Amnesia Ch. 10 free porn video

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Chapter 10 – Epilogue

Tony leaned back and rested his head against the plaster wall of the almost empty room. He was thinking. He had plenty of time to think. At least as much as three years to think. Ralph Cummings would be arriving soon, and it would be back to work. Work on the story of his ‘life,’ if that’s what you could call it. Ralph was a god-send, actually.

Tony had been wavering between despair and frustration for the past three months. Three months since the sentencing. Three months away from Nina and his family. Three months away from his new friends who had helped him so unselfishly. How would he explain it to them? He was having trouble explaining it to himself. In truth, he was bitterly disappointed in himself.

The door to the sparsely furnished room opened and a uniformed guard entered.

‘Mr. Cummings is on his way.’

‘Thank you.’ At least it would be something to help him straighten out his mind. The damaged memory with little pieces still missing. The exercise of reciting his past life was a different kind of therapy, but it was a therapy.

A few seconds later, Ralph Cummings walked into the room, closing the door behind him. They were not alone. A pair of CCTV cameras watched constantly.

‘Good morning, Tony. How are you today?’

‘I’m OK, thanks Ralph. Good to see you again.’

Cummings placed a spiral-bound notebook and a small recorder on the table in front of them and sat down.

‘I can’t imagine how difficult it is to get used to being here, Tony. I want to talk about that later, but not right now. I guess you can be grateful it’s a minimum security institution.’

‘Yeah … grateful,’ Tony said with a rueful smile.

‘OK … let’s get going again. I’ve done up the notes from our last meeting and I had a couple of points I wanted to clarify.

‘You said you had figured out that at least two of the partners were taking funds from some of the investor accounts. How did you latch onto the third … Mahon I think it was?’

And so it began again, Tony recounting what he could recall from the months leading up to reporting his discovery to Stanton Mellows. It was a tedious, detail filled accounting of the fraud perpetrated by the three Vice Presidents. Then the reluctant acknowledgement by Mellows, and finally his meeting with Carter Woolman at the S.E.C. office.

This was the third meeting of the two men. It had been difficult to engineer. The Department of Justice cited the prohibition against profiting from crime. Picardo Publishing’s lawyer had argued successfully that any new information about the crime could be documented and handed over to the FBI. They would have complete access to all Cummings’ notes.

The monies promised in the advance had been frozen by the court, subject to a small living allowance for Nina and the children. The balance would be unavailable until the conclusion of his sentence. Ultimately, it would pay his legal fees and still leave Nina and the children enough to get by on. Then what?

The look on her face when they arrested him was haunting him constantly. The horror and fear mixed in her reaction was palpable. Worse yet, he had let her down again. She was going to suffer through his humiliation, even as she chose to stay with him.

But there was something more frustrating. He had no memory of committing the crime. He was accused of stealing something close to ten million dollars and he had no recollection of doing any such thing. The trail, according to Van Hoote, led directly to him, although he had covered his tracks cleverly, making it appear to have been the others who took the money.

His lawyer, Nolan Matthews, had gone over the evidence with another accounting expert, and had come to the conclusion that the evidence was indeed solid and that Tony’s best defence was to plead guilty with mitigating circumstances. He would make full restitution, since none of the money had been spent. He couldn’t prove he didn’t remember the act or where the money was, but it made no difference to the court in which life Tony Milano committed the crime. The court did, however, take into account his cooperation with the FBI and his testimony on their behalf.

Nolan was Major Tom Matthews’ brother, an adept criminal defense lawyer with an impressive record. Tom had stood by Tony and had prevailed upon his brother to assist his new friend. Whatever the investment broker might have been in his past life, he was something entirely different today.

His sentence, three to five years in a minimum security facility, was considered light in comparison to the heavy sentences Mahon, Blyer, and Stainsby had received. They would be the guests of the Federal Penitentiary system for at least twenty years. Blyer and Mahon were at least fortunate enough to rate medium security. Stainsby, due to his involvement in the attempted murder of Tony, was sentenced to twenty-five to life in maximum security. It was unlikely he would ever leave prison.

