KellyChapter 35A free porn video

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"Todd... arrested?" Vanetta asked, shocked and confused. She didn't wait for an answer but picked up her pace as she followed Bobby to the dark metallic blue van double parked out front, the engine running and a crying Ami sitting in the back seat.

It had started out as a beautiful summer day, the second last day in July. A cooling breeze was blowing in off the coast and the sun rising in a cloudless sky was what Dave Walker had woken up to. He was in good spirits, having spent another night with the lovely Annie Prince. They had showered together, lovingly and with gentleness, after waking up entangled and even more enthralled with each other. They had sat and enjoyed some of Jacob's mighty fine coffee, and then Dave had headed back to his own home to change for work. Dave didn't want Annie to think he was taking things for granted by bringing a change of clothes with him when they spent nights together.

He had arrived at CMPD Central just before seven, checked the duty roster, and was talking about the previous night's activity with Staff Sergeant Hale, when the sergeant had casually mentioned the arrest warrant for Todd Ayres and handed him the papers. It was a felony arrest warrant signed by Judge Richardson for the apprehension of the accused and included a no-bail clause based on a Grand Theft charge in Ohio from which Todd had run to supposedly avoid prosecution. In bold letters at the bottom was the notation Richardson had added to make it all legal.

Where as the statute of limitations for criminal cases in Ohio is 6 years for a felony (Ohio Revised Code § 2901.13.(A)(1)(a))

The period of limitation shall not run during any time when the accused purposely avoids prosecution. Proof that the accused departed this state or concealed the accused's identity or whereabouts is prima-facie evidence of the accused's purpose to avoid prosecution (Ohio Revised Code § 2901.13(G)).

Dave Walker had immediately pressed the intercom button and summoned his personal assistant. "Get detectives Weaver and Williams up here as soon as they arrive for their shift!"

Harry and Lew got the word when they reported at eight o'clock and double timed it up to the Captain's office.

"I thought you had Mr. Ayres all checked out and that there were no outstanding warrants for him anywhere," Dave scowled at them.

"We did, Captain," said Lew. "We checked every single police database and nothing showed up under either his new name or his birth name. I'm telling you there's nothing on him. He's as clean as a new whistle."

"Then why in the hell am I holding an arrest warrant for him?"

"That's pure bullshit," said Harry. "We talked to a duty sergeant in Akron, yesterday, and he said that the charge was so thin that nobody ever bothered filing it properly. It's been in their GIGO file for years. Hell, they even said that if Todd went in they could destroy it."

"It's a shame he didn't do it before this," said Dave, a little calmer. "But as much as I want to, we can't ignore this. Mr. Ayers is going to have to come down and be booked until such time that his lawyers can clear this up."

"We can call him and ask him to show up on his own," suggested Harry.

"Oh, all right. Let's just do that and let Richardson nail us all on contempt charges. Nope, we've got to do this by the book. A marked unit and handcuffs."

Lew just groaned. "That just don't seem right."

Harry nodded and added, "Ever notice how when it's a bad deal, it's always Richardson's name on the paperwork?"

Dave leaned back on his desk. "Annie's gonna be so pissed when she hears about this."

Both Lew and Harry perked up their ears. "Annie Prince?" Harry finally asked.

That shook Dave out of his thoughts. "Never mind about that. It's my private life," he growled. "Do you two want to pick up Todd, or do you want me to send somebody else?"

"We'll do it," said Harry. "He shouldn't be picked up by strangers."

"Good," said Dave. "Make sure you try to apprehend this supposed nefarious fugitive by noon today."

Harry and Lew looked at each other before nodding and leaving.

Judge Richardson had enough class at least to not openly count the money in the envelope that Jack Labadie had slid across the table at Denny's, but of course his fingers itched terribly while holding it. Actually he'd rather they'd met at one of the fancy restaurants in town, but he couldn't think of one that would be happy to see or serve him. Still a thorn in his side was his one miscalculated error in judgment, rightfully provoked over his concern for his stepdaughter, even though it turned out to be instigated by indiscretions on the part of her friend. He had forced "A Woman's Space" to be shut down, and the bitch who ran it was still after his hide. She had been successfully badmouthing him since that unfortunate incident to every good restaurant around. These days, if he wanted a decent meal, he had to travel well out of the city. He would have insisted on it for this meeting as well, but it wouldn't have allowed them time to go to the courthouse afterwards and do this job right.

