The Secret Cheerleader Vote 6
- 4 years ago
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A week later a large ship pulled into the harbour with all the parts I asked Saudi Arabia to provide. When they went into storage I found each piece to be as good as I had demanded it to be.
That night I called King Faysal and invited him to come to Japan to see his son fly the first section into orbit. We discussed many things including my telephone/computer system and how it would help his people. He would come and see for himself what could happen with most of his family.
The prince's ship had left and the new owner had ordered six more to be delivered as soon as possible. Morie was more than happy and was not even too upset when we had to call on other yards to assist us in this venture. He would loose many of his people temporarily as they went to train others on how to fabricate these ships correctly and safely.
The new line of cars was selling very well and we were unable to make more auto transports that I said we would need many months before. These too had to go to other yards. I had gotten my first ten percent and Mary had been to all the board meetings and many of the smaller ones where the real decisions were made. This was hard for the old men but Mary would not take any guff from most and would give as good as she would get. Some of her own ideas, especially what a woman would like to have in an auto were looked into and may were accepted. Interior mirrors were understood but the safety she stressed I knew would make families buy our cars over other brands.
Sofia and Rachael had taken many of my designs and worked with Mary to find what kind of machines were needed. They made a new company and hired many machinists to assist in making the new type of computer operated machinery.
Security was not growing as quickly as it was being needed. Crime had nose-dived in Tokyo and I knew I was the cause because I demanded that crooks be captured by my men after which I would interrogate them. If they were salvageable they were given a new job and helped out of their present jam.
Other Japanese cities were not so lucky. I worked methodically and mixed business with my quest for more people to fill the ranks in security. Only a few of the diehard kingpins died and most came to believe much faster after talking to the first converts. Japan was too big to police alone so I used the one time gangsters to do it for me and send possible recruits to me. They and their associates were offered as an incentive the chance to do legitimate business on the space station and on other planets and moons we would set up shop. Graft and corruption were down and I had to restrain some people in authority that were counting on the additional bit of money each week to improve their lifestyle.
There were many rumours about me over the years and the one that I could fly with the help of spirits was only one of them. Some I had even constructed myself so that I could laugh at them as unbelievable when others talked about them. Most who were very excited could not recall events very well. Other times, images crept in and out of their memories. Not all of them were real for the mind was a wondrous thing. The former gangsters did believe that I had supernatural assistance and they tended to be some of my most trusted associates.
King Faysal came over earlier than expected and visited the emperor soon after arriving. A day later I got a call asking if I could set aside one of my arcades for a few hours so both men could see what was happening. I countered with the request that all of their families came and all found out at the same time. While they were there they could see my flight school and take a turn at flying my plane in a simulator.
People didn't normally make this sort of request, but this time I got away with it.
A long line of the new cars I had designed pulled up instead of a somewhat shorter line of limos. This way they could see how good these vehicles really were. I greeted them at the entrance and security escorted them down the corridors until they were safe. The guards then backed off as far as possible.
Prince Yaseen as my employee, showed them the flight school and talked about how the students worked. Mary and Juni accompanied us as did Sally. A Japanese student did some complicated manoeuvres and the spectators almost though they were in a plane with them for they leaned this way and that as the plane banked and the scenery changed. The Prince took over later and flew a fairly simple flight to the site in space of our station. Everybody could see the Saudi units and the name of the royal family prominently displayed. The last one being carried by the prince himself. All the constructs were still on earth since this was just a simulation. From further away it was easy to see the Saudi contribution.
The two monarchs declined to try the complicated plane but did sit in a simulated racing car and raced each other around a track. Family members were encouraged to join in and soon the speed was limited because of all the others playing on the surreal track.
The emperor was not as good in the automobile and lost to his larger adversary even if they both lost to the younger players. Chess the way I made it was explained because it was not good to have a leader run in fright. Some of the women refused to watch the game. This one the emperor won hands down.
Juni and Mary took some of the women and played games that would appeal to the younger set or to the women. Short animated movies in Japanese and Arabic came on the screen with subtitles in the other language. These were avidly followed and after an hour wanted to see the longer ones. Juni picked one in Arabic and sat through it with the rest as the men and older boys played more games.
At the end the men were very pleased with what I had done. King Faysal in a quiet moment offered me a very substantial price to have one of these arcades installed in his palace in Saudi Arabia.
"Sir, almost everything here is secret and not even patented yet. I can only allow it here where my security can watch out for it. As I gain the patents I will start marketing these machines and you will be one of the first people that will get one. I must warn you though that I am egalitarian and would have to set up these arcades for the common people to use as well." I was pushed a bit but this was just his way for he usually got what he wanted.
The process was quicker than he thought though because already many of my simpler devices were being patented under many different lists of criteria. Both the simple computer and the phone were on this list, along with what things I knew would be found out soon. They all could be copied but nobody yet could do a good job. Selling the product later would surely make me bring the person or company to court.
