Esther III
- 3 years ago
- 125
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The curtains had been opened and sunlight poured in through the windows. I stretched and opened my eyes and then bolted upright. It was a disorienting moment, looking down at the whole of San Francisco. It quickly came back to me. Less than 24 hours ago I was just a poor working smuck. Now, I was living the high life.
It's funny, but when you imagine winning the lottery, you imagine all of your worries disappear. Well, they don't, they just change. I was already starting to worry about things. How would I manage the money? Whom should I trust? What to do about Christine? Was she a gold digger? I rolled out of bed and went about my morning ablutions. Shaved and showered, I found some clothing in the box sent over the day before. Nothing is as comfortable as old Levis.
I wandered out to the kitchen and stopped short. A beautiful oriental woman was bustling around. She saw me and smiled. "Good morning."
"Ah, good morning," I said. "Are you Saeyong?"
She bowed and said, "I am Saeyong. I am most happy to be of service."
I half-assed bowed back. What do I know of bowing? She smiled and asked, "Would you like breakfast?"
"Sounds good." She turned and quickly started throwing together a breakfast. I watched her, fascinated. I had grown up with some Japanese families in our neighborhood. Well, not really Japanese. They had all been born here and were as American as the rest of us immigrants. And, of course, Stanford was pretty diverse. But I'd never been around a woman like Saeyong before. She was tiny. And she moved differently. I can't quite describe it and I realize I probably sound like a redneck myself, but just the way she moved seemed Oriental. I shook my head and said to myself, don't be a doofus. But the thought was there.
She had an omelet started when she turned to me and asked, "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes. Perfectly." I paused and then asked, "I like your accent. Where are you from?"
She looked startled and then looked away. She picked up the pan and then clunked it back down. There was something about that pan that made me realize I had screwed up. I asked. "Did the pan do something to make you mad?"
She turned toward me with her hands on her hips. Then her face softened and in a very controlled way she said, without a trace of accent, "It is okay. You wouldn't know. But Jack always used to tease me about my accent. I have worked very hard to speak without one. But when I get lazy, I fall back into bad habits."
"No, no," I said. "I liked it."
With the accent, "So, I can be your rittle Oriental slave girl."
"That's not what I meant."
She laughed, and again with out the accent said, "It's okay. That's what I am, your little Oriental slave girl. You would like a slave girl wouldn't you?"
Whoops, first thing in the morning and I was about to carry some wood. She had that same quality as Christine - she could put sex into her voice and let you know it. I didn't know what to say. She smiled, I think well aware of the effect she had just created. She turned back to the stove. "Denver omelet okay?"
I swallowed and answered, "Sure."
She glanced my way and smiled again. How is it that a woman can throw a guy for a loop so quickly?
"In answer to your question, I'm Korean. Go have a seat. Breakfast will be just a second."
I did as told. From the kitchen I heard, "Coffee?"
"Black," I said.
In a minute Saeyong appeared with plates, juice and coffee on a tray. She set them out and sat across from me.
"This looks delicious," I said. And it did. I dug in and the taste matched the appearance. She watched me shovel for a minute as she took a few bites of hers. I started to feel a little self-conscious as I had half the plate empty and she'd only eaten a few bites. I wiped my mouth and explained, "Big family." She raised her eyebrows. "In my family, if you didn't want to lose your food you ate it quickly."
"Oh," she said.
I made a deliberate effort to slow down. "This is wonderful."
"Thank you."
"Why did Uncle Jack tease you about your accent? I like it," I said.
She finished a bite and sat back. "He wasn't being mean. Jack wanted us to improve ourselves. Did Christine tell you about the schools?"
"She said all of you have massage training and cooking school."
Saeyong nodded. "Jack also paid for any college any of us want to attend, tuition, books, everything. He was a big believer in education. Many times he said, he wouldn't have been worth a dime if it wasn't for college. So when I started my program, he pushed me to be able to present a professional image." She paused and took another bite. "I'm working on a business degree and Jack said I needed to be able to fit the mold. Not that he believed in fitting the mold as a person, but in business you need to. He hired a woman to help me learn to speak without an accent. I'll finish my MBA next year. And when I start to interview, I won't have an accent to overcome."
