Steamboat Willy Ch 03
- 3 years ago
- 28
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I awoke and looked at the clock, it was almost noon. I was alone in bed again. I got up and but on my robe and looked for Sally. She wasn’t in the bath or in the kitchen. I saw the t-shirt she had been wearing. I looked out the window, there was no vehicle in the driveway. She was gone. I felt empty. I walked toward the living room and saw a note on the dining room table.
I looked at the signature and saw it was from Sally. It read,
Dearest Rich,
I will never be able to thank you enough for your tender warm loving. It was by far the best of my life. Tears still drop from my eyes as I think back on it. I know I have placed you in a very awkward position, please feel no obligation of any sort to see me again in light of the things I revealed to you today.
I will always cherish the time I have spent working with you and every second of the other times we spent together. I will never forget your kindness in helping me realize my dream of completing part of my father’s project. I know you are the finest most honest and honorable man I have ever known in my life. My deepest regret is that I chose to live my life in a manner I know is abhorrent to you. I wish with all my heart it was otherwise. Please remember me fondly.
All My Love,
Sally I read it again. I had to think this through. What if I never saw Sally again? Then why live? What harm did Sally do to other people? Who did she steal from? Who suffered because of what she did. The answer was clear. Only Sally suffered. Her father got his medications and lived out his life in comfort without pain. She brought a reason to live and happiness to a group of wealthy old men. Hate her for all that?
No, not hardly.
Did I still love and want her?
You bet your ass I did.
Could I trust her?
With my very life? Hell yes!
What the shit was I doing here with my finger up my ass?
I jumped to my feet and ran to my room. I slipped on some shorts and a polo shirt. I grabbed my wallet, money and keys and dashed out the door. I jumped in the old Jeep and was off in a cloud of dust. I kept that gas pedal firmly on the floor until I braked hard to make the turn into her drive.
I jumped out of the Jeep as it slid to a stop in front of her doorstep. Her car was there! I jumped out of the Jeep and screamed her name. No answer! Where was Sally? I ran to the door and tried it. Locked. OH no! I slumped on the porch. I tried to think. I ran to where I could see the dock. Where was WILLY? She had to be out in WILLY. I ran down the hill and out on the dock. Nothing! I saw a bass boat coming up the river and waved him over. He pulled into the dock and I asked he would take me out to look for WILLY. He said he had passed the sternwheeler about ten minutes before. I offered him a pair of 50-dollar bills. He grinned and yelled, ‘Jump in mister, We’ll find them pretty quick.’
The man was eager. The bass boat had a 225hp Mercury outboard on the back and he knew how to handle it. I almost lost my ball cap and my sunglasses. We got to the place where the river straightened out and headed east. The guy grinned at me and shoved further forward on the throttle. We were flying low now at about 70 miles an hour. I saw a wisp of smoke in the distance and the steamer underneath it. In a little while we started hitting the wake from WILLY and he had to slow down. He eased up behind WILLY and jumped the wake and pulled up beside her. Sally was at the helm and Jeb was the engineer. Both of them grinned when they recognized me. WILLY slowed and the bass boat pulled along side. I stood on the bow of the bass boat and jumped aboard WILLY. Sally ran to me and hugged me.
She looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately. I whispered, ‘Sally, don’t ever leave me again, I love you.’ She buried her face in my chest and sobbed. Jeb yelled, ‘Hey! One of you guys got to stop kissin’ and steer the boat.’ I got to the wheel in time to turn away from the riverbank. I stole a couple more quick kisses as she clung to my side. I looked down at her and she looked back up at me. I placed my lips to her ear, ‘Are you ready to go home. I never finished making love to you, I was only resting. I need to start all over now.’
She wiped her eyes, ‘Your place or mine?’
‘Yours is closer.’
‘Let’s go, lover.’