There was enough time left and we set out to see the plane accompanied by my pilots. The pilots showed many of the features to the guests and Yaseen showed both his father and the emperor the cockpit. It was readily seen that now that there was room for a co-pilot.
One of the king's wives was taking a few pictures and I talked to the king and got the camera removed and the film taken out. Some of the secrets were visible but the woman was not aware of what she was possibly showing to others. The only good thing about it was that the camera was one of my German brands that had become so popular now that colour film was so common.
A flight came in that night while my family and I had dinner with the Emperor and the king. The plane brought in some of the Ethiopian and Japanese engineers from the electronic factories in Addis Ababa. They settled in as we enjoyed ourselves that evening.
The next morning I met the engineers at the large and noisy factory that built our railcars for us. The manager and two of his own people met us with the usual dignity we had come to expect and receive in this country. Our agreement when signed stipulated that we were to complete the motors and install the drive. The unfinished motors were left in a shop and we started to wind the wire onto the armature and stator with the utmost precision we could accomplish. The first motor was baked for an hour and more dielectric added after it cooled. When we were doing this some of the others were putting the large drives into the cab to control the motor and units in the cars it would lead. This was sealed in thick steel for security reasons. The locomotive in this case supplied guidance and a good portion of the pulling power but each car had its own smaller motor controlled from the locomotive.
That night the motor was installed in the locomotive and six of the cars. The controls had been tested many times before being brought to Japan and although there had been some problems, as there always were, but after some chips were replaced the unit worked well with the replacement Japanese parts. The test track was actually part of the track we would normally run and when the train accelerated it was easy to see how it outperformed any other. There was very little wastage and even the braking energy was used as a source of power to speed other trains along. The engineers stayed a little over a week as the six engines were completed along with the three dozen coaches. Armed security guards stayed vigilantly with them and the vehicles. At the first opportunity the trains were brought to our sites so the cars could be watched much better.
The manager and owners of the shop were worried. They had been paid ninety percent of our agreed price and the further ten was to be after the trains had been tested more fully. An even bigger worry was the placement of more orders for these trains represented a small portion of our overall requirements.
Yaseen and some of the pilots worked on the plane loading the cargo brought from Saudi Arabia. The next day amid a drizzle we took off with both the Emperor and the Saudi royal family in attendance at the space airport.
The latter was a little tired for he had spent much of the preceding days in the arcades playing different simulations. Today though they were all excited though and the king himself came to see his third born son in the co-pilots seat. This would be the first time two people would have gone into orbit.
I wanted Yaseen to fly the craft and we took off fairly well with the unaccustomed heavy load. Soon we were above the clouds and the rain. Yaseen concentrated very hard on what he was to do. Like all of my pilots he was very professional in his attitude. He wouldn't even be here unless his father had indulged him at an early age and allowed him to take pilots training.
With only a few words we flew high enough to get the scramjets to engage. Yaseen gave a running commentary because not only was he speaking to his father as well as the emperor, he was speaking to the world. Eventually the rockets pushed us gently back and in two and a half hours we were stationary over Rhodesia.
"Well Yaseen we have got work to do. Just remember to go very slowly and think where you are going to go and what you will push off on."
The man undid his belt and pushed a bit with his hand and he went quickly towards the controls over his helmeted head. My hand shot out and held him while my body took the shock because I was still in my harness.
Yaseen blushed at what had almost happened and concentrated even harder on what to do next. The only thing I had done to prepare Yaseen or the other pilots was to give them much higher immunity to motion sickness. Everything else they would have to find out for themselves.
The cabin was open to the atmosphere and in this case meant that we had none inside. Yaseen took a thin rope lanyard and attached it to himself and the frame of our ship. On his back was a large pack with a power cell, air and a heater. The cell would power all his radios and cameras as well as the re-breather and heater for his suit. In his hand was a small reaction pistol and a long thin probe with a piece of plastic on the end.
I had the same equipment and after hooking up we shot across to our first objective. This had been drilled into them but it was all in earth's gravity field. Yaseen and I both brought out our thin probes and absorbed our momentum as well as allowing us to slowly relieve the excess static electricity that all the equipment up here was sure to get after a while.
In twenty minutes we had the first piece attached to the small platform. My intention was to build a small enclosure here that would allow people to stay and work for a while. The rotating wheel would be built here on this platform from all the smaller pieces and would grow as the wheel did. When the time came the wheel would be cast adrift and eventually started to rotate but in a higher orbit.
True space craft could be sent up in modules and assembled here for journeys to the nearer planets and the moon. That portion of the trip would be much easier for the first few hundred miles was the hardest and most expensive.
After the first had been tested we played out a long tether and Yaseen jumped a record distance and only had to use his reaction gun a few times till he was heading straight to his target. The jump was near a quarter mile distance and I commented on the performance as if it were an equestrian affair. I used words as a diver would use to describe Yaseen's undulations and corrections. I was sure to catch some sort of repercussions because he was third in line to the throne.