Richardson had taken the money, a lot less than he thought he deserved for a job of this type, but he figured he ought to be able to milk it for a lot more. He'd get what he could, while he could, as that bitch was still making life miserable for him, and he knew his chances for re-election were slightly less than hell freezing over. He'd like to take care of her as well, but she kept her nose clean, and that damn dog of hers had just put her in very good graces with the CMPD. He figured he'd run for the position again and skim what he could from the election coffers, but retirement was looming. It was either that or return to being a lawyer, and the latter, which involved real work, was not a thought that sat well with him.

He had explained to Labadie that the charge was thinner than the envelope the money was in as Ayers had been known as a good guy to practically all of the police department since shortly after setting down roots in Charlotte. Labadie insisted that Langstaff and Associates could deal with the odds. The important thing was to get the charge on the books and Ayers arrested. A whole team of lawyers was ready to act the minute Ayres was in jail.

"It's a standard 'shock and awe' approach we use." Jack Labadie explained. "We have lawyers attach and attack each of his assets and holdings. It might take a year of legal roughhousing, but we're almost always able to wear them down to where they're willing to settle just to end the cost of the defense fees. With their assets frozen, they can't pay for the legal work."

"Do you gamble much?" Richardson had asked.

"Rarely," said Jack. "When the odds are so high in your favor, it's not much of a gamble."

Richardson had just smiled. These boys from up North sounded like they knew what they were doing, and he'd be quite happy to accept more of these envelopes his new retirement sponsor wanted to hand him in exchange for helping them file any other paperwork needed. It was quick and easy for him, no skin off his nose in his present situation. He felt no remorse for this guy, Ayres. With all the judges taking vacations, the man could sit in jail for a month. And, if it didn't work out like the boys from Ohio thought it would? Well, he'd just take what money he could get out of the job and then forget about them, too.

Harry and Lew had left the Captain's office and gone right outside. Harry opened his cell phone and pushed Lew's hand away when he tried to reach for it.

"I'll be the one, Lew. You can claim you knew nothing about this."

"Hell, Harry," Lew said. "You heard the Captain. He as much as told us to go ahead and warn Todd. Pick him up by noon, my ass!"

"Laura's still my daughter, Lew."

Lew understood and waited while Harry made the call.

Laura answered her phone on the third ring. She had been swallowing her morning vitamins and laughing with Kelly about the visit with Dr. Angela Mark, Kelly's new obstetrician. Laura was surprised to be getting a call on her cell this early in the morning, but smiled when she saw it was her father.

"Hey, Daddy, what're doing calling me this early? A girl needs her beauty sleep, you know." But her smile faded quickly.

"Laura, listen to me close. I won't have a chance to repeat this. I have a warrant for Todd's arrest."

Laura felt her throat tighten as tears threatened to well up to her eyes. "But... but, Daddy," she stammered and then sniffed.

"Get a grip, Laura. I need you to listen close," Harry said. "I have to come to the studio at 11:30 this morning to pick up Todd on a felony arrest warrant for Grand Theft. Lew and I will be busy for a while, but at 11:30, we will be arriving at the studio to arrest Todd if he is there. If you understand me, Laura, just say yes."

"Ya... yes, Daddy," she stammered again feeling her jaw tighten.

"If Todd isn't at the studio when we get there, we will have to look for him, but we can only look in Charlotte. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy."

"I love you, Pumpkin," he said.

"I love you too, Daddy," and Laura closed her phone.

"What's the matter, Honey?" Kelly asked a tearful Laura.

"Todd has to leave town, right now," Laura hissed. "Daddy and Uncle Lew have a warrant to arrest him, and Daddy said they were going to serve it at the studio at 11:30 if he was there or anywhere in Charlotte."

"What's being served," said Todd, smiling as he strolled into the kitchen. "Breakfast I hope."

Ami and Cara sat there with their mouths agape, too petrified to speak, but tears were starting to pool in Ami's eyes.

"Todd, you've got to pack and leave town right now," Laura said and quickly filled him in on her father's advice, which is what she was sure it was.