Stanton Mellows never faced trial. He died of a heart attack three weeks before his court date. Tony almost felt sorry for the old man. The look of him on the floor of Amnesia! after his aborted attack was enough of a memory for Tony.

But Tony could only regret that he too would have to serve his sentence. He had come to believe that he was guilty even without the recollection. The prison psychiatrist suggested it was a repressed memory as opposed to amnesia. Something Tony would rather not remember because it conflicted with his new personality and his new life. There was a certain logic to that, Tony felt.

He finished the session with Ralph Cummings and returned to his room. As prisons go, FCI Candlehurst wasn’t that bad. Most of the inmates were white-collar criminals, druggies, and the odd sex offender. They were considered non-violent and likely candidates for rehabilitation. It could have been worse, Tony thought.

He had applied to work in the prison kitchen, but there were no current openings. He had made it known to Asst. Warden Kettleworth that he was a qualified cook. It made no difference. Until his number came up, he would be assigned to other work-related projects. He was currently in the laundry, one of the easier but more boring assignments. He had to once again prepare himself for the menial tasks just as he had when he began as a dishwasher at Mr. Leung’s restaurant.

Nina would be coming Saturday, as she had promised. That was one thing he could look forward to. The distance prevented her from being there more than once or twice a month, but he was grateful for any time he could spend with her. Federal prisons did not permit conjugal visits. It would be a long, lonely time for both of them.

As he walked back to his room, he thought about his fate. If there was one bright spot in the whole sordid mess, it was the loyalty of his family and friends. Not a single one of them had abandoned him. They were almost unwilling to accept his guilt, even when the evidence said he surely was. Even Martin Polikoff, the supposedly hardened NYPD detective, had stuck by him.

But it was Nina that meant the most to him right now. She would be waiting for him whenever he was released. She was not going anywhere without him. When they said their vows and the part ‘for better or worse’ was uttered, she truly meant it. Every word of it. If there was nothing else to motivate him, that would be sufficient.

Amnesia! was running well with Muriel and Erik at the helm in the kitchen. The new restaurant had been put on hold until Tony was released and could reassess the viability. The sale of the two properties in Westport and Nantucket had provided more than enough to secure the townhouse in the Bronx. Nina was sheltered from the liability of his crime. She and the children would be able to cope financially during his incarceration. It was the best he could hope for.

It seemed like an eternity until Saturday a
fternoon when Nina arrived. It was a five hour drive from the Bronx and she would be exhausted. Their two hours together would be the one bright spot in the next two to three weeks for both of them. Tony found himself pacing the floor in his room until her arrival was announced.

‘Hello, my love,’ Nina smiled as she sat across the table from him. There would be no touching other than briefly holding hands, but even that small gesture had become precious to them.

‘It’s so good to see you again, Nina. Thank you for coming. I know how long it takes. I know it must be very hard on you.’

‘My only worry is when winter comes and I won’t be able to get here easily.’

‘I know. Don’t worry about that now, Nina. How are the children?’

‘They’re fine. But they are determined to come and visit you. Please, Tony, please let me bring them to visit you. They love you and they want to see you.’

‘You know how I feel about that, Nina. I don’t want our children to see their father in prison wearing prison clothes. I don’t think I can handle that … much less them.’

‘Tony … they love you. They know where you are and why you are here. They want to see their father. Please allow them to visit at least once. Please, Tony.’

He bowed his head in thought. Would it be wrong? Would it harm them? He couldn’t make up his mind.

‘I’ll think about it, Nina. That’s all I can promise.’

She nodded and smiled. It was a step forward. Until now he had steadfastly refused to allow the children to visit.

For the rest of their time together they spent it talking about their friends and Nina’s life in the city. Mama Novak was being a guardian angel and sister Magda was constantly with her for support. She never felt abandoned until night, when lying in her bed she longed for her Tony. The tears were ever present as she steeled herself to survive the next three years.