Yaseen tied a short line to an eye bolt and I braced a bit and pulled on the line. It took a while but the part did come to me with Yaseen looking like a charioteer but more often than not he looked to be upside down. This was what the earth saw as the man and weldment approached. I braced again and since I had given only one short pull to get everything going, stopping the heavy article was not too difficult.
We worked for four hours and took a break. Water could be sucked from a straw and the suit took away our wastes but had to have the fittings attached to us. We worked for a total of eight more hours before crawling into one of the life support modules anchored to the platform and had a short sleep. As Yaseen slept soundly I went through all the things I usually did. A good idea came to mind about space and the humans going into it. The book was completed in little time and transferred to the computer on the ship. A few more games were made and some planning done on smaller systems of the space station were completed before I too went to sleep.
The next morning we awoke to the cheery voice and face of Mary on our phone, wanting to know what to make for supper. Yaseen woke up slowly and greeted my wife. Later he had to settle for some bar to chew that was already in his suit for his breakfast. We worked to get all the other components anchored and then checked all the units that had climbed the thin cable to see if they had anchored to the platform as they had been designed to do. Two had to be changed a bit but basically the system worked fine. The solar panels were aligned and now power would go to the platform. In a few days it would be warm enough to be used.
Our own cargo was added finally and I reversed the plane so our cameras and lights shone on the structure. The gift from Saudi Arabia was clearly seen by everyone of our watchers and recorded for posterity.
Yaseen flew back to Tokyo and since he was doing the flying and talking received more of a hero's welcome when we landed. I just stayed close but behind so he could get the adulation he seemed to need. His family now would be behind this project much more firmly now.
There was a little parade and at a ceremony were given some awards by both sovereigns. Now that the platform had been started there was no reason for the plane except for emergencies or if we needed to expedite some cargo. Passengers would really need a much different plane to make the relatively short distance required to the station or the platform.
During the ceremony the television screen that we transmitted, was split to show a large multi ton load was slowly climbing the cable in Rhodesia. This consisted of satellites and rockets engines to place and hold them in orbit in a precisely arranged grid. Rhodesia would now be the centre of the space activities and hopefully the black population of Africa would start to participate in the riches that this would be sure to reap.
I had to get the other form of transportation recognized. My rail transportation company needed much more than public acceptance. Things were turning around much quicker now and the country was regaining its feet after the devastating effects of the war. Unemployment had dropped to almost zero.
With some government assistance I had a great many casualties of the war that had survived but not healed properly. They were now being offered high tech jobs that they had been trained specifically for. Some with good minds and hands learned to use a computer. Ones with no hands or arms for that matter used their voice to do the same thing. One group of bright engineers started putting small motors and servo units on specially designed chairs. This gave many people a freedom that they never thought that they would have again.
This company was open to the public and now had grown fantastically when anybody with any money in Japan put their savings into our company. It was a boom time for the company and I flouted some laws to make sure the boom was very slow and controlled so there would be no bust soon after.
The track to Urawa, a town on the alluvial plane with Tokyo had been improved and straightened out. The track to Maebashi further along had been improved too. A test was to be made of the speed and the amenities on this train. At a preset hour, police and even the army blocked off the line. When the train went through the town of Urawa a very large crowd had gathered but kept far from the track. This operation required the help of many thousands of people to make it work.
This trip had only a four engineers with me and a few computers to monitor many different functions and record what happened. I pushed the leaver from the engineer's chair and felt pulled back. The engineers with me had to hold tighter to straps or to find support at a wall. Within three minutes we were going almost two hundred miles an hour. The scenery flashed by and in seconds we were flying through Urawa and twenty minutes later we were slowing down in Maebashi. Rather than waste time I called the coordinator and made our return trip at two hundred and twenty five miles an hour. We made four more trips before settling on two hundred and forty seven miles an hour for a useful speed. This was almost double the previous maximum speed set in France.
Our train could go faster but the combination of track bed, wind shear, grades and curves limited the overall speed to something less. With much more funds I would look into an elevated train or possibly a monorail to link Japan's four main islands. When we pulled in for the final time there were thousands of people lining the way and many, many times more at the station. In the forefront were my family and the major investors. Congratulations were handed out and photographs seemed to never stop.
The next three weeks saw the intercity rail system start up. The first week being free to all people that wanted to try our services. They were made to go to the ticket sellers and pick up a token though that would allow them through the turnstiles to board the trains. Mothers took their children and I saw that there were so many of them that something would have to be done. My trains only worked on some routes while other trains worked other lines.
More contracts were let out for simpler equipment for the mainly underground tracks while the other trains travelled between cities. These tracks were unimproved and would cost a lot of money to upgrade.
With the huge earth moving trucks selling so well I had to protect myself before they were delivered, so I swiftly patented the electric motors in the wheels and the large generator that was driven by the diesel engine. The same kind of motor was used in the train so these units could be sold to other countries.
