Devlin's StoryChapter 41 free porn video

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"See?" Devlin told Brenda. "Grasp it like this." She wrapped her hand around Brenda's husband's cock. "Not too strong, not too light; you're stroking it, you're not trying to strangle it."

Brenda did so, glancing at Devlin. "Like this?" It was Saturday night at Emma's, and Brenda had asked Devlin to show her how to give her husband a blow-job. "It sort of looks like Darth Vader's helmet."

Devlin nodded. "It does, doesn't it. How many guys do you think noticed? And how many women?"

Brenda giggled. "Well, I did. Now what?"

"Now, just up and down."

"What about... sucking?"

"That'll come in a bit. Let's get this going, first. How's it going, Chris?"

Chris, Brenda's husband, chuckled. "Hangin' in there. It feels great."

"It's going to feel even better in a minute or two." Devlin caught Brenda's eye. "Okay, now caress the area just under the head of his cock. Use just the tip of your fingers." She did so, and felt Chris jump at the touch.

"Feel that?" she murmured to Brenda. The woman nodded. "That's one of the ways you know you're doing it right."

"Should I... should I try it with my... tongue?"

Devlin nodded. "Now would be perfect. Do it like this." She used the tip of her tongue to tease the wrinkled area just under the head of Chris' cock. Chris' cock seemed to get harder.

Brenda hesitantly stuck out her tongue. Her first time was a rough swipe. When she didn't get the same reaction as Devlin she tried again, lighter.

"Uh. Do that again." Chris sounded enthusiastic.

Brenda flashed Devlin a look of triumph. "It didn't taste... I thought I'd taste his... you know."

"We're still a ways from that," Devlin said. "Right now we're just teasing. Okay, here's the next step." Using her tongue, she lightly traced around the helmet-shaped head of Chris' cock. Chris made a noise deep in his throat, and Devlin could see his foreskin get shiny.

Brenda tried that, noticeably staying away from the dark hole in the tip. When it looked like she had that mastered, Devlin kissed her way down Chris' cock, pausing from time to time to rub her face against his hardness. Though she'd never told anyone, this was why she liked giving blow-jobs.

"Now what?" Brenda whispered.

"Well, if you aren't ready for the next step..."

Brenda shook her head.

"Then we'll do some other things. Have you ever sucked his balls?" Devlin sucked Chris' balls. "Guys like this, and so do a lot of women. Be gentle, though."

Brenda tried that, smiling as she felt her husband move in response. "This is kind of fun."

"Poor little overworked things, though your husband's aren't that little."

Brenda giggled softly. "Yeah, I noticed that the first time I saw him naked. Some days I think they're the size of golf balls."

Brenda suddenly looked surprised, and glanced over her shoulder at her husband. "Um, he just put his finger in me."

"That's okay. This is sharing, after all."

"It's fine," Brenda said. "I just didn't expect it."

"Okay, back to the main event." Devlin resumed stroking Chris' length. After a moment Brenda took over and Devlin pulled her hand away. "A little harder, and concentrate on the first few inches."

"He won't cum, will he?"

"Hopefully, he will. That's the idea."

Brenda stroked her husband for a couple more minutes, occasionally stopping to kiss part of his length. "Is he... is he getting close?"

"It won't be long now," Devlin said. "Now let's try the heavy duty stuff."


"It's what you wanted."

Brenda sighed. "I suppose. I just don't know if I want to take it in my mouth."

"Don't worry about it. We're going to hold him to his promise. Keep that in mind."

"He said he'd eat me to within an inch of my life if I could take his semen in my mouth."

"Then let's go for it." Devlin sucked Chris' first couple of inches, moving her head up and down.

"There are three things you should remember," Devlin said when she broke for air. "First, cover your teeth with your lips. Guys tell me the idea that you might accidentally bite them is part of the excitement."

"What's the second?" Brenda asked, watching Devlin's mouth closely.

"Suck as hard as you can. And third, breathe through your nose. Your mouth will be busy. Now you try."

Brenda kissed the tip of her husband's cock and then took the first inch into her mouth. When he didn't erupt she was encouraged to take more. She suddenly pulled back, coughing.

