Steamboat Willy Ch 03
- 3 years ago
- 28
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I stopped dead in my tracks. I was walking along a backcountry road in Northern Central Florida. I was following a well-marked trail along what was supposed to be a very old stagecoach road. It was narrow and really just two ruts in the sandy earth. I heard a sound I would recognize anywhere.
It was the sound of someone using an adze or a broad ax to finish the form of a wooden timber. The sound is only distinctive to one who has heard it and the noises made by other hand powered cutting tools.
I turned and looked where it was coming from. The underbrush was too thick for me to see very far. I saw what appeared to be a narrow trail leading off in the direction I thought the noise originated from. I walked over to the trail and looked down it. I could see nothing. The noise had stopped. I started down the trail trying to make as little noise as possible. I was very curious. No one uses adzes any more. Well, a few people do, mostly purists who build timber frame barns and houses.
I heard a new noise, I recognized it too. It was a mallet or maul hitting a wood chisel. Now I was really curious. I followed the trail and could see there was some sort of clearing ahead. I pushed a branch aside and was surprised to be standing in a clearing. I heard a growl and looked to see a huge dog charging towards me.
I froze and was relieved to hear a woman’s voice scream, ‘Stay Bud, stay.’ The dog slid to a stop a few feet away. The female voice said, ‘Please don’t move Mister, he could hurt you badly.’
‘I bent over and softly said, ‘Bud, you are a good boy, give me your paw.’ I held my hand out and he wagged his tail and walked to me and put his paw in my hand. I shook it and stood up. I looked up at a movement and saw a figure move out of the shade under the roof of a shed. It had a dust mask over the face and held a Winchester Model 12 shotgun in her hands. I slowly raised my hands. She wore bib overalls over what looked like a bikini top.
‘I am sorry Ma’am, I didn’t mean to disturb anyone. I was walking the trail back there and I heard what I thought I heard the sound an adze or a broad ax, and then a maul and a chisel.’
The barrel of the shotgun dropped bit. She laughed, ‘Where you really to tell what they were? Not many people have ever heard of them.’
‘I know, I have used all of them in the past and I just had to see if I was right, what are you building?’
‘I am building two boats. Would you like to see?’
‘Yes, Ma’am, I sure would. I can’t believe some one is building a boat these days using hand hewn timber framing.’
‘I have trouble believing it myself sometimes.’ Most people have no idea of what I am talking about if I tell them what I do for fun. Well, there they are. This one is a Replica of an Ocklawha River Steam boat from about 1850. The one over there is a replica of a St.John’s River Steam Launch. Circa 1830 to 1860.’
‘Wow! They are gorgeous. Look at the framing on both of them. Those are naturally bent timbers aren’t they? God! They are superb. Did you do all of this yourself?’
‘No actually my Daddy started both of these boats about ten years ago. He died four years ago and I vowed to finish them.’
I carefully examined each of the boats. I looked at her. I still hadn’t seen but a glimpse of her body or face, her long blond hair was braided and tied in a cloth tube. Her voice enchanted me. I smiled at her. ‘You have done very well. This has to be the frame I heard you working on. It by it’s self is a work of art. Did you harvest the timber yourself?’
‘Yes I did, I own 200 acres of old oak trees. The property runs right to the river. I usually just cut the branch that is shaped about right about a year in advance. I let them dry and then they are ready. I must confess that my father bent most of the limbs when he was very young. I often take a day and do the same thing for my children.’
‘How many kids do you have?’
‘None yet, I am not ready yet, and haven’t met that one very special man I am looking for.’
‘I think he will be a very lucky man. I hope you won’t think I am being too forward but do you need any help with your projects.’
‘Do you know how to use these axes an other tools?’
‘Yes, It has been a few years since I have had one in my hand but I don’t think I have forgotten anything. My father and my uncle taught me well.’
‘What did they build?’
‘Timber frame barns and houses.’
‘To be honest with you, I would love some help, I can’t afford to pay much. I will confess I just don’t have the time to teach anyone. Show me what you can do.’
I walked over and looked at the rib she was shaping. It was neatly and carefully laid out and clearly marked. I picked up a broad ax and carefully looked at it. The edge was beveled or sharpened only on the left side. It was a left hand ax. I tested the edge with my thumb. I looked around and saw a mill file. I dressed the edge a little and it felt better.
