A Paladin's TrainingChapter 19 free porn video

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“The Dawn will shatter before the rising of the Sun.”
-Ancient saying in some parts of Ekistair. Origin unknown.

‘The days are growing shorter,’ Shenla thought to herself as the sun disappeared behind the western mountains that lined the coast of Palistair, stretching from Amindaer in the south all the way to the frozen wastes in the far north. Lightning flickered in the distance to the south, heralding yet another thunderstorm.

The storms had been frequent and savage, rolling across this land once every few days, bringing gales, twisters, lightning and torrential rain. Somehow, the raging tempests never seemed to adversely affect the army of Dark Elves and Risen that Maloth had camped on the plain north of Amindaer.

To her right strode Barrog, her hulking nine-foot Orc easily keeping pace with the horses despite being on foot. To her left was Peldin, her slender but strong Mor’elda, with his midnight black skin in sharp contrast to the snow-white hair that he kept tied back. To her rear was Torvin, her muscular Human Warden, black-cloaked and head shorn of hair with his buxom Risen minion in tow.

These men were bound to Shenla as her ahk’sheth, and they would happily die for her if she asked them to, though she would only do that in the direst of need; if they died, she would be reduced to near-death herself, and that was not something she wished to experience ever again.

Like Maloth, the more souls Shenla bound, the stronger she would grow, but in turn she would have to keep her pets sustained. If her men were not able to fuck her at least once every moon, they would start to get sick, and eventually die. Currently she only had these three, but she was looking for additional suitable candidates. Maloth’s strength had grown significantly since he’d bound his fifth soul, and Shenla wanted a taste of that power.

In the back of her mind, Shenla wondered how many souls she could bind and keep sustained. How many men could she fuck in a month? She smiled as she considered that. The number would be quite high; she was a Demon of lust, after all. For now, however, she would do as Maloth was doing, and only bind high quality pets that were worthy of serving her.

She had done that with her three present companions to great success. Peldin had been a guard captain before she claimed him; the Dark Elf fought well, and he fucked even better. Torvin was a high-ranking Mor’tirith - a Warden of the Dead – from the ancient city of Angavar, and Barrog had been a raid leader among his Orc people, which was fortunate, as Shenla was currently riding into Gor’dur Orc territory to seek audience with the Chief.

Barrog said the Gor’dur were fiercely territorial, and he was surprised they hadn’t already begun to skirmish with Maloth’s army. Maloth had sent Shenla in the hope that an accord could be reached before the Orcs attacked; ‘accord’ meaning that Shenla would be seducing the Chief and strongly suggesting that the Orcs join with Maloth. Having Barrog with her would hopefully increase her status with the rest of the Orc people.

They were riding across a vast expanse of hard, stony ground toward a narrow chasm in the mountain barely wide enough for three riders abreast. Barrog said the chasm opened up on the other side into a large series of caverns.

“We are getting close,” Barrog growled in his guttural, bass voice. “They will know we are here, now.” Shenla scanned the mountains, but saw nothing. The chasm opening was still several hundred yards away.

“Will they be friendly?” Peldin murmured as he studied the rocky landscape.

“We are still alive,” Barrog replied. “That is a good sign.”

Torvin grunted from behind them and began to whisper something in another language until Shenla rounded on him. “No spells!” She hissed. “I want them to trust us enough to let us meet with the Chief!”

Torvin stopped immediately. “As you wish, Mistress. You should know, however, that the Gor’dur are savages, and cannot be trusted.”

“This is correct,” Peldin agreed, fingering the hilt of the longsword he carried at his hip.

Barrog shot them both a glare. “You know nothing, fools!”

Shenla had had enough of this. “Quiet!” She snapped. Just for good measure, she tweaked the link between their souls and hers, like pulling on a thread of cotton, to remind them of who owned them. The men remained silent after that.

Why did she have such trouble with her pets when Maloth never seemed to? Truthfully, she liked having strong, willful men in her possession. It meant they had spirit, and were worthy of her. Besides, they really weren’t difficult to put back into line, when necessary.

“Something approaches,” Peldin said, his pointed black ears twitching fitfully.

“War drums,” Barrog said uneasily, easing his huge axe from the loop on his back.

Sure enough, the ground soon began to vibrate with the booming of distant drums, and Orcs boiled forth from the chasm, their long legs covering ground quickly as they charged toward the party of four. Shenla drew reign and commanded her pets to halt and leave their weapons sheathed.

As they exited the pass, the impressive mass of Orcs formed into an organised column six abreast while never losing step. When they drew closer, Shenla could make them out individually, their fierce faces painted with stripes and patterns of red, their weapons glinting in the moonlight. Shenla smiled when she saw that the hulking brutes wore very little; the men wore simple loincloths that did nothing to restrain their loins as they ran, and Shenla was greeted by the sight of hundreds of bouncing Orc cocks running toward her. What a treat! The women wore similar garb, with the addition of a few straps of cloth to contain their mighty breasts.

Soon enough, the column reached Shenla’s small group and, without slowing, split down the middle, surrounding the visitors before closing the split on the other side. Barrog, Torvin and Peldin put their backs to Shenla, but left their weapons sheathed, as she had commanded.

The Orcs formed a tight circle, spear tips pointed inward. Long moments passed before a huge Orc pushed through the ranks. He was taller even than Barrog, and his dark green skin bulged with rippling muscles. Two large tusks jutted from his lower lip, reaching almost up to his wide, flat nose. His eyes were hard, but there was intelligence in his stare. A huge hammer was strapped to his back, one side of the head flat, the other shaped into a cruel spike.

Shenla felt herself grow moist as she eyed him up and down, particularly the way his heavy cock shifted back and forth beneath his loincloth as he moved.

The Orc pointed a finger at her. “What are you doing here, woman?”

Smiling, Shenla undid the clasp of her cloak and let it fall back over her horse’s rump. She had dressed specifically for this occasion, in nothing more than thin straps of leather. It was rather an excellent design, one that she had gotten from a male Warden who like to dress his Risen in such a fashion. A strap ran over each shoulder, connecting to another than ran across the front of her breasts and behind her back. A vertical strap ran from the horizontal strap, down her belly, over her rapidly moistening pussy and back up through her buttocks to connect to the strap at her back. Not only did it draw the eye of every male who breathed, but it felt good to wear, too.

