A Cloak Of LiesChapter 4 free porn video

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How long she sat in the moldy cell, Camille had no way of knowing, but she was thankful for the company of the woman named Lorette. At first, she had been unsure of the woman, no longer knowing who she could trust or what to believe, but it was plainly obvious that Lorette had been a victim in all of this, just as Camille was.

Lorette's story soon unfolded in the many long hours, or maybe even days, they spent together. She told of her father, a scientist who was being forced to create a new weapon for the evil Oleander's arsenal. Lorette didn't know what the weapon was. She only knew that her father was a pacifist and this kind of work would cause him no end of pain.

"This is straight out of James Bond," Camille had scoffed.

But Lorette was deadly serious in her telling of the situation. She'd been held for several long months while her father worked, only seeing the light of day whenever one of the two guards decided to take her out as a play thing.

It was easy to discover which of the guards he was. Whenever he entered the cell to bring a meager meal, poor Lorette cowered behind Camille, whimpering softly and begging to be saved.

The man's name was Rolf and he was as ugly as anyone Camille had ever seen. His face was pock-marked, with a bent nose and piggish eyes. She'd made up her mind from the man's first visit that she would do all she could to keep Lorette safe from him.

Lorette was a shy thing, speaking in a timid voice that Camille had to strain to hear. When the guards entered to bring food and fresh water, the light they brought with them showed Lorette to be a redhead with fair skin and the prettiest of green eyes.

Although she was only a couple years younger than Camille, in many ways, Lorette was still a child. She'd led a very idyllic, sheltered life with her family — until her mother had been murdered when Lorette had been kidnapped.

Now Oleander kept Lorette alive only as long as her father continued to work. Camille knew that she would find a way to escape, hopefully before Niko did something foolish. She was determined that she wouldn't leave without Lorette, no matter what happened.

Now the women sat huddled together, trying to stay warm in the chilly cell. Lorette dozed with her head on Camille's shoulder, murmuring in her sleep. Camille spoke soothingly, stroking the woman's dirty hair.

"You're wanted upstairs, missy," Rolf said after tossing the door open.

Camille pulled the sleepy Lorette to her feet, heading for the door. She put an arm around the woman, hoping to shield her from Rolf's unwanted attentions.

"Just you," he barked, grabbing Lorette's arm.

"Get your hands off her," Camille yelled, attempting to get between them.

"This one stays with me," he said, smirking at Lorette when she whimpered. "You just have a seat, sweetheart. I'll be back in a few minutes. We'll have us a nice chat."

"Pig," Camille spat. "I swear if it's the last thing I do, I'm going to make you pay for this."

"Big words from such a little whore," Rolf laughed, shoving her through the door. "Get your ass moving."

He dragged her down the corridor to the elevator. Once he handed her off to the other guard, he turned back with a smirk. Camille had little choice but to see the visions in her head of what the man would do to Lorette.

The other guard pulled her onto the elevator, slamming her against the wall when she fought him.

"I've shown you nothing but respect, Mrs. Pavli," said the guard, a warning note in his voice. "That can change if you give me any trouble."

"Respect, my ass," she snapped. "You're holding me prisoner. That's not respect."

"I'm just doing my job."

"Some job," she sneered, rubbing the bruised arm he'd just released. "Do you show that girl in there any consideration?"

"I've never laid a finger on her."

"No, but you let your partner torture her. You may as well be doing it yourself."

"He's not my partner, and I don't approve of his methods."

"And yet, you do nothing to stop him. You're a pig, just like him."

He seized her arm, jerking her away from the wall of the lift. Holding her in front of the door, he waited in silence until the elevator stopped.

"I'll see if I can't distract Rolf from his games," he said quietly just before the doors opened and she was thrust forward.

"A little worse for wear, I see," Doug said when he caught her arm. "Maybe next time you'll behave."

"Fuck you, Doug... or Gerhardt or whatever your name is. Get your hand off me."

"As tempting as that offer is, I find your current state a bit repugnant," he chuckled as he pulled her to a staircase. "I've made arrangements for you to have a bath and a change of clothes. That rag you're wearing was fetching two nights ago, but now it's just a disgrace."