"Use your hand to limit how deep you go," Devlin said. She wrapped her hand partway down Chris' cock. When she bobbed up and down on him her hand limited how far she could go. "See?"

"But what about spit? It was filling my mouth, and I couldn't hold it back."

"You can let it dribble out of your mouth; I know it doesn't sound right, but it is a pretty good lubricant, and guys say it helps the sensation. You can also pause and swallow from time to time. Keep him deep in your mouth when you do. Guys have told me they like how it feels when I swallow."

Brenda nodded and resumed sucking her husband, her hand moving up and down his length. Devlin cupped his balls--they were drawn up against his body like Danny's did just before he came.

"Oh!" Brenda drew back, looking at the head of her husband's cock. "I can taste his... stuff."

"Not surprising. Guys leak a little cum as they get close."

Brenda nodded and resumed stroking her husband. "Now what?"

"Keep on doing what you're doing?"

"But what if he... you know."

"It's what you're here for."


"Trust me," Devlin said. She had an idea. "Let's take turns."

Brenda licked and sucked for a minute, then eased back to let Devlin do the same thing. After a couple of exchanges Devlin could feel Chris tensing. She put Brenda's hands on his tummy so she could feel it. Then she switched to heavy sucking and short movements, concentrating on the head.

Chris groaned, and came, filling Devlin's mouth with spurt after spurt.

Devlin deliberately did not swallow. When Chris subsided she tapped Brenda on the shoulder and mimed opening her mouth.

Hesitantly, Brenda did so. Devlin put her mouth right over Brenda's mouth and let Chris' jism slip into the other woman's mouth. Brenda started to swallow, but stopped when Devlin shook her head.

"Show him," she whispered. She ran her hand and tongue over her own mouth, removing any evidence of what had happened.

Brenda turned and got Chris' attention. She opened her mouth, and Devlin could see the woman's throat work as she swallowed.

My work here is done, Devlin thought as she got off the bed, and laughed at the cliché. The real test would come when Brenda had to hold him in her mouth while he came, but that was later.

Chris seemed to wake up from his post-orgasmic daze. He rolled Brenda onto her back and began kissing her inner thighs. Brenda smiled at Devlin and mouthed 'thank you'.

Devlin straightened up her white baby-doll nightie and headed for the kitchen. Chris had been awfully salty, and his jism had made her thirsty. She paused in the hallway to remove her panties; she didn't want to give people the wrong impression.

"Where were you last night?" Amnita asked when Devlin had a seat at the kitchen table. Amnita was wearing a green garter belt, green stockings and green pumps. Her hair was a little disheveled, and she was positively glowing.

"Family things," Devlin said. "My mother is getting married in two weeks and she wanted to go over the arrangements one last time." She poured herself a glass of apple juice and settled back in the chair. "She should start panicking in about a week."

"Did she get divorced or something?"

"My Dad died when I was two," Devlin said. "Apparently she'd been seeing this guy for some time when I moved out. After she learned she was pregnant she decided to make it official."

Amnita nodded. "Well, good for her. Now what's this I hear that you may have a boyfriend? Krissi said something about that when we got here."

"His name is Evan," Devlin began. She ran over the highpoints. As she finished Emma's husband Tim came into the room. His body smelled of the shower, and he poured himself a glass of apple juice.

"Let's check on him," Tim said when he finished his glass. "Come on."

"You two go ahead," Amnita said. "I'm going to go downstairs and see what games they've got going tonight."

"Lucky you," Devlin said. "They let you play in them."

"I can't help it if your tummy muscles are stronger than average," Amnita said. "The other girls only want to play 'Cum for Distance' when they know you aren't playing."

Devlin gave her a sour look and followed Tim down the hall. There was an office next to the changing rooms, with a computer, a printer, and numerous bookshelves. Devlin took a sniff. As far as she could tell, this was probably the only room in the house that wasn't being used for sex, well, except for the kitchen, which was conceded to be a place to recover and restore.

Tim logged on and clicked through several websites. "Here we go. You said the White Sox, didn't you?" He clicked on one of the links. "He's still on the 40-man roster."

"40-man roster?"

"There are two rosters: the 25-man roster is the team itself. The 40-man roster is where they put people who are officially with the club, but on injured reserve or doing a rehabilitation stint, or things like that."

