A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 8 Promises to Keep
- 2 years ago
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One month later
" ... So you can see gentlemen, with this business model, we anticipate that construction will be delayed a few months on your resort, but the tourism potential and the revenues from your share of the software sales, plus being a launching point and home base for future college-based expeditions in your region will far outweigh the temporary losses."
The conference room table was surrounded by well-dressed business men, recently arrived from Tunisia. Not one dared to even blink, lest they miss a second of Heather's presentation. If presented by anyone else, the material would have been drier than dry. But with Heather leading the discussion...
For most of the last two hours, Gregg sat silently, watching the reactions of the university's guests. Even President Lindegren, watched raptly. He had recovered sufficiently from his stroke (despite a now pronounced lisp and occasional tremors in his left hand) and wanted to be present to show the university's support of this venture. To Gregg's relief, the man had no recollection of the events of the day of his stroke. He didn't remember David, nor the threats he was forced to carry out, nor David's punishment of his failure. The man had been through enough and Gregg had no desire to try to erase his memory.
But it was the ongoing reactions from the men around the table that really interested him. He avoided using his powers to see what they were thinking and instead practiced the lessons Heather had been teaching him on just reading their expressions. Throughout Charli's earlier presentation on the software she'd been developing for archeology students and a potential e-learning game, the men watched her with more interest than her subject matter warranted. Heather had suggested that since these men came from a male-dominated business culture, it would be best to keep them off balance by letting the women do the bulk of the presentations. Gregg was more than willing to give up his public speaking duties. Charli's beautiful face framed in waves of raven-black hair and her voluptuous figure was like a magnet for their eyes. Over the past month, Charli had been practicing her poise under Heather's tutelage (Heather could be a very rewarding teacher... ), and now those lessons were paying off. It took a lot of practice to make the presentation sexy and sultry without being over-the-top lewd. Charli was still new to her sexuality and it was hard work doing what Heather made look so effortless.
Heather presented next on the integration of Charli's work with the expansion of the resort to include this archeology-tourism aspect. Her skirt and business suit top could barely be called professional. While the hem was conservatively cut just above her knees, the material was so tight that one could make out the shape of her perfect ass beneath. Her heels gave her legs extra length and curve, and her blouse was tight and low-cut, showing a less-than-conservative amount of cleavage. Periodically during her presentation she'd rest her hands on the table so that the men opposite her could glimpse down her blouse. She also made a point of wearing non-prescription glasses for the sole purpose of taking them off from occasionally to chew and suck on the arm sexily when pretending to ponder something. Her green eyes shone brightly under dark eye shadow and her full lips glistened wetly. She even made a point to do some of the presentation standing behind Charli's chair so she could seemingly absently play with Charli's hair, or absently stroke Charli's shoulder. Whenever that would happen, Charli would affect the look of someone being discretely masturbated, with lidded eyes and shallow breaths. The effect was both immediate and profound. Gregg had to work hard to stifle his grin, knowing that if she started barking like a dog, the men around the table would still just nod as if she were saying something interesting.
"So gentlemen, any questions?" Heather asked, concluding her presentation. She suddenly shivered and her nipples tented her blouse out as an invisible hand slid up the back of her skirt and began massaging her between her thighs. The twin extensions on her already sumptuous chest were immediately noticed by all in the room ... since that's where most of them had been looking anyways. More than one of them needed to loosen his tie.
Heather took a shuddering breath and gave Gregg a dirty look. Now that the secret was out in the open between them, Gregg was not shy about pulling little pranks like that. She often gave him exasperated looks, but she secretly enjoyed it (well, maybe not so secretly... ). Sometimes they'd be at a restaurant or at the library and she'd point to someone and have Gregg make them horny, or think they were cold. One night at a bar, one of the patrons who'd had a little too much to drink started harassing the waitress ... so, Heather suggested that he pee himself and verbally assault a police officer. In some ways it was like he was suddenly free to be a kid again ... a kid with a particularly dirty mind.
Emily was in on the secret also, and so was Laura to an extent. Despite the fact that Laura was the first to figure it out, she also had the least interest in learning the details. Her Master, as she still called him, had powers ... that was all she needed to know. Knowing the hows and the whys didn't change the simple fact that she allowed to define her existence: Gregg=Master, Laura=Slave. Everything else was just noise.