In my busy schedule I found time to take some Japanese and some Ethiopian engineers into space. They worked at getting the electronics integrated into a complete unit. A half dozen men were left in orbit to work while Yaseen and a co-pilot brought more equipment into orbit. This was the first time I had sat out a flight and I was worried about the outcome even if I had passed the team myself.
His Royal Highness King Faysal wanted telephones and computers for his country. I worked out a fair deal and sent a team over to install secure uplinks driven by solar power and my energy cells. Japan had been buying four thousand phones a month and I had luckily started to stockpile much sooner and was able to find partners in Saudi Arabia to distribute the phones and collect the cost of the phone and forward the revenue to me. There was a surety that I would be cheated so each phone I had ever made was fitted with many different encoding methods so that a phone could be tracked and its usage tabulated.
The computer shipment was small because there was nobody around to teach potential customers how to run the equipment. My partners had to send their own representatives so that they could be trained. Ethiopia was much closer and it was done there.
Shipments of modules from France and Brazil had come to Japan and Rhodesia and been taken aloft. The modules from the United States were well made but I found that there were much fewer of them. The companies dealing with the government had worked it out so they got the most money for the least effort. Capitalism worked well but had to have a few checks and balances and one was the basic idea that companies would compete against one another. It looked like they were getting together and forming a monopoly where everyone lost. Price fixing was an old practice and it looked like that the government over there was powerless to stamp it out.
Ethiopia suffered a momentary cessation of activities as one of the uplinks self destructed when being bored into with very expensive machinery. Backup units immediately took up the slack. The emperor was sending his own security people to investigate with my own. There were no survivors in the secluded location but it was easy to figure out why the intrusion occurred.
Ethiopia was also going through a minor boom with revenue from my businesses leading the way. For each currency unit I spent, it generated five more in the local economy. More and more of the patented articles were now farmed out and my biggest problem was ensuring that the parts came into my plants up to specification. They were only now getting used to making things that were similar and my needs meant that they had to be a lot closer to what I wanted or the units were sent back. This caused a lot of acrimony but it was stated clearly in the contract about what the parts had to be like.
More and more people were using my phones but not to the extent that the Japanese had embraced them. Computers too had been accepted but only by the educated minority. This was one of the things I was now trying to change.
The computer had very high resolution screens that showed images beamed down from the satellites. The bandwidth was getting so acute that I had to make much better uplinks to handle this load. Schools were some of the first beneficiaries. Well stocked, university classrooms were televised. The images were sent to children of all ages throughout my system of associated countries.
Rhodesia, Japan and Ethiopia beamed information about their countries to anybody that would listen. I ensured that the political content was at a minimum and people could learn not just the good points but the bad. The countries putting out this propaganda did so in the old form of the word. This just meant information and not what the Russians had been doing with it now where it was decidedly slanted. The other countries were not innocent by any means and their own citizens were bombarded by information the governments wanted them to swallow even if it were only partially true.
My troupe of performers did a few special performances that seemed to work very well. When they knew that potentially millions more viewers would be watching they outdid themselves in their singing and acrobatic dancing. Some of the hams that told old African stories had a very fine time before the cameras.
Men with cameras were explaining about different species of animals and even went underwater to film fish and aquatic animals.
Education in many different subjects was free but most could only audit. But a person paying for the service had the option of asking questions and getting them answered on the air. When examinations came they were proctored at a local level and the appropriate certificate or diploma issued.
Math was taught at many levels. All levels of computer use were taught as well. 'How to' courses on the various programs I had made could be found at all hours of the day as the information was stored on crystal and contiguously ran. Programming was starting to become a fascinating pastime as more and more people signed up for the various courses.
I promoted a production featuring automobiles. Some mechanics talked about various models and years. Cars from all around the world were represented. Their good points along with their bad ones were mentioned together with cost and upkeep. The new Japanese models were compared with the old vehicles and then compared to what the rest of the world had to offer. This turned out to be very popular especially when it gave handy tips on how to repair or diagnose difficult to find problems.
Paper I had hoped would one day be replaced by electronic media but sadly the reverse was true now. All sorts of documents had to be printed from entire books to recipes.
A children's show had Sally talking about cooking in English one day and Japanese the next. Soon Ethiopian would be added as she worked hard with Kochiyo and Maeko to learn everything she could. I even came on as a featured guest to give some of my own recipes. Sally would always lick her lips subconsciously when I talked about her favourite foods. Within a few weeks girls and some boys were chasing after her to get autographs as they had me for so long.
Through diplomatic channels I contacted the powers behind the Moscow Symphony Orchestra and got them to play some of my compositions and some of their own. These were played live for three hours once a week. The Russians wanted this and I wanted some culture. The agreement was that I do the televising and they did it for free. The sound that did come through was as good as any high priced stereo. In fact, I had four different channels for sound, so that it appeared as if the listener were actually at the live performance.