I stepped up on the timber and with my left foot on a plank on the left of the frame and my right foot on the timber. I took an easy swing and a 10-inch long shaving, six inches deep and a sixteenth of an inch thick fell to the floor. I repeated the swings for about five minutes. I had finished a whole side of a frame. I stopped and looked at her. She walked over and carefully looked at my work. She ran her hand along the surface. She looked up at me with her eyes wide above the mask she still wore.
‘That has to be the very best ax work I have ever seen. Even my dad wasn’t that good or that fast. You split the layout line most of the way. When can you start? I have to warn you I pretty much just work mornings and weekends. I try to get in a forty-hour week but it seldom happens. I’ll have to figure out how much I can afford to pay you. OK?’
‘Hey, I don’t expect to be paid. I am retired and am going crazy with nothing to do. I don’t live far from here. My name is Richmond Murphy. Here is my card, call me any time. If I don’t answer the landline try the cell phone.’
Her clear blue eye’s crinkled as she exclaimed, ‘I knew when you took that first swing you were good. You let the ax do the work with light swings. That one shaving had to be over seven feet long and was only about four or five swings. I can’t believe it. Are you that good with an adze too?’
‘I do pretty good on straight runs, I am not as good on curves, we almost never did them. I can notch, groove or bevel with the best of them. If you have a short adze or a carving ax I do pretty well with them too.’
‘Wonderful, I have maybe forty axes of most kinds. I can get anything you need from Sweden in a week or two.’
‘Well let me try your tools. I usually had axes with a left or right bend to the handle. It seemed to make them just a little easier to control. Have you ever used one like that?’
‘No. We have a couple like that Dad got from somewhere. They should be here somewhere. I never tried them.’
I saw her rummage around at the end of a bench. ‘Here, is this what you want?’ They were exactly like my old broad axes. I carefully examined them, they were in perfect shape except for being dull. I grinned at her. ‘Ma’am, I have one serious problem.’
‘Oh no! What is that? Maybe I can help.’
‘What do I call you?’
She laughed and I loved the sound of her laughter. ‘I’m Sally Thompson. Call me Sally, and if you don’t mind I’ll call you Rich.’
‘Fine Sally, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, what time.’
She reached up and pulled the mask off her face. I was stunned. She was as cute as she could be. Not beautiful, her eyes were too big, she had a little ski jump nose. Her lips were curved in a smile that was a hair too wide. She smiled broader and said, ‘9:00. Have a good evening, Rich.’
She turned and walked away. I was aware that there were delightful things that were moving around in the seat of the baggy overalls. I shook my
head and looked for the path I had come in on. I yelled, ‘Sally, how do I get out of here?’
Her head appeared around a corner. ‘Come over here. Now follow this driveway until you come to a road. Turn left and go about four miles and you will come to a hard road. Follow that road to the right, it will bring you out at the old church,’
‘Got it Boss Lady, see you in the AM.’
I made it home by two o’clock and went into town and checked out three or four car lots until I found what I wanted. It was an old Jeep. It looked like shit but was tight in the running gear and purred like a kitten. It had the old F–head engine. I love those old four bangers. I paid cash and gave them a tip to deliver it to my place. It would be perfect for driving to work. I didn’t want to drive my new BMW on those rough dirt roads. I always loved the older Jeeps and I could explore the backwoods in relative comfort.
I was at her place the next morning at about 8:15 and saw no signs of life. I found the two old axes and took them to the old foot treadle powered grindstone. I put new edges on each of them. I found several other axes and an adze and sharpened them too. I looked up and saw Sally watching me. She handed me a cup of coffee. I accepted it and followed her to where four or five logs lay in the shed. She pointed to an old sawmill. She said, ‘Have you ever operated a saw mill?’
I said it had been many, many years. She showed me the steam-powered mill. It was in good shape. She explained that the steam engine powering the sawmill was the engine for the smaller boat. She smiled and told me her father rigged the saw mill to the steam engine and said it would be the best thing in the world for the old engine to be kept in use.
I laughed and said, ‘That goes for old men too! I have just been rusting away, putting me to use may preserve me a little.’
She looked me up and down, ‘ ‘Horsehocky’ you look to be in very good shape and you aren’t old at all. What are you, forty?’
‘Close.’ I was actually almost fifty.
‘The engine for the bigger boat is in that shed hooked to a generator. I light the fire about once a month and let run through a load of wood.’
