Adventures Of A Greenie: Off Planet (Vol 2)Chapter 6: The Brick free porn video

Siebzehfie, a high ranking Wizard in the Ministry of Information just finished consuming a detailed intelligence report and then looked up and noticed a new participant just taking a seat at the perfectly round, white table at the top of the Ministry of Information tower.
There was a shocked hushed silence because it was the Supreme Wizard himself. No one knew how to react, this was unprecedented.
The Supreme leader of all Kermac was accompanied by two other Kermac. The one to his right was Viesienul, the High Wizard of the Ministry of Control and the one of the left, the personal assistant The Supreme Wizard stopped everyone with a resolute gesture.”No one gets up, don’t change your topics. I am here to hear the truth, no matter how painful it might be.”
Still, no one dared to speak.
The Supreme Wizard motioned to the High Wizard of the MOC. “This is the third High Wizard of the Ministry of Control since former High Wizard Einzfunine. For the last six-hundred cycles, we gave the MOC too much power. Mostly due to the fact, that my predecessors rose from the ranks od the Ministry of Control. He stapled his fingers. “Restrain yourself from Formspeak, disregard your urge to paint conditions in a favorable way. I am here to hear the truth and not self-serving propaganda.”
He looked around the circle. “We are at war due to a serious of horrendous blunders.” He waved towards Siebzehfie. “I will not fault you for speaking the truth, but I will do so if you hold back.”
The wizard of information said.”Most powerful and most wise, light of...”
The Supreme Wizard interrupted with an angry snarl.”No Foemn Speak! I have banished the Wizard of Culture and art from the circle. We are at war, and I will not be the last Supreme Wizard of the Kermac.”
The Supreme Wizard only recently climbed onto the central seat. He adopted the Wizard name Zwhehzwheneu. His choice suggested that his roots could be traced to the Ker of the Zweh islands, a now mystical place on the long-abandoned homeworld of Koken. Officially Kermac did not pay attention to legends, myths, and fairy tales, but no civilization of such great age could eliminate or suppress all such legends. That particular legend claimed that it was the Zweh island, where the old Uni made contact with the Ker first. The same legend claimed that it was there when the Ker received psionic powers. All this legend and mythology aside, anyone claiming to be associated with the Zweh islands was certainly of the oldest and most important heritage.
The spread of rumors was much more difficult in the Kermac society than others. The core reason was, of course, the ever-present threat of an accusation of improper or downright forbidden thoughts and a denunciation by a Thought Police officer. In a society where everyone was a formidable telepath, this was a very real danger. While Kermac law allowed the use of mind shields, for about 500 years now, only Ministry of Control approved mind shields were permitted. Everyone knew, of course, those official shields could be turned off by a Thought Police officer, without the knowledge of the shield user. Because of this, there was a black market for Saresii and Terran Mind shields. Impenetrable and immune to external remote control commands, of course highly illegal.
All this hampered the spread of rumors, but it did not completely suppress the spread of such rumors. Due to the risk involved, Kermac rumors tended to be based on facts. No one risked a Mindswipe for something trivial.
It was common that a new Supreme Wizard rose from the ranks of one of the Ministries. From the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Control or Information. The MOC aggressively maintaining a firm grip over this all-powerful position for a very long time.
It was rare but not unprecedented that a new Supreme Wizard rose from other groups within Kermac society. It appeared that no one official was really able to say from where Zwhehzwheneu came from. The Inner circle of Hig Wizards knew for sure, but it was not revealed.
The rumor claimed Zwhehzwheneu, came from the ranks of the Thought Police itself.
All this went through Siebzehfie’s mind as he could not suppress his fearful reaction of goosebumps and a tight throat.”Yes, Supreme Wizard. I bow to your unrivaled wisdom and power.”
Zwhehzwheneu sighed openly.”And yet you still adhere to Form Speak and yet you do not speak your mind. I believe that is the real reason for our demise and potential doom.” The Supreme Wizard leaned forward.”Let me share then what I know.”
All eyes were on the Supreme Wizard.
“The Ministry of Information spend many decades, tons of Polonium and operated with great patience and subtle advances to restore our intelligence foothold within that cursed enemy of ours, the Union. When the Peace Hawks and our influence over the Assembly were revealed, everyone believed this to be the end of our Intel operations. Yet the MOI picked up the shards of that shattered operation. It took many hundred years to rebuild what was lost, culminating in placing a mole of ours in their highest office. The president of the Union, Pandar Strong was our best asset.”