"What happens if they aren't on that roster?"

Tim sighed. "It's complicated. You'll have to ask Evan." He clicked on another link. "Spring Training is almost over, and he's way behind everyone else. He'll probably be put on a minor league team to get back to where he should be."

"Minor league team? Like he was last year."

"Something like that. The White Sox's minor league teams, their 'farm system', consists of the Charlotte Knights in Triple-A, the Birmingham Barons in Double-A, the Winston-Salem Warthogs and the Kannapolis Intimidators in Single-A--got to like a name like the Intimidators--the Bristol White Sox and the Great Falls White Sox in Rookie League."

"Triple-A is higher than the others, isn't it."

"It is. I was giving you the teams listed top to bottom in the minors. A lot of the guys in Triple-A are either almost ready for the Majors, or they're ready but there's no place to put them. They get called up as injuries hit the major league team, or to replace someone who isn't doing very well."

"I'll have to ask him about this," Devlin said.

"It isn't complicated, it's just a whole different world than what you're familiar with."

Devlin read the scouting reports, pressing against Tim to see the screen better. The scouts thought well of him, that much was clear. Some of the things, though, seemed mysterious.

"What's a '12-to-6 curveball'?" she asked.

"A curve ball does two things," Tim said. "It drops suddenly as it gets to the plate, and it curves a few inches left or right, depending on whether the pitcher is left or right-handed."

"That doesn't seem like much."

"Actually, it is. In baseball the difference between a hit, a foul ball, or a miss is really small. Even a single inch can make a big difference. But like I said, a curve ball also breaks sharply downward. Batters say it comes in and curves sharply out of the way, hence its name. A '12-to-6' curveball... think of it like a clock. It starts at 12 on the clock's face, and ends up at 6. That means it's a big curve with a sharp break. That's a pretty damned good curveball, probably an Uncle Charlie."

"Uncle Charlie?"

Tim chuckled. "People give pitches names. A really good curveball will be called 'Uncle Charlie'. A superior curveball, the stuff of legends, will be called a 'Lord Charles'. Part of that is because a really good curve ball will make the batter buckle his legs as he tries to follow it. It looks like he's bowing, which is why the best curve balls are 'Lord Charles'."

"Evan let slip that his nickname on his team was 'Uncle Charlie'."

"It could be because of his pitching," Tim chuckled. "I won't say more." He slid out of the chair. "Here, why don't you look around for a bit. I'll be back shortly.

Devlin slid into the seat and began clicking on the links. There were a lot of things to learn, and some of it still seemed confusing. She began making notes. When she had more time she'd go to the library and follow these links. And maybe she could ask Evan what some of them meant. Or not. She liked that idea. She'd surprise him.

After a bit Tim came back. She let him have the chair as he read a couple of articles. He showed her the main sports websites, and took her on a virtual tour of one of the stadiums.

"I suppose this is all something that will seem old hat to me after a while," she said. She ran her hands over Tim's shoulders, feeling his muscles, and then ran her fingers down to his nipples. "Evan will help me with some of them, but..."

"But... ?"

"Evan isn't here."

"And I am." Tim wasn't insensitive to what she was doing. He stood, sliding his arm around her waist. "We haven't been together for a while."

"I was just thinking that." She grinned up at him. "What did you have in mind?"

"Oh, just the usual stuff: sucking, licking, and kissing, followed by trying to fuck each other's brains out."

"You say the sexiest things."

He laughed and headed for the bed in the next room. "I know what you mean. Some nights I'm ready for something crazy and wild, but on other nights..."

"I'm hoping for a long, hard time in bed," she said as she removed her nightie. She lay back on the bed, ignoring the couple next to her who were making the bed shake.

"There shouldn't be a problem." Tim lay next to her, kissing her breasts. "I figure I have one more left in me tonight."

"Only one?" She smiled as her nipples crinkled up. He pounced on one of them while his fingers squeezed the other. "Normally you're good for a lot more."

"Judge Judy stopped by in the late afternoon. She had a speaking engagement she couldn't get out of, and..."

