AdoréChapter 8: Seniors Rule free porn video

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"Good grief, Marty! I never thought I'd look at a return to school as a break!" Adoré was relaxing on the living room sofa of the Corvallis house, after they'd put the horses in the boarding stable.

She was happy to return to her home. She'd competed in several weekend horse shows and had worked twelve-hour days with the horses at the ranch. They had a senior year of college to complete, a lively and wonderful son to raise, and more work to do than hours to do it in.

Champ was left at the ranch. He'd be on stud duty, with one of the two horses they'd bought from Samantha Allen. She brought two of the other 'Allen' horses with her. Both, she felt, showed extraordinary promise, but both needed a lot of schooling.

The class schedules she and Marty had were pretty strenuous, too. As seniors, they had some latitude in the courses they chose. But all of the upper level classes were demanding. And neither of them was willing to just slide by.

Also, they were determined to make lasting friendships in college. The ranch was really remote and they needed friends to break up their isolation from time to time.

They kept their eyes open to find a good man for Denise, too. A real fear they had was that the men Denise tended to date were as messed up as her family was. They both were determined to do better for their friend.

A month into the fall term, they had gotten back into it. Marty helped with the horses, schooling them on the basics, so Adoré could concentrate on the fine points. They both worked hard on their courses, and both made sure they had at least an hour a day with Robby, just to play with him-usually the best hour of their day.

Marty introduced Denise to a fraternity brother who he considered a nice guy. He told him that he expected her to be treated with respect-she'd had enough jerks in her life. That casual relationship soon blossomed into a romance and Marty had good hopes for it.

Then the Thanksgiving break was upon them.

They would spend the break at the ranch. Adoré was really tempted to take the horses back and bring two others back to Corvallis. In the end, she decided that the others were still really young and the two she had needed the work.

Denise pleaded to come with them-she didn't want to stay alone and she didn't want to go home with her new boyfriend... It was too soon for that.

It was tight, but they all made it in the pickup, happy for the extended cab that allowed Robby to curl up behind the seat.

Denise fell into the pattern of the summer: watching Robby and helping Hazel-and was genuinely happy doing it.

Adoré, with Marty and Ad keeping an eye on what she was doing, spent serious time with the other horses they got from Samantha Allen. She gentled the foals and got them used to being handled and bridled. She rode Champ and the other two show horses, to keep them aware of what was expected of them.

She made time to review the Steele herd and marked several animals as culls. Those were separated into two categories. The first would be sold as jumpers for the hunt club market. The second would be sold in the general riding market. Ad would take care of that.

Offered a chance to call her family on Thanksgiving Day, Denise shuddered and called her boyfriend.

They soon understood why Denise shuddered.

Their holiday meal finished, the women were cleaning up while the men watched football, courtesy of Ad's new satellite dish. A really beat-up old Plymouth pulled into the yard and parked by the house. The thing sounded like it wouldn't start again. A middle-aged couple got out and strolled up to the porch like they were neighbors dropping in for a casual visit.

Seeing them through a window, Denise ran to her room.

When they rang the bell, Ad went to answer the door.

"Hi," the man said. "I'm Denise's step-dad. This is her mother. We come to see her." He tried to walk in, but Ad blocked his way.

"I don't know about that, mister. What Denise are you talking about?"

"The one what goes to Oregon State. The one what didn't stay in Corvallis like I told her, an' come here instead."

"You know, out here, folks don't just show up, 'less they're invited. I don't recall inviting you."

"That's OK. We're Denise's folks. You might say she's our invitation."

"Noooo. Don't think I'd say that," Ad drawled.

"Look. We came a long ways to see our daughter. You goin' let us in?"

"I don't think so. I think, if you're hungry, we'll give you some food to take on your way."

"Well, we was hopin' for some gas money and a bed for the night... from Denise, you know? I know she's been workin' for you-all and has money."

"We don't have any extra beds. We've never turned anybody away hungry, but we aren't in the 'gas money' business."

"That's OK. We'll just sleep in Denise's room."