The Kermac around the table listened to the Supreme Wizard, most of them could not believe what they heard. A Supreme Wizard well informed about these things was indeed as rare as a weaponless Terran.
Zwhehzwheneu kept speaking.”A Slidebelt service company with offices on many Union planets was the perfect cover for many of our subtle operations. Yet the impatient and self-important idiots of the Ministry of Control did not want a MOI success. Hearing about a buried Seenian ship from the First Age of Knowledge, complete with Translocator technology was the trigger and the MOC took over. They diverted resources and eventually exposed priceless contacts and assets. Culminating in a declaration of war by the Union after it all was exposed.”
Everyone nodded and still no one spoke.
Zwhehzwheneu motioned towards Siebzehfie once again.”As I understand, the MOI was trying to prevent the Wurgus from joining the Union.”
The High Wizard of the Ministry of Control, who had arrived with the Supreme Wizard had the least inhibition.”Everyone knows, the MOI always had weak leadership. The potential acquisition of Translocator canons via an old Seenian ship was certainly worth the risks.”
Another wizard slowly shook his head.”Perhaps I am dooming myself, but I will say it. The foolishness and self-serving attitude of the MOC went too far for too long. Impatience is the biggest problem. We had assets on Green Hell and the Union had no clue, it may have taken a decade longer but without exposing and losing our most valuable assets.”
The Wizard was talking himself in a rage.”Do you know how long we worked on the assassination plot of the Wurgus and the Klack? Preventing Wurgus Union membership is perhaps just as vital as gaining the knowledge to Translocator technology.”
The Supreme Wizard agreed.”You did not doom yourself, you are now a High Wizard. What of the Wurgus. Tell me more, this is indeed vital.”
“The Wurgus assassination on a civilian ship was prevented by a Green Hell teenager named Roy Masters. Our sources confirm that Patriarch Sensitu of the Morlga Wurgus himself handed Lontghk Token to this Teenager and insisted on that human boy to be at the planned conference. This is the same young human the Ministry of Control wanted as a guide to lead them through jungles of Green Hell.”
This, for Kermac so unusual open exchange of thoughts encouraged another Wizard of the MOI to point his finger towards the Wizard of the MOC.”These fools, a human teenager forced to assist was unnecessary at best. We had an asset in Green Hell, an old Saresii and former Union Science Corps researcher lived for years on Green Hell. It was her who found the log file of that old Seenian ship. She would have been a much more reliable guide with intimate local knowledge. She and the Slidebelt company were long-established resources. We could have searched for that ship unnoticed by Union authorities and extracted the Translocator technology. Even shipped it off-planet completely undetected. The Union had no idea the Seenian shipwreck existed.”
He crossed his arms.”The idiotic leaders of the MOC detested the idea of a successful MOI operation. They took over with the full blessings of your predecessor. They issued threats and were inexperienced and impatient. Destroying everything we built over centuries.”
The Supreme Wizard stared at the Wizard of the MOC. “Even if the MOI had weak leadership as you accuse them, they certainly did not have self-serving fools as leaders. The acquisition of Translocator technology is important indeed, and it eludes our engineers and scientists for centuries. But we were at peace and they never attack first, so what difference would another decade or two have made? I am consuming the reports of these operations for the last three weeks at great detail. To me, the MOI approach was sound and more successful than anything the MOC did in the last 2000 cycles. Since you feel that getting dragged into a war before we were ready is an acceptable risk. I think your services at the MOC are no longer required. You are to report to the High Wizard of the Military and take command of the Larkami garrison. You are encouraged to take the entire lead staff of your former posting along.”
“Mighty, all-powerful Supreme Wizard. Light of the Kermac and achiever of the Purest White ever seen. Reconsider that perhaps hasty decision. The Larkami are obnoxious and difficult to rule. They might be the next target of a Union attack.”
“If I reconsider, the alternative is your execution and mind wipes across the MOC leadership.”
The Supreme Wizard no longer paid attention to the former MOC wizard and turned his attention back to Siebzehfie. “How did the Union fleet react so fast? I read the reports, our battleships did commence a landing operation on Green Hell while the Union president manipulated the Admiral of the Fleet like a puppet. Union military was supposed to stay away by order of McElligott.”