"Felony, Grand Theft, eh?" Todd repeated as he puffed on one of Kelly's cigarettes. "That means I stole something worth over $5,000. That explains what's been going on around here with the private snoop. Somebody's been planning this for a while, but I'm not going to run from this. I've never run, and I haven't stolen a damn thing. Somebody is playing me, and I want to know who it is." Flipping open his own phone, he scanned the directory and did a double take when Melanie answered his call.

"Hi, Melanie" he said. "I need to talk to Steve right away. Thanks."

"Yeah, Steve. Remember that nutjob that was casing Kelly's place? Yeah, he's the one. Looks like whoever he was working for found what they wanted, and I'm going to be arrested at 11:30."

"Todd," Steve said, "I'll find you a good criminal lawyer. I'm not up on criminal law, and neither is Pete, but I can sure call in a few favors."

"That's all fine, Steve, but that's not why I'm calling. I'll be okay, but I'm worried about the business. I want to be ready or have Kelly ready for when the bailiffs come to try and seize the studio. Nobody went to this kind of trouble without a financial reward in it for them."

"Jesus, Todd." Steve said. "Who did you piss off so much that they want TKO?"

"I don't know yet, Steve, but I want to make sure that nobody shuts the doors on Kelly or our operation in New York. Too many people count on TKO and on Kelly. I can handle a court battle if it comes to it, but if I also have my mind on Kelly and the business, it will be a lot harder for me."

"Todd, they can try, but remember, I set up the corporation for you and Kelly. It's a full-fledged corporation and limited, and there is no way anyone can touch it. What you need to do to protect other assets you own yourself is get to the bank right now and take out a loan on all your personal property."

"What?" asked an exasperated Todd. "Why the hell would I want to take out a loan? I own everything that I have."

"Todd, listen to me. You said you have till 11:30 right? Get to the bank and take out a loan for as much, no, make that twice as much as you think you personally own, and bring that money to me as a retainer. Turn your bank accounts and vehicle ownerships over to the bank instantly as collateral with specific instructions that you are not to receive them back until the loan is totally paid. This is going to have to be done now, Todd, and I mean right now. This is the quickest liquidation of assets that I can think of and keep it all legal."

"Are you sure this is legal, Steve? I don't want you in hot water either."

"It's perfectly legal," Steve said. "What we're doing is making sure that whoever wants what they think you're worth to find out quickly that you aren't worth a damn thing!"

"Okay, thanks, Steve."

"I'll be waiting at the police department for you. I don't want you to make any statements or volunteer any information until I get there. While you're covering your personal assets, I'll see about finding you a good defense attorney - now go!"

Todd hung up and looked at the ladies in the kitchen. Ami and Cara were openly crying, and Laura was struggling not to let the tears win the battle. Kelly was the only one who was calm and collected.

"I understand what you need done at the bank, Todd. I'll be your co-signer and take possession of your accounts for collateral if you want."

"Thanks, Kelly. We need to get moving."

"But why do you have to go to jail?" wailed Laura, finally letting the tears win. "Who could be so mean and spiteful?"

Todd set his chin and his eyes darkened. "There's only two people that I know would rather see me in jail than happy," he said. "But I thought they were totally out of my life."

Todd reached for Laura and hugged her and kissed her. "I need you to be strong, Baby - strong for Ami and Cara and especially Kelly." He looked at Kelly. "She's strong in the crunch, aren't you, Honey?" he said smiling at his long-time partner. "But we don't know how long this is going to take, and you've all got to be strong for the company picnic this weekend. Can't let a little thing like jail stop the party can we?"

"Who's coming along for the ride?" asked Kelly, suddenly standing up, then she jumped back in surprise as the back door opened.

Gloria walked in, her keys still in her hand. "Don't mind me none. You go for yer ride. I just make me coffee and see to the groceries."

"Gloria!" Laura said in a bit louder than normal tone, "Todd's going to jail!"

'G' calmly reached into her purse and pulled out a toothbrush, obviously brand new, still sealed in cellophane. "Not so far den. Be back soon, Mister Todd."

Todd started to laugh, took the offered toothbrush, and kissed 'G' on the cheek. "Keep it real for the girls, Gloria," he said. Somehow the simple gesture of an offered toothbrush reassured Todd that his decision to stay and fight was the right one.

