Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 16
- 2 years ago
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We caught Kelley in mid-sandwich when we got home. "I've been eating all day", she complained, "and I'm still starving! I think I've grown at least an inch though, and I had to change clothes twice. Finally, I just put this on."
She was wearing one of my flannel shirts, and it looked good on her. I never filled the front of it out the way she did, that's for sure. It looked like her hips were wider, too. She looked great!
She finished off her snack, and asked "Since we have all the elements covered, shouldn't we be doing something productive with what we know?"
The others seemed ready to agree, but I sure wasn't. "No, ladies. Absolutely not! We don't know enough about what we'd be facing yet. Besides that, we need to work as a team. We haven't even practiced that. Add to that that I've just barely scratched the surface of what I might be able to do, and it's a bad idea. Denise and I have already lost our parents to magic users, and I'll be damned if I'll lose any of you. We start when we're ready, and not one minute sooner. Heck, we can't even practice right until the house is done. OK?"
I expected protests, but was surprised when they agreed with me. Before I could question them, the subject of the bed came up. Four had been cozy, and five had been a little snug. Six had filled it to overflowing. Denise had slept on top of me last night. I had enjoyed it, but she complained that I was 'too lumpy'. It gave me an idea, and while the rest of the family finished breakfast, I gave it a try. It kind of surprised me when it turned out to be as easier than I thought.
The look on Kelley's face when we got home from school let me know she had seen it. She didn't let the secret out, though. It didn't take long for everyone to find out. We went upstairs to change out of our school clothes, and I followed the girls into the room. It was kind of funny, really. They didn't even notice, at first. It was Bernie who finally saw the difference.
She looked at Kelley first, and got a subtle 'no', along with a nod in my direction. Bernie just looked at me and remarked "Already making room for more, studley? Aren't we enough for you?"
The rest of them caught on after that, but I made myself resist their pleas to try the 'new and improved' version out. I was kind of proud of it, actually. They didn't know all the tricks our new bed would perform. It only looked like it had grown two feet on each side, but there was more. If the spell worked as I believed it would, it was now self expanding. For each new occupant, it would grow wider by an additional three feet. I kept that little detail to myself.
Kelley's transformation took almost two weeks, but the changes from day to day seemed dramatic. It was like being with a different girl every time we were together while it was going on. As soon as it was complete, we got the papers filed. We didn't only need to travel to the county courthouse though. It also involved a trip to the state capitol. Pierre was a fairly long drive, but everyone wanted to go. We made the trip in May, and it took three days. Everything went smoothly, and Kelley began her new life. The longest process was applying for her Social Security card. Government never was known for its speed. Still, by June she was all set. That included her driver's license, and a new dune buggy.
The weather had warmed up considerably, and we began to ride a lot more. Most of our trips were to the new place. Dad had a gravel road put in between the houses, but we seldom took anything with wheels. That only happened when there wasn't much time. We made the move just after school ended.
The move was pretty simple, since the only thing it involved was some clothes. The real work started after that. I wasn't consulted on all of the other things we needed, just drafted to help move them when they got to the house. That wasn't as hard as it might sound. We had all gotten pretty good at levitation and Teleportation. I did the same trick with the king sized bed that I had done with the old one.
Our summer vacation was busy. We made good on our promise to Charlie, at the reservation. I had increased my ability at healing by quite a bit, but I'd never be in Bernie's league. The state of the people's health on the reservation was bad enough, but what really pissed us off was the economic condition in the area. Jobs were hard enough to find where we lived. Here there simply weren't any at all. They had a lot of problems, but it seemed that this was the root cause of most of them.
The main occupation seemed to be agriculture, and it didn't provide much in the way of employment. There didn't seem to be a solution, that we could see. Even if an industry could be started there, it was so out of the way that transportation would prevent it from being profitable. Bringing in raw material and shipping the finished product would simply cost too much. Even magic couldn't cure everything.
What we could do, was improve on what little they already had. Raising crops was a chancy thing on the reservation. The soil wasn't very good, and the weather was often uncooperative. It took most of the summer, but things should be better now. The soil was richer, and would continue to improve until it reached a set level of nutrients. Water was a bit more involved than playing with rainfall. There were just too many things that could go wrong with weather magic.
For starters, there was only so much water vapor in the atmosphere. If it is directed to one location, that means another will be drier. Making others suffer for the benefit of the tribe wasn't acceptable, so another solution was attempted.
Locating the underground water was a snap, but it was three hundred feet down. Getting to it wasn't the problem. Making it look like something non-magical was. We chose a simple solution, and dug wells wherever they were needed. They would be driven by wind power, and should pass the test.