Speaking of Laura, there was a knock at the door and Gregg rose to open it. It had to be him for no other reason than he was the only guy there without a hard-on conveniently hidden by the oblong table. If the men thought they were about to get a respite from the intense sexuality of the presentation, they were in for disappointment.
Gregg opened the door and Laura entered with Natalie by her side. Both were dressed in sexy-sophisticated outfits: one-piece gowns with heels. They both radiated elegance and confidence. "Dr. Walters, is now a good time?" The question was only for the men present. She'd entered when he sent her a silent signal that the presentation was over.
Gregg smiled. "Assuredly. Gentlemen, I hope I'm not being presumptuous, but I think we can wrap up here for today. Please let me introduce you to Laura, President of ESU's Omega Xi sorority and Natalie, Omega Xi's new social chairwoman. They will be in charge of your ... uh, entertainment for the evening."
That little pause said everything, and needless to say, the men were interested.
"Thank you Dr. Walters. Gentlemen, I hope you've worked up an ... appetite ... from today's meetings. We have a limo waiting downstairs to take you all to dinner. We have good food and good ... company ... waiting for you. No doubt you've had an exhausting trip and a long day. The sisters of Omega Xi would like nothing better than to help you unwind and show you the hospitality of ESU."
This was the part of the plan Gregg had the least support for, but Laura insisted. On the one hand, she argued, the sorority could use the international contacts and clientele, on the other ... well, Laura had no problem "selling" her sorority's services to to raise some revenue. After all, they'd all stood by when she got raped, so in her mind, there was no moral quandary in having them repay that debt: pound of flesh for pound of flesh.
Natalie escorted the Tunisians and President Lindegren out the room and down the stairs. "So, how did it go?" Laura asked. "They certainly seemed interested in what you had to offer!"
Heather smiled at the joke. "Yeah, they certainly did. Maybe they were even a little interested in the business plan! I think we got this in the bag ... I wonder if they even heard anything we said!"
Laura laughed. "So, are we going to celebrate?"
Heather walked over to Gregg and put her arm around his waist. "I think my man and I are going to take a nice quiet night alone. Isn't that right?"
"Yes, my Queen." Heather smiled at that. Gregg was the one with the power, but he truly treated her like a queen, of equal if not greater importance than himself. He only had to say that word and she'd get a little wet.
"But I don't think Charli and Chad would mind your and Natalie's company tonight." Heather looked over at Charli and saw that the idea was most enticing.
"Okay, but don't wear my Master out," Laura giggled. Gregg grinned. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that even though he was going to spend the night alone with Heather, he was in more danger of being 'worn out' than Chad was with Charli, Laura, and Natalie. When Heather was in the mood, there was nothing to do but hang on and try to keep up. "He's got a big day tomorrow ... you both do, actually," Laura winked.
Heather could hardly forget. Tomorrow, she was being inducted into Omega Xi as an honorary member. Even at just 24 years of age (just shy of 25), she was deemed too old for full membership ... not that Heather would have chosen that. But an honorary membership was something that would allow Heather lifelong access to everything the sorority had to offer without any of the "service" obligations. But, being charitable, Heather had offered to teach a few master classes in sexy dancing, sexy walking, sexy makeup, sexy dress, and of course ... sex. The only condition was that Gregg, Chad, and E'dan got to be her props. Needless to say, Gregg was more than alright with that idea.
Rivkah turned down Laura's offer for honorary membership, but agreed to teach a few fitness and flexibility classes ... at least until her pregnancy got in the way. Charli also turned down the offer, not wanting to affiliate herself with OX in any formal way. She was more than willing, however, to don her mask from time to time and help teach a few of the more willful girls about obedience.
Gregg's minor celebrity status from his heroism at Heather's apartment had grown ten-fold when the rumor/gossip mill made his particular physical gifts the stuff of legend. Even though Omega Xis weren't supposed to have friends outside the walls of the sorority, the fact was that many of them did ... if not roommates, then casual classroom acquaintances. From the dozen or so girls that partook in Laura's now famous oral sex techniques class, word had spread and there was no shortage of women signing up for Gregg's course offerings. No doubt most hoped to get a little extra instruction at his office hours. And if the rumor mill was burning now, by next week it would be on fire. Tomorrow, when Heather gets inducted, a larger audience will get to see her and Gregg give a performance that will leave them wanting more!