Camille snapped her mouth shut, jerking her arm from his grasp. She suffered another round of laughter from him while she climbed the stairs beside him.

"If only you'd shown this much backbone when I was your fiancé," he said, "I'd've enjoyed our time together so much more."

"I'm going to kill you, asshole," she said quietly. "I'm going to watch you die and laugh in your face."

He grabbed her arm again, whirling her around to face him. Clutching the lower half of her face in his hand, he pushed her back against the banister.

"You're in no position to make such threats, Camille," he ground out. "The only reason you're still alive is because that's how Oleander wants it. After what you did to Marissa, I wanted to tear you apart with my own hands."

That was the second time she'd been accused of killing the woman. It bothered her that she couldn't remember the incident. Her only memories were of Marissa beating on her and having to defend herself. Why could she not remember taking the woman's life?

"I don't believe you," she murmured once he'd released her face. "I didn't do it."

"Well then, who did?" he asked.

Their conversation was interrupted when a voice called from above, "You bringing her up or not?"

Alma stood at the top of the stairway, her arms folded across her chest, one toe tapping impatiently. Gerhardt dragged Camille the last five steps to the top and the waiting woman, where he left her without another word.

Alma led the way back to the room where Camille had first been imprisoned. Once inside, Alma turned to face her, wrinkling her nose in disgust at Camille's appearance.

"I'm going to give you a little advice," Alma said, cocking her head to one side. "You need to be careful around Gerhardt, and don't push your luck with Oleander again. The last thing I want to do is baby sit you, but that's my assignment. I have no choice. Stop making it so hard on me."

"So sorry to inconvenience you," Camille returned, "to be honest, I don't give a damn how difficult things are for you."

"I always hated your kind," Alma said, her face expressionless. "Your type always thinks that you're so much better than me. I had to scratch and fight my way out of a trash heap to get here and I'm not going to lose everything because of you. Oleander wants to see you. Get cleaned up or I'll scrub you down myself."

An hour later, cleaner and dressed demurely in a white cotton dress, Camille was led back downstairs. She walked into an enormous room that was richly furnished with leather chairs and an ancient desk that spanned nearly the entire back wall. This Oleander was nothing if not ostentatious.

Alma told her to sit and wait, but Camille immediately tried the door when the woman left. On the other side was a man who told her to get back inside. With a sigh, she wandered about the room hoping to find anything that would be of use. Pulling back the curtains behind the big desk, she was struck by the setting sun over an ocean of deepest blue.

Where the hell am I?

Before she could ponder the question further, the door opened again. Oleander entered, his face a study of the congenial host.

"So glad you could join me for tea, my dear," he said, waving a hand at a chair. "Do have a seat."

"I wasn't given much choice, was I?" she replied, sitting on the edge of the indicated chair.

He clucked his tongue, looking her over thoroughly.

"You're not looking well," he said as he walked to his desk to push a button. "It saddens me to have to put you through the rigors of my little prison downstairs, but you left me no alternative. I simply won't abide bad manners, young lady."

He strode to her, his eyes sweeping over her frame in a manner that made her feel naked. When he reached a hand to touch her face, Camille flinched away, jumping to her feet.

"Don't touch me," she warned. "I have no choice right now but to be your prisoner, but if you think I'll just let you get your kicks with me, you're sadly mistaken."

The man laughed, shaking his head as he waved his hand toward the chair she'd just vacated. He took the seat opposite, still giggling insanely.

"You've nothing to fear from me in that quarter, Mrs. Pavli. I don't suffer the base urges of the human male."

"Yeah, right," she said, cautiously perching on the chair again. "After what you let your men do to poor Lorette downstairs, I find that hard to believe."

Oleander was thoughtful, holding silent when a man in a morning suit entered, bearing a large silver tray. Camille recognized the man as the one who had dragged her from the dining room to the dungeon. She eyed him suspiciously, finding only the same stoic expression she'd seen on his face that night. He poured the tea, adding a teaspoon of sugar and a slice of lemon to Camille's cup.