I smiled at her, ‘Use it or loose it.’
She smiled back. I loved to see her smile. She showed me a list of the planks we needed to finish the launch. I tacked it on a convenient post near the saw.
She climbed on the forklift and started piling logs near the saw. I built a fire and checked the water tank and watched the pressure build.
Sally could really run that forklift and had a large pile ready. I had her put the next log on the saw carriage cradle. I engaged the hold-downs. I checked the log out. I measured its length. It was a 12 footer. I ran it through the saw then ran the carriage back. I loosened the hold- downs and took a peavey and rolled the log onto the freshly cut side. I clamped it down again and put the feed in gear and cut a second side off the log. After I ran it back I measured the small end of the log with a cutting square. It said we would get 12 2X6 planks from it. I squared it up.
I set the cutting guide to cut 2 and ¼ inch thick planks and let it run them off. Sally put another log on the carriage and we squared it up and got the same yield. Most of the logs she put on the pile were that size. Any that were not the right size were held off to the side. Sally waved good-bye to me about two o’clock. I saw her walk from her house to the carport. She looked nice, very stylish and quite lovely in a dress and heels.
I worked on until dark and was back at daylight. I didn’t see Sally that day and I cut planks until dark again. The next morning I drove the Jeep to the nearest town and found a young black man who was willing to work for minimum wage. His name was Jeb and I liked him. He was very intelligent and willing to work. We made a darned good team and we cut a lot of logs into planks that day.
Sally showed up again the next morning. She looked a little tired. I had picked up Jeb again and she watched him work and told me to use him whenever I wanted, she would pay him. She was also very pleased with the amount of planking we had stacked up.
Sally climbed in the seat of the forklift and brought some more logs to us. She brought us some sandwiches and a pitcher of sweet tea for lunch. She seemed happy that afternoon and I teased her about it. She said she wasn’t working that night and was going to relax and catch up on her chores. We knocked off about five and I drove Jeb home and told him I would pick him up in the morning. I went home and took a nice shower. I didn’t feel up to cooking so I slipped on some clean khaki shorts and a T-shirt. I started for the door. On the spur of the moment I picked up my phone. I dialed and Sally answered. I said, ‘Sally, I don’t feel like cooking and I hate eating alone, how about I pick you up and we go try out that new Bar-B-Que place up off 315 on 310?’
‘Oh! Rich, that sounds so good. I’ll do it if we go Dutch.’
‘I’ll pick you up, what time? I’ll be in that old jeep so dress accordingly.’
‘Give me fifteen minutes. Honk when you get here.’
Fifteen minutes later I honked the Jeep horn and she ran out and jumped in. The restaurant was not crowded and we found a nice table. We had a very delightful meal. It was rustic with the food served on plastic foam disposable plates with plastic utensils and paper towels for napkins. Our waitress was one of the owners. Her husband was the cook. They were very friendly and I really like the baked beans. I told the waitress that I thought her husband had stolen my mother’s receipt for baked beans. The one where you add brown sugar to the beans until you think it is just right then add one more cup of brown sugar. She giggled and said that was exactly how he made it.
We shared a rack of spare ribs and we couldn’t eat it all. I looked at Sally and she had red sauce on her nose. I had her lean forward and dampened a paper towel and wiped it off. She closed her eyes while I did it and it was all I could do to keep from kissing her. I didn’t let on how she affected me. I didn’t want to frighten her off. I knew I was way too old for her.
After dinner I drove her home. We sat and talked for a couple of hours and I enjoyed it very much. Finally I told her my mean old grouchy boss would yell at me if I were late in the morning. I walked to her door. She turned and looked up at me, ‘Am I really that mean? I don’t yell do I?’
I took her sweet little face between my big rough hands and kissed her tiny nose. ‘Sally you are a perfect delight to work for. I hope we can do this again some time.’
‘Really, I wasn’t too grouchy this evening.’
‘Well, NO. You were very sweet, but I really, really do hate to eat alone.’
She saw the twinkle in my eyes. She smiled and curled my toes, ‘Thank you for thinking of me, I had a nice time. I think we should do it again.’
The next morning we were back at it. Sally came out in her overalls and took the list from the post and started inventorying the planks. When we finished the log we were cutting she came over and told me to shut the mill down, it was time to start planking.