"Say no more." Judge Judy was an Illinois Superior Court Judge. That wasn't her real name, of course, it was just what everyone called her. She was a divorced mother of two, and she came to Tim and Emma's parties to get laid. She had once said that when guys found out she was a judge they lost interest in taking her out. And those who did go out with her were usually lawyers, and she didn't want to talk shop on a date. The lifestyle attracted a wide range of people, some of whom nobody would suspect of involvement.

"She got here about 4, and we headed upstairs right away; she had to be at some dinner in Peru by 7."

"I hope you left her well satisfied." She grasped Tim's cock and began stroking it.

Tim laughed softly, his hand slipping down to tease Devlin's navel. "She said so, repeatedly. I've wondered about it, though. Here she is, speaking at some prestigious dinner, you know, with all of these important people there. And yet two hours earlier she was sucking the twins while I put it to her."

"All three of you?"

"She insisted on it, and none of us were going to tell her no. It got a bit sloppy toward the end."

"It does make an interesting picture," Devlin said. "Was she wearing a dress, or slacks?"

"A suit."

Devlin wondered how much Judge Judy had cleaned up. Oh, enough to remove the immediate smell of sex, but otherwise? If she knew Judge Judy, the woman wouldn't have douched; she'd have the juices of three men running down her legs. Some people, women mostly, would smell the semen, but they wouldn't say anything, not sure they really should say anything.

Three men--that could get messy. She'd have to ask the Judge when she had the chance. In the meantime she had something hardening up in her hands that she wanted to deal with.

"This feels pretty good," Devlin said, giving Tim's cock an extra squeeze.

Tim slipped a finger down her slit. "So does this."

Devlin twisted around, opening her legs. "Insert Part A into Socket B, and..."

Tim laughed as he got into position. "I know you want more foreplay..."

"We'll work this out as we go along."

Tim guided himself into her. Devlin caught her breath as she felt him press against her, and then slide in. He paused, drew back and thrust again. His third thrust sheathed him entirely within her.

"God, I love that feeling," she murmured. She drew up her legs and hooked them over his thighs. He felt like he was filling every empty place inside her.

"Then you're going to like this even more." He drew back until just his tip was in her, and then thrust forward, slowly, scraping every nerve along the way. A wave of heat swept through her, pushed by his hardness.

She clutched his forearms, swept up in her own feelings. It wasn't too long before those feelings sharpened and her first climax swept through her.

Tim was true to his word. He lasted and lasted. They took turns sucking and licking before getting back to the main course. He finally came, long after her second climax, collapsing across her afterward. She held him as she drifted on a sea of pleasure.

Eventually Tim fell asleep--Judge Judy must have taken more out of him than he'd thought. She eased him over next to her and got up, dropping a kiss on his cheek as she did so. She liked him as a partner. They'd done it together enough times that he picked up on the cues she gave him, and on a normal night they could spend the entire evening together. She wanted more, however, and didn't want to wait for him to wake up, recover his energy, and get it up again.

Devlin picked up her nightie and headed for the bathroom. After a quick shower she checked the other bedrooms; everyone seemed busy, and she couldn't see any unclaimed cocks. She felt a little hungry and decided to get a snack and check the basement. There was bound to be somebody free downstairs.

The kitchen was empty. She ate the crab salad she'd brought, washing it down with some water. Somebody had brought a bottle of wine. It was sitting unopened on the counter. It would probably be there in the morning, too. As she'd mentioned to Doug, very few of the people who partied at Emma's were drinkers.

"... the clouds rolled in and spoiled the whole shoot," Marie said, pushing open the door to the living room. "We ended up back at his studio doing interiors for the rest of the week."

"Interiors?" Devlin asked, turning around.

"Oh, hi, Devlin," Marie said. "Have you met Orphelia?"

Orphelia was a thin, black woman with large breasts and shoulder-length auburn hair. She was wearing a tiny red thong, and nothing else. She gave Devlin a hesitant smile.

"Orphelia is making the transition from acting to behind the camera," Marie said. "She supposed to tag along with me wherever I go."

"Including here?" Devlin tried to hide her surprise. "I'm Devlin, by the way."

"Devlin's single," Marie told Orphelia. "That gives you something in common. Talk to her in the morning, she'll get you fitted with a bra, too."