"Thank you, Olaf," Oleander said, dismissing the butler. "You must forgive him, my dear. He doesn't speak. He can't, really. Not since I had his tongue cut out. You see, I believe in swift discipline for bad behavior. Now Olaf is my most obedient servant. I hope you won't do anything to merit the same treatment."

"You're sick," Camille whispered, horrified.

"That may be, but I'm not without mercy. I shall reprimand my two guards and see to it they leave the simpleton alone down there. Will that please you?"

"It would please me a whole lot more if you would get her out of there. That place is unhealthy and she's not doing well."

"It shall be done. See? Wasn't that easy? You'll find that I can be quite kind, when properly motivated. I hope your tea is to your liking, lightly sweet with a twist of lemon. Is that correct?"

"How did you know? Never mind. Doug. I don't know how I could've been so naïve," Camille said, looking into the cup and saucer she clutched in her hand.

"Our Mr. Gerhardt does have his uses, but I've had you under surveillance for longer than he's been a part of your life. I always knew Pavli would show his face again; I just didn't think it would take him this long. I finally had to resort to getting word to him that you were in danger. It was the only way to ferret him out."

"Why?" she asked, setting her cup aside. "Why was it so important to get to him?"

"You mean aside from his constantly being a nuisance?" Oleander replied, stirring his tea. "You're a smart woman, smarter than your husband it would seem. No, his minor trifling in my business is not enough to warrant such drastic measures."

"Then what is it?"

"He has something of mine, my dear, and I want it back. I doubt he even knows he has it, but I mean to have it returned."

"I don't know what it could possibly be. Whatever it was, I would think it would have been with him the night you tried to murder him. It would have been on his person or in his truck."

"Ah," Oleander said, placing his teacup on the table between them. "You should try one of these biscuits. I have them imported from England daily."

"No!" said Camille, exasperated. "I don't want a biscuit. I want to know when I can get out of here."

"That, my dear, is entirely up to your husband," he said, plucking a cookie from the tray. "My men were sloppy that night, a mistake they won't repeat, I can assure you. They decided to shoot first and ask questions after. The fools did not make sure he was dead, though, so I suppose they did me that small favor."

Oleander took a bite of the treat, his face showing his pleasure as he chewed thoughtfully.

"If it wasn't in the truck, you're out of luck," she sighed. "Your people burned my house to the ground. If it was hidden in there, it's gone."

"On the contrary, Mrs. Pavli. It was your husband's colleagues who set the fire. But not before a thorough search had been conducted. No, my property was not there."

"Just exactly what is this 'property' you're searching for?"

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head about, my dear."

"Oh, for the love of God," she snapped. "Why do men always have to treat me like a mindless child? Is it because I'm a female? Is it the blond hair? I don't know if it occurred to you, whoever-you-are, but I might have seen this 'thing' of yours. Maybe I can help you find it and get the hell out of here."

Like quicksilver, the man's demeanor changed. He went from amiable host to Mad Hatter in the blink of an eye.

"The item I am seeking is small, no bigger than a box of matchsticks. It's black, square with a metal casing. Have you seen such an item?"

Arching a single eyebrow, she saw the way his eyes gleamed as if shining with some bedeviling light. She was afraid to answer him, afraid what he would do if he didn't get the answer he wanted.

"I suggest you answer me, my dear," he said as he stood up. "Shall I tell you something of myself?"

"I... ," she began, her voice trailing off as the maniacal gleam in his eyes unnerved her.

"Oh, do let me," he giggled. "I was a careless youth, tucked away in a British orphanage at the tender at of seven. My uncle cared little for children. He would have nothing to do with me after my parents were good enough to die. Have you ever seen the warehouses, those asylums that Christian charity bestows upon the unfortunate children of the world?"

He stopped, seeming to wait for some response from her. When she failed to make a sound, he giggled insanely.

"No?" he said, rubbing his hands together. "Let me assure you, my dear, that Christianity is anything but charitable. The priests and nuns ruled by the rod. There were times when I took my beatings with gratitude, happy to build in myself the manner of hatred that comes only from the cruelty they imposed. When I came of age, when my body changed into that of a boy on the cusp of manhood, that's when the punishments became most foul.