“That boy, Roy Masters was also accidentally present when our assassins tried to kill the Klack delegation. He was involved somehow and Colonel Cara Halvagh took him under her wings. She is a powerful Psionic talent of the PSI Corps. Either she or that immortal detective investigating the MOC action on a Union prison colony were able to contact the Immortal Warrior. We all know that he neither dances to the tunes of the Admiral of the Fleet, nor can he be fooled. Kermac Supremacy knows how many times we tried.”
The Supreme Wizard nodded. “This is a fact indeed. However, we must prevent the Wurgus from joining the Union at all cost. I let you, the Ministry of Information take the lead and do whatever you must to keep these Sun Engineers from adding their considerable tech-expertise to the Union. Can you imagine what will happen, if Terrans get hold of Wurgus technology?”
That caused a collective shiver and Siebzehfie said. “Improved Sun Bombs, Weaponized Wurgus Terraforming tools and every Wurgus idea turned into a weapon.”
Zwhehzwheneu got up.”The key to this seems to be that human, Roy Masters.”
“I concur and we will try to stop him from being present at that planned meeting.”
The big man swiped a red kerchief across his brow, then stepped back to check his handiwork. Almost all the damage of the Kermac attack had disappeared. The jungles had swallowed whatever hardware the attacker has brought to the surface. Sam had rebuilt the blockhouse and putting the last touches to the decking under the very warm sun and the high moisture of the sweltering jungle air had him sweat, even though he lived here now for almost 20 years.
Most were back to how it had been, most bout not everything. He did not rebuilt the fence and removed what had remained. The beautiful mysterious guardian of this world told hium, fences were no longer needed, not even an Arrow Wasp had since then crossed that former fence line.
There not far from the house right between the cultivated bushes of Hellberries hunkered the bulging shape of a genuine full-grown Stomper. Using one of his many dextrous tentacles to lazily snatch Hellberries and eat them. Sam was certain this was the first lazy and now somewhat obese Stomper on the planet.
The dangerous lifeform, all six of its legs spread dozing, apparently enjoying the sun. Sam had named the Stomper, Tank.
Charles the robot, a genuine Cereberus robot nearby, pulled weeds from between the bushes. Neither the compacted Ultronit of its armor nor the flexible memory metal of its hands was affected by the deadly nettle stingers of the Blister-Creepers, a though plant with long creeping vines covered with needles sharp hollow stingers loaded with deadly poison.
Blister-Creepers were a common ground covering plant, found all over the planet covering jungles of Green Hell, but here between the neat rows of Nightmare Nettle bushes and on the fields of the only farm of the planet, they were taking water and nutritions away from the Nettle bushes.
Nothing in the universe was more patient and thorough than a robot, but Sam was certain, this was the only Cerberus in existence engaged in such a task.
That this Union battle robot was unlike any other was revealed by the fact, that Charles wore a wide-brimmed sun hat.
Sam put the hammer he had just used in his toolbox and shook his head.”A hat? Why are you wearing a hat? You aren’t affected by sunlight for sure.”
“One observed visuals about farmers and historical documentaries about humans engaging in the delightful activity known as Horticulture or gardening.”
“Delightful? Don’t tell me a genuine Cerberus battle robot enjoys this backbreaking work?”
“One does not have a back that can be broken. As I mentioned to my master Roy, logic determines that such work is far less dangerous to a robot than being sent into battle, deemed too dangerous for live beings. So this unit prefers household chores.”
Sam grinned.”You miss that boy, don’t you?”
The machines optical sensors glowed a little brighter. “One has dedicated much sub-processing space to Roy.”
“Quit that business calling yourself ‘one’. I know you are sentient and not a mere Cerberus. We are alone anyway.”
“There is nothing mere about a Cerberus, and we are not alone.”
Sam turned and watched a D-20 land right at the former fence line. A man in an all-black uniform, polished boots stomped down the rear boarding ramp a few moments later.
There were less than a handful of people that would expose themselves to the nature of Green Hell, yet Sam doubted that Quara, the mysterious entity, and guardian of Green Hell would have harmed this man. Besides no matter how dangerous Green Hell was, the man that approached him had set foot on every dangerous place known.Legend had it that he was the very first, even before his Marines to set foot on Green Hell, many years back.