When Nina left to return to the city, Tony felt that pang of emptiness that just wouldn’t go away. She had become so important to him in this past year. With too much time to contemplate his life then and now, he desperately needed her to help keep him sane. She was his reason for living. She was more important now than at any time in their married life.

The late fall and winter came and went. Luckily, the weather always seemed to cooperate with Nina’s planned visits. She seldom had to delay her trip for more than a day due to snow or freezing rain. Just before Christmas, Tony had relented and allowed Nina to bring Jared and Nadia to visit. He had also added Ben to the approved family visitors list. It was only a two hour drive for Ben from Cornell.

The first meetin between Tony and his oldest son was awkward. They had seen little of each other since Ben began living on campus. The boy had left home before his seventeenth birthday to further his aspirations. He was determined to obtain a degree in Alternate Energy Engineering. He had won an academic scholarship in his final year of high school and chose Cornell because of its Ivy League reputation and the curriculum.

Nina described Ben as nineteen going on thirty. He had matured at a very young age and was virtually self-sufficient at age sixteen. At a shade under six feet, he was a sturdier build than his father, more like his grandfather Janos. Dark brown hair and eyes, his handsome features should have attracted the girls in droves. He hardly noticed, such was his drive to succeed. Like father, like son.

But there had been a price to pay. The separation, summer jobs in distant places, and the remoteness of his father had all made him less family orientated. Nina and Tony knew he loved his family, but like his father was at that time, he had difficulty showing it. He almost seemed embarrassed by displays of affection by any of the family members, particularly Gramma Novak.

So, it was quite a surprise to Tony when Ben was announced as a visitor one Thursday afternoon in March.

‘Hi, Dad,’ Ben smiled as he sat in the chair opposite his father.

‘Hi, Ben. Good to see you. This is a pleasant surprise.’

‘Mom told me you changed your mind and would let us come and see you.’

‘Yeah … I guess I was being unfair … selfish. She made me understand that it should be your choice.’

Ben nodded. ‘You know we don’t really think you should be here, don’t you?’

‘Yeah. But here I am … and … well … the evidence says I did it … so ….’

‘This place doesn’t look too bad, Dad. Not like those prisons you see on the TV shows.’

‘No … it’s minimum security, so there’s a bit more freedom. A bit more privacy. But … it’s still a prison.’

‘What are you going to do when you get out? Are you going back to Amnesia?’

‘I don’t know, Ben. I don’t know if they’ll want me or need me. I may have to go out on my own. Start my own restaurant. I guess there’s time enough to think about that.’

‘You know they’ll want you Dad. Mom says Muriel will retire soon. Eric can handle his own kitchen now, so he’ll probably move on. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about Mr. Leung. Mom says he asks about you every time she comes back from visiting you. I don’t think you have anything to worry about,’ Ben said confidently.

‘You seem to be keeping up on the goings-on at home pretty well. I gather your mother is keeping you informed?’

‘Yeah. We all want you back, Dad. This is wrong. I can’t believe you did what they say you did. It just isn’t you. It doesn’t fit. But … whatever … we just want you back home.’

Tony looked at his son and smiled. It seemed to him that they were closer now than when he left for Cornell. He had ambition and drive and intelligence. Now, it seemed he was gaining maturity in his relationship with his family. He was a son to be proud of.

Ben left at the end of the permitted visiting hours, promising to return as soon as he could find time. Tony thanked him for making the effort. It was an opportunity for him to reconnect with his oldest child and now wondered why he was so reluctant to allow the meeting. That had been a mistake he wouldn’t repeat.

One month later, Asst. Warden Kettleworth sent for him. He was to be allowed to transfer to the kitchen if he still wanted to. Tony jumped at the chance. It didn’t turn out quite as he expected, but at least he was in an environment he could influence.

In a way, the kitchen was something like Mr. Leung’s at the Bamboo Terrace. Formula food prepared in large batches and dished out in controlled portions. When Tony looked at the menu, he saw a carefully balanced diet spread over seven days. If it was Friday, it would be sole, or cod, or occasionally, halibut. The preparation, however, lacked imagination. The meals were bland and to most people’s taste, boring. Tony wondered if there was anything that could be done about it.