"Mister, I don't know what part of 'no' you don't understand. You are not spending the night and you are not even going to set foot in this house."

Hazel, having listened closely to the first part of the conversation, had put up a meal from the leftover Thanksgiving feast and pressed a large sack into Ad's hands.

"Here's a dinner for you-enough for a couple days, from the heft of it. Now head on down the road... And don't come here again."

"Now mister. That's not very neighborly of you. We just wanna see our daughter, this bein' Thanksgiving. Isn't that what parents are for?"

"Not in your case-and you're not neighbors. If you're not out of here right now, my wife will be on the phone to the sheriff. You can spend the rest of the weekend elsewhere, or in jail. I really don't give a damn, as long as it is away from here."

"You'll regret this," the man blustered, as he and the woman retreated from the porch.

"I don't see how," Ad retorted, closing and latching the door.

While Ad had been dealing with them, and Hazel packing food, Adoré had gone to Denise's room.

"Are they still here?" she asked, fearfully.

"Yes, but Ad won't let them in."

"I hope not. They're evil, Dory. Evil... Mom held me down... while he raped me... when I was a virgin. Two nights later, I lay awake listening to the screams while he did the same to my sister. He's never worked a day since he moved in with mom. He lives on the insurance money for me and my sister..."

Adoré just held her. What can you say, to something like that? "Do you have some money, Denise? That he's stealing?"

"Yes. But how can I get it? The checks come right to my bank account-he made me put his name on the account too. Same with my sister. We can't do anything."

"Maybe I can. Can I try?"

"I suppose. I guess my sister ran away, since she wasn't with them..."

"All right, Denise. We're good friends, right? I'll do what friends do. I'll try to help. OK?"

Denise, wiped out by her mother's unexpected visit, agreed. "If you could... ? OK."

As soon as the door was closed, Ad phoned the sheriff in Bend, described the situation to the deputy on duty, and asked that the nearest patrol deputy be dispatched to the ranch, just to be safe. "Of course, we can protect ourselves," Ad told the deputy, who he knew. "But in this case, I think one of your cars should make sure these folks get back to civilization and don't try any mischief out here."

"You got it, Ad. I'll have somebody there in a half hour. Give my love to Hazel."

"Thanks, Gary. I'll do that."

The old Plymouth made it about a fourth of the way down the ranch road leading to the county road when it quit. Soon the guy claiming to be Denise's step-father was back on the porch.

"Ah... sorry. But my car seems to have quit. Can you call a tow? And maybe give us a bed for the night?"

"I'll call the tow. In fact, I'll tow you to the county road. You can sleep in your car," Ad said.

"Shit! Western hospitality sure is just a myth," the guy said.

Marty fired up the tractor and towed the car onto a wide spot in the county road, while Ad called the sheriff back. "Gary, the guy claims his car broke down, now. Send a tow truck too, please. We'll put him on the county road. I don't want him on the property. Talk about a slimy customer. This one is it."

"OK, Ad. I'm on it."

"Thanks again, Gary. I owe you one."

"An invitation for deer season would do."

"You got it. Show up when you're ready to bag a big one."

Ad got into his pickup, to ride to the county road with the intention of telling their unwanted visitors that a tow was on the way. Rounding the knob that hid the ranch headquarters from the road, he saw that Marty was dismounted from the tractor and had his hands in the air.

Not one to waste motion, Ad pulled the old Winchester 30.06 from the rack in his truck, checked to see that the magazine held the full five rounds, and chambered a round. Putting the weapon on "safe" he threw a handful of shells from the glove box into his coat pocket and climbed a way up the knob to a spot where he had good coverage of that part of the road, and was concealed from anybody there. Not that he thought the 'city guy' would look up, anyway.

Ad didn't believe in movie cowboy notions of chivalry. His telescope sight showed the guy holding a gun pointed at Marty. Ad checked the wind and estimated his relative elevation over his target. He didn't try to shoot the gun out of the guy's hand. Nor did he try for a head shot. He put his cross-hairs on the center of the guy's chest and caressed the trigger.