A rabbet, or notch had been cut the length of the keel for the edge of the first plank to fit into. I cut a matching bevel on the edge of the plank. We coated the joint with a modern sealant and nailed the plank in place. The sealant and the use of stainless steel nails were about her only concessions to modern technology. She insisted we were trying to build an exact replica using the same methods the old builders used. She said the people who often built these boats were not true boat builders but were often just carpenters.
The launches were more likely to be built using boat building techniques. The riverboats were usually built on site by local artisans. After the first plank was in place the rest went faster. Each plank had to be individually
fitted and shaped. At the front there were extra sections of shorter planks, called stealers, inserted where the bow of the boat flared out.
In three weeks we had the last plank in place. We spent a week painting and varnishing. Sally hired a crane to lift the engine and boiler into the hull. Everything fit perfectly and was bolted in place before dark. I put the water intake in place the next morning and had the plumbing done by noon. The engine driven pump pumped the river water into a header tank. The engineer had to keep adjusting the flow to keep the tank full.
The machinery for the stern paddlewheel was lifted for us by a neighbor’s backhoe. That all bolted up with only minor adjustments.
That afternoon Jeb and I framed in the hatches and rigged the steering. The steering was not complete because this boat was to be fitted with a novel bow rudder and with two stern rudders. This invention was patented back in 1866 for use on riverboats. We hoped that the extra rudders would enable us to operate without the use of extra crew needed get around sharp turns. Stern-wheelers were very difficult to turn sharply. These boats were designed to operate in three feet of water, nothing could stick down below the hull very far, and this limited the effectiveness of the rudders. Because these were flat bottomed boats and had only two inches of keel they tended to slide to the outside of turns very easily. The original boats used two slaves in the bow and two in the stern equipped with long stout poles used to push the boat around the turns.
Slaves being rather hard to find these days we opted for the extra rudders.
Sally and I talked about all this stuff over our weekly dinners every Friday. She was very knowledgeable about the history of these old boats. I really enjoyed being around her and I was afraid I was starting to like her too much. I loved to watch her.
We never went anywhere except local eateries and we always dressed very casually. I could tell she had a fabulous body but its was always hidden, never exposed. We teased each other unmercifully but never about sex or our personal lives. I still didn’t know what she did for a living. I assumed she was a singer or dancer because she had once said she was in entertainment.
The bow rudder proved to be a challenge. It was designed to be operated by a separate helmsman. We had to keep the crew size down so we wanted to control it from the main steering station. A control lever that had three positions, OFF, HALF, and FULL, operated it.
I made a series of push pull rods and bell cranks to operate it. When all that was completed we finished the decking and tested the steam engine and paddle wheel. The overhead canopy was installed and the smoke stack and steam whistle were installed.
We had name boards on the canopy and I asked her what name she wanted on them. She laughed, ‘Do you remember the original name for Mickey Mouse?’
I thought for a moment, ‘Steamboat Willy?’
‘Right, every body called my Dad ‘Steamboat Willy’ because his name was William and he loved these boats so much.’ I took the name boards down and took them to a sign painter and had the name done with gold leaf in beautiful old-fashioned letters. They looked just great on the boat.
Sally hired a large crane to lift the launch on a large trailer we had ready. A small bulldozer maneuvered the rig down a steep hill to Sally’s dock and ramp on the river.
It floated. We jumped around like kids and I hugged and kissed Sally. She stared at me then grinned. ‘Lets light the fire and go for a test run. OK?’
‘Hell yes, I’ve checked the bilges and there are no leaks. Jeb is hereby appointed to the lofty rank of ‘Deckhand’. You are the Captain and I will be the Engineer.’
It took a while to get the steam pressure up. We tested the steam whistle. It was grand! A very resounding toot, toot had all of us grinning. Sally looked at me, ‘I’m ready when you are. I checked the pressure and shifted the dog clutch into reverse. The paddle wheel turned very slowly and we slowly backed out. Sally turned the steering wheel and we turned. She looked at me and yelled, ‘Ahead slow.’
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ExhibitionismHi friends, mera nam arohi he or me 22 sal ki ladki hu from patna I am hot and sexy 32 28 34 but mere bare me bad me email pe privately bataungi. I am new here agar kuch galti ho jaye to maf kar dena . Ye bat karib 5 sal purani he meri maa ki death hue kafi sal ho gaye the or papa akele hi apni life kat rahe the wo bahut hi smart or muscular man he . Ham ek rent ke house me rehte he ja upar 5 log or rehte he usme ek couple unka bacha or unke parents he . Hamare unse bahut ache relations the...
