Adventures Of A Greenie: Off Planet (Vol 2)Chapter 20: Tele-Listener free porn video

Nijaii plaza was just like everything else, a perfectly groomed, perfectly clean open space multi-leveled space connected with sweeping two or three-step stairs. Interconnected with water features, gurgling fountains and more of those artistic shaped, but not very natural-looking trees.
There wasn’t a single leaf on the ground, no one walked or sat on the carpet like grass. Some of the grass was not even green, but pink and peach-colored.
The TMT Gazebo centrally located on that plaza had been artfully integrated into the overall artful and in Roy’s opinion sterile and boring surroundings.
As he expected, the two Saresii women waited right there for them. While less than ten minutes had passed since he received their call, and they both smiled, he was certain both were slightly annoyed at him for the delay.
He did not feel too accommodating and openly wondered. “While I am very aware of my urgent need to proceed with this experiment, I fail to understand both of your displayed sense of urgency. I also understand your interest in all this Dr. Seniie, but I can not understand what Cara’s mother’s involvement is?”
The Saresii CMO kept the friendly smile, but it was like his female body and shape quite artificial in Roy’s opinion. “Erma Halvagh is one of the lead scientists in the Saresii Psion Academy.”
Roy was a guest on this planet, and it was Dr. Seniie who got it all started, but his constant exposure to groups and beings with agendas started to affect his outlook on things. He now was certain these two Saresii had more than just one reason to be here.
Dr. Seniie made an inviting gesture to follow and led them to a flight of stairs that led underground and to a wide transparent door. There was no obvious security, but Roy was certain this was a well-guarded facility. He could almost feel the invisible sensor beams and hidden visualizers checking him out to the last cell of his body.
He also instantly noticed that he was no longer connected to Partner. The place was psionically shielded.
Behind the glass door was lavender and white-colored lobby with softly curving walls and an organic shaped desk. The white desk curled seamlessly out of the lavender-colored floor as if frozen in a flowing movement.
This lobby was quite spacious and if it wasn’t for the Union logo of the Science Council projected against a wall behind that desk, the place would have felt quite alien.
Only now he noticed that he was holding on to Tanya’s hand as she squeezed it ever so softly.
There were several other beings around, three Seenians, two Terran Humans and a Spindlar if he recognized the being with the telescopic limbs and neck correctly.
All of them wore civilian attire, but even to unexperienced Roy it was clear, most of them were more comfortable in uniforms. Tanya expressed what he was thinking. “Whatever you are supposed to do here, sure seems very important to a lot of people.”
He sighed. “You have no idea, Tanya. I tell you all about it after we are done here.”
Erma, the woman who supposedly was Cara’s mother spoke to him for the first time since they had arrived here. “You might not want to share all the details.”
Roy snapped at the older Saresii as they continued walking towards a bank of Inter building transport tubes. “Cara told me that I could stay with you while I am going to college here. I don’t know you at all and you act as if you had some authority over me, tell me who you are exactly.”
The older woman glared at him. “Cara spoke about you in very favorable terms and painted a picture of a well-mannered young human from a fringe world.”
“Green Hell is not a fringe world and if well-mannered means naïve and stupid, then I guess Cara forgot to tell you I did a lot of growing up lately. I think you know what Cara does and you are not just there to provide me with an address while I am here.”
One of the IBT shafts rotated open and presented the interior of a large transport capsule, Dr. Seniie stepped in and motioned everyone to follow, while Erma answered. “You are quite correct, I am also one of the leading scientists of the Saresii academy and the upcoming experiment, the Leedei coming here with a device of the First Age of Knowledge and those psionic messages you received from your mother make this matter more than just interesting to me and Saresii science.”
The IBT capsule moved downwards, there was no feelable motion, the direction was indicated by a bank of fast-moving light dots pulsating in narrow strips on the wall.
Roy said. “I am not Saresii, I am Union.”
“And the Saresii are Union.” Dr. Seniie said. “Our Science Academy is part of the Union Science Council, and because you are Union, the Leedei are here as well.”
Before there was any more exchange, the IBT doors opened and released them onto a mezzanine with an almost chest high semitransparent handrail.
The rail separated them from a cavernous semi-spherical hall with a vaulted ceiling.
An open lift platform took the four further down and to the actual floor of this underground facility.