This honorary membership was the first of its kind at OX. With Natalie's help and some input from Heather, they'd scripted the ceremony to take full advantage of Heather's and Gregg's gifts. Laura was slowly changing the culture at the sorority while also getting her revenge. Culture changes slowly, but she was making strides. For starters, she'd banned all negative talk about girl-on-girl sex. She'd successfully argued that if hinting at it was sexy, actually doing it was that much better. There were some detractors, but all in all, most of the girls were secretly glad they had this new outlet. Since traditional male-female sex was somewhat of a business for the sorority, getting to enjoy the simple pleasures the sisterhood could provide each other was a welcome respite.
Another change was to institute a charitable giving program. It was hard to argue against a requirement that all sisters had to volunteer their time somewhere. The sorority's financial connections helped ensure that every year, big bucks would be funneled through them to needy organizations.
Shutting down the computer and the projector, Heather and Gregg exited the room with Charli and Laura following behind. He gave them each a soft sensual kiss, thanking them for all they'd done to contribute not only to this presentation, but also to his life in general.
And life was certainly good.
Knock, Knock
The girl in the hallway waited for someone to answer. She'd seen the light from the street and knew that someone was home. For several days, she'd walked past this address, look up longingly, and then with her courage failing her, she'd continue walking past, avoiding the gaze of passersby who might have recognized her.
She took a steadying breath and knocked again ... determined to see this through.
Knock, Knock
She waited again, listening intently. Finally, she was rewarded by the sound of an interior door closing and of approaching footsteps.
The woman inside who opened the door looked annoyed.
"Yes," Charli asked, tying the short silk robe closed while she peered through the gap the door-chain allowed. Perhaps it was a downstairs neighbor that they'd woken up ... but now that she thought about it, her screams never elicited complaint before...
"Uh..." The girl was suddenly speechless, her tongue not working ... the speech she'd rehearsed faded from memory at the site of the raven-haired beauty.
"Yes?" Charli asked again a little more annoyed, not yet ready to open the door fully.
"Ch ... Mistress Cheryl."
Charli was taken aback by that name. How could this petite little girl know... "Oh." The door shut and Charli removed the chain, opening the door fully to really take in the person standing in the hallway.
Gone was the look of defiance, only meek sad eyes remained. Gone were the curls, so dutifully highlighted she once almost looked blonde. Only straight brown hair remained. Gone was the confidence, only fear filled the girl. But still, her beauty remained. She was several years older than Charli, but now looked more child-like and scared than Charli did before her own transformation.
"Brittany ... it's been a long time. I didn't think we'd see each other again." Those were the words she spoke, but her meaning was clear: "I HOPED we'd never see each other again."
"Please, Mistress ... uh, Charli..." Brittany stopped speaking, fumbling over what to call the person standing in front of her. She wanted to chew her fingernails as she'd grown prone to doing in the past month ... but they were nibbled to the quick. Instead, she tapped her tongue stud against the back of her teeth. It gave her a pouty look, and one day (her dentist warned her), she was going to chip a tooth.
"You can call me Charli."
"Okay ... Charli. Please. Can we talk?"
Just a few months ago, Brittany Anderson would never have asked to talk ... she simply would have expected you to listen. But that was before.
Charli spent a long time staring at her now beaten tormentor. She really wanted to slam the door shut. She was done with Brittany, or so she thought. No one had seen her since that night when E'dan had his heart attack and that poor girl Christine got hit by a car just outside Omega Xi. In all the confusion of what happened, everyone simply forgot about Brittany. When she was left alone in the President's Room, it was all too clear that her life there was over. With no one to witness her shame, she quickly retreated down to her room, packed up two suitcases of clothing and valuables and left. No one had seen or heard from her since.
Sighing, Charli opened the door wider and motioned Brittany inside. 'What the hell am I doing?' she chided herself.
Charli pointed to a chair at the table. Gregg's apartment had become hers and Chad's almost defacto. Gregg pretty much lived at Heather's and he let his friends use it as they wished. In fact, everyone pretty much had open access to everyone's places ... and the people in them. During daylight hours, a modicum of restraint was used because others such as Professors Whyte and Johnson came by the "HQ" sometimes to help make final preparations to the proposal before the Tunisians visited.