The bullet arrived before the sound of the shot. Marty heard it pass and fell to the ground, rolling away. His attacker was dead before his body crumpled. A hunting bullet at a mere 200 yards will make hamburger of a man's heart and lungs, when it has some shattered fragments of rib to help stir the stew.

When their ears cleared from the sound of the shot, Marty and Ad heard the woman screaming. She had a gun, too, and was waving it around dementedly. Marty again dove for the dirt and crawled away from the car.

Ad and Marty just sat and waited-to see that no one left the car-until the deputy sheriff arrived. Ad moved down from the knob to intercept him, making sure he parked safely away from the woman with the gun.

"What we got, deputy, is a couple claiming to be the mother and step-father of a girl who works for us. They showed up out of the blue, wanting us to put them up. All they did was put us off. Anyway, I ordered them off the place. Then they said their car broke down. So I had Marty tow them to the county road and called for a tow truck. When I drove out here to tell them a tow was on the way, I saw the guy holding Marty at gunpoint. He looked like he was ready to shoot, so I shot first. Then we saw the woman in the car waving a gun around, too...

"It's all yours, and we're glad to let you have it. If we can help, we will."

"Thanks, I guess, Ad. OK. I'll try to talk to her. Just stay back here for now. OK?"

"Happy to."

The deputy turned on the loudspeaker on his car and identified himself as a deputy sheriff. "Ma'am, there will be no more shooting here. I need you to throw your gun out of the car. Ma'am. Do it now. Throw the gun out the window right now, and there will be no more shooting here today."

They heard a scream from the car. "If you want my gun, come get it, you bastards!" Then she opened fire on the patrol car. Fortunately, she was too far away to do any damage, though one bullet did break a window on the side.

When she had obviously emptied her magazine, the deputy trotted to her car and stuck his pistol in her ear. "Drop the gun, ma'am, or I'll pull the trigger on mine. And after being shot at, I really don't mind doing it." She believed him and let her pistol drop to the floor of the car. The deputy opened the car door and pulled her out, cuffing her as he did. He frisked her and frog-marched her to his car, where he stowed her in the back seat. Then he returned to check the guy who was lying in the road, bled out. Finally, he searched the Plymouth. Besides a spare tire and an old suitcase, the trunk contained the body of a young woman who, from the looks of it, had been beaten to death.

Returning to his patrol car, the deputy placed the woman under arrest, then called his dispatcher, requesting a lab crew and the coroner. "I've got two stiffs, Gary. One new and one a couple days dead. One live one in custody. Gary... don't fuck around on this. I need help and I need it now. I'm on the county road, at the entrance to the Steele Ranch. Ad and Marty Steele are here with me."

"Don't freak out, Harlow. The Sheriff himself, and a lab team from the State Police are on their way, code blue. The coroner is about an hour away. OK?"

"Thanks, Gary. This is really freaky. I thought I was just supposed to arrest drunks on Thanksgiving, you know?"

"Yeah, pal. Hang in there. Help really is on the way."

Marty took Ad's pickup and went back to the house. When he told the women what had happened, Denise demanded that she be taken to the scene.

Seeing the body in the trunk of the car, she screamed and stormed toward the patrol car. Marty grabbed her and physically stopped her. She was in an insane rage.

Marty held her until she'd regained control, then asked what had set her off.

"That's my little sister. They killed her. And they were after me. I've put up with so much... so much... I'll kill her for this... Let me go, Marty. I have something to do!"

"No, Denise. She's in custody. She won't get away and she'll fry for this. All you can do now is screw yourself up. She's not worth it... but you are. Let it go, Denise."

Slowly, gradually, the tension left her. Then she sobbed, as Marty held her. After a bit, he steered her back into the pickup and returned her to the house, for the women to comfort her.

Returning to the road, Marty told the deputy what he'd learned. He was also able to give him the address Denise had for her mother-an older rented house in east Portland.

The deputy radioed that in, suggesting that the Multnomah County Sheriff be asked to investigate and treat the house as a probable crime scene.