Sam did not even notice that he snapped into attention. Not much fazed Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, former Marine, but he got goosebumps across his back, a deep sense of pride and unshakeable loyalty, as he watched the Eternal Warrior carefully stepping around Lockjaw the centipede.
The man approached, saluted Sam and nodded towards the robot.”At ease, Mr. Brown. You are out of uniform and I am not here on official business.”
“Admiral Stahl, Sir. What an honor! I wish you would be here on official business. I tried eight times to re-enlist, but those bastards at personnel claim that I exceeded the number of times and that I am retired.”
“I have a word with those pencil necks. However I came to quarry your expertise as a RaVE man though.”
Sam gestured to the house.”Sir, may I invite you inside? It will be a more comfortable place to talk.
The Immortal Admiral agreed.”A glass of that delicious Hell-Ade will be welcome.” The Admiral looked towards Charles. “Seems the Cerb-techs have fixed you good, anything amiss?”
The robot managed to sound both proud and surprised.”One is amazed to be remembered, and yes Sir, one is fully restored.”
“It wasn’t all that long ago we met last time. I told you I never forget those who fought alongside me. Silicone and Ultronit or flesh and blood.”
Ten minutes later the Immortal admiral sat in a chair across Sam an on the porch of Sam’s house. Stahl just drained the better half of an enormous glass of iced Hell-ade. He praised its crisp taste and Sam promised to send a few cases to the Devi.
Then the Admiral came to the reason for his unexpected visit.”Mr.Brown, I understand that you served as a RAvE man after you retired from the corps?”
“I did, Sir,”
“We have a mutual friend, the boy Roy Masters. You and Roy are friends, right?”
“More than that, Sir. I am his legal guardian since his parents died. I love that boy like my own son.
The admiral nodded slowly. “I met him recently at Belle Station. He basically saved much of the Union and prevented a catastrophe of tremendous consequences.”
Sam blinked.”He did?”
“I tell you about it in detail later. You might not know that Martha Masters, his mother was friends with the Bellebee. One of the oldest Bellebee, Moke-Die is particular fond of Martha Masters.”
Sam knew very little about the Bellebee or what Martha Masters did before she came to Green Hell, but he was sure the Eternal Warrior did not mention that without a reason so he simply kept listening.
Stahl took another sip and then continued.”The Bellebee never forget a thing and they are as good as a Computronic to analyze data, but add the qualities of living beings to that skill. Moke-Die has dedicated himself to the Masters family and did a lot of research. He is also a Rear Admiral in the Union Fleet and attached to Special Incident Investigations. Moke-Die met with Roy and they talked.”
Stahl put down his glass. “The Bellebee admiral believes that Roy’s parents are alive. This assumption goes along with several strange dreams Roy had. In those dreams, he identified members of the Zengh-He crew by name and saw his parents kept as slaves.”
Sam got a dry mouth even though he just had a drink of Hellade.”I pack my things and get right to it.”
Stahl smiled with his eyes only.”You see, I believe the case Moke-Die made, and I want to help Roy but fleet can not reach into Freespace, RAvE can. I was hoping for your reaction.”
It was not even the end of the eight-year divider when Ma Swanson noticed the truly massive black man walk through the doors and into the main salesroom of Ma Swanson’s boathouse. She yelled to the back.”Clarion, check that damn terminal for the date.”
A cranky voice responded.”What a stupid thing to ask. It’s 10thDay, Blue Week.”
“Sam Brown just walked in.”
Sam approached the sales counter, flashing his snow-white teeth in a wide grin.”No need to confuse old Clarion, Margit. I came to get a few extra energy cells and let you know that I will be off-planet for a while.”
Ma Swanson put a pack of Energy Cells on the counter while she watched the robot that came in the store after Sam.”I never saw a robot browsing around.”
Sam said.”This is Charles.”
“Oh, of course, Roy told us about that Cerberus.”
Clarion handed Sam a letter.”This came via Union Post for you.”
While Sam read Roy’s message, Charles the robot approached the sales counter. “One wants to inquire about that H&K Raketengewehr, can it be purchased?”
Ma Swanson scratched her chin.”Yes, everything in here is for sale, but why would a Cerberus need a weapon? Aren’t you a walking arsenal?”

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