"Is she going to be with you at your hair salons?" Devlin asked.

"Everywhere," Marie said. "Tomorrow she'll give her first perm."

"Not that I'm looking forward to it," Orphelia said.

"Are you... is your husband here?" Devlin asked.

"No, he's back in Alameda taking care of our baby. Marie told me to wear something so people wouldn't think I was participating." She snapped the waist of her thong. "I'm not sure this is what she had in mind, but I don't own anything else. I've had at least three guys ask me so far tonight."

Same as Devlin's Story
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Construction SeductionChapter 3

Skip was the last to leave the bar. As he finished the last few swigs of his beer he reached into the fob of his Levi’s and pulled out the folded slip of paper that Ashley McClain had slipped into it earlier. It read, “My parents will be leaving for Palm Springs after work. They’ll be gone for two days. 949-277-3261, my cell. Call me if you’re interested.” The note triggered the image of Ashley in the truck which put his cock on the rise. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out his cell...

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Family SecretChapter 2

"Well, I certainly don't want to go pick her up," Abby said, pulling the brush through her hair. She loved her hair. So black, so silky, so long. It wasn't the only beautiful thing about her but people seemed to notice it first. It framed her thin delicately featured face perfectly. She rested a hand across her chest and admired the long fingers, the long, crimson nails. It was no wonder that men adored her, competed for her attention. She caught the reflection of her brother in the...

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The Alpha Male Part III

Eric stopped at the cooler and gazed through the long glass panes at the sides of the door to Maya’s office. She was in there, his petite goddess. He could just glimpse a bit of her face through the panels. Unfortunately the angle was wrong to see any of her body. It wasn’t like that at the gym, however. He had started to work out lunchtimes on Mondays and Wednesdays so he could catch her going into the yoga class and coming out of the aerobics class. The yoga pants on Monday fit her cute...

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Incestuous PartyChapter 7

"Mother!" exclaimed David as he walked softly into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. "What did he do to you?" Ann at first didn't hear him, and she continued to lie naked on the bed. David walked over to her and touched her nakedly trembling shoulder, his own concern for her well-being the only thing on his mind at the moment. She didn't appear to be hurt, and that at least was a good thing. When Ann felt the hand on her shoulder, she jumped, thinking it was either Larry or...

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Cupids Big BreakChapter 1

He sat on the curb, swigging from the bottle in the brown bag, and wondering how the fuck all this had happened. Four days ago, he'd been happily on his way, his wings bright and white, his arrows red and ripe with love. His diaper was just the way he liked it, freshly pressed, nicely starched, every fold perfect and precise, and everything had been rosy in his world. Then, he got the message. That dreaded message from the big guy. He was needed. It was urgent and only he, Cupid, could do...

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Late With The Rent Again

I did something that I’m kind of regretting now. All the rage is to get your hair straightened. Everybody goes to have keratin treatments on their hair. The stiff price of having it done can set you back about two hundred dollars. The stylists will encourage you to buy the products to make sure your hair stays straight. Here’s where it gets a little weird. I took three hundred dollars out of my rent money and used it on my hair. My hair looks fabulous, except now, I don’t have my rent. I don’t...

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Milwaukee Cuckolds Wife and the Patient

I had been cuckolded for a long time. Judy my wife has had fun with others for 27 of the 30 years we have been married. My dick is 2 inches hard if I am lucky and I have always been a little voyeuristic. She would jerk me off every couple of weeks and fill me in on what she had done. One night she said, “I did something I shouldn’t have with someone you know.” That got me a little excited as my cock got harder than normal and she noticed. She wouldn’t tell me what though and told me I had to...

1 year ago
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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 9

Carry takes over the Narrative: There is nothing like a few bullets bouncing off your bubble to get the old adrenaline going and your blood pumping. We had all been lethargic from lack of food and sleep on the way here, but right now everyone was wide awake and wondering what was going on. My main problem this second was that Chuck was on top of me, and I was being forced down into about six inches of swampy water with mud under it. Of course my bubble had formed to protect me an instant...