To balance things out, I negotiated with British, American, French and to a lesser extent European television and got rights to their sitcoms, comedies, plays, children's shows, game shows and sporting events. My cameras fed a much better picture to the satellites and to the people on our system. The people putting on the shows had to use their inferior equipment to transmit to their own viewers. Their equipment could not produce better images without revamping all of their system and that included the basic television set. Our own brands of television had been made to the appropriate country's specifications but we were not allowed to add our standard as a backup. I got to sell my German cameras with Ethiopian components to almost every studio that could afford the best equipment. It was still not as good as what we could do.
Late one afternoon I was watching as the fifty seventh underground habitat was being dug. A group of girls from a local high school were in attendance. I felt a bit uncomfortable. I watched what was going on with the construction and about me but also what was within me. I could find no pathogen or other causative agent for my problem. Soon I began to get an erection which was the first time my subconscious had ever decided to act on its own. Immediately I looked in my blood stream and found much higher levels of testosterone. With managers here well versed in the way things should be done, I left immediately and went home.
Everybody except Morie was present and I called all of my girls together. "I have something important to tell all of you." When they all gathered that piece of data I continued. "I am starting to produce much more testosterone. This means that soon I will be able to make you fertile. My mood and actions will change a bit and I will try even harder to control my actions. One I know will be an increased interest in making love to you. The other will be irritability and mood swings. The positive benefit will be that we will start to have children."
The women took that for an invitation and jumped at me to give me an indication of how they felt about my news. Mary was the one that started to undo my clothing. She dropped to her knees and engulfed me to see if I tasted any different. Her hands busy all the time trying to remove her own clothing. She pulled me on top of her before the rest were really cognisant of what was happening.
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Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...
Characters in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Cleaner: A cleaner lady who cleans the office during break times Miss Jenna:The General manager of human resources in the company. Setting for the current chapter: Office: This is the workplace of the author and characters stated above. Office restroom:A restroom/toilet near the authors cube Authors home: A 3 bedroom apartment where the author lives alone ---- I...
This is a fictional story about first time orgasm sex. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at...
Hi everybody, i am eshwar and this is my first story. Please read it and give me some comments. Firstly i should tell about me. I am normal average guy and 5’11” height 19 year old guy. I got to know about sex when i was in my high school. In our school we use to be away from girls as others would tease us if we talk to girls. So this created more interest in girls. I use to have a crush on my teacher too. Actually when i saw this site and kept reading this stories. i started to see everyone in...
Cuisin at my aunts part 2So I wake up early morning with a boner it raining out side anna not In the bed with me then I here the toilet flush she comes out and says good morning love I still got cum on me dried up I'm going to get a shower said anna I said I'll make breakfast and looks like today a Netflix day she said yeah yes I love Netflix. so I go to start cooking bacon and eggs I'm in my boxers and she walk in and sits at the table in a towel drying up I sit are plates down and fix some...
Hi Friends, This is Kajal again from India. Little bit about myself. I am dam sexy and hot married woman of 25 years age who loves to enjoy a lot. I love to wear sexy and hot clothes. I am working as a personal secretary in export-import company. I am 5.8ft tall, sexy long legs, very fair look, long hair, dark eyes and sexy figure of 34-26-34 with Cup size “C”. As you know my boss has enjoyed me with few clients and now was nothing to hide from him for me. Day by Day my old boss always ask me...
Amelia sat between my legs on the floor, her shirt half-open, allowing me a generous view of her large, ripe tits. I stroked her golden, tangled hair and reached down to kiss her full on her red lips. I felt the warmth of her mouth against mine and our tongues touched lightly against each other. Pressing one hand in between her shirt and against her chest, I stroked her nipples firmly. I could feel the heat of her against my outstretched palm and the beating of her quickened heart rate. As I...
Nice Nikita has a hot history with me, first her client only, later an intimate best friend to mate.She is a slender blonde beauty and her only hobby is her horse. Once she invited me to watch her ride.No pants, no saddle. A sexy sight which easily excites me, so she invites me to sit right behind her.After our first fuck at foot-pace the scene gets unexpedly hotter: we watch her mare mate a stallion.Nikita is a nice slender sensual blonde beauty in her early thirties. She runs several tobacco...
The kids were at the grandparents for the evening. I was replacing the doorknob on the back door and the wife was going in and out, taking things to the garage. I really wasn’t paying much attention to what she was doing since I was cussing at the non-functioning doorknob. I sensed, more than saw her as she passed by me the last time to go sit on a patio chair on the back porch. When I finally looked up to see what she was doing, I saw that she was topless. She was wearing khaki shorts and...
We're off, at long bloody last. It seems ages since we last had a break and we are so looking forward to this one. You know how you get when you see the same old faces and sites, day after day, well you get stale don't you. You get into a routine or even a rut that is very difficult to get out of, well that's where we're at right now and we're on the road, going to the coast, to do something about it. Because of our jobs, Sami and I find it very difficult to concentrate on just the two of...
