it. The First time she sucked a dick she loved it and wanted to do it all the time. When she was 16 she moved in with her grandmother and her husband. One night she jumped out of her sleep to find her grandmothers husband standing over her stroking his dick she screamed and he ran...

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BangbrosVault Jade Hsu A Sex Freak

Today we have another hot blast from the past with Jade Hsu showing up to show us what she can do. She’s pretty shy at first but once she gets going, she gets GOING! We ask her a couple of questions to ease the nerves and she gets pretty wet when she touches herself. She then spots our boy Joey watching her masturbate. We get him closer to the action and have him eat her pussy out. She’s hesitant at first but she didn’t say no after cumming a couple of times! We take her...

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Samanthas cock

I can’t really say when it started. I just know that I have been fascinated by the sight of cum shooting out of cock for as long as I can remember. My first attempts at masturbation were pleasurable enough. In the dark, under the covers. I first time I ejaculated in the daylight I was hooked. I could not get enough of that feeling and the sight of that cum!! I jacked off everywhere- home, school, woods behind my house, everywhere. I soon discovered the various magazines that my Dad had...

1 year ago
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The Omega PathChapter 15 Tunnels and Aspirations

After a week of Joey's grounding, the weekend was a welcome relief. Annie helped Joey write his report on the TV talk show which Mr. Grimes had assigned, while Tricia spent several happy hours editing and color-correcting her video. Then she proudly showed it to her roommates. The three of them sat on their bed together and watched it on her laptop while sipping wine and cuddling together, and they all enjoyed it immensely. One thing kind of led to another, and eventually they got to sleep...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary 02

Note : This story is completely fictional! I skipped a few entries and I reached the one that read: PBXK - July 1988 SEAN – July 1989 I swallowed hard. This one I still felt guilty about. Sean is Janie’s dad. I have returned home for the first time in four years. My parents were delighted to see me, but I could sense that neither of them, especially my dad has forgiven me for breaking my word and not coming home after a year in Europe. How could I explain it to them, though? They would never...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 21

My name is Ahmed I am about 4 foot 6 inches tall of Pakistani origins and a student at Farfield School. I was pleased she was waiting as I was skipping school to see her. Janice had written me a note to take to school saying I had a dental appointment at 11am I would need to leave school at 10:30, she had signed it in my mother’s name. I was now over nervous I did not really know what to expect, I knew sex was something a man and woman did and it was exciting but otherwise I was clueless...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 77

Present – Ben and Jens and the rest – The next morning Of course Jens and I spent last night together in my room, much to the chagrin of Liz and Bernie in the next room. They kept banging on the wall all night long and complaining about the noise. Jens banged on the wall and complained right back, “Hey I had to put up with this from you two so just shut up and enjoy the show.” There reply was to run up the television which was fine with me. It was sure good as hell being back with my wife!...

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Velvet DeanaThe story is fiction, but is based on life's experiences. All participants are of legal age. This is a story of a girl, Deana, who was a nymphomaniac and how she took my and then my friend’s virginity. This story took place in the 1960s in a prudish northern town.Us: I’m Mike and my friend is Henry. We were honor students and in one word, nerds; and we both had scholarships in college.We are similar in our builds and looks: 5-7, 135#, both with dark hair, wear glasses and average in...

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WildOnCam Kiarra Kai Whitney Wright Whitney Wright and Hot Newbie Kiarra Kai

Whitney Wright is ready to have some hot fun with all of you but she is super excited to meet and fuck the gorgeous newbie Kiarra Kai! She strips from her pink shirt and shows you that sexy ass that you crave to see and gets all naughty stripping down Kiarras bra with her teeth and sucking on her toes! Kiarra just loves all the attention and must find her way to Whitneys hot little pussy to return that pleasure right back! They scissor on the hitachi and even bring out the Sybian to end the...

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Julie and the Hot Tub

Julie’s friend Lorraine was off on vacation leaving Julie to watch over her house. This was no hardship, Lorraine has a really nice place on the lake with a big-screen TV, jacuzzi hot tub and a cat named Bill. I was away on yet another work trip so Julie stayed at Lorraine’s house full time. It was early spring and still too cold to swim in the lake but the hot tub was a nice relaxer after a long day so Julie had gotten in the habit of taking a dip after work. She’d sit with a nice glass of...