All of that could've been done much faster than it was, but we were still in hiding. Everything we did, was done with as much shielding and secrecy as we could manage. Soil enrichment was the hardest thing to do undercover, and would take the longest to get done. Moving minerals around in the ground was hard to hide, and was only partially successful. The solution wasn't elegant, but should work.
Manure is good fertilizer, but there wasn't that much livestock on the land the tribe had. We did a little manipulating on the ranch, so an easy supply could be had. I won't tell you how hard it is to get a stupid cow to crap in the same place every time, but it took a while. The results would be hauled from our place and tilled in.
We did a lot of work on the equipment, too. Much of it was pretty run-down, and all of it was old. When we finished, it still looked old, but ran like new. If we hadn't done anything else, at least they wouldn't be going hungry. It would take a lot of work on their part, but they'd be much better off. In a couple of years, they could even start selling the surplus.
We would have done much more, but letting our secret out could prove too costly. We didn't get a chance to dwell on the negatives, though. Charlie made good on his promise to us, as well. When we left for home, I had five wives. At least in the eyes of the tribe, I did.
Finishing the house took the rest of the summer. Bernie and Ann did most of the hard stuff, and the rest of us helped when we could. When it was finally done, the underground portion was our favorite part of the house. The huge heated (thanks to Kelley, Ann, and Bernie) pool was unbelievable.
We had been practicing every day, except for the time we spent on the reservation. All of us seemed to be getting stronger each of those days, but there were limits on what we could try. The sheer destructiveness of some of the spells ruled them out. We had nowhere else to practice, and didn't want to destroy our new home.
Things like earthquakes, firestorms, floods, and such, had to be scaled back dramatically. Denise and I did get to practice lightning, but we waited for a convenient thunderstorm to mask it. Lightning on a clear day could attract unwanted attention, even as far out of the way as we were.
I met a new friend in August. I walked out the front door one day, and there he was. I had never seen a wolf that large before. He introduced himself, but said he didn't have a name. That was left to me. Since he was the color of smoke, I used my imagination. Smokey seemed pleased enough with it, so that was good enough for me. The figure on my amulet could've been a photograph of him, it was that close.
Within a week, we had a small menagerie. A huge hawk showed up for Denise, with an owl and a kingfisher. They came for Cheryl and Ann, respectively. The next appearance was a wolverine, for Bernie. Kelly's salamander was the last to make an appearance. All of the creatures were unique specimens of their breed. Besides being comparatively huge, they seemed to have some talents of their own. I just about shit, when Aggie (short for Agamemnon, Kelly's salamander, changed into a dragon!
Size, shape, and invisibility, were the major talents the creatures possessed. Even those were somewhat limited. Shape was restricted to one other creature. In Smokey's case, that was a creature I wouldn't want to meet in the dark. He said it was a Hellhound. It seemed like I had heard that word somewhere, so I looked it up in the library the next time we went to town. I found references to it, along with some pictures. None of them were as scary as Smokey.
We could really practice now. I couldn't imagine any shields stronger than the ones we had. It was a good thing, too. We had reached the point where we could tap power almost anywhere, but it was so strong at our place it was dangerous. We had to be careful how much we used, to keep from blowing our house up. We managed to singe it a few times, anyway.
Cheryl was the one who voiced it, but we had all been worried. Everything we had learned, came from the books we had. Our enemy probably had either the same books, or ones a lot like them. He would probably have a lot more people than us, too. If we stuck to the books, we had no chance at all of winning. It was a scary thought.
That's when we started experimenting. First, it was learning the proper counter to every spell in the books. Memorizing those took a long time. Still, it wouldn't be enough. We had nothing to lose, so we started inventing other spells, as well as getting creative.
That's where a lot of the minor damage came from, but we learned a lot of useful things. Our companions helped quite a bit, too. We had security besides the shields. There were wolves, cougars, birds, and probably half of the other animals in the forest keeping watch for us. The only time we really felt vulnerable, is when we left the place.
Harold: "They're hiding! The bastards must have discovered how to shield their magic. This will make it difficult, but not impossible. I doubt they are knowledgeable enough to avoid leaks. The perimeter shall be tightened until we detect them. It's only a matter of time.
I wasn't looking forward to football as much as I had last year. There were so many things to do! We barely had time to go riding once in a while as it was. School would be bad enough. Everyone's practice time would be cut in half, but it would be worse for me. I'd just have to make do, I guess.
At least the worry of what would happen to our place while Ann, Denise, and I were in college was taken care of. Bernie, Cheryl, and Kelly didn't want to go. They would stay on our ranch, and tend to things. We would visit every chance we got, and since we planned on having a plane and knowing how to fly it, that would be fairly often.