I had told Jiao that even if the Chinese, or the traitor that sold out the location of the safe house, found our hidden valley, it would take at least two, or probably three weeks. It actually took 13 days. We had just finished breakfast one morning when Jiao suddenly jumped up. Her face turned white as snow, and she blurted out, ‘They’re here!’ I didn’t even bother asking who ‘they’ were, or if she was sure, rather I only asked ‘How many?’ ‘A bunch of men,’ was all she could offer. About...
One summer afternoon, i was alone at home. Or at least that is what i thought. My younger brother Rohan was gone for the day at his friend’s place. And dad as usual was at his office. He had already told me that he was going to be working till late. Finishing my daily routine of household chores had left me quiet sweaty, more than usual. But i have to accept that those chores kept me in perfect shape. I am Ruhi. 26 years old; unmarried and pursuing PhD. I liked to keep myself clean n nicely...
Incest"Thank you very much for coming to the interview Deborah, Please take a seat." She looks every inch the businesswoman, smart suit, classy, oozing intelligence and competence. She also exuded sex; her beautiful face was framed by long, golden blonde hair. 4” Stilettos enhanced her height; she was at least 6’2” in heels. Small but pert breasts and an hourglass figure completed the package. But it was her eyes that drew you in. When she looked at you, it felt like she was inviting you to fuck...
Bad Carbon Copy By Angie (kitn) Hughes There she was. Standing in the mirror in front of me in all her natural beauty. The most beautiful girl in the world. So, why wasn't she smiling? I looked down at myself, curves like a two-by-four, breasts just barely more rounded than a sheet of paper. The... thing sticking out from between my legs, pointing up at me like it was trying to remind me of its existence. I looked back at the beautiful girl in the mirror and...
Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II Chapter One Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II Chapter One WARNING:This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex including beastiality.? If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upsets you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work.?? ?Copyright 2007 by Kirk. Reposting or any other use...
I drove to aunty Polly's not really looking forward to the day, my mother had volunteered me to give her hand clearing out the belongings of her recently deceased husband Joe, my uncle, so it wasn't going to be a happy cheerful day, plus I was probably going to have to do a lot of lifting.When I arrived at aunty Polly's I was surprised to see her friend May there, but also relieved I wouldn't have to make a lot of small talk during the day as we worked, and so with Aunt Polly and May busy...
I was very surprised that Belle knew so little about sex. Sure, she was completely uninhibited and open to anything I wanted to try, but her experience was limited to missionary sex with her husband, a very unsatisfying one time fling with George Howard, and some fumbling experimentation with her best girlfriend back in Mobile. Belle was the quintessential Victorian woman. She was very intelligent, well read and had impeccable finishing school manners. Unfortunately, like Molly and Liz, she...
Susan's felicity of learning grew to an awesome proportion. She was every professors favorite pupil. The professors stepping in themselves to guide her studies, pushing their jealous teaching assistant's aside. This was a marked departure from normal university studies. Professors usually had little interest in undergraduates, they developed curriculum and this was related by their T.A.'s to the students while they directed their energies toward their graduate students. But Susan's fame...
My Final Fantasy: Part IV— Reality Well tonight is the big party that John and Marella have been planning for his new business launch in Durham. Marella is the sexy young nineteen-year-old student John has hired part time to live in his house and help him take care of the large property. When we last left our two characters it was mid-day on a hot sunny day and John was poolside at his large country home having been trapped in a verbal conundrum by the ever so smart and even more flirtatious...
Straight SexI hadn’t originally planned on letting Nick fuck me that day. We had only been seeing each other for about a week or so. I figured we’d do some kissing and cuddling, and probably even give each other blowjobs. But that was about it. I checked into the hotel and sent Nick a quick message to let him know what my room number was. I then took some time to take a quick shower and get ready for the fun I hoped we’d have. After twenty minutes, I heard a knock at the door. I looked through the...
Tara walked into her simple yet elegant two bedroom apartment and collapsed on the sofa. It had been a long night. She had gone beyond anything she had ever done before and had completely gone against every moral she ever stood for tonite…but with no regrets. Looking up at the ceiling she remenisced on the events of the evening and smiled to herself. If her fiancee, Justin found out what she had done, he would go ballistic and she definitely wouldnt be standing at the alter in September…so this...