"The male body becomes unruly for a boy of fifteen. When a particularly pretty nun had shown me some consideration, my body reacted. So offended was she by the evidence of my arousal that she brought me to the attention of the good Father. The penance was far worse than you can imagine, but I deserved it. It was at that moment when I decided that no part of me would ever be beyond my control again.

"Do you know your Bible studies, dear girl?" he asked, leaning too close for her comfort.

Camille shrugged, tilting her head back to watch his face.

"Matthew 18:9," he muttered, giggling again. "'And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee.' Words to live by, my dear, words to live by. I'm afraid that my manner of self-chastisement was a bit of a shock for the old priest. As I stood before him with my own severed testicles in my hand, he fainted dead-away."

"My God," she whispered. "You're insane."

"I suppose that's how my captors felt. After that, they locked me away in Bedlam. That's where I learned real discipline," he hesitated, his expression turning from giggling fool to that of a man possessed of great rage. "My body always obeyed my every command after that time. I have been in complete control of everything in my environment — with the unfortunate exception of your husband."

Oleander took a step closer to Camille. She felt as if she could feel his eyes gouging into the flesh of her face, so intense was his gaze.

"Having told you my history," he continued softly, "I'm sure you can see that I'm a man who will have what he wants. Now, I'll ask again. Have you seen the item I described?"

"N... no," she stammered. "I haven't."

He changed again, once more the amiable host serving tea. Oleander returned to his seat, smiling congenially as he reached for the tea pot.

"More tea, my dear?"

"You sure you know what you're doing there, Brick?" Olan asked for the ninth time since taking wing with Brick at the controls.

"There some reason you gotta keep at me, Red? I got us off the ground, didn't I?"

Niko had been listening to the two of them going at each other since leaving Nevada in the 1993 Cessna CitationJet. He'd had a bellyful of their bickering.

"The question is," continued Olan, "can you get us back down without killing us?"

"You can always get out now."

"Enough," Niko interrupted. "You two are like a couple of kids. Just shut up before I toss both your asses out."

Brick snickered, shaking his head as he maneuvered through the landscape at dangerously low altitude.

"Thinking of that woman?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder.

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Jessica's aunt, Mildred Whithers, was asleep when they arrived, a small blessing she was indeed grateful for, as Aunt Mildred had a tendency to ramble on for hours, particularly when she had the rare privilege of meeting new people. Jessica helped her boyfriend make up his bed on the sofa and tip-toed upstairs to her bedroom, kissing him affectionately before her departure. She unfastened the clip at the back of her head and brushed the day's knots and tangles from her thick blonde hair,...

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Touring Ski Mansion for Investment

My real estate broker Maria called telling me about a ski home in Telluride with a wine mine, I was sent pictures. I told my broker I would fly up to see the property. The property description was interesting; Up to 1,600 wine bottles are stored in a 56-foot-long tunnel or “mine shaft” in the basement. There’s an antique ore cart on tracks, and lights are computerized to flicker like a lantern, and sound effects like creaking wood and dripping water are piped in. The wine shaft isn’t the only...

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Maid Stayed At Our Place During Lockdown

Hi guys, this is Raja again with a recent lockdown story. I know I have plenty of story continuity pending. Hope you will give me your feedback as much as possible. Coming to the story, as you all know I am a sex freak and addict. Usually, I have sex with my neighbors during this lockdown but this one is different and I had never expected if would be like this. Yes, this time it was with my maid, aunty Vanitha. She was in her mid 30’s, I think but I am not sure. Her figure was 40-36-38 and she...

2 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 16 Next Steps

Jim played one of his best rounds of golf, ever, the next morning. He felt great. Things were falling into place and all he wanted to do was make sure he could protect his little slice of the world from negative influences. He was no threat to try to take over the government or cause revolution. All he wanted to do was live in a safe, healthy community and be able to have all the sex he could handle. Was that too much to ask? Apparently. So, when he got to work that morning he began to put...