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That Weekend

That Weekend by Vickie Tern i. My negotiations in Baltimore went faster than I'd expected, no need to stay the weekend and finish up on Monday or Tuesday, so early Friday morning I booked a flight back and a few hours later when I arrived home I picked up a small bottle of my wife's favorite perfume before heading out to my car. A peace offering, we'd quarreled about something trivial...

1 year ago
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my gf the tease learns a lesson

this happened long before i met my wife i was going steady with my girl friend and she had a bad habit of teasing me by getting my all worked up that we would have sex before she went home only to find that she had only been teasing me to get off on seeing me with my cock hard as steel then leaving me to find a way to relieve it she knew what i would be doing once i dropped her off and some how got a thrill of playing with my emotions i would often warn her that one day it would all come back...

2 years ago
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Whatever Gets You Through The Night

What Ever Gets You Through The Night. By Hotfeet (All location references are to the UK)   I watched the surreal landscape pass by. A mixture of ghostly fields and towns, mixed with the near white blur of hedges and trees.   It was late January. The weather had suddenly changed from surprisingly mild, to a more seasonal frosty. After three hours on the train, I had become lost in my own thoughts.   I’d almost forgotten why I was journeying down south. My life at that moment had become...

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Dressed Up and Used

     This is a continuation of my first story "MY First Time in a Dress".  I love reading your comments, enjoy!      I avoided Dan for the next few days by playing sick.  I was not ready to go over to his house again yet.  My ass was so sore the next day I had to have some relief.  I was still having a hard time comprehending what really happened.      I finally went to his house three days later.  Dan was a kind of pissed.  "where the fuck have you been" he asked.  "I was sore so I didn't want...

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Clarissa By Alamo Preacher Session One. Clarissa was both the most interesting and the most unusual of my patients in a very long time. She would have insisted that she wasn't unusual, but, at least when she first began visiting me, I believed that she was probably unique. She was first referred to me by her own doctor, who believed that Clarissa's back-pain problems were psychosomatic, and had a mental, rather than physical cause. In fact, as it turned out, Clarissa had a...

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The 25 Year Itch Chapter 3

I continued my troubled sleep while my wife spent the evening with Simon at his rugby club dinner dance.  My fitful dreaming seemed to consist of my wife dancing closely with lots of different men, some I knew and some who were strangers.  It was a restless sleep, with a feeling of doom haunting my sub-conscious.I wasn’t sure how long it was before I heard a car door shutting and a diesel car pulling away outside.  I realised this wasn’t part of my dream, and I came around, feeling my muscles...

Wife Lovers
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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 16

The sun had almost set by the time Mark and Kara joined the Hopewell council near the entrance to Va'an's new hut. They nodded greetings to their friends and neighbors in silence, and began to wait patiently. Mark looked around at his village, marveling at how much work had been done in the single day he and Kara had been gone. "These people are such hard workers!" Mark thought. "Getting ready for the planting is such intensive work. And the adults rely so much on their children. Mayoni...

2 years ago
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Beth Part 3 of 5

Continued from Part 2   CHAPTER 25 - Calling SylviaI felt grubby, so I went and had a shower. The hot water washed away some sadness about my Daddy as well as the dirt. But I still worried that I scared him off. Ah well, what's done is done, and I have to go on. I dried myself, put on a bit of makeup (not sure why) and padded back to the bedroom to get dressed.I saw Sylvia's number and paused a moment, then turned to my dresser to pick out clothes. I checked the weather on my phone and saw it...

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Loris Lady Friend

Lori didn't want to spend the day by herself with her husband, Ron, being gone for a few weeks on his first long overseas deployment. She was really missing him and wanted another human being to spend time with. She started to get a video and watch it, but then she called Honey and asked her girlfriend if she'd like to go out and just spend the evening together. Honey readily agreed and the two young women met, dressed for going out for a few drinks and possibly seeing what attention they...

4 years ago
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Fantasy with Brendacd

brendacd....mmmmm, i wonder about your "cuckold" hot ideasamgrant1865Want to hear, then?brendacdyes, plezzzzzzzzzzzzsamgrant1865Okay, I think first he needs to be stripped naked, gagged, and tied into a chair, so he has a good view. And his hands must be tied so that no matter how hard he tries, he can't get to his cock.He can listen, when I tell you to strip. And then after you have taken off all your clothes, I will tell you to strip me, too.And when you take down my pants, he can see my cock...