I looked behind us to see we were clear of traffic a turned us around. When we were headed home I turned to Jeb, ‘OK Engineer, FULL SPEED AHEAD!’ We surged forward and we were going faster than I thought the boat would go. Spray from the paddlewheel rose in a rooster tail plume behind us. Grey smoke marked our trail. I guessed our speed at over twenty.
The boat moved smoothly through the water. This was not the speed she was built for but it was nice to know it was available if you needed it. We had to slow down when we reached the curvy part of the river but we were getting very much better at handling the boat now. The engineer was learning that a little burst of power at the right time helped turn the boat faster. Practice made the coordination lots better. Sally and I discussed the possibility of using the more advanced articulated or feathering paddle wheels. I was familiar with the type and expressed my opinion that the fixed paddle was more than adequate for our needs, our interest being more in strength, safety and reliability than in speed.
People who bought tickets with us would be interested in a leisurely sightseeing cruise and not be in a hurry. I felt that the fixed type was better for us because the whole assembly was constructed of wood instead of the all metal feathering paddles.
The river was full of submerged logs and limbs of trees. Some were a hundred years old and some were from recent storms. A log in the paddle wheel was bound to be catastrophic. Hopefully it would never happen. We agreed that the KISS (Keep it simple, Stupid.) theory was applicable in this case.
We secured WILLY and Sally and I drove Jeb home. On our way back to Sally’s house we agreed that we were going to finance a car for the Chief Engineer in the near future. He had a driver’s license and we had learned to trust him. He was a very sensible young man.
We sat and sipped icy cold long necked Buds. Very refreshing. I couldn’t take my eye off of Sally. The more I looked the more the hunger inside me raged. I desperately needed to devour her. She seemed very solemn in contrast to her earlier joyfulness.
I asked, ‘Girl, you seem very serious, have I done something wrong or disappointed you in some way?’
‘Oh no. I just don’t know what you feel about me. I don’t know where we are in our relationship, if we have one.’
‘Sally I am not good with words, I can only tell you how I feel. Baby, I love you, our relationship is whatever you want it to be. I have no other information about you other than what you have told me. I totally believe everything you have said. There is no way in hell you have to answer to me for anything you did before we declared our love for each other.
‘Since that time I expect your complete honesty and loyalty to me. I shall respond in the same way. If you want to remain just friends I will be heart broken but I will honor and respect your decision and feel I am fortunate just to be near you. I won’t lie to you. I do not think I will be able to live that way for long. I would have to leave.
‘I must tell you that your statement earlier today that you wanted to have my babies thrilled me like nothing I have ever heard before. I had a great surge of love and adoration towards you accompanied by an overwhelming need to protect and nourish you that far surpasses any emotion I have felt in my entire lifetime. ‘As I said earlier, our relationship will be what ever you want it to be, if that includes marriage it will make me the happiest man in the world. If not, I will strive to make you happy any way you will let me.’
Sally stared at me and said nothing.<
I sighed, ‘Honey, I know I embarrassed you with that long winded explanation. I just got carried away.’ My eyes started misting up and I stood to walk away.
‘NO! That was the most beautiful and sweet thing anyone ever said to me. You just sort of left me speechless. Everything is my decision. Everything I have wished for and dreamed of is there for me. YES, OH, Richie, Yes, I do love you, I do want your babies, I do want to marry you. Yes, I will never lie to you. I never have and never will. I know that there will be times I will hate to tell you the truth but I pledge with all my heart and soul that that is what you will get.’
My arms enclosed her and our lips met. We held each other for a long time.
Her cell phone rang.
‘Hi Tommy, how are you. Oh! No, not tonight Tommy, I am so happy I can’t think straight.. ..My sweet man just asked me to marry him…….. About two minutes ago. I said yes… Thank you Dear that is so sweet of you. Can I call you back in five minutes?
Right. Bye bye.’