Wife Lovers
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85 Avis Jon family visit 4

85 Avis & Jon family visit (4) The morning had come too quickly and Avis and I knew we were to be heading home that day after our visit to her daughters. We rose up and went up to the living room and found Mike and Carol were already awake, up and Mike sitting on the sofa while Carol took the recliner. I had noticed Avis was a bit antsy when we kissed good morning and that usually meant she was in the mood. "Mike looks so alone" I whispered to Avis. She looked at me, back towards him,...

3 years ago
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Isabellas new school

oh my god theres a guy standing in his bedroom window naked she thought to herself.as she quickly turned around only to see that her cheeks were red from her blushing,thats the first time she had ever saw a man w/o clothes on in her life.so stunned and very excited she took a quick shower and jumped into bed. "beep,beep,beep"the alarm sounded at 6am uggh i just wanna sleep please mom 5 more minutes,belle whined so she hit snooze and fell back off asleep GET UP RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY U ARE...

4 years ago
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Old Friends And Fuck Buddies Part 2

I went over to the desk and pulled Linda’s profile up on Facebook. Becky walked over and handed me my glass of wine and then bent down to see the picture displayed on the screen. Obviously, she was very interesting in seeing them. She pushed me back in the armless desk chair, sat down on my lap, took the mouse and started clicking through the pictures. “Linda still looks pretty hot. She was such a slut when we where in school though,” Becky stated. “I’m having a hard time believing that you’re...

Wife Lovers
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Deciding MomentChapter 2

I heard some strange noises and tried to place them. Nothing sounded even remotely familiar. My eyes didn't want to open. The harder I tried to get them to respond, the more my head hurt. I woke, this time to talking. My eyes opened just a bit, but the light hurt. "He's awake, Doctor." "Hello. Good to see you back. Can you tell me your name?" "John," I got out in a scratchy voice. "Do you know where you are?" "Hospital?" I guessed from what I could see. "Do you remember...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 10

The relief from reaching the Porsche was quickly dashed when Liv remembered why she had been hiking through the tundra in the first place. She frantically dug into the small pocket of her skirt, nearly flinging the key into the canyon as she yanked it out. "That would have been just about right," she thought. Liv's heart pounded like a sledgehammer in her chest. The blood coursing through her veins was ice cold as she pushed the worn key into the ignition, hastily cranking the engine...

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When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse.  It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September; in the low 70s and partly cloudy.  It was two weeks into my junior year.  My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd.  I asked someone what was going on, but didn't have time to listen to their answer.  "Karen Wagner, right?" a guy said.  I nodded, and he...

1 year ago
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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 13

“Hey, you ... you can’t go in there! Certainly not nude like that ... this is the County Courthouse!” a uniformed guard warned us as we laughed. “Look around you, buddy. Things that can’t happen are happening all over the globe. The old ways are finished. The old laws and rules are out the window, chucked like so much bathwater. Now, unless you wish to die, I’d recommend getting the ever-loving fuck out of my way,” I now warned the guard, who didn’t listen, but tried in vain to grab...

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Daddys Girl and His Baby Sister

This is my little sister. Her name is Zoe. A few days ago she came over to visit. I have two bathrooms in my house. One of them is in my room the other one is in a hallway. I also have a 19-year-old daughter. Typically when we have guests my daughter uses my bathroom. Anyway... I needed to use one of the bathrooms so I went into the hallway bathroom. I didn't think anybody was in there. Well as it turns out my baby sister Zoe was in there. I had to use the bathroom really bad so I went into it...

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A Night With Virgin Hottie Friend

Hi, guys.This is Dhruv here. Hello to all the hot girls. This is my first sex story about an incident with my hot virgin friend who got fucked by me in all holes. Do comment on my story on the below-mentioned email. Coming to the story.This story is about me and riya..My college friend. She is the hottest girl of my college. All guys used to hit on her. So this incident took place last months after our common friend’s party. We were coming back in my car from the party. Riya was wearing a one...

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CHAPTER 9The next day we travelled two more villages in along the string of villages. This village was in a valley with large open fields, the jungle closing in around that. I wasn’t sure what the cause or source of a field in the jungle, but it existed, and it was here that the people had the most horses, being of primary use for the work with larger herds of cattle and other grazing a****ls. It would be here that I would receive the training I desired to allow me to mate with horses.Several...