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A New LifeChapter 10

The girls reach the mall – Lily Carter Natalie, Traci and I had arrived at the mall and were walking through it like we had no cares in the world. Just three friends enjoying an afternoon of shopping as we approached the jewelry store. Kathy was standing at the counter and I said, “We are here to pick up our Master’s order. He told us to be here at exactly three and it would be ready when we arrived.” Kathy stated, “It isn’t ready and won’t be ready for at least another hour.” I took out...

1 year ago
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Slave of Desire

"Please sir, I don't have the money," Mr. Havely said shaking in his boots. He had done it again, gambled more than he could pay. And this was the worst man for it to happen with, too. His ruthlessness was well known to everyone. "Well, what do you suppose we do about that?" Casper Jenkins asked, bored with the man's pleading and begging, he just wanted to collect his money and go home. "Please, I can get you the money. Just give me a little time," Mr. Havely begged, he didn't want...

3 years ago
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Page SixChapter 3

Page Six Last seen: Emma Graham and Amanda Peters, the top seniors of the Patricia Loyalton School for Girls, trying on Marc Jacobs and Gucci dresses at Bendel's. After their dresses were picked, the two girls and their posse proceeded to head downtown to one of the most random newest hot clubs to waste away the night with their fake IDs. Emma perfected her make up: eye shadow, eye liner and mascara, blush, lip gloss. She ran a brush through her hair several times, and swirled Scope...

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Shemale Tube Videos? Does your Winnie get hard with the thought of some hardcore tranny action? In that case, you might want to check out a site called ShemaleTubeVideos.com, for obvious fucking reasons. The type of porn that this place has to offer should be rather straightforward, and I shall explain all the dirty details you might be interested in.A simple free tranny site.The thing most of you fuckers care about is whether the shit they have to offer is free or not, right? Well, it is...

Shemale Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Just Us Girls 2 of 3

Just us girls. Part 2 -3 By Samantha White The next week a couple of the girls came around on Thursday night, it was Samantha and Mary, I invited them in and poured us all a small drink, Samantha looked at me and said, "Look, Georgia before we go there are a few things that you are going to have to change, otherwise you just won't fit in properly, and we don't want that do we." I of course replied "Yes anything you can suggest." "Good," she replied, "First I have made an appointment...

1 year ago
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Pork Chop

This story is an erotic tale for adult entertainment only. It contains explicit sexual acts, self bondage, suicide and cannibalism. If this is not appealing to you or you are a minor, under 18 years old, please do not read further. This story is pure fantasy and has no reference to any realperson or act know to me. The reader is warned to never try to imitate anyportion or aspect of this story. Pork ChopJeff and I graduated welding school toady. We both got hired by a steel fabrication plant...

1 year ago
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Real Man

All the women on my mom's side of the family are petite and fairly good looking. They age really well. As I was growing up I became more curious about women and pussy. So I would pop in on mom catching her in various stages of dress. One day I did that to my grandma Flo, caught her buck naked. She glared at me and opened her pussy lips and yelled "Only real men can get pussy this good. Come back when and if you are ever a real man." Granny Flo was good looking, in great shape at that time. Pert...

4 years ago
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What If Whence Came the Avengers

Another interlude between Chapters 3 and 4 of "Whence Came the Spider" to explain how the Mighty Avengers came to be the Mighty Avengers they are in this "Whence" Universe. What If: Whence Came the Avengers By Bill Hart As always, I am he known as Uatu, one of the many eternal Watchers. Once more you have returned in order to learn more of the vastness and complexity of the multiverse. As I have already done several times in the past, I bid you welcome to my hidden lair. It...

2 years ago
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Fucked Married Bombshell 8211 Part 4

Hi guys, this is Jack, sorry for delaying this part and thanks for your replies on  and comments, do keep commenting. This is my fourth part, so those who wanna know the previous part can read my stories – Fucked Married Bombshell Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3. I am Jack, 23 from Mumbai, height 5’10 with good looks and muscular built, and the angel of my story is Vishaka (name changed), age 35 with assets 34-28-36, married, hot, Bombshell. After our erotic love session, we slept in each other arms,...