After three weeks, Tony realized something else. Something that was a good deal more disturbing. It would appear that the produce and meat suppliers were sending in less-than-retail acceptable product. No grocery store that Tony knew of would accept some of the produce and meat cuts that he saw arriving. It caused him to wonder. Was this what the contract called for, or was it someone thinking it was a way to cut costs.

He had thought about discussing it with some of the senior inmate cooks, but decided against it. No good would come of stirring up trouble among his fellow prisoners. He had already established that they were no happier with the quality of foodstuffs being sent in every two to three days.

The waste in fresh fruit and vegetables was appalling to Tony. He would have been out of business in a month if he had run Amnesia! this way. The question was what to do about it? The last thing he wanted to do was to cause trouble that might prevent him from gaining his early release. It would be easy to just ignore the problem and carry on. But it didn’t sit well.

He took a
week to mull over his options. Finally, summoning his courage, he asked for an appointment to talk to Warden Kettleworth.

‘What do you want to talk about, Mr. Milano,’ the assistant warden asked in a curt voice.

‘It’s about the kitchen, Ma’am. I was curious about whether the contract for the food service was a public document?’

‘Yes … this is a federal institution. The contract is available for viewing. Why do you ask?’

‘Uhhhmmm … as you may know, I ran a restaurant kitchen myself, Ma’am. I was responsible for purchasing all the food. I have a pretty good idea of what represents fair quality and fair prices. I was curious what the contract for Candlehurst specifies,’ he said carefully.

The eyebrows on the middle-aged woman rose and he cheeks colored.

‘Are you suggesting there are problems with our suppliers? Something irregular going on?’ She had a demanding tone and Tony worried that he had stepped over the line.

‘No … no … of course not,’ he scrambled. He paused for a moment before regaining his courage. ‘Ma’amm … there is a lot of waste in the product we are bringing in. For every ten pounds of unpeeled potatoes that we are buying, we are only getting six pounds of acceptable product. It may be that we are buying a lower grade to keep costs in line with a budget. That’s what I was curious about.’

‘Just potatoes?’ she asked, now curious.

‘No, Ma’am. Meat cuts with too much bone and fat. Fresh fruit that is past its best. Not every product or every shipment, mind you, but enough that I think we are not getting fair value if we are paying for retail quality foods.’

The woman sat, looking intently at Tony. Tony looked directly at her, not daring to flinch or turn away.

‘Wait here for a moment, Mr. Milano.’ She rose and walked to file cabinet in a small alcove. She opened the top drawer and after a few seconds, pulled out a manila folder. She tucked it under her arm and then bent to a lower cabinet, opened it and again, withdrew another manila folder. She brought them back to her desk and sat down again.

She opened the top folder and looked it over for a minute or so. Her head rose then as she looked at him.

‘It says here you were the cook at a tavern restaurant in New York City. Is that the place you were referring to?’

‘Yes, Ma’am,’ Tony said relieved. ‘It was called Amnesia! … after what happened to me.’

‘I see. And you purchased all the food supplies for this restaurant?’

‘Yes, Ma’am.’

‘What do you want to know, Mr. Milano?’

‘I’d like to compare the contract for Candlehurst with my former suppliers and see how they stack up. I can do that on-line without any cost to the prison,’ he said quickly.


‘Ma’am, the waste is excessive and I believe that if the institution has been buying lower grades to save money, that any savings are lost in that waste.’

‘And you can prove this how?’ she asked skeptically.

‘We know what the yield is for most products we purchase here. Our cooks know that because that’s how they know how much to order and how often. I know what my yields were in the restaurant. I had to for the same reason. How much to buy and how often. It wouldn’t take much to compare the number and work out what the dollar difference was. I could do that on my own time, of course,’ he hastened to add.

‘Of course,’ she said with the faintest hint of a smile. She sat for a minute, her eyes shifting from Tony to the second file folder. Finally, she extracted two pages from the folder and pushed them across to Tony.