The big Orc’s eyes roved over her body, and Shenla didn’t miss the twitch beneath his loincloth. “Who are you?” He asked, his eyes still hard.

“I am Shenla, sister to Lord Maloth the Corruptor, who now leads the Mor’elda of Eredor, the Amun’noroth of Orris, and the Mor’tirith of Angavar. He wished for me to visit the Gor’dur Orcs and extend our ... respects ... to your people.”

The big Orc thought for a moment, his eyes studying the way her breasts moved as she breathed. “Ha!” He said finally. “Cowardly Elves, a handful of Giants and some corpse-fuckers! Not such a grand force, I think!”

Chuckles spread through the Orc ranks at their leader’s joke. Barrog had been on the other side of Shenla’s horse, out of sight of the Orc leader, but now he stepped out. “You might be surprised, Garrun,” he said quietly.

Garrun’s eyes widened as he recognised Barrog, then they narrowed as his brow drew down. “Barrog! You have some stones, coming back here after deserting your tribe!”

“I did not desert!” Barrog growled. “I was taken, and now I belong to Shenla!”

Garrun spat on the ground at Barrog’s feet. “You are pathetic, Barrog. You abandoned your people for a foreign whore! You will not be leaving this place alive, traitor!” Garrun reached for his hammer, and Barrog’s hand went for the axe on his back.

Shenla wondered in that moment if perhaps she should bind Garrun; he was large and strong, and he had at least some intelligence about him. No, she would not make this decision now. She would watch this Garrun for a little longer to see what kind of Orc he was before she made up her mind. Taking a deep breath, Shenla reached out with her power and enveloped the Orc leader in dark lust, including as many other male Orcs she could reach, which turned out to be quite a few; her powers were growing.

Grunts and exclamation rippled through their ranks as Orc cocks began to rise. The leader was no different; his loincloth was now standing out at a right angle, and his huge chest was rising and falling with the arousal coursing through him.

Garrun’s eyes left Barrog and locked onto Shenla, his enormous erection pulsing.

The loincloth fell away and Shenla’s pussy flooded as she beheld the thick, foot-and-a-half long Orc phallus pointed directly at her like some kind of deliciously obscene salute. She wanted to fuck this monster right now, but some self-control was necessary – for the moment, anyway.

Seeing Garrun fall under Shenla’s spell, Barrog relaxed, but kept his axe in hand and his eyes on the Orcs surrounding them, some of whom were beginning to grow distracted by the sudden wave of lust. A few had grabbed nearby females and were attempting to mate with them, some successfully, others not. One poor Orc reached for the female next to him and got a knife in his ribs for his trouble. Some of the males that were not near a female simply took themselves in hand and stroked their cocks while staring wantonly at Shenla atop her horse.

She didn’t mind; she loved the attention. “You want to fuck me, Garrun?” The brute nodded as he wrapped his huge hand around his veiny prick. “Then take me to the Chief, and I will give you pleasure like you’ve never had.”

Garrun nodded dumbly, then roared at his troops to form up. They did so – though perhaps more slowly than they would have without Shenla’s interference – and began to lope back to the chasm, keeping their guests contained within the circle of spears.

The Orcs slowed to a trot once inside the steep-sided chasm, which wound its way through the mountain for maybe half a mile before leading down beneath the earth and into a series of vast caverns. For over an hour they traversed the underground realm, which contained a bustling Orc population.

Eventually, the escort entered the largest cavern yet, a huge space with what looked like a fighting pit in the centre. Two Orcs were trading blows in the centre of the pit amid cheers and shouts from the onlookers sparsely occupying the surrounding rows of bench seats that had been cut into the rock. At the opposite end of the pit from Shenla was a dais that held two large thrones that looked to be made entirely of bones. Upon each of those thrones was a figure, though they were too far away for Shenla to make them out clearly.

The majority of the Orcs surrounding Shenla and her pets peeled away at that point, leaving only a dozen or so – Garrun included – to escort them to the dais. Upon closer inspection, the thrones were occupied by a male and female Orc respectively. The male was much smaller of stature than Shenla would have expected – she thought Orcs valued size and physical strength above all else – but the female was large and imposing, though also beautiful, in her own way.

Tall and statuesque, the female had straight black hair falling down around her deep-green face and onto her broad shoulders. She wore no clothing, and her breasts – which rivalled Shenla’s in size – sat large and proud, showing no hint of sag. She had a firm, flat stomach, wide hips and thick, strong thighs. A tiara made of fine bones adorned her head, and the black eyes beneath glittered dangerously as they fell on Shenla and her pets.

The male was short, and much less muscular than any other Orc Shenla had ever seen. He had skin the colour of mossy earth, and was probably no taller than Torvin. A crown in the same fashion as the chieftess’s tiara rested on his brow in his mane of dark hair. He was handsome enough for an Orc, Shenla supposed, but she found herself wondering how this fellow had come to be chief – he had to be the chief; who else would be sitting that throne?

“Do not let his appearance fool you, Mistress,” Barrog rumbled softly. “He is fast, and deadly, and clever.”

The diminutive chief sat back casually on his bone throne, his thighs apart to show an appendage that certainly got Shenla’s attention, resting like a green snake on the seat of the throne. She thought it might rival Garrun’s when hard.

One naked Orc attendant stood beside each throne – a female for the chieftain, and a male for the chieftess – both were young and attractive. The male was broad and strong and covered with chiseled muscle, while the female was almost willowy, for an Orc, though her breasts and hips were still generously proportioned.

The chief flicked a finger and the pretty young attendant stepped around and knelt between his legs, presenting her tight, olive-green rear to the visitors. Her smooth sex with its puffy outer lips was visible between her thighs. After a moment, her head began to make telling bobbing motions.

“So, what have you brought us, Garrun?” The chief asked in a lazy voice. For all appearances, he seemed arrogant and careless in his power, though Shenla knew better, and not just from Barrog’s warning; it was his dark eyes that she watched, and they saw everything.