As it turned out, the house was already well known. It was a meth lab, and had been busted two days before. With the information about the dead girl, the detectives and forensics people were able to establish that the girl had been kept prisoner there, and that she had probably been killed there.

The exciting break over, Marty and Adoré returned to Corvallis with Denise and little Robby. They were ready to get back to school. There was less than a month before finals, and they all wanted to do well, this last year.

Since the murder of Denise's sister had probably taken place in Portland, even though its discovery had been in Deschutes County, the investigation and trial were moved north.

Eventually, Denise's mother was found guilty of aggravated murder and sentenced to execution.

Denise consistently refused to accept calls from her mother, or her mother's court-appointed lawyers. With the Steele's help and support, she managed to stay out of the news. (Several years later, when her mother was finally executed, an especially persistent reporter managed to track her down. "I hope the bitch fries in hell!" she told him. (He was looking for some anti-capital punishment propaganda.) "The only way I'd support her getting out of this would be if it would bring my sister back. She killed her. She raped us both. She's a cold-blooded murderer and absolute bitch. May she burn in eternal damnation!" She slammed the door in the reporter's face and collapsed, sobbing, into her husband's arms.)

In spite of the heavy schedule they'd undertaken, they were determined to enjoy their last year of college. They bought season tickets for football and several basketball games. They attended the winter formal and enjoyed dressing up-Adoré was breathtaking in a formal gown.

Christmas had been a family holiday-but always before in Richmond. Adoré felt her mother was feeling lonely, so they flew out to visit her. It wasn't too hard to do, as they still had occasional use of the family jet, her mother having insisted that the kids had priority over executives from various family-owned businesses.

One really gloomy, rainy winter day in February, nobody bothered to tell them the bad news.

The bad news was that Darnell Hollins had been released from prison.

They were told, much too late that, "A federal judge ordered that the prison had two hundred too many inmates. The crowding was 'cruel and unusual punishment'. Hollins was one of those released. We hoped he'd just go back to Portland where, hopefully, he'd join a gang and get shot in a turf war or something..."

What they didn't count on was that Darnell felt that Adoré 'owed him' for his prison time and she was going to pay!

Marty returned home from a late class. It was an advanced genetics seminar for animal husbandry majors-only six students-and the professor made it intense. Denise had a date that night and wasn't home. Marty just wanted a sandwich, a beer, and bed.

What he got was a broom handle beside the head and hogtied before he came to.

Hollins had Adoré stripped naked, spread-eagled, and tied to the corners of her bed. He heard Marty's key in the door and rushed out to handle him, then came back in the bedroom.

"You miserable honky bitch. You thought your pussy was too lily white for ol' Darnell. Well, I'm gonna show you what you been missin'. Maybe I'll even leave a little Darnell in you. Would you like that?"

As he leaned down to kiss her, she spat in his face. Immediately, he slapped her hard with both hands, using full swings of his arms.

"Big fucking man," she ground out through her tears of pain and rage. "Beat helpless and pregnant women. You're not a black man. You're a shitty little street nigger. You aren't even fit to be a slave. My family would have sold you off, you worthless piece of brown shit."

Enraged, he pummeled her, breaking her nose and blacking an eye, with a cut in the eyelid. He didn't neglect the rest of her, including a broken rib and some internal injuries.

"I'll show you who's worthless, cunt!" he screamed. "You'll be begging for more of me in that unused little pussy of yours when I'm done with you."

"Yeah. That's why they call you 'needle dick', huh?" she grunted at him.

He was moving above her, preparing to enter her forcefully when the window shattered.

A really big guy shot through the window and tackled Hollins, knocking him off of Adoré and clear off the bed. Several others just as big followed. They surrounded Darnell and proceeded to pound him to a pulp.

Seeing that all was in hand, one stood up and politely covered Adoré with a blanket, then untied her ankles and wrists. While the others hauled Darnell off into the kitchen, he stepped into the bathroom, where he wet a cloth and returned to gently wash the blood from Adoré's face.