‘The top page is the contract summary for produce and the other is for the meat purveyor. Is there enough information on that to make your comparison?’ she asked.

Tony looked over the two documents. ‘Uh … no, Ma’am. This just says they agree to supply FDA approved produce and meats and that the prices will reflect current market prices, adjusted monthly. It doesn’t spell out the quality standards or the individual costs.’ Tony lapsed into silence, waiting for the woman’s response.

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Hello me sahil meri ye story padh k mard muth merenge aur aurte ungli se ras nikalegi to ab story pe chalte hai meri pehli story mosi ko choda us k baad muhe bahot mail mile un mese ek mail tha jisme usne apna phone no diya tha mene call kiya to samne ek lady n fon uthaya maine unka naam pucha to unhone apna nam nilam batay mene unse unki age puchi to 52 saal batayi aur fir unhone mera nam ouch mene apna naam bataya aur apni age 22 saal batayi unhone mera adress pucha to mene apna addres gujrat...

2 years ago
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Horny unsatisfied wife

Hi, readers, Yesvee here again from Hyderabad. This is my new experience happened just 2 days back, I would like to share with you today, Four days back I got a call in the morning around 10AM when I was in bathroom, Later I came and saw the missed call then called back to that number, the other is a women voice in low pitch, I asked her, somebody called to my number few minutes back, she told that she didn’t. Here I would like to tell something, mine is very fancy number, I always got wrong...

3 years ago
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Letter from Sherier Place

LETTER FROM SHERIER PLACEDear Shoeblossom:I am a member and Substitute Treasurer of the Keeplock Club, a select group of women who keep their husbands and significant others in chastity belts. Our oldest member is seventy-eight, the youngest, a high school junior. It’s a constant vigilance, and I thought you might find it interesting, as your column discusses much of this.On Wednesday morning I was drinking coffee, and trying to find a three letter word for ?garbage? for the crossword. The...

2 years ago
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Mumbai ka 5 star maza2

Aab maine Simran ko bed par lita diya aur uske pure badan ko paglo ki tarha chumne laga aur boobs chusne laga wo bhi pagal hue ja rahi thi aur mere balo me ungaliya fir rahi thi.aab maine uski jins ke batan khol kar panty sahit jins ko utar diya wo puri tarah nangi ho chuki thi.kya gor gor badan tha uska gori gori moti thais ke bich pink color ki bina balo ki uski pussy ko maine apni ungali se chua wo chamak gai aur pair piche kech liye.aab main uske kamar ke neche use chumne laga.fir apne...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 19

Amara busied herself making 3 fresh cups of tea while I sat opposite my mom. She seemed a little confused why I asked Laura to leave, not believing in my excuse of Pip asking for her help. There was a slightly awkward few minutes of silence until Amara took her spot next to me after handing out the three steaming mugs. I felt nervous. I hoped I was making the right choice and tried to ignore the fears that distracted me. I needed to focus. Taking a steadying breath, I composed myself and...

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In a Perfect World

Of course I immediately noticed his scars. Anyone who claimed otherwise would be lying. And of course I did my best to pretend I didn’t notice them, just as any decent person would have. I was behind the counter of Mildred’s Restaurant, where I’d worked for the past six months, when the little bell above the door chimed and he stepped inside. It was just before three on a Friday afternoon. The lunch crowd was long gone, and those wanting an early dinner hadn’t begun to trickle in yet. I had...

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Ramyarani8217s Night At Kodaikanal With Cousins

I am ramyarani, this event happened when I was 22 age. I am modern chennai girl with some limitations in lifestyle. This story happened in our family trip to kodaikanal. If you dont like incest, please close this story. Trip members 1. Me 2. My mom 3. My moms sister 4. My moms sisters son – mani (name changed) 5. My aunty’s son – kumar (name changed) We used to have family trips like this every year. Before going into the story let me say one thing frank. I have had my brother mani many times...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 180

Jeremy and his dad were in the sitting room of the suite, Jeremy on the couch and Van in one of the seats facing his son. To say that Jeremy was nervous was a little like saying there was a bit of ice at the North Pole. Earlier, Laura had insisted that Jeremy drink the shake she had prepared, hinting at its properties. Worried that he somehow wouldn't be able to perform for his women, Jeremy had downed the concoction. Laura had told him it would probably make him sleepy to start with, but he...