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LoneMilf Reagan Foxx The Love Below

It always feels good to have some alone time with you. In the living room, after a long days work, it is so nice to sit out on the couch and play with myself. I mean, every time I think about you, I get a little wet down below. A little hot, a little horny, I just can not help it. Even if I am sitting in the office, at my desk next to all my coworkers, something just triggers me. Now I want you to feel that way. I want your dick to get hard while I play with my hot, mature pussy. I want you to...

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Woman warriors wanted

Super spy karina is sent on a mission to take down evil general seductra. Seductra has been causing much mayhem around several different cities with much nano technology theft. No one knows what she intendes to do with the technology. Seductra was humilitated by her fellow scientist peers several times and that is why she turned to crime. Karina zips up her latex spy suit and boots and heads off to karinas lair. The tracking device leads karina to an observatory located on top top of a rocky...

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Second ChancesChapter 9 Discoveries

Sandy then went in and swapped out the cans and I saw her every step of the way. Well okay, it worked with Sandy too, but then, I was in love with both girls. I wondered if it would work in other circumstances. I had to try it out so I went out front of the house. I saw a young boy riding his bike down the street. There was a delivery truck coming up the street the other way. I watched the boy and did not lose sight of him even when the truck should have blocked my view. I went back to the...

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Harvest of Expectations Ch 13

Chapter 13 — Commencement August 1974 It was four in the Saturday afternoon of August 24. Jim was in the driver’s seat and Hildy was next to him in the passenger’s bucket seat of the ’71 Mercury Cougar that Douglas Chemical had sold to him. They were in the parking lot of the Erie Canal Inn as about a dozen people surrounded the car, wishing them well. After a few moments, the small crowd stepped aside. Jim put the car in gear and it was official that he and Hildy were on their honeymoon. ...

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Mothers New Daughter

    Mother's New Daughter'  (1)             TJ Ryder      http://www.sissytrain.com/   "Did you hear what Phyllis is doing to her new hubby?" theattractive housewife said to her neighbor over the fence.   Tammy Sue rolled her eyes as she put her clothes basket downand turned to hear the latest gossip from the neighborhood'sbiggest gossipmonger, Gladys.   "What's she doing now, then?"   Gladys looked around to see if anyone was hearing this whichTammy thought absurd since she told everyone...

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Hina and her cousin ff soft lesb

I was seriously lectured to not have humongous parties at home while they been away. I agreed any query they had. I was so happy to see her again. Damn, how could i let pass last four years without seeing her? Was i been so stupid cause now i was in college and she still in highschool? Or did procrastination ruled me for this long? I thought about us having fun and sharing secrets all those years. It made me melt. Again. Like anytime i thought about the naughty games we played when we were...

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Lucky Me

I went to the Florida Keys last weekend and went down to the nude beach. As I walked around I came upon a black guy laying on a towel.He looked up at me as I sat down just a few feet away from him and nodded at me. I nodded back and then started looking at his big cock. He didn't seem to mind that I was checking him out so I didn't worry if anyone else noticed me either. I figured his cock size on hard would be between nine or ten inches. It was around eight inches just layin there on soft. It...

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There Is Always Another Train

 It was late on in summer.We were driving across the county, back towards home after clothes shopping. Martin had bought me some lovely new lingerie at a large sex shop we found in Birmingham, all lacey and red. I had great fun trying it all on. Modelling it in front of him and the black male shop assistant, who showed more than a passing interest. I even let the assistant adjust the straps on the stockings, giving him glimpses of my shaved pussy through the sheer fabric. The shop had a...

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Mature Sex is great

For Security I have changed the name and the place of story but its a true story. Enjoy and u can mail me at It was opening night after Hurricane Katrina at Laura’s favorite dance club. The rhythms of the French quarter took control of her hips. She sauntered around the nearly empty dance floor not caring who was watching; it was her coming out party. She’d finally broken away from the emotional ties that bound her for as long as she could remember. Earlier in the day, she went to her salon to...