Roy instantly recognized eight of the present beings as Leedei. All of them looked very much like Knunging and Inklung, the only other Leedei he had met so far. At a closer look, he did see minute differences in the uncanny obscured faces of these beings. He also remembered Inklung being substantially shorter than the ones present.
One of the Leedei did seem more familiar and it was that one who stepped forward, extended its spidery hand. “We meet again Mr. Masters. I am not sure if you can keep us, apart but I am Knunging, the Sip Sap of Inklung.
Roy remembered the last time he had meet the alien and instantly felt sorry again and of course ashamed for the way he had lashed out.
Yes, he had met his share of shady groups and characters that all seemed to have agendas of their own, none really clear to him but certainly not in aliment with his own. However, this was not the case with this Leedei.
It was Roy who had approached it and the Leedei offered unprecedented help. The psionic gifted alien also saved his life, prevented something disgusting to bond with his spinal cord and make him do whatever those cursed Paper Faces wanted him to do.
Roy had insulted the being, by verbally lashing out and indirectly causing physical injury.
Roy blushed and stared at the tie floor. “I am truly sorry for I did the last time we met, Sir, I hope your injuries have healed.”
Like all Leedei, this one wore a second skin layer over his actual face and made the humanoid alien look as if it wore some kind of tight semi-transparent fabric over his head. “The injuries sustained by falling off the diagnostic bed were not severe and I have been released from medical almost right away.”
“Still, I am very sorry.”
“Let us not dwell on the past and focus what is ahead of us.”
One of the other Leedei now also stepped closer. “I am Avnak and I am the Tri of all knowledge gathering.”
It was said with a flair of great importance. Knunging seemed amused. “Roy, we Leedei place much importance to all aspects and expressions of the number three. Perhaps because we are the only known species with three biological genders.” Knunging gestured to the other Leedei. “In human terms, he is our society’s most important scientist. Leedei are governed by a group of three individuals and they all have equal power, together it is absolute over all that is Leedei. Avnak is one of them.”
“Good heavens!” Roy blurted out. “I am so humbled and deeply honored. How do I address a Tri?”
Avnak, now also was amused. “Simply call me Avnak. I also must correct my good friend Knunging. Our power is not absolute anymore.” The important Leedei straightened a little. “We are Union, Roy and we must become more united. I am a Citizen and, in this no, less or more than you.”
A third Leedei said. “I understand time is of the essence. Let us simply proceed and conduct the experiment.”
Sam was quite frustrated, Charles could tell. While the robot was sentient now and developed a distinct personality and while he could rely on the very advanced emotion response of his SII application package, most humans or pretty much all biological beings relied on a huge spectrum of emotions and an equally complicated way of displaying and expressing them. They remained an utter mystery to Charles.
Not so with Sam, after all these years he could read Sam’s emotions quite well. Not that the big black man was known to share his true emotions with anyone.
For many hours, spending the very last coins he had he tried to find out when Martha had been brought to the asteroid base.
So far, he was unsuccessful, even to identify the ship she might have been on.
Sam rapped his fist against the metal surface of the small table that was part of the taverns furnishing of a smudgy place, called Motherload. “We’re screwed and so is Martha, my friend. Either I saddled the wrong horse and we went to Brhama Port for nothing or the ship she was on never arrived.”
Charles had ditched the artful rug, for a Liguan fursuit. The vermin and parasite infested a two-piece suit made of the long shaggy fur of an animal of considerable size; Sam was convinced it would be large enough for a Lordor; reeked of something rancid. Neither the odor nor whatever biosphere thrived underneath the long hair bothered the robot. It had an attached fur hood that could be drawn tight and close around the head. It was perfect for the purpose and completely obscured the massive frame of the Cerberus robot. The best part was the willingness of the secondhand dealer to exchange it for the rug.
The robot contemplated what to respond when a bluish-gray Norkana waddled up to their table.
Even without access to GalNet or military GalCom, Charles’s memory bank contained detailed information on all known sentient species.
Norkana were one of the so-called ‘Seventy neutral species’ that populated Freespace and were part of the First Signing of the Freespace Treaty.
Charles, accessing the info learned that they were the only known species declaring to have close and positive relations to the Poho.