3 years ago
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My handsome man

Hi. This is Anjali Mehta from Delhi. I’m 26yrs old woman & work as a marketing professional in a reputed firm. I m quite beautiful (at least my friends think so).I have a figure of 36-34-38.My height is around 5’10.Right from my teenage days I have been a horny girl. Well sex is not new for me as I had experienced it several times with many boyfriends. But the guy I m talking about in this story (with whom I m currently involved) was fabulous. It so happened that one of my boyfriends to whom I...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 138 Aftermath

Tuesday, September 11, 2001 It took a bit longer for Hastert to arrive than Byrd because he was third in line for the Presidency and the Secret Service had stashed him outside town. In the meantime, I made a little speech before dismissing most of the Cabinet. “I will be speaking to everyone here on an individual basis over the next few days, but I expect the scheduling to be haphazard. There are two things that everybody here has to know and understand. First, we are about to go through...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 4

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt. After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls...

4 years ago
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I was after a new phone and went to the local phone shop. When I walked it it was pretty busy so I decided to look at the ones on display and read specs while I waited.I was looking at a particular one and didn,t notice a guy move in along side me. I reached up to the phone and as I did he reached up too and as I held the phone he cupped mine with his hand.I turned and looked at him and he smiled at me. He was about 18 slim with blonde hair, nice face and slim body.He (James as I later found...

3 years ago
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Losing ItChapter 2

I had managed to reach the age of eighteen with out having one incestuous thought and then during a weekend when my parents were gone I ended up having a red-hot incestuous affair with my sister. I blackmailed my sister into finding me a girl to take my hated virginity and when she couldn't find one she did it herself. When it was over she had said, "You don't feel the least bit bad at fucking your own sister do you?" Before I could answer she said, "Of course you don't. You would have...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 406 Working on My SCS Project

Late-September to Mid-November 2007 (Continued) We started having frequent, innocuous meetings with groups of SCS girls. They were simple, ordinary social events, much like any other group of teenagers would have. They were in the open and in public, so clearly innocent. The stated purpose for these dates was so my girls and I could get to know the SCS girls. We did a long nature walk with some girls, spent an evening bowling and eating pizza with some others. It was different than my...

2 years ago
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The Katgirl Gene Bummin A Ride

Authors note: This is my first story, I'm hoping it can become it's own universe, and it would be much appreciated if you could leave some comments after reading this. Please be kind, Kari Hope ;p The Katgirl Gene: Bummin' A Ride Kari Hope I want to tell my story while I have the chance, seeing as this is my last chance. It all started when my car broke down in the middle of a Nevada highway, I was on my way home from...

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Meri bua ka badla Part 8211 2

Thanks indian sex stories dot net friends jo aap sabne meri first story meri bua ka badla ko like kiya ab mai meri bua ka badla ke second part ke sath hu Meri bua jo ki mare maa se badla lane ke liye mera use kar rahi thi meri maa meri bua ka use karti thi apni aag thandi karne ko aur meri bua meri meri bua badla badhta ja raha tha ek raat ja mai unki chut chaat raha tha to oh boli ki meri gand ko bhi chato maine nahi bua please mujhe ghin aati hai bua boli sale maderchod chat jaldi se teri...

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A Night with an Angel

I was laying bed crying. When a voice spoke to me from across the room. A male voice, but not one that I know. "Why do you cry, little one?" I looked up tears still coming down. And there I saw the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. He was tall. Looking about 6 feet. His head nearly touching the ceiling. He had black messy, spiky hair. His eyes...like the clearest blue pools you could ever see. His lips were slightly puffed but not enough to create a feminine look. He had a...

1 year ago
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mom son

wuld like to here some feedback.add me on msn at [email protected] it was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I...

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Gang membership 1

I got to be a probie after one day while walking down the main street, a young guy ran out of the jewelry store chased by the owner, and I barged into the shop owner just as he was going to grab the guy. The shop lifter was able to make his escape, and next day he and a couple Spartans saw me and said I had done good. After that for a couple of days I kept seeing Spartans about and figured they were keeping an eye on me. And soon after I was out with my twin Sis Danii and across the street...