4 years ago
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Posted by Anitaslut44Five big black cocks for me againI had met this huge black man named Marcus in a plane, several months ago.He had led me to a black gangbang with some of his friends; Victor agreed and I had enjoyed a nice night with all them, using and abusing my mouth, cunt and ass. They really had given me a screwing like I could never forget it.One of them was named Jones, who had a monster black cock so huge that I could not stand him in my asshole during that gangbang. Jones got in...

4 years ago
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Redesigning Jerry

Re-designing Jerry. By: Maryann This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. This story can be archived on Fictionmania. Copyright (C) 2000 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the...

2 years ago
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Rendevous with a hot milf

Computers were new in Pakistan back then so I used to get called from neighbours on & off when they had problems. That was a hot summer afternoon. I had reached home from school and was about to get out from the car when my servant told me of the new neighnours who were asking for me and sounded urgent. I was frustrated that day. Me & my girlfriend were having a dry humping session in the store room after the school was off and when things started to get hot the fucking janitor had to come in...

3 years ago
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I love Venice Beach,CA. When ever I have a couple of bucks to blow I will take turns vacationing either thereor Vegas (they're both pretty close to Phoenix). Shan6969, my ex and now periodical fuckbuddy, digs Venice as well. I can't count how many times we visited there when we were an "item". Shan6969 lives back east andalways comes in town unexpected ready to fuck. This time was no different. Her call woke me up Friday at 1:22 a.m.BOIDYNHO:(sleepily) "Hello?" SHAN6969: "Wake up you big black...

1 year ago
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Es ist ein schrecklich langweiliger Freitag Nachmittag. Meine Name ist Bernd, ich bin 20 Jahre alt und stehe kurz vor dem Abitur. Eigentlich sollte ich lernen, aber wir haben gerade gestern zwei Klausuren gehabt und ich könne mir einen Tag Pause. Meinen Freunden Fred, Peter, Clara und Sophie geht es da ähnlich. Fred und Peter sind ähnlich gebaut wie ich. Peter ist etwas sportlicher und schlanker, Fred dagegen etwas rundlicher, aber dafür mit 1,95cm auch sehr groß. Clara ist wohl am besten als...

Group Sex
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Sams HoppingChapter 6

After breakfast, Tom and I waited long enough to be sure Mary was at work, and then we left to visit Mary’s neighbor. A few moments after Tom knocked on the neighbor’s door, I saw the front window’s curtains being pulled open an inch or so. Just enough to peek out and see who was there. A rather elderly woman was looking out at us, so I said, “We are friends of your neighbor Mary. This is her Uncle Tom, and I am his friend Sam. I saw you checking to see what was going on last night, and we...

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Missing Cats and Found KittensChapter 7

It was Tuesday, and I had nothing scheduled. On some days, I would be detailed either to the kitchen for KP, or the laundry. Both jobs required a strong back and a weak mind. On better days, the pod was allowed yard time. Usually an hour in the fresh air and sunshine. That is unless it was raining. Then we got a poncho made from a garbage bag. But any time outside was fine. It gave you a break from the noise of the jailhouse. Which was constant, loud, and vulgar. I was sitting in the common...

1 year ago
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Blacked Zoe Parker Side Chick Games

Zoe is about to go on her first weekend away with her boyfriend, Rob. They have been seeing each other for six months or so and they are perfect together – or so she thought. When her friend calls her to discuss some concerns she has, it leaves Zoe wondering if she has made the right choice. After thinking about the whole situation, she realises that she is in fact a side chick, and not the only woman in her boyfriend’s life. The thing is, she finds it a bit of a turn on –...