"You're leaving next year?"
She looked wistful and then serious, "Yes, I think so. Seven years is enough. So you'll have to hire a new girl." She smiled and said, "You'll enjoy the interview process."
This made me wonder, but I wasn't sure exactly what I should be wondering. I had to wonder what I should be wondering. I wonder why women are so confusing. I asked her instead, "So where did you meet Uncle Jack?"
"I was working at Golden Empire Massage and he came in one day."
"Christine said you were all trained in massage," I offered helpfully.
Saeyong giggled, "Yes, massage."
"Massage. Oh, like a massage parlor?" picturing a dirty scary place.
In her accent, "Yes, massage parlor." Her eyes twinkled. In consternation I searched for something to say. She asked, "You look bad. What are you thinking?"
"I mean, well, those places are dirty and the women there are..." I stopped just that one moment too late. You know, that Ah Shit moment when you know you just fucked up but it's too late.
Sweetly, she asked, "Those women are what?"
"I didn't mean you. But the women in those places..."
"I was the woman in those places. Have you been to one?" she asked vehemently.
"Uncle Jack took me to the Market Street Cinema," I answered.
"Ah. That's a dirty place. The place I worked was a nice place. Very clean, very nice. We gave the men table showers before the massage," she said with hands on hips.
"I'm sorry. I thought when you said massage parlor you meant like sex," I said.
"You don't like sex?" she asked.
"Well, yes..." I started.
She interrupted, "So, nothing's wrong with sex. Of course there is sex. Sex is everywhere. Some guys just want hand release, some oral, some want full but always it is a clean place."
"Did you do bare?" remembering what Jack had said at the Cinema.
Hotly, she answered, "No. I told you, clean, safe place. Always covered. The girls that worked there were nice girls. They all came from Korea or China and had no other way to work here. Most were sending their money home or they were saving to go home and start a business. This was no ugly place." She got up from the table and walked over to the window. Shit, I thought Oriental women were supposed to be subservient to their men.
I watched her outlined against the bright morning sky, dark shiny hair, and arms crossed, looking out at San Francisco. And I tried to understand. She was a beautiful woman. She was also obviously quite intelligent and was finishing an MBA on top of being a trained chef and God knows what else. How could she work in a massage parlor selling sex? I didn't have an answer. I looked at Saeyong and could tell she was hurt. To myself, Boy, you fucked this conversation up.
I stood, walked over to Saeyong and looked out the window with her, watching out of the corner of my eye. She tightened her arms across her chest. I waited. After a minute she shifted a little and finally uncrossed her arms. "This is all really new to me," I said.
"No reason to be rude," she said.
"I apologize for that. I didn't intend to be rude. I just never met a woman who sold sex before."
She stared at me as if I was a hick, which I am, then burst into laughter. "Oh, you silly Americans. You are so funny. Women always sell sex. You've never been around women who didn't sell sex. Come here." She strode off to the library. I followed to see her sitting at a computer. A picture flashed up on the screen. "This was a favorite of Jack's." The picture was titled, World's Oldest Remote. On the left, a woman's legs were closed. On the right, a black velvet box was open with a big diamond in it and the legs were now open. I burst into laughter.
"That's funny," I said through laughter.
"Jack loved this picture. He sent it to everyone."
I nodded and then realized what she was trying to get me to see. Turning serious I said, "I bet he did. I do apologize for the way I said, well everything."
She patted my hand, "I forgive you. Me, I'm just being honest. Most women kid themselves. How many women 'punish' their men by withholding sex? Isn't that an exchange for sex? You do what I want or you don't get sex. Selling is an exchange too. Maybe it's roses, or candy, or getting the guy to write you a term paper, or a diamond ring but it's an exchange. Exchange is selling. Cash is wrong, but everything else is okay." Saeyong eyed me for a moment and then said, "Men chase and women relent in exchange for something. It is biology. It's true for animals, including man-animals. Females always get something from the male for sex. Enough for today."