"Hey Gil, there's a guy out here, tied up!"

"Well, untie him and haul him in here, asshole!" the leader of the group called back.

Adoré was very frightened when she saw them drag Marty, limp as a rag and with his scalp torn and bleeding, into the room.

"What have you done to him?" she screamed.

"Relax, Dory... You don't recognize me, do you? We had that advanced history class together. I'm Gil Torrey."

"Oh. Hey, Gil. What's going on? Why are you here?"

"Your dad was a fraternity brother of ours. Sorry he's gone by the way... Anyway, he asked us to keep an eye on you. A real close eye. He was afraid of something like this, I guess. As you see, we take our duties to our brothers seriously." He chuckled. "He also paid for a very nice renovation to the kitchen in the fraternity house. Since we're mostly jocks, we REALLY appreciated that. Though it wasn't necessary.

Same as Adoré
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Norton Towers the apartment block for sexy girdled seniors Chapter 3 Adventurous Dora

Unlike the other tenants in Norton Towers, Dora dressed smart but demurely. She was fairly attractive for a sixty year old but one thing I did notice was the fact that her demure dresses were always very tight – especially across her arse. One evening just as I was ready for home, she buzzed down asking a big favour.“Robert, I know you’re ready to leave but I am getting severe cramps in my thighs, I can hardly move. I am a bit embarrassed but as I know you’re discreet, could you by any chance...

4 years ago
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Norton Towers The Apartment Block for Sexy Girdled Seniors Chapter 2

Rosemary’s secretRosemary was a good example. I  guess she was around sixty-five, buxom and good looking with great legs. On Tuesday last week, she asked me if I could find her help her with a ‘delicate’ situation. Blushing, she mentioned that whilst her husband left her quite ‘well off’, she had been surfing the net and found what she described as ‘intimate desires mature chat room’ and had struck up a friendship with a couple who had sent her some ‘nice videos’ and they wanted some of...

3 years ago
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Norton Towers The Apartment Block for Sexy Girdled Seniors

Chapter One: My Introduction to Fulfilling All My Sex Fantasies What does a reasonably active, professional man of sixty, with a full head of hair and reasonable libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old upmarket...

2 years ago
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Seniors retirement home is my happy hunting ground

Hi my name is Sam and being a devoted granny lover and fucker since I was 14, I decided to retrain as a care home worker when I was 50 in the belief that I would have a ready supply of old ladies to play with. And I wasn’t wrong. The place I preferred the best was private and expensive that catered for rich old biddies who were still fairly healthy but their families had dumped them, never came to visit, and waited for their inheritance. Shits, the lot of them. So, I took it upon myself to keep...

3 years ago
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Secret Affairs 8211 Two Seniors

I am 60 years and she is 50 years. I am a widower and she is a widow. Her son and my son have both migrated to the USA. We both used to go for our morning walk in Pune. Every day we used to see each other but neither of us spoke to one another. Generally, she used to smile and I smiled back. Every day I used to sit on a bench beneath a huge tree, and then proceed back home. She used to walk past me and give me a generous smile. She was tall, lanky, thin (not slim), quite fair with good facial...

4 years ago
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Mom Gets Gangbanged By College Seniors 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Lingesh. This is the 2nd part of the story where and my sister. I hope you enjoy and please comment down. On the next day morning, I came out of my room and saw the home quiet. I went to the hall, but my mom wasn’t there. It was 8 A.M., So I went to my mom’s room and opened the door. She was sleeping in one corner of the bed. I went in closer and saw some pain killer tablets. So she took the medicines and was fast asleep. She was partially covered in a bedspread. I tried waking...

2 years ago
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Sensual Seniors

I went through a good bit of my military career with little thought of what I would do after. But the time came soon enough, I was still in my forties when I retired. I had some medals, a pension and little else. My wife and I had split over ten years earlier and now I needed to find a job to get me to a more realistic retirement age. My duty had been in a construction battalion and was lucky enough to snag a job with a company that operated a chain of retirement homes throughout the...