Gay nude beachFriday I finished work early,. Excited to get to beach and cruising trails I went to the private washroom and washed up and cleaned out my cunt as best I could without a douche, got nice and clean. went to beach . I walked the gay side wearing sexy gregg thong which enhances my cock nicely, wore a happy smile all the way down to end and then back to a nice spot beside a log. There was a couple beside me and lots of pretty hot naked well hung cocks walking by. After toking up and...
Worshipping My Ass by: EvaMartini age: 22 Gender: f Approx words: 3646 Today is my 22nd birthday and I am giving myself some free time to do what I want. For a long time, I have wanted to discuss the subject of guys worshipping my ass, so today is the day. Then tonight I will party and maybe blow out some candles, among other things. I am five-foot-five with stylishly long dark hair and brown eyes. I have a medium build that is 34b on top and a gorgeous and attention-getting rear-end. I...
It was a hot summer’s day. I was 17 and taking my first vacation alone with friends. Paid for by my parents. What they didn’t know was that my ‘friend’ was my boyfriend of 2 months. Obviously we fooled around a little before hand, but nothing romantic. I was hoping this weekend it was finally going to happen. And how right I was. Since it was late evening I decided to head down to the beach while my boyfriend, Eric, had a quick shower. ‘I’m heading down to the beach! I called through the door,...
Introduction: This May Become A Series if i get enuff positive reaction and comments. Her Name Is Sammy. His Name Is Tony. They Had Broken Up 3 months Ago. As time went past Tony decided he would have Sammy back. He came up with a great plan. He followed Sammy and knew her day to day schedule. He was going to kidnap her that way he could always have her. The planning began. He bought a cabin deep in the woods. With no trials or people around for miles. He sound proofed the whole cabin just...
Me and my new roommate were starting our classes in a week. We had just met each other the week before. I had never stayed away from home before this was weird for me, but for her, she took it as a chance to be herself. It was two days before class started and it was just me and her there. My parents had left and gone home, same with her parents. I was in my room when she came in wearing nothing but a tank top and a thong, she came and sat in the foot of my bed and said now that we have this...
forced to be FemaleCHAPTER ONEThe last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account.I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me. Then everything went...
I always loved girls. I masturbated over them all the time, but there was always something from the school age, that made me think I was bi. I started wondering what it would be like to be with a guy, you know, snogging at first, but then it grew to full on wanting to give some guy deep throated pleasure and take him in my arse. And that guy was my best mate, Jack. I had known Jack for five years. We used to play gay chicken, but the furthest that we ever went was to feel each other’s cock. I...
GayShe was heat and liquid inside, molten, a tight velvet haven for my straining hardness, and she groaned softly and stretched languorously as she pushed her ass back against me, taking me in. When she had taken all I had to offer, when I was all the way in, she paused and reached back to put her hand on my hip, holding me there. “You’re so hard! Were you dreaming something sexy?” Her voice was soft and sleepy. I hugged her to me, my hand finding her breast and holding it, enjoying the...
Wife LoversCarla Carrington sighed, took a sip of her vodka collins, and pulled the strap of her bikini away from her back. She was restless. No, she was just totally fucking horny, craving sex in the worst way. As she lay in the early Saturday afternoon sun, she reminisced about her college days when she had been a real party girl. When Carla first experienced sex at the age of 18, she couldn't hold back. Carla had fucked at least half of the Deke house at Ole Miss, lots of Kappa Sigs and even a few...
Attention porn pervs that enjoy petite blondes getting visibly skewered by long black dong. You have found a scene to quench your thirst. No wonder it’s called cam soda. Little Piper Perri is putting on her show and she has Mandingo over to deliver for her fans. Piper takes control and Mandingo seems to approve. The starlet two hands her meat missile and sucks the end while stroking. She works up the courage to climb aboard and there is a clear discrepancy in size. Amazingly, tiny Perri...
xmoviesforyouMingh was apprehensive. She had gone back to Suzhou, China to pick up her daughter, Wing Kee Lin, to bring her home with her. Mingh had been married to Lin's father for abut ten years until he had divorced her. Divorce is very uncommon in China. He was wealthy enough to have more than one wife if he chose. She had married him when she was fourteen. She had been the second wife. By the time she was about twenty four, she was the fourth wife. She had not been able to have any children. Her rich...