Turning to the computer she said, "This is your computer." She pointed to a chair and I pulled it over. "Jack ran a T1 into the building. The five of us share it. Believe me, you won't notice if anyone else is using it. This thing is quick." She pulled up a browser window and started clicking around. Every page loaded in a flash. I had an Internet connection at work that I thought was fast but it paled compared to this. "We have dynamic IP's." I had no idea what that meant but she obviously knew. A few more clicks, every page loading in a flash. This was going to be fun. "You want to try?"
I nodded and we switched chairs. I felt like I was driving a Ferrari. I went straight to ESPN. It was baseball season. I hardly noticed Saeyong get up as I poured through the sports news.
Time flies as they say. Saeyong appeared at my elbow. "You go to the adult sites?"
"What? No. I don't know anything about them," I answered.
"Just go to Jack's. He's got them all bookmarked," she said.
"Really?" I asked.
She gave me a look, a look like a retarded child gets I think, grabbed the mouse, pulled down the favorites menu and clicked on the first one. Up popped a warning. Adult stories, only enter here if you are an adult and similar things. I glanced at Saeyong from the corner of my eye. For some reason, the idea of browsing an erotic site with her standing there was intimidating. I shifted uncomfortably in the chair.
"Go on," she said.
I entered and found the author page. I was bewildered by all of the choices. "What do you want to see?"
She smiled indulgently. "You embarrassed? Want me to go?"
"No." A pause, then, "Well, maybe a little embarrassed."
"Ah, go ahead. I read all the good stories," she said.
"You did?"
"You don't think I read English?" she asked.
"Quit it. You know that isn't what I meant," I told her.
She laughed, "You easy to make fun. Here, I like this author." She clicked on one and another page appeared.
I clicked on a story and started reading. It quickly got to the good part, the sex. It was about a runaway who is mistaken for a hooker. She decides to play the part since she needs the money. They wind up in a motel room. The sex was graphic and hot.
"Like that one, huh?" she asked. She was looking at the bulge in my pants.
I laughed, "I guess."
She pulled me up from the chair and started dragging me to the bedroom. "Come on, that was a good story. I haven't had sex in too long. I'm horny."
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
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Angel S:1E:3 "Pilot Part III" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Pilot Part III "Icarus" ---Deliverance Exterior--- They weren't replying. Are they not hearing me? I kept my head against the hull so that the vibrations could reverberate into my ear. After repeating my message for about 5 minutes, I finally saw a body...
Part II -- The Crime * * * * * ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Warning: potential trigger scene here. A brutal crime is described, and the reader may wish to skip to Part III. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * Part II -- The Crime Debby Taylor was dashing...
Part III -- Other Participants' Stories The Witness's Story One of the witnesses in the rape/murder case against the Chester Caveman lived in a single room across the hall from Chester. Originally, he was a prosecution witness, because he'd seen Debby storming out of Chester's room and down the hallway towards the stairs. He'd been the last to see her before her body was found inside the trash bin. However, he turned out to be an excellent defense...
Towards a Surrender Act III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the second of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. I hope that the larger narrative arc is interesting to all. I suggest you may enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Act III Is there love...
[Pardon me if there are grammar errors in the story, also if you’ve got any feedback you could send it at ] It was the dawn of 28th October, as I woke up I felt my body against something warm as I lay under my comfy blanket .. A nice, sexy, warm feeling against my crotch that was only provoking my morning wood to grind against it’s source harder ! As I opened my eyes, partly disappointed for having woken up… I wasn’t sure what to feel anymore as I saw there was a girl lying asleep next to me...
Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you feel offended by the subject, please skip to another story. Karen McAllister was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Paris just informed her that for the last two nights a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room. This night as well she was there…for more than two hours....