Garrun stepped forward and saluted the chieftain and chieftess, thumping a huge fist to his chest. His phallus was still at full mast, and the chieftess was eyeing it interestedly. “I bring you Shenla, Chieftain. She claims to be the brother of Maloth, who now leads the armies of the Dark Elves, the Wardens, and the Hill Giants.”

“Ah, yes,” the chief said slowly, fixing his stare on Shenla. She took a deep breath to accentuate her chest, but his eyes never left her face. “The ragtag army on the Forlorn Plains. I was wondering when an emissary would appear.”

Shenla could feel the lust rising from the chief as his servant pleasured him, but his face betrayed no emotion, as if this were simply an everyday occurrence for the Orc leader. Reaching out, she touched his lust with her power as she spoke. “Mighty Chief,” she began, dismounting smoothly and sashaying toward the dais. Again, the chief’s eyes never left her face, though his breathing was growing heavier as his servant suckled him. “We do not wish to interfere with your lands or your people. My brother wants you to know that he intends to take Amindaer Fortress, and your Orcs would be an asset to this cause. There would, of course, be generous rewards offered to those who help Lord Maloth.”

The chieftess spoke then for the first time, glaring at Shenla but addressing the chief. “I say we let this Lord Maloth break his teeth on Amindaer, and then we come and sweep him and his pathetic army from Palistair entirely!”

Not for the first time, Shenla cursed the fact that her power held little to no sway over females. Mentally, she adjusted her tactics; she had intended to drop her cloak and reveal her body as she’d done earlier, but surely that would only further the chieftess’s hostility. She would have to find another way.

The chief barked laughed at that. “Such ferocity, Morana! That is one of the many reasons you are my mate.” He thought for a moment, glancing between Shenla and Morana while his hand tangled itself in his servant’s hair, forcing her further down on his cock. “Perhaps you are right, Morana. Perhaps we should allow them to attempt this ambitious feat and shatter themselves against Amindaer’s walls.” He sat forward, a knowing smile on his face. “But what if they don’t shatter?” He said quietly. “What if this Lord Maloth has discovered a way to take the city, and the Gor’dur refuse to help? Then we would have a new lord in Amindaer, one who has no love for the Orcs. What do you think, Morana?”

The chieftess frowned thoughtfully, staring at Shenla and her three pets. “It is true, my love, that we currently have a tenuous peace with Amindaer, and Markos has been honouring that thus far.” She paused for a moment and waved her attendant over. The strapping Orc stepped up beside his chieftess and she idly began to stroke his long green cock with one hand. “But Markos is a bandit at heart, and his trust can only be taken so far. I suspect one day he will betray us, regardless of whether the Gor’dur honour the pact or not.”

While Morana spoke, the chief listened, though his glittering eyes remained fixed on Shenla. His cute attendant continued to suck him all the while, offering a gentle moan every now and then. Shenla could feel the lust wafting off the girl; apparently, she enjoyed her job.

Morana continued. “I see two options, Beshok; either we trust this Shenla and her Lord Maloth and assist them in taking Amindaer, or we kill Shenla now and send a legion of Gor’dur warriors to destroy Maloth’s army. Not only would we eliminate this Maloth, but we would take down the Elves and the Wardens in one stroke, exposed as they are.”

Beshok chuckled. “Very astute, as always, Morana.”

At that moment, Beshok reached his climax, and with a grunt, began to fill his concubine’s willing mouth with his seed. Shenla used that moment of peak pleasure to strike, lashing out with her power and wrapping tendrils of lust around Beshok’s heart, tendrils that connected the Orc chief to Shenla. Not in a true binding, but it would make him very amenable to her requests. He would lust after her, desire her above all else. She’d done the same thing to king Berenor, with satisfying results.

Morana’s eyes left Shenla to watch her mate come, and her hand began stroking her servant’s thick tool more insistently. The brawny Orc grunted in pleasure, and his heavy sack began to swing between his thighs as his chieftess picked up speed. Shenla reviewed her opinion of these Orcs; she’d thought them savage brutes until she’d bound Barrog, and Barrog had shown her that there was something more to them. Meeting Beshok and Morana had only convinced her further that they were quite civilised, in a primitive sort of way. More important however, was the fact that no matter how well-spoken and intelligent they seemed to be, they were still slaves to their lust, and that was where Shenla had the most power.

Beshok’s eyes had closed during his climax, but they opened again shortly after, and a new light shone in the dark orbs; lust. The diminutive Orc gazed hotly at Shenla as if she were the only other being in the world. The chief roughly shoved his servant aside, revealing his rampant erection, the thick green rod reaching almost to his chest and glistening with the Orc girl’s saliva. “The Gor’dur will ally with you, Shenla,” he proclaimed in a strong voice. “But know this: if we have reason to believe you will betray us, our retribution will be violent and swift.”

So, he wasn’t completely under her sway yet. Shenla had to respect the fellow’s willpower; his body would be awash with rampant arousal, but yet he still seemed in control of himself.

“Also,” Beshok added. “There are two conditions which you must fulfill; the first is that Barrog must face punishment for deserting his people. Under normal circumstances, this would mean death, but in the light of our new alliance, I will offer him the chance to redeem himself in the Pit.”

Barrog shifted his weight at that. Shenla glanced behind her at the Pit, where one Orc stood with his fists held high, his boot on the chest of his opponent, who was lying on the ground. Two smaller Orcs rushed into the centre to drag the body away. Shenla couldn’t tell if he still lived or not.

Shenla addressed the chief. “Who will be his opponent, Chief Beshok?”

Beshok grinned malevolently. “I think Garrun would be a suitable match. Do you agree, Morana?”

Morana matched her mate’s grin and nodded. She was watching Garrun, in particular his cock, which was still somewhat hard from Shenla’s earlier efforts. Shenla doubted she would be able to entirely wrap her hands around that mighty weapon, though she couldn’t wait to try.

Garrun barked a laugh. “Thank you, Chief! It would be my honour to crush Barrog’s skull into the dirt!”