She went into the kitchen and put some water on to boil. While the hot pot quickly turned water into steam, she filled a plate with cookies. Laura had made sure there was an inexhaustible supply of Milano cookies on hand at all their residences ... it seemed to have a special meaning for her. Charli remembered watching her eat one, and was sure that the lovely blonde had a small orgasm as she chewed slowly with her eyes closed, lost to some pleasant memory.
Brittany watched as Charli set the plate of cookies and opened two tea bags for their steaming mugs. Brittany refused to even pick up the mug until Charli indicated that it was okay. Staring into the brownish liquid, Brittany was stalling, trying so hard to build up courage that at one time was second nature.
"So, where have you been?" Charli finally asked, breaking the ice, asking the question that everyone on campus was dying to know.
"At Mistress Michelle's." Charli scalded her lip on the hot water when her wrist jerked in surprise at that.
"Wha ... Where?!?"
"After ... after that night ... I ... I dropped out of college. I stayed at a hotel for a while, but the money wasn't going to last. I ... I originally planned to ... take ... money out from my Omega Xi discretionary accounts, but the night I was impeached, my access to those funds was frozen. I really didn't have any friends. But Mistress Michelle had given me her business card that night, and I was desperate, so I called. I'm now part of her stage show, in exchange for her letting me stay at her place ... I also ... um ... help ... with her and her husband..." Despite the theatrics of Michelle's bondage and discipline musical review, Michelle's slaps and spanks were real. Each night, the humiliation she endured on stage while Michelle ground through her playlist, was both cathartic as well as disappointing. No matter what Michelle did, it always fell short of her experiences with Mistress Cheryl and Dr. Walters.
Charli hadn't seen Mistress Michelle perform since that night. They'd met a few times, but her friend never said anything about her new employee. No doubt Michelle thought it best not to mention Brittany's name in front of her, given all she'd been through.
Brittany Anderson, once president of the most elite sorority on campus ... reduced to being a chained submissive in a live concert/sex-show. Despite everything, Charli actually felt a little sad for the girl. She'd made her own bed out of shit and now was forced to sleep in it ... but still, Charli felt a little sorry for the mess she'd gotten herself into.
"So what now?"
"I ... I needed to see you." Brittany put down her mug ... she really didn't have an appetite. "You completely changed my life."
"You changed mine."
"Yeah ... well, either way, my life is completely different now ... and you're at the heart of that." Brittany took a deep breath. "Are ... are we even, now?"
Charli hadn't expected that. They were over, as far as she was concerned ... as to whether they were "even..."?
"Yeah ... I guess you could say that."
Relief seemed to flood Brittany's face. She worked up the courage to ask the most important question. "Then ... then maybe we can start over?"
Charli's confused look was the only response.
"I ... my life is empty right now. I need ... need to..." Brittany sank to her knees and pressed her forehead against Charli's bare foot. "Please, I need Mistress Cheryl back. I need her to tell me what to do ... to punish me when I displease ... to hurt me ... to ... to own me!"
Charli's curiosity was piqued, as was her libido. Here was the former most powerful woman on campus, completely defeated, literally throwing herself at her feet. And she wasn't seeking submission to some masked stranger with a paddle ... it was Brittany willingly submitting herself, to Charli ... the once shy computer geek turned dominatrix.
Little kisses rained down on her toes as did Brittany's warm tears. With each passing second that Charli withheld judgment, Brittany's grip on her calves tightened, the kisses became more desperate, and the tears more copious.
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A note to potential readers from the editor. Fans of the prior stories in this series have often asked over the years for us to do more of the story. As much as that is appreciated by the both of us, we feel the story is basically complete. Because of the demand for something more, back in 2012 we finally decided to bat around some ideas and see if we could come up with a nice thank you for the fantastic readers of our little saga. I took our rough ideas and notes on the character's...
Frenemy Switch - Epilogue - Version June 2015 *************************************** This story builds on the Three-some Switch story arc. You can jump in anywhere you'd like, but the intended order to read the installments is: 1) Three-Some Switch 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story 3) Three-Some Switch Back Story Pt 2 4) Three-Some Switch part 2 5) Frenemy Switch part 1 6) Frenemy Switch part 2 7) Frenemy Switch part Epilogue These stories are available...