3 years ago
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Swinging Seniors About June

I recently wrote a story and mentioned my late wife June. I said that I found out some things about her past after her passing that were very disturbing. I'll try to explain our short life together, the secrets she kept from me, and what I did about them. Thank you to AirRichard101 for taking the time to edit this story. June and I met at a singles event. We had both been married before. June had a daughter, Susan, who had graduated from high school, got married, and started a family of her...

1 year ago
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Norton Towers Sexy girdled seniors galore

*** Chapter one My introduction to fulfilling all my sex fantasies What does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’ After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old up market Edwardian...

Erotic Fiction
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Norton Towers the apartment block for sexy girdled seniors Ch 3 Adverterous Dora

With a fine figure and arse encased in a sheer see through high cut open crotch girdle I started the masage. Unlike the other tenants in Norton Towers, Dora dressed smart but demurely. She was fairly attractive for a 60 year old but one thing I did notice was the fact that her demure dresses were always very tight – especially across her arse. One evening just as I was ready for home, she buzzed down asking a big favour. “Robert, I know you’re ready to leave but I am getting severe cramps in my...

1 year ago
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Norton Towers the apartment block for sexy girdled seniors adventurous Dora

Dora's request was -“Robert, I am getting severe cramps in my thighs, I can hardly move. I am a bit embarrassed but as I know you’re discreet, could you by any chance come up and give my legs a healing massage, so to speak”. Unlike the other tenants in Norton Towers, Dora dressed smart but demurely. She was fairly attractive for a 60 year old but one thing I did notice was the fact that her demure dresses were always very tight – especially across her arse. One evening just as I was ready...

2 years ago
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Family Conspiracy Chapter 3 Marci learns the First Rule

Marci was almost in tears as she retold the story of her first experience with a glory hole. To her credit, her voice didn’t crack once during the whole story. She had just shared her first sexual experience with her own father. I took another sip of my brandy. It was time she started learning the new rules of the household. “Marci”, I started in a commanding voice, “take off your clothes”. It was not opened to discussion. I had made plans for my daughter’s life from now on, and her...

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Genies Twice As Much Rule

Note from the author: This is what I was thinking of when I thought of this story. A man finds a genie. The genie tells him he has three wishes, but what ever he wishes for his mother-in-law will get twice as much. So the man makes his first wish, he wishes for a million dollars. Genie grants the wish and then tells him he has a million dollars and his mother-in-law has two million dollars. The man wishes for a great big mansion, genie grants the wish and reminds him that...

2 years ago
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Old Guys Rule

Part 1 The End of the Affair It was a rainy Thursday night; I pulled up to the Holiday Inn Express and parked in front of the room number that Stan had sent in a text message a few moments before. I wouldn't call Stan my boyfriend; he is certainly not a boy. He is the married father of two and a man in his mid forties. And it would be a stretch to call him a friend, we have had a sexual relationship for the past three years but that is as far as it goes. We meet secretly once or twice...

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For Friends and Family Part 12 Mysogenists Dont Rule

For Friends and Family Part 12 - Misogynists Don't Rule Thank you very much for your reviews on the last chapter, I was very worried about posting it but I felt it would add to the story. As we'd decided on a girly night in, we checked on our stock of pamper items we had left at home and decided that we could really have a good time. Amy then shocked me by saying, "I wonder if mum fancies a night of pampering - it could do her good." "Amy," I spluttered, "she's your mum, and...

3 years ago
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Break Every Rule

You break every rule you have by letting them both in the apartment at once, but you don't care. You have more important things on your mind. They stand one behind and one in front. They kiss you. Caress you. Their hands are all over you, and you love it. You wriggle in their embrace, tickled by their fingertips and the tingle between your legs. The shorter man behind you is stocky and strong. He smells of the ocean, of oil and sweat. He's dressed in jeans and a nice shirt. You really only...