Shenla couldn’t alow that; if Barrog died, she would be reduced in power until she could find a replacement, and while she’d never experienced losing a pet, she had the feeling it would also involve large amounts of pain. She tugged on the threads she’d earlier placed on Garrun, and the huge Orc turned his head to regard her, his cock flexing eagerly. She gave the brute the slightest, almost imperceptible shake of her head, and while he didn’t give any outward sign, she felt that he’d received the message: do not kill Barrog.

At that moment, Morana’s servant began to buck his hips, and long ropes of Orc juice began to spurt from the end of his cock and onto the chieftess’s face and tits. She never took her eyes off Garrun the entire time, quite content to let the brawny young Orc spill his seed on her skin. When he was done, she released his member, and without looking at him, simply said; “clean me off.”

The young Orc obeyed immediately, vanishing and returning seconds later with a cloth which he used to wipe his chieftess down.

“And what is your second condition, Chief Beshok?” Shenla asked politely, though she layered her tone thick with sweet promise.

“My second condition, Lady Shenla,” Beshok began, scornfully pronouncing the word ‘lady.’ “Is that you will prove your loyalty to the Gor’dur by sharing my bed tonight.”

Shenla could have laughed out loud, though she schooled her features. This was his condition? It was almost too easy! She bowed her head gracefully, trying to pretend that she didn’t want to feel his enormous cock inside her. “As you wish, Chief Beshok. I will accept these conditions in the interests of our alliance.”

A short time later, Shenla, Peldin and Torvin were sitting in the roughly hewn stone seats surrounding the Pit, watching Barrog and Garrun preparing for their fight. Barrog had stripped down to his loincloth and was casually swinging his heavy double-bladed axe back and forth. Barrog was almost nine feet tall and thickly muscled, but Garrun had almost a foot on him, and the monstrous Orc’s body rippled as he flexed and stretched, partly to limber up, but mostly – Shenla suspected – for show, especially with the way he twirled that enormous spiked hammer around like it was a twig.

The word had got out that Barrog had returned and was to face Garrun as punishment, and Orcs had flocked to the arena by the score, packing the rows of crude seats until there was no room left. Guttural voices filled the huge cavern as Orcs excitedly waited for the show to begin.

“Silence!” Chief Beshok’s voice boomed from where he stood on the dais, and every Orc in the arena immediately hushed. “Today is a monumental day for the Gor’dur! Today we have forged an alliance which will allow us to take Amindaer City!”

Cheers erupted from the crowd; Amindaer had long been coveted by the races of Palistair, but divided as they were, neither Orc, nor Elf, nor Warden had the strength to conquer it alone. Now – thanks to Maloth – they would be united as one, and would have the means to take the previously impenetrable Amindaer City. Maloth would be most pleased with Shenla when she brought him the good news.

Beshok waved the crowd to silence. “Also, today the traitor Barrog has returned to us!”

Hate-filled roars and cries followed the chief’s words, all directed at Barrog, who continued to warm up, ignoring his brethren.

“Barrog will be punished under trial by combat!” Beshok continued. “And if, by some miracle, he defeats Garrun, or survives the fight, then his crime will be forgiven!”

Raucous laughter thundered around the arena at that one; obviously not many Orcs thought Barrog stood a chance. What they didn’t know was that Barrog’s soul was Bound to Shenla, which made him somewhat faster and stronger than he would be otherwise. Still, Shenla was not completely certain Barrog could defeat Garrun, which is why she’d given the silent command to the bigger Orc.

Beshok raised a hand, and the crowd quieted once again. “Begin!”

Garrun and Barrog had been circling each other in the centre of the Pit, and at the word ‘begin,’ Garrun thundered forward with a roar, reaching Barrog in four long strides and bringing the head of his hammer down as if he wanted to drive the smaller Orc into the ground like a stake.

Barrog shifted his weight ever so slightly as he inched to one side, and the hammer whistled past his face, striking only empty air as it sailed by harmlessly and thunked into the sandy ground. In less time than it takes a heart to beat, Barrog’s axe rose and fell, chopping through the haft of Garrun’s hammer in one clean blow.

The entire arena fell silent, and more than a few Orc jaws had fallen open in shock. With a scream of rage, Garrun left his hammer in the dirt and thrust the severed haft toward Barrog in an underhand stab, but Barrog smoothly knocked the attack aside and brought the butt of his axe handle up into Garrun’s chin before planting a bare foot in the huge Orc’s belly, knocking the wind out of him.

Gasping for breath, Garrun dropped to one knee, and Shenla saw Barrog glance in her direction, asking an unspoken question. She nodded, and Barrog hefted his axe to deliver the killing blow, but to Shenla’s surprise, he dropped the axe and bent to pick up Garrun’s hammer. She felt a pang of regret as Barrog brought the hammer down upon Garrun’s skull and a sickening crack echoed around the otherwise silent arena; she really would have liked to try that Orc cock.

Garrun collapsed in a heap on the ground, the back of his head a bloody mess where the hammer had fallen. With a triumphant bellow, Barrog placed a foot on his dead opponent and kicked him over onto his back before raising the shortened hammer above his head.

The arena exploded in thunderous applause, the Orc spectators whooping and cheering Barrog’s name. Barrog turned slowly, drinking in the adulation.

The cheers died down when Beshok rose from his throne. “Barrog!” The Orc chief bellowed. “You have passed your trial by combat, and are hereby cleared of all charges of desertion!”

There were further cheers at that, but Beshok pressed on. “As well as this, you defeated your enemy without being struck, and if that weren’t enough, you killed him with his own weapon. You have brought much honour upon yourself. The Gor’dur Clan would offer you a prize, Barrog. What would you ask of us?”

Barrog remained silent for a moment, before answering in his bass, guttural voice. “I would have you grant a request, Chieftain, but I would ask you in private.”

Later, Shenla and her sycophants were lounging in the private quarters of Beshok and Morana. The chief and chieftess’s chambers were expansive, and this particular room was comfortable, if a little primitive. Thick furs and square feather pillows covered the stone floor, surrounding a blazing firepit that filled the space with pleasant warmth.

In keeping with the Orc leaders’ manner, Shenla had removed her cloak and leather straps, and was sitting nude before the fire, leaning back on her hands and allowing Beshok to rake his eyes over her body. For effect, she’d opened her thighs while keeping the soles of her feet together, forming a diamond shape with her legs. The heat from the fire felt good on her already inflamed sex.