I raised my eyebrows and said, ‘What was that?’ She smiled, ‘That was one of my clients, He wants to meet you and has invited us to be his guests at the club tonight. He is a sweet old man and I am very fond of him. He was crying and said he knows this will be the last time he will ever see me.’
‘Do you want to go?’
‘I have dated him for fifteen years. He is sort of like a father to me.’
I grinned at her, ‘An incestuous father?’
‘Yes,’ she blushed, ‘That was true ten years ago but has not been for a long, long time.’
‘I don’t know if I can handle that. Would you agree to meet my old lover?’
‘I don’t know, let me think. Hummmmmm! No, I don’t think I could do that. But if she were forty three years older than you, I might do it.’
‘He is 77 or 78 years old?’
‘Yes he is Dear.’
‘I will do whatever you want. I can’t lock you up so you can’t see anyone. The trust start here and now.’
‘Rich, that is so sweet. I love you for it but I don’t want to go if you will be uncomfortable.’
‘If I am uncomfortable and I say I want to leave will you leave with me?’
‘In a heart beat. I don’t want you to be at all embarrassed or uneasy about anything. I will watch you like a hawk, I can think of nothing that would happen that would upset you, but if I see one frown on your sweet face we are out of there.’
‘Can you get us in the club?’
‘Sure Sweetie, I am a charter member with a life time membership. I am currently the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. I am also the head of the membership committee.’
‘How did that all happen?’
‘Well, a dear friend bought my charter membership when there were only six other members. They were broke and sold me a lifetime membership for two thousand dollars. The monthly dues are more than that now. At first I volunteered to do almost everything. They needed me to keep every thing running. I even washed dishes one night in my evening gown when the dishwasher got sick. I know most of the members except some of the newbies like your friend Jack. Have you known him long.’ ‘Yes, he used to work for me a few years ago. He is a nice guy.’
‘I could tell that he thinks you are something special.’
‘Yeah! We get along. He wants me to join the club, but do I get to be a member automatically when we get married?’
‘I don’t know. Normally you must have a net worth of over a million dollars to be invited to join. I don’t think it has been waived since the original ten charter members got in, did he tell you that?’
‘Yes he did?’
‘And you are qualified?’
‘Oh! I thought you were well off, but not that.’ She giggled and said, ‘Then it is OK if I quit my job?’
‘I insist on it.’
‘Let me call Tommy and tell him we will meet him at eight. You come with me and help me get dressed.’
‘No way!’
‘You don’t want to shower with me and watch me dress?’
‘Certainly I do, but if I do, we will never go out tonight.’
‘Oh! I think you are right. Hmmmmmm! That is a tough decision but we can always come home early.’
We arrived at the Club on time and Sally was treated like a queen by all the staff. We where escorted to a large table where twenty or more people were seated. Everyone stood until we were seated at the head of the table. Sally introduced me to Tommy Bernhard and his wife Elsa. They both kissed and hugged Sally. I was introduced to everyone at the table. There were several names I recognized. When we were seated Tommy picked up Sally’s left hand and said, ‘Where is the ring.’
Sally laughed, ‘He only asked me late this afternoon. Then I had to think it over for a while. About two seconds I think it was.’ Tommy looked at me, ‘Young man, I have a first rate Jewelry store. Be there Monday and ask for the Manager. Let Sally pick out what she wants. Wholesale.’
It was a very nice group of people, every one of them had a nice little story to tell me about how sweet and thoughtful Sally had been to them or others. After about an hour Tommy got slowly to his feet. He hit his fork against his glass and the room became silent.
‘I have an announcement to make this evening. This announcement gives me great joy and pleasure. Someone all of you know and love is about to have a huge change in her life. Our friend and Charter member of this Club, Sally Thompson has consented to become the bride of Mr. Richmond Murphy. They have not yet announced a date for the wedding. I think I speak for everyone here in wishing them the very best of everything in their life together. I couldn’t be happier if it were my own daughter getting married. I have a little gift for the couple in this envelope. At my age I never put anything off because I might not make it ’til tomorrow. Thank you.’ He sat down. The clapping and cheering started and never slacked off until Sally rose and pulled me up beside her. She smiled up at me with tears in her eyes. She raised her hand and the room was silent. She looked out over the crowd of people that had moved close to the table. I noticed all the staff including what appeared to be the Chefs and kitchen help were there.