The bank kept trying to insist that Todd's credit was good enough that he didn't need to put his personal accounts on hold as collateral. It took longer than expected to convince the bank that this was needed as Todd did not want to disclose the fact that he was waiting to be taken to jail. Todd knew that any attempts at his assets would be a civil matter, not a criminal matter, and protecting himself was just common sense. He had no problems parting with his money for any good cause, but no one - absolutely no one - was going to take it from him.

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Curious Siblings Part 2 Mom Helps

We walked into the bathroom and paused as we saw our reflections in the mirror. Both releasing a devious smile, knowing what we had done may not have been right, but we were too young to care. I turned on the shower and watched Alice step in. She looked more beautiful in that moment than she ever had before. Her tan skin, and young curves that complimented her small frame so well. “Are you just going to keep staring at me? Or are you coming in” She playfully jabbed at me. “Sorry haha, I...

1 year ago
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Lost my virginity to my sexy bhabhi

I am shashank from Bangalore. I have been a regular viewer of the Indian sex stories. After reading through many of them I got inspired to post my own sexual encounter which I had couple of years ago. Before moving further its better to know about my physical attributes. My age is now 26. I am tall, fair-complexioned guy with good physique. My physique is of course linked to me working out every day at the gym for 45 minutes to 1 hour. During my college days I always managed to attract many...

3 years ago
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BBC Robert stays in touch

In my first story I explained how I met Robert at the age of 13 and how he stayed in touch with me.My first sexual experience was being gangbanged by a group of older black men. Robert, who picked me up and invited me to his condo also was kind enough to drive me home early the next morning. He wanted to know where I lived so he could stay in touch. On the weekends my parents were out of town for work, he'd continue to pick me up and take me to his condo. He owed some money to a bookie so he...

1 year ago
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Girls clothes ll

I was shaking as he moved his hands over me. He licked his lips as he moved a hand over the cups of the bra I had on. Moving down my stomach he said, I've watched Megan a few times as she dressed for bed. Image my surprise when I seen you. Please don't tell her, I begged. He looked at me for a minute and said, what would you do to keep me from telling. Anything, I blurted out. Patting my leg he said, we'll see about that. He stood me up in front of him and said to take off the bra. My hands...

3 years ago
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TammyChapter 3

The morning sun was filtering through the curtains and filling the room with a soft glow. I turned and saw Tammy sleeping quietly. My God she looked beautiful. There was purity and innocence in her face. Funny I should have that thought right then. A few hours before I had taken her maidenhood and initiated her to the world of sexuality. Those lips had been wrapped around my penis. But in the soft morning light she looked like a painting of purity. One of the Pre-Raphaelites could have...

4 years ago
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My Payment

I drive fast down the dusty road, since there is no one around. Some people may be nervous to drive in such a deserted area but I enjoy the quiet. Only problem with that is, if you run into any difficulty, there's no one around to help you. When my engine starts to make a chugging noise I glance at the gas valve and see it's nearly empty. Shit. I pull over to the side of the road as my car starts to slow. Turning the engine off, I fumble for my phone to call for help. No signal. Great. I climb...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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ReadyOrNotHereICum Tigerr Benson Anal Rate

Nacho Vidal feels really angry because he doesn’t want to pay the car park. But as we already know, he doesn’t calm down if there’s no female in the neighborhood ready to give him a great blowjob. Tigerr Benson is the Spaniard’s new capture. She’s more than willing to give him a “helping mouth” just next to the parking meter in order to get his dick in her pussy afterwards. The intense passion between those two will lead them home to finish the job with...

3 years ago
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On Death

It seems that a number of people around me have recently experienced personal tragedy, sometimes unexpectedly and sometimes in the form or a lingering illness. Their grief and sorrow got me thinking and reminded me of a story told to me by a good friend Tino, who is now a retired minister. ****************** A man and a woman had a child. He was the apple of their eye, and they loved him more than anything else. One day, just shy of this 30th birthday, a drunk driver lost control of his car,...

4 years ago
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The Curtsey part IX

The Curtsey Part IX By Sissy Smith The week went fast for everyone. Jessie was busy training Leo and Ted and things were going her way. Both boys had succumbed to her charm and domineering ways. Jessie was still amazed at how the possibility of sex with her or the idea of a peak at her beautiful naked body would entice a boy to do. It was true, they really did have two heads and neither of these boys was thinking with the one on his shoulders. She now had both Leo and Ted walking...