Beshok was certainly taking advantage of Shenla’s display; sitting cross-legged to her left, his gaze was openly roaming over her body, and his cock – which was even more impressive up close – was standing up proudly in his lap. Perhaps it was not such a shame about Garrun, when there was meat like Beshok’s so close to hand.

Barrog sat to Shenla’s right, having been offered a place of honour sitting at the fire with the chief and chieftess, and Shenla, as an official ally of the Gor’dur, was offered the same.

Morana sat beside Beshok, sitting almost in imitation of Shenla, except the chieftess’s legs were straight and slightly apart, giving Shenla a view of her hairless, puffy slit. Shenla found herself wondering what Orc pussy tasted like; she’d never had the pleasure.

A few feet behind Shenla were Peldin and Torvin, who also sat naked on the furs. Dark Elves and Wardens were not regarded fondly by the Gor’dur, and as such it was a wonder they were allowed in the room at all. Shenla had instructed them to sit back and remain silent, so as not to interfere with her plans. A glance over her shoulder showed her that the two men had found a way to amuse themselves; Torvin’s buxom Risen had her head in his lap and was devotedly sucking his cock while Peldin knelt behind the former human and quietly fucked her ass. Shenla watched for a moment, liking the contrast of Peldin’s midnight skin against the pale grey of the Risen.

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My best friend Janet works for Passion Parties. We've know each other since college. She’s a consultant and sells sex toys. She asked me if I’d like to host a party. The cool thing is if lots of people buy the products at my passion party, I will get credits and will be able to buy things for myself. I absolutely love sex toys and if I can get free ones, I will absolutely have a party! I've invited my very best friends. We all are very different. Mary, (Curvy red-head) well, she’s a slut and...

4 years ago
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The Ice Cream ManChapter 2

I arrived the following Saturday and had a half gallon of butter pecan ice cream that I gave to John. He laughed and thanked me. Jen looked great dressed in jeans and a western shirt, but she always looked good. We went to the motorcycle races and had a fun time. A lot of bikers looked at her; she was the kind of woman that attracted attention. I didn't leave her alone, so I felt a little better. We ended up at my trailer where we made love again. I always used condoms with Jen for pussy...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 350

Matt and his women fell in behind a snowplow as they began the climb up the mountain on Highway 40. Near the crest, it was snowing so hard they could barely see the flashing yellow lights on the big machine, but by the time they reached Winter Park, the snow had slackened. Just as they were deciding which fast food restaurant they would turn into, Arlene called to ask if they had eaten yet. When she learned that they had not, she told them to wait to eat with them, saying that they were still...

3 years ago
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A mothers present for her sons birthday

He was having trouble suppressing his pent up lust for his mother, and knew the repercussions that making a move on his mom would have. It could cause permanent damage to their relationship, and despite how he appears, he still deeply cares for his mother on a personal level as well. Despite all of this, he was reaching a point where he couldn’t stop himself any longer. On the other hand, his mother had no idea what was causing this behavior. David has never been a child to cuddle up to his...

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The Electricians HaremChapter 16

Just then the front desk paged me, so I went down to see what was going on. Dr. Craig had come to see me with a sullen faced, but very pretty teenager in tow. The girl had a cute face that reminded me of how Ally Sheedy looked in “The Breakfast Club.” Her hair was short and dyed EMO black. She was about the same height as Diane, but barely fourteen years old, thinner, and with smaller breasts. She was wearing a red plaid skirt and white blouse. She had that naughty schoolgirl look that makes...

3 years ago
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The Notes Part Four

I watched her out of the corner of my eye. My hand in my pocket with the feel of her damp, cum soaked panties scrunched in my palm. I watched as she opened the envelope. She read my words. I thought about what those words meant. I was going to fuck her. I was going to make her body feel things she didn’t know possible and all whilst I looked her firmly in the eyes. There would be no need for a blindfold this time. The time for that game was over. I could finally release the weeks of pent up...

Straight Sex
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Pirate Rising

Time comes in cycles for pirates, one decade we fight to take a ship and during others we have managed to stun the crews. There are four types of merchant ships, runners which carry a small cargo but travel very fast. Merchant ships which are still fast but have a large cargo hold. Cargo ships which are slow and have up to six large cargo holds. Last is the freighter which is even slower but has a dozen huge cargo holds. They are the only ones that can not land on a planet. Plus they tend to...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 36

Wednesday morning 0330 When we tied up at the U.S. Coast Guard dock and debarked, we were met by our excited, although half-asleep family members. “What should we do with your boat?” the local U.S. Coast Guard commander asked, grinning. “Use it for target practice, let your men use it for fishing on their days off, or sell it and donate the money to the U.S. Coast Guard retirement fund,” I teased back. “Seriously, though, sell it and donate the money to a good cause,” I insisted. “I heard...

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Leanne and the old folks home

Leanne walked up to the old people's home and looked at the sign; 'Rosefield Manor'. The building was dark and grey, sending a chill down her spine just looking at it despite the relatively mild autumnal afternoon. The bare trees outside, as black as the gothic looking stone the building was made out of, did nothing to ease her worries. There was always something odd about this place, she remembered it freaking her out when she was younger and it still had a bit of a hold over her now. Ancient...

4 years ago
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Clone Whores

    Spot lights strobing, alarm noises sounding; the visual and audio cues were like a dentist’s drill boring into her consciousness combining with the adrenaline that was flashing like a lightning storm through her system. As she ran Sandra no. 7 never felt so alive.           If she pulled this off she would be the first of her kind to escape The Facility. She sprinted as fast as she could through the broken streets dodging piles of smashed debris and ruined vehicles, occasionally...

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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 7 Spring Vacation with The Sommers

It took Tandra and me a half hour to unpack and get used to this palace that Carson Sommers regarded as a summer cabin. We'd been invited to join Carson and his daughter on one of the patios that surrounded the Olympic-sized pool the retreat sported. Seeing it from the window of our room was a matter of looking outside. Getting from our room to the pool itself required a circuitous route that almost had us lost. But the unguided tour revealed a ballroom that would rival anything you'd find...