4 years ago
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SeniorChapter 22 Why confess if youve not broken any rules

Kelley had given her permission for Megan to stay overnight at the apartment ... sometimes. I interpreted 'sometimes' to mean 'often, ' but Megan looked at it differently. "When we started this, you said one of us would tire of the other in two weeks. We haven't tired of being together, but I don't want to take any chances. We need to make it work until June," she said. I knew she was right. We needed to agree on a firm schedule. "Tuesday's a must. You're here anyway for the...

4 years ago
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SeniorChapter 23 Abiding by the rules

"I slept with Roger," Kelley said, before running down the hall. "You ... what ... who's Roger?" I asked, to no one in particular. What just happened? Had she been serious when she told me that she'd slept with someone named Roger? Was it an attempt to trump my telling her about Megan and me getting each other off? I pulled myself together and went downstairs to find that Kelley had covered her bare shoulders with a sweater. "There you are. We were going to start eating without you....

3 years ago
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The Society of the Rules

The Society of the RulesAdmission into the SocietyThe large gates opened electrically and the large limousine entered the estate. From the spacious area at the back of the vehicle, Aurelia was amazed by the wide expenses of land, as well as by the high stone wall that was circumscribing it. Everything around her was breathing out wealth. Everything belonged to the Society of the Rules. And soon, if the leaflet she had read was right, all of this would belong to her as well. She could not...

4 years ago
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Delivering Dominance Book 1 Establishing Groundrules

I can’t believe I’m here right now…how did it happen? Three months ago, when I learned my job was eliminated, I was devastated. Then, at dinner, I found out we were expecting, AGAIN! Even though I would have my severance package, and my wife could pay our bills with her job, I was terrified to lose the fun things we did as a family. The trips, the sports events, the concerts…all potentially gone! I found a delivery service looking to expand…it was designed for those who didn’t have the time...

3 years ago
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A Werewolf A Heir A Rulebreaker

This is a concept that I toyed around with, and as such I’m not sure how serious I am about it. All characters that will be in erotic situations will follow the guidelines (I.E. Main character is nineteen years of age). Should story progress to need more characters, story will be edited to accomodate, ___________________________________________[Line Break]_______________________________________ Your name is John Doe, and your a werewolf. No, not some mangy mutt who hides out in a secret pack in...

1 year ago
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The Rulebook

You spot the notebook sitting abandoned on the table in the coffee shop. It looks like someone must have left it behind. Picking it up, you open the book to the first page, hoping to find some contact information for the person who lost it. Instead, you see a note on the inside: "The world runs on rules. Schools and companies have their handbooks. Neighborhoods have their homeowners associations. Even countries have their laws. You spend all day following rules. Wouldn't it be nice if you could...

Mind Control
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The Rulebook

The Rulebook By Tvstar I lost the coin toss, I knew what that meant and I wasn't in the least happy about it. I was the one who would attend school as a girl. Confusing, yes I know so let me explain. My brother and I are the heirs of a long dynasty of miner and oil conglomerate that is older than dirt, my family's money was forged in Europe hundreds of years ago. My lineage can be traced for more than 500 hundred years and has been on top for all modern family since the age...

2 years ago
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It was not even 6 o'clock yet, and both her parents and her brother were still asleep one floor below her, she knew. None of them had a reason to be up this early on a weekend. Dad wasn't due at the office until Monday, Mom had today off from the diner, and Billy wouldn't even start stirring until 10, at the earliest. Ari was awake for a very good reason, though. She had a date today, the very first one of her life. Even though she had celebrated her eighteenth birthday last week, both her...