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Abducted WifeChapter 4

"I'll show ya how to make it back to Calder real quick," Buck said as they walked out of the clearing and stood on the dirt road that circled from the woods beyond the shack. They walked up the road until they had gotten to an open rise that gave a good view of the complex of buildings and the small valley below. There was the shack, the stone house and the second growth timber like a hedge behind. She could see the road ribboning out into clumps of hills, and she breathed deep, knowing...

4 years ago
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Mommy Mind Control Chapter 3 Mommys Naughty Disicpline

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Mommy's Naughty Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I was so angry with Melissa when I stormed out of my good friend Cathy Dawson's house. That little fucking skank. How dare she cheat on my son. I never liked little miss miniskirt. She was a slut. A whore. The type of girl who would get knocked up and make me a grandmother before my son turned twenty-one. I was glad I...

3 years ago
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How I was introduced to sex since my adolescence

I live in a city in India with my family. We are a well to do family and we have a female servant. We had her since I was in 3rd grade. In this story she is the main character. She used to wear a dress with a low neckline and whenever she used to bend over to clean the floor of the house her bra used to come into view and I could see her sexy boobs. When I was in 3rd grade I didn’t know what boobs were so one day when I asked her what those big globes were, she blushed and said that those were...

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What a NeighborhoodChapter 3

Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. Everybody showed up at the same time. I lead the parade to the back, my lawyer and his crew go into the garage, and I take my wine expert to the upper rooms. We go to the bar first and he handles the sealed bottles. “Well, in the bustle I didn’t introduce myself. I am Bob Lamb. I have been in the wine game for thirty years. Do you know anything about wine Mr. Parsons?” “No. I don’t like wine. But, I know these...

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The reluctant daughter

El Tablado is on the east coast of Tenerife and I was living there because it was cheap. Tenerife is a Spanish island off the coast of north Africa, so it has its own identity and is not sophisticated like Madrid or Barcelona. It was the weirdest town I had ever lived in, so small it was almost a village, with one small shop that was like the focal point and a little, cramped, dark, unattractive bar that was open only when the landlady had nothing better to do.Tenerife is a volcanic island,...

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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Cory Chase 07272021

Anthony comes home to find his stepmother fucking an older gentlemen on his couch one day. That’s not even the worst of it. Apparently she does this all the time as her hobby apparently is fucking everybody in his father’s office. Oh the shame. To make matters worse, that nasty stepmom of his wants him to watch and learn how to pleasure a woman. Apparently she is questioning what Anthony’s sexuality is and feels watching a huge cock rail is stepmom will keep him straight....

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Extreme Mature Tranny Prostitute Story

"Hi honey, are we all set?" "Yes babe, I'll be round in about half an hour" "Is it as we planned?" "Pretty much, yes. Are you dressed as I said?" "To the letter, hon" "Good. I'll see you in about 30 minutes. Thanks for this." "No : thank you". Dave was such a good, regular client. He always phoned when he said he was going to phone and never let me down for a meet when he had booked. Once he had booked an hour of my time but had hAd his shifts changed at work, and he had worked nights the night...

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Closing Time

Just after closing, is my favorite time. It’s blissfully quiet, no obnoxious drunks, no complaining bartenders, or whining waitresses, wanting their problems solved. No eardrum bursting band, who think they’re, as yet, undiscovered rockstars. This is my alone time. Just me, alone in the restorative peace and quiet at the end of the long day. The haze of cigarette smoke is clearing and I can breathe again as I sip my ice cold beer. It’s the perfect end to a hectic day. The sound of the front...

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Surprise Gift On My Home Visit

Ye story un dino ki hai jab chuttiyon men ghar gaya tha aur mujhe padosh ki ladki ne apni chut surprize gift men di. Wo din main shayad kabhi nahi bhul sakta uski chudai aaj bhi mujhe horny kar deti hai. As usaually main ghar aaya tha bhahut khus tha. Morning men ghar ja ke main fresh hua aur sabhi gharwalo se baat karne laga. Fir khana kha ke rest kiya. Fir evening men maine ghar pe ek ladki ko dekha jo jyada attractive to nahi lag rahi thi. Uske boobs bhi jada bade nahi the 32 size ke honge...

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