2 years ago
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Magic Returns Justice of a Sort

Justice, of a Sort By Circe Doctor Braxton, You asked me to write about what happened because you think I'm not "confronting the reality of what occurred." That's a nice theory, doctor, but the realities - all of them -- are not in question. If I ever doubt the current reality I have two great reminders close at hand. All the therapy in the world will not change that. Still, I know that I have to complete the therapy before you will let me out of this hospital, so here is what...

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Cell Mate

CHAPTER ONE CELL MATE  This is a story that was stuck in my head for a while before I managed to find a bit of time and get it down on paper.? Hope you enjoy it.? All comments, hate mail, love letters, job offers, etc can be sent to [email protected]  *? *? *? * Greg sat in his office, shuffling papers at his desk absent mindedly.? It was only 10:00am, and already he wanted to get on with his work, but there were always administrative tasks to be done.? As head of the...

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The Car Park Was Empty

The car park was empty just as he said it would be, it was about 10.45, and we were early. We had been very quiet as we drove here, both a little nervous, I was tingling with apprehensive excitement but I could only guess what you were feeling. At 10.55 the red mondeo pulled up beside our car. 'Is that him?' you asked, 'I think so' I replied. We sat for what seemed like an age, neither daring to make the next move but we didn't have to, he flashed his interior light and for an instant I...

1 year ago
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DaftSex Interracial

Have you ever heard about a website called DaftSex.com? Well, you are about it, as this website is filled with all kinds of free porn videos for everyone to enjoy. I mean, it is obvious that I am not just here to talk about this shit in general; I am here to discuss their amazing category called interracial… where you can expect to see lots of vanilla and chocolate mixes.To be fair, this mostly depends on what the fuck you are into. But since DaftSex.com is an overall free porn website, even if...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Voyeur Or Peeping Tom

One day I woke up with a hard on & my hand playing with it. In fact, my hands were ALL OVER ITAs I was waking up, I realized I was uttering dirty talk like I usually do when I'm awake but in a whisper tone of voice. I was name-calling & using other otherwise foul language wordingAs I was doing this, I quickly noticed (What sounded like) SOMEONE TALKING TO ME !!!!! The sound was coming from my patioMy bed is in the middle of the room but within the length of my feet as you get up from...

3 years ago
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Cracking Crystal

CRACKING CRYSTAL! Chapter 1 – Arrogance Rewarded. By Anne Gray She was an arrogant, supercilious, stuck up, snarky bitch and it was timeto take her down a peg or two; it would be my pleasure to do it. Only in her mid twenties, and a dream to look at, she had an attitude thatnot even a mother could love. She stared down her nose at people like theywere something she had found on the sole of one of the high-heeled strappysandals she favoured. Her answer to everything was the platinum no limit...

2 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 84

"What the fuck!" Nicole gasped when she saw Sandra and Evy reach the top of the stairs. Both girls looked at her. Nicole just stood there, mouth wide open in surprise while only wearing a towel. "Why are you..." she started to say, but didn't finish her question. "My shorts were getting wet," Evy answered smiling, "So, I just got rid of them." "But..." Nicole stammered. "And now, I'm going to take this lovely girl to my shower to give her a good rubdown." Nicole didn't know...

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wish cum true

A wish cum trueMy wife and I have had a strong and open relationship from the start. We have accepted each other and all our wild passions, and we have always been open about our sexual desires. Having said this I will try to express what happened the other night with the same intensity I experienced.I came home from work and saw Tara's car in the drive. Strange; she gets in after me most days. Never the less, it was a nice surprise. As I walked into the house she met me at the door dressed to...

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Campervan Chapter 4

There had indeed been a Tsunami, affecting the part of Grand Bahama that Winston and Kate were occupying! The event had been picked up by the TV networks trailing the progress of Dorian, and the viewer ratings for it were high; especially from viewers with folks on Grand Bahama. One such person was Delores who was aware that Winston was working on the Island at the Camper centre. She still loved him; still believed he would grow out of his penchant for deviant sex and rediscover the...

2 years ago
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Swapped UnswappedChapter 3

Deb pulled off of my cock before I came, and aimed each spurt onto her face. I thought it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Diana never did that because the natural outcome of one of her blowjobs was to either swallow it whole or snowball me with it. I stood up when I was done cumming and was going to wipe her face with my robe, but then I had a better idea. I turned her towards her glass kitchen door and then looked over at Paul and Diana. Paul was going down on Diana and she was having...

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Cathy Cook Bio Ch2 Truro

Much of what I will talk about is the story that appeared in Time Magazine which also made the federal government "close up" the beach. I will talk about one item the reporters either never learned about or wouldn't report in a "family" magazine. What the magazine did talk about was the new "trend" towards nudism in the US. This was in 1975. Things haven't changed much in the last thirty years. If you want to practice nudity you can do it easily in resorts and camp grounds all...

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The Former Classmate

This is unusual, I thought. A bunch of college mates were supposed to meet up at a pub in Mumbai for a mini-reunion of sorts. However, it was 15 minutes past the time and nobody had shown up. Except for vineeta. I knew her. We had collaborated on some projects together. But we hadn’t talked much during college. I guess the only memory I carried of her was the way she looked during the farewell party – dressed in a black one-piece dress that accentuated her cleave. I remember dancing and...

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Earths CoreChapter 56 Crescendo

There was only rule ... leave the planet intact. ... The Godly Law Template’s aura was contained, not a wisp of fluctuation seeped out. To the touch it was now no different than a curved piece of stone, but to the eyes ... It exuded a radiant glow, like a miniature sun. Its glare could blind mortals and was too bright for Immortals to make up its hue, much less content. As for Soul Sense, Sublime Soul Sense or Immoral Sense, those were only slightly better than a direct stare. Three...

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Alysons Urge for a Huge Black Cock

Alyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently. She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as...

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champange anyone

you exit the bathroom dressed only in your towel, an go into the bedroom you start looking for what to wear, you hear the bedroom door open an turn to see me entering, just finshed work in my skirt an blouse. without a word i step forward an softly press my hot lips agaisnt yours an guide you sit down on the edge of the bed. as i stand up, i run my fingers sexily through my hair, looking you straigth in the eyes, as i run my hands down my neck an down over the front of my blouse, i undo the...