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Rule Porn specializes in amateur porn. Just like priorities change, as we get older, our porn tastes become more sophisticated and reality induced. Don’t even try and argue with me about it because if you were keen enough to study porn statistics like I have, you would have noted this by now. At a younger age, we are just more inclined to popping shit like professional porn with perfectly plasticized porn stars bodies to the extent that they ostracize sex logic from our minds with fake moans...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Hentai Rules! What a nice name, don’t you think? It basically gets straight down to the point, and you already know what to expect. Now, as a fellow hentai lover, I can truly appreciate this shit. But how good is HentaiRules? Is it really worth the visit? Well, I surely think so, and we all know that if I think that it must be the truth.Well, to all my hentai lovers, I am sure that you will be happy to know that has some great suggestions. But, another thing that is probably...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Rule 34 Hentai is a porn picture paradise where content is provided by its legion of loyal users. Whether it’s Fate, Frozen, or the Simpsons, you’ll find all your favorite 2D babes fucking and sucking in its huge gallery.The main feature of Rule34 Hentai is the search engine, which is one of the best engines I’ve ever used once I got used to it. Rule34Hentai uses a variety of tags on all its content that makes it easy to find that specific nasty shit you want to see your characters doing.When...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Ruler Tube! How does being able to watch juicy porn scenes that are a result of a mash-up between videos from top porn sites sound to you? Or should I say how does HD quality porn from top sites for free appeal to you? Either way, it’s more than you could possibly bargain for and it is precisely what Ruler Tube is offering you. There are lots of different categories featured, navigation is a walk in the park, and there is no sign-up bullshit required. To find out more about what the site has in...

Porn Aggregators
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Rule 34 Video! Of all the unimpeachable truths of the Internet, perhaps the most profound is Rule 34: no matter what it is, there’s porn of it. is a warehouse of documentation that attempts to prove exactly that. I know your mom told you she’d cut off your wifi if she caught you looking at more of that kinky shit, but sometimes mom just doesn’t understand a man’s attraction to Mortal Kombat bitches, Minecraft whores, and futanari sluts who fuck horses.Long story short, Rule 34...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Reddit Rule34_Comics, aka r/Rule34_Comics! Rule34… the most beautiful creation, don’t you think? Well, there is a subreddit dedicated to comics surrounding rule 34, which is hella lit. It is called r/rule34_comics/, obviously, and since it is free, you are welcome to browse through as much as you want. I mean, Reddit is an overall free website, so you are welcome to stay and browse anyway.In addition, Reddit is filled with thousands of other subreddits, so there is a high chance that you will...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit Rule34LoL, aka r/Rule34LoL! Are you a big League of Legends fan? If so, you might be interested in a subreddit called r/Rule34LoL/. This subreddit is just what you would expect it to be, filled with lots of porn featuring all kinds of naughty scenes with LoL champions. Now I am sure that some of you might be confused as to what the fuck I mean, but do not worry, I shall explain it all.First of all, is a free website filled with all kinds of naughty crap, and there are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Rule 34 Porn! If you have spent any kind of time around porn communities like Reddit, 4Chan, and so on, you have no doubt heard about ‘Rule 34.’ For those that are either too old or too goddamn stupid to know what I’m talking about, let me fill you in like I filled up your mother last weekend behind the bowling alley. Rule 34 at its core means that if you even imagine something being pornographic, no matter how ridiculous it may seem, assume that the porn already exists.If you can imagine it,...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Obey The Rules

--- The Rules --- "Don't think about it, you know the rules!" A sentence Noah heard often in the last years, this time from his secretary. After his graduation in Business Economics and Administration, his father thought, it is a good idea to give him a job in the family business. And force him to move back to their mansion in Percsworth. He hates it. His job, 'Supervisor at large', is useless. It's that kind of employment, that the people of the village don't talk, and for...

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Cyndy Rules

Cyndy Rules! by suki its like I'm looking through these stories the other day and its like hey these are all pretty good these writers. They like all have great imaginations you know. It must be great to know all those words and be able to put them all together and everything. Yeah sure but like you know I'm thinking something is missing. Something is very seriously wrong and it takes me a while and then its hit me and like its so totally obvious that i snort pepsi through...

4 years ago
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Laurens Ruler

Lauren's Ruler By: The Dom In The Hat This is my first attempt at publishing a story so constructive comments are desired, please send them through my profile on this site or to TheDomInTheHat at? Gmail dot com.? Also any adult women who are interested in exploring mutual interests can contact me as well. If you just want to tell me I am a sick twisted freak or you hate this story, you can send your comments to SomeoneWhoCares at Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved Permission...

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