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Luckily for Sam, out of all the wizards, there was one who was skilled at telekinesis (TK). This one he asked to hang around. Sam dismissed the wizards and asked Agar, "Wizard Agar, nobody had mentioned where I'm to spend the night. Do you happen to know where that would be?" "Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention it. Your quarters will be situated next to Princess Olena's apartment. She asked for you to be placed there, if you don't mind." "Great! Thank you. Now, I need to find a place to...
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"Well, a part of my plan depends on how long it would take to construct a brizium suit." Agar thought for a moment and said, "There is no way that such a suit could be fabricated by using magic. It would have to be made as chain mail by hand, one link at a time. Even with several skilled armorers working on it, it would take several weeks, I think." "OK, I've had another brain storm. Can you have Teekay meet us in your laboratory? I want to try an experiment with that brizium cage you...
Introduction: NOT porn! Wizard of Oz part 1- Original fic by MISTER BIG T This is a rather darker approach on the storyline of the Wizard of the Oz, a classic story. Warning, this has reference to child abuse and beating. Dorothy walked down the alleys. The snow had begun melting and the water was forming small rivers that danced towards the sewers. She pulled her coat closer, she was getting colder. But she was afraid to return to home, afraid to face her mother. ...
Jelka's roots were in Croatia, when the war between Serbia and Croatia broke out, her parents sent her as a teenager to Australia in care of her aunt Christina. Both her parents died leaving her an orphan. She grew up learning business management in her aunt's clothing store, as time progressed they opened a boutique as well. Aunt Christina smiled at me with a look of amusement when we told her of our relationship. "I don't think he's after your money Yelly, (her nickname for Jelka)...
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This is a rather darker approach on the storyline of the Wizard of the Oz, a classic story. Warning, this has reference to child abuse and beating. Dorothy walked down the alleys. The snow had begun melting and the water was forming small rivers that danced towards the sewers. She pulled her coat closer; she was getting colder. But she was afraid to return to home, afraid to face her...
The ladies of the wizarding world are finding themselves naked and embarrassed, sometimes in very public places, most times with a magical twist. They could be naked as a result of a magical object, spell, by the actions of an enemy, or even by their own hand! Though the title implies, it is not strictly ENF, confident nude girls and exhibitionists are also welcome! All characters in this story are 18 or above.
Two weeks later, Jayne was setting up residence next door. Taffy, still sad at the loss of Ted, was glad for the company. Jayne had the twins and Taffy, plus getting re-established to take her mind off Ted's death. The union lawyers were mounting a case for a large compensation package. Life was returning to some semblance of normalcy. The babies were thriving and Taff was fully into 'mother mode'. Between her and Jayne, they would have to be the most well cared for kids in the...
Herc was so pleased at the results of the first raid that he wanted to try a second one the following night. He hoped to wear down the mercenaries before they even reached Alieria. This time, though, he decided on a little variety. Herc felt that the walking fire was the appropriate form of attack this time. He took Teekay along as a kind of insurance, but was sure that he wouldn't be needed. This time, the fire illusionists were left home, and only the firebrands went on the raid. The...
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The alarm clock ringing brought me to a fuzzy awareness. "Good morning sweetheart." Argh, bad breath. "'Morning Taff, don't want to be rude but ... morning breath love." "Sorry, got a bit of a tooth ache and my mouth tastes like the bottom of a bird cage." "Hope it's not too painful." "Nah, I'll take a few Panadol with breakfast, should do the trick." Later in the day I could see the tooth was giving her problems and suggested she see a dentist. "It's getting worse...
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Mum, Aunty Mary, Taff and I travelled over to meet Taffy's folk. I was glad to get out off the car, by the time we reached their home, between 'girl' talk and not too subtle comments about our age difference, I was just about ready to explode. After introductions, Ted gave me the wink and suggested we let the women do their secret business while we men folk discussed the merits of a few different brands of beer, an Aussie tradition deeply seated in the male psyche. Finally, all the...
"Why are there no roads in this forest? This trail will ruin my shoes! And will this stupid mountain go up forever?" Joanna Styrgon, the auburn haired 40 year old president of aspiring Styrgon Industries, had complained for the last half hour at least. Removing the thousandth twig from her furred coat she glared at her lone company, her 23 year old personal assistant George Mason, who had, of course, no part in his boss's choice of designer shoes or the lack of infrastructure on this...
One day after school Holidae wasn't going to do her homework right away she diecided to go on the internet and play on facebook. The next day was her graduation day before she went off to college. Holidae didn't know what kind of college she wanted to go to. More then ever she found a college that she liked but it was on a different planet billions of light years away. Her parents didn't go to her gradutation because they where to busy working on a project for a big labatory that they...