3 years ago
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Gang Bang Bonnie

Copyright © 1999, Phil Phantom. ALL Rights Reserved Bonnie sat in a tub of water with her father begging to get in and use the toilet. He had to go, bad. There was no curtain on the tub, just six inches of slightly milky water, but she had to let him in and called out, "All right, I'll unlock the door, but give me a few seconds to get back in the tub." "Fine, just hurry." Bonnie got out dripping water off her fifteen-year-old, never-been-seen-naked-by-a-man body, went to the door,...

2 years ago
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The Player PlayedChapter 4

The new maid turned out to be a pretty blonde girl of sixteen called Chrissy; plump, without being fat, and appeared not overly bright without being stupid. She was perfectly capable of doing everything that was necessary, but had no ambition to go on to great things. Her parents were, apparently, delighted that she was to be gainfully employed and looked after. Ideal really. Everything seemed to settle down over the next day or two, apart from the fact that I was fully involved in estate...

2 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 31 Emmas Contribution

The hospitality of the Kalinin's son was proving very agreeable. Emma joined me in one of the large bedrooms. She was sprawled on the canopied bed when I emerged from the shower. She was wearing a stylised, emerald green, version of the Kushtian national costume, a beaded and jewelled bodice that left her midriff bare with a long panelled skirt split to the hip so as to reveal her legs as she rolled across the bed. She grinned as my towel slipped from my hips. "Excellent," she said, "I...

3 years ago
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A Surprise AssFucking In Panties Part 3

Emmy and I make it home to my front door unseen, much to my relief, our crotches are still soaking wet from Emmy pissing on me not more than 5 minutes before. We stumble in the house punch drunk with passion and I make my way straight to the drinks cabinet to pour us both a stiff drink. I notice Emmy wandering into the kitchen and when I walk through to hand her the drink I’m surprised to see she is looking in my fridge. “Hungry?” I ask. “Oh Humphry, I saw you had a trifle and I hoped you would...

3 years ago
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The Office Cunt

Been at work all day and your desk has been empty all day. I ask the person on the next desk to yours “Where’s the cunt today?” “She called in sick” is the replyLike fuck I think, bet she at home watching tv and being a lazy whore. I decide I’m going to pay you a visit to see how sick you really are and for sake you better be. I go to leave, then have an idea. I go to the security desk and see that the shift change is happening. Perfect! 4 of the guards are getting ready to go home.“I’m off to...

4 years ago
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Well it was the summer of my senior year in High School. The day started out like the rest, I got up early, my uncle sitting at dining room table drinking his coffee all dress in his suit and tie. My aunt at the stove making Breakfast for her and I, in her hunter green Housecoat. My mind wandered to think what she had on underneath. The moment was spoiled by my uncle asking me if I could go down to the garden and pick some vegetables for supper, I said sure not a problem.He got up from the...

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It had been three years since the car accident that I'd been involved in that had broken both my legs, an arm along with several ribs. I had spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital, and then going through rehab for several months afterwards. Because of it, I'd been held back in school, a year behind my friends and peers. Something which had left me scarred not only on the outside because of all the surgery required to put me back together again, but also because of the scars...

2 years ago
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Company Christmas Party

My name is Jim and after finishing college, I got a job in accounting at a small company. I looked and looked for a job, and finally had a job interview with this company in late September, and was hired as of October 1 st . The company had several small stores that sold women’s jewelry and accessories, and I was responsible for keeping track of inventory, credit card transactions, and payroll. With the inventory, I was to keep the buyer aware of items that hadn’t sold for a long time, as well...

3 years ago
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Wild Naked FamilyChapter 2

After all that sucking and fucking, Millie anticipated that she'd focus on her hung brother's big cock spurting up her cunt and down her throat until the next time they got it on. However, something else wound up sticking out in her mind. Millie now recalled having said something to the effect that no normal female could pass on any guy who lusted after her enough to steal her panties. And remembered how Gary had sounded really surprised to hear this. Enough so that, at the time, Millie...

4 years ago
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Snow White

Chapter 1Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a lovely young lady, the only daughter of a powerful king. She grew up happy and loved, in spite of a very jealous and insecure stepmother. With hair as black as coal and skin as smooth and fair as porcelain, Snow had been an adorable c***d and the older she got the more beautiful she became.For a time, the wicked stepmother Queen didn't pay the girl any attention, too consumed with her own vanity to care for someone else's brat. Every...