[Read previous chapters before proceeding] Chapter 1: sexstories.com/story/104332/ (4100 words) Chapter 2: sexstories.com/story/104363/ (1650 words) Chapter 3: sexstories.com/story/104365/ (2300 words) Chapter 4: sexstories.com/story/104377/ (3500 words) Chapter 5/Epilogue is 2000 words [AUTHORS NOTE: I hope you enjoyed these chapters. If you did, give them a POSITIVE RATING at the bottom. It helps others find them. This was my first attempt at fiction and sex stories. I've been...
Foreword Many readers requested that various subplots in the Making of a Gigolo series be addressed at the conclusion of the series. To have included all the data requested would have made the last story much too long, so this epilogue is provided to address some of those issues. My thanks go to Norm, for providing the idea for and the data concerning the PP of A. You'll understand when you get to that part. Epilogue If Bobby Dalton was a kind of earthquake in Granger, it should come as...
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Well, this is it; we’ve arrived at the end. This has been an incredibly fun and invigorating journey. I can’t thank everyone enough for their support and thoughts as I’ve written this series. The only thing that has made me happier than connecting with Mike and Melody is seeing how many others enjoy connecting with them as well. The epilogue contains no sex or erotic scenes, but I hope you enjoy it all the same, as this has always been the ending I have envisioned for the series. As always,...
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The sun hardly reaches all the way down here. The rough stone walls are set in dim but warm light and even though it's terribly hot outside, down here the air feels cool. “Where are we?” he asks. The woman that brought him here doesn't answer. She's turned away. Her hand runs over the cold stone of what might be some kind of coffin. Did she bring him to a grave? Without turning around, she replies, “Where do you think?” “It’s too big to be a commoner's. And if my instinct is correct,...
The red Ford Mustang pulled into the back lot of the Omega Xi house. The sun was setting behind the edifice, casting an ominous red glow to the already impressive structure. Brittany opened the door and slowly exited, barely able to stand on weak, exhausted knees. 24 hours. By her best guess, that's how long she stayed at that warehouse. That's how long she serviced men, women, couples ... all in the name of charity. It was beyond comprehension that she lasted that long. Every muscle in...
I bet you’re wondering, after Amber and Ashley got married... What happened to Chad Dupree? To answer the question: I was questioning myself. I had to take a hiatus. I’m on a dry spell right now. I fucked almost everybody I wanted to fuck. However, those select few that I actually wanted to be with were taken. Nonetheless, I learned a lot from those encounters. Let’s take a look back...Amber had her child. It turned out that her husband was the father. That was a relief. We still talk from time...
Straight SexAfter his proposal and her gleeful acceptance, Dave and Jennifer spent an hour of very animated talking with her parents before they drove to QAI. During the two hour drive to QAI, they talked in detail about their upcoming long-distance relationship. They agreed that during his third and final year at Wake Forest, Dave would spend one week on the PGA Tour, then spend one week in classes before he flew to New Dominion to spend every second weekend with Jennifer in an apartment they would...
"Dare?" His voice was distant, like a dream, but coming closer and I smiled. "Dare!" He whistled with a long warbling that made me giggle sleepily and Chance lifted his chin from my breast, his ears twitching at the sound. It was dark there, in our den beneath the pine boughs, and warm and dry despite the cool spring rains outside. I'd found my mate shortly after my morning bath and we'd played together before retiring for our afternoon nap. I stretched as much as I was able and...
The funeral was held on the moonbase. The aftermath of the surrender of the Hayward's crew and Dumitrescu's techs on the moonbase had tied up everyone for a little over a week. The funeral was scheduled when the hectic pace had slowed down. Colonel Haddis had negotiated the parole of his mercenaries. He was able to keep most of his ships, but did surrender several of his patrol craft to augment the Ragnor fleet. He also agreed to reparations to the families of the combatants that were...
The dream felt real. Corec walked in the endless mists, trying to peer through them and wondering why he knew it was a dream. Finally, the mists cleared. A man stood in front of him, nearly as tall as Corec himself. He had brown skin and long black hair tied back behind his head, and a jagged scar on one cheek. He carried a spear in one hand and wore a vest. There were four runes along each of his upper arms. One of the runes on his right arm and three on his left glowed with a white light....