I am currently in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend. She is really hot, has cute boobs and ass. Since we are in a long distance relationship, to satisfy our sexual wants and desire, we have video sex. We do video call in skype and we often have sexy times together, probably about 5 days a week. For few months we just had normal video sex. She used to undress infront of me. She used to show me her cleavage, her hairy pussy at times and shaved pussy another time. She tells me sexy...
Our story begins with what seems like a perfectly ordinary day in the Baxter Building for Susan Richards, also known as the Invisible Woman.
My Chapter 19 The first thing that Wendy was conscious of was pain. She was hurting from head to toe and nowhere in between seemed to have been spared. The fact that the pain should have been worse wouldn't be known to her for a while yet. She was on a pretty potent pain killer. She hadn't opened her eyes yet and hadn't really moved either so she still appeared to be asleep. She tried to remember what had happened to her, but everything was a blur. When the cobwebs from sleep and heavy...
[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] I went over to Jenn and said, “I would personally like to ask you to perform the role of Lily St. Regis?” She screeched a little. I found Joan and said, “Would you please take the role of Miss Hannigan?” Her response was to kiss me on the cheek. I wandered through the boys and said, “No Kisses, OK?” They laughed as I walked over to the Mitchells, all sitting together. “John, would you play...
Aaj mai apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu wo kahani meri badi bahan ka mere do dosto ke sathh kiya gaya sex ki hai. Sabse pahle mai apka parichay apni badi bahan se kara du. Meri didi jiski umar athais saal hai, rang to thoda gora hai lekin itni sundar hai ki dekh ke koi bhi unke sath karne ko taiyar ho jaye. Mere dono dost jinka name aashu aur rishu hai. Yeh kahani pichhale se pahle ki hai. Mai apne bahan ke saath do room ke ek flate me rahata hu. Rakhi ke tin din pahle Aashu jo ki air forse me...
it was the week before Ian came to visit, and Victor had been sitting in his living room at the house most of the afternoon looking out onto a sunny garden, weighing the situation between Susan and himself. It was time, Victor decided. It had been four months since that moment when they had made love for the first time, and so successfully. It began with mutual forgiveness and was born of love, of that he was sure, but since then they had settled into a loving relationship. He was sure of...
I've been spending the winter in Thailand for the past ten years, and also drop by when business takes me to China.I have never married; partly because I am very independent, partly because I can't be bossed around, partly because I hate lying to women, and partly because I will never be committed to a single person.Over the years, I have had sex with around two hundred Thai girls, at least 90% of whom were in their twenties at the time, and at least 90% of them were found in the town of Hua...
First TimeNote : This story is completely fictional! My sister, Bobbie Sue, and I, had been enjoying sexual respites, for several month's, when I learned just how awesome she cum's! During the first summer, the year after Bobbie Sue and I had first had sex, I spent six weeks away from home, working at the summer graze section of the ranch, that I worked for. For me, there was little to offer in the "sexual companion" situation. There just weren't that many available women around! Now, little sister was...
IncestHi guys. My name is Mike. I’m a frequent reader of ISS. Some of the stories are so good that they give strong erections. Especially incest. So I thought of sharing one of my fantasies with you all. I’m 26 years old. 5’8 feet tall. I won’t get into many details about myself. I had a lust for my cousin sister. She’s married now but I’ve had my lust on her for more than 7 years. Let me describe her. My cousin’s name is Shreya and she is 34 years old. She has got an amazing figure 36-30-38 which is...
IncestMark, 19, and his Mom, D, had enjoyed an evening together the previous evening when they had visited a Pizza House and then returned home. Back at home Mark had persuaded his mom (by fair means and foul) to pose for some photographs in a sexy outfit, and this had got more and more dangerous from D's point of view, until she had finally called a halt when she was just down to her miniscule panties!!Although his Mom had then gone to bed, Mark was determined to continue to try and keep the...
You wanted nothing more than to escape the life you found yourself in. Growing up in a lower class borough brought hardships that someone your age shouldn't have had to deal with such as working part time jobs in the afternoons and evenings, having to take care of the house while your parents were out working or drinking (usually drinking), and trying to feed yourself. You had little, if any, time for studying for your high school exams and standardized tests. As such, It was no surprise that...