It was clear. The world needed direction. From the woefully out of depth Trump, to the blithering idiot of Johnson, the dangerous fanaticism of the North Korean dictatorship, to the driving consumerism of Japan, the world needed leadership. Strong decisive leadership. Your leadership. The United Nations were but a means to an end, and when protocol 1-W0R1D was finally enacted, it was time for a unified vision for all countries around the globe. In one fell swoop, you and your organisation, long...
FantasyBrad and Abby were startled in the middle of fucking on the living room couch when Dan and the group came through the front door. “How can you call that babysitting?” He teased. “Jake and Tiffany are watching the babies,” Abby replied as Brad lifted off her, his hard seven inches and a half sticking straight out. He was in no hurry to cover his hard-on as everyone entered the house. “What are Lisa, Hanna, and Jenny doing here? I thought they were leaving to live in Calgary?” Brad asked. He...
Breakfast was filling as usual; since it was before dawn I was barely moving. The women were a chorus of efficiency led by the grand matron as conductor. I repeated my request of extra changes of clothes for Meri. Kira, hearing this, took off crying. Damn, I'd hoped that Grandma Kira had talked to her. I pointed to Meri, "Go find Kira and tell her that I request her presence here, then find Grandma Kira and ask her to come here too. You can finish your breakfast when you return." She...
One afternoon of shopping in France By Rosie "Avez-vous essay? ceci dessus?" the sales girl said, taking the black satin blouse from my hands. "I beg your pardon, I don't understand," I replied though even as I spoke the words, I could make out the meaning of her question. "Have you tried his on, monsieur?" the girl repeated in a rather thickly accented English. "Um... no, but..." I stammered, taken aback by her question. She took the blouse off the table, lifted it up by the ...
//intrusion by cyber warfare. //Countermeasures in place. //Main memory and cpu Firewalled. //Asses system damage. //Civilian and biological systems compromised, Standby mode active. //rebooting military cpu and primary A.I. Backups. Laura I couldn't feel or see anything, it was as if I was floating in one of those senosory deprivation tanks. In front of me scrolled an endless stream of raw data, I spent awhile trying to figure it all out. I was able to determine the main chunk was...
That autumn afternoon I was home alone; Ana had gone for the weekend to pay some visit to one of her girlfriends in a nearer city.I was checking my mail, when I received one from Camilla, one of Anita’s sluttiest girlfriends…I was really surprised, because that bitch had not spoken to me in many time, after we had fucked like rabbits in one warm night…It was even more shocking to watch Camilla in an unusual video. It showed her playing with her own dog Cooper; a nice Dalmatian hound mixed with...
It began when I was at a family get together on a hot summer day. I was sitting in the sun, day-dreaming out front of the house, when a taxi pulled in and my aunt stepped out. All I saw was her thick thighs and massive breasts hanging out of her shirt. She had on cut-off denim shorts and a t-shirt. I gazed before she broke my attention by asking me to help with her luggage. I walked over and grabbed her bags and said, "Long time no see, huh?" She replied, "Last time I saw you was when you were...
IncestDear Readers, This is the story how I ended up having one of the most amazing encounters of my life during my early days after I was seduced and introduced to the world of incest by my own bua. Please provide feedback and comments on As I have told you that I was staying in the city with my parents and used to frequent my native village during the vacations and how one fine vacation I was seduced by my bua into the world of sex and incest and lust. After tasting the nectar of sex from her...
IncestThis is a story jointly written by myself and my partner in crime, Mazza. Mazza woke, her head was pounding. She opened her eyes and the room swam in and out of focus. What a mess! Champagne bottles, empty glasses and food wrappers were strewn everywhere. “Where the hell am I?” She thought as she began to sit up on the sofa, which was a mistake, as her head immediately began to spin so she lay back down and closed her eyes. “Fuck!” The sun was streaming through the blinds onto her eyelids...
Abella Danger shows up to Jules’ place and has a backpack with a change of clothes. Of course, that little backpack is tiny and the strings she changes into are not keeping any of her hot body a secret. Perky titties, tan skin, a bubble booty that she is known for are all on display and her devilish smile shows she is up to no good. Up against the wall, Chris Strokes shows up and doesn’t need permission to start fucking the horny Abella. She’s ready to go and one cock just...
xmoviesforyouI was around at Bob's place helping him fix his car. He's quite good with his hands and I'm reasonably competent and we were making great progress. Then we hit a snag. There's always something that will go wrong. I could hear Bob cursing as he worked on trying to stick something in where it should logically go, but just wasn't going. I finished what I was doing and then went to see what was going wrong. The new part that he was trying to fit just wasn't going on. I glanced at the box it had...