Sally said, ‘Thank you, all of you. I can’t begin to tell you how very happy I am. This will be the only wedding I will ever have. We have made no wedding plans as yet. I can tell you where the reception will be though, RIGHT HERE.’ She sat down and I noticed there was a pile of envelopes in front of Sally’s place. Many more people stopped by the table and wished us well, each of them had a sweet word for my girl. Many dropped an envelope on the pile. About eleven o’clock I was feeling a little tired. I looked at Sally and put my best frown on my face. She looked at me and covered her mouth with her fingers and had a giggle fit. Sally tapped on her glass. Only the people at our table heard it. She said, ‘Dear friends thank you all so much for everything. My sweet husband to be just signaled me that he is in dire need of some comforting and pampering. That is now MY job. I can’t wait to get to work. Goodnight all.’ She grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the door to the sound of laughter. I was getting pretty tired after the night before. Sally drove my BMW and said it was a hot rod in disguise. We stopped and got two ice cream cones and I had to wipe Sally’s face and chin as she drove. I think she got the chocolate ice cream on her face on purpose. I licked some of it off, and then she got real messy. She got it all over her lips. I licked it off. She said she thought some of it had run inside her dress and over her nipple. I tried to unzip her dress to lick it up but she could wait until we got home. It was a wonder we didn’t kill ourselves on the way home.
We went to my place and I felt the need to relax and unwind with a cup of coffee laced with a dollop of brandy. I sat and looked at Sally and realized that she was really gorgeous tonight. One strand of her
long blond hair had escaped from her French braid. It hung in front of her face and bothered her. She would blow on it and it would flip out of the way. Then it would slowly move little by little back until it was in her face again. She would unconsciously push the recalcitrant strand of spun gold back over her ear. As she talked and moved her head it began its adorable trip back to its proper place in front of her eye.
‘Why are you smiling at me, Rich? Do I have ice cream still on my face?’
‘No, girl, I just love to watch you. It make me very happy to see you content and relaxed.’
‘I love being here with you, I am overwhelmed with love for you.’
‘Sweetheart, I have to tell you I am about ready to carry you to my bed and ravish you. However I am curious about what was in those envelopes everyone gave you.’
‘Oh! I forgot!’ She jumped up and got the plastic bag one of the waiters had brought her. She sat back beside me. She with drew an envelope and opened it, it contained a note folded around what appeared to be a check. She read the note and a tear ran down her cheek. She handed the note to me.
I opened it, it read,
My Dearest Sally,
This is a small token of the love and affection we feel for you. You brought love and happiness into a life that had become dull and without reason to continue. Both of us were rejuvenated by your youthful energy and appreciation of every aspect of life. The joy of having known you has never dimmed through the years. Thank you.
Helen and Jim Walters
I looked at the check. I was made out for two million dollars. Sally was looking at another note and sobbing. She handed it to me. It read about the same as the first one.
She wiped her eyes and looked at me. ‘You know don’t you that every man at our table tonight was one of my clients. It is over now. I think they wanted to show you that what I did with and for them was not just about sex. Does it say that to you?’
‘Honey, I already knew that. I also noticed that you danced with each man and kissed him on his lips.’
‘Yes, that is true. I cried as I kissed each of them too. It was a sort of good bye even though I know you and I may see them at the Club, I will never be alone with them again, and that is how it has to be.’ I held her for a while as she cried. She sat up and finished opening the envelopes. The last one was from Tommy and Elsa Bernhard. The enclosed sentiment was very much the same but the check was not. It was in the sum of twenty million dollars and was signed by both of them. We added the total of all the checks together. The total was 48 million dollars.