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Lucky Encounter With Kate At The Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to be a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past them, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying, “Thanks,” as I moved down past where they were set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

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Pattis Son

Patti had a teen son who was beginning to get interested in sex. She caught him staring at her tits and other women's asses. It was time to show him how the birds and bees do it. She was going to be a great teacher. She had already fucked two of his friends, and it was great. She loved the young cocks.On Saturday she told Tom to go to his room and undress. He looked surprised so she told him that if he didn't strip she would undress him. She was going to make him a man today. She gave him ten...

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EMails To My MasterChapter 4

TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse i am pleased that you enjoyed my latest report. As to your punishment, it has been carried out; my nipples (and the area round them) are still a little sore as are my pussy lips. My mirror is adorned as you instructed and it will remain that way for a week. i am working hard on the story; about five pages have been written so far and i hope to have more done overnight if it remains quiet. It is a shame that no comments have yet been received at the Group. i...

1 year ago
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Blackjack Part 3

The sequel to the sequel/the end This may seemed a little rushed, I was trying to finish it quickly. Please comment/rate if you like it! Now, enjoy. --------------------------------------------- Blackjack! Part 3 --------------------------------------------- In a crack in the doorway was his aunt, stark naked, with one hand rubbing her massive tits, the other buried deep in her pussy. Her eyes were half closed, with her mouth wide open. It was quite a sight. Her eyes opened fully and...

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My Take On September 11th

My take on the September 11 thing? Thanks, I thought you’d never ask. I don’t think this is exclusively about Americans, it’s about people in general. For example — what motivates certain groups to hold a deep hatred of all things American? Is it our foreign policy? Perhaps there are people who don’t like the method in which we go about maintaining world order or the ways we go about it. They may not like the world order itself. Is it our callous disregard for all things not American? For...

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Emily in the DarkChapter 6

We walked along the road, until I identified his neighbor’s place. This guy, the local fire chief, was pretty strack, and I noticed that the large planters flanking his driveway, had been emptied, and their dirt placed about the concrete forms the planters consisted of. I was not surprised to see yet more dirt emplaced about the forms. I parked Emily in the shadows, and stepped into the middle of the roadway, hands conspicuously clear of any weapon, and announced myself. “Ahoy, Marty! Have...

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Love Honor and Obey

Love, Honor and Obey Jim's head was ready to explode. His blood pressure was through the roof,he had enough. His wife Wanda had driven him to the edge once again and hecould take no more. Jim tried to give everything he could, the house she wantedthe jewelry she said she needed, the clothes, everything he could. But, itwas never enough for her. Wanda always wanted more and Jim was at the end ofhis giving to please her. "I'm going to leave you if we don't move soon to a bigger house."...

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Masturbating Mom

I was totally horny. I couldn't stand it any longer. My husband, Jim was away on business again and I couldn't wait another minute, much less another two days. My son, Paul was out on a date, so I was all alone in the house... alone and frustrated! My pussy wanted attention in the worst way. Since Jim wasn't around to help the situation, I was just going to have to take matters into my own to speak. I wasn't new to masturbation. Quite the contrary. I loved doing it. It was...

2 years ago
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Mammi ki seva

Dear Friends,Bahut dino se me FSI ka regular reader hu, aur aap sabhi ki sacchi kahaniya padne ke baad mene bhi apne jeeevan ka anubhav share karne ka pakka vichar banaya aur me yah apni sacchi kahani aap sabhi ko bhej raha hun. Ghar me mere alava mammi, papa aur ek badi sister he, Papa touring job hone se bahar jyada rahte he, aur badi sis joki muzse do saal badi he vah mca ke baad pune me training job me he. Ghar me mammi aur me hum do prani hi he. Mammi jinki age abhi 38-40 hogi ek bhare...

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Summer Love Chapter 5

"Would it be okay if I kissed you?" Thirteen-year-old Kristen Hayes was surprised but secretly overjoyed by this question from her best friend. "'Cause when Ryan Harrington kissed me last weekend at Ashley's party I don't think he did it right," Courtney explained. "And you think I could do better?" Kristen answered. "I've never kissed anyone in my life." Courtney smiled. "Well, then we should practice. Don't you want to know what to do when a boy kisses you the first...