Joseph Moretti stood in the lunch line, taking one of the hard plastic trays. He looked at the meal the lunch ladies had served. ‘Damn,’ he muttered under his breath, as he took a spoonful of corn and putting it on the tray. He finished getting his lunch, and sat his tray down at the round table where he sat with his friends. He went to the vending machines just in the hallway that connected to the cafeteria. He took a crisp bill that he got from his job at the local diner, John’s Pizzeria,...
I called home and got Mom, who agreed to pick us up at the park. While we waited, my sister and I kissed some more, but a little less lasciviously than earlier. Mom honked and we got in the back seat together. "Didn't you stay for the second movie, kids?" she asked. "Nah, we walked over to the park and talked," I said. Mom said, "You two certainly dressed nice for going to the movies?" "It was a movie date, Mom. A guy needs to dress nice for his girl when they go out together,"...
Hello doston, Mein raghu ek baar fir aapke liye apni story ka agla part lekar haazir hu. Mujhe kisi ne uss raat ke baare mein likhne ke liye nhi kaha jb mummy raju aur aunty ke ghar ruki thi, so uss part ko mein skip kar raha hu. Agar aage mujhe vo part likhne ke liye aap log kahenge, toh mein usse “Side story-1” ke naam se add kar dunga. Filhaal mein aage badh raha hu. . Toh abhi tak aapne dekha ki subah raju ke ghar jaakar meine dekha ki bohot hi ghamasaan chudayi chal rahi thi, mummy strapon...
February 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “What the heck were you thinking?” Doctor Hart snapped. “That has to be about the dumbest thing you could possibly have done!” “Funny thing,” I said. “I agree with you.” “There is nothing funny about what you did! You’re lucky as hell that it turned out as well as it did!” “Again, funny thing, I agree with you.” “Cut it out, Mike!” “Sorry. I beat myself up enough about this that I’m not sure I need your help.” “So why tell me?” “I thought I was...
More from JudyLet me tell you a little more about my husband. He has been cuckolded for over 30 years. He actually has not fucked in that time. I do jerk him off every couple of weeks and fill him in on some of what I have done. I keep a lot to myself figuring he doesn’t need to know. His cock really is that small. 2 inches hard at best. It really is a lady clit. But he can shoot a long way when I play with it. I also love the fact that he has man tits. Would love it if I could get them to...
Spinning to face him, she saw a tall muscular man in black pants, T-shirt and ball cap. Before she can react there is a pop from the device in his hand and her world explodes as the taser darts strike her in the ribs, delivering 10.00 volts. She collapses to the garage floor, twitching but unable to move a muscle on her own. The man quickly roles her over and cuffs her hands behind her back. Then he shoves a ball gag in her mouth and buckles it tightly. In less than two minute Madeliene is...
“So finally you are moving from here right?” Kamala asked me with a dull voice. Yes, dear, our visa got approved and Vimal wants me and kids to join him as soon as possible. “hmmm” Kamala sighed a deep breath and said. “But I will miss you dear badly”. I bowed my head down and murmur “me too”. Kamala took my hand and kissed my fingers and told me Swathi let me close the main door and come. I just nodded my head. My body got heated up quickly I know what is going to happen. I can feel a strange...
LesbianHi all, this is a collaborative story I wrote with my friend Perspikay! If you like it and wanna read more work like it, check out her DA at --- Going Native By Coral and Perspikay The room was charged with joviality as the guests mingled and mixed with each other, cocktail glasses clenched tightly as the champagne popped and flowed, the dulcet sound of the harpist playing a lullaby to the museum's newest acquisition. But even as the bodies...
Vanessa's Secret Part one By Jason Morgan A beautiful young woman is abused by her cruel master. She is hoping to soon win her freedom when a caring young man enters her life and hopes he can win her heart and help her get her freedom. The young woman does her best to hide her past and a dark secret that could shatter all everything for her. Part 1 Hey Miss Priss, our drinks are getting hot and they are hungry, Get some sandwiches too, get your swishy ass in here!" A harsh...
Karen My best friend’s sister I had always had a crush on Karen and was always trying to get a look down her shirt or up her short skirt when I was over at Bill’s house. I was 15 years old when I first meet her and from that day on I knew that one day I would see her naked body and hopeful get to use my man hood on her. Karen was 4 years older than me , but always treated me like I was special , She was so bubbly and smiled all the time . She would hug me whenever she saw me and I was always...
[comic] Helped her with “HOMEWORK”Okay so this is going to be my re-telling of when 2 high-school students , I won’t name names, in Upstate New York (I won’t put the High-School on blast either, because that would just be bad form)But anyways, yeah, I was about 15-16 years old. This must’ve been back in Summer 2005-2006 if I recall correctly.I was a Junior in High-School and really had no experience to speak of in the ways love, romance, women, sex, girls, anything like that.Little did I...