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To Serve And Protect Chapter 2

Without another word, he used the fingers of his left hand to hold her lips open while two fingers from his right suddenly plunged deep into her sweet hole. Honey gasped at the surprise entry, then the gasp turned to a moan of pure pleasure as she felt the fingers curl up and begin to rub the soft spongy pad commonly known as the g-spot. He watched her face as he thrust into her. Her eyes got wide with surprise and her mouth formed an "O" as he began using short, quick thrusts in rapid...

1 year ago
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Story of My Unfortunate Life Chapters 78

--------------------------- As Ulrich gingerly placed the unconscious and now snoring Odd on his bed, he glanced at Yumi and Aelita and looked back at his boyfriend. The group, apart from Odd who (for some reason) fainted, were slightly shaken from witnessing Sero and Jeremie making out passionately in Jeremie's dorm room. The thing that surprised Ulrich was Odd's reaction. He thought that Odd's reaction would be more mature since the two have dated since the start of January. Their...

2 years ago
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Fucked Flight Attendant Super Hard

This is a real story from 3 yrs ago. In those days I used to work in a IT firm. I used to start my work in afternoon and got off around midnight. It was mid of December and was pretty cold in Chandigarh. It was foggy too. I used to live with my dad’s friend in his house. But I had a separate entrance, as my working hours were not normal. So long story short, it was Friday evening when at work I got a message on my gay app from a stranger. After exchanging few conversations, he asked me if I...

Gay Male
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Hi Im Tracy Tanner

Hi! I'm Tracy - Tracy Tanner ? and this is my story! I won't start at the beginning because I know you haven't got all day. The first thing you need to know is that my mother is a witch. Well, kind of. I've never seen her boiling eye of newt or heard her casting spells in Latin, but things just seem to happen around her. Especially to anyone who gets on her wrong side. I'll tell you what I mean. At our old house, our next door neighbour had a big German shepherd that always used to get...

1 year ago
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SexSelector Vivian Taylor Your Date With Vivian

It’s your first date with the beautiful Vivian Taylor. It’s finally time for her to come over. Is she a catfish, or is she sexy? You decide the outcome of your entire date. She came horny and ready to get naked. With so many different activities to do with her, there’s no chance of this date being boring. Watch her as she cooks naked for you, gets in the shower and shows off her amazing body, before she begs you to please her. You finger her, get a blowjob, and then fuck her...

3 years ago
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Jagans Honeymoon

After staying for a week at home they took a trip to Mahabaleshwar (Hill Station in Maharashtra) for their honeymoon. The bus took them through the breath taking ghats which showed the nature's creation of mountain & waterfall. But Jagan was not at all interested in that. Whenever he got a chance and saw that no one in the bus was watching them, he would press Deepa's tits hard till she told him, "Jagan, Please it is paining. Leave them or I will give the same treatment to your member...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Queenlin Between Us

Laying in bed in a sleek dress that molds to her generous curves, Queenlin waits for Phonker to join her. He takes his time, watching his lover from the couch before relocating. When he finally climbs into bed with Queenlin, Phonker receives almost instant capitulation as Queenlin melts beneath his kisses and warm touches. Tugging the bodice of Queenlin’s dress down, Phonker cups her heavy boobs. Pinching her nipples to hard peaks between kisses, he gradually urges her to a seated...

2 years ago
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Wife Swapping Lets Try ItChapter 4 Setting up the Revenge

After we arrived home Jill and I made appointments at the doctor's office. We wanted to be checked for sexually transmitted diseases. I didn't tell Jill I didn't use a condom. Instead I excused my examination by saying it would looked better if both of us were having physicals. Our tests came back negative so that was one problem out of the way. I looked again at the checkout receipt of the Couchs. They were from Akron, Ohio, and not Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He charged his bill as a...

4 years ago
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Dragon ClanChapter 8

As much as it irritated Mirgan, it was close to the Spring Equinox before the main body of troops was set to leave. The day after he had arrived, Aldren sent trusted riders that could scout out into the countryside to find out just what was happening. These riders came back with information that was taken directly into the tower. Aldren heard all their reports and found that the troops of the king were indeed traveling further north, bringing the priests with them. Any resistance by the...

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