I grinned at her. ‘You are a rich little bitch now. You don’t need anyone now.’
She pulled me to her and kissed me hard and long. ‘I will always need you, I have never needed money.’
I stood and picked her up and carried her to our bedroom. We watched each other undress. I jumped on the bed first. She was right behind me and she rolled on top of me. She straddled my waist and leaned forward over me. She teased my lips with a perfect pink nipple. She would just let my lips close around each succulent morsel when she would pull it away and replace it with the other one. I reached up and pulled her head down until our lips met.
I kissed her lips for a long time and I could feel her warm fluids falling on my lower belly. I reached down and pulled her hips up over my face. She gently lowered her pussy on to my mouth. I held her just above my mouth and let my tongue and lips explore every speck of her.
I rimmed her little puckered asshole and then drove my pointed tongue as deep as I could up inside of her. I fucked her tight little pucker as best I could with my tongue. I could hear her mewing and moaning and moved her so I had better access to her pussy.
I sucked and licked on her clit until she wiggled away from me and slid down and reached between her legs and guided my cock into her vagina. She moved slowly up and down my shaft. She clinched and loosened the muscles in her vaginal tract and the feeling was exquisite. She would pause with her pussy pressed tightly to my pelvis and grind on it.
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Oh, what a naughty thought! The final day at school, last day of A-levels, and the end of a crappy two hour exam of Religious Studies. What better way to go out than by masturbating on the desk of Mr. Williams, the R.E. teacher?Forced to take Religious Studies by her strict parents, as well as Maths, History and Geography (these subjects would apparently make her a better overseas missionary to...
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This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Oh, what a naughty thought! The final day at school, last day of A-levels, and the end of a crappy two hour exam of Religious Studies. What better way to go out than by masturbating on the desk of Mr. Williams, the R.E. teacher? Forced to take Religious Studies by her strict parents, as well as Maths, History and Geography (these subjects would apparently make her a better overseas missionary to...
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Note: Please read the original ‘Surprise Waiting’ before this so you understand the dynamics between this couple. The day after Amie and I became engaged was a Saturday, and we decided to drive up into the mountains and hike around a beautiful lake I knew well. It was one of those days you dream about—blue skies with a few fluffy white clouds, light breeze. Best of all I was with a beautiful girl who was passionately in love with me, and I felt the same about her. It doesn’t get better than...
Sandy was standing in her bra and panties brushing out her silky, blonde hair with long even strokes. She had lost count on how many strokes she had applied so far, and smiled nervously at herself in the mirror. She was getting dolled up for a special treat this evening. Her friend, Graham, had called her earlier in the week and told her to reserve a spot in her social calendar for this coming Saturday evening. When Sandy asked what was so special, Graham said, "Remember that conversation we...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
Angela White has huge natural tits, and shes not afraid to flaunt them. She starts off in a sexy red top and pops her fat tits out for our lucky stud. Then, she smothers and slaps him around with her milky pillows. Angela cant help but smile as she shows off her breasts in slow motion. She knows you cant stop staring! But Angelas more than a set of great tits. She whips out the oil, douses herself so her tits are shiny and ready to be fucked, and then does what she does best. She gives our stud...
xmoviesforyouJeanette was in the bathroom for what seemed like an eon. Bob called room service for a bucket of ice to go with the bottle of champagne he had rescued from the reception. He got out his pajamas and robe. He unpacked the rest of his clothes. He unpacked her suitcase. In between, he fidgeted. Jeanette came out looking like a dream -- a damp-haired dream. She was wearing a swirling confection where he could see though any layer of cloth but only to the next layer. "All yours." "Are you...