3 years ago
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The Sisterhood Part 2 5

Part 2 It has been almost 36 hours since Juliet had seen Jim Duggan at her plush home. She was concerned that he had not reported back. His phone rang unanswered and so she decided to visit his offices once again. She did not relish driving to that particular neighbourhood, much less running the risk of meeting Jim's odious landlord. But she was desperate for any information. "Melissa, I am going out. Have Thomas pull the Corvette around to the front of the house," she asked, as she...

4 years ago
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What had I let myself in for? Not only me but poor Amy as well. It had started as an ordinary Saturday evening. Now, here we were, in a flat with two naked, muscle rippling black guys neither of who's cock was less than a foot long. What the fuck was going to happen to us? Could we take these monster pricks on and survive? How the hell had it happened? Oh shit he wants me to suck the fucking thing. Amy called around four that afternoon. "Hey Trudy what you want to do tonight?" "Don't...

2 years ago
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My little stepsister

(feel free to change the names to whoever you want via the three red bars in the right-hand corner) You sit quietly in the waiting room, as you wait for the train to pull into the station. Lucky for you your phone vibrates as you get a message from Dani saying that the train will arrive in 5 minutes. It's already half an hour late, but what're another 5 minutes going to do, so you pull out your phone and decide to watch some videos on YouTube. Finally, the train arrives and you stand up to see...

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Family BedChapter 3

Walking back toward Sheri's apartment in the darkness of late evening, her brother Kevin felt an entirely different atmosphere from what he had experienced late that afternoon on the same street. The tall palms, dark and bulky against the night sky, should have seemed foreboding, but he missed that aspect of the street completely. Where earlier it had seemed staid and lifeless, the lighted houses now appeared warm and inviting, and there was no doubt in his mind about the human qualities of...

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Sallys Revenge Chapter 1 The Cause

Sally remembered sitting on the chair in the secretary's office outside the Headmistresses Study. She was partway through a double detention. Although there were a dozen girls in detention, she was the only girl with a double. She knew that she was going to be spanked, and, sure enough, at the end of the first detention her name was called out and she was told to go to the Headmistresses Study. As usual she had to sit on one of the chairs outside and wait to be called in. She thought it unusual...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Gia Oh My One Last Vacation Fling

The end of a good vacation is always bittersweet. You’re having such a great time but you feel it coming to a close, inching back towards the daily grind. My adorable wife Gia Oh My & I can’t help ourselves. We want to have one last romp to really create some lasting memories before we head back home. My wife sees James Angel, this hot black guy in the pool and it’s on. She lets him touch and makeout with her before we move to the showers for a little more privacy. Gia...

3 years ago
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Pados Wali Aunty Ki Chudai

Hi mai mayank as I told you im from gurgaon I like body building so I have maintained a good physique   Any girls or any unsatisfied ladies can contact me freely my email is mai delhi se exam dekar apne ghar pocha tha mummy or daddy ney new house purchase karne ka plan banaya tha hum apne new house mai shift hue tab meri nazar apnipados ki ek aunty par padi tab se hi main unki traf pyar ho gaya tha ab time guzarta gaya and abhi bhi bada ho gaya ab me college me aa gaya tha ab meri aur meri...

1 year ago
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One Special Day CAW8

Introduction: Kat and Pete have dreamed of a day they can be together. Just one day. This is there day. Kat stood in her kitchen doorway. Her silk gown blowing in the breeze. Her eyes scanning the back gate watching for her lover to walk up. It was nearing the time for him to be there. Her children were away with family and her husband was at work. She was so excited for this day. It was a long day coming. Then she heard a car pull up, and the door close. There standing at the gate was Peter....

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 041

I prepared some coffee and smoked a cigarette then I text Mariana. I didn’t call her just text her on what’s up. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I send Instantly she replied, “Good morning Vally, wow you waked up early. I thought you would wake up afternoon as usual.” I texted, “Just for you lovely lady.” “You are so charming Vally,” she replied. I send, “So, are you home or at work?" I texted with a smiley face. “Lolzzzz, of course at home, I told you I’ll take today off as you...