We drove straight to Zales so Bobby and I both could add to our collection of gifts we had started. Rico and Luis had one more gift to buy also. As the boys looked through all the earrings, bracelets and anklets, I knew they were way over priced for their budget. I saw another ring set that perfectly matched the first three I had. They had two more there beside it. I asked if I’d get a discount if I bought all three. She looked at me funny and told me yes. I never even asked how much, I...
The business lady whispers to St Peter. He nods and winks. She smiles, steps through the Pearly Gates. On the other side a ballerina prances around happily. An old man whispers to the other old man. He walks through and emerges a happy, skipping little boy with a kite. A kid walks through and finds a dog. A sobbing wife is greeted by a beaming man. Then it's my turn at the pulpit, and I stutter into the halo. He winks knowingly and beckons. Pigtails bouncing, the hem of a...
So lets start off with the basics, shall we. i am highly attracted to my friends mom Jennifer. She is 45, kinda large, bog sexy love handles, a gorgeous phat ass, and lush, big breasts. lets cut the pleasantries and get straight to my story. I was over at my friends house one day. we were hanging out watching TV. His mom just walked in with a carton of ice cream, and was picking the remiaining morsales out of the bottom with her finger. She sat down in the computer chair, and logged into her...
I was having a shower, a nice hot shower where the water hits you with jets if burning liquid, tingling all over. I turned down the heat, unscrewed the shower spray head, leaving just the rubber pipe, and pushed it between my arse cheeks and felt the pressure of the water on my hole. I relaxed my muscles until I was able to push the tube inside my arse hole, and felt the water fill up my bowels. I could feel the water gurgling up into my stomach, and knew it was time to stop. I had about a...
Ein ?berfall -> Diese Geschichte handelt ein bisschen ?ber mich den ich mir bei meinem Job als Kopfkino ?berlegt hatte! Wenn m?glich bitte nur konstruktive Kritik :) Und wer Fehler findet, darf sie behalten || Es war wieder mal einer dieser Tage die jeder kennt (und eigentlich auch liebt) ein sch?ner Fr?hlingstag mit 24?C und einem lauen L?ftchen. Ich selber gehe meinem Job nach, w?hrend andere in der Stadt shoppen oder sonst wo sich herumtreiben. Was ich mache? Tja ich bin ei...
I awoke to the annoying loud sound of my alarm going off.I turned it off and laid in my bed for a few moments contemplating the day ahead. It suddenly dawned on me that I'm very likely to run into those cruel girls from yesterday again, and a big grin crept across my face.I jumped out of bed, bounced around getting dressed putting on my silly uniform, ran down the hall to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and combed my messy bedhead hair."Have a nice day!" I cheerily told my reflection in the...
Kira arrived to her house to find that the door was locked. When she went around back to try and access through the back door. She spotted her step father jerking off in the living room. She continued to spy on him for some time. However, this turned her on so much that she started masturbating as she watched him. Unfortunately for her, her phone started ringing and her step father spotted her right away. He confronted her, but when she kept coming on to him, he decided to take her to the couch...
xmoviesforyouThis is a highly edited version of a story written by DaddyMd I just flipped roles so for once the wife is the cockold!My husband of 20 years and I were out for a nice dinner in a local restaurant. Naturally, after 20 years, you seem to look for things that can spark the interest of the other or things that keep the excitement alive. I had no idea how the events of this one evening would change our dynamics forever!My husband and I had been planning this nice evening our for over a week. It was...
I lay back in bed as Diana came out of the en suite with only a towel wrapped around her head. I gazed with unbridled lust at how her breasts jutted proudly forward. As she turned to the walk-in to choose her attire for the day, the sight of her adorable ass as she bent to select a pair of shoes resulted in an immediate physiological reaction. My morning wood, which had already been rampant, almost instantly begged for mercy.The memory of last night’s incredible sexual escapade where Diana had...
SwingersI am waiting at the agreed-upon spot. It's dark and quiet, just like I wanted. It's a hot summer evening in Chicago, and it's only going to get hotter. I've been looking forward to this meeting with my slut. I think of the digital pictures you sent me; the one with a dildo shoved up your ass and the wonderful pained expression on your face. Another pic with the same dildo buried deep in your mouth, your tongue licking all around it. Another with a vibrator up your cunt and your back arched as...
I love the game of golf. It’s relaxing, it takes me away from the pressures of the job, and it allows me to strike a mental balance between competition and fun. While one can surely compete against others in a tournament setting, it’s really an individual game. The golfer makes the good (or bad) swing, not his or her opponent. The worst shot imaginable can be followed by a masterful, smooth, accurate shot. Of course, not everyone loves golf. Some prefer tennis, others are dedicated to...