IncestScene Five I was out of town on business the entire next week and my return flight wasn’t scheduled to arrive until 8:30 Friday night. I hadn’t gone three nights in a row without fucking since Kerri and I met and I wasn’t looking forward to it. However, I decided to use it to my advantage. Before I left, I told Kerri to check her email every day at noon and at midnight for any instructions I may have for her. I sent her stories from various websites that covered a wide variety of sexual...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Taboo Temptations By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! September 13th, 2021 – Cruzita Gutiérrez “Cruzita?” I lifted my head to see the Hispanic girl coming out of the cloth curtain that cut off the waiting room from the back hallway. She wore a lilac, silk robe about her petite figure. She wore her dark-brown hair short, framing her face. She couldn't be more than eighteen, and wore a bright smile on...
Synopsis: Jim and Bette met Carol and Steve at a sex club. The latter couple invited Jim and Bette to a weekend party. Chapter 5 — Bromfield’s Temptations Satin Studios Shortly after I had been formally introduced to Carol Rollins, Bette and I decided to call it a night. Steve walked with us to the locker room. He opened his locker and brought out a folded Xeroxed map. ‘This should get you to our place,’ he said. He then gave us detailed instructions, concluding with, ‘Here’s our phone...
Synopsis: Jim discovers he’s being blackmailed by his new ‘partners’ but despite their offer to release him, he elects to continue the relationship. The gloves are off! Carol tells him his first assignment is to ‘turn Bette and Sandy out,’ meaning force them to become his prostitutes. Bette agrees to give prostitution a try. Bette make a connection with a hotel whore named Su Lin. Jim follows up to learn as much as possible by hiring her. They have just completed his ‘short arm’ inspection. ...
Author’s note: I wrote this novel out of sexual frustration during the months I spent working on an A.I.D. project in Oman, an extremely conservative Islamic state (no bars, movies, or extra women). It is copyrighted and is intended only for the private use of the readers. I would enjoy hearing from you. Chapter 1 – Bromfield’s Temptations Louise’s bra had disappeared while she was in the kitchen freshening our drinks. Her swollen, shapely bosom had come alive, jiggling and swaying under an...
Chapter 3 — Bromfield’s Temptations A Real Swap I reached for the little woman. She came easily, even eagerly, into my arms and raised her pouty mouth for a warm, wet, open-mouthed kiss. I hugged her close, my partly erect cock pressing into her soft belly. She squirmed against it. Then she pulled her head back, and looking up at me she said softly, ‘Hi.’ ‘Do you want to stay here, or should we go in the other room?’ I asked. With a final glance at the crouch where my wife was...
Jayden's POV When I came to, I had no idea where I was or how much time had passed. The last thing I remember is standing outside watching a storm coming in in the distance. After that—nothing. I scan my surroundings. I'm in a room with black walls, contraptions and vulgar toys strewn about the area. Panic surged through me as I realize Rin isn't with me. Last I'd seen of her she was fast asleep in the master bedroom and that had been before I was knocked out. Where was she now? Trying to get...
SupernaturalIt was Saturday afternoon, and I was hearing confessions as always. And as always, there hadn't been much traffic. I'd had a lot of time to think, to reflect on last weeks happenings. How did I let myself be drawn into having sex with a parishioner? Could I face this woman again, and be stronger this time? I looked at my watch: a quarter to five, I'll be closing up and going to dinner soon. Perhaps last week was an aberration and I had nothing to worry about. Then I heard the soft footfalls...
TabooAll of them overslept following morning. Devyani couldn’t sleep properly after the incident. She slept much late. She woke up around ten in the morning. With heavy heart, she went downstairs… To the living room. Both the boys were sitting in the living room watching television. Ashim greeted her with a mischievous grin, but she didn’t answer. She looked at her son… He was looking at her curiously. Sameer was trying hard to keep his face straight. Mother and son looked into each other eyes…...
IncestTrials, tribulations and temptations. 1 ... OR... University with my sister. The folks went back home ... their chicks successfully booted from the nest. They had the two late hatchlings to ensure proper decorum ... no chance of mom spread-eagled on the breakfast-nook table ... or a daddy seeking oral gratification in the hall. Perfection achieved four-fold, there was no need for follow-ons. Parents... Sex... Yuck! However ... were it not for hall monitors ... Ross Hall, student...