2 years ago
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Fucking Teacher Sangeetha In Physics Lab Part 8211 2

Hello again everyone, this is Raghav again with my 2nd episode of the series “Fucking Teacher Sangeetha in Physics Lab “. Do read my 1st story so that you don’t loose continuity. For new readers let me tell you about myself a bit.I am Raghav ,I work for a Top MNC in Bangalore.My native is Mangalore.This incident happened in a famous school in Mangalore. I am 5’10 in height with 6” tool , White complexion and athletic body. You guys can reach me at and on yahoo messenger All girls and...

4 years ago
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Rest Stop

I walked into the Preble rest stop with great intention and focus -- it had been too long a drive and too much coffee and too many miles between rest stops. If I didn't piss in the next 30 seconds I was going to lose it and soak my pants good. I walked up to a urinal two down from the only other guy in the place, unzipped and let it rip. It had been close -- my eyes were tearing up I had to go so bad. It was a major relief.After about 15 seconds of release I let out a breath of air and stepped...

1 year ago
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Office party

We all maid our way to a hotel near our office where about forty staff had a sit down lunch in a private room, the wine and beer flowed freely during meal and everyone was getting slowly pissed out of their minds. I was single at the time and the regional managers secretary was also un married but did have a boyfriend. Sue was asked by her boss to dress up in a father Christmas dress to give out the gifts. She looked stunning in the mini dress which fitted her perfect figure the most of the...

Drunk sex
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JapanHDV Misato Shiraishi Gets her two men to pleasure her with their tongues

We continue our story of the older mature babe Ms Misato Shiraishi. We started the the story the other day as Misato had several men over to pleasure her sexually. She thought that they did a nice job but that they also needed some encouragement for their performance. These two men had done a good job pleasuring her and getting her off but now they wanted something. It is not her habit to let her sl4av3s demand anything from her but these two men had a look of hunger in their eyes. They were...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends RevengeChapter 6

Ellen never knew what it was that awakened her about an hour before dawn. Perhaps it was the cacophony of snores coming from Pop and Cash. She shivered in the early morning coolness and gazed around. They were all asleep, even the vicious little Vito, who had finally come to her after the others were asleep--sneaking over toward her like a jackal coming to feed after the lions were gone. She bore a bruise on the right side of her cheek where he had hit her with his closed fist after she had...

2 years ago
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Making of a Sissy Maid chapter 56

Making a Sissy Maid - Chapters 5- Reminder - Chris loves his mother and secretly longs to wear her sexy lingerie. Out of the blue his mother meets the very handsome and wealthy man of her dreams and soon marries. This introduces Chris to his new and somewhat dominant sister-in-law who recognises the sissy in Chris and transforms him into a pink frilly maid. Chapter 5 - Chrissie and Eve For that whole weekend Eve, his new sister-in-law, had kept me dressed in his pink maid's...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 2

 Chapter 2When Blaze woke up the next morning, Jie Er was waiting for him in the kitchen with a breakfast of eggs and bread. She was wearing a feathered push up and strapless bra, and a pair of low hanging skimpy panties. A silken translucent skirt covered her butt but was open at the front.Blaze wondered if all angels dressed like her or if his angel was just a pervert.“Morning’ dear. Breakfast?” she said with a warm smile.“I have to go to work, little one, but I will try to be back early. I...

2 years ago
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In Love with a German Film Star

Robert was a modern bachelor in every sense. He had recently experienced the break up of a long term relationship and now spent most of his nights hopping from bars in LA, drinking bourbon and trying to find girls he could bring home, in hopes of some no-strings-attached sex. Behind his seemingly careless exterior, however, no amount of booze or one night stands could could fill the void of his recent breakup. The whole routine was also starting to become rote for him. One seemingly...

Love Stories
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The Confessions of a Vengeful TeenagerChapter 3

Ezra's mother snarled at him. "Answer the question." "I 'ave done. I ain't seen no vodka. You looked, right. I ain't been drinking and there's no vodka at 'ome so it ain't me." The police officer sighed. "We have a positive ID on you, Ezra. He saw you and has identified you. Now lets start again. Ten bottles of vodka, five bottles of whisky and a dozen bottles of wine." Ezra gave a smile to himself; he had not stolen anything like that amount of alcohol, but the shopkeeper...

2 years ago
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Her Business Trip

Following my partners indiscretion we carried on our relationship now knowing that she would happily sleep with other men. We agreed that she couldn't do anything unless I was present. Previously having used multiple toys on her whilst we were fucking I was never inclined to think she might relish another actual man at the same time. Having mentioned it to her once she was determined to enjoy multiple men at once. Every time we went out somewhere she was testing the boundary to see if I would...

4 years ago
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At last A dream cum true

One of my dreams finally came true when I had the amazing privilege of making love to a black woman. I met her at a coffee shop and we started chatting and I invited her home as my wife was visiting her family.She was really beautiful and she immediately said yes when I made it clear that my intentions was to have sex with her.She took off her tight red dress and I don't know if I was surprised or not to see that she didn't wear any underwear.I could see in the coffee shop already that she...

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My One Cliche Hookup

I was 20 at the time when I let some friends talk me into being their designated driver while they went out to a karaoke bar. I'm not much for karaoke, but I do enjoy watching drunk people try to sing. So on this particular occasion, I became a bar flower.I made myself comfortable on a bar stool, my legs crossed as a tapped a perfectly manicured fingernail against a glass of coke. I had a good spot in my stool, raised slightly above all the people at the tables in front of the stage. I could...

3 years ago
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What Lana Taught MeChapter 2

I knew what I wanted and I didn't know what I wanted. I sniffed the fingers that Lana had pushed up into her slippery wetness, and I knew I wanted more of that. But then I looked at my own cock, rockhard and pink with the day's workout, and... did I want that too? I didn't think so, but that was the deal, according to Lana. Going to bed with her meant going to bed with her husband too, and-- what? Sucking his cock? Letting him fuck me in the ass, for crying out loud? No fucking way. I...