I suppose it shouldn't have been a surprise to find the Group fighting off another voice after all the attention Central State had received about the deaths and the cover up. But I hadn't expected it and quite frankly I was annoyed by the fact I had to drive around the campus the long way just to stay out of the way. By the time I reached my apartment, I realized there was more than just a single voice involved in the attack. In fact, as I studied the scene from the roof of the apartment...
It was dark enough now I thought. It was about eight o'clock on a warm spring evening and I was ready. I had started getting ready about three hours earlier. I'd showered, cleaned all those special parts, applied my make-up heavily and dressed. I was wearing a skimpy flower print top over a black silk bra, my favourite suspenders, black leather micro mini skirt, black gloss stockings and high heeled black knee length boots. I peered from out behind the curtains. Yes the street was clear apart...
As the life bled from Cas's body, he crawled along the broken stone floor. His blood left a sticky trail behind him, and pooled within the fabric of his clothes. Cas was dying, and he knew it. He had been dying for almost a month, since his childish anger caused the death of his sister. The wound in his gut was just a painful reminder. He wasn't ready to die...he was barely thirteen, and his life had seen little more than pain, abuse, and neglect. He didn't deserve this...then again...
I am a happily married Marwari couple from Chennai. Since 17 years. My wife is a beautiful woman & I am damn crazy for her. We. Have a moderate sex life. I used to get fantasies roaring in my mind like a threesome, orgy, etc. As my wife was very innocent type at the start of my marriage, I was scared to share her my inner feelings. After a couple of years as time flew, we celebrated our 12th anniversary in goa with all my close friends. Only we were in. The couple and 2 of my very close friends...
First thing this morning after breakfast I wrote an e-mail to Mrs. Sherman. I explained that the company gave military discounts for both active duty military, and ex-military personnel. I explained that since I didn't incur any actual costs in finding her husband that her cost was nothing. Our company was just happy that everything turned out so well. Yes, her husband had some medical issues due to dehydration, but otherwise he was fine. I sent that off, and then contacted Hiram. I let him...
I'd been using gay chatrooms for years. It started as a curiosity, but from the first skype session with an older guy, I was hooked. I'd spent hundreds and hundreds of hours having horny chats with older guys, camming and phoning with them etc., but id never met one in real life. That was about to change.I had been talking to a guy pretty local to me, 56 athletic and hung. We had spent a few days talking to each other, when out of the blue at 10.30pm I got a message from him.'Now's the time,...
It wasn't fair. She lied and said I had touched her. Her name is Sarah. Now I'm in a court hearing, and her mother is the judge. "I swear, I never touched her!" I yell. "Quiet down, or you will be restrained." Her mother, Margaret, said coldy. Sarah had a smirk on her face. She had always loved getting other people in trouble. "Like I said, he pulled my swimsuit down and grabbed my chest." Sarah continued her story. "He said he would do more next time, and ran away." "Thats not what happened...
It was barely light outside when I slipped my arm from around Abigail and crawled out of her bed. I dressed quietly, wrote a note to her and left it on the nightstand. I thanked Abigail for a delightful evening and said I would see her on Monday. As I left the house I decided to slip around to the back to see if Maria was up yet. She was an early riser so I thought I would take a chance. The truth was that I couldn't wait to tell her the good news about her boyfriend. I saw that there was a...
Who could blame her? It’s been two months since she and Don last had sex, six months since he took her out to dinner. Yes, he had a physically demanding job and always came home tired, but what about on his days off? Couldn’t he find some time for her, instead of working on the car he was restoring? Chloe never did as she was told to do or argued about doing it. Even doing something as simple as cleaning up after she ate was beneath her; forget about asking her to do a load of clothes. One...
Neat N' Naked is a Series of 26 unrelated stories I am working on. They all have the same basic premise, - Someone hires a naked maid and orgasms ensue. Warning: This story contains adult content including heterosexual intercourse, prostitution, virgin deflowering, fellatio, cunnilingus, and heterosexual sodomy. If you don't enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story. 8========D "Neat n Naked... where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?" Came a deep...