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Becoming Succubi chapter II

I was furious at him for not telling me this. He had actually transformed me! However, at the same time I knew that this was my chance to prove my worth to him. It was an important mission and an adventure unlike anything I would ever experience again. I really wished to help my master and gain his full appreciation. Slowly, my rage subsided and gave way to a strange kind of resignation. It was just temporary, and I’d get the chance to fly. Flying spells weren’t scheduled until the sixth year...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Jennifers Home At Last

My wife finally moved home only because I told her to keep seeing other guys. The catch was she had to bring them home to a cottage on our property to fuck them. Tonight I'm waiting for her to come home from a date. So I can watch my slut wife suck a strangers cock and get fucked. Jennifer is a 45 year old 6ft with 40dd tits and voluptuous ass and pussy. When she left tonight she had on black blouse and half bra with fish net stockings and come fuck me boots. Finally I seen lutes pulling into...

Cheating Wifes
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The Fountain of Youth

I had a semi-regular client named Jonathan. He was in his early fifties, and kept himself fit and smelling pretty good (those things matter, trust me). His wishes were pretty vanilla – i.e., he’d hire me for a couple of hours and we would have pretty basic sex, running through most of the common positions and things that a man and woman can do to and for each other. He always enjoyed himself enormously and I liked him a lot. He often remarked that I was very good at it. As he got to know me...

First Time
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Trying to get home

Friday I was leaving Dallas on my way home around 10 pm. I was going to drive to about Memphis and rest a little then come on home to enjoy the weekend. I was on the middle of no where Arkansas when my car let out a huge puff of smoke and I was stranded on the shoulder of I-40 at 1:30 am. I tried to Google some wreckers on my phone with no one answering when I finally notice a wrecker pulling in behind me. I went back to the wrecker and he said they also had a repair shop so he could town...

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Lost Empire 54

0003 - Conner- Thomas                              0667 - Marco - Brown                   0097 - Ace - Zimmel                                    0778 - Jan                     0098 - Lucy                                                  0798 - Celeste  -  Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick      0908 - Tara - Mara              0125 - Lars                                                   0999 - Zan                        0200 -...

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Two black men

After happened I saw that my wife was able to fuck with my neighbor and her son while I was in the kitchen washing dishes, I definitely has convinced she's really a whore addicted to cock. I got very happy with it and made it easier for her.Really I did not care what people said. A very gossipy lady our neighbor had spread the news that my wife was a slut bitch. She told everybody saw men coming into my house when I went to work. She thought it was hurting me to spread this news, but she was...

4 years ago
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Drawn to YouChapter 7

They spent the rest of the afternoon walking through the properties and discussing plans. Belle took notes and Jeffrey promised to get her the original floor plans for the warehouse. She made a note to have one of the other designers visit the house in order to take measurements and photographs since no plans were available for it. The house had been their last stop and she didn't realize how much time had passed until she glanced at her watch. It was six o'clock and her stomach echoed the...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 18 Ice

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place after Aragorn and company depart for the Paths of the Dead. Éowyn has once more declared her love for Aragorn and her desire to ride with him, but has again been rejected. King Théoden arrives mid-chapter and prepares to lead Rohan’s army to Gondor, ordering Éowyn to remain and rule in his absence. Elfhelm is the Marshal of the East-mark and a leader of Rohan’s forces. Caution: some of the sex in this chapter is nonconsensual.] 8-9...

1 year ago
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Mausi Ka Beti Ko Rula Diya Mene

Dosto mera naam moin maine bahut sare sex kahani padha or maine bhi shanti chachi ke sath pyar ka ek kahani alredy iss club ku bheja kuch dost ne usko padh kar bahut sare mail mere pass aya tha ki or koi kahani ho to jarur bhejna. Fir mere life ka ek schi kahani yade ayi to mai mere dosto ko batane jarha hnu ai kahani mere mausi ka ladki ke saath ka schi kahani hai. Mai baroda ka rahne bala hnu mere ghar ke paas mere ek mausi ka paribar rahte hai mausi ka paribar mai 3 ladki or ek ladka mausji...

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