According to this data, the Norkana only occupied one planet and not too far from this shattered system. There was very little information on their society and culture. Individuals of this species were known to be eager travelers and could be found traveling almost everywhere. While the data set also noted that they always traveled in pairs, Charles could not see another one of these short beings anywhere within the visual scanning range. This confirmed the biological data mentioning that Norkana rarely grew taller than about ninety centimeters.
Charles not only accessed databank info on the approaching Norkana but used all sensors to scan the alien.
While the Poho were generally known to be the most peaceful species around, as they did not even understand or at least claimed not to understand the concept of conflict, there was not much data regarding the Agresso Level of Norkana. The one approaching however carried quite some hardware in terms of weapons. Charles detected a Kermac Line Blaster, a small Neuro Ripper, six genuine Dai Than throw grenades and a genuine Cold-Steel, Union sourced Mono-edge knife.
The Line Blaster, worn openly in a chest-mounted holster. The Norkana had its species characteristic square-shaped head and truly non-human face.
Sam, of course, had noticed the Norkana as well.
The Motherload bar was not the biggest establishment and patrons usually wanted to be left alone.
The Norkana was now close enough to speak and sure enough, he too had the squeaky voice that often-annoyed members of other species.
“You, human, word going around that you are asking questions about a Karthanian ship recently arriving from Alvor’s.”
Sam slowly nodded. “Maybe, why would that mean anything to you?”
“My answer depends on the Polos or Iridis you might invest in the information I have.”
Charles knew Sam was down to two Fullweights and twenty Ten pieces, making Charles wonder how they could ever leave this place in the first place. Yet his friend seemed not concerned and answered. “Depending on how good your information is, you could look at a substantial sum.”
“There are many ships of Karthanian afloat around these parts, but only one was scheduled to arrive from Alvor’s in the last ten days.”
Sam handed over one of the Fullweights. “You managed to raise my interest, but so far nothing I don’t already know.”
“Alright, human how about this? The one I am talking about had a small load of expensive slaves aboard. Purchased from Kukur Nurop right from under the noses of associates acting for the Kermac.”
Sam involuntarily wiped his mouth. “Yes, that would be the ship I am interested in.”
“One hundred Fullweights and I tell you a lot more.”
“I don’t have that many Polos on me, but I am interested.”
“Can you get it?”
“Yes, within the hour.”
“Alrighty meet me right here, in two hours. You have the Polos and I have the info. You show up without the Polos and we won’t talk again.”
The Norkana left, the way he came with the for his kind odd swaggering walk, caused by the wide set sickle-shaped legs.
Charles went over their inventory, there were a few things worth a hundred polos, but would Charles sell weapons?
His friend got up. “Time to make a withdrawal.”
The disguised robot followed his master and friend. “There is a bank on this rock?”
“Not an official one, Charles.”
“Are we going to sell something or are we going to employ the threat of violence to obtain it?”
“I was forced to use both options in the past. Out here beyond Union borders, you got to improvise more often than not. Able to improvise on the spot is by far the most valuable skill a RAvE man should have.”
Sam sighed and added. “But I am done with this after we found Martha, I miss our farm and Green Hell.”
“I suspected you would re-enlist with the Marines as there is a war.”
Sam grunted. “You know me better than I know myself. Tin-Head.”
The former Marine had reached one of the open conveyors large platforms bolted to a chain moving up one side and down the other. He deposited one of the Ten pieces into a slot, which released an access barrier and both the robot and the man stepped on the next upward-moving platform.
Sam said. “Six tiers up, help me count.”
It did not take long and Charles said.” We just passed the fifth tier.”
Sam hopped off the platform followed by the robot. This tier of the mostly hollow asteroid was packed with the sales stalls and colorful facades of hundreds of businesses.
Charles who relied on a map he had downloaded from a local Tronic, wondered how Sam managed to find his way around and was once more deeply impressed by the many skills his human friend possessed without having the benefit of being constructed by SII.
His human friend unerringly navigated between the milling crowd and then said to Charles. “I was unable to shake our tail. So I need us to split up for a while. Let us meet at the Motherload in an hour.”
Charles apologized. “There seem to be too many beings in close proximity for my logarithm to detect a pattern. It was clearer at Alvor’s.”
“I still wish I only half of all those neat sensors you rely on, the rest comes with experience. Even in a place like this, you are not easy to overlook, a seven-foot giant in a fursuit that reeks of rancid butter and urine is hard to miss.”

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