It wasn't easy traveling on long trips away from my girlfriend, Jane. I didn't do well with not fucking every day. I rubbed my dick raw from jerking off but it was a terrible substitute to actual fucking. To make matters worse my girl absolutely refused to send me any nudes. I'd love something raunchy but would have settled for something tasteful. I begged her to let me film us in action too - but again she refused. Just being able to see her amazingly gorgeous naked body would have eased the...
Repost of a story I wrote for my good friend a lady whose tits have literally launched a thousand cumshots.I told you I was taking off from work so I could spend the day stroking my cock for you. I started out the day with morning wood, I know it was only from having to piss, but a boner is a boner after all. As soon as I took care of emptying my bladder and having some herbal refreshment, I went right to work on my stiff member, massaging my massive erection as I made a beeline to my...
In New York in 1928 the speakeasies were everywhere, in the basements of mansions, in penthouses off Park Avenue, in Greenwich Village cellars, in Wall Street office buildings, in brownstone rooming houses, in tenements, in two-flats in the Bronx, in Bay Ridge hardware stores. Sometimes they were called clubs and when they were posh and had entertainment at night they were called night clubs. The carriage trade had its pick of the swank drinking resorts, places where all that was needed was...
Der Tag war anstrengend gewesen, aber der Abend dafür auch sehr schön. Im Büro hatte es wieder jede Menge Schreibkram gegeben, Ärger mit Kollegen und defekten Kopiergeräten, dazu eine kaputte Klimaanlage und jede Menge rauchende Besucher. Schon am Mittag hatte Helena der Kopf gedröhnt. Ein äusserst hübscher Kopf in dem auch eine Menge drin steckte. Schulterlange glatte blonde Haare rahmten ein hübsches Gesicht mit strahlend blauen Augen ein. Der Mund war voll und sehr anziehend geformt und...
FAMILY FUN(by Eros)Part 1. Tina opened the door to find her older brother standing on the front doorstep, surrounded by a pile of suitcases. "Ray!", she beamed affectionately, "Hi! How are you?" "Fine, Tina! Real fine!" smiled Ray, giving his sister a big friendly hug. He lifted her bodily off the ground, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her strongly against his powerful, muscular body. Tina marvelled at the strength of her brother's grip. He had always been the athletic type, and...
Next morning I got up my mother was already out of bed and I could hear her doing something in the kitchen. I walked there naked and she didn’t hear me sneaking behind her. She was just so sexy in her night gown that she was wearing and her ass was inviting me. I grabbed her from her stomach and slid my cock in her pussy. “My god, you scare…..d me! But don’t you dare take that cock out of me. Fuck me hard!” “Mom, your pussy is so wet and soft! I am going to fuck you hard and I am going...
I'll never forget the first time I sucked cock. I was a freshman in college andrushing a fraternity. He was a senior and was so masterful! I so wanted to be amember, I would've done anything.He came to my dorm room one night after a fraternity meeting and told me thathe really wanted me to be a member, and that he could help me. I asked himwhat I had to do and he said it was simple. He told me it was tradition for eachmember to adopt a pledge and "initiate" him into servitude to his senior...
After our second week together, I was now a firm believer in the pleasures to be had with another woman. I used to think my ex husband was awesome at giving pleasure, particularly in the first years of our marriage. Now I had been seduced by another woman, and one who was as enthusiastic as I was for sex. She was a very conservative lady in her public life, who enjoyed getting ‘down and dirty’ in private. I realised she also enjoyed being a little kinky as well, which no doubt had a lot to do...
LesbianArgie’s Unusual Patient & John’s Peculiar Conquest Chapter 7 and 8 A week later, at Dr. Coughlin’s, Argie has quit her boring real estate broker job to start albeit slowly, working as a therapist under the tutoring of not only Dr. Coughlin, but his strikingly beautiful assistant, Vanna Bright. ‘You’re doing very well, from what I’ve seen,’ Vanna told an ebullient Argie Franck. Argie had just finished counseling a young man with erection problems, but hadn’t had sex with him yet. ‘I just...