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Robyns Awakening

Tanya had been watching the young brunette as she mingled through the place. Her eyes were transfixed upon the silhouette of that wonderful body under that black dress. Focusing upon those perky breasts, tapered waist and those wonderful legs, and she could feel her mouth beginning to water at the thought of what was between them. Robyn was feeling good, either it was her friends or the champagne was having its effects on her. As she smiled while John was telling one of his amusing adventure...

3 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 03

When we walk into the main room Dad looks surprised to see three meals being laid out by the Room Service people, until he spots Sharon walking from my room. He smiles at me while the staff do a double-take on spotting Sharon. They’re quick to hide their surprise, and they smile at us while they set the food out for our breakfast. While we eat the eggs and toast Dad says, “I’ve already got a reply from Jackie about the question last night. Care to take a guess about the name of the guy your...

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 3

Chapter Five He began undoing the closure to his Master Guardian’s uniform. Her wide golden eyes were riveted to his actions, making him ache in anticipation. Going right for the kill, Zak-o? Remi snickered in his mind. Zak clenched his teeth. Get out of my head, Red. But Remi wasn’t the only presence he felt… or heard. Zak, she’s really innocent. Anniel’s concern-laced voice chimed in next, making his hands freeze. Why don’t you let her stay with me, and we can have some girl talk....

2 years ago
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Drunk Daughter Part 2

I wasn’t sure how to react to him after last night. Right now he seemed more like the caring Dad I grew up with, nothing like he was last night. All I knew was that I needed the aspirin he was holding badly. He head was throbbing as I sat up to take them and swallowed the aspirin down with one gulp. “That’s my girl,” he said giving me a soft kiss on my forehead before getting up to leave. “It’s still early and I know you’re not feeling well so go ahead and go back to sleep. I’ll be back in...

5 years ago
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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 11

Chapter Eleven: Mr. Crane’s Affair (Princess of the Niger) In her kitchen Loraine opened her oven and dished a tray of hot fresh food, and then fetched a bottle of red she had kept on ice. With three glasses carefully placed on the tray, she carried the food upstairs to her hungry lovers. If her plan worked as she was certain it would, Shirley and Jamal would be spending the entire weekend with her. The party was just beginning… **** Lagos, Nigeria 24 Hours Later Jack Crane laid in...

1 year ago
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Lewd Chat! Who the fuck still uses a chatroom to chat with other horny adults in this goddamn decade? Well, it turns out, plenty of fucking people! This is because so many people want to hop onto a chatroom anonymously and get off with other horny like-minded adults just like them. If you don’t believe me, visit LewdChat and see for yourself!You will discover that there are all kinds of people just waiting to meet you! I was actually surprised by how busy all of the rooms truly were. Every time...

Sex Chat Sites
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Cum Drunk

Holly Harmes enjoyed college, but mostly she liked living on her own. She was ready, after eighteen years of being a kid, to be master of her own destiny. Almost immediately, she began to try and find ways she could make the best of her new-found freedom. Holly lived in the dorms, in a pair of rooms with three other girls. The girls all got along fairly well, and life was enjoyable except for those occasional times when their periods synced. As far as boys, Holly played the field a little...

4 years ago
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Christina Looks for a College Chapter 4

As she opens it, she is taken back by the beauty that stands before her. Dawn is a tall blonde with a great body and currently only wearing a bath robe. Dawn steps forward into the room and closes the door behind her. She then pulls the knot on her robe and reveals her sexy body to Chris. Chris instantly turns as red as a sports car as she takes in the exposed skin and boldness that has presented itself to her. Dawn says that “I heard you through the wall and had to connect a face and body to...

1 year ago
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Asian Onlyfans

Sure, you crave looking at babes on platforms like OnlyFans. Fuck, you may even subscribe to a couple of them. I don’t fucking blame you. It’s proven beyond a goddamn shadow of a doubt that platforms like OnlyFans is a fucking hit anyway. Look at how many models have make fucking millions by being themselves. And look at the professional porn stars that are now jumping on board to earn even more cabbage.Will all porn go the way of OnlyFans? Who the fuck do I look like? A goddamn psychic? I only...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
3 years ago
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Peg Leg Peg

Ah yes, old Peggy...the most popular girl in town...originally posted under BrianDamage...Peg Leg PegThere was a girl named Peg Leg Peg,Called her that because of her wooden leg,She was known as the best in town,Guys would come from miles around,You see, Peg’s leg could detach,For better access to her snatch,And though it wasn’t crabs that bite,There was the occasional termite,But this did not seem to deter,All the guys who called on her,And though there were occasional cracks,About how she...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 32 Another Year Ends

There was only another five weeks of classes before the end of the semester; well, before the study break that led into the exams that would be the end of the semester. We all found that time had a habit of shrinking; at the start of each semester, the end of the semester and the exams seemed so distant ... but before we realized it, there was only a matter of weeks left; and a pile of assignments and projects to complete. Having David, Claire and even Garry living next door made the study...

4 years ago
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No Excuses

9:30 AM.I stared in horror at the neon green numbers on my clock.  The university I was attending this year was incredibly strict.  I was excited at first about their 100% success rate, until I learned they did so well due to the harsh discipline they inflicted on their students breaking any of their rules.  There was no other college like it in the world - but I knew they would push me towards graduating with excellent grades and a degree...whether I liked it or not.  My English lit professor,...

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The Madam Moriarty Club

Not so usual disclaimer At last back to work? It has been over a year since I last posted a story.I would like to thank all my readers and particularly those who took the timeto send a mail. This story is not strictly speaking a Lydia von Sklaverei's story. She ismentioned but not present. Maybe she will make an appearance in a later partof that story; I do not know it myself. This story has a theme which struckmy fancy some time ago. A capture using the most delightful of all...

4 years ago
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Getting caught Twice Chapter 2

Mrs. O’ Connor was a beautiful woman. Standing 5’6, with a slim figure, what looked like 34C tits, amazing golden hair and an ass to die for. She had been a friend of my mother’s since their childhood, seeing as the town was very small and both families had lived there since the town was established over one hundred and fifty years ago. ‘Mrs. O’ Connor I… I’m so sorry! I didn’t think anyone would come around the house today so I thought it would be OK!’ I said, in a very upset tone. ‘Shunika...

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