Jack was already home following his visit to his parents when Anthea got in. He was holding a half-empty glass of Merlot in his hand. “That bad was it?” she asked.He nodded. They hugged and kissed. “I’m so sorry,” she commiserated. “I should have come with you or even gone on my own to tell them.”He shook his head. “No, she would only have upset you and we couldn’t have that in your condition,” he responded. “Dave and Helen took it well then.”She nodded. “They were quite shocked at first but...
CuckoldScene FiveI was out of town on business the entire next week and my return flight wasn’t scheduled to arrive until 8:30 Friday night. I hadn’t gone three nights in a row without fucking since Kerri and I met and I wasn’t looking forward to it. However, I decided to use it to my advantage.Before I left, I told Kerri to check her email every day at noon and at midnight for any instructions I may have for her. I sent her stories from various websites that covered a wide variety of sexual wonders....
BDSMThe Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave, Part III. By Geneva. The former corsair Rami, now the woman Nesrine, makes a life for herself and her family in Marseille. Unexpectedly, she come into possession of magic book and uses it to save a family member and destroy an enemy. This story is a continuation of my earlier stories, 'The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave', and its sequal, 'The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave, part II'. This story can stand on its own, but it might...
The Prince Bride III By Missy Crystal Chapter 3 - Elisse Queen Charlotte found the King in the Council chamber. He was anxious to hear of her reunion with their son and dismissed his advisors, so that he could speak with her in private. Once they were alone, he instructed the royal guards outside the door to permit no one to enter. King Henry, fearless in battle, stood nervously before his wife, anticipating her anger at the harm he had caused by keeping the Prince from her....
The Best and the Brightest Part III By Maggie Finson "Are you really going to turn into a girl, Uncle Eric?" Jack questioned with a doubtful look in his eyes that I couldn't argue with at all. I'd returned to Claire's specifically to talk with the kids about my decision and what it might mean. "If I go to work for Care Givers, I will." My answer was slow, as I watched for reactions...
This is the third part of the story. Be sure to read The Entity and The Entity Part II first. The Entity Part III by Quicksilver I stared at the entrance to Steve's sports bar. I was due to start work now. I was still trying to gather the courage to go inside. The last time I was here was pretty wild and Steve wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole thing. So much so that he called to give me an extra day off just to avoid me. Finally, I gathered up the courage to go...
The Hendricks Inheritance Part III Dating Heath had gone surprisingly well over the passing weeks, and William had started to become much more at ease and accustomed to his role as his sister Cynthia. It really helped that underneath all the bluff exterior, Heath was really the talented makeup artist Heather and in the bedroom little William could come out and play if he wanted. More often than not though, Cynthia was fully prepared to lie back and receive what Heath had to offer...
The Researcher III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This is a work of Fiction and will have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is the third installment of a story I began in January. The plot is settled but the scenes and details have required more time than anticipated. The curve of the plot is shifting to the couple Maris and Jon (aka serge). I hope the readers will pardon my errors of...
The Day Tucker Became His Sister Part III By Wolverine "I wonder what Tucker wants." said Patrick after hanging up the phone. Tucker's mom had just called and said that Tucker wanted to see him. Patrick started to get dressed. He was 6'1", husky, but not really fat, and intelligent. He was the type that would probably beg for sex. Fortunately for him, he could be quite witty at points. Patrick started to leave, but then stopped himself. He needed to call Laura. Laura was a...
The Day After III By Bill Hart I enjoyed being inside my lamp. Floating about so freely in whatever form I could imagine was simply the best of all possible worlds. The longer I remained a genie, the better I liked being one. My world and its peaceful serenity defied any attempts to adequately explain it. To put it as simply as I could, everything was just so wonderful inside my lamp. My world inside the lamp was a sharp contrast to that world outside. If I never had to return to...
The Curtsey Part III By Sissy Smith As the three ladies sat and waited for Tammie to appear, they got to know each other better and Lisa was brought up to speed on Tammie's situation. Lisa found the whole thing really hard to believe and thought that this really was some kind of joke her mother was pulling on her. Ms. Brenda then changed the subject to inform Ms. Baldwin that she had a lot more in store for Tammie when they got home. She said she had been working on finding a...