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TG Commander

Commander was the no-nonsense head engineer of Andre's body. He was in charge of all the cellular engineering projects, the immune army that destroyed viruses and bacteria, and made sure all bodily systems were working properly. He was as small as a cell, but everyone in the body respected him. He was a war veteran from the days of Andre's infancy when the chicken pox was defeated. Now that Andre was entering puberty new challenges were headed his way. The Great War was about to...

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Making the RevolutionChapter 10

“Let’s take ten days or a fortnight and visit our parents!” Tessa said. “We deserve a real holiday after five terms and summers!” “Sure. But you’ve got to do some of the driving. Even by the shortest route, it’s 20 hours to Iga Warta.” “Not in one stretch, we’ll drive down to Sydney, then to Iga Warta ... and maybe a big adventure.” “Like what?” “Like Marree and William Creek and Coober ... sort of the reverse of before we met.” “You’ve got something cooking, I see the smoke.” “We-ell....

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An Almost Sexual Love Affair 8211 Part 2

This is the Part 2 of the story, please read the Part 1, to get the proceedings of the continuing story. This is based on real incidents, spanning over several years, so patience & sensitivity is urged from the readers. Introduction: The story starts in a Medical college, where Arnab meets Natasha. Arnab is a handsome, fair & a fit guy, while Natasha is a slight dusky, quite curvy with right amounts of fats in right regions making her very desirable & sensuous. They are young, beautiful hence...

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A Fling at the Mall

Introduction: Cheating Wife I am a 45 year old woman. I was married at the time this happend. This was a very erotic experience and I have vivid dreams about it today. I work at an office complex adjacent to a large shopping mall. After work one day, I had a few things to buy so I walked from my office complex to the shopping mall. This was about 6:00 PM. I went to my favorite clothing store and spent about 30 minutes doing my shopping. I notice this young man walking behind me in the shoe...

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The Problematic Package

AN–Small mistakes are likely possibly poorly developed plot too apologies all feedback welcomed enjoy I hope–AN Prologue: I sighed heavily as I walked up the road, I hated this job. I hated this life. There was nothing real about it. It was all a lie from my website to my name from my smile to my Rolex. As I knocked on the door I prepared my smile I had practiced this a million times I held the package in my hand. Once I sold this I could finally take a break from this shady business, the...

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The Hotel Maid

My job as a management consultant requires me to travel quite extensively – I am gone more than I am home. Which I don't mind, as I love to travel, seeing new places, and meeting new people.But traveling so much doesn't lend itself well to any kind of a social life or more importantly a relationship. It's something I have come to accept over the years, although there are times when I question the path I have chosen and whether it's all worth it. Oh well, if the job was perfect, they wouldn't...

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Memories From the Bush

"You've got to be k**ding!" I shouted out loud."Whoever thought to name a town that, must have had a huge hairy pussy fetish!""WELCOME TO BIG BEAVER PA." The sign said.I had almost arrived at my new home in Pleasant Town Pa. population 55,000.*There was no way I could concentrate on my language learning tapes now, not when I was this close to my destination.Plus my mind was wandering too much anyway. Seeing that "Big Beaver" sign reminded me of my old college days. Up near Albany NY there's...

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Surviving 2Chapter 23 Summerautumn 878 AD

Scott and Gabrain made a flying visit back to Dalriada to set some of their plans in motion. They set a general muster of men in train, picking up Lachlan and Colmgil on their way to Inveraray. Scott received the most wonderful news when they landed and made their way up to the house. He could see right away that Eilean had put on weight, her small frame unable to conceal even a slight variation. He looked at her and watched a huge grin spread over her face. His own face must have looked...

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Mom Swapping Incest Orgy 8211 Part 2

I am Honey and here the description is about how our daughter is introduced to sex fest with his own brother.Let us hear from the boys . We som,John and Ali became the closest friends and more then blood relation that is sex relation friends. We all discussing how our fuck life with mom is progressing John: Friends do you know that at first my mom told I am as good as my dad but now she is telling that I am much more better than dad but she can not engulf my full cock as it is touching her womb...

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How Big Are You Blacken

I was traveling on yet another extended business trip away from home, and these were occurring increasingly often. I really missed being at home with my husband, because outside of work hours I spent my time alone either sitting in my hotel room or just having a meal. I was feeling the loneliness of the road. But this trip changed all of that and made me wonder what the future might hold. Let me tell you why.My name is Marcy, and I travel around to many different companies and help train their...

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