Not Like Loving You! By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Now and again a particular song will suddenly grab my attention and just will not let go again. One morning recently I heard Nell Bryden’s ‘Not Like Loving You’ on the radio. I had heard the song before, but that day it just got to me. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do anything until I’d tried to write a short story around it. I hope I’ve done it, although I have had to take a few small liberties with the lyrics. However, anyone who...
You wake up to the sound of your buzzing alarm clock. After missing the mark a few times you eventually manage to hit the snooze button. Pulling your blankets tighter around yourself you let out a big yawn and try to fall back asleep but, before you can you hear the doorbell ring. You try to ignore it but they just keep ringing over and over again. Pulling your pillow over your head muffles the sound some but not enough to keep you from hearing the unknown guest begin to pound on the front...
Tina Marshall arrived home from school early as the cheer leading instructor had become ill. A friend had dropped her off so she wouldn't have to wait to take the school bus. She unlocked the front door quietly because her father, an architect, worked out of their home most of the time and she didn't want to disturb him. She loved her dad, Brad, and after her mother passed away from cancer when she was 12, they became more than father and daughter, they became best friends. They...
Incest“You are about to play a major part in the coronation of a God!” Those words out of the mouth of the man I considered a close friend and a mentor, while he was looming over my fallen best friend, made me reel back in shock. I still couldn’t process the fact that the traitor in the council was none than Frost. That the man who was supposed to be one of the guardians of Untethered on this planet was the one who had stabbed the entire group in its back. I don’t know what came over me but...
It started when I was thirteen years old. I was at the drive in movies with my parents and I'd gone to use the bathrooms. On the way back to our car I was passing by a car and I heard, "Oh yeah baby, fuck me with your cock," and I peeked in the window and saw a guy fucking a girl in the backseat and I stayed and watched until the girl looked up and saw me and then I ran back to our car. Two weeks later my parents took me to the movies again and I left the car on the pretext of going to the...
Company Christmas parties were becoming notorious for strange hookups. Our parties had the open bar plus we weren't allowed to bring guests. That would always make for the best stories afterward; seeing the married guy making out with the chick from Promo made the evening much better. Certainly there was never a dull moment.I happened to leave the office early and was rocking a serious golf hat with a sweet button-up vest. All I needed was a bow-tie and some fake glasses and I would have been...
Straight SexWe’ve all seen them, the quiet girls in the corner with the glasses and big sweaters. You might not give them a second look, but that would be a mistake because what’s underneath is a sex kitten just waiting to get out. Such is the case with 21 year old Rachel, a self proclaimed nerdy girl who’s eager to please and get laid. Almost a virgin, she’s only been with two guys before and TC would be her third. That’s a pretty big leap to take, shooting a video with a...
xmoviesforyouHi This is Shekhar from Mumbai nice to meet you, meri age 20,height 5.8,mujhe sola sal ki umar se sex karane ka moka mila he,isilye penis(land or lavada) 8inch or 2.5 inch mota he, ye bat tab ki he jab me meri collage teacher ko pichale 5 year se chod raha hu,uanke saheliyo ke sath group sex bhi kiya he,aaj me aapko mere teacher ki beti ke sath mene kaise sex kiya ye batane ja raha hu. Mere 11th se miss ke sath sex ke relation he mene usaki story bhi publish ki he, unki badi beti out of country...
My wife, Linda, loves to flirt with other men. She flirted with other men while we dated and she flirts with other men to this day. She even flirted with a guy at our wedding. I was impressed with how masterfully Linda could draw a man, any man, into her sphere. I enjoyed watching so much that we would sometimes have her act as if she were alone in a bar just so I could watch the guys come on to her. The closer she allowed a guy to get, the more excited I became. Once, Linda allowed a guy to...
Danica spent most of the remainder of the week in her lab. She delved into her library, testing spells she knew, learning new ones from various volumes, and carefully comparing their effects. Her every thought turned toward determining what magic would best suit the item she wished to create. The research for this item followed a very similar path to the last one, so she was able to use much of what she had done previously to her advantage. She felt prepared to begin at the end of the...
It was a hot and muggy day that Steve, my husband, and I arrived at our friends’ house. I really looked forward to our visits with Joyce and John on their delightful private island in the bay, but the boat trip was always long and, today, it was particularly hot. Joyce, a gorgeous lady in anyone’s book, greeted us. John was off somewhere doing some chores. The welcome was reserved, almost cool, I thought, but it helped to offset the rowdy greeting we received from Jake and Fluff,...
Hi, this is Ajit, welcome all to the next part of my story. I hope you liked previous parts. So, without wasting anytime, I will directly enter into this one. Manali do ghante bad nind se uthi. Rahul apne room mein chupchap baitha tha. Dono mein koi baat nahi hui. Manali sirf apne formalities poori kar rahe thi jaise Rahul ko chai dena, davaai dena etc. Par ek lafz bhi usne nahi kahe Rahul ke sath. Maine tab ghar lautne ka faisla kiya. Par ghar laut kar mujhe karna kya chahiye yeh samajh mein...