"This meeting will come to order," Sean said to the twenty people sitting around the large conference table. Department heads and their assistants quickly quieted and Sean said, "Aunt Liz, would you open the meeting, please?" "Yes, Sean," Liz Cavalla replied. "This is the quarterly meeting of Gordian Enterprises. All department heads are present or accounted for. This meeting is being held at the Gordian Enterprises' Corporate Offices in Phoenix, Arizona on March 20, 2013. The last...
“Dad?” my eldest son said coming into the sunroom early on a Saturday morning. “Hey Jesse, what’s up?” I asked. “The moms sent me to talk to you. I have something going on that they felt needed your input.” I put down the Chicago Tribune and Birgit got up from where she was cuddling me and left the room. The usual reason Josie and Jennifer sent him to me was for discipline, and that was only on the rarest of occasions. When he needed advice, he came on his own, but when he was sent, there...
Monday morning was dismal, pouring with rain, and I was waiting to hear from Cathy. She should have arrived home last night, and I thought she would have called me then. Maybe she got in late, and was tired, I told myself. By mid-morning, I hadn’t heard anything, and I was going to call her, when I saw the mail arrive. There was a break in the persistent rain, so I walked down to the letter box to see what had arrived. There was a letter for me; in Cathy’s writing, postmarked from Wednesday....
The town of Clive was bustling, filled with adventurers following the news of the dungeon crab’s emergence. Around half of them would die within its shell, but those with skill and luck came back with pockets full of ores and gems. Having returned to town just the previous night, Noah had tried listening for gossip about whether or not anyone else had managed to capture the dungeon. He had taken all of the avenium he found in that room, possibly all there was in the crab. Whether they were...
Centuries of work had been wasted. Leonis had been a tool, but a useful one, and now he was dead. Unable to control his anger, Pallisur Traveled into The Lady’s domain, which had changed since the last time he’d seen it. It now resembled one of the expensive apartments on the top level of West Tower in Tir Yadar. In the totemic realm, reality was subject to the whims of those who had mastered its magics. “Hera!” he shouted. “What did you do?” “Exactly what I said I would,” said a voice from...
Goodbyes are always hard. This goodbye was no exception, even though I knew I would be coming back to the reservation in the not too distant future. The Omugi had welcomed me with open arms. We had fought together and now we were united in an even greater quest to vanquish the twin evils of illiteracy and poverty on the reservation. So it was hard to say goodbye. It was hard to say goodbye to Dawn as well. I offered to fly Dawn out to the White House dinner next week, but she claimed that...
Wrinkled like prunes, Bob and Mandy got up from their lengthy water- logged lovemaking session. Bob grabbed two large towels from the linen closet, wrapping one around Mandy as he gave her a kiss, and twirling the other around himself. "I've got to Pee," Mandy said to her lover. "Why don't you brush your teeth first, then we can switch." "Sounds like a plan," Bob replied as he moved to the sink, lifted the toothpaste and his brush from the little holder next to the mirror. In the...
Another season came to an end for Annie’s hockey team. As usual, they had played harder off the field than on it. In fact, I always said they played their best games in the pub after the matches!But that was fine with me. Annie really enjoyed getting back into a team sport after many years as a house mum. She now had a whole new bunch of friends, some of whom were seasoned players. And when I say ‘players’, I mean that in the broadest sense. Especially Sue, a married woman in her early 40s who...
CHAPTER 22 I enjoyed Brian’s writing although I thought it somewhat fanciful. Bella was in tears when she finished reading. ‘I feel so much for Adelaide.’ She declared. ‘Finding love with the man she couldn’t have and yet devoting her life to him.’ She stopped and looked at me. ‘When we are married we must go up to the old house and tell them.’ I must have looked as if she had lost her senses. ‘If we kept Bees we would have to tell them, it’s sort of the same thing.’ I shrugged my shoulders,...
Mary Ann said, “We’re OK but it’s been a long day and I need some alone time with Tony right now.” Jessica looked at her face and said, “I understand, have a good night sweet girl.” We went into her room, closed the door and lay down in bed. I took her in my arms and the tears really started to flow. “I’m so sad right now Tony,” she said between sobs. “You haven’t done anything wrong and it’s not your fault but I’m still so sad. Please just hold me tight for a while.” My heart ached as...