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Sexy Dressup with Chloe

I’ve never had fun with a girl, always fantasized about it though, but could never get a girl to have fun with. Chloe was five foot six inches tall, with long red hair and the most amazing body you could ever think of. I met her through my other half. She was a friend of a friend and good fun to be around. We always went out together and had house parties which nearly always ended up with either stripping or dressing up. This night was no different. We had gone out and once the last song...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 24

"Nobody out, man on first!" I shouted, then tossed the baseball in the air and smacked it toward Elvis Carson, who was playing first. The freshman snagged it on one bounce, spun, and raced toward first, tagging it easily. He looked at me, tossing the baseball up and down and grinning like he'd just been named Rookie of the Year in the American League. "Great play," I yelled. Impossibly, his grin got bigger. "We now have a man in scoring position with only one out." His face fell. "I...

4 years ago
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the interview

The interviewAfter having to take an early retirement from my job, and enjoying a little time off, it was time to get out and find another job. Although I needed the income, I was not happy about having to go through the whole process, after so many years. Being over 50, I knew it wouldn't be an easy task. I did have the advantage of still being in pretty good shape. I am 6'1", 185lbs, salt and pepper hair, and blue eyes. My first interview was to be at 11:00 with a warehousing and distribution...

4 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 15

LauraIt was my turn to wake early. I took advantage of my internal alarm and set up my camera to capture the dolphins. As I was setting up, I was also mulling over the previous night and the day before. Tommy and I had talked a little more as he held me in bed last night. He had confided that although it had a happy ending, at least for me and the girls, he had been a little upset when we didn’t have the pool to ourselves last night. I could see his point, it had been an intense twenty-four...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Jenna 2

The next day, I called her doctor early, and brought her in to get a prescription for birth control pills. When we left the office and got to the car. Jenna gave me a big hug, mashing her 34C boobs against my chest, saying "Thank you so much, Daddy! I love you so much!" My cock began to stir with the feel of her breasts, and despite the risk of being seen, I dropped my hands to her ass and gave her a squeeze. "OK, sweetie, you don't have to rape me. I was glad to do it. Now it's time to get you...

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Jenny Our Vivacious Pet Sitter

Our family decided to go on a short vacation to New Mexico. As a far as vacations go, it was a long awaited and much anticipated vacation. We are a cost conscious family, so I decided to look on line for a pet sitter for our very friendly great Pyrenees. I found an add on social media that read: “TEACHER NEEDING SOME SUMMER TIME FUN AND PAY- WILLING TO PET SET!” I texted the number and then looked up the person on social media. I was immediately struck by the profile photos of a strikingly...

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I THOUGHT ABOUT TALKING the girls into losing their jeans, but it was cute the way they were wading in the creek with their pants legs rolled up. They continued to cluster around the rock where Beth sat and I figured that would be as good a setting as any. I got my sketchbook set and then plugged my mp3 player into a tiny speaker I’d seen advertised on late night TV a couple of weeks ago. It filled the clearing with an eerie note of flute music. “Shakuhachi!” Beth shouted. “Beautiful. A...

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My Gay Initiation

This happened around 40 years ago when I was in my mid-twenties. My girlfriend had thrown me out over my drinking and I found myself sleeping on friends’ sofas but I was quickly running out of sympathetic friends. One evening I was in the local pub (drinking as usual) when Edward sidled up to me and asked if he could buy me a drink. Now Edward was a local businessman who everyone knew to be gay but was without a partner and at fifty+ was struggling to find one even though he was considered to...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 21

When the judge declared the court to be in recess for fifteen minutes, Bobbie took the opportunity to escort Cindy to where her parents were sitting and then all four moved to an unoccupied corner of the room. Bill and Kathy looked at Bobbie expectantly, while Cindy, who Bobbie was holding in her arms, appeared apprehensive. "I didn't want to lose a moment to tell you what a delight Cindy is," Bobbie began. "Furthermore, I can't tell you how moved I was by her words on the witness stand...

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