Hello, girls and guys. I am Shivang here. I am 25, from Mumbai. Your feedback is welcome on So this sex story is about a guy- Naveen and how his mother was fooled by a Swami to engage in a sexual relationship. Here on, in Naveen’s words. Hello, friends. I am Naveen. I am 25, unmarried. I live with a small family in a small town of Nashik near Mumbai. My mother-Swati is 49 and a housewife. My father-Kamlesh is 56 and in Government service. My sister-Aditi is 29 now. My mother-Swati is an...
IncestHelloo friends… apka dost humdum sahil loverboy is back with a new experience… waise mujhe kafi acha laga kyoki mujhe iss ke through kafi ache dost mile.. jo pyar lena aur dena dono jante hai… jaisa maine apko pehle bhi bola tha I am not a sex maniac.. to mere dimak main sirf sex sex nahi chalta.. main dost aur sex partner main difference karna janta hun.. mer e mail id hai , ummed karta hun ki iss bar bhi mujhe ache dost, lovers mile.. Maine pehle bhi 4 experience upload kiye hai jinka link...
Hi readers mai often is site per sex stories perta tha specialy once a weak weekends ko raat ko meri age 26 hai mera name ferhan hai.mai pakistan kai city peshawer ka rehnai wala hoon mai msc socialogy ka student hoon university of peshawer sai. Meri yai first sex ki story hai wo sex jis ki tamana mai us waqt sai kia kerta tha jab mai 10 saal ka tha lakin meri yai arzoo 26 saal ki omer mai pori howee. Kisa yai hai kai jab mai 7 saal ka tha to humara aik relative tha jis ka name gohar tha..wo...
Putting the finishing touches around the bedroom Sue stood back and took a look. It was perfect! Joe will be so surprised and pleased, he would be home any minute. She must hurry. Pulling in the driveway, Joe thought,'I wonder what she has in store for me now,not every day is your birthday!... Grabbing his briefcase he headed to the house. Please don't let there be a bunch of friends and family on the other side of the door he prayed to himself as he turned the handle. The last surprise party...
Group SexIntroduction: Emma was excited to model the new dress her Daddy had bought for her. Soon a neighbor wanted to follow up and take pictures of her at his house. There she found a slightly older boy, who took over the action and everyone enjoyed themselves. She smiled and tilted her head just the way she knew her Daddy liked and said, So whats my present from you, Daddy? Henry pretended to let his face fall and said, Gee I hoped you would forget about your birthday this year and I wouldnt have...
Having my first night off work for a few days i decided it was time to let off some steam, on the night shift where i work there isn't much to do other than watch the cctv monitors and occasionally go out on patrol, the rest of the night is taken up by watching dvd's or getting on-line, usually this website! After five night shifts i was gagging for some action having spent the best part of the week watching porn! My other half was doing a night shift to cover for one of her colleagues so i...
Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...
LesbianPreston Parker has not been able to keep his eyes off of his new step daughter, Mae. Even though its wrong, it feels so right. They fucked last night and they decide today that they wanna fuck again. Preston calls his wife and gives her a few tasks to do while she’s out of the house to make sure that they have enough time to fuck before getting caught. He worships her body and plays with her pussy before she gives him an amazing blowjob and they fuck in multiple positions on the kitchen...
xmoviesforyouThe mansion at Arcore it the foothils of Rome was bathed in soft yellow light from the spotlights in the grounds. The gravel in front of the house was littered with expensive cars; the manor was the home of Italian business magnate, Silvio Berlusconi. Tonight he was entertaining a select group of his friends. They were all eagerly looking forward to what he had promised to be an evening to remember.As ten o'clock approached the immaculately dressed waiters strolled among the invited guests...