Epilogue Dave and Maddie sat at a table in the dimly lit interrogation room. Neither knew for sure how this would play out, but whatever came, they would face it together. After several agonizing minutes, the door swung open, revealing Henry Ironside. He strode to the other side of the table and sat down without a word, leafing through a manila folder. “Quite the day you two have had,” Henry said. “You could say that,” Dave replied. “Murder, espionage, treason… the list goes on and...
Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Epilogue IT’S SATURDAY AND I CHECK the mail. There’s a letter from Ben Sheppard. There’s no return address, but I know it’s from him. It’s postmarked from Milwaukee. It’s nice to see my name and address written out in that crisp script in his usual blue ink. It reads: ‘I had a meeting at a restaurant today. They had a TV on and the Brewers were playing the Reds. Seeing the Reds made me think of Cincinnati and when I think of Cincinnati I only think...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Epilogue‘Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!’Tony grunted angrily as he slammed his hips into the underside of my buttocks, driving his thick cock as deep into my vagina as its stubby length would allow.Well after midnight and with too much champagne inside me, by the time the taxi had dropped me off at Tony’s apartment, I was desperate to put the difficulties of the day behind me and lose myself in an orgy of sexual degradation.“Fuck me! Fuck me! Come on, fuck me!”Tony was really playing his part this time....
CuckoldEpilogue:Both babies arrive and life goes on.The next nine months came and went quickly for both Randi and Jill and before they knew it both had delivered baby girls. All five of them were very happy and the ladies had no problem listing Mike as the father of their daughters.All the men were in the delivery room with their women and the Dr. was very glad he could make this happen. He didn’t care what the hospital policy was. As he looked at it he was allowing the father in with the mother, even...
CuckoldJennifer ran upstairs and released Molly from the torture she and Olivia had been committing against the girl, Molly was allowed to dress and released from her slavery for the length of a small celebration party. Jenn didn't have cake in the house, so they just had mint chocolate chip ice cream. Dave thought the party might be a little premature considering Rebbecca's past history in saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. It was during this mini-celebration that Megan came to...
Chapter 6It took a few days to calm Mom down enough to talk. When she’d caught us, we both quickly sat up and looked around for something to cover up with, but we’d kicked the comforter, top sheet, and pillows off the bed. Daddy grabbed the towel I’d used that morning and handed it to me, then he went to Mom and tried to hug her, but she wasn’t having it.“Don’t touch me!” she yelled.“Honey, I can explain if you’ll just listen,” he’d said with his hands up like he was surrendering.“Explain what?...
IncestThe intention was to tell the story in its entirety, but due to my own reasons, I decided not to publish the remainder of the story. For those readers who was drawn in by the story itself and not only the sex and filthiness of my behavior, the below would serve as the epilogue in the story of Alexis and me. Ten years later. September 12, 2011 - the day the twin Memorial pools opened to the public. I ran my fingers through the inscribed name on the bronze parapets of the South...
Here is a little epilogue for those of you who read ‘Recluse’ and wanted some more closure. Enjoy! –T. * I stepped outside into the warm May sunshine after my last final exam, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of me. I was graduating from college on Saturday but this was the last time I would have to set foot in a classroom. It was a good feeling. My mood lifted even more when I saw Gabriel waiting for me in the parking lot. He was leaning against his motorcycle looking cooler than...
Epilogue Ashriel still remembered what being embedded deep within Anniel had felt like. Heaven. He’d been a virgin for more than four hundred years, guarding his purity with utmost fervor and in a moment of drunken weakness… No. Not drunk. It had been that red dragon. Remien Fyre. That bastard, son of a whore, had slipped something into their drinks. Liquid X. Ashriel’s mind had already been running rampant with desire for Anniel. The Liquid X had been like tossing a spark on rocket fuel. ...
Tina's Revelation===His body stiffened up as he gasped, "What?"I sat back so I could see his reaction. He was truly shocked by my question."Someone is manipulating files on the network to pull funds out of the company," I explained. "It's ingenious how every financial transaction has added line items that are then nulled out. The reports end up showing nothing out of place, but the nulled out money can't be traced.""What do you mean 'nulled out'?"I could see that he was innocent, and I knew...
Office Sex